AUGUST 2, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FP AUGUST 2, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1' tate, C ounty Nominees -Governor L Sought Six .Men State County Sheriff Second Dist. Legislator The lieutenant-governor battle has promoted much interest which has been lacking in the Michigan voters by providing a large and varied field. There are two Republicans and four Democrats vying for the sec- ond-place nomination. Earlier in the campaign, Rep. George Sallade " (R-Ann Arbor) dropped out and Dr. Eugene Keyes' was disqualified by election officials, who were up- K held by the Supreme Court, for invalid petition signatures. Keyes, however, is conducting a write-in campaign. Sen. Edward Hutchinson, Fenn- ville, and Detroit lawyer Clarence Reid, a former governor, are com- peting for the GOP nod in a com- paratively mild campaign. Neither hopeful has engaged in an ag- gressive fight against his party opponent or the Democrats indi- vidually. Cites Experience Reid has campaigned on the basis of experience, while Hutch- nson, said to be favored by GOP Sta Due to space limitations, each candidate for a contested nomi- nation was asked to state his views on campaign issues or in explaining his political outlook in approximately 100-125 words to give Daily readers a final word from today's primary con- testants. Attempts were made to reach all candidates, but this was not possible in some cases through no fault of the Daily or the persons involved. In such cases, a previous statement of policy is reprinted for that can- didate. gubernatorial nominee Paul Bag- well, is seeking to increase the re- ponsibilities and prestige of the Job. In the Democratic corner, the fighting has been noticeably vigor- ous between William Coughlin, Detroit; George Dougherty, Flint; Rep. T. John Lesinski, Detroit; and Richard Vander Veen, Grand Rapids. Coughlin is assistant prosecutor for Wayne County, Dougherty is president of Ternstedt Local 326 of the United Auto Workers, and Vander Veen is an attorney. Labor Support The biggest squawk has come from the Michigan AFL-CIO en- dorsement of Vander Veen, peg- ging him as the man to beat. Vander Veen had originally backed the constitutional conven- tion, then changed his stand to mollify the AFL-CIO officials who oppose it. Coughlin is the only Democrat to back con-con, seeking the sup- porters of gubernatorial candidate James Hare, although no man is tied to a running mate in this primary. Although each candidate has re- ceived a verbal barrage from hs opponent, most of the 3harges have been leveled against Vander Veen. He has been severely criti- cized for his wavering opinion on con-con and for labor backing. Unjust Use Douherty feels it was unjust for money he raised for the union's political fund to be used by Van- der Veen against him. Dougherty Is counting on labor support from locals around Flint and Detroit and a general voter appeal. Lesinski is conducting a limited campaign, relying largely on the prominence of his family name in Michigan politics. rCoughlin has hit Vander Veen for violating the fair practices code drawn up by Gov. G. Mennen Wil- liams and Democratic State Chair- man Neil Staebler to prevent a party rift in this wide-open elec- tion which would be harmful in November. The code included re- fraining from personality attacks, campaigning principally against the Republicans and keeping pri- mary race expenses to a minimum. But the code will be out of ef- fect after today when one is se- lected for the nomination and the Republicar. candidate is chosen, To Determine Land Annex Ann Arbor voters will be asked to vote on an annexation issue on today's ballot. The proposal reads in abbreviated form: Shall about 97 acres of Ann Ar- bor township area on Plymouth Rd. be detached from Ann Arbor township and annexed to the city Senator William E. Bowling REPUBLICAN I believe the people of Michigan are not getting the benefits from the state government that they are paying for. I believe admin- istrative agencies are becoming little bureaucracies by themselves by making rulings that have to be challenged in courts instead of the legislature making the ruling. Civil rights and unemployment are national problems. The states can only cooperate with the United States government in working out these problems. I do not believe the Michigan Consti- tution needs revising at this time. John Campbell REPUBLICAN I think it is fairly obvious that we need new leaders in the Re- publican Party in Michigan. We also need a brand new Constitu- tion. We have the political literacy to make it superior to any in the nation. Only with a new Consti- tution can we solve and simplify the tax problem to the satisfaction of business, property owners, con- sumeis, school districts, and local governments. We also must, and can, make Michigan the number one state in the Union in the qual- ity and excellence of our univer- sities and colleges, which in turn will stimulate and improve busi- ness and industry. We have the collective brains in this state to do just that and we will because we must. Mrs. Beth W. Milford REPUBLICAN My main reason for running for the State Senate is my deep con- cern for the future of the two great universities in this county. As an alumnus of the University of Michigan, a former faculty member of Eastern Michigan Uni- versity, a member of the Ypsilanti Board of Education and the mother of five children seeking higher education, this has always been my chief area of interest. I think it is regrettable when the officials of our leading state uni- versities have to debate and hu- miliate themselves in the public press for adequate funds, when this should have been solved by our legislators. No one expects a blank 'check but educators should be received in Lansing with dig- nity commensurate with their profession. The problems of edu- cation can best be served by some- one trained in this field. Stanley G. Thayer REPUBLICAN As an alumnus with two degrees from the University of Michigan, my position throughout this cam- paign has been one of strong sup- Sport.for my alma mater, despite an attempt by one of my oppo- nents to misrepresent the facts. I have also advocated a stern ex- penditure analysis of all tax dol- lars in order to enable the State of Michigan to provide for our great demands upon these funds without penalizing our already overburdened taxpayers. These strong stands, coupled with a re- view of our entire tax program and An improvement of the busi- ness climate of Michigan have been the theme of my campaign. I believe the Republican party is prepared to give the people of Washtenaw County strong positive representation in Lansing next January. 11j DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Placement Notices The State of Michigan announces an open competitive and promotional exam, for 1. Psychiatric nurse superin- tendents (3), B.3. and M.S. degrees, three to five years experience. 2. Psy- chiatric nurse executives, M.S., five years experience. 3. Municipal Finance Consultant, B.A.-business or public admin., 4 yrs. experience. 4. Right of Way Engineer, Engineering degree, 2 yrs. highway engr. experience. 3. Right of Way Director, B.A., 4 yrs. admin. ex- perience. Leading firm needs 4 naval archi- tects. Recent graduates. Mississippi. Firm needs assistant to Manager- Estimate and Economic Evaluation Group. Work closely with Research & Development, Chief Engr., Controller and Mgr. in preparing estimates and economic evaluation of new projects. 8-19 yrs. experience in heavy chemical industry. Chemical Engr. degree. Celanese Corp of America. Charlotte, N.C., A project Leader and Senior Engrs. are required for Process De- velopment Dept. ES, M, or PhD in Chem. or Mech., Engr., minimum of 5 Elmer F. Klump REPUBLICAN If I am nominated in the August 2 primary to the office of sheriff, and in the fall to that office, I hope to bring back to Washtenaw County and to the office of the sheriff the respect that is due that office, and to run an honest and courageous department, to have men that are trained for the work in law enforcement and to see that laws are obeyed and protect the people of Washtenaw County. My first thought is for you, the people of Washtenaw County, to see that you will have No. 1 men in cars al- ways close at hand and that they can be where they are needed in a matter of minutes. I am making no promises to anyone or to any group of people, so that if I am nominated and if elected this fall, I will not break promises that I have made and hlnc hard to keep. George A. Petersen REPUBLICAN I stand on my record. I have had 20 years experience in the Wash- tenaw County sheriff's department, rising from deputy to sheriff. This should qualify me for a second term. I consider the most pressing and important problems facing the coming term, as in the past, are juveniles and traffic control. I would press for funds to further the organization of junior depu- ties in this county as one solution, another to ask parents for closer cooperation with our juvenile de- partment, with the aid of the many county-wide organizations. I would try to educate drivers by the constant use of patroling the highways, to the extent of the budget, and the use of mass com- munication media. John L. Tice REPUBLICAN The restoration of morale in the sheriff's department is of utmost importance at this time. If nomi- nated and elected, I propose to solve this situation by experienced, time tested, devoted police person- nel being appointed in the top command positions in the depart- ment. This will be the basis of ap- pointments throughout the de- partment. Retention in the de- partment will be on merit. Two years ago I was undersheriff of the Washtenaw County Sheriff Department and through law en- forcement experience both civil and military, I believe I am quali- fied and experienced to be the next sheriff of Washtenaw Coun- ty. Your vote on Tuesday, August 2nd, for Roy Tice for sheriff will again assure the citizens of their confidence in the sheriff's depart- Lawrence P. Oltersdorf DEMOCRAT As a candidate for the office of Washtenaw County sheriff, I ad- vocate the following: 1) Installation of a civil service system if departmental employes wish it, and a system of competi- tive examinations upon which pro- motions would be based. 2) A training school for deputies that could be used by villages and city police departments in the county. 3) Strict but fair qualifications for new deputies regardless of race, creed, or color. 4) Elimination of petty politics and a return to an impartial and practical sheriff's department. 5) Complete and un- prejudiced co-operation with oth- er law enforcement agencies. 6) Protection of the public's right to know what is being done through the press. I believe that high morale among deputies is the key to a good sher- iff's department and I think I can help instill that morale. Richard H. Williams DEMOCRAT This county needs a change, a big change. A man who is a leader. A man who can think for him- self. A man with new ideas and modern ideas. This is the kind of man Dick Williams is. This is why Republicans as well as Democrats say, 'This is the man.", Who ever heard of a sheriff's department without politics? Who ever has seen all officers com- pletely trained? Who ever heard of patrol cars with rubber bump- ers and carrying two gallons of gas to help out any motorist who is in trouble on our roads? Who ever heard of a sheriff with his main interest in children. Who ever heard of a department in- partial, with fairness to all? These things are only possible with the nomination and election of Dick Williams as your sheriff. William E. Dannemiller DEMOCRAT The Michigan Constitution needs revision. The principles of ear- marking and blocking funds by constitutional provision has se- verely restricted flexibility in the management of the state's finan- cial affairs. I am in favor of revi- sion by whatever means will ac- complish an early and thorough suit. I personally favor a Constitu- result. I personally favor a Consti- tutional Commission as a more di- rect means of getting the job done. Reapportionment is necessary for truly representative government. We must have a complete revision of the Michigan laws governing unemployment compensation, gar- nishment, repossession and defi- ciency judgments and establish an Office of Consumer Protection to eliminate unscrupulous business practices. We are going to com- pletely overhaul the tax structure of Michigan and eliminate the patchwork and nuisance system with which we now live. Maurice J. Hoffman DEMOCRAT I.*do not think the Michigan Constitution needs revising at present. It is my thinking that our Constitution is sufficient. Ade- duate aid for both schools and roads can be provided, without lifting of the debt limitation. Amendments to our 1908 Michi- gan Constitution have provided us with a workable solution in the past and will continue to do so in the future as conditions warrant. State police forces should be in- creased for the good of the people, eliminating conflicts among coun- try sheriff departments at no extra cost. The more state services we receive under the present rev- enue, the more indicative our state leaders are concerned with its people, Vivian S. Richards REPUBLICAN I entered thiscampaign to end the continual bickering that is going on in Lansing. I will work toward harmony and understand- ing in the legislature to dissolve the pressing problems of the state. I have voted for a constitutional convention at every opportunity, in the hope that .it might submit a new or revised Constitution which would be acceptable and provide better services with great- er economy. Our entire tax struc- ture is long overdue for an over- haul, and a convention would be much more effective in this area than amendments. James F. Warner REPUBLICAN The Constitution needs revising, but not by the convention meth- od. I signed a proposal to place the constitutional convention on the November ballot because I feel it is a public issue that should be decided by the people. I personally am opposed to the convention. If the entire constitution is re- written, the document will face opposition from many segments of the state, each opposing it be- cause of one section unfavorable to them. It is my hope that the people of Michigan will be able to vote on several amendments to our Constitution, either by the convention or by one or more or- ganizations such as the League of Women Voters. This will give a clear-cut vote on each separate issue of amendment. League Plans Voter Service A voter informtion service will be conducted by the Ann Arbor League of Women Voters during the polling hours-7 a.m. to 8 p.m. --for today's primary election. Persons s e e k i n g information about the election may call NO 2- 3075. Information available will include that pertaining both to candidates involved in contests for nominations and candidates who are unopposed. Face P. Democratic Governor Foes Battle The state race for the guberna- torial nomination has taken on an unusual turn this year, which should tend to draw out voters in greater numbers. The race for the Democratic nomination for governor to op- pose uncontested Republican Paul Bagwell, has been noticeably lack- ing in squabbles and strong criti- cisms of each other by the Demo- cratic opponents. The three hopefuls are Detroit councilman Edward Connor, Sec- retary of State James are and Lt.-governor John Swainson. All have been concentrating their campaign to succeed Gov. G. Men- nen Williams on attacking Bag- well, thus assuring party unity for the November contest. Bagwell is assured of nomination since Sen. Carleton Morris, Kalamazoo, with- drew. Morris, leader of the GOP con- servative forces, set out to beat the liberal Bagwell in the primary. But disallusioned and disappointed through lack of financial support, he withdrew to leave the field clear for the Michigan State Universkty professor. Morris, who led a fight against the state income tax in 1959, is running for reelection as a state senator. Battle Expected One would expect the candidates to be engaging in a hard-hitting campaign, since the Democratic nomination is open for the first time after Williams' 12-year reign. But the Democrats, worried about breaking up their organization which has been so successful in state races, have refrained from family quarreling. Bagwell, rather than fight all three, has said he will wait until the standard bearer is chosen before engaging in any strong attacks. Williams and united labor have refrained from supporting one can- didate, although each candidate has received some support from various labor locals. Swainson probably has strong backing from the United Auto Workers. Connor has criticized his opponents for overstatinig the extent of their Ia- bor backing. This segment will un- doubtedly be the deciding factor in choosing the Democratic nominee. Favors Con-Con Hare is in favor of a constitu- tional convention, while the other two are opposed to it. All three oppose the sales-tax increase, while favoring the income tax proposal. And, of course, they all attack the legislature for the Michigan financial mess. The voters will decide today which of these candidates will be the Democratic contender in the race to the governor's Lansing mansion. Bagwell, who came the closest of any Republican to ending Wil- liams' 12-year tenure as chief ex- ecutive in 1958, endorses the con- con. He had it included in his platform before any of the other candidates. Itrwas a plank in his 1958 platform. Other major proposals that the GOP contender has supported are on tax and governmental reform and improvement of the state's Industrial climate to provide 100,- 000 new jobs yearly. The latter Connor ' has also specifically backed. Although he favors a flat-rate income tax, Bagwell would like an affirmative vote on the sales tax increase as a temporary relief measure. CAFE PROMETH EAN --508 E. William --- Wed,-and Thurs.--Poetry Fri. and Sat.-Folk songs (50c door charge) Sunday-JAZZ-9-12 p.m. (75c door charge) Open daily 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. rimar TFirst District! egislator Gilbert E. Bursley REPUBLICAN I believe a legislator should work toward a constructive solu- tion of the major problems facig the state and thus, provide effec- tive representation for his consti- tuents. We must rise above the narrow partisan bickering which has characterized Lansing in re- cent years. Areas of prime impor- tance are 1) added revenues to meet a mounting deficit; 2) a re- vised and integrated tax struc- ture; 3) constitutional revision through the convention method; 4) an improved business climate with 100,000 new jobs per year in Michigan and 5) a sympathetic, and knowledgeable approach to the needs of our great and grow- ing University of Michigan. I feel qualified to make a contribution in these fields and I shall cam- paign hard and honorably toward this end. William I. Scheel. REPUBLICAN The sections of the State Con- stitution that need revision can be be done by amendment. The citi- zenry is less likely to become con- fused over one or two amend- ments than they would if an en- tirely new Constitution was to be put up to their decision. Besides, it would be a lot less expensive. Too many people have some dras- tic pre-conceived ideas of what a new Constitution should con- tain; namely centralized govern- ment, of which we have too much already. Any new state tax pro- grams should consider local gov- ernment by inserting a 33 and a third retention clause to the county of collection and the coun- ties to distribute same to counties, cities, townships and schools on the basis of need, to elevate the already overburdened tax struc- ture. Also, with the new state equalization the increase in prop- erty tax is going to place a severe burden on farmers in the state. Vote County I Clerk Jack E. Gable REPUBLICAN I am aware of the responsibility of the County Clerk, and, com- bining my education and experi- ence I am equipped to perform the duties of the office. Since I am not unprepared or hesitant to as- sume these responsibilities, I will perform the duties in a manner that will honestly and clearly re- flect the interest of all the people of Washtenaw county, with speed, courtesy and friendship. I would institute a system of periodic staff meetings, aimed at outlining the duties and formulating operation- al improvements for the County Clerk's office. At these meetings, suggestions and criticism would be cordially welcomed by both staff and public. If the people think it is time for a change in the clerk's office, they will show it at the polls, Mrs. Luella M. Smith REPUBLICAN I have had many years experi- ence in government adiministra- tion, the past 20 years as county clerk. Modern procedures have been instituted by me, many of which have been adopted by other clerks throughout Michigan. I serve as an instructor in govern- ment conference courses and I am the first woman president of the Michigan State Association of County Clerks. Since I assumed office Washtenaw county has more than doubled in population, resulting in a tremendous increase in the activities and responsibili- ties of the county clerk's office. The pressing problem is. the con- tinuing one of providing the most efficient public service as eco- nomically possible. My record in office proves that I am able to resolve the problems of this of- fice and shall continue to do so. We in the clerk's office take pleas- ure in giving service, and we enjoy the appreciation shown by the citizens of Washtenaw county for' the services we are rendering. Today Million Votes To Be Cast For Offices Voters will have an opportunity to select nominees of the party of to select the nominees of the party of their choice today, as an esti- mated 1.2 million persons are ex- pected to cast their ballots in the state. Local voters will decide the nominations for governor, lieuten- ant-governor, state representa- tives, state and United States sena- tors, county clerk and sheriff. The polls will be open between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. today. Voters cannot split their ticket in this primary, but must vote for candidates of only one party; To help inform you on the elec- tion, The Daily presents this po- litical page which contains state- ments from/ the local candidateA for contested nominations and a short summary of the state-wide contests based upon the stands taken by the candidates through- out the campaign. The promise of clear weather is forecast for the area and for gen- erally the entire state, which should bring voters out in record numbers. The 1.2 million would be about 35 per cent of the ristered state electorate. q Senate Race Called Quiet A quiet, low-pressured campaign has been conducted by the two Re- publicans attempting to- gain the right to go against present United States Senator Patrick McNamara for his job. United States Representative Alvin Bentley of Owosso faces for- mer Detroit and state police com- missioner Donald Leonard. Leon- ard was the unsuccessful GOP candidate for governor in 1954. Bentley has serv~ed the Eighth Congressional District for eig ht years. Both men have hit upon the poor health of McNamara as their main issue. The senator's poor health has forced him into the hospital recently and he passed up the Democratic national conven- tion in Los Angeles, Neither Republican has cam- paigned very vigorously or intens- ively. Leonard does not have an office and has been primarily vis- iting areas of the state meeting people. Bentley, a multi-million- aire, has advertised broadly. Leonard says he is a liberal Re-' publican while Bentley is a self- confessed "middle-of-the-roader," liberal on some issue and conser- vative on others. Both candidates have attacked government spending, although they have said that whatever funds are needed for defense must be ap- propriated. The Republicans have stated their objections to the Forand- medical care bill, while supporting its aims and purposes. McNamara has strongly pushed for the bill,. The campaign has not appeared to have aroused the voter interest that it should have but the result will be known by the balloting today. U.u County Treasurer Sylvester A. Leonard REPUBLICAN A township supervisor makes out tax rolls and tax warrants the same as a city treaturer does; also has to know how to figure out tax descriptions. For this reason, I feel this experience will be most valuable if I am elected county treasurer. I also have had experi- ence in business such as manager of a large I would like to see representation of the Tax Allocation Board distributed more evenly among the units involved .so that no one unit would be given added millage at the expense of another. I would like to see the county treasurer circulating more among the people to explain the functions of the office and the services it can afford the public. William F. Verner REPUBLICAN, I taught mechanical engineering at the University of Michigan from 1908 to 1917, after graduat- ing from Purdue in 1906. From 1917 until 1921 I was an engineer at Ford Motor Company, and then was self-employed for 11 years as a consulting.-engineer and archi- tect. I have lived in Ann Arbor since 1909, and' served as city treasurer from 1932 to 1948 and, county treasurer from 1949 to the. present. As president of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, I was on. the committee responsible for the first Michigan act requiring regis- tration of engineers. I believe my 28 years of meticulous public ser- vice and my experience as teacher, engineer and businessman, ideally qualify me for this position. .b Everybody's singing the songs! Everybody's shouting its praises! METR-GaLeWYN-PAYER Fob An mRfhURFDN i *.j'.LLsanRpIAIdI& cINEMAscoPE . METRO Ju&YIOLLD a y Dii. Cartoon News FRIDAY: Alfred Hitchcock's "PSYCHO" i1 2ND ANNUAL DETROIT ASR lOAN I I.tU vi Ending Wednesday I OF MWA 'LLPOSS WORfP~~" DIAL NO 2-6264 !'"' ,. 1 : .,. I; y It's great fun.. -World Tle. & Sun I "The beauty of white Christmas - in Parls, 'a, boy t ~and agirl in a . ,---a modern fairy tale, Iz/ \\ philosophical Gallic j 1 " humor-.all this and Boyer tool" 4 --Daiy N~ws SAT., AUG. 20-8 P.M. * Oscar Peterson Trio * Nina Simone * Gene Krupa Quartet * Kal Winding Septet " Jackie Cain & Roy Kral * Louis Armstrong & All Stars SUNDAY, AUG. 21--8 P.M. * Jack Teagarden Sextet " Horace Silver Quintet ! Four Freshmen " Dizzy Gillespie Quintet * Dakota Staton * Count Basie & Orch. 0 r " 0 .0 0 FESTIVAL FRIDAY, AUG. 19--8 P.M. Fred Kaz Trio Cannonball Adderley Quintet Dinah Washington Chico Hamilton Quintet Dave Brubeck Quartet Duke Ellington & Orch. I r If Ii