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August 02, 1960 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1960-08-02

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Sege Page 2

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

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Cloudy and warmer tomorrow
with possible thundershowers.





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each 'Walk-In' Peaceful

The first beach "walk-in" In
the Ann Arbor area, possibly in
Michigan, took place= Sunday.
A beach "walk-in" is compar-
able to the sit-in at lunch counters
and restaurants.
The action occured at the New-
port Beach Club on Portage Lake
near Dexter. About forty members
of the local picketing group plan-
ned and participated in the walk-
No Incident
The effort was without incident,
and the nine Negroes in the walk-
in group were admitted to the
beach. Some 1500-2000 people at-
nd on an average July Sunday.
The group had previously ne-
gotiated with the owners of the
beach, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Chrisovan, on several occasions
and had been in contact with
them by phone on Saturday. Sev-I
eral "test-cases" had been run to
determine whether it was the
policy of the owners to admit Ne-
Legality Questioned
The group felt the policy of the
beach was contrary to the Diggs
Act, a Michigan law forbidding
discrimination in various publicly-
used establishments. Among those
establishments named in the Act
are beaches operated on a non-
member basis.
At a meeting on Friday, the,
group decided that a course of
non-violent direct action was ap-
propriate. Rehearsal of procedure
was carried out by members and
methods of minimizing possible
incidents were discussed. A lawyer







WALK-IN-Several students pe
comparable to Southern sit-in p
day. The group, both Negroes a
privately-run establishment with
incident occurred.
had been contacted in the event
of legal problems.
Sunday morning, the group,
drove to the beach and as they
lined up in a column, Crisovan
talked briefly with a spokesman
for the group and declared, "Ne-
groes are my guests today." The

U.S. Dismisses Proposal
For Pact with Red China
WASHINGTON OP) - A Red Chinese proposal for a peace, non-
aggression and non-nuclear pact for the Asian-Pacific area got a fast
brushoff from the United States yesterday as a "meaningless propa-
ganda gesture."
Premier Chou En-Lai made the proposal at a reception at the
Swiss embassy in Peiping.
The Red China radio quoted Chou as saying:
"We advocate the the countries in Asia and around the Pacific
including the United States of America, conclude a peace pact of mu-
tual non-aggression and turn the whole of this area into a nuclear
weapon free area.
"This Is of course a direction along which efforts are to be made
for a long time to come, but we will exert unremitting efforts for this."
I In tossing aside Chou En-tai's

-David Giltrow
erformed a peaceful "walk-in,"
rotests, at a nearby beach Sun-
nd white students, entered the
f little difficulty, and no major
column of some twenty Negroes
and whites proceeded through to
the beach after paying the rer
quired admittance price.
Few Surprised
Few people gave evidence of
surprise, though several young
couples and a family requested
their money be refunded, the own-
ers reported. The picnic area
ajoining the beach and the beach
were about eighty per cent of ca-
pacity when the walk-in took
place. The group remained for
three hours.
Asked about his attitude to-
ward the appearance of Negroes,
a regular patron from Livonia
commented that he hadn't made
up his mind whether or not to
bring his family back. Several'
teenaged boys from Detroit felt
they would not hesitate to return
in the future.
Mr. Crisovan stated, "I want
complete understanding that my
rules will be for both whites and
Negroes." Asked to define what
his rules were, he said that they
were rules of decent behavior and
drunkeness. Spokesman for the
picketing group, Jack Ladinsky,
Grad, said, "We're very pleased'
with the results of the action and
hope that it's a continuing policy."
A rres ted
PETERSBURG, Va. R)--A mass
renewal of Negro sit-in demon-
strations brought 27 arrests here
One of those arrested was a
cAain store official who exchanged
blows with a Negro demonstra-
Twenty-five Negro adults and
juveniles were arrested on tres-
passing charges after a mass sit-in
at the Trailways bus terminal.
One, the Rev. Robert G. Williams,
was also charged with aiding and
abetting juveniles in trespassing.
Earlier, trespass charges against;
15 Negroes arrested Saturday dur-
ing a sit-in at the Trailways lunch
counter had been dismissed be-
cause of a flaw in the warrants.

Congo Chief
Asks Troops
For Katanga
By The Associated Press
Premier Patrice Lumumba of
the Congo said he asked the
United Nations yesterday to send
troops at once to the secessionist
Katanga Province.
Lumumba said the UN force in
the Congo now totaled 11,555 and
"I asked that troops be sent im-
mediately-to Katanga."
Moise Tshombe, premier of Ka-
tange, has declared secession of
that province, the Congo's richest,
and has threatened to fight if the
United Nations tries to send
troops there.
Rejects Ties
Tshombe also declared yester-
day his government has rejected
any kind of political association
with foreign countries. No other
country has recognized the seces-
sion of his rich province from the
new Congo Republic.
In rejecting foreign ties, Tshom--
be said: "I am thinking especially
in this regard about influences
working for a union with Rho-
desia. We resist this with all our
The premier reiterated that Ka-
tanga is in favor of a loose con-
federation of the Congo provinces
into a United States of Congo,
and that Katanga is prepared to
help finance such a confederation.
He asked the United Nations to
help Katanga make necessary
contacts with the rest of the Con-
go for going ahead with the idea.
Strife Continues
Mounting reports of bloody tri-
bal clashes in the interior yester-
day dimmed prospects for an early
end to the Congo's strife.
U.S. Ambassador Clare S. Tim-
berlake said yesterday the United
States is studying ways to provide
economic help to the Congo.
The diplomat told newsmen that
he is flying back to Leopoldville
tomorrow night after briefing
President Eisenhower and mem-
bers of the National Security
Council yesterday in a session at
the summer White House in New-
port, R.I.
Refuses Comment
Secretary of State Christian A.
Herter, who also attended the
meeting with Defense Secretary
Thomas S. Gates and Treasury
Secretary Robert B. Anderson re-
fused to comment on the Congo
in any way.
However, Under Secretary of
State Douglas Dillon, in charge of
the United States aid programs,
said the United States aid pro-
gram is being worked on with
United Nations officials while
more immediate political prob-
lems are being tackled in the
Timberlake said that the Congo
"looks like one of the biggest jobs
the United Nations has ever tack-
The first thing that has to be
resolved, he said, is the restoration
of law and order.

HAVANA (A)-Fidel Castro yes-
terday laid aside his duties as
leader of the Cuban revolution in
obedience to his doctor's orders to
take a complete rest-"both phys-
ical and mental," informed sources
These sources reported the
bearded prime minister had been
persuaded with difficulty that re-
covery from his three-week ill-
ness will be slowed unless he drops
all his work. His ailment has been
officially described as a lung in-
fection, generally taken to mean
Substitute Unsure
An official silence hid the ans-
wer to the question of who, if
anyone, would move into the prime
minister's post during Castro's
But the best bet was that Maj.
Raul Castro, just home from tri-
umphal visits to Moscow and
Prague, will take over, at least
Chang Gains
In Korean
House Vote
SEOUL, Korea (P)-Former Vice
President John M. Chang's Demo-
cratic Party piled up more gains
yesterday In South Korea's upper
house election as increasing post-
election disturbances hindered the
vote count.
With returns still coming in, 13
Democrats have been elected and
18 others are leading in the race
for the 58-seat House of Council-
ors. Six Independents have been
The Democratic Party, long time
bitter foe of ousted President
Syngman Rhee, already has won
a two-thirds majority in the 233-
member lower house in South
Korea's first post revolutionary
election. Balloting was Friday but
the tallying has been delayed by
A new demonstration was re-
ported in Koryong, 150 miles
Southeast of Seoul and three
towns were still plagued by up-
risings against Liberal Party can-
didates. In Seoul some 70 persons
demonstrated outside a prison
where a former Liberal leader is
being detained. The Liberal Party,
which supported Rhee, has made
a strong showing despite the gen-
eral disrepute into which the party
fell after Rhee's overthrow last
Violent demonstrators at Hong-
chon calmed down after a group
of students and citizens met with
Lee Chat-Hak, who was elected to
the lower house. The delegation
advised Lee to resign as assembly-
man, and the former ranking Lib-
eral reportedly promised he would
consider the proposal.

until his older brother is com- army doctors treating the 33-
pletely well, year-old prime minister, an-
Raul, 28, once was named by nounced the orders for Castro's
Fidel as -his successor if anything complete rest. His statement ap-
should happen to him. Castro also parently was intended to reassure
said: "If you think I'm radical, the Cuban public that the leader
wait till you see my little brother." of their revoultion is recovering.
Mai. Raul Trillo, one of two It was published in the semioffic-
ial newspaper Revolucion.
This is the first time there has
been any indication that Castro
I needs anything more than physi-
cal convalescence. Trillo did not
elaborate on Castro's need for
"mental" rest.
(Some Latin American quar-
ters in Washington interpreted
the announcement as designed to
prepare Cubans for Fidel Castro's
indefinite disappearance from
public life. There was some doubt
there that Castro really had been
suffering from pneumonia.)
"Treatment with antibiotics
ended a week ago," Trillo said.
a "And now (Castro) is on a treat-
ment of absolute rest with a good
diet and vitamins to recover
. rapidly and completely."
- F Thillo made no further public
diagnosis of Castro's ailment other
than to say it had affected his
lungs. He said antibiotics "and
other resources of modern medi-
cine" have reduced the danger of
pneumonia. ,
RAUL CASTRO "I can assure you that the lung
-.. successor? infection has disappeared and the
lungs now are clear," he said.
GOP Candidate Plans
Campaign for Leaders
WASHINGTON ) - Richard M. Nixon and his top advisers
mapped plans yesterday for active campaign roles for leaders of the
liberal, middle-of-the-road and conservative wings of the Republican
Hoping to mold the party into a solid fighting force for the cam-
paign, Nixon aimed at key assignments for President Eisenhower, New
York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, and Arizona's Sen. Barry Goldwater.
Nixon, the GOP presidential nom-- -
inee, and his running mate, Henry ,
Cabot Lodge, gave themselves theB
job of working out Eisenhower's
participation. After a busy day of
strategy huddles here, then flew to ' m r ble
Newport, R.I., where Eisenhower
is vacationing.
Nixon said last week that Eisen- WASHINGTON M)-Two Re-
hower, who regards himself as a publican spokesmen yesterday all
middle-of-the-roader, was tremen- but wrote off the possibility of
dously interested in a Republican passing a new civil rights bill at
victory in November and how to the short session of Congress
accomplish it. opening Monday.
The task of working out the role Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illi-
of Rockefeller, whose liberal views nois, the Senate Minority Leader,
led to the platform fight that fresh from a legislative confer-
rocked the GOP convention, fell ence with Vice-President Richard
to Robert H. Finch, newly desig- M. Nixon, spent most of two news
nated Nixon campaign director. conferences pointing out the pro-
And Sen. Barry Goldwater of cedural obstacles to enactment of
Arizona, leader of the GOP con- civil rights legislation.
servatives, will not be forgotten as Sen Thruston B. Morton of
the Nixon camp strives for the Kentucky, the GOP National
broadest possible base of support. Chairman, said outnumbered Re-

Cuban Leader To Convalesce

Lodge Sees

Kennedy Hits"
Farm Plan
Sen. John F. Kennedy, the Demo-
cratic presidential nominee, yes-
terday accused Vice - President
Richard M. Nixon of "betrayal of
the Benson farm program which
he helped to wrote."
Kennedy aimed the personal at-
tack at Nixon in a statement re-
leased from his vacation head-
quarters here. In it he endorsed
a blast at the Republican presi-
dential nominee released here
earlier in the day in the names
of a group of midwestern Demo-
cratic governors and senators.
Actually, the midwesterners'
statement had been written by
Kennedy campaign workers, then
submitted for approval to the five
governors and three senators who
signed it. The document likened
Nixon to a captain deserting a
sinking ship in turning his back
on Benson.
Then, in his own statement,
Kennedy said:
"The Democratic leaders in the
midwest have accurately pin-
pointed Mr. Nixon's lack of basic
beliefs indicated by his betrayal
of the Benson farm program
which he helped to write."
Kennedy said the policies of
Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft
Benson have been "disastrous" to
agriculture, but that Nixon has
been supporting them up to now.

idea, Lincoln White, State De-
partment press officer said there
is no basis for hoping that Com-
munist China will abandon its bel-
ligerent policies to join in any such
Similar Chinese Communist pro-
posals have been repeated by Japa-
nese Socialist party leaders.
White said that the latest report
"appears to be the same propa-
ganda made on a number of occa-
sions by Chinese Communist lead-
ers during a period marked by ex-
treme Chinese, Communist belli-
gerence including aggression in
Taiwan Strait, savage repression of
Tibet and poisonous anti-Ameri-
can propaganda."
White pointed out that the
United States and Communist
China have a means of talking to
each other through the meetings
of ambassadors of the two coun-
tries, held in Warsaw.
"As of today there is no basis
whatsoever in these ambassadorial
talks with Communist China for
the hope that Peiping will aban-
don its belligerence."

Russians 'Cynical,'
'Blocking Progress'
N E W P O R T )-The United
States last night denounced a
Russian proposal on disarmament
as a cynical attempt to prevent
progress in that field.
The denunciation was voiced at
the summer White House by
Henry Cabot Lodge, United States
Ambassador to the United Na-
His sharp criticism was directed
at a Soviet Union proposal for a
summit conference on disarma-
ment of all 82 UN member coun-
tries at the General Assembly
opening Sept. 20.
Reject Proposal
The Russians, in making the
proposal yesterday, rejected Presi-
dent Eisenhower's call for an early
meeting of the UN Disarmament
Commission, also made up of all
82 nations.
Lodge, the Republican vice,
presidential nominee, discussed
the Soviet proposal at a news
conference after he and Vice-
President Richard M Nixon, who
heads the GOP political ticket,
had conferred with President Eis-
The conference dealt mainly
with the forthcoming political
campaign and the reconvening of
Congress next week.
Avoids Role
At the outset of . he meeig
afterward with newsmen, hi
emphasized that Lodge would ans-
wer only non-political questions.
As announced earlier, Lodge plans
no active role in the campaign
until after he resigns from his
UN post. He intends to stay on as
ambassador to handle the United
States disarmament proposal.
Asked to comment on the Soviet
counter-proposal, Lodge called it
"a typically specious and frivolous
It comes from the Russians as
"a cynical attempt to prevent pro-
gress," he said. "It shows that
they don't really want disarma-
Asks Meeting
In asking July 22 that the com-
mission meet, Lodge accused the
Soviet Union of breaking up the
10-nation East-West negotiations
and said thercommission should
consider the' resulting situation
In response to Lodge's request,
Ambassador Luis Padilla Nervo
of Mexico, chairman of the com-
mission, consulted members indi-
vidually and finally sent them all
a letter Friday suggesting a meet-
ing Aug. 15.
Nixon Warns
Ike May Veto
Spending Bills
NEWPORT, R.I. (R) - Vice-
President Nixon warned Democrats
yesterday that President Eisen-
hower would veto any massive
spending legislation that the chief
executive regarded as purely poli-
Nixon, Republican nominee for
president, stated the White House
position after conferring with
Eisenhower at the summer White
House regarding the reconvening
of Congress next week.
The nominee said Eisenhower
would regard such spending bills
as "purely political, unless they
carried with them the taxes-the
increased taxes to pay the bill for
such legislation."
Nixon Indicated Eisenhower
would consider big spending bills
that provided tax provisions, but

would veto them, too, unless he
regarded them as in the public
The Vice-President cited the
Democratic Forand Bill, providing
for medical care for the aged, as

'Don Giovanni Challenges Stage Designers
"Don Giovanni," the final production of the Summer Playbill
series, opens at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The opera has long presented serious problems to stage designers,
the main difficulty being that there are ten different scenes in the
opera, each requiring a different set.
In addition, there is another problem paused by Mozart's failure
to provide "cover" music for the intervals between scenes so that sets.
could be changed.
Music from other Mozart works could be placed between the
scenes, and has been, in the past, but it does not make a satisfactory
solution from the standpoint of serious opera lovers who object to this'
sort of adulteration of the original opera.'
A longer interval betreen scenes would allow changes, but the
music in "Giovanni" has great fluidity and movement. It is the duty
of the sets to enhance this quality instead of detracting from it by
long interruptions.
Solutions to this problem have been varied. In the fall of 1957, . .
the New York Metropolitan Opera Company presented a new produc-4
tion of "Don Giovanni" on which stage designer Eugene Berman had "i . A
worked for a full year.

publicans "haven't got the troops"
to prevent Southern Democrats
from blocking passage in the short
time remaining until Labor Day,
the generally accepted target date
for adjournment of the bob-tailed
Raises possibility
It was another Republican, Sen.
Jacob K. Javits of New York, who
raised the possibility that civil
rights might be acted on this
month. He said he would intro-
duce a bill embodying provisions
in the Republican platform.
Dirksen pointed out that in the
first place the Democrats control
the Senate and will decide what
measures will be called up.
And in the second place, he
said, there is little possibility that
a civil rights bill could be ap-
proved by committee, brought to
the floor and enacted in the three
weeks planned for the session.
Pledges Cooperation
Speaking for himself and Nixon,
Dirksen pledged virtually unlim-
ited cooperation with the Demo-
cratic leadership in scheduling

liami Begins
rite ration
MIAMI, Fla. (P)-Lunch counter
;egratlon began yesterday, In
rida with service to Negroes in
least four Miami variety stores.

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