Y, JULY 30,1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 as A f" v fir 1?',JULY 30, 960HE M C H I G N D IL Y __ __~ PAUL I'llf zart's 'Don Giovanni' End Playbill Season POLITICAL CONFLICT REMAINS: Ghana Thrives on Freedom Opinions Set on Candidates When Nominations Made Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni" will be the last presentation of the speech department's Playbill Summer 1960. It will run Wednesday through Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre with one ex- tra performance on August 8, due to extraordinarily large demand for tickets. The speech department and the music school are working togeth- er on the production of this opera, which is regarded by many as the greatest work ever composed for the operatic stage, despite the fact that it took Mozart only a little more than six weeks to write it. Tragi-Comedy The classification of "Don Gio- vanni" is somewhere between tra- gedy and comedy. Mozart was nev- er the type of composer who kept his music in rigid compartments. Crime and retribution are the real essence of the opera but there is scarcely any human experience which is not represented. Love, hatred, grief, laughter, courage, jealousy, cruelty, anger, and death are all important. Opera is essentially an art con- To Support Candidate Rep. George Sallade (R-Ann Ar- bor) offered his "wholehearted support" yesterday to Paul Bag- well, GOP candidate for governor. Sallade, who withdrew from the race for the Republican lieuten- cerned with the emotions and be- havior ofrhuman beings. Mozart was the first composer topercieve the vast possibilities of the oper- atic form as a means of creating characters who moved and thought musically, like real people. Single Focus "Don Giovanni" concerns itself with one man, rather than a ser- ies of individual scenes. The story is based on the old, familiar Don Juan legend-the tale of the ex- tremely licentious young nobleman who is finally punished for his evil ways. Mozart's famous overture was written the night before the final rehearsal of the new work. It im- mediately expresses the entire mood and color of the musical drama. At the opening of the first act, Don Giovanni has just left the room of the beautiful Donna An- na. Her father, the Commenda- tore, discovers him and iGovanni kills the Commendatore in a duel. Humorous Development This scene becomes funny be- cause of Don Giovanni's servant, Leporello, who keeps asking who is dead. Don Giovanni runs into the street where he is almost caught by Donna Elvira, an old love. He invites a peasant engagement party to his castle, and a gay par- ty scene follows. Donna Anna has sworn ven- geance on her father's murderer. She doesn't know that Giovanni is the killer, but she joins with Don- na Elvira to get revenge. There follows a series of humor- ous events in which Giovanni con- tinues his amorous activities. He' By SAUL PETT Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer ACCRA, Ghana-To an Ameri- can visitor, the people of Ghana appear more attractive than its politics. Ghanians are open, animated. simple, spontaneous, good humored almost to a point of perpetul hilarity. Even the cab driver, about to rob a tourist of his eyeballs, has a lilting calypso charm that tends to make both victim and victimizer laugh. But Ghanaian politics has its shadowy corners. Some are ex- plained by the fact that this na- tion, the first black African colony to win freedom from a European master, is only three years old. Some are explained by the special psyche of Africans. But in its darkest corners, Ghanaian politics still suggests the shadow of possi- ble dictatorship. Vitality Hides Tension None of these somber thoughts is reflected by the visible Ghana. Its vitality, its source, its techni- color charm intoxicate the travel- ler after the ugly tension of South Africa, the limp languor of East Africa, the swampy confusion of the Congo. Accra, the capital, looks like a Harlem road company alternately playing Porgy and Bess and Julius Language Research Set Under NDEA Contracts The University Language has received three contracts totaling $411,567 from the United States Office of Education for research in the fields of foreign language and area studies. A $245,752 contract under terms of the National Pefense Education Act (NDEA) will enable the Uni- versity to undertale the most ex- tensive research program for languages of the Near and Middle East ever done in the United Kurdish (spoken in Southern Asia and Turkey, Northern Iran and Iraq.) Two more NDEA contracts totaling $165,815 will be used by University language experts to produce complete programs of basic materials for the learning of Chinese, Russian and Spanish, and to produce five readers in Jap- anese and an area manual on Japan. Caesar. In its narrow bustling streets, throbbing with Negroes shouting, laughing, singing, danc- ing, bargaining, arguing from curbside or balcony, the man in the striped business suit and derby' walks with the man in the colorful Roman-like Toga, one, shoulder bare. Split Personality Ghana has a split personality. It mimics the Western world but it also pushes its own cultural identity. Thus, the business suit and the toga. Both forms of dress! are accompanied by wrist watches, ball point pens and brief cases. Accra is bursting with new con- struction-hospitals, office build- ings, schools, apartment projects. But its sightsrand sounds still span the centuries, from the dark occult of the jungle to the smugj new wisdom of the expanding uni- versity, from the old tribal chief grappling with modern government to the slickly efficient young bu- reaucrat armed with a case full of optimistic statistics. Tall, modern buildings of glass rise from stilts on a street flanked by open drainage ditches, which unfortunately, are not always limited to water. Farther down the same street, commerce, is carried on in small wooden huts thrown together the way American boys build clubhouses in city lots. On government land just outside Accra stands a sign saying: "The law says if you build a house be- tween the two arrows it will be knocked down like this." And the picture shows a heap of splinters. Ghanaians have gained much under round-faced intense Kwame Khrumah, who led them to inde- pendence from the British in 1957 in a. peaceful turnover of power. Under his government, Ghana has built more schools, more roads, improved the standard of living and taken an influential role in the British Commonwealth. It is still tied to a one-crop economy and if the world market for Cocoa drops the country is in trouble. But Nkrumah is pushing a huge effort called the Volta River project, which, if the foreign capital is forthcoming, will provide cheap electric power and help speed industrialization. Opposition parliamentarians have, in some cases, been jailed. Under Ghana's preventive deten- tion act a man suspected of con- spiracy against the government can be jailed up to five yedrs without trial. Now that both parties have picked their candidates, between two-thirds and three-fourths of those who'll go to the polls in November know how they'll vote, studies conducted by the Univer- sity's Survey Research Center in- dicate. Both Republicans and Demo- crats sought geographical "bal- ance" in their tickets. While this may be highly important to poli- ticians, there's no evidence from either 1952 or 1956 that the vice- presidential candidates were any better known or liked in their home regions than elsewhere. In 1952, public response to Rich- ard M. Nixon as the GOP vice- presidential candidate was no more widespread or favorable in the West than in other regions of the country. The same held true impact on the electorate can be significant. In 1952, for example, disgust with the "mess in Wash- ington" and the desire to end the Korean War both worked power- fully in the Republicans favor. But by 1956, both these issues had faded in importance. In general, the research indi- cates, the public is much more apt, to "throw the rascals out" than it is to reward a party for good per- formance in office.', 'U' Intends- ToB uy Land ant-governor nomination, s a i. d and Leporello exchange cloaks and that "Michigan is badly in need the mistakes in identity prove hi- of a change at the executive lev- larlous. el" and that he believed Bagwell Ghost Curse could provide the new, progres- Finally Don Giovanni is talking sive leadership necessary for the to Leporello in a graveyard. The state. statue of the Commendatore comes The endorsement of Bagwell to life and curses him. In the final came in a letter sent to Bagwell scene he is giving a supper party, by the local legislator, in which when the Commendatore appears he also endorsed the Republican and Giovanni is consumed by fire, platform and the national, state which takes him toHades. The re- and local tickets. maining characters celebrate the and local tickets. Sallade said he due punishment of vice. would campaign for these tickets The opera takes place in Spain; "in an aggressive way." it is written in Italian, although He praised the party for agree- Mozart was born in Salzburg. In ing to the points proposed by New 1787 when "Don Giovanni" was1 York Governor Nelson Rockefeller written, opera was considered the and ice-President Richard Nixon exclusive property of the Italians. prior to the convention. Sallade Six of Mozart's operas were writ- was the. Michigan chairman of a ten in German, one in Latin, and for the p esidency. 11 in Italian. movement- to draft Rockefeller Mozart's music has not always He said he would also work "ac- been appreciated, but today's mu- tively for the passage o f t h e sic lovers are delighted by the amendments to the constitution breadth and unity of his vision, supported by the League of Wo- and the way he blends the irra- men oVters, the Junior Chamber tional and the concrete so com- of Commerce and Citizens for pletely that it is difficult to tell Michigan. where one leaves off and the oth- "Constitutional revision is vital er begins. to an improved governmental sys- His magic effect comes from the tem in Michigan," he said, way he breathed humanity into Sallade said that, although he his characters by use of some of had been "a controversial figure the most beautiful music ever in the legislature, he had "always written. felt that I have stood for the Ticket information for "Don policies"Bagwell has been advo- Giovanni" can be obtained at the' eating in the campaign. Lydia Mendelssohn box office, ' "I hope that you will call on me Lydia M en d e l s s o h n box office,, to fulfill any assignment in your which is open from 10 a.m. to 5 behalf in Washtenaw County or p.m. daily and until 8 p.m. on elsewhere in the state," he wrote. performance dates. l States. Prof. George G. Cameron, chair- The program will include de- man of the Near Eastern studies velopement of "vitally needed" in- department will administer the structional materials for Arabic, research program in Near and Persian, Pashto (maiu language of Middle Eastern languages. Afghanistan and Pakistan) and Goals under the NDEA contract through Dec. 15, 1961, are: 1.) In , Pashto-graded readers, recorded N o es D mterials and the first Pashto-j N otes as English dictionary in nearly a century; 2.) Kurdish-a basic 1T course and reader; 3.) Arabic- OT11 tors five readers, to be discussed at a special conference; 4.) Modern Persian- eight readers, to be The union in the United States drawn from newspaper selections, serves the purpose of collecting literature and social secience; 5.) the ideas of the many, whose wis- translation and editing of Russian dom will prevail, John Caldwell, linguistic literature on Near and international director of educa- 1Middle East Languages for an tion for the Federation of State, anthology; 6.) a comparative study County, and Municipal Employees, of systems of transliteration for said Thursday. 'languages that use Perso-Arabic Caldwell spoke at a mass meet- script. ing of the University Non-Aca- Politically, however, Nkrumah demic Employees Union, which has worried even some of his best received a charter from the AFL- friends and given fuel to Ghana's CIO branch. The meeting was pre- critics. His party, which controls ceded by a dinner for Caldwell, 78 of the 92 seats in parliament, attended by the union's executive 7as tccuseato inmatian, board and University Regents. was accused of itimidation and C~aldwPI.-t .. w Tnviolence in the last elections. for Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala.) Wilbur K. Pierpont, vice-presi- and the South. dent for business and finance, said Veep Beter Kownyesterday that the University in- In 1956, both vice presidential bornrstt eryuwhch ar e fr nominees were, better known borcrest Cemetery which are free throughout the country, reflecting of graves and assigned lots. several years' activity by both erseArNortCmusranbther Nixon and Sen. Estes Kefauver (D- ers on North Campus and there Tenn.). Still, about half the voters hersy some belief that the Uni- had no opinion about these men versifty would use committed lot Even though both men were well for future development. i known by 1956, there is no evi- Pierpont said the University denoe that either one had any bought 101 uncommitted acres of denetat eiter one had rs- Arborcrest several years ago and substantial effect on the p esi- student apartment buildings now dential vote, stand on these lots. Studies conducted by the Center The University Regents voted also suggest that no matter how in June 1959, to acquire unen- much Nixon and Kennedy try to cumbered land from ,the cemetery discuss the "issues" in the cam- when available, including a 60- paign, the public will evaluate acre area without graves or lots. them as personalities as much as Pierpont said the University un- spokesmen for a particular cause. derstands that Roy Hatten, Arbor- No Great Effect crest owner, also owns Washtenong While the campaign will get Memorial Park and Mausoleum, is many "independents" and others transferring graves and lots from who don't care much about poli- Arborcrest to that property. If and tics to the polls, it may not have when the Arborcrest land is re- any substantial effect on the divis- leased, the University would buy ion of the vote. the rest of the property. This was true in both 1952 and "The University's position is 1956. In 1948, on the other hand, simply this: When Mr. Hatten many "late deciders" who had makes additional. property avail- considered crossing party lines for able to the University free and Thomas E. Dewey remained loyal clear of cemetery purposes, the to the Democrats, providing Harry Universitywill buy it under the S. Truman with an upset victory, agreements already entered into. While politicians often over- If the land remains for cemetery estimate the importance of issues purposes, the University will leave in a campaign, occasionally their it undisturbed," Pierpont said. Hagop ian To Leave Universit Prof. John V. Hagopian of the English department will leave the University in September to become professor and head of the Ameri- can studies department at Saar- brucken University, Germany, German universities are just. beginning to organize suct depart- ments, having previously included courses under the English pro- gram. Prof. Hagopian will organize and direct the program in Ameri- can literature, history, etc., at the. German institution. He came to the University In 1955, having previously served on the faculty at Indiana University. He leceived his bachelor's and ma~,ier's degrees from Wayne State University, and his doctorate from Western Reserve University, Cleveland. Before teaching at Indiana, he was an instructor at Wayne State and a teaching fellow at Western Reserve. Prof. Hagopian also served as an advisor' toneurotic veterans with the United States Veteran Administration .in Detroit for two years. He has been employed as an editor with the Grolier Society of New York, as a research inter- viewer for industrial and academic institutions and as a technical writer. From 1943-46 he was a corporal in the United States Army Signal Corps, serving in the Pacific theatre and in Japan.., Prof. Hagopian was Fulbright lecturer at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany, and conducted a lecture tour of the major cities and universities of West Germany, including two He is a member of the Modern trips to Berlin. Language Association of America, American Association of Univer- sity Professors, American Society for Aesthetics and the American Civil Liberties Union. He is married and the father of two children. i 1 r 1 two children. -.000000oft AOP- --A -A --w Ar- TM MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES q.0090om DIAL rLA.fo NO Alu t r Everybody's tbeift Mg its pteisesl Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents An ARTHUR FREED Production ttarrur 3uYIILLDAPDaWARI FR ED CLARK CINEMASCOPE . METROCOJOR with EDDIE FOY, Jr.- JEAN STAPLETON Plus: Cartoon-News-Specialty :s 9YU a owe s Loic was -iein- dividual in the Modern World." He noted that historians have seen Americans as uniquely dif- ferent from Europeans in that, in this country "people tend to or- ganize:" forming organizations according to their skills, hobbies, or beliefs. "The organization known as the union provides an opportunity for members to work with each other, not only for better pay and work- ing conditions, but also for better citizenship." "Whether or not we like it, we are now in World War III," he warned. "As human beings we can no longer be complacent. We must combine our ideas to prevent the unleashing of unbelievably de- structive weapons. With our col- lective wisdoms we can come up with answers to solve the problem facing us today." DIAL NO 8-6416 ENDING TODAY Otto - Preminger's °THE" MAN 7HTHE GOPEN A.I M _PLUS John Wan S+op ida Lren RnssaoBrazi [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Micrhigzan for which The fichigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced- ing publication. General Notices SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO 29S Last time tonight: William Inge's "Picnic," 8:00 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets $1.75 and 1.25. Box office open from 10 a.m. Tickets also available for "Don Giovanni," to be presented next week Wednesday-Satur- day, and Mon., August 8 (extra per- formance). Tickets for Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday performances $1.75 and 1.25; tickets for Friday and Saturday performances 2.00 and 1:50. For further information, call box of- fice at NO 8-6300. (Telephone reserva- tions not accepted.) Recitals Student Recital: Terence Small will present a recital in Aud, A, Angell Hall on Sun., July 31, at 4:15 p.m. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music. Mr. Small has included in his program composi- tions by Bach, Hindemith, Finzi, Pier- ne, Beethoven. Open to the public, Summer Session Choir: The Univer- sity Summer Session Choir, conducted by Robert S. Hines will present a con- cert on Sun., July 31, at 8:30 p.m. at Hill Aud. The choir will be accompan- ied by E. Lyle Hagert, organist. The following soloists will perform: Frances Greer, soprano; Jean Austin, soprano; Mary Burdett, alto; Millard Cates, tenor; Philip A. Duey, bass; Edward A. Baird, bass. The choir will sing "Missa solemnis in B-flat major" by Haydn. Open to the public. Placement Notices The following schools have listed teaching vacancies for the 1960-61 school year. Bloomfield Hills, Mich.-9th Speech/ Dramatics, 9th Geog., 8th Qen. Sci. Durand, .Mich.-Amer. Lit/English, Algebra/Gen. Sci., Counselor. Jackson, Mich.-Auto Shop. Lincoln Park, Mich.-Elem (1-6);: Visiting Tchr., Speech Corr.; HS Home Ec.; Jr. HS Vocal Music. For any additional information con- tact the Bureau of3Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. On Wed., Aug. 3, the following school will have representatives at the Bureau to interview for the 1960-61 school year. Wed., Aug. 3I Pontiac, Mich. (Waterford Twp. Schs.) -Elem. (K-3); Speech Corr., Ment. Hdcp. For any additional information and appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. U.S. Army, Chem. Corps Biological Lab., Fort Detrick, Maryland. Vacancies exist for Mech., Elec., Chemical Engi- neers, Chemists, Bacteriologists, Medi- cal Directors in Research. Acme industries, Inc., Jackson, Sales Order Specialist. Extensive customer contact. Bausch & Lomb, Inc., Rochester, N.Y. Industrial Designer, Research Dept., Creative styling work. Optics, Physics, or M.E. Grad. 2 yrs. experience in product development work in ama- teur projection equip., also opening for experience in metallographic, pho- tomicrographic work. Opening for B.S. in optics, engineering or physics. Phys- ical Chemist, Materials Research & De- velopment. Lab., PhD with 1 to 3 yrs. experience in problems of surface chemistry. Exec. Manpower Corp., New York, N.Y. Division Engineer. Under direction of V.P. & Gen. Mgr. of large plantation in Central America. Engr. degree. Mar- ried. A leading corporation needs an Elec- trical Engineer. Age 25-50. BSEE re- quired, MSEE preferred. Location, Southwest. A minimum of 3 yrs. motor design experience. John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co., Boston, Mass. Sales openings-. Ohio. Eastern Illinois Univ., Charleston, Illinois. Internal Auditor. Some experi- ence. CPA not required. Nat'l. Malleable & Steel Castings Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Market2Research. BA, M& Bus. Ad. Age. 21 to 25. LaDriere, Inc., Detroit, Mich. Editor. English background and knowledge of gravity, photogrammetry, higher pre- cision leveling, mathematical carto- grammetry, geophysical cartogrammet- ry, higher godesy, and, in general, Geo- physics. Civil Service Commission. Detroit. Junior Medical Technologist. BS, Medi- cal Technology. Junior Draftsman. Age 17-28. Student Technical Assistants, Bus. Ad., Gen. Science, Social Science, Phys. Ed. Age 18-25. Tung-Sol Electric, Inc., Newark, N.J. Electrical Engineers. 1-5 yrs. experience. Sales Engineers, BSEE 2-5 yrs. experi- ee. Salesman. 4-5 yrs. experience. New Jersey area. For further information contact the M,,.e a f nrxitmna,49. rii ( PIANOS Buy Now before the fall rush. No Payments till school starts. Free Lessons included. UPRIGHTS-From $59.50. GRANDS-From $395. USED LESTER SPINET-Beautiful blonde, mahogany finish. New $795, now $479. GET ON THE FESTIVAL BAND WAGON - Ends July 30. Savings up to $500 on such makes as Stein- way, Knabe, Geo. Steck, Leonard, Clayton, Vose, etc. Also Grinnell's. GRINNELL'S 323 S. Main St. X10 Complete line of Hi Ft components including kits; complete service on radios, phonographs and Hi F1 equipments. HI FI STUDIO 1317 South University 2 block east at Campus Theatre X2 PIANOS-ORGANS NEW & USED Ann Arbor Piano & Organ Co. 213 E. Washington NO 3-3109 Xi A-I New and Used Iastruments BANJOS, GUITARS and BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington NO 2-1834 X3 HELP WANTED STUDENT for part time advertising layout & some design. Must com- mute to Chelsea: Mr. Burroughs at GR 9-4821. H4 TRANSPORTATION WANTED: 3 passengers to share ex- penses to Harrisburg, Pa. Leave Fri., Aug. 5 at 4 p.m. return Sun. eve., Aug. 7. Phone 2-1949. 065 rs ra ~ t ~ mnr . .. a.....a.... .. ..i..a BUSINESS SERVICES REWEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop, 224 Nickels Arcade, NO 2-4647. Ji MAYNARD & SEEGER WELDERS and BLACKSMITHING 109 South Ashley NO 8-7403 J5 FOR TODAY'S breakfast why not buy some lox, cream cheese, bagels, onion rolls, or assorted Danish pastry? Plan ahead also . . later in the week we'll have smoked whitefish, gefitle fish, kosher soups, pastrami, and corned beef. Shop at Ralph's for these delicious foods. RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard NO 2-3175 J56 TYPING: Theses, term papers, reason- able rates. Prompt service. NO 8-7590, Jil BARGAIN CORNER MEN'S short-sleeve sport shirt $1.00. Skip-dents & seer-suckers sanforized wash & wear, asstd. colors. Sam's Store 122 E. *ashington W1 USED CARS MG-TC, 1948. Rebuilt, repainted past year. Leaving town, must sell. NO 3- 8482 evenings. N56 '54 FORD. New motor. $175. NO 5-7020 after 5:30. N55 GOING HOME, so have to sell beautiful two-toned Plymouth '56. It's loadedl Call NO 2-0857 or see it at 1120 Oak- land. 4-door. Price $625. N13 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. Atlas tires, batteries and accessor- ies. Warranted & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires. Road service-mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get it!" MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS MUSIC CENTER Headquarters for Hi Fi Stereo Record Players Tape Recorders Accessories and Service Complete Service Department 37 Years Experience LINES 2 3 4 I DAY .80 .96 1.12 3 pAYS 2.00 2.40 2.80 Figure 5 average words to a line. Call Classified between 1 :00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. and 9:00 and 11 :30 Saturday - Phone NO 2-4786 6 DAYS 2.96 S3.55 300 S. Thayer NO 2-2500 X11 FOR SALE MODERN 40 FOOT 2 bedroom trailer. Must sell, Call GE 7-5560. Be HI FI PHONOGRAPH: Bozak speaker system. Excellent sound. Low price. NO 2-8081 evenings. B5 PERSONAL WITNESSES OR ANYONE at the scene after the accident oc- curring about midnight Thurs. May 12, 1960, between a white Porsche convertible and a black Chevrolet sedan at the intersection of 4th Ave. and' East Liberty. near the Pretzel Bell, please call NO 3-6140 and ask for Nancy, or call UN 4-3352 collect in Detroit and ask for War- ren. Please leave name and phone number if someone else answers. F5$ CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW with phy- sician, nurse, marriage counselor con- cerning birth control, child spacing, marriage problems. Planned Parent- hood clinic, Tuesday, Thursday 7:30 P.M. to 9 P.M. 122 North Fourth Ave. Fees based on family income. Pi FOREIGN GRAD student wants Ameri. can girl to share 3-room apartment on campus beginning September. Phone NO 3-3854. F56 COMING-The Duke - Louie - pan- nonball -- The Count - Brubeck -- Dinah - Nina - Dakota plus others. American Jazz Festival. Detroit -- August 19-21 - Tickets on sale Music Center, 300 S. Thayer. P53 FOR RENT CAMPUS ROOMS for graduate .men for fall semester. Comfortable, large singles. Phone NO 2-1958 after 5. 039 FURNISHED APARTMENT for 3. 314 S. Fifth Ave. Private- entrance. C32 3 ROOM apartment, partly furnished. Washing facilities. $85 a month plus utilities. 401 Pauline Blvd. Can see anytime. Contact Mrs. Marie Burke, 1698 Franklin. C33 THREE ROOM apartment near campus. Off -streea parking. $75 per month. Call NO 3-6421 after 5. C37 DOUBLE or SINGLE rooms.Graduate women. Cooking. 517 E. Ann St. NO 242826. 036 CAMPUS-Large quiet rooms for men. Low rates. Linens furnished. NO 3-4747. n A Or 'I' ' . ,, . I f/1 *. ' Gas Pris' Uo l, I It's great fun... -World Tle. & Sun U, U "The beauty of a white Christmas in Paris, a boy and a girl In a modern fairy tale, 4 ~nhiinsnnhir-A l .211i LATE SHOW TONIGHT at 1 1 TCh 1 ,OTAhDsAZI G DIAL NO 2-6264 (LRNEN'1ASC PEC k COLOR by OE LUXE I I of _...00/ .1:. lf x