"A Little Closer - Not Too Close - Smile - That's It" 0, Pioneers! Seventieth Year -- EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Vhen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth wil Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. . 4 > : t<; ;:. T HE CINEMA GUILD closes its doors for the season with "Home of the Brave" and "The Cage," a not too auspicious ending for what has been an excellent season in both academic history and entertain- ment value. The idea of a survey of the American film was laudable and co- herent, with gaps resulting only from a lack of time. If we might have wished for, say, one of those horrible sweet musicals or farce comedies from the thirties or a Garbo film from any year, what did come went a long way to make up for it. Unfortunately the finances _ __.__ .. _ .. . . ......a..w TTY Tr iTTTT T.tfT' I 7 LY, JULY 29, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW HAWLEY Negro Militance Misunderstood, but Effective PHILIP RANDOLPH, the Negro labor leader who instigated the march for free- dom at the national political conventions, said yesterday that much of the progress in the civil rights area has been due "to the militant action of Negroes and their allies." There is a great deal of truth in Randolph's statement. The strong court battles waged by the Na- tional Association for the Advancement of Colored People are well known. The NAACP has also been active in other areas, particularly the labor field. Randolph, too, has been very active in the fight. Early in the second World War, Randolph led a Negro march on Washington which re- sulted in the establishment of the wartime Fair Employment Practices Commission. This action enabled Negroes, for the first time in American history, to get decent jobs in large numbers. This event ranks with the Emancipation Proc- lamation, the 1954 school desegregation deci- sion, and the sit-in movement as one of the most important landmarks in the struggle for equal rights for Negroes. TFHE OTHER well-known militant action by Negroes is the recent sit-in movement in the South. There are two significant facts con- cerning the sit-ins: it is a legitimate, peaceful protest, and it works. Both United Press Inter- national and the New York Times reported a Hyde Park YESTERDAY'S Hyde Park session on the Diag, unexpected anti informal as it was, may have clarified the thinking of a few people present regarding the problems and responsibility involved in a realistic disarma- ment program. Such a benefit, if it did occur to any degree, should not be underrated; because, in the long run, disarmament will be more "realistic" than any arms program we or any other country can ever devise to secure its sovereignty. But the concept of the gathering-an impromptu, in- formal discussion-is just as valuable to the principle by which this country governs itself. -HAWLEY few days ago that at least 14 cities have de- segregated their lunch counters since the sit-ins began. Negroes, through their voting power, have been able, recently, to force the political parties to adopt a more friendly attitude toward civil rights legislation. Negro militance in this area is a legitimate method of gaining an end for which they should never have been forced to fight in the first place. But there is also a less fortunate side- effect to this militance: many people, who basically favor fair treatment for Negroes, are confused by the militance of the movement. THE PRIME example of this attitude is dis- played by former President Harry Truman. Truman has said some incredibly foolish things about the sit-in movement. For example, he has called it a Communist-backed movement. Al- though a small percentage of the people active in the movement, particularly some of the whites, may at one time have had some contact wiht the Communist party, none of the leaders of, the movement have had any connection with that party. Truman also made the statement that if a sit-in were ever initiated in any store of his, he'd throw the instigators out. This is a stan- dard statement of opponents to the sit-in-and even opponents of fair employment and fair housing acts. It is a result of the fairly wide- spread idea that civil rights improvements in- evitably cause "undue interference with a man's right to do business as he pleases." In a sense, of course, civil rights improve- ments do limit an individual's freedom-as it is limited when the law says you can't commit a murder, operate a bawdy house, or sell liquor without a license. There are certain limitations which must be placed on an indi- vidual's freedom for the sake of the com- munity's welfare. This, in effect, is the thing that must happen in the civil rights area. The militance will continue until everyone realizes-as Sen. Kennedy and Vice-President Richard Nixon now seem to realize-that the Negro is a full citizen, and denying him his rights is morally wrong. Both Presidential candidates have indicated that they are willing to assume responsibility for leadership in this field. This is what America needs. --JAMES SEDER / AT THE STATE: 'Lost World' Lost Cause WITH "The Lost World" coming in sequence with "Raymie, Boy of the Beach" and "Hercules Un- chained," the Messrs. Butterfield have taken- their third strike and are most definitely out. Had we sufficient folly to suggest prizes among the three, there could be no first or second, but only a des- perate struggle for last. The current offering is filled to the brim with lizards masquerad- ing as dinosaurs, stellar starlets reading lines as if they were taken from a telephone directory, man-, eating prehistoric yegetables, and the potent lure of molten lava and diamonds. But never mind, you've seen it all before. The blurb says it's a prehistoric world exactly as it was at the dawn of time. Not quite, Holly- wood. First there was no Jill St. John to mar the scenery and muff the lines, nor was there the emi- nently Latin Fernando Lamas to suffer the tempests of sacred and profane love. Somewhere in the midst of the seamy jungle Miss St. John says "Why did I ever come?" That's what I wondered. -Michael Wentworth - UNDER RUSSIAN SYSTEM: do not seem to have been as suc- cessful as the concept and so we probably cannot hope for any- thing more coherent next fall than a string of popular favorites. "THE CAGE," as four columns of close-set advertising tell us, is not only experimental, but is art.: I'm afraid I didn't much see the connection, and my reaction to Cinema 16's advanced thinking was one of entire depression. I watched as long as I could- somewhere after he ate the paint. sandwich and pulled out his glass eye-but the agonizing contriv- ance of the whole thing made it easier to sleep until the feature came on. * * * UNFORTUNATELY the feature wasn't that much better. I have never been able to find as much in Stanley Kramer's films as I probably should, or perhaps it was just too hot for his somewhat pompous social messages, but they had little of the impact that could be expected of such a dynamic subject. The situation was theatrical in the extreme and oversimplified. Words such as "lowkeyed" "un- assuming," and "brutal" are often used in relation to Mr. Kramer's efforts, and are undoubtedly de- served, although I would perhaps substitute a trio of a somewhat less flattering nature. That he is a step above many of his predecessors cannot be de- nied, nor that his appeals are in- telligent. But that he is also, a little rhetoric, and perhaps a little dull is equally true. In summary we can only point out the high historical and aca- demic importance of these lilms and wish that they. did not eclipse so tediously and so often what we could call, in vulgar terms, their value as pure entertainment. -Michael Wentworth DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ° The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- city of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no di- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form t0 Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced- ing publication. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 28s General Notes Graduate Social Hour: Last meeting of the summer session. Fri., July 2 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the VFW Club, 314 E. Liberty. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night Fri., July 29, 8:30 p.m., Room 2003 An- gelHall. Dr. Alan H. Barrett will speak on "Radio Astronomy." After the lec- ture the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hal will be open for inspection and for telescopic ob- servation of the Moon, Saturn, and Double Star. Children welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. (Continued on Page 3) Science Progresses-Unevenly TODAY AND TOMORROW Nixon as Leader By WALTER LIPPMANN I HAVING SUCCEEDED In appeasing Gov. Rockefeller, the Vice-President has had to deal with his most difficult problem, which is how to get a platform and to persuade the party to take a stand which will give him a chance to win the election. For the Rocke- feller platform and the Rockefeller stand were indubitably the best bet if any Republican can win the Presidency this year. All the polls show that the Republicans are a much smaller party than the Democrats, something like as forty is to sixty. To be elected, Nixon has to be much stronger than his party-if the Gallup poll is right, he has to be even stronger than Eisenhower was in 1956. To come near this he has to be very strong in the big industrial and urbanized states. He needs a platform which in its pledges to deal with public needs is substan- tially the same as the Democratic platform and Gov. Rockefeller's personal platform. THAT THIS IS WHAT he would like to do is shown by a speech he made at St. Louis last month. After scoffing at Rockefeller's "growthmanship," he turned around and es- poused the Rockefeller - Democratic position on public needs. He called for public spending, which he called "investment" in "our public education establishments, in our national transportation system, in the renewal of our run down urban areas, in the development of our natural and human resources, in providing imaginative new leadership for the exciting scientific and technological revolution which will dramatically change the whole character of life in America and the world in our time." This being what Nixon would like to stand for, he has to reckon with the President and his close advisors, on the one hand and with the Congressional Republicans fro the old Re- publican strongholds on the other. We have seen, as I pointed out yesterday, that in his agreement with Rockefeller on defense and public needs, he was very careful indeed to Editorial Staff avoid any departure from the main lines of the Eisenhower economic and fiscal policy. THIS DOES NOT MEAN that as President he would not depart from them. But it does mean that in the campaign he must be care- ful not to say that he has departed from them. This is a serious handicap. For the things that he and Rockefeller would like to do can not be done without a substantial change in the Eisenhower policy. In the writing of the platform the dominant voices appear to be not so much Eisenhower and his immediate advisors, and not Nixon himself, but the Republican Old Guard in Con- gress fortified by an eccentric fringe of re- actionaries who dream of a golden past that never existed and pretend that they are con- servatives. The main preoccupation of the Old Guard Republicans is not to elect Nixon. It is not even tocarry Congress, which they know is impossible. THEIR MAIN PREOCCUPATION is to pre- serve their power in Congress which rests on a coalition with many of the older South- ern Democrats. The bond of their coalition is that the Northern Republicans will help to stall off civil rights measures and that with the Southerners they will both stall off the welfare measures. This is the reason, which is otherwise po- litically inexplicable, why Nixon is having such a hard time to get a civil rights plank on which he can stand in the big Northern states. If, in spite of his handicaps, Nixon man- ages to be elected, he will face the problem of how to govern with a Democratic Congress. Eisenhower has had to do this, and no doubt, the world would not come to an end if Nixon had to do it. But almost certainly it is true that the country would be in for a troubled time. As President in dealing with a Democratic Congress, Nixon would differ from Eisenhower in two main respects. The first, which is ob- vious, is that he is not Eisenhower, that he is not a world figure, that he is not above the party battle, and that he does not inspire in- stinctive popular affection. The second, which is somewhat less obvious, is that in the 'fifties the country was weary of the Pfin. nA -axv4nn .f' the New T I and By MICHAEL OLINICK Daily Staff Writer SCIENTIFICACHIEVEMENT in the Soviet Union is facing the Igreatest crisis in its uneven his- tory now, according to a Rand economist who spoke on "The USSR in the Technological Race" at the University Tuesday. Dr. Hans Haymann character- ized the scientific scene in Russia as two opposing worlds. On one pole is the realm of the "key pro- ject where money and encourage- ment for research are seemingly limitless. Compared to this scene, Haymann labelled the vast bulk of routine scientific investigation as "poorly staffed, inadequately equipped and badly financed." * * * TO UNDERSTAND Russian sci- entific achievement and structure, one must examine the term "tech- nological race" to see how the Russians define it and how sci- ence fits into its execution. Khrushchev clearly views the competition as a horse race, Hay- mann said. "The United States nag is old and tired, yet still in the lead. The strong and swift Soviet steed is closing the gap and will soon win the race to capture the greatest prize in history."n With this in mind, the Rand economist claimed that the Rus- sians now have three primary goals: rapid economic growth, an Imposing military* posture, and political aggrandizement. The ap- plication of science and technol- ogy to these aims is a very con- centrated and direct one. t SINCE THE START of the first of the Five Year Plans, rapid eco- nomic growth has been the funda- mental aim of the Soviet Union. This has been pursued so single- mindedly that "formidable rates" have been achieved. In the newest plan, a seven year prospectus, an even greater urgency for this growth has been stressed. By 1970 the Russians hope to outstrip the West in per capita production. Technology plays a basic role in fulfilling this expectation. The enormous amounts of capital that have been pumped into the Soviet economy are reaching the point of diminishing returns. The popu- lation also suffers from a scarcity of young labor, due to the effects of World War II * * * THE USSR MUST thus concen- trate on improving the equality of present production, rather than adding more factories and power stations. The new slogan from Moscow is "Automation and in- tegration mechanization." In the area of automation, the Russians are quite a bit behind the Americans in a field which, for them, is "largely virgin terri- tory." Encouragement of men in this field is reflected in recent ap- pointments to the Soviet Academy of Sciences, highest honor the Russians can give to their re- searchers. Out of eleven men Russian arms production is "un- paralled in history" and very clearly confuses and baffles our Defense department. "The U-2 is a symptom of our frantic efforts to overcome the imbalance of the situation," Haymann sourly claimed. But we do know that at least two-thirds of the Russian nation- al budget allocated to science is associated with national defense. Many believe the actual figure to be closer to three-fourths. Here, of course, the effort of science is directed to the innovation of newer, more powerful, and more lethal weapons. , * * THE THIRD NATIONAL goal is political aggrandizement. "The Russians have made a determined effort to improve their political appeal and build up national prestige," Haymann said. "Sci- entific achievement serves them well here; too. They have long demonstrated the ability to squeeze out political capital from almost any innovation. Khrush- chev's clever, but somewhat heavy-handed threats about So- viet rockets shifted the defense balance to him." In the underdeveloped and un- committed nations, Russian aid stresses modern scientific symbols: a nuclear research plant or a multi-million dollar cyclotron built in Cairo or Rangoon by the So- viets. They convey the image of Soviet progressiveness and of the improvements to be gained from peaceful research. * */ * THIS IS HOW THE accomplish- ments of Soviet sciences are used to further the establishments of the prime goals of today's Rus- sian Communism. Yet how are the achievements in research gained anddwhat is the story behind the rapid growth of science in the USSR? First, the Russians have been doubly blessed by the past. At the time of the 1917 revolution, the powerful intellectual traditions of the 19th century were still felt. The names of Mendeleyev and Pavlov and men like them had given the nation a respect for the researcher and a heritage of sci- ence. * * * THE SECOND BLESSING is one that stems from backward- ness. Technology was a stunted pygmy in Russia when the Czars were overthrown. The country was so far behind that it was able to make accelerated progress merely by adopting and copying the tried and proven methods of the West and building immediate success out of the Western world's hard- won achievements. "We have often laughed at the Russians for copying us so care- fully, even in the production of their automobiles where they have employed Cadilac-type tail fins," Haymann said. "I think we ought to congratulate them for it. They has been practiced, and this ulti- mately is not good for research. But at least the control and or- ganization are done by the scien- tists themselves and not by politi- cal hacks." * * * RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL sci- ence is perhaps the freest activity in the USSR. Social conditions attract the best people and science is the most desirable profession. "If the Russian scientist lives in a cage," Haymann said, "it's a gilded one and much larger than most Russians have." Political and scientific leaders have bridged the gap separating them much better in the Soviet Union than in the United States. Thescientific literacy and engi- neering sophistication of Russian political leaders establishes an easy intimacy between the realis- tic hard-core administrator and the searching academican. A technical background for gov- ernment leaders is as common in the USSR as a law degree is here. Khrushchev himself displayed such formidable knowledge of turbo-prop and turbo-jet airplane engines that Vice-President Nixon found it very difficult to carry his side of the conversation when the two discussed the subject in Mos- cow last summer. ..THE UNDERSTANDING of sci- ence held by Soviet politicos and the resulting intimacy it estab- lishes with researchers allows the government to give a lot of auth- ority to the scientist himself. The senior designer of a research pro- ject is often given unequivocal authority, especially in a project rated as highly important. He is unhampered by bureaucratic red tape and is aided by large re- search grants. Even such an apparently beau- tiful arrangement has its flaws and shortcomings, of whichthe most serious are being noticed and from which the current crisis has arisen. * * * THE SCARCITY OF first-rate scientific talent and limited re- sources forced the Soviets to pick and choose among many possible lines of research development. These selected projects were given immense help, great achievements were produced. The remaining fields of science -the huge bulk of the unspectac- ular, but important ones-is hard- Tly supported at all. They suf- fer from rigidity, duplication, overcentralization, and lack of communication. Concentration on the part has meant neglect of the whole. Soviet science thus has large gaps where little or no achieve- ments have been forthcoming. Chemical research, especially in biochemistry, is very weak. A group of U.S. scientists who re- cently visited in the USSR report that "not one project of interest" was being worked on in biochem- istry. Medical research, except in +hah ..l ni- hi..d ar- f i -_ pletely unpredictable art, scien- tific discovery. The problem of prediction, the great one facing Russian science, today, is harder for them now. When they were lagging behind the Western nations, scientific areas that promised fast and im- portant developments were fairly easy to recognize. As the USSR pushes out to the borders of known research, choosing profit- able areas on which to concen- trate becomes a process more than tinged with the cold reality of random sampling. THE SOVIETS REALIZE that they are at this point of crisis and they are trying to elevate the general level of all sciences to in- sure success without risking money, time, and top talent on worthless research. Yet they can not maintain the accelerated growth of scientific achievement across the whole realm of research The "somewhere" that does not without losing out somewhere. get probed by the inquiring cre- ativity of an able researcher may result in the extra burst of energy that will send the "tired andold nag" of U.S. democracy across the finish line first, if a Western researcher discovers that "some- where" first. DREW PEARSON- Nixon wants Ike TO Go Back To Work CHICAGO--There's one important request Vice-President Nixon is making, very diplomatically, of Eisenhower: don't go back to chas- ing a ball around the golf course in Rhode Island while the world crisis continues. Nixon is making the request very discreetly through White House aides. He doesn't want to tangle with Ike direct. Nevertheless heI was furious over newspaper headlines reporting that Ike paused only mo- mentarily in his round of golf to get telephone reports on the Congo crisis, the threats to Cuba, the RB-47 incident and other world- shaking events. Nixon felt that the picture of Eisenhower relaxing nonchalantly on the golf course when the Russians had launched the greatest pres- sure drive against the West in history did not sit well with the public and he- sounded off in rather bitter language privately. He also put pressure on White House aides to get the President back to work. * * * THAT'S WHY AFTER the visit to Denver, Eisenhower is expected to fly back to Washington on the evcuse that Congress is coming back to work. Nixon, however, is reported still boiling and if he didn't have to rely on Eisenhower for campaign speeches he'd say something pub- licly about how he expected to be a fulltime working President. To offset criticism, Jim Hagerty stressed the fact that even on the golf course Ike had a secret ser- vice man along with a walkie-. enhower's suite with hand-paint- ed Japanese landscapes. Of all places, Ike wants to be reminded of is Japan whose riots kept him away. , . The same hotel as- signed Vice-President Nixon to the famous "smoke-filled room" where the deal was made in 1920 to make Warren Harding Presi- dent of the United States. When Nixon learned of the room's his- tory, he asked to be transferred. a .. Chicago's WGN-TV scheduled a routine re-run of a "Navy Log" show on the eve of the Republi- can convention, belatedly discov- ered it was the dramatization of Democratic candidate Jack Ken- nedy's wartime heroics. The film was switched at the last minute. GOP National Chairman Thrus, ton Morton had a convention