Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSIrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL Of STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 hen Opinions Are tree Truth WI Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of stag writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. )AY, JULY 28, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS Accelerated' Programs: An Academice Failure 'ACCELERATED" and "enriched" high school programs that were galvanized into existence by the fear generated by Russian Sputniks have not been producing a degree of achievement appreciably higher than former evels. This startling conclusion, disappointing at frst sight to the advocators of homegeneous class grouping, is the result of research on 'The Academic Achievement of Academically ralented Students," a doctoral dissertation ecently finished by a graduate student in the College of Education at the University. The eport indicates that a carefully selected group >f talented secondary school students who all attend the same section of a high school course rill achieve little more as individuals than hey would if each attended sections not iso- .ated from the "slow" learner. FOUR HIGH SCHOOLS are involved in the study. Each is accredited by the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges to have a high level of instruction and facili- bies. The achievement levels of students who had gone through enriched curriculums were :ompared to those of top students who had .to suffer through the course of studies in the same building under the guidance of the same faculty. In only one school was an appreciable dif- ference noted. In this case, the talented stu- :ents were exposed to a high speed mathe- matics course that covered the work of two years in one. Confirmation of the hypothesis that this group would have a higher achieve- ment mark was received at the two per cent level. In a second school, another moderate dif- ference was noted from a group of students in an enriched world history course. Differen- biation was recorded at the five per cent level, but the hypothesis was accepted only frag- mentally, since the test that measured the achievement of the enriched group and the regular was a general social studies examina- bion that did not specifically gauge what was learned in thesingle course. In the other two schools, no difference large mugh to justify the hypothesis was reported. LACK OF PROPER planning is the major cause for the failure of these programs. Most of the teachers were not aware of what to do to "enrich" a course, and those that had some ideas were not given enough time to prepare their ideas. In many cases the in- structor first knew of his homogeneous sec- tion only in September. Faced with the admonition at the beginning of the school year that "Here is a special class. There are special students in it. Do some- thing special," the teachers tried, but were un- successful in inaugurating a beneficial class offering. THE REMEDY NEEDED is obvious. Accel- erated and enriched courses must be plan- ned well in advance of the start of the classes if they are to be fruitful for both the student and the teacher. Faculty and administration must decide what they want to accomplish in these courses: academic achievement, social attitude change, moral growth, or whatever other ends they have in mind. Time and thought are the essentials to solve the problem with successful action. A compe- tent teacher needs some interval between the announcement of objectives and the beginning of classes to gather material and to let his imagination produce ideas. Given a clear set of principles and aims, he should be able to work out a satisfactory means of teaching one of these courses. The instructor ought to work closely with the high school counselor in trans- lating their hopes into the reality of black- board notes, and lectures and discussions. ABOUT 70 PER CENT of the accredited high schools in this area of the country have such accelerated programs and well over 90 per cent of them' feel they are desirable. The intellectual stimulation of the academically gifted is clearly what everyone wants. The secondary schools, however, must re- alize that it will not come by lumping the top ten per cent of the student body into the same room and exposing them to the old level of mediocrity. The awakening of young minds comes from the stimulus of challenging new materials and alert, prepared, and dedicated teachers. It will not come, as high schools are sorrowfully learning, by insulating the gifted from those whose learning pace is slower. --MICHAEL OLINICK LETTER TO THE EDITOR: ...A Catholic, Of ourse.. . To the Editor: TUESDAY EVENING I RECEIVED a telephone'call from a young lady who announced that she was calling as a Studept for Nixon to help me understand how I should vote in the presidential election this fall. She hurried on to proclaim that Mr. Kennedy is, of course, a Catholic. From there, the conversation went something like this: Me: What if I told you I am a Catholic? She: Oh, but we know you are not-and so we know that you would not want a man in the White House who takes his orders from the Pope. And Mr. Nixon is such a loyal, upstand- ing American, a man we can trust, a man who will not be in- fluenced by someone in Rome. Me: How do you know I am not a Catholic? She: Well, we assumed . Me: But you see, I am Catholic. She: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. Me: The point is . But at that point she had hung up. PERHAPS, THROUGH THE PAGES of The Daily, I will be per- mitted to complete a small part of the conversation the young lady so blithely started and so abruptly terminated, in the hope that she will appreciate some of thelharm she is doing, both to her country and to her candidate. Me: The point is that I am Catholic, but Angelican, not Roman. You do offend me, because I believe in the brother- hood of man. And because I, too, am a loyal upstanding Ameri- can who is not influenced by Rome, I can say to you that you are being utterly disloyal to everything American when you at- tempt to use religious prejudice as the main reason, or any reason, for voting for Mr. Nixon. I can find good and sufficient reasons for voting against him. But the fact that I do not ascribe to the form of his religion (Quaker) is not among them. End of conversation. I WENT BACK TO THE REPUBLICAN convention on TV, and as I watched the smiling faces, and listened to the expressions of high purpose and goodwill, I wondered from whence came the inspiration for this campaign so vicious and so early begun . .. even before the name of the man who would not be influenced by Rome had been placed in nomination. -Edmund Wooding Professor of Journalism Women Shine in Pci' Lui "PICNIC," by William Inge, is a 'story about women trying to find love. It is the story about women who are trying to come to terms with certain values in life and learn how to fulfill their roles as women. The play offers many contrast- ing female roles -- Madge, the pretty, but not too bright girl whorapproaches love with her heart, forgetting to worry about security and the future. Opposed to her is a younger sistcr, Millie, who has won a scho- larship to college and is interested in becoming someone, and never falling in love to be hurt as her Imother has been. GOP, DEMOCRATIC: Comparing Party Platforms The old:-maid middle-aged school teacher who lives with the family and eventually convinces a settled businessman in a nearby town to marry her, is perhaps one of the most familiar kinds of characters in the play. Although she puts up a puritanical front and is most shocked by the activ- ities of the young people, she is the most desperate to find a hus- band and she is willing to get down on her knees and beg to be married. S* * THE MOTHER of the two girls, unlike her neighbor, Mrs. Potts, was at one time like her older daughter, but has learned to value security through an unhappy marriage which left her alone. She sees her daughter making her own mistakes and is unable to do anything but watch and try to accept what looks like a sad future for her child. Joan Martin, as Madge, had the appropriate blush in her cheeks and feminine manner for the "prettiest girl in town." Her del- icate character was disturbed in the frequent quarrels with her sister whom she envies because of her talent and promising future. * * * JANET KOSSE, as Millie, quite adequately captured the vicacious, yet uncertain nature of a 16 year- old girl who has brains but lacks the poise and beauty of her older sister. The mother, played by Eliza- beth Spurr, looks upon her older daughter as a beautiful creature who should be able to find hap- piness, and frequently says "poor Millie" because the younger girl is awkward and unattractive to boys. It is Millie, however, who will eventually be the happiest and most successful. Mrs. Spurr portrayed the weary, anxious mother with good timing and pac- ing of her lines. She was espec- ially motherly in her attempted heart-to-heart talk with Madge, when she tried to find out Just what her daughter did when she parked under the bridge with her boy friend. Elizabeth Robertson as Rose- mary Sydney, was perhaps a lit- tie too young and pretty for the school teacher, whd constantly re- minded herself that she was an old maid, but captured the part of a desperate, unfulfilled woman quite accurately. * * * HAL CARTER, the boy who comes to town and convinces Madge that she should follow him when he makes a quick departure, was played by Mark Diskin. It is a little difficult to see how even the none-too. bright Madge is lured away by his questionable .charms. Virile he was, but he was also a pompous unstable charact- er who promised nothing in re- turn for her love. Generally, the Speech Depart- ment production was well timed and well directed. The acting was consistently adequate with no really outstanding. performance. The female parts were predomin- ant and more convincing than those of Hal, who- is just a little too awkward, but improved as the play progressed, and Alan Sey- mour, .the steady- boyfriend play- ed by Robert Wingler. -Charlotte Davis TODAY AND TOMORROW Nixon and Rockefeller BY THE END of last week Nixon wa ened with an open break by Ro [ad it been carried to the floor of the ion, the quarrel might well have hurl ublicans seriously in the election. The question before Nixon was ho ease Rockefeller without getting mt 'ith Eisenhower. In answering this rixon lived up to his reputation as a ionally astute and daring political ope ucceeded in appeasing Rockefeller hough it cost him an angry but pe tatement by Sen. Barry Goldwater, h rouble explaining to the President the ot given away anything essential an ant in the Eisenhower policy. It was a neat performance. For on ral issues Rockefeller is just abou way from Eisenhower as is the De arty. How then did Nixon do it? He greeing with Rockefeller on thinE 'hich there is no disagreement, no, cent between Rockefeller and Eisenh isagreement between the Republicans )emocrats. These undisputed things ims of national policy, that we s rong, that we should meet our publ hat we should do so by producing mor 'here is no argument about any of th s long as they are not described speci The harmony on aims was achieved ng and evading a discussion of the f how to promote the increased prod 'ealth which is to pay for the bigg vents and the school buildings and [ere Nixon was very deft. He avoided: iitment which would be a departure tne of Eisenhower's policies. He made ultment to increase expenditures o cents or on anything else. He allowe eller to quote from a .speech made ii 'hich he said how nice it would 1 chieved a five per cent rate of gro ri the crucial question-whether suc ite of growth is possible, or is even d he Eisenhower policies-the Gover he Vice-President seemed to have sa ig. That is at bottom why they a ell. )N THIS crucial question, which be strongly argued in the camps eal Eisenhower policy is honorable. aps right. But nolitically it is highly By WALTER LIPPMANN s threat- plant capacity. In such a boom prices and ckefeller. wages are certain to rise, especially in those conven- industries, like steel for example, where big t the Re- business corporations and big labor unions have a near-monopoly. As a defense against w to ap- inflation it has been the policy of the Eisen- o trouble hower administration to deflate booms, which question means that the Eisenhower policy does not n excep- desire full employment or the full use of plant rator. He capacity. This means unemployment at an av- and al- erage level of about five per cent and a reduced rfunctory rate of economic growth, and a fairly stable e had no price level. at he had d signifi- THIS EISENHOWER POLICY, which many believe in but no politician running for of- the cen- fice can avow, is challenged by the Democrats. t as far The real issue between Nixon and Kennedy emocratic will not be whether a five per cent rate of in- did it by crease would pay for our public needs. It will gs about be whether this high rate can be achieved with- disagree- out inflation. ower, no If it is to be achieved without inflation, we and the shall be driven inexorably to some kind of pub- are the lic supervision of price and wage agreements hould be and decisions in the big semi-monopolistic in- lie needs, dustries. Rockefeller knows this. That is why e wealth. he advocated compulsory arbitration in the big iese aims strikes. The Democrats know this too. Though fically. they will not ask for compulsory arbitration, by omit- which is unpopular both with labor and with means- business, they will not be able to escape from uction of other forms of controlling price and wage in- er arma- creases. the rest. The Eisenhower policy has been to avoid all any com- forms of government intervention in prices and from the wages except to use the prestige of the Presi- no com- dent to plead with the big corporations and the n arma- big unions to show restraint. This pleading has, d Rocke- not worked too well even in the deflationary n 1958 in climate which the Administration ,has main- be if we tained. wth. But h a high THE GENERAL subject of economic growth, esired, in which is central to almost every other ques- nor and tion of national policy-is a hard one for both lid noth- parties to handle. Nixon cannot stand against greed so the public needs of the 'sixties and he cannot meet these needs without producing more wealg. He cannot say, which is what Eisen- will be hower does, that the public needs must be aign, the skimped in order to deflate the economy it and per- order to avoid inflation. Y, embar- - Trannprfv n +sho nth s h arm o--nma (Continued from Page 1) in efforts to take in the unorgan- ized workers. Promised repeal of authorization for "right-to-work" laws, limitations on the right to strike and to picket peacefully. Would raise minimum wage from present $1 an hour to $1.25 and extend coverage. Education.. *. REPUBLICAN - Promised fed- eral aid in construction of school buildings but rejected proposals for helping to pay teacher sala- ries. Declared primary responsi- bility for education rests on local communities and states. Held broadened federal assistance would threaten local control. DEMOCRATIC--Asserted GOP neglect of educational needs and pledged federal assistance in building classrooms and in paying teachers. Said local communities and states have borne as much of the cost of education as they are able, hence assistance must come from federal government. Mfedical Care for Aged REPUBLICAN-Promised pro- gram that would provide elderly persons needing it, on a sound fiscal basis and through a contri- butory system, protection against burdensome costs of health care. Aged would have option of carry- ing private health insurance. For the aged unable to pay, federal government would make grants to states to help finance state pro- grams. DEMOCRATIC-Pledged medi- cal care benefits for the aged fi- nanced under the social security system. Rejected and proposal which would require the aged to submit to a means test to de- termine eligibility for federal aid. Government Finance REPUBLICAN - Promised ef- forts to make federal government live within its means by reducing unessential expenditures and pledged to work for reduction of national debt. Would resist ef- forts to weaken ability of federal reserve system to control money and credit for the purpose of combatting both inflation and de- flation. Predicted national defense needs will continue to make enormous demands upon public revenues. ' DEMOCRATIC -Rejected the. notion that nation cannot afford to meet welfare and related needs DA=LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Miohigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced- ing publication. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 278 of its people at home and in its world relationships. Expressed be- lief such needs can be met-ex- cept in periods or recession or na- tional emergency-with a bal- anced budget, with no increase in tax rates. Promised, however, to seek additional taxes should pres- ent levies prove inadequate. Housing .. REPUBLICAN-Pledged contin- ued efforts to provide economic climate designed to encourage pri- vate enterprise to build more homes. Would support programs designed to assist flow of mort- gage credit into private housing, with emphasis on homes for mid- dle and lower income families. DEMOCRATIC-Would aide home building industry construct two million homes a year for middle and low-income families by offering federal credit at low interest rates repayable over long periods and with reduced down payments. Claimed high-interest polities of Eisenhower administra- tion has retarded building and perpetuated slums. Immigration .. . REPUBLICAN - Would double annual number of immigrants and revise obsolete immigration laws. DEMOCRATIC - Promised ad- justment of immigration laws and policies to eliminate discrimina- tion and to enable members of scattered families abroad to be reunited with relatives already here., Civil Rights,. . . REPUBLICAN-Pledged full use of power, resources and leader- ship of the federal government to eliminate discrimination in voting, employment, schools, hous- ing and public facilities, based on race, color, religion or national origin. Rejected proposals that schools be given three years to lay down desegregation plans. Re- affirmed right to peaceful as- sembly to protest discrimination in private business establish- ments.-a D E MO C R A T I C -- Likewise pledged full use of federal powers and leadership to end discrimina- tion in voting, housing, schools, employment and transportation. Would give schools three years to lay down plans for starting de- segregation and establish a fed- eral employment practices com- mission to secure racial equality for employment. Declared peace- ful demonstrations for civil rights are a signal for nation to make good in this field. Science, Technology . REPUBLICAN-Pledged main- tenance of nation's leadership in every field of science and tech- nology, earthbound as well as spatial. DEMOCRATIC - Charged Re- publican administration has been incredibly blind to prospects of space exploration, and promised to forge ahead to hit the moon before the Soviets. BIG SHOWS CLOSE: Parties Try- -Too Hard - T Sark Conventions By ARTHUR EDSON Associated Press Correspondent CHICAGO-This Republican convention has trudged on long enough now to compare it with the Democratic show two weeks ago, and lines up like this: The Democrats were a little duller than expected, for that grand fight to stop Sen. John F. Kennedy petered out without anyone laying a glove on him. epublicans, who neN n anticipated Lh have struggled h So in Los Angeles] "This Can't Be Happenin to Me" 4I# pt ver expected any fuss, have been a little ard to keep things moving. Maybe a little Democrats kept hammering away about how these are the times that de- mand political greatness, where- upon we would get a chance to see a Hollywood star, And, the Republicans, about to present the soon-to-retire Presi- dent of the United States, had a lady whose voice was high and whose neckline was low, sing: "After You've Glone." IT'S THE PRESIDENT who has been the real show stopper so far. This had its ironic touch. For in their resentment against Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Repub- licans, with Democratic help, pushed through the constitutional amendment that bars a President from more than two terms in of- fice. If the reception given Eisen- hower here is any guide, he could go on getting re-elected forever. Naturally .the key 'figure all week has been the heir apparent, Vice-President Richard M. Nixon. Nixon has promised he 'will be the hardest working candidate in history, and his start here indi- cates he will live up to it * * * HIE SHAKES HANDS constant- ly,' talks to delegates constantly. There's a limit to what any man has to say that is fresh. Listening to Nixon talk, talk, talk, it's ob- vious he can do little but repeat himself. Worse, as he himself once said, when he becomes tired, he has trouble winding. up an answer, andlike anyone else in such con- ditions, has a tendency to ramble. t. r-.. ' L