ACCELERATION FAILS YI L Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom 4aii FAIR, WARM High-SB Low-63. Seattered thundershowers, mlittle change in temperature tomorrow. See Page 2 .... VOL. LXX, No. 28S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 28,1960 FIVE CENTS FOUR PA4 I I I A Pension Program Stable Veep Names Possibilities By MICHAEL BURNS Social security measures have or Ti ket come a long way since their first passage 25 years ago, but there is still need for periodic review and Lodge, Morton, Judd, changes in the program, former Ae n Hed L Secretary of Health, Education Anderson ea ist and Welfare Marion B. Folsom B The Associated Pres said here yesterday. The sixth speaker in the socio- CHICAGO--Republicans surg- economic lectures series, he chose ed in hard-won harmony intof as his topic "Economic Change their national convention arena and Old Age Retirement." last night for the climatic mo-v In 1930 only eleven states had ment of nominating Richard M. 3~ public assistance laws in operation g Nixon as their man to lead a to help the aged, and federal aid itrembling, turbulent world. f was extreme* limited. Most elder- Nixon stood out alone, with' ly persons had to look to their nothing more than a token chal- family and to charity for help. lenge of his Presidential nomina-; Exhausted Funds tio apeartin. But the depression of the 1930' Dead certain of his own futureg exhausted welfare funds and the with the party, the Vice President named four men as frontrunners ' government saw the need for social for nomination second place n1':-- legislation, which resulted in an his ticket, although he said other advisory council being appointed meswoldket considerein ar . to suenewould beeconsideredcinsa -Daily-Alan Windersi survey the area of public as- midnight huddle with GOP chief- SOCIAL SECURITY-Former Secretary of Health, Education and srograms tans. progams.The four front runners are: Welfare Marion Folsom chats with Prof. William Haber of the Today 85 per cent of persons H r Cront Lode, United economics department, after Folsom spoke on "Economic Change reaching 65 are covered under old States Ambassador to the United and Old Age and Retirement." age 'benefits and others are co- Nations and a hard bargainer RICHARD MILHOUS NIXON Nered under civil servant benefits. with Communist Russia. ... Republican candidate for President T{-Private pension plans have come Sen. Thruston B. Morton of' into the picture to supplement Kentucky, chairman of the Re- 'INTERNAL MATTER'- Hsocial security and have provided publican national committee. I ER many benefits unavailable other- Rep. Walter H. Judd of Minne- Earl of Home Named wise... sot, a former medical missionaryaegiltinelead Despite all the social legislation n the Orient who rsed the con- ( **' *and programs for old age, it still vention with its keynote speech ig a s T l N Ha o 011S 110 O isup to the individual to plan for last Monday. §J dant retirement, Folsom said. ert B. Anderson, one-time Texas S LONDhisMfuture andiatusefuloandMpleas-aSecretarypofitheFTreasurycRob- LbneyestrdONyan-dimeMiniseocriaroldamilaln soears Voicednrancher, one-time Democrat who BRUSSELS 0P)-Belgian authorities told Dag Hammarskjold cabinet yesterday and in defiance of critics named a lord as foreign When the social security pro- went over to the Republicans and yesterday the United Nations should keep its hands off Katanga and minister. gram was originated, many fears Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952,Bd The opposition Laborites planned to introduce a censure motion were expressed concerning its op- Whoever ets the final nod, theet Brussels and Leopoldville decide the future of Belgian treaty today. eration. It was said that the legis- choice will be Nixon's, for a man The 14th Earl of Home (pronounced Hume), a 57-year-old soft- lation would weaken the economy to stanjl beside him in what he Premier Gaston Eyskens announced these points in a news con- spoken 8cot, took over from Selwyn Lloyd in the major shake-up. and destroy initiative; that the says will be one of the closest, ference after the UN Secretary General wound up a six-hour visit to The last peer to be foreign secretary was Lord Halifax, who served benefits would get out of line and hardest election battles of the Brussels and headed south aboard a Dutch airliner for a firsthand fall of their own weight; and that century. look at the troubled young African nation. in the war emergency days of 1940. the program would be too costly to In saying other names would be Eyskens said the problem of Katanga, the rich, secessionist Minit r i157 sw rledf criticism snce acin beamerime Tes r ndmanage.n n considered at last night's meeting, province in which the Belgians have heavy investments, is an internal , Nixon mentioned Secretary of La- matter to be solved among the* -- newspapers joined with the La- iFolsom explained, for all forms of bor James P. Mitchell, Rep. Ger- Congolese themselves, r borites, even before Home's ap- savings have increased and the aId Ford of Michigan, Secretary ""intment was officially announc- general economic system has o n of the Interior Fred Seaton, and No Intervention ed, to argue that: greatly strengthened since 1935. Rep. John Byrnes of Wisconsind. "We request the UN not to 1 .) Britain's foreign secretary Institutional savings, life insur- And he said this was not a I- intervene In the Congo's internal sN o- ,inationi ies to the elected lawmakers of vestments have grown, even con- Sim.Hlarly resjlgian govern- the House of Commons and not to sidering the decreased value of ment told Hammarskjold the tw LITTLE ROCK UP)-Gov. Orval the unrepresentative House of inflationary money. Belgian military bases in the Patricia Stephens, a former stu- E. Faubus went into seclusion yes- Lords. Any other arrangement The social security program is on Counselso do not concern the UN at dent at Florida A&M College who terday to rest from an arduous would be dangerous and undemo- "a very sound basis." and the present. GOPia e "hebass erethre efrehas served time in the Leon campaign which won him an un- crati10-11 billion a year spent on Go0 The bases were there before County jail in that state for par- precedented fourth term nomina- 2.) Home personally has dis- benefits has a stabilizing effect on the Congo became idependentC tion in Tuesday's Democratic Pri- played no special qualities to war- the economy, Folsom emphasized. J1 'Iidle O and the bases are at present ticipating in sit-in protests, will pry-rant selection. The Tory Sunday Fine Job necessary," Eyskens said. "Whether speak on "The Sit-In Movement, Fay.Expes eferred to him as "thisthyavtormi.rntsnt Faubus polled 58 per cent of a xpress r Congress has done a fine job in they have to remain or not, is not North and South,"' at 8 p.m. to-. unkonwn and faceless earl" with CHICAGO, (P) -- President an urgent question. This problem a "weakish chin." f sDwight D. Eisenhower flew off to will be negotiated in the future night at the Ann Arbor Public ponents divided the rest. The liberal News Chronicle of line with wages, he said. The resume his vacation yesterday af- between Belgium and the Congo Library. The governor still must face a said he might "mark a rise from program is self-supporting through ter advising Republican cam- government." Miss Stephens spent 49 days in Republican opponent in the No- the negligible to the mediocre at contributions, has compulsory cov- paigners to take "the great mid- "It is limited in time," he said. prison for sitting-in at the Wool- vember general election, but Ar- the foreign office." erage, benefits are regulated with die road.., ignore the gutters" in EuEnda d worth lunch counter in Tala- kansas has not elected a GOP Macmillan is said to feel Home wages and the program does not the election battle now starting. hassee. She also was a founder of chief of state since reconstruction has shown outstanding personal destroy incentive while decreasing The President - who stands "We told the UN Secretary Gen- the Talahassee branch of the Con- days, qualities in the five years he has dependency. wholeheartedly behind Vice-Pres- eral . . it was not by replacing gress of Racial Equaty (CORE). Returns from 2,245 of 2,353 pre- served as secretary for common- The receipts of the fund have ident Richard M. Nixon to succeed one garrison by another (i.e. re- cincts showed: Faubus 228,352; wealth relations, exceeded the expenditures since its him - was guest of honor at a placement of Belgian troops in She will make an interim report Joe C. Hardin of Grady 63,219; Home in 1938 - journeyed with conception, except for temporary breakfast, where he doled out ad- Leopoldville by UN troops) that of the demonstrations and the Atty. Gen. Bruce Bennett 56,070; Neville Chamberlain as private deficits in the past two years, and vice on how to conduct this cam- security will be maintained, but progress she believes has been H. E. Williams of Walnut Ridge secretary when the late prime the reserve account has approxi- paign. 4 rather by sending UN troops where made through them, and will 29,115, and Hal Millsap, Jr., of minister negotiated the ill-fated mrately $22 billion. The adminis- While counseling the GOP to the security of Europeans remains solicit "continued moral support Siloam Springs 11,709. Munich agreement with Hitler. trative costs have been a very low avoid the gutters and "find the endangered. from all our citizens, according Faubus' victory margin was The outgoing foreign secretary two per cent, he pointed out. broad highway," Eisenhower told "We told him that the mission to a statement released by Mrs. down from 1958 when he won his Selwyn Lloyd, becomes chancellor But the plan still needs changes, the assembled governors, cabinet of our troops-and, when replaced, Emma Wheeler, local NAACP third term campaigning as a of the exchequer. Evidently he such as those recommended by an officers, congressmen and others: th emission of the UN troops-is president. champion of states rights and sees this senior treasury post as a advisory council meeting every "I don't mean walking just a in our understanding to make it The statement also says, "these segregation in the wake of the stepping stone toward the prime four or five years. This council wishwashy path - not at all." possible for men and women of dramatic events have fundamental Little Rock integration crisis. He minister post when Macmillan would be composed, as others in But he said extremists of the any color of skin to walk peace- significance for every American got 68 per cent of the 383,000 votes quits. The former chancellor, the past have been, of leaders right and left in the long run al- fully on Congo streets and to go . . . Like it or not, every Ann in that election. Derick Heathcoat Amory, has re- from industry, labor and econom- ways are defeated when they peacefully to their work and live Arborite has a vital stake in the Faubus ran this year on his tired. ics and of social experts. choose the gutter path. peacefully in their homes." outcome of these demonstrations." Goldwater Turns Support to Nixon Senate Asks Backers To Rally For VP, Preserve Republican Unity CHICAGO (M--The Republican national convention last night handed its Presidential nomination to Richard Milhous Nixon, the 47-year-old Vice-President. The name of Sen. Barry M. Goldwater of Arizona was put before the convention as a rival for the nomination. But Goldwater strode to the rostrum and asked that it be with- drawn. There were cries of "no." But a moment later there was loud applause when Gold- water asked that his supporters vote for Nixon. And still louder handclapping ands ' cheers when Goldwater de- clared there would be "no split in the Republican party." When the roll call began, Ari- zona moved to declare Nixon the nominee by acclamation, but con- vention chairman Charles A. Halleck said the rules required a roll call. It was Nixon all the way until Louisiana was reached. The dele- gates from the Bayous put in 10 for Goldwater. But 16 of the state's votes went to California's Nixon. - It was Nevada, with its 12 votes, which put Nixon past the magic total of 666, a majority. Gov. Paul Fannin of Arizona, who put up the name of Gold- water, said he did so in response to thousands of telegrams de- Imanding this action. Fannin said Goldwater was "the voice of conscience speaking for the conservatives of this nation." Gov. Mark Hatfield of Oregon put Nixon's name before the con- vention as a "fighter for freedom, a worker for peace." From the convention floor, a flock of balloons bearing the leg- end "Nixon for President" went up. Banners waved. A bell rang. A band blared "California, here I come." a a wire across the hall moved atraffic light device built like a Chinese pagoda. It pulled a sign saying "Stop and Think" in red letters and "Go with Nixon" in green. I Absent was the. usual swirling march around the hall. The aisles were too packed. r __ r I C G I ' M, . f E } t }i j a L V a k r a Z 1 1 Rockefeller Pledges Aid To Candidate CHICAGO, P) - Vice-Pres- ident Richard M. Nixon and Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York pledged to work in tandem yesterday for a Republican elec- tion victory in November. "We are with you all the way'," Rockefeller told Nixon at a meet- ing of the New York delegataon to the GOP national convention. Nixon told the New Yorkers ie was going to ask for the loan of their governor, that he wanted Rockefeller to speak in California and ot er stAte rughou $ coming campaign. Any lingering doubt about Nix- on's nomination as the Republi- can candidate was erased Tues- day when the New York delega- tion, on Rockefeller's. motion, unanimously voted to cast its 96 votes for him. Withdrew Threat Up until that time Rockefelle- had kept himself available for a draft - the only real possibility of any threat to Nixon being se- lected as the party's standard bearer. The two party leaders already had mqved closer together after they reached agreement in New York last Friday night on basi foreign and domestic policy posi- tions to be incorporated in the GOP platform. Yesterday, when Nixon came to speak to the New York delegates, Rockefeller stood with his arm around the Vice President and told newsmen that "he's going to win with New York state in the fall." Predicted Win This was Rockefeller's first outright prediction 'that Nixon could, carry the state, with its 45 electoral votes, against Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, the Democratic Presidential nominee, Nixon said New York obviously was a key state and added that, with the kind of campaign Rocke- feller waged in 1958 when he won the governorship, "we can do it again in 1960." Nixon's meeting with New York delegation was behind clos- ed doors, but some of the dele- gates reported later that he said he would campaign as intensively in New York as anyone ever had. Rockefeller told newsmen that every member of the state dele- gation has pledged all-out sup- port of Nixon and "our strong platform." Agreement was reached for, Sen. Jacob K. Javits of New York~ to make one of the speeches for Nixon's nomination. Korea To Pick Government SEOUL, Korea A'P)-Hoarse- voiced candidates for South Ko- rea's new post-revolutin parlia- ment surged down the home stretch yesterday in a tense hut orderly campaign staged against Nomination Postponed CHICAGO (t-The Republi- cans will wait until tomorrow night to nominate their Vice- Presidential candidate. This was the official word late yesterday after some talk that it might take place last night. A statement from the Re- publican National Committee said Chairman Thruston B. Morton will try to call today's session 'to order at 6:30 p.m. CDT "and get out of the way the resolutions complimenting the host city, etc., before 7:05, at which time the nominations for Vice-President will begin." six-year record and appeared con- tent to leave segregation as a cam- paign undertone.. He presented himself more as a rogressive chief executive and less as an ardent states righter. Faubus became a segregationist champion in 1957 when he used national guard troops to block integration at Central High School here. He later closed all high schools against integration. Bolt Readied By MISSISSIppI JACKSON, Miss. (A) - Demo- cratic leaders laid the groundwork REPUBLICAN, DEMOCRATIC OBJECTIVES: Party Platforms Demonstrate Differing Aims By OVID A. MARTIN and ballistic missile and long-range missiles. Party would provide any Associated Press Correspondent necessary increased expenditures to meet new defense situation. CHICAGO-Here's how the Republican and Democratic platforms' DEMOCRATIC-Pledged recasting of nation's military capacity compare plank by plank: to provide forces and weapons of a diversity, balance, and mobility sufficient in quantity and quality to deter both limited and general Foreign Policy---aggressions. Claimed Eisenhower administration has allowed Soviet oREPUBLICAN-Promiseda vigorous, resolute foreign polic- Union to overtake United States in some major military fields, includ- retirement program designed to end overproduction and to raise farm prices at the market place. Would use price supports to widen mar- kets, ease production controls and help achieve increased farm family income. Would expand movement of food abroad under food for peace program and create strategic food reserves for possible national emergency. DEMOCRATIC-Promised to work for full parity of income for farmers through use of production controls, higher price supports than prevail now, production payments, price support loans and pur- chases. Would also expand farm markets by enlarging food for peace programs, creation of strategic reserves at home and abroad and establishment of food stamp plan to help needy at home, Claimed inflexible against every tyrannical encroachment, and mighty in its advance toward our affirmative goals. Those goals include security of the nation, fortification of love of freedom throughout the, world, achievement of a just peace and maintenance of security, freedom and solidarity of the Western hemisphere. Opposed recognition ofj ing missile and space development, for reasons of economy. Promised to strengthen foreign alliances. Economic Growth and Business .. REPUBLICAN-Pledged dependence on free enterprise system,i I I