". . * Now, Let Us Consider The Next Well-Known Candidate -.-" Seventieth Year ___ EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERSITY OF MICHIGAN When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prev- STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, JULY 23, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS U.S. Attitude Belies war' .1 5 y IM I II lt "} Y i1ThI 7 AT THE MICHIGAN: Disney's 'Pollyanna' Gladly Bad". IT WOULD SEEM UNFAIR to attempt a serious criticism of "Polly- anna," the current offering at the Michigan Theatre. The picture i chock full of the expected Disney syrup and cliche against a back ground of 1890 Americana, replete with straw boaters and tandem bicycles. In most cases, there is nothing easier to pan and in mos cases a panning is entirely justified. Eleanor Porter's novel, from which writer-director David Swif has pieced together his screenplay, is custom-fitted Disney material Pollyanna, who has just lost her missionary parents, comes to live wit) Castro's Accomplishments [HE EISENHOWER administration's "hard" line on Cuba is apparently based on the ,upposition that the Castro government is as ad or worse than the old Batista dictatorship. i the official view, Fidel Castro is portrayed as wild-eyed, uncouth fanatic and his govern- ment is pictured as a collection of gun-toting, ushy-faced Reds who spend most of their time onfiscating United States property. In the context of this officially endorsed nage, it is unfortunate that very little infor- nation has been made available to the Ameri- an public on the total effect of the Castro overnment's activities since coming to power. arleton Beals' report in a recent issue of the ration is one of the few accounts of a etailed factual nature on the accomplishments I the Castro government. Beals points out that before Castro's revo- ition 'there were only four public schools in [avana while now there are 57. After an on- hie-spot survey, the Nation's "man in Havana" .oted that Batista police stations are now be- ing turned into schools. Again, Beals reported that the Cuban standard of living has gone up considerably since Batista. was deposed: public housing projects have been created on a" large scale and salaries, except for top government posts, have been increased across the board. IN HIS REPORT, Beals also commented that Cuban agricultural productivity has actually shown a substantial increase since Castro's agrarian reform measures were put into effect. He suggested that Castro's treatment of large American holdings in Cuba was the same as his treatment of large, Cuban-owned enter- prises. In view of Beals' observations, perhaps the United States "hard" line toward Cuba de- serves more careful scrutiny than it has been getting. If the Castro government looks worse to us than the old Batista regime, it may well be our disgrace. --LEWIS COBURN her Aunt Polly (Jane Wyman), a inherited the whole town through Ea string of ancestors. AFTER, BEING briefed b the domestics concerning the ill- hmor of the villagers, Pollyanna promptly goes about the merit- worthy project of making the town happy.' That "Pollyanna" escapes the sticky fate of most endeavors In this vein is in part due to the ef- forts of writer-director Swift who has presented his well-worn situ- ations unpretentiously. Swift has also managed to spike his pablum with a few barbs at small-town provincialism. There is more than one moment of good comedy .ranginghfrom the inns- tentatious to the slapstick and highlighted by the sermon of a histrionic small - town preacher (Karl Malden). Both Malden and Agnes Moore- head a flame-haired hypochon- driac here, have turned in ex- cellent performances in the other- wise bland surroundings of a cast which has earned its pay pain- lessly and without brio: * * * THE MAIN PART of the credit, however, must go to Hayley Mills, the young lady who holds the title role. Miss Mills goes about the traditional mugging dutifully but with a total lack of self-con- sciousness which may well warm the most hardened and sophisti- cated of moviegowers. Mr. Swift has been fortunate enough to center his picture on one of the most enjoyable per- formances by a child actor to appear in a long time. Miss Mills not only carries the whole effort, she makes it likable. --Earnest Jones wealthy young spinstress who has INTERPRETING: Congo Goes Wes t By J. M. .ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst WESTERN private enterprise and the United Nations appear to have erased Soviet Russia from the Congo picture. Russia had already taken her place within the United Nations picture instead of outside it when Premier Lumumba announced the Congo had signed a big deal with an international development com- pany, headed by an American, to get going on power and mining de- velopments. Then the Congolese leader hopped a plane for America with the promoter of the Congo Inter- national Management Corp. to seek additional economic, techni- cal and medical aid in the United States and Canada. . * * * HIS ORIGINAL intention for the trip, to demand immediate evacuation of Belgian troops, had been forestalled during Thursday night by the United Nations reso- lution asking Belgium for speedy withdrawal. Lumumba could ex- pect the council to go no further. This resolution, merely asking for greater speed in Belgium's ob- servance of a July 14 resolution, was agreed to by Soviet Russia after it became obvious she was getting nowhere with her own insistence on immediate withdraw- al and her threat of military in- tervention. Lumumba's attitude had been unstable from day to day in a viously thought he could play off Russia against the West. S OTHERS SEE IT: Iowa Changes ROTC OVERTHREW MENDERES: Student Views Turkish Riots IN THESE SUMMER months, the issues that were important during the last regular school year seem very remote, but Tuesday one spring semester topic of discussion crept back into the limelight. That topic was compulsory ROTC and the merits and shortcomings of such a program. Last May, a proposal endorsing voluntary rather than compulsory participation in ROTC at SUI (State University of Iowa) was put beforethe Student Council here. The main reason cited for the action was that ROTC took up study time that might be better used on more academic courses. The proposal was referred to a committee for study, and the Student Council hoped to make further progress on the issue when school opened this coming fall. Now the SUI ROTC Department has taken action that may change somewhat the Stu- dent Council's action. It was announced Thurs- day that one-third of the previously purely "military" hours spent by students in the course will be replaced by purely academic subjects. Students taking Army ROTC will have one MAX LERNER inW'-m PaternaliM I T HE LONG overdrawn accounts of humanity in Africa are finally being presented for settlement. That the settlement should be demanded most dramatically in the case of the Belgian Congo is one of those ironies of history which are constantly hitting us in the face these days. The fact is, every student of Africa knows the Belgian rule in the Congo and the adjoin- ing Ruanda-Urundi has in the past half- century (since the death of the execrated Leopold at 88) been one of the few instances of decent, enlightened, and progressive colonial administration in Africa. Yet it is in the Congo ithat the departing whites have been subjected to the worst personal humiliations and out- rages, and it is in the Congo that the structure of self-government has most miserably broken down. How does one explain this? Part of the ex- planation lies in the backwardness of the Congolese social structure, and the continuing pattern of tribal feuds and hatreds which are now transferred to the whites. But mostly the fault lies with the idea which was at the core of Belgian rule. It was the idea that one people can treat another people like children and then except them to behave like adults. The Belgians built clean and modern fac- tories for the Congolese, and fine hospitals and clinics, and neat white houses for them to live in. But until three years ago they allowed them no part in governing themselves. And the little colony of Belgian administrators kept aloof from the 13 million natives. "They live as far away from us," said one Congolese, "as if they inhabited the planet Sirius." They knew them only as servants and workers. They regarded the Congolese people as wards to be cared for, with kindness and of course with profits for their trouble. They ran a decent, germ-proof, antiseptic paternal operation, bringing all the modern improvements into the Jungle. They came to grief because even with the best of intentions paternalism is not enough. N 1956 I spent several weeks in the Congo, long enough to get the feel of the place, too short for any real study of it. I saw the Pigmy villages in the heart of the rain-forest, was caked with the dust of the long parched stretches, saw the factories and the new hous- hour of military subjects throughout the fresh- man and sophomore years, in addition to one hour of drill. Those in AIr Force ROTC will take no Air Force subjects during one semester of the year. THIS WILL MEAN that in the first two years of Army and Air Force ROTC participation the student will have 30 hours that he can de- vote to general academic rather than military subjects. Both departments should be congratulated on their moves. It shows a conscious desire to construct an acceptable and realistic pro- gram. Whether or not it will satisfy those crit- ics of the program is another question. Cer- tainly the argument of study time taken up is lessened somewhat, but the program is still on a compulsory and not voluntary basis. At any rate one can say it is a step in the direction wanted and wait until next fall to see what further action the Student Council will take. --THE DAILY IOWAN akf fires Belgians for education and training, to develop into a native elite. As the chosen ones, they were presumably also the safe ones from the Belgian viewpoint, yet they expressed discon- tent with the slow progress of freedom. The other was when a young Belgian official told me bitterly that the leaders of the big busi- ness corporation which ran and controlled the Congo were too smug about their accomplish- ments and too stuck in their ways to know what was happening in the minds of the Congolese. He turned out to be a better prophet than I had anticipated. Leaders Were developing among the Congolese who were determined to get freedom, The All-African People's Confer- ence, at Accra in Ghana in 1959, was the turning-point. Immediately after it the Leo- poldville riots broke out. Nothing the Belgians could do from that point could prevent their being ousted from the Congo and the setting up of a native republic. The dream of freedom seemed to have been fulfilled in the heart of Africa. BUT HAS IT? The Congolese got their inde- pendence from Belgium, but they did not achieve freedom. This is the weakness of the dream of freedom: if a people does not have along with it a capacity for self-government and a trained democratic elite to carry it out, the dream of freedom becomes a nightmare. By treating the Congolese as children the Belgians kept an administrative corps from developing there as it has developed in the British colonial areas. The result has been the breakdown of the new government, the foolish move of the Congolese in ousting the Belgian army officers without whom the army was a cipher. the beating of the Europeans which gave the Belgians their impulse and excuse to reoccupy the Congo. There is another way of putting it, which I owe to Peter Pitner's exciting new book, "The Death of Africa" (Macmillan, 1960). The Bel- gians brought modern industry to the Congo, and the new industries brought urbanization. The old tribal villages were broken up, and with them the old social controls. The new cities were built, but they have not developed a new set of social controls such as our own big cities have. In the crisis of liberation and By NORMA SUE WOLFE Special to The Daily IERSIN, Turkey - Students at the University of Istanbul re- cently set off a chain of events which effected a complete change in this country's governmental structure And in the nucleus of the group was dark-haired, soft-spoken Sel- ma Merzeci, a 19-year-old student from Mersin, in southern Turkey. "It all began on Wednesday, April 27, when the late govern- ment made a new law," Miss Mer- zeci recalled. "According to that law, the guards were given power to come and arrest a person for just sitting and thinking. "This is not a democracy, you know," she said, "although it started so. On Thursday nearly 5,000 students gathered in the garden of the University of Istan- bul." SOME STUDENTS stepped out of the crowd and began to lead the rest in singing the Turkish na- tional march. The march was the favorite song of Ataturk, the pop- ular first president of the state, she explained. "Then they suddenly appeared -I mean the police on horses. I think they guessed we were going to gather. There is a law in Tur- key that police cannot come into the yardpof the university on horseback," Miss Merzeci contin- ued. "But they came. I could even see them riding through the rooms of the university." The police, whom the students later found were only men hired by the government to disperse the crowd, first warned them to go home. Then they drew their pis- tols * * * "THOSE POLICE did not un- derstand we had no harmful pur- pose in being there," she said. "We had only gathered to sing songs and walk through the streets informing the people about the law." But the fight began, and the weaponless students faced a force of armed, mounted government mercenaries. "We had no weapons because it was a peaceful gathering, so the girls took off their high-heeled shoes and began to use them," Miss Merzeci said. "The boys threw stones and used their cig- arettes to burn the horses. It was so cruel. We were all of the same nationality, but the police didn't realize this. "Besides their pistols, they used gas bombs," she added. "And when the bombs cleared, you couldn't see any bodies because they were removed to cover the horrible crime." FINALLY the army came to the rescue of the students and sent them home. "On that first day when the riot began, no one believed us be- cause they did not understand the last government and its methods," the psychology student explained. "Then the people began to under- stand matters-that the country was really in a very bad position." At 9 a.m. Saturday, students gathered again at the university. At first, there were only three- tied. The number grew to about 4,000, she estimated. "At first I was in the middle, but then I looked around and saw many behind me. Then we began to walk," she related, "and on that day the people to understand us. Clerks from the buildings threw us flags." The crowd shouted "Resign Menderes" (prime minister) and "Murder Menderes." "We wanted to have the bodies of our dead friends, freedom, and liberty," Miss Merzeci asserted. A ?rge portrait of Ataturk was thrown down, an sne carried it at the head of the crowd. * S * 'THEN WE were all shouting and suddenly I saw some officers in front of me who wanted to make us stop. We did, of course, because we had decided that not going against the officers would be the only thing to help us," she added. "Just at that moment, I saw one of the officer take his bayonnet and put it to my stomach, saying, 'Even if you were my mother, I would kill you.' "Since the officers must snap to attention when they hear our march, we started singing," she recalled with a smile. Miss Mer- zeci was saved from almost cer- tain death, but she did not retreat into the crowd. "I GAVE the portrait to one of my friends, went to the captain of the officers, took his shoulders and began to shake him. I don't think you could say I was brave- just angry," she continued, "but I grabbed him and cried, 'How can you shoot your own brothers and sisters?'" There were tears in the cap- tain's eyes, she remembered. He said simply, "Yes, it is true," and then took his soldiers away. The students then marched to the hospital for their friends' bodies, but all had been disposed of. It is impossible to estimate how many students were killed in the riot, Miss Merzeci said, be- cause only five bodies were found. * * * "DURING this time Menderes was talking to us every day, warn- ing people we shouldn't be afraid and act against him, his people and his country," she added. "He said Sunday "was a warning day, but if this kind of action con- tinued, he would really shoot, and kill us all." A NATO conference was to be held in Istanbul that Monday. By Sunday, a crowd had gathered in front of the conference building." "Our purpose was to show people from outside the country what was happening," she explained. FOR THEIR actions against the government, students were sent home and the university closed. On May 27, one month later, the riot begun by the students cul- minated in the army's overthrow of the government. "A provisional government still goes on and we are very happy," Miss Merzeci said. "The journal- g DAIL OFFICIAL I Rockefeller, Kennedy t * # -+ CHICAGO-There's striking sim- ilarity between the political doctrines of Sen. John F. Ken- nedy and Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. This is not going to evoke hosan- nahs from old guard Republicans or help Rocky toward being draft- ed. But it would help him pull millions of votes away from the Democrats in the November show- down. If you read the magnificent ac- ceptance speech delivered by Ken- nedy in Los Angeles and the brist- ling manifesto issued by Rocke- feller when he challenged Nixon last June, you might think you were reading the same man. * * * BOTH TALK OF THE future, not the past. Both warn of our lag- ging defenses, of national com- placency, make no promise of tax cuts, put sacrifice ahead of per- sonal security. Rockefeller pro- poses essentially the Forand bill for medical help to the aged which Eisenhower has threatened to veto. Kennedy has come out for a similar plan. Here is a comparison of what the two men said: Regording Nixon, Rockefeller said, "I find it unreasonable that the leading Republic candidate has firmly insisted upon making known his program and his poli- cies not before but only after nomination by his party. . . . we cannot . . , march to meet the future with a banner aloft whose only emblem is a question mark." Kennedy had this to say about Nixon: "The Republican nominee to be is a young man. But his ap- proach is as old as McKinley. His party is the party of the past. His speeches are generalities from Poor Richard's Almanac." Rockefeller-"We face . . . A problem either to be resolved by strong action or to be evaded by strong slogans." K e n n e d y-"Young men are coming to power . . . who can cast off the old slogans and delusions and suspicions." ROCKEFELLER-"A new per- iod now begins. It summons new men. New problems to mend, new ideas, new actions. We cannot and we must not confuse taking pride in the past with taking measure of the future." Kennedy- "We stand today on the edge of a new frontier-the frontier of the 1960's-the, fron- tier of the unknown opportunities and perils-the frontier of un- fulfilled hopes and threats. "Today our concern must be with the future. For the world is changing. The old era is ending, 'Mnld w avewllntA,1 ' and subsidies ever high. But , . . our ends will not be won by rhet- oric and we can have faith in the future only if we have faith in ourselves." Rockefeller - "What-and who -is this future? It is a host of men and nations, problems and forces, to be ignored or evaded only at deadly peril to our own nation's life and freedom. It is nuclear power either to better lives and to defend peoples-or serving to shatter nations and shake the planet. It is the rise of new nations across the earth, either to learn and to enjoy the ways of freedom-or to suffer and serve the ways of tyranny. It is a giant technological revolution changing the lives of all men for better or for worse, as it is disci- plined and directed." Kennedy-"The new frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises-it is a set of challenges. It sums up not what I intend to offer the American people, but what I intend to ask of them. It appeals to their pride, not their pocketbook-it holds out the promise of more sacriflice instead of more security." THE PREMIER'S enthusiasm about the development deal, how- ever, and his mention of other offers of economic help, make it appear that he has decided where his bread and butter lies. First inquiries in New York fail- ed to produce much information on L. E. Detwiler, the American promoter of the development deal, who was accmpanying Lumumba to America. All that was known about it came from Lumumba. The Premier, however, accom- panied his announcement of the deal with an apparent acceptance of the United Nations position and comment that Russian troops would not be needed. The deal has had its political effect, regardless of how it turns out financially. Lumumba even had a few kind words to say for the Belgians. He obviously felt that his boat had reached calmer waters-and they were Western waters. He may have taken some heart from the Security Council's re- minder that the Congo had been admitted to the United Nations as a unit, which read like a slap at secessionists within the coun- try. But secessionism remained a -cause for nightmares during his American visit. ists were taken from prisons, new laws were made, and now new elections will be held soon." Miss Merzeci, who has studied English eight years, hopes to go to the United States in two years on a Fulbright scholarship. A psy-, chology major, she plans to work in an American hospital and then return to practice in Istanbul. DREW PEARSON: To The EItor_______ To the Editor: MISS GOLDEN'S editorial of yesterday contained an interesting expression of thought which is held by a great many people, par- ticularly Americans: "We intuitively know that peace can ultimately come only through disarmament but we can't trust those dirty Rus- sians." Our own unwillingness to develop mutual trust should be quite apparent after the notorious U-2 plane incident and the subsequent self-righteous rationalizations from the Eisenhower administration after the summit collapse. A serious{ was in stating: "The core of non- violent resistance is disarmament, which makes the opponent an open bully, an uncivilized beast attack- ing dignified human beings." DISARMAMENT, at its best, is but a means to achieving an end. It is but one point-the weightiest, to be sure-in a series of steps leading to a lasting development toward world conflict resolution. Economic steps have to be taken simultaneously to insure sound conditions both at home and abroad. Conditions of unrest have to be eliminated in the bud. Population control, health and sanitation measures, famine and agriculture control, and illiteracy elimination have to be closely stndid and acted unAn All nf error which the editorial contained lent resistance must rest on an ideological basis-that basis being love for another man, regardless' of hisfattitudes. For this intan- gible, yet, nonetheless, realistic foundation comes a way of life. In a nation which teaches its young men to hate its adversaries, uses 75 per cent of its budget for wars, tells its citizens that the only laternative to radioactive fall- out is to build modern versions of the old-fashioned storm cellar, it is indeed a wonder that Southern sit-in students would even recog- nize the concept of non-violent solution to grave social problems. We live, obviously, in an era of revolution. Imagination and will- ingness to try different ways of rnninar with cnnflict hpenm m nra