"I Want To Protect You" - Seventieth Year -'. EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrrY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Are Free' UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. GOP CONVENTION: Viewers' Complaints Alter Republican Pl1ani By GEOFFREY GOULD Associated Press Correspondent CHICAGO--A Republican convention official said yesterday the pa has received an avalanche of mail from TV viewers complain: about the way the Democrats staged their convention in Los Angel "They have indicted the insincere nominations of favorite son said Jaren L. Jones, vice-chairman of the GOP arrangements comm JULY 22, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN SPENCER Disarmament Dangerous Until Trust Is Established HE FEDERATION of American Scientists has announced its support of arms control. id eventual disarmament with the comment at our country is unquestionably in favor of sarmament "in principle." The American public, while desiring dis- mament as a means to peace, fears the arms ntrol proposals which have been suggested y both the United States and Russia because uncertainty that such plans would be carried it in good faith. An interesting contrast is provided by the Forem~ost WE HAVE a friend who's an expert. He is, further, the world's foremost. Foremost, that is, on practically everything. Take men's fashions. He's the one who predicted, just this summer, that the Ed- wardian and Italian styles were on the way out, and people would return to the bold look of the immediate post war period-I forget which war that was, at the moment. He was especially specific in stating that colonial cut Madras jackets and blazers would not be worn. He was right, too; they're not. It's too warm. My friend is wise in the ways of the campus. He's the one who advised our reviewer that everybody likes constructive criticism, so go ahead and report the fact that acoustics in East Hall are just about equal to the acoustics in Echo Canyon, especially when one is seated close to the orchestra. He's the one, too, who is urging us to send an embryo reporter to cover the Board of Trustees meetings, and lobby for student parking space at Ballantine Hall. But our friend has just scored his greatest coup to date. He'll go down in history as the man who predicted that Lyndon Johnson would never step down as Senate majority leader just to take a Vice-Presidential nomination. -INDIANA DAILY STUDENT "faith" involved in civil disobedience cam- paigns, examples of which are found both in India and in our own southern states. It takes a strong person to participate in a civil dis- obedience campaign, for he must subject him- self to physical abuse without attempting to retaliate. It takes a kind of faith. THE CORE of non-violent resistance is dis- armament, which makes the opponent an open bully, an uncivilized beast attacking dig- nified human beings. This spectacle sways the emotions of onlookers, who in traditional fash- ion will favor the underdog. Its second effect is to sway those of its opponents who are human enough not to react as uncivilized bullies, and who therefore give in to the demands of the unarmed, non-violent campaigners. If the United States accepts an arms con- trol or total disarmament program there is a strong possibility that we will be placed un- wittingly in the position of non-violent re- sistors: the only contenders without arms. But the opponents in this situation are cer- tainly not going to give in to the demands of the disarmed, and they have demonstrated several times that the label of bully doesn't hinder their actions. MOREOVER, the stakes in this issue are much too high for either side to risk trusting the other. To accept disarmament at this time would take far more faith than the American public can muster. Without the backing of the' public on such a vital issue, the government, as an organ directly responsible to its elec- torate, should not attempt the program. The trust required for disarmament cannot be cultivated either at a conference table or after the program is enacted. It must exist be- fore any plan to disarm or control arms is signed, and certainly before a single weapon is destroyed. --PAT GOLDEN tee. "They were violently opposed objected, trenuously to staged demonstrations and lack of atten- tion and attendance by the dele- gates." The Republicans, Jones said, plan to put on a streamlined, busi- ness-like convention in which the length of speeches and demon- strations will be strictly limited." * . . "OUR APPROACH .. . was to put on a better show," Jones said. But he added that original plans to mix -in a large amount of show business entertainment to liven the proceedings has been more or less scrapped. "I am convinced that the people are not interested in anything but what goes on in that hall," Jones said. He said the entire conven- tion, with two sessions on Monday and evening sessions on the next three nights, will cover about 16 or 17 hours. He said the Demo- cratic convention took about twice that much total time. The Republicans, of course, are aided in their efforts to keep things short by the fact that there is in effect just one actual candi- date for the Presidential nomina- tion-Vice-President Richard M. Nixon. Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York has said he would accept a draft of the convention,' but doesn't expect one to materi- alize. However, it is almost certain that Rockefeller's name will be placed in nomination unless he Ivetoes the idea. "WE ARE NOT GOING to have umpteen-hundred demonstra- tions," Jones told a news confer- ence. "We are limiting demonstra- tions to candidates. The Demo- crats had demonstrations for the keynoter, for the permanent chairman, and for that group of governors who got on just for the purpose of impressing the home- folks. "The Democrats had too much show, too much talk, too much lack of attention, too much rig- ging." Jones explained that a closed circuit television system will bring the convention proceedings into a TV lounge set up by the Young Republicans organization outside the international amphitheater. He said persons who come to the TV lounge to watch will be a rotating basis depending on how taken inside the amphitheater on many empty seats are available. 410 0 940 -r)-W 04..i 4411,1 drCael rNO..Vr- o to long seconding speeches. They CINEMA GUILD: Kane Probing FEW MOVIES probe deep into the psychologoy of a character and leave the viewer with the feel- ing that he has seen something more than a mess of melodramatic perversions (as one could see in "Suddenly Last Summer") - or with a sense of compassion with- out feeling that the easily reached sentimental layers of reaction have been dredged. "Citizen Kane" is one of these movies. Like the recent "Wild Strawberries," it explores a man, more alone than most. But unlike "Wild Strawberries," it does not come to an easy end. "Here's a toast to love; on my terms," said Kane at the depar- ture of his only friend. "These are the only terms there are; your own." And Kane saluted an atti- tude that prevented him from ever loving another. He carried t his attitude with him his whole life, except perhaps at the end. He applied it to his newspapers and to his electioneer- ing. Though it never brought him the love he sought, it brought him dazzling material success. AT HIS DEATH, he mutters a meaningless word, "rosebud," which prompts a magazine editor to examine Kane's life in hopes of finding a scoop. He eventually finds an understanding of Kane by interviewing those close to him, and at the last refuses to reveal the meaning of the word strangely uttered on Kane's deathbed. He does not learn the precise origin of the term, though the audience does. He has intruded far enough. The photographic technique is given an attention unrealized ,in American films today. One is forced to agree with critic Dwight Mac- Donald that since "Citizen Kane," producers have been content to photograph a stage play. One scene fades into another with un- usual skill and the whole main- tains remarkable continuity. Many of the effects would norm- ally be unduly melodramatic, but not in this picture. Neither do the characters bedome melodramatic, even Kane when he becomes ab- surdly eccentric and withdrawn. RELIGION IN SCHOOLS: Constitutionality Questioned TODAY AND TOMORROW yThe Congo and the UN By WAL.TER LIPPMAN ANYONE WHO THINKS that the United Nations is a mere talking machine and of not much practical use should take a good look at the situation in the Congo. He will find that situation is very bad and that the future of the Congo Republic is sure to be full of great trouble. But he will also find that without the UN, as it is now administered with the genius of Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, the situation would be worse than very bad. It would be desperate and hopeless. Above all it would be a very great danger to the peace of Africa and it could well be a danger to the peace of the world. THE CONGO is a very large and a very rich and a very primitive country. Suddenly and with almost no notice it was granted inde- pendence. There had been no serious prepara- tion for self-government. There is no educated native governing class. There is no native civil service, there are no native technicians and administrators for the big industrial enterprises which have come under the legal authority of the Congolese government. The suddenness with which independence was granted, and al- most total lack of preparation of the natives for self-government, precipitated the crisis in which the authority of the government col- lapsed. The European population, which is in serious danger, will probably have to be in the main evacuated. The Congo has fallen apart and is faced with civil war. In the imperialist days of the nineteenth :entury such a collapse of authority would have meant intervention by the great powers. They would have moved in not only to restore order but, also to partition the country into spheres of influence. In the Congo the im- nediately interested powers are Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Portugal. But as the world is today these powers could not intervene without the USSR and the U.S. each taking a hand as well. This would in the present state of world opinion be intolerable. There exists then a vacuum of authority in one of the richest and largest and most tempt- ng under-developed territories in the world. T'he Congolese government cannot now main- ;ain order. and it will be a long time before t has learned how to administer the country. Or the other hand, the great powers cannot now fill the vacuum of authority without a seri- ous danger of conflict among themselves and without affronting opinion throughout the world. IN THIS SITUATION the United Nations would have to be invented if it did not al- ready exist. Those who read, as every serious student of international affairs should, the report of the Secretary General to the Security Council will find there, in the veiled language of diplomacy, a fascinating and inspiring story. It is the story of how an international force is being created to meet the situation in the Congo. A lot has been said about how there ought to be at the disposal of the United Na- tions an international force. But Mr. Ham- marskjold's report shows that he is not raising an international force as such and theoretically for all occasions, but a specialized force tailored exactly with tact and ingenuity to the situa- tion in the Congo. The force is being drawn primarily from the independent African states, from those not too much involved in international disputes. It is being drawn also from states that are neutral or at least not active belligerents in the cold war. The force is going to the Congo at the request of the Congolese government and it is instructed to regard that government as the "host."' Its objective is to restore order, enabling the Europeans to stay on with safety or to leave, and thus making it unnecessary for the Belgian troops to remain. With the force will come relief to which we and the Russians and others who are send- ing no troops will contribute supplies. The UN force in the Congo will, if the emergency passes, become the means of supplying the Congolese government with the technical aid it so sorely needs. IS UNITED NATIONS enterprise is the most sophisticated experiment in interna- tional cooperation ever attempted. Among all that is so sad and so mean and so sour in world politics, it is heartening to think that something so good and so pure in its purpose is possible. No one can say that the experiment will succeed. But there is no doubt that it deserves to succeed. Quietly and unobtrusively all the influence of all the governments should be exerted in Leopoldville and in Brussels and elsewhere to help make it succeed. BVIOUSLY, the United Nations cannot suc- ceed if the Soviet Union accepts the invita- tion of Prime Minister Lumumba to inter- vene. But it is hard to see what the Soviet. government would have to gain by opening up a direct conflict, not with the United States By FRED STEINGOLD Daily Staff Writer DOES the Constitution prohibit a public school from conduct- ing daily Bible-reading or other religious practices? The United States Supreme Court has never squarely answered this perplexing question but it may do so soon. The problem may come before the high court from either or both of two sources: (1) The recent decision of a special federal court that a Pen- nsylania statute requiring at least ten verses of the Bible to be read at the beginning of each school day is unconstitutional. (2) A legal fight shaping up in Miami over a similar statutory provision and other religious ob- servances. S* * " STATE COURTS WHICH have considered the contention that Bible-reading in the public schools violates the separation of church DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent In TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced- ing publication. FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 23 General Notices Astronomy Department visitors' night. Fri., July 22, 8:30 p.m, Room 2003 An. gell Hall. Dr. Kenneth Yoss. Mt. Holy- oke College, will speak on "The Dis- tances to Stars." After the lecture the Student Observatory on the fifth floor, Angell Hall will be open for inspection and observation of Jupiter. Saturn, Double Star, and Hercules cluster. Chil- dren welcomed but must be accompan- ied by adults. August teacher's certificate can d. dates: All requirements for the teach- er's certificate must be completed by Aug. 1. These requirements Include the teacher's oath, the health statement, and the Bureau of Appointments ma- terial. The oath should be taken as soon as possible in room 1439 UES. The office is open from 8-12 and 1:30 to 4:30. The Speech Dept. Colloquium with Dr. Miriam Pals, of Johns Hopkins Hospital, previously announced for Tues., July 26, has been cancelled. Graduate Social Hour: July 22 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the VFW Club, 314 E. Liberty. Student Recital Cancelled: Joel Ber- man, violinist, has cancelled his re- cital for Fri., July22, at 4:15 p.m. In Rackham Assembly Hall. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Andreas Koutsoudas, Linguistics; thesis: "Verb Morphology of Modern Greek: A De- scriptive Analysis," Fri., July 22, 1409 Mason Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, 0. L. Chavarria-Agular. Doctoral Examination for Allan Hir- sch, Conservation; thesis: "Water Pol- lution Control in New Zealand: An Aspect of Environmental Conserva- tion." Fri. July 22. 108 Museums An- and state have reached conflicting opinions. A majority of the state decisions hold that Bible-reading is not constitutionally objection- able, particularly if objecting or dissenting students are excused from participation. The Bible, according to these state courts, is not a sectarian book and reading it in class is not religious instruction. Such deci- sions are usually earlier In date than those holding Bible-reading unconstitutional. * * * THEY WERE written long be- fore the 1949 United States Su- preme Court decision which laid down the general rule that neither a state nor the federal govern- ment can aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Those state courts which hold that Bible-reading does violate the Constitution reason that the Bible is by its nature sectarian and that reading it in school coerces the consciences of those who do not accept it as authoritative. This was much the same line of reasoning followed by the special three - judge federal court last September. In that case the parents of a high school boy - both boy and parents were Unitarians - com- plained that a Pennsylvania sta- tute which provides for daily read- ing of ten verses of the Bible by teachers or students is unconsti- tutional. THE PARENTS also complained that reading the ten verses in con- junction with the practice of re- citing in unison the Lord's Prayer violates the Constitution. The school board, which was the defendant in the case, argued that reading the Bible without comment does not infringe upon religious freedom and that it is a substantial aid in developing the minds and morals of school chil- dren. The federal court decided that the practice of reading the Bible and reciting the Lord's Prayer vidlates the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. Judge Biggs said: "The daily reading of the Bible buttressed with the authority of the State and, more importantly to children, backed with the au- thority of their teachers, can hardly do less than inculcate or promote the inculcation of various religious doctrines in childish minds. Thus, the practice required by the statute amounts to religious instruction, or a promotion of re- ligious education." * * * THE SCHOOL board plans to appeal the decision to the United States Supreme Court so perhaps a definitive answer to this difficult legal problem may be forthcom- ing. The more recent Miami litiga- Sermons tion could also provide a test case for the Supreme Court. There, the plaintiff's case is being directed by Leo Pfeffer, associate general counsel of the American Jewish Congress, and appears to have more than merely local support. Florida, like Pennsylvania, has a law which provides for daily readings from the Bible. The Florida law goes even further and provides'in the statute itself for recitation of the Lord's Prayer. In addition, the Florida schools spon- sor ceremonies in observance of religious holidays, * * * - THE MIAMI school board last June passed a resolution provid- ing that a child whose parents ob- jected to any religious observ- ances in the schools might be ex- cused from the observances. Apparently, this was an at- tempt to dilute the impact of the argument that the religion pro- gram involves coercion. The plain- tiffs will undoubtedly insist that coercion still exists because chil- dren will hesitate to become con- spicuous through their absence from the ceremonies. A decade has passed since the Supreme Court last considered the relationship between religion and the public schools. At that time, the burning issues were whether a state could provide free trans- portation to parochial school stu- dents and whether religious in- struction could be given on a "re- leased time" basis, The 'issue of racial segregation in the public schools dominated the Court's attention during the interim years but the religious question may once again come to the forefront. I --Thomas Brien AT THE STATE: 'Hercules Unchained' UnleashesNeThil ITALIAN FILM vendors have once again unleashed the Frank Merriwell of the classical world in "Hercules Unchained." Those who saw the first of this series of sex-and-sand spectaculars, probably thought Hercules should have been chained forever, but he's back on the screen doing Just as many feats of strength as ever, and even kills two tigers instead of the usual one. The muscular mastadon, Steve Reeves, recreates his immortal role as the strongest mortal on earth. His wife, Sylva Koscina, also returns. Sylvia Lopez, as the nympho queen Omphole, portrays one of the tough- est barriers to Hercules' mission to save his city of Thebes and the honor of his wife, Iole. Reeves, with his bulging muscles, is backed by a cast I '1 AT NORTHLAND: 'Goodbye' Sets Of f Randall's CmcTln THE AUDIENCE at Northland Playhouse was treated to a nice bit of nonsense Tuesday night. Titled "Goodbye Again," it starred that master of nonsense,. Tony Randall. From first glimpse of the bleary-eyed, sleep-befogged hero to last glimpse of him, diabolically leering, leaping into the arms of his secretary, Randall is the epitome of the professional comedian. A very able cast assists him and sometimes comes close to out- grimacing him. Especially good was the second act scene-stealing done by John Astin who should be an outraged husband, but can only complain that despite a large wedding, a Buick in the garage and an electric rotisserie, something is missing in his marriage. * * S S THE SOMETHING MISSING is his wife, who during the bulk of the play is busy throwing herself into Randall's arms. It seems the hero, a celebrated author, was once a "great and good" friend of hers and now-after six years-she wants him to forgive her for deserting him (he can't even remember her name) and be friends again. Throw in a husband all too eager to be "reasonable and fair-minded" about the situation, relatives anxious to avoid scan- dal, a secretary who is more than a "pal" to the young author and chaos reigns. Chaos, skillfully handled, is just what "Goodbye Again" is. Randall's old bag of tricks is clearly in evidence, much to the audience's delight-the stiffly nodded head, the puzzled look, the rapid switch from imperious demand, to childish simper, and a very good sense of timing and shading. * * * * of Italians almost equally endowed and adept at pectoral expansion. The same could be said of the scantily-clad, female contingent, also. alsoe THE ACTING performances are as one would expect. The film is Italian with the words dubbed in, sometimes done well and at other points, poorly. The theme song, Evening Star, sung by June Valli, does not sound like a winner, either. The palace and cave scenes are striking in color, although the viewer is aware they are film sets. Sports fans will recognize Primo Carnera, ex - heavyweight boxing champ and wrestler, as a bad giant. Camera's acting ability has not changed any since he left the ring and his role calls for no more than an occasional line and sev- eral groans. The Oedipus myth is woven in- to the plot of the screenplay. The conflict between Polynices and Eteocles provides the object of Hercules' labors at reconciliation. He is, however, prevented by the charms of lovely. Omphale from stopping their double-death in a duel. THE PLOT, although slightly different from the last picture, still had the same events-a little boring due to their repetition-. In Editorial Staff KATHLEEN MOCRE. Editor ICHAEL BURNS .,............Night Editor NDREW HAWLEY ..................... Night Editor ICHAEL OLINICK ................Sports Co-Editor :SAN JONES.....................Snorts Co-Editor