"Has There Been Any Pressure on You, Governor?" Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevair" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBoR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff wrters or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, JULY 21, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW HAWLEY Latent Religious Bigotry Stifla Potent Force I -j t t Y - 4 AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: 'As You Like It' Spirited Cmd ANN ARBOR'S ever-Lchanging first lady, Lydia Mendelssohn, is this week a multi-colored Forest of Arden peopled with royalty and rustics, philosophers and fools, lords and lovers-all in the speech de- partnient's production of "As You Like It." But all is not so light and gay in the way Shakespeare intended. For real enjoyment of "As You Like It" demands an attentiveness to the spoken word hard to find among theatre audiences these days, and, realizing this, director William P. Halstead has added a few uncon- ventional sight gags, made some cuts, and allowed some of the players to, reshape their characters into persons quite un-English. RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY, a problem around the world since men can remember, seems far from disappearing, even-or especially-in the United States. A circuit court in Miami is currently hear- ing two suits testing the constitutionality of a Florida state law requiring daily Bible read- ings in the public sclools. One of the snits also seeks a ruling outlawing all school relig- ious observances, including celebrations of Christmas, Easter and the Jewish feast of Hanukah. A rash of new anti-semitic incidents, evoca- tive of the latest World War, disturb European and American cities, especially West Germany, where a neo-Nazi-movement is reported gain- ing popularity. American politicians and other citizens strain to neutralize or ignore anti-Catholic sentiment as the Presidential election cam- paign intensifies. "Religion," both parties de- clare, "is not an issue;" but the men on the street often nods in agreement that "a Cath- olic will never win." RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY has changed, though. It has undergone approximately the same transformation as movements or sentiments supporting the advance of Communism. It has, in general, gone underground. Seldom, nowadays, will a man voluntarily stand up in public and denounce the Jews, the Catholics, or whatever' his personal prejudice touches. Such behavior has, in this century, become socially unacceptable, just as Commu- nist sympathy is politically dangerous. This is at the same time reassuring and frightening. It would seem to be heartening, for an opinion is usually hidden when it is thought unpopular, or not held by the powerful majority. And a minority attitude is simply less effective than a popular one. But on the other hand, secret prejudices are harder to fight than public professions of them, because they are harder to discover, and because they are usually more strongly de- fended. The modern-day bigot knows he has lost the support of political sanction and public opin- ion. Therefore he is defensive about his views. He cannot think rationally and dispassionately about them, but, like a dog backed into a corner, he merely defends himself desperately against all attackers. E CAUSES LEADING to an apparent less- ening of sharp religious differences are, of course, too complicated to be easily grasped or explained. But one might advance the no- tion that most of these causes are of a prag- matic nature; that is, it has been found un- profitable and inconvenient to conduct social and business intercourses on the basis of re- ligious differences. This hypothetical motiva- tion differs meaningfully from one based on intellectual and conscientious conclusion, care- fully arrived at. For instance: The Associated Press reports that Dayton (Tenn.) "plans to cash in" on the Scopes Monkey Trial as it did 35 years ago with John T. Scopes in his first visit since 1925. The concept of "cashing in" on this im- portant historical landmark in the constant struggle for intelligent religious tolerance, like that of selling tickets to Gettysburg or Gethse- mane, is not in itself ominous, though it may seem frivolous. But it symbolizes the deceptive quality of what some have confidently called the country's "new attitude toward religion." In short, men such as the principal of the Miami high school in question, who insists he has ordered a guard against "sectarianism" in his school, are probably acting in the interests of an orderly schoolroom, or an orderly com- munity, rather than in response to conscien- tious conviction. Such a foundation for sound religious think- ing in this country may turn out to be mostly sand at a time when we are least prepared to deal with a sudden outbreak of anti-religious feeling in one form or another. Increasing international and national tensions remind one of stories of anti-German and anti-Jap- anese action, both official and popular, within the last 20 years, -ANDREW HAWLEY TODAY AND TOMORROW: A Positive Cuban Policy Thus Anne Gee (as Rosalind) in voice, movement and manner,z American college women than English maidens, albeit of royal birth. Similarly, David Burr (as Touchstone) may not know the place of a fool, even in forest so- ciety, but everyone else should. MORE IMPORTANT, the cast in general does not have the com- mand of the language it could have. Touchstone, the fool or clown, relies on verbal points and thrusts, while Burr is more con- cerned with inflecting and pitch- ing sound rather than sense. As Orlando, Marlowe Tieg, too, has difficulty showing that he really understands all he has to say; like the rest of the cast, he makes up for it by giving a spirited performance never at a loss for movement and bounce. Most successful of all is Howard Green (as Jaques), who, though perhaps not so melancholy as he might be, is nevertheless well in command of a role that could easily be less effective by half in other hands. Homer Story is a wise and mellowed Duke. As rustics, Joan Martin, Eliza- beth Robertson, George Bedard, LeVern Stillwell and James Young provide many amusing moments. Duke Frederick, played by Harvey Poirier, has difficulty making him- self understood. In other character roles, Russell Brown is a loud but competent Oliver, George Bedard is an amus- ing yet harmless fop, and Tieg and David Bortman stage a rather exciting wrestling match. * * * A STORY of love in the woods concluding with no less than four weddings, "As You Like It" is spiced with melancholy and song- indeed, the songs are among Shakespeare's finest. Norman Bradley, as Amiens, does most of the singing, but in a deep, muted voice that swallows the words. The final "It was a lover, and his lass" receives the most spirited treatment, from the cast at large. Paul Miller's mu- sical direction is also somewhat effective. The drapery that serves as scenic decoration is much too heavy for the play and, in spite of its mobility, helps only to weigh down the action. Still more ob- jectionable, some will say, are the animated trees and bushes-par- ticularly when they draw atten- tion away from what is being said. If not always in the best in- terests of Shakespeare, this sum- mer's "As You Like It" is a spirit- ed production certainly in keep- ing with the current annual "Bar- gain Days" circus atmosphere. --Vernon Nahrgang and Sherry, Lewin (as Celia) seem, much more like two man-hunting OFFICIAL The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility, Notice should be sent in TYPgWRITTE]Vform to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced- ing publication. THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 228 General Notices French Film: "Le Plaisir," a film ad- aptation of three stories by Guy de Maupassant starring Jean Gabin and Danielle Darrieux will be shown on Thurs., July 21 at 7 p.m. In the Multi- Purpose Room, Undergraduate Library. Tonight: 8:00 p.m.hLydia Mendelssohn Theatre, William Shakespeare's "As You Like ;it." Tickets available at box office 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. for this produc- tion and productions of "Picnic," by William Inge (July 27-30) and of "Don Giovanni," by Mozart (Aug. 3-6). Astronomy Department visitors' night. Fri., July 22, 8:30 p.m., Room 2003 An- gell Hall. Dr. Kenneth Yoss, Mt. Holy- oke College, will speak on "The bis- tances to Stars." After the lecture the Student Observatory on the fifth floor, Angell Hall will be open for inspection and observation of Jupiter, Saturn, Double Star, and Hercules cluster. Chil- dren welcomed but must be accompan- ied by adults. Classical Studies Coffee Hour: Thurs., July 21, West Conference Room, Rack- ham Building, 4 p.m. All students and friends of the Classics are cordially in- vited. Concerts Summer Session Banw: The Uni- versity of Michigan Summer Session Band and All State High School Wind Percussion Ensemble will present a combined outdoor concert on Thurs., July 21, at 7:15 p.m. on the Diagonal near Haven Hall. Included on the pro- gram will be solos performed by James Douglas, trumpet, and Donald Sinta, saxophone. Ouen to the public., Student Recital postponed: The re- cital scheduled by Donald Sandford, violist, for Thurs., July 21, at 4:15.p.m. in Rackham Assembly Hall has been postponed until Aug. 5, at 4:15 p.m. Placement Notices City of Grand Rapids, Mich. Person- nel administrator and manager. Grad in public admin.,, or business admin.. engineering, psych or statistics. Experi- ence inl personnel work, University of North Carolina, Wo- man's College, Greensboro. Asistant Di- rector, Food Service, woman, top su- pervisory experience required. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 4021 Admin. Bldg., ext. 3371. 36CBan3 hmc.ar MAX LE RMER= Smartness- or Wisdom By WALTER LIPPMANN CUBA IS AN immediate case where the national interest requires a basic understanding between Administration and Sen. Kennedy. Our greatest danger is that we may allow ourselves to be pro- voked by the tirades and the in- trigues and the confiscations of Castro and by the propaganda of the Soviet Union, provoked into acts of reprisal and intervention. Ml own view is that Mr. K. is hoping to provoke us to intervene, believing with good reason that this, like the British-French in- tervention against Nasser at Suez, would arouse Latin and world opinion against us. Refusing to be provoked is, of course, not in itself a policy. But it is the essential preliminary to a policy. For if we intervene, we shall turn what is a difficult prob- lem of dealing with Castro into a general diplomatic disaster throughout the hemisphere. It will be easier to refuse to be pro- voked if the Democratic candi- date support the refusal. * * * TO WORK OUT a possitive policy is not easy. For Castro's revolution, unlike the Mexican revolution some forty years ago, is taking place in an era when so much of the world is ruled by the powerful revolutionary govern- ments of Russia and China, when in so many countries in Asia and in Africa there are revolutions very much like the Cuban revolu- tion. For the United States the prob- lem is how to deal with a revolu- tionary movement which cannot be isolated inside the island of Cuba. In forming a policy we shall have to face hard disagreeable facts. The first is that we no longer have, as we had earlier in this century, the power to inter- vene whenever and wherever our interests were affected. Since the second World War ended, we have surrendered this unilateral power to the collective power of the other American states. The second fact is that while the American states agreed at Caracas in 1954 to oppose "the domination or control of the polit- ical institutions of any American state by the international Com- munist movement," all that these governments are pledged to do is to "call a consultative meeting to consider the adoption of meas- ures." This means that we cannot be sure that the other American states will agree that Castro's Cuba is a Soviet satellite. * * * THE FACT IS that the pros- pects are poor of our being able to rally the American states for ac- tion against Castro. These states fear our intervention, which has NEW YORK-For weeks I have been drown- ing in a sea of talk about srnart politics and smart politicians, and so have you. Let's make an end of it. Most of the political smartness I have witnessed has usually out- smarted itself in the end. In the governing and self-governing of men, smartness is a terribly transitory thing. It is wisdom that counts. Take the spisode of the intelligence liaison between the Administration and the new can- didates, which turned into a contest of smart- ness on both sides. After the Johnson nomi- nation Kennedy was so anxious to appease the liberals that he couldn't wait for the Eisen- hower offer to be made formally. Jumping the gun, he picked Stevenson and Bowles as his liaison with the CIA briefers. Hagerty (with Nixon doubtless behind him) was also terribly smart, seeing no reason why Eisenhower should help Kennedy in the hotbox his convention smartness had created, and turned his face stonily against any liaison men. Outcome: no hits, no runs, no assists. But Kennedy's problem is still there: what to do about the millions of Democrats and in- dependents for whom Stevenson was a symbol and Kennedy is not. The politicians who had written Stevenson off beforehand (including Stevenson himself) were not so terribly smart after all. My experience is that the political pros are the last men in the world to known what the seething, if silent, forces are in a convention, just as they are the last to know what are the fears and tumults in the human heart. Like all journeymen technicians, they only know how to count, weigh, and balance, but they are dumb about intangibles. There isn't one of them to whom I would tip my hat when it comes to intangibles, yet is always on intangibles that elections-like battles and wars-are won and lost. A LL THIS IS BY WAY of introduction to the assembling of the Republican clans at Chicago. Nixon has for years been hailed as the kleagle of the clan of smart politicians, long before Kennedy came to join him in that role. When Nelson Rockefeller made a bid for recog- Editorial Staff KATHLEEN MOORE, Editor MICHAEL BURNS ......................Night Editor ANDREW HAWLEY................... Night Editor nition as a Republican candidate, in his swing across the continent, Nixon and Leonard Hall had him smothered in a blanket of hostility in every state in which he turned up. The Democrats had a host of Presidential catndidates, even if only one was dominant. The Nixon forces didn't dare let Rockefeller's campaign even reach the convention floor, with some equal chance to make a fight of it. From Nixon's standpoint this made sense. From the standpoint of the Republican Party and its political fortunes it may prove disas- trous. The Democrats have left themselves wide open and vulnerable to the right kind of Re- publican attack. But it should be clear to any detached observer that Nixon, with all his political smartness, will be the wrong man to exploit these weaknesses. THE NOMINATION OF Kennedy and the acceptance of the most liberal platform the Democrats have ever framed sets the problem for the Republicans: how can they get a candi- date and platform which can meet this chal- lenge and make inroads into the labor, liberal, and Negro voting groups which are normally Democratic? The Democratic choice of John- son for second place, and the disgruntlement of the Stevenson wing of the party, give the Republicans an opening to exploit. Kennedy's youth gives them another opening. I wonder whether the Republican strategy group, made up of their smartest politicians, knows these rather obvious facts. Do they know that Rockefeller, in his persistent and continuous advocacy of a fighting liberal plat- form, is the only Republican who could nullify the impact of the Democratic platform? Do they know that those who consider Ken- nedy too young would scarcely be set afire by Nixon on this score, but would feel confidence in Rockefeller's maturity? Do they know finally that the current Castro crisis, involving our relations with the whole of Latin America, deeply involves Nixon in the Administration's failures, but that Rockefeller's wide and deep knowledge of Latin America would win him support? SUPPOSE IT IS foolish and futile even to ask these questions. The answer to all of them is that whether the Republican strate- gists know these facts or not, their minds are made up and will not change. Long ago they decided that Nixon was their man-that he is a smart politician, that he knows how to handle himself in the clinches, that they can happened so many times, more than they fear Russia's interven- tion, which as yet is only talk. Our American neighbors will think long and hard before they take any action which could be con- strued as a collective Latin Ameri- can license for intervention by the United States. It follows that we shall have to live with the Cuban revolution, just as Britain has had to live with the revolutions in Egypt and Iraq. When the old order changes, when, the. old. preferences and privileges are thrown down, there is no future in the support of counter-revolution. Indeed, the more we allow our- selves to be jockeyed into the po- sition of being a great counter- revolutionary power, the more will sympathy with Castro grow in this hemisphere, and along with it a willingness to do business with the Russians in order to check and balance us. * * * IF THESE ARE the things we cannot do, what, if anything, is there that we can do? At bottom everything depends, I would say, on whether we can make friends with the intellectual leaders of the American states, and through them with the masses who follow them. That friendship cannot, we may be sure, be bought. It cannot be bought however desirable and necessary it is that we do much more to see that the development of Latin America is adequately financed. The friendship of our neighbors can be had when they feel that there is equality between them and us. But what can produce this sense of equality? We cannot soon be equally rich, or equally strong, or equally influential in the world. The sense of equality which can breed friendship will come when we dispel the notion that our neighbors are underde- veloped and struggling while we are developed and are a virtually perfected model of a free society. If this country becomes again the scene of a movement to im- prove and reform and develop it- self, we shall again win friends abroad and influence them. It is no accident but the very nature of human affairs that in the times when we have been most liked and respected abroad, as under the two Roosevelts and Wilson, we were the least smug about our own affairs and the least satisfied with ourselves. (c) 1960 New York Herald Tribune, Inc. INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Russia's Congo Offer Keeps Pot Boiling By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE SOVIET UNION cannot possibly believe that she will advance the cause of peace in Af- rica and stability in the Congo by putting troops in there unilateral- ly alongside the duly designated forces of the United Nations. Her encouragement of elements which are trying to throw out the Belgains, therefore, must be as- sessed as a deliberate effort to keep the plot boiling in the hope that neo-Communism can be en- couraged. The United States had first of- fer of an opportunity to send troops unilaterally, but quickly declined. Once in, she would have' been immediately presented with the dilemma of trying to choose sides in an inchoate situation where there are many sides, and where civil con/ict in a wholly primitive political setting is a long-term prospect, * * * THE UNITED NATIONS quick- ly recognized that it was best to keep the big powers out, and to get Belgium out, The only stabil- izing power which could expect to be accepted by any considerable number of Congolese factions was anti-colonial power. drawal once his troops have estab- lished security in the country. The Congolese, those who can read, are far away in both history and space from the Russian-oc- cupied countries where similar promises were made. (The Congolese minister of in- formation told an American re- porter he had qualified himself for the job, before independence, with a correspondence course in journalism - which p r o b a bly makes him one of the best quali- fied of Congolese officials.) So far, the odds seem to be that Russia is using a stirrer rather than a pistol, If she isn't, then other people will have to pick up pistols too. -Daily-Alan Winder AT THE CAMPUS: Rub-A13ubb, ~Three Men in a Tub' political affairs to promise with- "1J1REE MEN In A Boat" leads off a program that is com- posed of pure fluff, spiced in the second offering with a little, un- fortunately very little, philosophy in "The Captain From Koepenik." result is a fluffy' souffle a l'an- glaise that never, well hardly ever, reaches the American horror of the Three Stooges. * * * LAURENCE HARVEY, the only familiar person in the film, has great philosophical didn't. Or at least not7 * * * content. I that much. THE MAJOR premise seems to be that the uniform is the man. This is fine and true, and they say it at least seven times., Tn Tm .nr4 nl '12 r1-n if. CPnC' NOT REALLY funny, but warm, poignant human comedy. This is even worse. The French can do it, even Laurence Harvey does it, and it keeps that lemon sting that is its one salvation, But the Germans make it all beer and pretzels, and fis nr 'frnl it falh, hbetween the