£ idyigau Baitg Seventieth Year - EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrrY OF MICHIGAN 'hen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DREW PEARSON: Convention Bitterness May Block Congress LOS ANGELES-A most important question to watch as an after- math of the Democratic conclave here is whether the current back- stage bitterness will affect the stack of unpassed bills waiting in the legislative hopper back in Washington. The minimum wage bill, medical aid to the aged, a billion-dollar bill for schools and teachers' salaries all await passage. And. the two key men who can control their passage are the gentlemen from Texas who were unmercifully whipped in almost every move made at this convention. Speaker Sam Rayburn, behind-the-scenes campaign manager for Lyndon Johnson, is 78 years old and has been in Congress 47 years. He s VESDAY, JULY 20, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS Congolese Upheaval Teaches West Lesson STRIFE in the Congo Republic is sending thousands, both white and Negro, to Europe and neighboring African countries seeking asy- lum from the bloody anarchy sweeping the new country under the guise of nationalism. Like many African colonies, the Belgian Congo long hungered for independence and insisted upon this status. Belgium, seeing the results of suppression in South Africa, released the colony with its blessings. But the independence ceremonies forewarned of future tension and unrest in the new state.. Premier Patrice Lumumba, in his speech at the ceremonies, sharply criticized the Belgian government for withholding freedom from the Congo for so long. The Belgian representatives kept a straight face and did not refer to Lumumba's remarks in their addresses. Earlier, a native strike had secured the elected of Joseph Kasavubu as president. THEN OPEN rebellion swept the African fledgling state. Troops mutinied. States seceded. Chaos ruled in the absence -of order which the Belgians had maintained. Lumumba and his cabinet were not able to control the troops who pillaged, tortured and raped white and Negro alike in a senseless quest for control of the country, pay increases and ouster of 1,000 Belgian officers. Katanga broke away from the Congo and formed a new government which is now at- tempting to join Kivu and Kasai provinces to its independent state. The Belgian government has announced it will give aid to the seceding units, but has reserved official recognition until the picture of the Congo's future becomes clearer. Congo Republica has withdrawn recog- nition from Belgium. Congo wants Belgian forces withdrawn im- mediately and resents the arrival of the United Nations peace brigade. Lumumba has threat- ened to call in Russian troops if the Belgian paratroopers do not abandon the country hastily. Also, the Congolese leader has warned the UN that he will call on "Bandung Treaty" members for aid in suppressing the violence if forces are not sent and the Belgians ousted. The "Bandung Treaty members" are partici- pants in the Communist Bandung Conference, in which Indonesia signed no treaty. The statement, however, refers to Red Chinese troops entering the country. WHETHER LUMUMBA carries out his threat or not, the situation he has caused in the country is of shocking proportions. Others in this immature republic have added to the fire, and the countermovements against Lumumba have arisen. Perhaps this is not the best time for reflection and speculation as to what would have been the best course when Belgium still had control of the Belgian Congo, The demands of immature colonies for inde- pendence have prove nto be more powerful than common sense. The Congo was evidently not ready for independence and when they received it, the country erupted with confusion, violence and anarchy. Nations holding colonies should examine the Congo situation thoroughly to see what happens when a new nation is given its powers of statehood before it is ready to accept and execute the responsibilities inherent in those powers. Colonial powers should be firm and not yield to the demands for freedom which lead to chaos and enslavement by lead- ers unschooled in the arts of governing. THE WAVE of nationalism is strong and there is an undeniable tendency on the part of the West to push for freedom and self- government for all. The threat of Communist charges of "imperialism" has forced countries to release control of colonies which their better sense tells them is dangerous. The West should not and must not be frightened into a position of granting inde- pendence to every country where self-seeking demagogues are spreading the germ of nation- alism. Communists will seize upon any policy which the West makes to provide propaganda. The West must realize that the standards of responsibility and maturity in granting self- government do not change with a shift in political propaganda winds. For the result may be more dangerous than keeping a dis- gruntled populace under control until the proper time, as other inexperienced colonies attempt to join in the Congo line. -MICHAEL BURNS was whipped by a young upstart campaign manager for Senator Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, who has never even run for office. SENATOR JOHNSON IS 52 years old, has been in national politics, either elective or appoin- tive, for 25 years and has ruled the Senate for 10 years. He was outmaneuvered at every turn by a young senator from Massachu- setts who has been in public life only 14 years. Rayburn and Johnson are proud men. They are also sensitive. Underneath their smiles and af- fable handshakes lurk blazing tempers. Will they go back to Washington to pass the legislation that will enhance the chances of the two young brothers who rub-' bed their political noses in the dirt? In public statements they will. They will clasp hands and vow unity. But public pronouncements and legislative production are two different things especially when some of the key legislation faces bitter Republican opposition and probable White House veto. There's another factor which few people know about. George Meany, powerful AFL-CIO presi- dent, undercut Johnson in the backstage huddles in the hotel rooms of Los Angeles. In Wash- ington, Johnson had worked close- ly with Meany in regard to the labor legislation. Meany's Capitol Hill lobbyist, Andy Biemiller, was in and out of Johnson's office like a shuttlecock during the Land- rum-Griffin labor bill fight. But the AFL-CIO secretly threw its weight against Johnson in Los Angeles even for the job of Vice- President. Just three weeks from now op- erations resume in Washington. The two bills the AFL-CIO wants passed most are minimum wages and medical aid'for the aged. Johnson and Rayburn will largely control the fate of these bills. * * * DESPITE PRESIDENT Eisen- hower's action in slashing Cuban sugar imports for this year by 700 000 tons, the -best-informed American sources in Havana do not believe that Fidel Castro's re- gime faces any major economic crisis in the near future. The chief reasons are: Castro has bolstered his financial posi- tion considerably by increasing both gold-and-dollar reserves and over-all Cuban exports; his trade missions have drummed up new customers for Cuban sugar all .over the world. As of mid-June, Castro had $175 million on hand in gold and dol- lars - a jump of $45 million over the high mark for 1959 and $25 million above the total reserves when Fulgencio Batista fled the country 18 months ago. Cuban exports as a whole this year are expected to bring in about $707 million, even counting the loss of $14 million that the United States would have paid as bonus price on the 700,000 tons cut from the sugar quota. This means that exports will exceed the 1959 total by some $86 million. Drastic curbs on imports are due to save the treasury an- other $25 million this year - and have also helped numerous do- mestic manufacturers of consum- er goods which no longer need to compete with foreign goods. Economic missions from Ha- vana have covered two-thirds of the globe during the last 14 months. Prime immediate objec- tive in all such junkets has been to open new markets for Cuban sugar and expand existing ones. 4. r4SL & ~J lfAl04frAS jwfQS5-r C.. MAX LERNER: Candidate Shapes Campaign Angle 1 TODAY AND TOMORROW Kennedy and Johnson By WALTER LIPPMANN 1 OS ANGELES-In his first two acts after getting the Presidential nomination, candidate Kennedy managed to make a blunder and start a commotion. His little speech after his nomi- nation, by omitting any mention of Adlai 'Stevenson, showed an unnecessary lack of generosity and raised a serious question as to whether Stevenson will get that long-dangled job as Secretary of State. And his choice of Lyndon John- son a shis Vice-Presidential run- ning-mate plunged the conven- tion into a furious debate as to what this move shows about Ken- nedy's thinking on his larger campaign strategy, and his qual- ity as a political leader. KENNEDY ACTED out of a po- litical instinct which, if properly understood, sheds a good deal of light on his political quality. He refused to let the Vice-Presidency go to a free convention choice. He made the choice out of mo- tives and reasoning which must have :seemed good to him. This was his first act of leadership since his nomination. It must be set down as an act of major polit- ical cynicism, by a man who is confident that he will get away with it. Put most baldly, Kennedy was faced with two choices in making his decision. One was to pick a running-mate who would symbol- ize his concern about the liberal farm vote and civil rights vote, on both of which his support is pretty shaky. The other was to pick one who would symbolize his concern about the disaffected Southern states and the economic conserva- tives within the party. 9 *.9 ON GROUNDS OF sheer politi- cal cynicism the Kennedy decis- ion may be wrong or right, but the important fact is that it was made on these grounds by a man whose every move is being watched for indications of what kind of man he is. I don't know whether it was the result of pressure from Johnson and the Southerners, or whether Johnson had to be persuaded. You can buy both versions here at Los Angeles, but the question is not crucial. Whether he had to be pushed or did the pushing, Ken- nedy must take responsibility for the decision. Nor is it even a question of Lyndon Johnson's own basic qual- ities. I happen to think that he is a man of great ability and matur- ity, and that on civil rights he is a Southern moderate with a con- siderable fund of realism. He will be available to use his persuasive- ness among his former colleagues. BUT THIS FIRST act of Ken- nedy's was a crucial symbolic act. If he capitulated to pressure his courage must be questioned. If he took the initiative then his basic drive toward liberalism must be questioned. One of the favorite defenses offered here by some of the Dem- ocratic intellectuals who believe Kennedy's liberalism is that he is following a pattern set by Frank- lin Roosevelt when he ran with Garner in 1932 and when he later scuttled Henry Wallace as Vice- President in 1944. This is part of the larger perspective which sees Kennedy as the Roosevelt of 1960. He may be, but not on any evi- dence I am yet able to see. The civil rights picture in 1932 was not what it is in 1960, nor was Garner in any sense a symbolic Roosevelt choice. As for the 1944 decision, it came after Roosevelt had established the pattern of his presidential leadership over the course of 12 years. Kennedy is not yet Presi- dent, and the nature of his lead- ership and political direction is exactly what is in question, * * * DURING THE EARLY days of the convention the argument for Kennedy as a militant liberal was based on the fight he put up against the Johnson candidacy and the forces behind it, and also upon the civil rights plank. If Kennedy's defenders used this reasoning they cannot regard the choice of Johnson as anything but a refutation of their logic and a repudiation of their hopes. There is serious question as to whether Kennedy's move was a smart one, even if it is seen in terms' of political cynicism. I don't believe that the Democrats can take the support of the liberal farm states, the trade -union groups, and the big-city Negro voters for granted. Nixon will prove a formidable antagonist LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Experimental Theatre Unfeasible and will know how to exploit every point at which Kennedy is vulnerable with these groups. The Democrats will have to give some evidence that their platform dec- larations are more than words. Kennedy 'and his advisers may discover one, of the truths of American political history-that for the Democrats the courageous decision 'on liberal principles al- most always turns out to be the politically smart decision as well, and the one that plays angles without principles leaves only a dusty answer behind, without vic- tory. I hope they won't make this discovery too late. (copyrighted Column Unauthorized Use Prohibited) BORING THROUGH so much of a convention is to the spectators, no one is likely soon to invent a substitute for it. Behind all the hoopla a convention is the way by which the men who have political power in their locality meet and confer face to face. They have to do more than choose a candidate for President. They have also to approve a platform and to agree to a Vice-President. They have to coordinate these three elements-the two candidates and the platform. The Democrats did this by nominat- ing Johnson after they had taken Kennedy apd a platform which in its controversial plank is addressed to the Northern states. A combination of this kind, which each party seeks in each convention, could not be worked out if the men who have the poiltical power did not all come together in one city. JOHNSON was nominated by acclamation be- cause the political bosses of the big Northern states agreed with Kennedy that he added the most strength to the ticket. The civil rights plank in the platform is a formidable set of declafrations and pledges, calling for much more moral and even legal intervention by the President of the Federal government than the South has known since the end of Reconstruction. Kennedy's choice of Johnson cannot fairly, I think, be interpreted as meaning that he is nullifying, the platform, that he means to run on one kind of civil rights plank in the North and another in the South. For Johnson is a Southerner but not a sectionalist. More than any other man in public life, more than any politician since the Civil War, he has on the race problem been the most effective mediator between the North and the South. He is the man who induced the Senate to accept the Editorial Stag KATHLEEN MOORE, Editor MICHAEL BURNS ........... Night Editor ANDREW HAWLEY ......,..............Night Editor MICHAEL OLINICK ............... Sports Co-Editor SUSANJONES..................... Sports-Co-Editor Civil Rights legislation which strikes at the disfranchisement of Southern Negroes. Johnson is, in fact, aware of and ready for the advances toward equality which the plat- form describes. But no one knows better than he how much of and how fast an advance the changing sentiments of the South is ready to accept. THE PROBLEM of accommodating the North and the South on the race question is a problem in both parties. Nixon, naturally enough, has hopes in the South. Kennedy is a Catholic, he is Eastern and urban, the platform goes far on civil rights and it goes further on the welfare measures than conservative South- erners like. But Nixon cannot run in the South as being softer than Kennedy on the issue of civil rights. For if he does, Nixon will be in trouble in the Northern states. IT IS PROBABLY TRUE, as many good ob- servers have been saying, that events abroad, which cannot now be foreseen, may decide the contest between Kennedy and Nixon. As of now Nixon's main talking point is that for nearly eight years he has been in the know, has had access to all the information and has been in a position to hear the arguments which have led up to the decisions of the Eisenhower administration. Kennedy's main talking point is that in these eight years the American position, relative to the Soviet Union, has declined-and that it must be due to a failure to develop American power and to a lack of wisdom and skill in conducting our affairs. In my view, Kennedy has the better of /Nixon on these points. As for their comparative experience, while Kennedy thas not been on the inside of the Eisenhower administration, he has been a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. He is, therefore, far from bein gan ignorant outsider. What is more, he is far less committed than is Nixon by the mistakes and omissions of the past, and he is much freer to set in motion that reappraisal and revision of the Acheson-Dulles system of alliances, which is now inevitable and impera- tive: To be four years older means nothing when both men are in the prime of their lives. As To the Editor: MR. ANDREW HAWLEY's edi- torial, "Experimental Theatre Could Benefit University," along with the pleas of Elmer Rice, echo desires long expressed by members of the academic community for theatre which breaks the bonds of conformity. Even those who attempted to soften the blows of Mr. Rice in the panel presentation last week are among the most clamorous for freedom from what I call "censorship by finance." The essence of Mr. Rice's and Mr. Hawley's argument for ex- perimental theatre is that in a university community, the pro- ducers should be able to lead the audience taste. This thesis presupposes at least two factors: First, that the local audience will follow a greater lead than is now given them; second, that even if they are slow in re- sponding, there are no financial worries attached to play produc- tion in a university community. DO THESE FACTORS really exist? First, the taste of the local audience is not as easily led .as it would seem. Box office person- nel who worked the Drama Sea- son of "Waiting for Godot" two springs ago still laugh when it is mentioned. The young man who worked the checkroom avows that he though the play was over at the end of Act One, so many people left. (They did not return, incidentally, for the following week's show.) The production of the Beckett tragi-comedy and one or two less experimental plays brought the Drama Season to its financial knees. 9 * * THE SEASON, FACED with dis- continuation because of its shaky financial foundation, was "saved" this year by a group of local busi- nessmen who bowed enough to local taste to bring into the Men- delssohn five very commercial plays. I under stand the Season is now back on a firm monetary base. The fact that the local theatre- ioer would not respond to experi- mental drama even as mild as "Godot" indicates that there would indeed be financial diffi- culty were any group devote the bulk of its talent to experimen- tation. Mr. Rice and Mr. Hawley seem to see the university environment as an angelic moneybags ready to step in and save such a group from creditors. In actual fact, this is not the situation. * * * THE DRAMA SEASON lost too. much money, and the University dropped it. The local Civic Thea- tre group is self-supporting. The Dramatic Arts Center (which de- voted itself to ag reat deal of experimentation) is hardly heard from any more, though I under- stand they are doing a few things now and then. The moneyed Michigan Union supports MUSKET-but MUSKET does the most commercial kind of theatre available, musicals, as does the well-off Gilbert and In addition, except for its dir- ectors, designers, and staff per- sonnel being paid as faculty mem- bers or assistants with University funds, all producing capital for the Playbill comes from box office receipts.. In short, it would appear that the University is not willing to play the role of financial "angel" for local theatre. Any theatre, then, including the experimental caste, must support itself from box office intake. (In defense of the University administration, it should be point- ed out that the Mendelssohn does lose money, and that policy seems to dictate that while box office in- take can support theatrical activ- ity,' available money must be di- rected toward higher faculty sal- aries, building, etc.) * * * IN THE EDITORIAL, Mr. Haw- ley's "accurate" generalization of the "shortsighted complaints" of the other panel members is un- justified. He summarized it this way: "We want to have a big audience and make at least enough money to finance our productions." A better summary would be: "We NEED to have big audiences IN. ORDER TO make at least enough money to finance our produc- tions." In the light of what I have pointed out already, I might ask in behalf of this viewpoint,. "Where else . would the money come from?" * * * IN HIS SUMMARY of the view- point, Mr. Hawley continues: "We want our young stars and starlets to have fun with their work, be- cause fun is all they get out of it." This oversimplified draft of the other panelists' viewpoint needs interpretation, which, of course, Mr. Hawley could not give in the confining demands of editorial space. In actuality, the "fun" policy (as opposed to serious training for professional theatre) is dictated by LSA's liberal arts attitude, which forces. theatre courses to forego professionally o r i e n t e d REPUDIATE DEMOCRATS: Rep ublicans Issue 'Truth Sheet' CHICAGO (I)-Chairman Thrus- ton B. Morton, of the Repub- lican national committee has is- sued a so-called "truth sheet" which he said corrected "major distortions and misstatements of fact" made at last week's Demo- cratic national convention. Morton, United States Senator from Kentucky, said in a state- ment: "Most of the misstatements were first made in the keynote address by Sen. Frank Church, so we have based our truth sheet on his speech, although some of his misstatements were later repeated by Kennedy, Johnson and others who addressed the convention." The statement added: "With the convention rigged for the Kennedy - Johnson ticket, the Democrats were reduced to re- Under Democratic Franklin Del- ano Roosevelt it skidded from 32.2 millions in 1935 to 25.3 in 1945. In 1947, under then President Democrat Harry S. Truman the farm population rose to 27.1 mil- lion but skidded to 22.7 million in 1953. '* * * FRANK CHURCH SAID: Tight money policies of this administra- tion have sapped our vitality and shackled our economic growth. The truth is: In the eight years of the Truman administration the gross national product rose $32 billion for an overall gain of 8.9 per cent. Since 1953 the gross na- tional product has risen $107 bil- lion for an overall 26.8 per cent gain. Frank Church said: The work of the Democratic Congress has Frank Church said: Do we have a wholesome prosperity? The truth is: Comparing 1960 with 1952, the best Democratic effort-there are seven million more jobs now; labor income is up 48.2 per cent; 162 per cent morepeople receive social secur- ity benefits; farm assets are up 25.7 per cent; assets held by in- dividuals up 156 per cent; cost of living up 10 per cent under GOP as opposed to 50 per cent rise under Truman. * * *9 FRANK CHURCH SAID: We enacted the first civil rights leg- islation in 80 years. The truth is: Both the civil rights act of 1957 and the 1960 amendments to it were rammed to passage by united Republicans -tI