Severty-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN _ UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG, r ANN ARRMICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "Ching Up -- Far Better Thing And All That -- Move Along-- Good Chap -" STRATFORD FESTIVAL: 'Taming of the Shrew' Highlights Season Special To The Daily STRATFORD, ONT.-After two magnificent seasons of brilliantly di- rected and acted productions of Shakespeare in 1960 and 1961, the Stratford Festival this summer comes as a mild disappointment with its mixed-bag offerings: a badly misguided "Macbeth," and ill-staged but otherwise ,good "Tempest," and a splendid "Taming of the Shrew" for which the 1962 season will long be remembered. Taking additional material from a contemporary play called "The Taming of a Shrew"-whose relation to Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew" is uncertain (it may have been the model for Shake- speare's comedy)-the Stratford people have rounded out and improved TURDAY, JULY 21, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD STORCH Need Better Studies °" I Communism THE UNITED STATES has come a long way in the matterof high school instruction in Communism. Only ten years ago it was near- heresy and a threat to American security for high school teachers to deal with the subject. But the fog of McCarthyism has lifted from the land, and Americans, many of whom used to oppose the mention of Communism in the presence of young ears, are now urging the adoption of high school studies in it. A joint committee of the National Educa- tioial Association and the American Legion has issued a guide, "Teaching about Commu- nism," on the basis that American schools must give "in depth" treatment to the Communist threat to Western civilization. The guide cor- rectly asserts that this treatment should in- clude an accurate and factual presentation of Communist philosophy and practices, geared to the knowledge, maturity and competence of American junior and senior high school stu- dents. An accurate and factual presentation has been missing in some of the course set-ups across the nation. Louisiana's required unit on "Americanism Versus Communism" is a good example of the distorted approach. The unit makes everything black and white as if the world situation were that unclouded. Its syllabus declares that "America must estab- lish a final and complete victory over Commu- nism as its primary goal for the future." This is Senator Barry Goldwater's approach; it im- plies military war. The Kennedy Administra- tion's approach is to try to achieve disarma- ment and military peace, permitting the con- flict to be economic; but the Louisiana course Ignores this. THE COURSE AIMS at "outlining the super- ior characteristics and advantages of a free capitalistic economy as compared with the controlled collectivist economy of socialism and communism" and in this way it tosses social- ism into the same basket as Communism. It does not take into account Great Britain: the most democratic country in the world, a country that is socialist to a great extent. Nor does it take into account Norman Thomas, the most outstanding American socialist, one of our greatest defenders of individual liberty. Yet so- cialism and the welfare state are defined by the Louisiana course as "way stations on the road to Communism." The course presents the idea that "the in- ternational Communist movement has one pur- pose: to help the rulers of the Soviet Union gain control of the world." No mention is made of the anti-Soviet policies and heresies of Yu- goslavia, Albania and Communist China. "If we persist in teaching simply that Com- munism is to democracy approximately as black is to white, or villainy to heroism, the student will find it difficult if not impossible to under- stand the enormous gains of Communism in the last two decades," John H. Fischer, president of Columbia's Teachers' College, has pointed out. The student "will be ill-prepared to deal with the current reports on Soviet education, or to explain the internal accomplishments of Rus- sia since 1917." ORE THAN 30,000 Louisiana students are exposed for an hour each day to the distor- tions in that state's required course in Com- munism. Much of the stress is' on materials of .the House Un-American Activities Commit- tee, some of which is valid, but much of which carries the shadows of McCarthyism. The problem arises partly because liberals have been so busy fighting McCarthyism and its right-wing shades today that many of them have neglected the problem of the Communist challenge. This is ironic because the interna- tional Communists have been greater violators of individual freedom and due process of law than the American right-wingers. The liberals should not only seek to establish the open mar- ketplace of ideas but should also take issue with Communism. American high school studies in Communism should be a concern of both conservatives and liberals. Both groups have much at stake in our conflict with Communism. Both need rec- ognize the need for an American citizenry well informed on the issues and background of the cold war. BUT THOSE who should have greatest con- cern are educators, about the problem of how can our schools teach young people the intricacies of Communism when most teachers, even social studies teachers, have little back- ground on it? This University's "Survey of the Soviet Union," "Philosophic Basis of Commu- nism, Fascism and Democracy," and other, more specialized courses are popular and excellent; but, it would seem, we are the exception. Few college graduates elsewhere are able to gain a thorough understanding of Communism. For the problem lies not only in the back- Business Staff ANDREW CRAWFORD. ......Business Manager KENNETH KONOP ...... Display Advertising Manager JO ANN LOIKREC......... .... Circulation Manager JON WhiiTE.......Classified Advertising Manager wardness of high school social studies curricu-. lums, but also in the backwardness of college social studies curriculums. If we want to im- prove our high schools, we will have to improve our colleges, particularly our teachers colleges. We will have to offer more courses in Commu- nism and the cold war at the college level be- fore we will have many well-taught courses of this kind at the high school level. But this should not stop us from planning and instituting high school courses in Com- munism now. We need strain to the limits of our resources in getting started, but the im- portant matter is to start. MANY STATES and communities are realiz- ing this. The Michigan Legislature has been examining a bill that would require a course of not less than thirty hours on comparative government, the emphasis being on "the free enterprise competitive system of the United States in contrast with the doctrines, objectives and techniques of Communism." The Chicago Bureau of Curriculum Development is planning an experimental course contrasting Commu- nism and democracy, which is to be ready for trial in September. This is the time for proposals and sugges- tions and for discussion on how to plan Commu- nist studies in Communism. Here are some sug- gestions: Communism should not be taught in isola- tion. We should teach it in contrast with Amer- ican democracy, and we should make the study of the two civilizations as complete as possi- ble, dealing with political and governmental systems, economics, culture, society, literature, history, philosophy, legality, the arts, geogra- phy, and foreign policy, WE SHOULD OFFER not merely one semes- ter of "Comparative Civilizations: Commu- nism and American Democracy," nor even two, but three. And the prerequisite for the courses should be a semester of economics and a year of American history. Since Communism is so economic, an understanding of economics is particularly vital. The year of American his- tory could be taken simultaneously with the studies in Comparative Civilizations. Comparative Civilizations I would cover the Communist Manifesto and Frederick Engels' explanations of it, would deal with an intro- duction to Lenin's and Khrushchev's ideas, with Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of In- dependence, with the Bill of Rights, with civil liberties, civil rights and political enfranchise- ment, and with Jacksonian and Populist de- mocracy. . Comparative Civilizations II would deal with the history of the Soviet regime: with czarist Russia, the Communist revolution, the New Economic Policy, Stalinism, and Khrushchev- ism. It would contrast the one-party rule of the Soviet Union with the multiple-party sys- tem of the United States (and perhaps Brit- ain also). And it would include a study of John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty," the greatest and most incisive defense of individual free- dom ever written, and in what ways the United States has implemented Mill's position. COMPARATIVE CIVILIZATIONS III would go into the foreign policies of the Soviet Union and the United States; it would include some Russian literature and it would include John Dewey's writings on democracy. It would cover the Trotsky-Stalin split, and it would use George Orwell's "1984" and "Animal Farm" "1984" is a grim and living portrayal of a one- party dictatorship, and "Animal Farm" is an excellent satire of the Soviet regime. Compara- tive Civilizations III would also deal with the Communist regimes in China, Yugoslavia, Al- bania and the Soviet satellites; it would deal with comparative foreign policies and with Soviet-American and Sino-American relations. And it would analyze Khrushchev's 20-year pro- gram of economic development. No one teacher would conduct an entire course; many teachers would come to the Com- parative Civilizations classes to lecture on their specialties. Occasionally all the Comparative Civilizations classes would assemble together to hear a debate between an erudite American democrat and erudite Communist. Preferably the Communist would be directly from a Com- munist country. If the Soviets or Chinese de- cide to have Comparative Civilizations courses of their own, we could send American scholars to their schools for debates. A basic textbook in Comparative Civiliza- tions could be William Ebenstein's "Today's Isms: Communism, Fascism, Capitalism, Social- ism." Ebenstein, a professor at Princeton Uni- versity, writes with a clarity that few can equal, and deals with the history, economics, philoso- phy and sociology of Communism and democ- racy. ANOTHER BASIC TEXTBOOK could be the anthology, "Communism, Fascism and De- mocracy: the Theoretical Foundations" by Prof. Carl Cohen of the University. This book con- tains the primary sources needed for an under- standing of the philosophy and tactics of Com- munism and democracy. Studying Communism is not merely a matter of understanding an enemy or competitor; it on the Shakespeare play by en- larging the role of Christopher Sly. In Shakespeare, Sly, a tinker made to think he is a lord, appears only in the first two scenes .and then sits down to watch the play. In the present production he re- mains the active s p e c t a t o r throughout and, poor tinker once more, speaks the final lines of the play. * * * MUCH FUN AND HUMOR re- sult from Sly's watching and in- terrupting the play, and Hugh Webster's portrayal of Sly is amus- ingly agile, particularly when, at a climactic moment, he is found to have disappeared in a rush of players offstage. Sly's greater par- ticipation in the comedy creates a framework for it, a setting that shows off the brilliance of the play and, by emphasizing its artificial- ity, makes more vital the evening of theatre. As for the play within the frame, "The Taming of the Shrew" is the now familiar tale of Petruchio's wooing, wedding and taming the wild Katharina while a trio of suitors scheme to win her more agreeable sister Bianca. As the shrew, Kate Reid is quite a wench, proving once more her ability to give a memorable per- formance in a leading role without playing the grande dame of the theatre. And the absence of the "star" performer on the Festival stage helps to maintain the level of uniform, highly professional production for which Stratford is already famous. JOHN COLICOS is the lusty Pe- truchio and Garrick Hagon a wide- eyed, appealing Lucentio. Their servants Tranio and Grumio are played by Bernard Behrens and Eric Christmas. William Needles and Peter Do- nat strike numerous poses as Gre- mio and Hortensio, the affected and luckless wooers of Bianca. To them fall the most richly detailed of the attractive costumes of Tan- ya Moiseiwitsch that clothe the play so charmingly. But once again the major share of the credit must go to the direc- tor, Michael Langham, whose pres- ence may be recognized in the uni- formly spirited performances spok- en throughout to give real illu- mination and meaning to the Shakespeare text. Langham, ar- tistic director of the Festival since 1955, is one of the great directors of Shakespeare and seems to be the individual most responsible for the continued success of the festi- val productions. -Vernon Nahrgaig Foreign Aid in Focus By PHILIP SUTIN Daily Staff Writer THE UNITED States is embark- ing on a new concept of foreign jaid which if successful will im- portantly change the political structure of the world for the bet- ter, but which if it fails may iso- late this country in many key areas of the world, especially Lat- in America. Although one of the proclaimed goals of foreign aid has been to expand democracy by aiding econ- omic development, this concept has received little more than lip service from State Department of- ficials. Aid has, and still is, poured in voluminous quantities to some of the most hated and corrupt re- gimes in the world. In the past the effects of this policy have been to shore up these governments and create popular hatreds that would haunt the United States long after the regime has departed. Now the Kennedy Administra- tion seems to have reversed this trend. With an angry blast at the Peruvian military for "reversing the trend toward democracy in Latin America, President John F. Kennedy suspended all but hu- manitarian aid projects in Peru. This is the first time the United States has suspended aid to a friendly country because of its internal political changes. . * * * IN PARTICULAR this has put Latin American countries on no- tice that the United States will no longer sit idly by as totalitarian governments gobble up the free world. Further action will deter- mine whether the United States really means it or whether it sus- pended aid to Peru in a fit of tem- per to save its Alliance for Prog- ress. If this policy is carried out, it could have great significance. Our cancelling of aid could knock the underpinnings out of several ma- jor dictatorships. Tailoring aid to fit democratic desires will also change the image of America among the dispossessed of the world. These revolutionary peoples see the United States as the sup- porters of the status quo and miss the essential democracy of this country. However, there are also great risks in this approach. This meth- od is perilously close to wrongfully interfering in the internal affairs of another country. A broad defi- nition of democracy must be the United States' guide for there is no set formula and imposing the American variety on other situa- tions where it is not suited may be disastrous. IF THE United States presses too hard, it will be resented and will lose political allies in strategic areas. Such is the paradox of for- eign aid that has been plaguing it since its inception. How can the United States promote democracy yet at the same time maintain the political links vital to its foreign policy? There is no formula except mak- ing intelligent thoughtful judge- ments in each individual case. However, some approaches are more useful than others. In the past, foreign aid has failed because it has been too con- centrated on the military and on government grants. A United States bloated military has often stepped outside its rightful bounds and interfered in the politics of the country. Many o> the military dictatorships have been financed in part by U. S. aid. The harsh Korean regime is a good example of aid folly. Giving grants to governments has also failed for much of the money is not spent on useful proj- ects, but remains with the ruling clique or in the hands of grafters. The prime example of this sort of debacle is Laos where the United States spent more per capita than any other country, but only cre- ated an unnatural inflation and accomplished little else. * * * A PROJECT approach seems a better way of giving foreign aid. This insures that specific helpful projects are done and allows the United States to disassociate itself from the government in the eyes of the populous. The Alliance for Progress, coupling projects with social reform schemes is a good theoretical example of this ap- proach. In practice it has not suc- ceeded because Latin American governments are loath to both re- form and the necessary planning. The "Aid to India" consortium is the best example of the project approach in action. The United States, with five of its allies, fi- nances Indian projects in coopera- tion with the Indian government. This scheme has worked well and others are being set up for other nations. To date, no perfect solution to the foreign aid dilemma has been found. However, Kennedy has started off on the right track both with his handling of the Peruvian situation and the Administration's emphasis on projects and econom- ic aid. These are significant be- ginnings. Careful and intelligent planning will be necessary to carry them out. AT THE CAMPUS: Peter Pan 10 A SLIGHTLY jive beat, Peter Pan's pirate ship took off for Never-Never land at the Campus Theatre last night, replete with a modern day Peter Pan, Captain Hook, (in fact, no less than two Captain Hooks) and a very pixy- ish Tinker Bell, This particular pirate ship was a slightly remade Pontiac called La Belle Americaine. So was the movie. , * * * ACCORDING to the prologue this is a very frank movie about the old franc and the new franc, which trade at 100 to 1 to 20c and I suppose it is in a way. But more its about La Belle Americaine with all its buttons and gadgets and six, not four, but six headlights. La Belle Americaine carries n Peter Pan named Perringon, played by Robert Dhery from an ancient tubing factory to the top of French government and society, periodically running out of gas on the way. It carries him further too, but to find out where, go see the movie. IT WAS directed by Robert Dhery and written by Robert Dhery, Pierre Tcherina, and Al- fred Adam, all of whom were also in the cast. The pixyish wife of Perrington was played by Colette Brosset. The whole group was the creator of "La Plume de ma Tante," a fan- tastic fantasy review on stage. This is fantasy on film and just about as good. The humor and quality of this movie lasts right down to the end title. Wait for it. --John Herrick DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to' Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SATURDAY, JULY 21 General Notices The Thayer Street Parking Structure will be closed to all vehicle parking from 6 p.m. Sat., July 21, until 6 a.m. Mon., July 23. This closing is necessi- tated to complete the surfacing of stairwells and ramp areas. Seniors: College of L.S. & A., and Schools of Education, Music, Public Health, and Business Administration: Tentative lists of seniors for Aug. grad- uation have been posted on the bulle- tin board in the first floor lobby, Ad- min. Bldg. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records win- dow Number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg. Clinic will be held at the Fresh Air Camp on Tues., July 24, at 8:00 p.m, A Limited Number of Ushers are urgently needed for the School of Mu- sic Operas, which are to be presented in Hill Aud. Aug. 8, 9, and 10. Anyone, students, staff members etc. are eligi- ble to usher and if you are interested, come to the Box Office at Hill Aud., from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Tues., July 24, or contact Mr. Warner at NO 8-8597. Events Faculty Recital: Robert Noehren, Uni- versity organist, will present the second and final recital of his summer series (Continued on Page 3) 'i r . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Freedom and License To the Editor: J AM CONVINCED of the total uselessness of letters to the edi- tor as a means of bringing about changes in editorial policy, but I must write you nonetheless to pro- test the tone of Michael Harrah's editorial on the recent Supreme Court decision on Senate reappor- tionment in The Daily for July 20. Mr. Harrah has a great deal to learn about the proper limits of political debate and it seems to me high time that he learned it. Per- sonal abuse of the justices of the Supreme Court as 'stooges,' clear hints of improper influence and of collusion with a plaintiff and a call for civil disobedience are no part of responsible editorship and I call on the senior editors of The Daily to apologize and to disavow Mr. Harrah's editorial. ** * i THlE DAILY quite legitimately desires to be taken as a responsi- ble newspaper and it quite legiti- mately insists on its right to free- dom of expression, but in recent years it has more and more fre- quently confused freedom with li- cense and has failed to remember that respect and influence are in direct proportion to responsibility and maturity. If it wishes to be taken serious- ly by both facultyr and students, it seems to me that The Daily should begin once more to practice something like decency of expres- sion and to take account of the fact that it has no right to abuse its readers through abuse of their elected officers. Mr. Harrah's editorial might be acceptable at a meeting of the John Birch Society; it has no right to attention in an academic com- munity. -Prof. Robert J. Niess >.. I ,I , FEIFFER I JEMF!AO A F4lf F~Mt? pA WAS - BESTr RIGOR' WE POW69to~. AcW TA~ BCS~rFRIW~P5 TWO!. /UA~ ~ T/~tJx PA4Af'6 A 0BEST FRICIV tS !- A ON ~IMPOPTA~X MW 10) A RR OPS MAIVRATU AW IY\ 1WAPM TO M A S BCT Fr~Jl' 6AP! HAf Wq OA' IIJW 5vetq WI &)A5 700Ott) 10' HAVE O006, 50 A4 A W %Ttftr-v1I Mwoe~ OF5, vl I our OF 7,1H6 61bR16~tt I WCk)* pi ffH. IHe ico)JF''rc rVegqrf1 6 t14C" 1. COOFIt'C17 6V6LlfhIc Im IWbf. ..; G' 4 :;: 10c IrC rKi'TIH& 1 ,9 riOVCH 1AHEM VNV 'W8REAK OFF! '1 T&OUWH qou wm SflI e~_K fl i e-sn I~ J 56 W5 70a~ WATC TO 13 BM FR(Qit5 It(TH MEP~~. AW I i" FE 86F51 FR1ECJP5 -40- 0o tlwe Dirk 6txM i OF T946 IDEAL ENRI. 0011 f4AP)4AM 4 146011. R IFAJ 41 I