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July 20, 1962 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-20

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See Page 4


Seventy One Years of Editorial Freedom

4 br

Scattered showers
or thunderstorms in afternoon







Continues LIRC













* *




Decide To Di*sdafin
Ban on Fund Usage
Put Unit in Social Science College,
Note University's Legal Status
Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING - The Trustees of Michigan State University
defied the Legislature yesterday by approving the continued operation
of the Labor and Industrial Relations Center (LIRC).
The Legislature, in its annual appropriation to MSU adopted an
amendment by Senate Majority Leader Lynn 0. Francis (R-Midland)
requiring that no private or public funds could be used to support
the center.


Ask Court To Grant
Rehearing on Ruling
Plan To Petition Supreme Court
If Judiciary Refuses Demands
Republican senators appealed yesterday to the state Su-
preme Court to delay effecting its decision on reapportion-
ment in the Senate while Democrats were suggesting redis-
tricting schemes.
Senators John Fitzgerald (R-Grand Ledge), Paul Young-
er (R-Lansing) and Frank Beadle (St. Clair) asked the court
to stay the execution of its order to reapportion by Aug. 20 or
face an at-large primary Sept. 11 an an election Nov. 6. In a
separate action Sen. Haskell Nichols (R-Jackson) made a
similar request.
Fitzgerald's, Younger's and Beadle's petition also asked
the court to grant a rehearing on its 4-3 decision which de-
clared the present Senate 11-

'lTo Exa min e DeIznquenc

As a result of deep concern
felt by several University pro-
fessors about the gap between
basic research and its public
applications, work has begun
on "the most comprehensive
interdisciplinary study of juve-
nile delinquency ever attempt-
Under a $200,000 grant from
the Health, Education and Wel-
fare Department, faculty mem-
bers from four schools and de-
partments will explore methods
of solving the delinquency prob-
lem from legal, societal and ed-
ucational angles.
During the 27-month study,
they will prepare training man-
uals and suggest patterns for
graduate and professional cur-
ricula, in the hopes that the
findings in their research will
be translated into action as well
as be published and filed.
As. is the case with many re-
search projects, the current
grant is the product of linger-
ing ambitions, some uneasiness,
professional contacts, detailed
proposals, negotiation and, fin-
ally, accord on the methods and
goals of the study.
The first contact between the
University and the HEW subject
came about a year ago, Prof.
Robert Vinter of the social work
school, who is coordinating the
study, recalled Monday.

Many of the faculty members
who had done some work in
the juvenile delinquency field
had expressed concern when
meeting informally about prob-
lems of applying research find-
ings, and the lack of integra-
tion among their individual ef-
forts in the area.
Private Research
Most of them had not only
conducted private research on
deviant youth, but also were
serving as consultants to pro-
fessional and governmental or-
ganizations seeking to combat
and cure delinquency. (Prof.
Vinter himself is a consultant
to President John F. Kennedy's
Committee on Juvenile Delin-
quency and Youth Crime.)
And so when Congress last
year instituted a $7 million de-
linquency control program to
further such studies, the pro-
fessors anticipated inquiries
from the federal government as
to possible participation by the
University, which, in Prof,rYin-
ter's words, "is the leading in-
stitution in the country for re-
search in juvenile delinquency."
The contact soon came, as
HEW officials explored possi-
bilities of the University becom-
ing one of nine regional centers
throughout the United States
set up to train instructors and
personnel in the youth delin-
quency field.

The law authorizing the cen-
ters, Prof. Vinter said, specified
a non-degree, short-term sys-
tem of training. Since the Uni-
versity's main function is de-
gree programs, research and
professional training, the train-
ing-center possibility was not.
pursued further.
But the two parties agreed
that with the campus's excel-
lent human and intellectual re-
sources, something still should
be done here under federal
sponsorship as part of the gov-
ernment's drive against juvenile
With mutual, consent, Prof.
Vinter synthesized individual
proposals by several of his col-
leagues for research into de-
linquency, and- sent the report
to Washington. All 12 of the
projects were approved, and the
six-figure sum needed to fi-
nance them was appropriated.
Work was authorized to begin
July 1, although the grant was
not announced until last week.
Two Levels
The actual research will be
handled on two levels.
At the first level will be the
12 sub-projects, to be undertak-
en by Professors Eugene Lit-
wak, Henry J. Meyer, Rosemary
Sarri and Vinter from the social
work school, Professors David
See BEGIN, Page 2'

MADISON (P)-Wisconsin Dem-
ocratic senators were conducting
an apparent filibuster last night
in an attempt to prevent the con-
trolling Republicans from passing
an unprecedent resolution which
would permit realignment of leg-
islative districts without approval
of the Democratic governor.
The resolution was introduced
by the Republicans -late yesterday
and immediately minority mem-
bers began to try to talk it to
The Democrats had only five of
their nine members present when
the debate began. The other four
had gone home after the Assembly
adjourned for the weekend and
they had expected the Senate to
do likewise. The remaining mem-
bers vowed to "stay all night" if
necessary to prevent action on the
resolution at this time.
Continue Hearing
E. L. Wingert, special master ap-
pointed by a federal court panel to
hear testimony and advise the
panel, agreed to continue' the ses-
sion another day after counsel for
both sides said they wanted to call
more witnesses.
Most of the day's hearing was
deyoted to explaining details of
redistricting plans submitted to
Wingert for his study.
Meanwhile, in Montpelier, Vt.,
the full bench of the Vermont Su-
preme Court ruled present appor-
tionment of the state Senate is
unconstitutional and that it is up
to the governor to call a special
session of the General Assembly to
rectify the situation.
Special Session
Gov. F. Ray Keyser immediately
announced he would call 'a legis-
lative session for next week. He
set up a meeting today with mem-
bers of - the House and Senate
Rules Committees.
The decision, written by Asso-
ciate Justice P. L. Shangraw, not-
"The constitution of this state
does not permit the Legislature to
let the question of apportionment
drift and remain unanswered .. .
"It is now overdue.
"State law setting up present
apportionment is unconstitutional
and of no force and effect as au-
thority for holding 1962 elections."
State to Blank
Senate Ballot

legal under the "equal protec-
tion" clause of the 14th
Plan Appeal
If the rehearing is refused, the
senators plan to appeal to the
United States Supreme Court on
grounds that the state court de-
cision would cause chaos and con-
fusion if allowed to stand.
Nichols challenged the state Su-
preme Court's decision to hold an
at-large election of senators be-
cause he claimed it violated the
"due process" section of the 14th
"It is equally unfair if four
counties elect all the senators,"
Nichols declared.
Beyond Limits ,
He said the court in deciding to
nullify the Aug. 7 senatorial pri-
mary had gone beyond the limits
of its powers and had legislated.
Meanwhile, Democrats were pre-
paring reapportionment plans.
Rep. Joseph A. Gillis (D-Detroit)
announced he would introduce a
population-based reapportionment
plan when the Legislature meets
next week.
GOP Control
Constitutional convention dele-
gate Melvin Nord (D-Detroit) sug-
gested a reapportionment scheme
which gives thickly populated areas
fair representation, yet still keeps
the GOP in control of theSenate.
Wayne County would have 10
senators instead of the present
seven; Oakland three instead of
one; Macomb and Genesee two in-
stead of one; and Kent one in-
stead of two. All other districts
would be composed of two or more
"If drawn up on county lines,
it's not possible to get a Demo-
cratic majority. You might get an
even split, but there's a far bet-
ter chance you would have more
Republicans than Democrats,"
Nord said.
'Wasted Vote'
He explained that Democrats
could not gain control because of
the "wasted vote" piled up by
Democratic huge majority victor-
ies. The Republicans also collect
"wasted votes" but in lesser
amounts than the Democrats, Nord
The Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee continued hearings on the ap-
portionment decision. Chairman
Carton Morris (R-Kalamazoo) in-
troduced his reapportionment plan
of adopting the Con-Con provi-
sions and districts within 30 days
after the November election.
Add Seats
Under the Con-Con scheme four
more seats-one each from Wayne,
Oakland, Macomb and Genesee
Counties-would be added to the
Moiris charged that the state'
C~r~rovi .t"11V Ania _" tr Anih

To Revise
Talk Ban,
The Wayne State University
Board of Governors heard two
sharply contrasting views yester-
day on Wayne's policies regarding
speakers and the use of the Mac-
Gregor Center by student organi-
American Civil Liberties Union
officials urged that the governors
amend and clarify Wayne's poli-
cies and make them more liberal.
Donald Lobsinger, a conservative,
urged that the policies be made
more restrictive.
The governors took no action
but said they will continue to re-
view the policies and may make
a decision at their next meeting.
Bar Speakers
Lobsinger and two opponents of
the House Un-American Activities
Committee were barred from
speaking at Wayne this past se-
The ACLU officials pressed the
governors to establish a clear pol-
icy that speakers of any political
shade can appear on campus, Er-
nest Mazey, executive director of
the Michigan ACLU said.
Rolland O'Hara, chairman of
the metropolitan Detroit branch
of the ACLU, told the governors
that student activities should de-
velop "under -the freest umbrella
possible," Mazey said. O'Hara as-
serted that Communists, liberals
and conservatives alike should
have the right to speak.
Forfeit Rights
Lobsinger, however, told the
governors that Communists have
forfeited their right to free ex-
pression because of conspiracy"
and the cold war, Mazey related.
Lobsinger urged the governors to
re-impose a strict speaker ban on
Communists like the one they re-
voked two years ago.
Mazey told the governors that
the ACLU will take up the campus
speaker policy issue at its next
state board meeting August 24.
Senate To Vote
On Assistance
wrangled all day over the $4.7-
billion compromise foreign aid bill
yesterday, rejected a move to delay
action on it until Aug. 1 and fin-
ally agreed to vote on passage to-
This is the authorization meas-
ure from which a Senate-House
conference committee Wednesday
stripped major restrictions that
President John F. Kennedy op-

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cial Science.
Trustee Don Stevens referred to
the constitutional status of the
university and noted that the Leg-
islature did not have the legal
authority to dictate how the uni-
versity should spend its money. He
abstained from voting on the pro-
posal, saying he thought the cen-
ter should be allowed to remain a
separate unit.
The vote to continue the center
was 3-0 with Stevens abstaining
and two other trustees absent.
"Approval of the change," said
Stevens, state education director
for the Michigan A F L - C I O,
"could be interpreted as a sur-
render to the Legislature and a
former member of the John Birch
Society." Francis has said he is
a former Bircher.
Ask Ruling
The Trustees were.told by Le-
land W. Carr, Jr., MSU attorney,
that he had asked an attorney
general's ruling on the amend-
Francis said he would not chal-
lenge the action, but remarked:
"They shouldn't forget that the
Legislature controls the purse-
MSU President John Hannah
said, "If we didn't take this action,
they could tell us who to hire and
what to teach."
Better Interests
Hannah also noted that it was
in the better interests of the uni-
versity and the LIRC program,
without any reference to legisla-
tive action, to place the center on-
The off-campus educational ac-
tivities offered by the center will
now be supplemented by formal
courses of study, leading to uni-
versity degrees in labor and indus-
trial relations.
Ha'nnah said similar arrange-
ments are now in operation at
Cornell and Berkley.
In other action, the Trustees
approved a $44.7 million operat-
ing budget. This represents a $4
million increase over last year's
Philip J. May, treasurer of the
Trustees, explained that $900,000
of the increase will go towards
higher faculty salaries and the
rest of the money will be used to
increase university facilities and
staff in order to provide for the
2,500 additional students MSU in-
tends to enroll next year.
Also, the Trustees approved a
$10 application fee to be charged
all students applying for admis-
sion for the first time. This is
expected to yield $100,000.
The Trustees also approved the
establishment of a cooperative
center for research on education in
Central America to be established
at the University of San Carlos,

Rename School
In implementing their decision, the Trustees renamed the center
School of Labor and Industrial Relations and placed it under
control of the College of So-T


. . LIRC, tuition

Nursing School Attempts
To 'Recruit Male Students
The nursing school is making a
concerted effort to attract men age of 282 and recommendations
into its training programs, in rec- ' by most experts for 300, Prof.
ognition of the state's critical Norma K. Marshall, assistant to
shortage of nurses. the nursing school dean, pointed
Michigan has only about 212otestrnan n
nurses per 100,000 of population, out yesterday.
in contrast to the national aver- The school could probably


Court Delays
Stahlin Trial
DETROIT (P)- A hearing on
why state Sen. John H. Stahlin,
(R-Belding) and a press aide
should not be cited for contempt
of court for ignoring a deposition
subpoena will be resumed before
Circuit Court Judge Joseph A.
Moynihan Jr. next Tuesday.
Judge Moynihan said he also
would take up a motion by Stahlin
and Charles A. Ferry, his press
agent, that they were served il-

handle another 50 undergraduates
above its usual total of 250, but
the number of qualified applicants
has not risen appreciably, and ad-
mission standards will not be low-
ered. So, the school has decided
to try tapping a new source of po-
tential nurses.
The primary method of recruit-
ment has been to send information
and brochures to male high school
students. However, there have
been no takers so far, Prof. Mar-
shall said, although there have
been some inquiries. Last year,
there were only one male under-
graduate and one male instructor
in the nursing school. Its admis-
sions have always been open to

U.S., Soviet
Aides Clash
About Arms
GENEVA (1P)-Soviet and United
States delegates scolded each oth-
er yesterday over disarmament
questions while awaiting the ar-
rival of their foreign ministers for
a new series of East-West meet-
United States Secretary of State
Dean Rusk and Soviet Foreign
Minister Andrei Gromyko are ex-
pected here today to join the for-
eign ministers of 12 other coun-
tries in signing a treaty designed
to bring peace and neutrality to
the Southeast Asian nation of
Laos. The pact signing ceremony is
set for Monday.
In a disarmament committee
meeting yesterday, the Soviet Un-
ion and the United States clashed
over West Germany, nuclear dis-
armament and a discarded agree-
ment against war propaganda.
Dean also scolded the Russian
for rejecting last May a declara-
tion against war propaganda.

Raise Tuition
Of Students
Special To The Daily
of Michigan State University ap-
proved yesterday a tuition hike of
$45 per year for Michigan students
and $120 per year for out-of-state
MSU President John A. Hannah
said he recommended the increase
with reluctance. "We dislike the
idea of increasing fees, but there
is no alternative because of the
budget given us by the Legisla-
ture," he said.
Trustee Don Stevens noted ear-
lier in the month Hannah sent a
letter to the Trustees expressing
his belief that if the tuition hike
was approved students whose fam-
ily income was below a certain lev-
el would not be required to pay
the increase. This provision was
not included in Hannah's final
Increase Scholarships
Hannah explained that scholar-
ship funds will be increased by
over $270,000 and further mone-
tary relief will be provided as the
university is pledged to hold-the-
line on residence hall fees.
Stevens, however, asked that the
university consider in the face of
any future fee hike a completely
revised fee system based on a stu-
dent's ability to pay.
Last Raise
MSU is the last of the state-
supported colleges and universities
to raise its tuition.
The State News, the student
newspaper at MSU, yesterday
urged those students who are eli-
gible to vote to express their dis-
pleasure with the state Legisla-
ture for what it calls "its failure
to face up to the needs of modern
Blame Legislature
The newspaper blamed the Leg-
islature for the hike, claiming it
did not appropriate enough funds
to the university.
It said "candidates should be se-
lected on whether their views on
education are realistic with pres-
ent demands rather than any par-
ticular party affiliation."
U.S. Ends Year
*~l * p~~

Warner Discusses Ancient Instruments

By SARABETH RICHMAN He pointed out that the viols
There has been a tremendous made today are modeled on the
surge of interest in historical in- features of past ones. Modern in-
struments, Prof. Robert A. Warner struments, he said, have retained
of the Music School said yester- many of the features of the older

Discussing "Historical Stringed
Instruments," one of a series of
lectures in the School of Music's
Second Summer Conference onI
Creative String Teaching, Prof.

Prof. Warner, curator of the
Stearn Collection of Musical In-
struments, displayed two rababs
from that collection. One of them
was from Egypt, the other from
Con,.n,. AhntirAa +n h h i,.T s._

In spreading west, the rabab
came into Europe in the ninth and
tenth centuries through North Af-
rica and Spain.
The Stearn Collection contains
a hand-carved gusla from Mon-
tenegro which Prof. Warner dis-
played. This is a modern folk in-
strument, he said, which is still
used in the Balkan area. This an-
cient string instrument has the
same features as the Fourteenth
afin,,,. 1,vioin

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