Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinion- Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" r Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SUT Irnendenti,11s Humanism Light Path of Isolated Man IN WHY DO MANY Americans engage in sit-ins, freedom rides and peace demonstrations? Why do members of the Student Non-Violent Co-ordinating Committee prepare Negroes to register to vote? What stirs social workers? Why do many students neglect their studies to campaign and crusade and go to meetings and conferences. And why does moonlight inspire romance? Why do families go a -great distance to a favorite spot to have a picnic? What inspires fishermen to put up with bugs and mosquitoes in order to sit quietly in a lonely boat? There is no single all-embracing answer to these questions, but there are shadows of an- swers. And perhaps some of these shadows lie in two feelings and philosophies that, like individual men, are autonomous yet inter- dependent: transcendentalism and humanism. THE TWO BEST commentators on transcen- dentalism were Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. These philos- ophers loved nature and saw humanity as in- timately bound up with nature. There is valid- ity in their philosophy, and perhaps an analysis of transcendentalism will give up an under- standing of modern humanism and of the stirrings among active young Americans today. We are physically alone in the universe. To our knowledge there is no other form of life like human beings anywhere else in our solar system. The environments of Mars and Venus, the two closest planets, could permit only basic life form to survive. Mercury is too hot and too cold for life to survive, and the other planets are too cold, and have poisonous gases. There may be life elsewhere in the universe, but it appears that we shall never see it. Even if we devise space vehicles that could travel at the speed of light (this is all but impossible) it would take many years for us to reach other stars, and if some of these other stars would have planets revolving around them (another hypothesis) there would not necessarily ,be life on these planets. And the opportunities of com- munication with life elsewhere in the universe are also nearly zero, for it would take thousands of years for any messages of ours to ever reach any other civilizations. SO WE ARE ALONE in the universe. It is this isolation that binds us together-that binds a man with mankind and with plants and lower animals and with earth. This is the unity and the oneness that transends the organic with organic and inorganic of our planet. Transcendentalism may be the serenity felt by a persons sitting fishing in a rowboat in the middle of a lake on a dark night with the illumination of the moon and the stars and the nearly complete silence mellowed by the call and chant of distant birds. It may be the feeling that one who belongs to the University might sometimes get walking under the arches of the trees on the long walk across central campus at night. It may include the feeling that "this is the best place in the world to be at this given moment." INTERTWINED with this feeling is the feeling. of humanism, which transcends the spirit of man from one to another. It is the kind of feeling you might get at a conference when, after a day of speeches and group discussions on how to overcome bias and prejudice, you group together to sing "We Shall Overcome." In this way humanism is part of the brother- hood motif of democracy. It is this feeling and this motif-even when experienced intensely just once but felt inter- mittently occasionally afterward-that lingers through the years and inspires those who sit-in and crusade and do social work. But this feeling is negated by the unthinking common acts of *men. It is negated when you visit your friends and they shake your hand and invite you in and sit you down and ex- change a few words with you but do not turn off the television program they were watching and remain preoccupied with the program and its performers whom they do not know instead of with you whom they do know. IT IS NEGATED by students in classrooms who hunch over their notebooks taking down -often in perfect outline form-their notes, preoccupied with doing a good job of copying what the professor is saying instead of listening to him. And this negation and lack of rapport is encouraged by professors who read facts from their notes instead of speaking from with- in themselves. It is smll wonder that knowledge is such a dead thing to most students, a thing to capture for a test but to shut close with their books at the end of the semester and relegate to a bookshelf instead of to life. Probably the greatest school was Plato's school. In his school knowledge was a living -thing, invigorated by dialogue. In his school the spirit of one man transcended to another. The school of Emerson and Thoreau was the forests and fields of America. The schools of William O. Douglas have been the Supreme Court where he has aided in the transceding America which he has explored and written about. THE SCHOOL of Americans working today for integration and equality and civil rights has been the cafeterias where Whites alone were served and the schools closed to Negroes. The viewpoint opposite to all this holds that altruism is shallow and that service to mankind is foolish because mankind merely uses you and after you are of no more use to mankind it will drop you and because you were so wrapepd up in service to others there is little left of you. This view tends to disrupt the unity and fra- ternity of men, and perhaps the best answer to it is that mankind's loneliness leaves him no. real choice but to try to make the best of his existence by promoting his ideals and thereby moving a little closer to a supposed state of happiness. And it might be said that empathy and concern for one's fellow man gives mean- ing to life and struggle and is in this way more fulfilling than selfishness and pure self-interest. BENJAMIN Franklin said visit your friends. Emerson and Thoreaus said visit the for- ests. A New York Times editorial said go to the movies or dancing or eat something or drink something or read a good book. And the young militants go to Washington, D.C., to promote unilateral initiatives in disarmament and ride to Jackson, Mississippi to promote desegregation. The meaning of life may partly be found in doing all of these-a meaning made important by our physical isolation in the universe, a; meaning that transcends men and nature. -ROBERT SELWA a 4.. Claims Grad Students Not Narrow-Minded 4 --" 'w dPR- ^ 4-4 e? J; ( LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: """ 13. 1. "LE6fISLA - .-t To the Editor: A LITTLE knowledge is often a bad thing. Robert Selwa dem- onstrated that beautifully in his editorial in Saturday's Daily. He derogated Ph.D. dissertations, claiming they took too much time and were too specialized. It is a sorry state of affairs when an unlettered (literally) and art- less person presumes to pass judgement on scholarly works of which he knows nothing. One of the dissertations he castigated in his editorial was about self-stimu- lation in the rat; now the motiva- tion of behavior directly through brain implantations is one of the newest and most exciting phases of psychological endeavor, and chances are this dissertation will be read by several dozen people just at Michigan, not to mention other parts of the academic com- munity. In addition, Mr. Selwa appears to have adopted the erroneous idea that beyond the MA a student only engages in tedious research on one tiny area. Nothing could be further from the truth - at least at this University. * * * I HAVE an MA and am working on a Ph.D. so I feel slightly more qualified than Mr. Selwa to evalu- ate the knowledge gained during each course of study: the MA, for most fields, is just the first neces- sary foundational step to be taken before a person is an expert in a given field. MA degree holders can be great teachers, but this is no more im- plicit in the degree than that all Ph.D. holders are restricted, nar- row-minded individuals. In fact, it appears that persons without any degree at all sometimes emerge as the most narrow-mind- ed and uninformed. -David E. Silber, Grad Saskatchewan.... To the Editor: REFERRING to Michael Har- rah's editorial regarding the Saskatchewan medical problem, I think that a few facts should be set straight. First, nobody is denying that the proposed plan is socialized medi- cine. The name "National Health Program" is just a name chosen to describe the service being of- fered to the people of the Province. Second, the doctors coming into Saskatchewan are certainly not going to support the doctors in their battle. They are trying to ad- minister some emergency aid to the affected people. * * * THIRD, the statement that "sickness is a very personal thing each case is different" is completely irrelevant. Are the doc- tors going to punch IBM cards and cure you? No, they will use the same methods as now, that is treatment and medicine. Fourth, nobody will "wait until the government opens shop on' Monday" for treatment. Doctors will operate just as they do now and a rotating staff will be on call each and every night and week- ends. Fifth, did it ever occur to Mr. Harrah that the "civil servants" who will be doing this job are the very same doctors that are prac- ticing medicine now? -Stan Lubin, '63 Barbarians . , To the Editor: YOUR city editor, Mr. Michael Harrah, shows an utter lack of understanding in the Saskatche- wan medical feud. When the Saskatchewan Medi- cal Insurance Act came into effect, the doctors walked out. And al- ready several deaths have occurred as a result of inadequate medical care. Is this then the stamina Mr. Harrah praises in some members of the medical profession? The doctors believe there is no guarantee for private practice but this is not so. Doctors may prac- tice outside the act with the agree- ment of the patient. However, if a patient belongs to the medical care program the only government "interference" consists in paying the bill. * * * SURELY this is no worse than "socialized education." T h o s e without children pay taxes and support the education of children. No one argues with this. Why shouldn't taxes from the healthy contribute to the healing of the sick? Under the Saskatchewan system a patient may go to the doctor of his choice. Neither the doctor nor the patient are assigned to one another. Neither does the Sas- katchewan government set out to dictate the actual practice of medicine. * * * IN THE British system, which is the basis of the Saskatchewan scheme, incidents have occurred. But they are only incidents. Do these incidents not occur every day when a physician is, after all, only human. Mr. Harrah does not understand that the American and British doctors who have gone to help in Saskatchewan aren't the * same breed of men as those on strike. Theirs is not a dollar or power complex, but a humanitarian cause not unlike that of the late Dr. Tom Dooley. The "personal humanity" Mr. Harrah wishes to be defeated is that "we are our brother's keep- er." To deny this is to deny our humanness. What kind of society do we live in then? Must we be barbarians all the time? --Al Sugarman, '64 1 14 A TODAY AND TOMORROW: Recession Requires Tax Cut By WALTER LIPPMANN ON THE QUESTION of a tax cut, with which the President is now wrestling, the undecided issue is whether to ask for it this summer or to wait until next win- ter. The issue is as yet undecided for one reason only. There is some doubt whether, in the few weeks that are left before adjournment, the chairmen of the two key com- mittees, Rep. Mills and Sen. Byrd, will allow Congress to vote. The significant thing about their veto is that almost certainly the two chairmen will not have it next winter. For by that time, if, as it now seems probable, out sluggish economy has begun to recede, tax reduction will go through Congress by acclamation. The chance of a Mills-Byrd veto this summer, which is what causes the President to hesitate, is pri- marily due to the fact that as yet recession is only indicated and is not yet being experienced. Can the President induce Congress to act to prevent a recession, or are we doomed to wait for a recession and then try to reverse it? The fundamental question is whether we have a government which can act with foresight, which can take the stitch in time that will save nine. Since the Wall Street crash at the end of May there has been a sharp and rapid change of respon- sible and expert opinion. The crash alerted those who watched the economy, causing them to ask whether the Kennedy recovery of 1961 was going to peter out before it went much further. There had been a very few who had predict- ed this last January when the Ad- ministration, using what had proved to be erroneously optimis- tic estimates, adopted a restrictive and deflationary fiscal policy. ** * THE unfounded optimism ended a few days after the crash. The business reports which have come in during June and the first half of July show that with a few ex- ceptions, automobile sales and residential construction, the re- covery is sluggish and is slowing down. Employment and industrial activity, profits, inventory re- placement, and capital investment are so sluggish that the recovery appears to be nearing its end. It would seem that by the onset of winter there will be a recession. Prof. Samuelson says that the peak of total profits was in fact reached at the end of last year and that the rate of unemployment, which has never gone below 5.4 per cent, will from now on be rising. We are not, let us repeat, as yet in a recession. But we are on the verge of one. This is the critically important time for the govern- ment to act in order to stimulate the expansion of economic activi- ty. The longer it waits, the strong- er will the medicine have to be. It has already waited six months too long, and so it will need to use strongeF medicine today than it would have needed last January. If it waits until the recession has ac- tually begun, the chances are that the comparatively agreeable medi- cine of a tax cut will not be enough, and will need to be sup- plemented by more government spending. * * * . THE REASON for this is not complicated and it is of great sig- nificance to the question of wheth- er to cut taxes now or to wait six months. The immediate effect of a tax cut is to stimulate consumer buying. If this takes place when industry is working somewhere near full capacity, the consumer demand will stimulate industry to modernize and enlarge its plant. This capital spending will sustain the recovery. On the other hand, if the recession is on, with unem- ployment rising, with plant utili- zation declining, the additional consumer purchases will not tend to stimulate capital investment. If the recession is bad, it may take very drastic measures to overcome it. On the merits, therefore, and ignoring all the political conse- quences, the case for acting at once is a very powerful one. Despite all this, despite the weight of expert and responsible opinion, the President is hesitat- ing because he dreads the conse- quences of asking for a tax reduc- tion and being refused by Con- gress. It is true that if he tries for it and fails, he may be vulnerable to the demagogic charge that he has shaken public confidence and brought on the recession he tried to avert. In 1957, when the com- ing of the third Eisenhower reces- sion was indicated, President Eisenhower was, so I understand, advised to reduce taxes. He re- fused, not only because he did not want to enlarge the deficit but be- cause he was afraid that to talk about preventing a recession would bring it on. So the President wait- ed. The result was an enormous budgetary deficit, the largest in time of peace, a painful recession, and, we may add, a mighty contri- bution to the Republican defeat in the election of 1960. * * * FOR President Kennedy it is, I believe, a greater risk not to try than to try and to fail. If he tries boldly for an adequate tax cut to avert the recession, he will gain much if he succeeds. He will have an excellent prospect of prolong- ing the recovery, of moderating the eventual downturn, and of proving decisively, that he does know how to get the economy moving. If he tries and fails to carry Congress with him, he has as Pres- ident ample means to make the country realize who is responsible for refusing to apply preventive medicine. The country under- stands how much better is pre- vention than cure. For the Presi- dent to act when on the merits of the problem he ought to act, to go, to the Congress now, to go to the country now, has its risks, and there may be some political un- pleasantness. But it will be still more unpleasant to have a reces- sion that the Administration knew how to prevent and didn't prevent, and along with the recession more unemployment, more idle plant, sinking profits, and a still steeper decline in the stock market. The President should, I believe, make the decision and cut the Gordian knot. He should present a simple and temporary but fully adequate reduction of corporation and individual income taxes to take effect not later than Sept. 1. For the best way to handle a nettle is to grasp it firmly. (c) 1962, New York Herald Tribune, Inc. STANLEY QUARTET: Fine Selections Playing On Sugar' and Socialism... T HE BASIC structure of the national econ- omy is undergoing a rapid and thorough ghange. The trend of this transition is definite- ly toward a greater degree of economic control by the government. Quite legitimately, this, trend is often met with agonized cries of "creeping socialism," from American taxpayers. It is true that the middle-class majority of the population must bear the brunt of econom- ic change where it hurts most: in the pocket- . book. Moneyed capital, however, has felt the pinch of government intervention in business for decades. Large corporations presently experi- ence a tax which consumes over fifty per cent of their profits. Consequently, big business has gotten into politics in a big way. As an example it is possible to cite the re- cent sugar bill, passed by the House and Sen- ate with bi-partisan approval. The bill provides for the control of sugar prices, production, import and foreign sources of supply; a half- billion-dollar-a-year tax on consumers, and the rate of expansion for this industrial agri- cultural complex. THE PRIMARY economic interests of the United States organized, and together dic- tated, how to divide the sugar-market most nrofitably among themselves (Coca Cola and Hershey, for examples). It is therefore very ap- 7)ropriate to note that the flooor manager of the Sugar Bill in the Senate was Senator Kerr, of Oklahoma, a multimillionaire oil and uranium tycoon. Underlying all of our nation's economic de- velopment is the continual search for more and more profit. In order to create bigger profits, it is necessary to possess greater fi- nance-capital. Consequently, larger and larger stockholding corporations are formed, with more finance-capital available. EVENTUALLY, the basic economic units of the nation grow to the point where it- be- comes impossible to speak any more in terms of individual free enterprise. Such is the point which the economic organization of the United States is rapidly approaching.' During the days of Teddy Roosevelt, trust- busting was the vogue in government circles to head off coagulation of economic units. How- ever, this was the age of the great imperialist expansion on the part of America. Therefore, an economic balance was maintained internally, by external compensation for government strin- gencies within our borders. It is now next to impossible to revert to this stage of economic development, faced with the political awakening of the lesser nations. The only alternative left is to tighten the belt. "CREEPING Socialism," is merely the result of government reaction to the increasing- ly monopolistic nature of the economy. Where, in most cases, government officials are sin- cerely interested in maintaining the free-enter- prise system, to preserve economic balance, they are forced to adopt measures which smack highly of government control. As one would expect, this unhappy state of affairs causes the middle class to react in the direction of laissez faire capitalism. Obviously, laissez faire is not the answer to our economic 3 1 t THE Stanley Quartet gave an- other concert last night in their series of summer chamber music programs. The pleasure these men obviously derive from their work was matched by that of an en- thusiastic though average-sized audience. Their program opened with a Quartet in F Major by Mozart. The quartet, subtitled the "Prussian," was written about one year before Mozart's death and suggested dynamic, harmonic and melodic effects reminiscent of Beethoven. The Stanley group highlighted the "romantic" ele- ments beautifully, playing with fortitude yet finesse. Mozart's playful fourth movement con- tained a facetiousness often asso- ciated with Haydn and Beethoven. It suffered somewhat in precision during the performance but lacked none of the appropriate play- fulness. * * * THE SECOND composition on the program was Webern's Quar- tet, Opus 28, written in 1938. The transition from Mozart's work to Webern's is not an easy one to make. Again, the Stanley Quartet was equal to the jump and performed with care and musicianship. The extremely concentrated idiom of Webern's work requires from the performers and listeners an almost psychological inspection of one's own feelings, a Freudian analysis. Indeed, the music seems to reflect a highly introspective period in our century. The concert concluded with a sensitive performance of Brahms Quartet in C Minor, Opus 51 Num- ber 1. In contrast to the beautiful and elegant quartet by Mozart and the strident, super-concentrated work by Webern, Brahms' full- bodied composition comes on strong. His opening motif is writ- ten for the four strings in unison fortissimo, forecasting a hard evening's work for the performers. As one listener phrased it, "the players won the contest." --Delmer Rogers FEIFFER TAWK TOO L1 1~iVCl 7HN SdU QYT M5sjp To WHAT1 I Aq- U~q ' WH~AT I MEAN! 1 c O&RAT I SAq E5 ~OAT I MEAO. . H6dILL 66C ThROUSI4 M. 619ewr 6 A1 (rGl$ =b 1 AM A LOST 540L. 6fvoq~ My1 9AUtJT6(7 . 1~i 4 . LOAT i CAKf 15 1/4 H'q AI - WOAT I ME'A? 14 ilrl' 15 A t > 50CPO U 'Aff--MBE? A M'Af~ ~1V0P OrA kIVA -g, n Itt r Yu~r I 4