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July 18, 1962 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-18

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

:4Ea aIt

Variable cloudiness today
with scattered showers

VUL. LXXII, No. 16-S




a"%Rjaw iC1V 4'IQF

Demand Ben Khedda
Resign As Premier
Ben Bella Aides Threaten Force
Unless Provisional Regime Quits
ALGIERS (P) - Leftist rebels in western Algeria yesterday de-
manded the resignation of Premier Ben Youssef Ben Khedda and his
moderate government.
The rebels - followers of dissident Deputy Premier Ahmed Ben
Bella - made a veiled threat to use force if Ben Khedda failed to
step down.
Former Deputy Premier Mohammed Khider told a conference at
reber headquarters in Tlemcen that Ben Khedda and his regime were
S"a group of usurpers whose resig-
nation would be an intelligent de-
cision that would help" solve Al-
geria's political crisis.
First Break

... continues defiance

Cite Change
In Measure
"The end result of the 1962
Constitutional Convention was a
completely revised, rearranged and
updated document," Prof. Jamres
Pollock of the political science de-
partment said in the fourth of a
series of six lectures on the new
The convention took different
kinds of action, Prof. Pollock, a
GOP delegate from Ann Arbor,
said. Some sections were not
changed at all, some were only
reworded, others were eliminat.ad
altogether, some only had a par-
tial, substantive, change, and some
completely new sections were pre-
The new sections included pro-
visions for adequate intergovern-
mental relations, provided for
executive reorganization, extended
the civil service into local govern-
ments on a permissive basis, and
raised the borrowing limit.
Unity, Division
Only 30 per cent of the recorded
votes showed any real dissension
among the delegates. "Much more
of the 1962 Constitution was of
united acceptance than of divided
action," Prof. Pollock declared.
There was a great deal of unan-
imity or near unanimity within
the committees, he said. "Seventy-
five per cent of the committee pro-
posals were reported to the con-
vention floor by a unanimous
vote," Prof. Pollock continued.
In the Committee of the Whole
there was complete or near com-
plete agreement on 182 of the 325
proposals presented to the dele-
gates; he said. In second readings
only 35 per cent of the recorded
votes had more than five dis-
Special Argument
Great argument arose over five
specific topics: advise and con-
sent of the Senate, election or ap-
pointment of administrative of-
ficials, review of administrative
agency policies by the Legislature
or the courts, civil rights and ap-
"The Democrats must carry
their share of the responsibility for
not achieving all that some hoped
for. They failed to support the
moderate Republicans," Prof. Pol-
lock continued.
In an analysis of the action
taken by the convention it is
evident that there was consider-
able unanimity in many measures,
that a thorough going revision
was achieved by the delegates, ard
that the new constitution is "a
superior and modern document
that the state would do well to
adopt," Prof. Pollock concluded.
Kill Sections
+of Tax Plan

Khider, top aide of Ben Bella,
was the first miinster to break
with Ben Khedda when the dis-
pute came into the open on the
eve of Independence Day, July 3.
Unlike Ben Bella, Khider formally
resigned from his government
He warned that if the current
secret conference of the wilaya
(zone) commanders of the guer-
illa army failed to produce a sat-
isfactory solution, "we will draw
all the consequences from this
failure, and will face all our re-
sponsibilities without exception."
Although he refused to amplify
this remark, it was interpreted as
a veiled threat to resort to, force.
Four of the six wilayas and the
Communist-equipped regular army
of 45,000 men are behind Ben
All-Day Confab
The Wilaya Council met all day
at a secret location somewhere in
the area of Medea, in the moun-
tains south of Algiers, to draw up
a possible formula for agreement
between the two factions.
All six wilayas were represented.
Contrary to earlier reports, chief
of staff Col. Houari Boumedienne,
dismissed by Ben Khdeda for al-
legedly plotting a military dicta-
torship, did not take part. He was'
present at Khider's news confer-
ence in Tlemcen and made his
first public statement since his
While Ben Khedda government
officials idnicated that they con-
sidered the two loyal wilayas to
have a veto in the wilaya council,
Khider made it clear that the reb-
els would accept no decision except
one favorable to them.
CNRA Approval
He reasserted the Ben Bella
group's uncompromising insistence
that the National Council of the7
Algerian Revolution (CNRA), aI
self-nominated, 72-member body4
with a built-in Ben Bella majority,
must be convened to name a newz
And whatever decision or rec-1
ommendation is made by the Wil-I
aya council, he said, must be1
ratified by the CNRA.
U.S. Explodes
atomic Mortar
The United States blasted an ac-;
tual nuclear battlefield weapon,1
apparently its vaunted Davy
Crockett mortar, with troops pres-1
ent in an atomic "first" yesterday.s
Nine hundred soldiers took part]
in exercise "Ivy Flats," first
American atomic test in five years
to use troops.1
The Army said two years ago7
the Davy Crockett-designed to1
attack enemy military positions1
under tactical conditions-dwarfed
in firepower anything ever Known
in the immediate battle line.

Haya Group
To Support
Odria Claim
Coalition Proposed
To Avoid Army Coup
LIMA ()-Followers of Victor
Raul Haya de la Torre, front-
runner in the June 10 presidential
election, last night threw their
support to retired Gen. Manuel
Odria for Peru's presidency.
Headquarters of Haya's Popular
Revolutionary Alliance (APRA)
said it will back Odria in an ef-
fort to end the political crisis
resulting from armed forces' op-
position to Haya.
There was no immediate word
on the military reaction to the
APRA move. Earlier in the day
chiefs of the army, navy and air
force called on the national elec-
toral board to annul the election.
Evening Session
The electoral board met during
the evening and announced after-
ward that the final returns in the
balloting showed none of the pres-
idential candidates obtained one-
third of the votes needed to win.
Board President Jose Busta-
mante said the official results will
be turned over to Congress. Bus-
tamante made no reference to the
military's annulment request.
Outgoing president Manuel Pra-
do rejected a similar demand by
the military last night. This led
to the resignation of prime min-
ister Carlos Moreyra Paz Soldan
and his cabinet.
Coup Reports
The mass resignations touched
off reports of a possible military
Haya led a seven-man field, in-
cluding Odria, in the election but
failed to obtain the required one-
third of the total votes.
Under the constitution, congress
must now choose a president from
among the three leading con-
tenders-Haya, Odria and Fer-
nando Belaunde Terry, now head
of the leftist Popular Action
"National Unity"
The APRA said that in an ef-
fort to "achieve national unmty
and maintain the constitutional
system," it will join forces with
Odria's rightist National Odriista
Union in the Congressional bal-
loting. Odria headed Peru's gov-
ernment from 1948 to 1956.
If the electoral board had
anulled the election, which in-
cluded the selection of new depu-
ties and senators, there wouid
have been no congress to decide
the presidential issue. This would
have opened the way for the
military to enter the picture.
Prado was busy during the day
trying to form a new cabinet.
Postpone Return
Fernando Berckemeyer, Peru's
ambassador to the United States
who has been mentioned for the
prime minister's post, postponed a
scheduled return from Washing-
(Berckemeyer said in Washing-
ton that a shutdown in telephone
communications with Lima had
prompted the postponement.)
The military, switching pressure
from Prado, told the electoral
board in a letter that the election
results should be wiped out "to
preserve the peace of the coun-
It claimed frauds in districts
where Haya, a leftist but avowed
anti-Communist, scored heaviest.















HR C, Council
Hold Session
On ,Housing
The Ann Arbor Human Rela-
tions Commission and City Coun-
cil held a closed-door discussion,
of fair housing ordinances last
night prior to debate on the issue
at Monday's Council working ses-
"We discussed possible ordin-
ances, but not details," HRC
chairman Paul Wagner said.
He added that the HRC would
not be officially represented at the,
working session since it has sub-
mitted its report to Council.
Fair Housing -
The Commission on April 12
recommended the passage of a
fair housing ordinance. However,
on July 3 it rejected a model sug-
gested by Democratic Councilman
Lynn Eley and last night's meet-
ing was set up..
The April 12 report noted diffi-
culties Negroes and other non-
whites had in obtaining housing
and concluded that housing dis-
crimination did exist in Ann
On July 3 the HRC reiterated
the need for a fair housing ordin-
ance declaring, "The Commission
believes that the Council should
take the steps deemed necessary
for the adoption of a fair housing
ordinance to eliminate discrimina-
tion in housing in Ann Arbor."
Open Session
At a regular meeting of the HRC
following the closed session with
the Council, progress was noted in
the Pittsfield Village dispute over
housing discrimination.
The Commission noted that the
Pittsfield Village had complied
with current legal regulations on
discrimination, but no Negroes
have applied or been accepted in
the development.
Kennedy Talks
With Dobrynin
WASHINGTON OP) - President
John F. Kennedy reportedly told
Soviet ambassador Anatoly F. Do-
brynin last night that the with-
drawal of Western troops from
Berlin is not a negotiable issue.
The President was said to have
stressed a new Western determina-
tion on Berlin in an unusual talk
with Dobrynin which lasted nearly
an hour.
Presidential press secretary,
Pierre Salinger said Kennedy
brought up the major issues of
Berlin, disarmament, nuclear test-
ing and Laos.

Groups Join


Materialist Confronts 'Que

A dialectical materialist will
confront a prostitute turned queen
at 8 p.m. today at Trueblood Aud.,
Frieze Bldg.
Set in a milieu of political revo-
lution, Ugo Betti's "The Queen
and the Rebels" asserts that "all
you have to do to be queen is
create the myth."
"Anyone's judgement of a man
becomes more and more attached
to his title," Andrew Doe of the
speech department, the director of
the University Players' production,
claims. In the play, Argia -- a
prostitute - is mistaken for the
former queen and nothing she can
do will convince the rebels she's
Amos-the dialectical material-
ist-decides that her trial and ex-
ecution would aid the rebel cause.
So he sets out to destroy the regal
queen the people have looked up
to with respect and awe all their
lives. But he acts without consid-
ering Argia.
Betti abhors and finds the big-
gest modern threat in material-
istic, historicaldeterminism, Doe
says. People like Amos, he said,
"are basically nihilistic - they
have some sense or need for order
in the world which they don't find.
So they impose determinism and
advocate almost total destruction
of the world in order to impose it."
Unlike most playwrights who are
either caught up in being so real-
istic they can say nothing or part
of the absurdist school whose
plays have little relation to the
everyday world, Betti sought to
"do something in terms of theatre
to bridge the communication gap,
to work with heightened realism
that has an objective reality for
audiences" while presenting a co-
herent view on life. Doe says.
The Italian playwright "almost
cries for some responsibility, some
sense of the individual having
more than a passive concept ofthe
role he has in the world. Man
seems to have lost the sense of his
own individual value and worth
and dignity."
"Basically a rather vicious per-
son whose life is based on a need
for existence at any cost," Argia
"gains dignity through the very
image she's looked up to" along
with the rest of the people.
Most of the play, according to
Doe, centers around the image of
the queen that affects the lives
of the people and the course of
the revolution. "The queen is a
myth, the kind of myth we all tack
our lives to-it defeats us once
we submit to it." It limits our lives
by providing a model to look up, to
and emulate, but "once the myth
See DOE, Page 3

Bill To Be'
Next Session
Care To Aged Defeat
By 52-48 Count
Viewed As Serious
ate killed 52 to 48 yesterday Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's com-
promise plan to help the elderly
pay their hospital and nursing
care bills-bringing a prompt de-
nunciation from the chief execu-
Within an hour after the new
jolting legislative setback for the
administration, a grim-faced Ken-
nedy appeared before newsmen to
call the action "a most serious
defeat for every American family."
He said he will offer the plan
again next year and appealed to
the voters to show they want it
by their choice of members of
Congress in the November elec-
e Gaetano Psychological Lift
en" who The climactic action, after
" which months of pressure and dickering
hat the by both sides, gave a psychological
killd to lift to members of Congress seek-
killed to ing to block other Kennedy pro-
posals. It came on top of defeat
of Kennedy's farm and urban af-
fairsdepartment proposals, al-
teration of some key tax recom-
mendations and lack of action on
such prime administration bills
as aid to education.
Twenty-one Democrats-17 of
them Southerners-joined 31 Re-
5e publicans in dealing the death
blow to Kennedy's social security
approach to health care for the
e vs. Hare aged. Only five Republicans--who
co-sponsored the plan-joined 43
wing that Democrats in trying to save it.
CIO presi- Urban Affairs
enate dis- It was the first time all 100
members were on hand for a vote
.a since the Senate killed Kennedy's
nfavorable urban affairs proposal last Feb-
nery into ruary.
Technically, what the Senate
did was to approve a motion by
Sen. Robert S. Kerr (D-Okla) to
ews table and thus kill an amendment
by Sen. Clinton P. Anderson (D-
NM) that would have tied the
Kennedy plan to a House-passed
public welfare bill.
yes Bursley Asks
e plan de-

To Stop


-Daily-Michael d
VIOLENCE - Three rebels plot the death of the "quee
has defied them in Ugo Betti's "Queen and the Rebels
opens tonight at Trueblood Aud. The rebels decide t
"queen"--unknown to them just a prostitute-must be k
further the rebel cause.
Expect Supreme Cour
To Decide Seholle Cas
A Supreme Court decision on the controversial Scholle
reapportionment case is expected today.
The court will meet behind closed doors and follo
session, the court may announce its decision on state AFL-C
dent Gus Scholle's request to nullify the present state S
tricts as an illegal unfair representation..
Oral hearings on the case ended July 2. A decision u
to the Senate will swing Republican-controlled machi


action. Sen. Carlton Morris (R-<
Kalamazoo) said he would call
his judiciary committee into ses-
sion within a day after an un-
favorable decision was reached.
Alternate Plan
The committee already has one
alternate proposal before it. Sen.
Lynn Francis (R-Midland), Has-
kell Nichols (R-Jackson), Perry
Greene (R-Grand Rapids) and
Harold Hughes (R-Clare) have
proposed that the Constitutional
Convention apportionment be put
on the November election ballot.
Under that scheme four seats-
one each from Wayne, Genesse,
Macomb and Oakland counties-
would be added to the Senate next
year instead of 1970.
The Legislature is scheduled to
return to Lansing July 26. How-
ever, if events warrant it, they
may return next Monday night,
Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor) indicated recently.
Criticize Statements
Meanwhile, four former Supreme
Court justices criticized state-
ments by Sen. John Smeekens (R-
Coldwater), the Senate Republican
floor leader and Rep. Allison
Green (R-Kingston) the House
Majority leader favoring impeach-
ment of Supreme Court justices if
they decide against the Senate.
Former justices Henry M. But-
zel, George Bushnell, George Ed-
wards and John D. Voelker de-
cared "We hope that cooler heads
will prevail and that intemperate,
abuse and attempts at intimidation
of judges will be repudiated by the
people of Michigan."
Appeal ule 9'
To Hi yh Court

Summer PormAid Solvency
; How do University residence halls help stay solvent during the
Ml" >" x x : spring and fall semesters?
..::....By making a profit on special groups using quadrangle and
dormitory facilities during the summer, that's how.
With groups granging from Girls' State to middle-aged business-
men to nuns all coming to campus for various academic pursuits
during the summer session, University residence facilities are
operating to provide the living quarters and food arrangements
for these diverse assemblages.
South Quadrangle is all filled up, Victor Vaughan is housing
English Language Institute students, and Helen Newberry-a women's
fi dormitory during the regular terms-is hosting more than 100 male
t public utility executives, residence halls business manager Leonard
Schaadt noted yesterday.
The various groups desiring to be on campus in the summer
apply to the business office for housing facilities, and are placed

World N
By The Associated P
GENEVA - Britain
gave the 17-nation dis
conference a compromis

signed to speed negotiations and
to break the United States-Soviet
'rift. The plan, consisting of 11
points, is an attempt to reconcile
the rival American and Soviet dis-
armament proposals which have
brought the conference to a stand-
still. It contains elements of each
THE HAGUE-The Internation-
al Court of Justice will give its
advisory opinion Friday on wheth-
er U.N. members are required to
pay for United Nations military
operations in the Congo and the
Middle East, court sources said
* * *
SAIGON-Thirty United States
helicopters dropped a strong force
of government troops into Com-
munist infested territory yesterday
while in Moscow, Nguyen Van
Hieu, the leader of South Viet
Nam's underground Communist
movement, called for a Laos-type
neutralization of his war-torn
Cal.-X-15 pilot Robert M. White
earned an astronaut's wings yes-
terday by soaring a record 58.7
miles into space - where he saw
a mysterious paper-like object

On Arms Work
By The Associated Press
LANSING - Rep. Gilbert E.
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) has wired
Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc-
Namara, asking him to meet with
the joint legisative committee on
economic growth Aug. 10.
Bursley expects a definite an-
swer today.
McNamara reportedly told a
group of Congressmen (none from
Michigan) last week that the state
Republicans, by opposing an in-
come tax, had deprived the Uni-
versity of money needed to main-
tain a good position in competi-
tion with other institutions for
defense reses ',h grants.
Look Back
Bursley said last night that it
was "fully possible" that Mc-
Namara didn't really make that
foreboding an implication, as Con-
gressmen from competing states
could have released only informa-
tion tending to make Michigan
look bad.
The representative expressed
confidence in the University's re-
search work, pointing out that it
leads the nation in the number
of nuclear scientists and aeronau-
tical engineers produced.




drift by.

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