See Page 2
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Cloudy and mild
with scattered thundershowers.
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Committees Near Agreement
WASHINGTON (P) - Members
of the feuding Senate and House
Appropriations Committees looked
at the peace pipe yesterday but
didn't smoke it.
However, progress was reported
in the latest attempt to break a
deadlock over procedure that has
held up final action on the reg-
ular money bills to run the gov-
Set Meeting
They will meet again Monday
afternoon to consider settlement
terns again.
. --
"Everybody is in good temper
and good humor," Rep. Albert
Thomas (D-Tex) told reporters
after a closed meeting of five
emissaries each from the two com-
mittees. Thomas reported progress
was made.
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga),
leader of the Senate delegation,
said "we certainly haven't lost any
ground." He said a number of
suggestions were made to end the
dispute but declined to go into de-
Group Challenges Alabama
Reapportionment Proposal
MONTGOMERY (AP)-The mainstay of the Alabama Legislature's
newly drafted reapportionment plan was challenged anew yesterday
in a federal court which may throw out the entire program.
Attorneys for a group of Birmingham residents demanding a loud-
er voice in the lawmaking assembly, which has remained unreappor-
tioned for 61 years, asked the three-judge court to block a statewide
election on a proposed constitutional amendment. The judges, who
three months ago gave the Legislature a do-it-now-or-else ultimatum
. . issues warping
Home Warns.
Of Challenges
To UN Work
LONDON W)-Foreign Secre-
tary Lord David Home warned last'
night that racialism and aggressive
nationalism can kill the United
The British statesman left no
doubt that he was addressing his
warning to some newly independ-
ent African and Asian states, al-
though he did not name them.
Home accused the Communist
powers of letting loose "a tide of
malice" in the UN Assembly with
the sole aim of winning a cheap
dividend in power. Discussing this
tactic, as one of the factors that
could rock and maybe wreck the
world body, Home told the Gen-
eral Council of the UN Associa-
Raps Alliance
"A small minority in the As-
sembly subscribe to what they
know to be wrong and dangerous
and' ally themselves with the Com-
munists to do us maximum harm:
while altogether too many of their
fellow members allow themselves
to be swept along, reluctantly per-
haps and sonewhat shamefaced,
on this tide of malice."
The foreign secretary emphasiz-
ed, however, that the British gov-
ernment unswervingly supports
the United Nations and its char-
ter 'and he said he had assured
acting Secretary-General U Thant
of this privately last week.
Home's blast was the second by
a senior Brtish mse sncen
Tuesday. On that day R. A. But-
ler; minister for central African
affairs, assailed what he called the
intemperance of some UN states
which have been rapping Brit-
ain's colonial policies.
Current Tendencies
Home cited racialism and ag-
gressive nationalism as two cur-
rent international t e n d e n c i e s
which, if imported into the United'
Nations, "will kill it."
Both influences, he said, are be-
ing aggravated by Red powers and
both are beginning to show up in
the world body.
The foreign secretary's prepared
speech was circulated widely in
advance by aides.
Report Churchill
-Jon reapportionment, reconvene
Monday to see what has been
The suggested change in the
state's organic law would give each
of the 67 counties a fulltime state
senator and at the same time re-
shuffle the house on a population
bracket formula. The state senate
is made up now of 35 members
representing from one to three
Unless the court prohibits the
election, the 67-senator amend-
ment will be submitted to the peo-
ple on Nov. 6, the same day as the
general election for state and lo-
cal offices. If ratified, it will go
into effect in 1967.
Along with the senator-for-
everyecounty measure, the Legis-
lature, nearing the end of a five-
week special session, enacted a
standby bill designed to assure
some realignment of the House
and Senate if the constitutional
amendment fails.
The 67-senator formula would
be used if the federal court and
the voters approved it; otherwise,
the standby act, reshuffling the
Legislature somewhat according to
population within the present con-
stitutional limits of 106 House
members and 35 in the Senate.
Even while the two measures
were still pending, the Birming-
ham residents asked the court for
a summary judgment to reappor-
tion the Legislature immediately
by judicial order even if the billsE
were enacted.
They charged that the House
and Senate had refused to give
serious consideration to legislation1
which would realign the lawmak-c
ing assembly according to popula-c
tion as required by the state con-t
D G To Initiate
Negro Pledge
The Beloit college chapter of
Delta Gamma, backed. by school
officials, will initiate iys first Ne-
gro member despite being placed
on probation by its national last
In Madison, ,Wis., Leroy Luberg,c
dean of students of the University n
of Wisconsin, said that the local
chapter "will be in trouble," if it I
is determined the suspension was i
made as a result of pledging Miss i
Hamilton, the Negro involved. S
House members said privately
that an agreement they thought
had been reached informally
Thursday became unstuck when
some of the senators objected to
its terms.
Possible Plan
The reported informal agree-
ment would have permitted a
House member to preside over
about half the conferences where
the committees of the two bodies
of Congress meet to work out their
differences over how much money
to appropriate for the functions of
Traditionally, senators have pre-
sided at all the conferences. -
Under the reported compromise,
the conference meetings would
have been presided oved by the
senator or House member with the
longest service in his own branch
of Congress.
Senators Object
One House member said the
Senate delegation objected to this
arrangement. He said an alterna-
tive compromise might be made by
which the one who presides would,
be decided by his total number of
years in Congress. This would give
the Senate an advantage, since
many of its members served in the
House before being elected to the'
The dispute involving prestige
of the two bodies has blocked final
passage of appropriations bills to
run the government in the fiscal
year which started July 1.
Votes Down
H'ealth Caret
WASHINGTON (P)-The Senate c
rejected by a lop-sided vote yester-
day, in the third such turndown f
in a week, a Republican-sponsored s
substitute proposal for President b
John F. Kennedy's compromise v
health care plan for the elderly. t
The plan, beaten by a 75-5 n
vote, would-unlike the other two f
-use the Social Security financ-
ing method, the same avenue as f
the administration proposal. f
Sen. Prescott Bush (R-Conn) 1
proposed that Social Security pay-
roll taxes be raised one-fourth of
one per cent each for employer and
employe, as would the administra-
tion plan.
However, under his plan the
unds would be used for supple-
nentary payments of up to $9 a 4
nonth for those eligible to receive
Social Security benefits. The mon-
y would reimburse the recipient(
'or any type of guaranteed renew-C
ble health insurance which he t
The Kennedy proposal is basedM
n the original plan for healthp
are benefits financed directly C
hrough the Social Security sys-
em. It has been altered, however, tj
o gain Republican support, by t
>roviding for those not covered by
ocial Security plus some partici-
ation by private health insurance s
U.S., Britain End
secret Meetings W
LONDON (A') - Secret defense w
alks between British and Amer- p
an scientists ended in London last P
No communique was issued but cc
hey were understood to be eval- w
ating new scientific data arising p
om the current series of United R
tates underground tests. w
New Center
To Examine
A new University medical cen-
ter for the study of birth defects
has been established through a
grant from the National Founda-
tion of the March of Dimes.
Dr. William N. Hubbard, dean
of the medical school, and Nation-
al Foundation President Basil O'-
Connor announced the grant of
$30,459 recently. Prof. David G.
Dickinson of the pediatrics, de-
partment, will direct work at the
Thermedical center will combine
medical research and instruction
with the actual treatment of child-
ren born with malformations of
the spinal cord and central ner-
vous system.
Explore Three Areas
There will be three birth de-
fects, to be tackled by the center.'
The first, hydrocephalus, or
"water on the brain," will be
studied by University researchers
conducting a long-range follow-
up study of results from a new
surgical technique of "shunting"
to relieve the condition.
The second area involves a de-
formity of spinal nerve centers
known as spina bifida. Often it
results in obstruction of the urin-
ary tracts and infections which
create serious problems for pa-
tients and physicians.
Bowel Incontinence
The researchers will also delve
into bowel incontinence. They be-
lieve from preliminary experiments
that a program of management
can be developed to solve the
problem, and they propose to study
the method further. It is hoped1
that a guide usable by practicing
psysicians and by patients at homer
will be published after the study is
According to O'Connor, birth de-
fects are a growing problem, withr
ome 250,000 - one-sixteenth -
born each year in the U. S., thef
victims of significant abnormali-
ies. The National Foundation hass
made the first truly organized ef-t
fort to deal with these problems.
The University center is thet
ourth in a network of birth de-b
feet centers located in Columbus, I
Nashville and Oklahoma City. s
Fight Develops,
On Criticism v
Oif GOP Head
A fight over Sen. John Stahlin's c
R-Belding) criticism of 14th Dis-
rict GOP chairman William Dur- s
nt is shaping up for the meeting 0
f the board of control of the i
4ichigai, Federation of Young Re-
ublican Clubs Sunday in St. a
lair. f
Groups supporting and opposing a
he action plan to submit motions r
n the issue at the meeting.
Young Americans for Freedom
upporters are preparing a cen- b
"re motion, while a group headed i
y Albion YR chairman Kimbal i
Smith will present a motion
ommending Stahlin's attack of o
rayne County "extremists."
"Anyone familiar with the b
ayne County situation realizes fa
rhat a genuine service Stahlin re
rformed for the Republican
arty," Smith declared.-n
"It would be regretable if a
nsure resolution were passed. It c
ould place our federation in a u
osition of opposition to George ti
omney and in support of right- a]
ing extremist groups," he added. b
WASHINGTON (PA)-The presi-
dent of the United States Cham-
ber of Commerce suggested yester-
day that President John F. Ken-
nedy shows an inability to grasp-
and take positions on-the prob-
lems foremost in businessmen's
The Chamber head, H. Ladd
Plumley, was drawn into his diag-
nosis at a luncheon with newsmen
shortly after he called on Kenne-
dy at the White House for the
third time in two months.
He told reporters relations be-
tween the administration and la-
bor are improving after "a pretty
ow ebb" following the mid-April
teel price crisis.
"The President seems to be tak-
ng repeated steps to encourage a
dialogue and understanding be-1
ween business and the President,"
Plumley said at the White House.l
Among new factors, he mentioned1
he guidelines announced this week
or faster depreciation of new ma-1
hinery and equipment.
He said part of the misunder-T
tanding results from the failure
f mutual communication in whichr
ndustry must share the blame.
Plumley disclosed that Kennedy 1
gain has called on the Chamber
or help-this time by setting upe
committee to study proposals forr
evising federal budget procedures.
Study Problem
At Kennedy's request the Cham,
er already is studying possible
ndustry efforts to cut the deficit
n international payments.
Plumley gave as the sole purpose
f his White House visit to report
hat recommendations the Chai-
>r committee has come up with so
ar. What was suggested was not
Plumley, in his analysis of Ken- h
edy-business relations, said:
"It seems to me that in some
uses there has been a lack of full
rderstanding by the administra- p
on of how small business works n
nd what is the influence of small
usiness on the total economy." P
It is a serious matter for busi-
nessmen that the conditions in
which they operate remain "pre-
dictable and plottable, so that they
can plan their own moves," Plum-
ley said, rather than the govern-
ment steering them.
Give Warning
To Wake field
The City Clerk's office informed
Democratic state Senatorial can-
didate Dick Wakefield that his
registration may be cancelled
within 30 days if he does not show
that he resides at his alleged Ann
Arbor address.
The letter informs Wakefield
that "reliable information" has
been received that he does not
live at the address and that unless
he can prove otherwise in 30 days,
falling after the Aug. 7 primary,
his registration will be cancelled.
It also contains copies of pertinant
Michigan statutes.
Looker said that Wakefield's
registration card had been held
out of the file earlier this week
because the clerk's office was seek-
ing to learn Wakefield's age. How-
ever, he said, the card had been
returned since knowing his exact
age is not vital to the card's val-
"I am not sure that the admin-
istration fully recognizes that this
free enterprise system operates'
with steering, but on the decisions
which are being made daily by
thousands of individuals," Plum-
ley said.
Lists Failures
The Chamber head ticked off
three areas in which Kennedy's
speech at Yale University last
month, in his opinion, failed to
provide the reassurance Kennedy
evidently intended:
First, in discussing budgeting
systems which differ from the ad-
ministrative budget long in use,
Kennedy gave "a rather clear im-
plication that some other kind of
measuring d e v i c e was being
sought" but didn't say what he
was looking for.
Second, Kennedy preceded his
comments on federal deficits with
the statement that deficit financ-
ing could not be tolerated indefi-
nitely, then went on to say that
deficits could be helpful under cer-
tain circumstances as an economic
Third, on the problem of busi-
ness confidence, Kennedy spoke
reassuringly of the health of basic
economic trends but "did not en-
compass all the things that busi-
nessmen think about," including
the political considerations in-
volved in economic affairs. ,
BRITISH CABINET SHAKEUP-Selwyn Lloyd (left) complied with a request that he resign his post
as chancellor of the exchequer and Richard A. Butler (center) was named deputy prime minister in
the upheaval of British leaders by Prime Minister Macmillan. Peter Thorneycroft (right) assumed
the post of defense minister upon the ousting of Harold Watkinson.
Analyzes Kennedy's Inability
Macmillan Juggles Aides,
Ousts Lloyd from Cabinet
Move Seeks
To Restore
Prime Minister
Removes Watkinson
From Defense Post
LONDON (A) - Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan dismissed one-
third of his 21-member cabinet last
night in a dramatic effort to re-
store the voters' confidence in his
Conservative government.
Heading the list of those fired
were Chancellor of the Exchequer
Selwyn Lloyd and Defense Minis-
ter Harold Watkinson.
A cabinet reshuffle had been
anticipated as a result of by-elec-
tion setbacks to the ruling Con-
servative Party, but the extent of
the changes went far beyond ex-
Promotes Butler
Macmillan elevated Home Sec-
retary R. A. Butler as deputy prime
minister, a signal that he has chos-
en his own successor if develop-
ments force him out of the Tory
The policies of both Lloyd and
Watkinson have been under con-
stant attack.
Lloyd's pay-freeze program an-
gered wage earners and critics
charged he was favoring the rich.
Watkinson ended Britain's mili-
tary draft and defended the idea
of an independent British nuclear
weapons program, even in the face
of United States doubts.
Drastic Move
It was the most drastic reshuf-
fle by the Prime Minister since he
took over from Sir Anthony Ecln
in January 1957. The changes e-
duced the average age of the cab-
inet membership from 55 to 51
The shakeup took Reginal Maul-
ding from direction of the Colon-
ial Office, to Lloyd's job as head
of the Treasury.
Peter Thorneycroft, a former
chancellor and until yesterday
aviation minister, moved to the
Defense Ministry.
The firing of Lloyd ended an old
cabinet association with Macmil-
lan. There were traces of nostal-
gia and some pain in an exchange
of letters made public between the
two men.
"You have told me that you
would like me to resign and this I
willingly do," Lloyd wrote. "I real-
ize that the policies with which.I
have been associated have been
Former Eden Aide
Lloyd was foreign secretary be-
fore moving to the Treasury and
he was right hand man to Eden
at the time of the 1956 Suez affair,,
when Britain and France attacked
Egypt. His dismissal apparently
ended any personal dream he had
of one day becoming prime minis-
ter himself.
Watkinson's exchange of letters
with Macmillan was not published.
The former defense minister has
claimed many times in recent
months that his policies are to-
tally in line with those of the
United States and other Atlantic
Allies. But his assertions have
failed to quell widespread criti-
cisms that Britain's armed forces
are running down for want of
manpower and because of too
much reliance on nuclear weapons.
Leaders Comment
Political reaction in the lobbies
f Parliament was one of aston-
ishment among all parties over the
cope of the shakeup.
The Conservatives said they had
expected nothing so sweeping.
Liberal leader Jo Grimond said
the government has lost the con-
fidence of the country and "it is
time we had a general election"
Laborites, also, saw the changes
as a sign of governmental weak-
Market Drops
In Low Trade
NEW YORK (A)-Stock market
prices fell back a step yesterday
as some investors took profits on
the advane of the nrevinm firu
Midwestern Congressmen
Urge More Military Work
WASHINGTON (A)-Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara
heard pleas for more military work yesterday from members of Con-
gress from five midwestern states.
In a one-hour session with McNamara, 15 House members of both
parties urged more research awards to colleges and universities and
more contracts to industrial firms in their states.
A spokesman said later the purpose of the meeting was to em-
hasize to McNamara "that the midwest is being neglected in the as-
Soviets PreventPecDmosrtn
-: . *' :.:u. :. ".*.. ~MOSCOW (AP)-A group of Western youths, used to free-wheeling
"ban-the-bomb'' demonstrations in their home countries, got a rude
shock when they tried one in Red Square yesterday. Soviet security
police seized their banners.
The stillborn demonstration came as the Soviet News Agency
Tass, i another in a series of East-West statements on nuclear
tests, claimed a moral right for Russia to be the last to hold such
tests because the United States started the nuclear arms race in
World War II.
Receive Warning
Two dozen young Westerners, ignoring warnings that they would
be deported if they went through with a planned demonstration
beneath the Kremlin walls, assembled in Red Square yesterday
morning. They were not molested until they tried to unfurl their
banners. Then the police cracked down swiftly.
The group had offered to give up earlier plans to demonstrate
in front of the American embassy if they could assemble silently
in4Red Square. This was refused and the deportation threat was made.
Whether deportation would be carried out was not known. But
" signment of research and defense
proceurement contracts."
To Continue Bidding
McNamara was quoted as say-
ing he would continue to increase
competitive bidding for defense
contracts. Groups interested in
qualifying for more contracts can
consult with the department's eco-
nomic adjustment staff, he said.
House members from Indiana,
Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and
Ohio attended the session.
At Elkhart, Ind., Radio Station
WTRC quoted Rep. John Brade-
mas (D-Ind) as saying iin an in-
terview that McNamara told the
congressmen, "the Defense De-
partment is seeing the best brains,
and goes where they are, and gen-
erally speaking they are not in the
Brademas told the station that
McNamara agreed tota proposal
by Brademas to send top level de-
fense experts to confer with local
industries and educational lead-
ers and discuss how communities
can meet changing defense re-