FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1962
- - -7-- - - - - - -
Sees Use of Math in Science
Mathematics finds two distinct~
applications in the behaviorial sci-
ences, Prof. Anatol Rapoport of
the Mental Health Research Insti-
tute said yesterday in a mathe-
matics education l e c t u r e on
"Mathematics and the Behavorial
It provides both quantitative de-
scriptions of the events studied by
the science and a deductive theo-
retical structure to explain the
The first stages of any science
-physical, biological or behav-
orial-are primarily qualitative, he
pointed out, and therefore do not
need the tools of mathematics.
Quantitative and Simple
Then the science becomes quan-
titative and starts using measure-
ment, and therefore simple forms
of mathematics. The primary need
at this step, he noted, is finding
quantities to be measured and
scales with which to measure
In physics, this problem was of
less importance, because the scales
for mass, position, and time meas-
urement were relatively easier to
find than the useful measureable
quantities in the social sciences.
Measurement Yields Low
After the stage of simple meas-
urement comes condensation of
large amounts of data into mathe-
matical laws which provide con-
cise summaries of large amounts
of information.
In the social sciences, these laws
will generally be formulated in
statistical form because of the
variation in behavior of living or-*
To Present Talks
About 'Costuming'
The speech department is spon-
soring two colloquiums on "Cos-
tuming" at 1 p.m. and 2:15 p.m.
today in the East Conference Rm.,
Rackham Bldg. Prof. Lucy Barton
of the University of Texas will
moderate the discussions.
Irodnitz Vi
In Voice Duw
The importance of voice changes
occuring during adolescence was
stressed in an address on "Voice
Problems of the Child and the
Adolescent" delivered by Dr. Fred-
erich S. Brodnitz as part of the
Summer Session Conference pre-
sented yesterday.
Dr. Brodnitz, chairman of the
Voice and Speech Clinic at Mt
Sinai Hospital in New York City
said that little is known about
these problems.
"We know quite a bit about the
mechanics and the psychology of
voice disorders, but there are not
many statistics on them."
Two Categories
Voice disorders, Dr. Brodnitz
said, were grouped into two cate-
gories, organic and functional. The
first includes malignancies, while
functional disorders are caused
by misuse of the voice. He said
that one of the more common or-
ganic disorders is a hypernasality
following the removal of tonsils or
adenoids. This hypernasality ac-
tually exists before such an opera-
tion but it is masked.
"I am convinced that these cases
ca nbe picked up before the oper-
ation, and am in favor of each
child seeing a speech therapist be-
fore the operation takes place,'
Dr. Brodnitz said.
Speaking on the problems of
adolescence, Dr. Brodnitz said that
much too little attention is being
given to the change of voice. He
referred to this period as "one of
the most important landmarks in
the development of an individua
He suggested that a great many
of the disorders incurred during
this time are psychogenic in ori-
gin; such a disorder is the "in-
Dial m
It's sheer magic!
... use of mathematics
ganisms-as opposed, for instance,
to the general predictability of the
physical sciences.
But there is an even more basic
use of mathematics which is just
beginning to come into its own in
the social sciences, although it has
been used for long periods of time
in the physical sciences.
Derivation by Deduction
Mathematics can provide syste-
matic models of large areas of a
science in only a few basic laws,
from which the descriptive laws
previously found may be derived by
In the physical sciences, for in-
stance, Prof. Rapoport said, laws
such as the conservation of ener-
gy are used to deduce descriptive
laws relating the temperature,
pressure and volume of gases un-
der different conditions.
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DIA . i uu u W N O WV!
2-6264 811
"rAn absorbing anzd skillful
screen story."
-Louis Cook,
Detroit Free Press
"Powerful adult drama."
-Al Weitschat,
Detroit News
lourer MMM910"
lunlal Rol-
(Continued from Page 2)
Linguistics Forum Lecture: Prof. Hen-
ry M. Hoenigswald, University of Penn-
sylvania, will discuss "The Minor Sound
Change Processes" on Thurs., July 12
at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
Tonight through Saturday, 8:00 p.m.,
Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg.: Peter
Shaffer's award-winning play, "Five'
Finger Exercise," presented by the U-M
Players. Tickets on sale at Trueblood'
box office 10-8 daily.
Faculty Recital: Charles Fisher, pian-
ist, will present the piano music of
Franz Schubert in a recital on Sun..
July 15, 8a:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
He will play Sonate in B-flat major, Op.
Post., Twelve "Valses sentimentales,"
Op..50, and Three Impromptus. His re-
cital is open to the public without
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the school year
Oxford, Mich.-Elem. (1st gr.), Chem/
Phys/Geom., HS Engl., Sp. Corr., Visit.
Teach., Jr. HS Type "A."
Pontiac, Mich. - HS Girl's PE/Sci.
Port Huron, Mich.-5th grade gifted
Saugatuck, Mich. - HS Engl., Bus
Educ., Band Director.
Stambaugh, Mch.-HS Phys/Chem/
Phys. Sqi., Girl's PE (Elem. & HS)
Engl., Latin, French.
Troy, Mich.-Jr. HS Vocal Mus., H
French, Jr. HS Ment. Retard. 4th grade
4th/5th grade, 3rd grade.
Vermontville, Mich.-HS Inst. Music
Sci/Chem/Phys., Jr. HS Engl/Latin or
Fre, or Cpan.
Ypsilanti, Mich. (Ypsil. State Hos-
pit. Sch.)-Emot. Disturbed.
Newhall, Calif. (Wm. S. Hart Union
Sch. Dist.)-Jr. HS Engl./SS, Speech/
Drama, Boy's PE, HS Home Ec., Graphic
Arts/Photo., Eng/Hist.
Ashtabula, O. (Buckeye Schs.) -
French, Engl., Girl's PE, Later Elem.,
Jr. HS Guid.
Bryan, . (Williams County Pub
Schs.)-HS 5,uid., SS (grades 7 & 8)
HS Math (Ass. Bsktbl. Coach), Instr
& Vocal Mus. (Grades 1-12), Ind. Arts
Speech & Hearing Ther.
Cleveland Hts., 0.-SS Coordinator
Elem., School Camp Teacher, Engl.
Pettisville, O.-Home Ec., Span., 5th
Toledo, O. (Adams Bd. of Ed.)-Home
Ec., Latin/Engl., Span.
Toledo, O. (Ottawa'Hills Sch.)-Gen
St. or 6th grade.
East Ely, Nev. (White Pine County
Schs.)-German/Engl., Comm., Engl.,
Gen. Sci., Ungraded Handicapped (Ex-
ceptional Child.), 7th grade, 1st, 5th
grades, Elem. Art.
Hawthorne, Nev. (Mineral County Sch
Dist.)-HS Latin, Span., Engl., Drive
od Auditorium
5, 1.75
re riveting .
ieatre . . ."
nal American
ew Changes THREE MODELS:
ring Puberty Fair Housing Ordinances Proposed
(Continued from Page 1)
complete mutation." In this case 1) develop an effective ordi-
s the larynx grows normally but the nance which will be of real value
voice remains relatively high, to a Negro family seeking suitable
A Family Problem housing and at the same time not
He said that this is very un- develop insurmountable new ten-
common in Europe, but that there sions within the community; or
it is not unusual to find European 2) work within the framework of
boys whose voices become lower present interested groups, stim-"
than they would naturally be. This ulate the interest of other groups,
is because the European family is and help Negroes find homes on /
patriarchal, and the father usual- an individual basis-anticipatingy y
ly wants the child to grow up. that state or federal laws ulti-
Thus the boy tries to "out-father mately will solve the problem; or
father." 3) a combination of (1) and I t
The contrary is true in the Unit- (2) ."
F ed States. Here it is the mother Three Model Ordinances
who tends to dominate the fam- There are three model ordi-
ily, and she usually does not want nances designed to meet this goal. 1 z
the child to grow up. This can be The most complete and recent was
compounded by the child's own introduced June 7 by the NAACP.
fear of becoming an adult. The other main one is the HRC-
He said that damage can be council committee draft of 1960
1 done during puberty by excessive and its strengthened variant, the FAIR HOUSING-Democratic Councilman Lynn Eley (left) and
singing. As evidence of this he Eley ordinance of last November. Mayor Cecil O. Creal take opposing views about the need for a
stated that during the 200 years All three cover discrimination in fair housing ordinance. Eley proposes such a measure, but Creal
that the Vienna Boys Choir group public and publically assisted sees no particular need for it since, he asserts, "Ann Arbor is a
has been in existence, not one boy housing and multiple unit housing broadminded town."
from that group has become a containing four or more units._broadmindedtown.
famous singer. The NAACP and Eley ordinances
cover financial institutions. The All three ordinances take a con- Republican Councilman Wendell
NAACP ordinance alone deals with silatory approach in dealing with Hulcher has circulated a memo to
To Exam ine the sale of land and discriminatory complaints. All require an in- his fellow Councilmen urging a
practices designed to discourage vestigation after a complaint and public vote on a fair housing or-
sales to Negroes. consilation effort. When these fail, dinance.
Aul nistration Religious organization sponsored the provisions of the three models "Any effective legislation needs
housing is exempted under clause diverge, majority support of the public,"
The Midwest Community College typified by "nothing contained in Non-Specific Provisions he says.
Leadership Program, under the this ordinance shall require any The HRC-council committee ver- "I believe this is minority Sup-
auspices of the University, Mich- bona fide religious organization to sion does not spell out any specific ported legislation. It should be put
igan State and Wayne State Uni- extend the use of its housing fa- provisions for enforcement. to a vote," he declared.
versities, is sponsoring two lec- cilities to any person who does The Eley ordinance says the Put To Vote
tures today. not subscribe to the religious tenets ae as Hulcher thinks a draft ordi
The first, "The Responsibility of of the group" clause found In the to City Council. However, Eley ad- nance should be put up to a
l Administration," will be held at 8 NAACP ordinance. mits, if he were revising his draft referendum, but Creal suggests
a.m. in the West Conference Rm., Include FHA Mortgages ordinance, he would change this that the whole issue of council
Rackham Bldg. "Responsibility of The Eley ordinance defines pub- provision to spell out legal pen- writing such legislation should b
the President to the Faculty," the lically assisted housing to include alties of violating an ordinance- put up to a vote.
. second speech, will be given at anything financed by FHA mort- $100 fine or 90 days in jail-and Meanwhile, the NAACP and the
- noon in Rm. D., of the Union, gages still in force. to place enforcement in the hands Democrats are pressing for action
..:: of the city attorney rather than on this issue.
,." ...:."::>."::.:,; ,"....:.>..::.::,":: ." >:;>. " : :.Wv...sze. r;wS..s:4n.s.;............P es lu io c ll
the council. A recent NAACP resolution call
ed upon the City Council to take
The NAACP ordinance calls for "objective understanding and af-
a $10 fine or 30 day jail trm as firmative action" n the HRC's
r a last resort measure of carcom medtin
:pliance' Wagner said the fair housin
Any ordinance faces tough op- " bet
" .: > :.<:: : : : :. : : "<:; " , . . r :;o s itio n ? ;::r e:<noi omene.ce ty tim e." T u es d a y's c o u n c il m e e tin g
. Train., Psy., Sr. Math, Girl's PE; Rural Employers desirous of hiring students Cecil 0. Creal opposes the or-
grades 4/5, Rural grades 1/2, Grade 1, for part-time or full-time temporary dinance saying, "I don't think Ann with HRC and the July 23 council
3, Primary Music. work, should contact Bob Hodges, at Arbor has this problem Am Arbor working session will be decisive.
Batavia, N.Y.-Jr. HS Engl., Engi/SS, NO 3-1511, ext. 3553,re
Math; HS Math, German/Latin, Home Students desiring miscellaneous oddis a broadminded town.
Ec., Typing, Girl's PE, Biol. & Gen. jobs should consult the bulletin board "Everybody here is a first class
Read. &Sec.SCrr., in Room 2200, daily. citizen," he added. BILLIA R DS ,
, Chappaqua, N.Y. (Westchester Cty.) MALE
-Ele. Rad. Sec Red.,Nurs/Tech-1-To sell fresh frozen crickets. Would
-r Elem. Read., Sec. Read., Nurse/Teach- need a car. Full-time for 2 months. and
Rochester, N.Y.-Engld, Math, French, 1-To approach teachers in summer
Bus. Ed., Art, Id. Arts, Libr., Girls session, distributing brochures and SW IM M IN G
FE, p. Educ., Speech & Hearing Ther putting up posters.
ElemP . ''Spec&earng1-Senior or Grad student with Elec-
White Plains, N.Y.-Math, Jr. HS Ind. trical background and interest. Will
Arts, Kdg., 1st grade, Elem. Libr., Elem. be setting up experiments. Some ex- HORROR SHOW Sun
SArt. perience in ordering, purchasing Doctor Blood's
, Sheboygan, Wis. - HS Engl./Bus., materials helpful plus technical oe
Engl/German, Bus. Ed., Span./Engl'' background. Bride of Dracula at the
Jr. HS Engl/Read. FEMALE Hound Dog ManM CHIGAN U IO
* * * ~~1-To cook for one person and live in.strigFba
For additional information contact Bus runs by house.rstarring Fabian
the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, 1-To approach teachers in summer _
663-1511, Ext. 3547. session, distributing brochures and
I Oputting up posters.
POSITION OPENINGS: 1-Dental assistant. Must be able to
Detroit Div. of Large Mfg. Co.--Sales work full-time Thurs. and an equiv-
Representatives to call on business & alent to 8 hours the rest of the week
professional people. Regular hrs., no -16 hrs. total. Must be able to type
nights or weekends. College bgd. de- wel. Permanent position.
gree not essential Exper. not required. 1-To baby sit and do ight house
Age 23-33. keeping. Three children, ages 3
Corporatio be D ignn Constructo months, 3 years and 4 years. Full- and
centgra tobe esig & onsrucion time for three weeks and part-time
Engnr. Seeking new engnr. to take over for approximately three more weeks.
modernizing & re-designing a paper Hours would be from 7:30 a.m. to 7
mill. BS in Engrg. No exper required,uf -t. t esO
Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buf- -With W.S . to give swimming les-
falo, N.Y. - Medical Statistician- sons to an intermediate swimmer.
unique position with statistical center
for national cooperative chemotherapy
studies in field of cancer. Requires
bkgd. in biological sciences with ad-
vanced degree, preferably in Statistics.
Man or woman. InvolveshconsiderableN T 'q
Navy Dept.-Civilian job opportuni- ((J Q OM
ties as follows: Engineers, Digital Con-
puter Programmer, Position Classifier, Graduate Outing Club, Swim & Sup- 201 Nickels Arcade - over the Post Office
Meteorologist, Writer & Editor (printed per with Folk Dance Club, July 15,
I media), Librarian, Mathematician, Phys- 1:45 p.m., Rackham, Huron St. En-
Icist, Budget Analyst, Illustrator (tech. trance.
equip.), Industrial Hygienist, Chemists,
Biologist, etc. Positions located in var-
sous parts of U.S. & Overseas,
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 SAB Monday thru
Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 P.M. { t
DIAL 5-6290 O
off corner of S. University
etGoolin opp. Campus Theatre
at rear of shop S
"':::rand Saturday till 1 P..
Huge group of BETTER DRESSES SPRING COATS, some all wool,
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: .weoriginally 17.95 to 35.00. 29.95 at 13.13.
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V ,,
t ::
t X
8:00 P.M., Trueblo
Last Performance Tomorrow Nig
"Brilliant theatre . .
Hypnotic and fascinat
"Scenes which a r
ing ..
Simply great th
-N.Y. Jour