Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BYS TUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Wher Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLIcATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. AT THE STATE: 'Advise and Consent' Too Weak for Export "ADVISE AND CONSENT" is the type of long novel that inspires readers to "wait for the movie." Readers who have been waiting would do better to read the novel than to see the movie. Otto Preminger's motion picture, "Advise and Consent," has the same relation to the novel as his "Exodus" did to the novel. The basic plot-line is there; all the sensationalism is there (in fact, the homo- sexual sub-plot has been augmented in the screenplay); and all the major characters are intact. But none of the author's ideas, the I. IDAY, JULY 13, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: DENISE WACKER The New-Model OSA: Now It's up to Regents SOME ENCOURAGINd NEWS came out of the Office of Student Affairs yesterday, and although slightly tarnished by some of the same old discouraging trends and policies that linger within that office, it provides hope for the liberal student and faculty members who have been pressing for changes in student af- fairs during the 'past few years.' Vice-President Lewis's announcement that he is taking over real control in the OSA, plus the recommendations he made to the Regents last May to reorganize it, could go a long way towards clearing up lines of authority and es- tablishing clear-cut delegated areas of re- sponsibility. Perhaps the most glaring fault of the OSA has been a lack of strong, decisive leadership and its muddled lines of responsibility. Lower- echelon administrators used to be particularly fond of passing the buck for certain policies, claiming that they did not have the jurisdic- tion or authority to take the responsibility for these actions, although in practice they did have more than a little autonomy. But now that Mr. Lewis has come out and said he has assumed the ultimate control for the OSA, subject of course to the President and Regents, we will know at least partially whom to blame or praise for the office's decisions. IF THE REGENTS at their July 27 meeting approve recommendations 'Lewis made to them last May, more confusion and clumsiness in structure would be eliminated. At that time, he proposed that five directorships be set up to handle, areas of housing, counseling, student organizations, scholarships and loans, and dis- cipline. These matters would be handled on a functional basis, rather than on the overlapping hodgepodge type of organization now reigning. Instead of having separate dean of men and dean of women's offices, for instance, working in parallel areas such as housing and counsel- ing, and almost totally unaware of what the other is doing and totally unwilling even to communicate, the functionally-based realign- ment would provide better coordination of policy and consolidation of labor. Better yet, each of the directors is to be directly respon- sible to the vice-president, so there can be no bones about pin-pointing decisions or fixing re- sponsibility. Lewis, however, still has to make recommen- dations to the Regents on personnel and dean- ships, Unfortunately, he has chosen to con- tinue the same pattern of secrecy and lack of candidness that has characterized the OSA dur- ing recent years. HE HAS REFUSED to make any public state- ment on what he has in mind for these two aspects, although he has communicated his opinions to the OSA staff. It is quite obvious, for example, that he doesn't think there should be any deanships, because he has recommended that their traditional functions be rearranged into the autonomous directorships. Since it is hard to imagine what a dean of men or a dean of women or a dean of students would do if he didn't counsel, direct housing, look after scholarships and loans, oversee student orga- nizations or take care of discipline, is is ap- parent that he wants the deanships eliminated. His refusal to discuss personnel, either on or off the record, is also somewhat puzzling. At a time of disorientation in the OSA, with many of the personnel jittery and some scared for their jobs, it might have been possible for Lewis to at least give a statement of confidence in the OSA staff. He has not done this, nor has he faced up to the fact that some of the personnel are inadequate. An account of the blunders and incompe- tence during the OSA in the past few years would have to be a very lengthy one. ASURVEY taken by an East Quadrangle resi- dent advisor of the criticisms made by the inhabitants of quad living was pigeon-holed by the assistant dean of men for housing and never acted upon, even though that document merely reported recurring complaints and in fact charged a lack of understanding by the administration of problems in the quadrangles; A popular housemother was secretly fired, then after this action came to light, was re- hired again, with no reasons given for either decision; A coeducational housing committee was set up, didn't meet for four months until a couple of Regents started to poke into the affair, then took one brief tour of Alice Lloyd and decided coed housing could be instituted in fall 1962. It will not be started until fall 1963, however, because of the committee's lack of planning and inexcusable delay; Counseling in the scholarships and loans department continues to strike many students as rather harsh and insensitive, THESE FIASCOS are of course the result of inadequate personnel, in several instances Lewis himself. But it is hard to understand the University's lack of willingness to fire or transfer inadequate administrators. Students who do not maintain a certain grade-point average are asked to leave the University, with not real regrets from the administration, be- cause they have done an inadequate job in their courses. Faculty members who either do not perform enough research or do not teach well are simply not promoted, which in effect is a blunt hint to leave the campus. Why the squeamishness, then, for individ- uals who do not carry out their administrative responsibilities in a manner similar to the level expected of students and faculty members? Ad- ministration is an exact and measurable sci- ence; orders are issued, policies are made to be carried out. This is in contrast to the high- ly personal and generalized nature of aca- demic work, yet it is seldom if ever that an in- competent administrator is relieved of his duties. In fact, it would be to Lewis's practical ad- vantage to get rid of such individuals. If he is going to stick his neck out and accept total re- sponsibility for the actions of his subordinates, then he will have to take the blame for any malfeasances that occur. LEWIS's RETICENCE to talk about person- nel or the deanships situation becomes more easily understood, though, when it is realized that his recommendations for restructure have to be approved by President Harlan Hatcher, as well as the Regents. If Hatcher disagrees with Lewis about a pro- posed policy for the OSA, then Lewis isn't going to want this to become public. If he thinks there is a chance the Regents won't like his ideas for personnel and structure, he isn't going to want to have this setback known to the students or faculty. A vice-president, after all, is supposed to maintain a dynamic and respect- able image. But within two weeks, the final decision should become public. The Regents should be able to complete the overhauling of the OSA at their July meeting, so that the situation cools off before the fall semester begins. AT THIS TIME there are few clear indica- tions as to what the Regents will do, except to organize the OSA on a functional basis. (Lewis wouldn't have said anything about the directorships for print if he didn't have some assurance the Regents would approve them.) The Regents will have to contend with public pressures strongly favoring the current image of the OSA protecting the students from them- selves, or they may themselves believe that a paternalistic administration is necessary for the good of the University. They will also have to tackle the problem of how to bring the OSA in line with the aca- demic-orientation outlined in the philosophy adopted by the Regents at their May meeting. It is fairly certain that a pittance of student- faculty advisory groups for Mr. Lewis and several of the directors will not be enough to placate many of the students aware of the situation or faculty members involled in cam- pus politics. Faced with these two channels of action, the Regents by political necessity will make some sort of decision attempting to satisfy both. We can only wait and see what it will be. --GERALD STORCH Sell Out THE NEW CONSTITUTION: Strengthen Local Governments detailed characterizations, or in- timate attention to realism are considered. AllenDrury after years of ex- perience as a newspaper corres- pondent in Washington, D.C., had concrete ideas about the signifi- cance, power, and integrity of the Senate. In stripping the novel to its basic plot (will the Senate "ad- vise and consent" to the Presi- dent's nomination for Secretary of State?), Mr. Preminger makes the Senate appear to be an unsavory collection of radicals, perverts, playboys, and senile men. * * * CERTAINLY there were ele- ments in the melodramatic end- ing of the novel (i.e. the Russians landing on the moon) which were unnecessary, but the Senate did have the insight to resolve its problem. In the motion picture, the senators are so befuddled and engrossed in petty intrigues that only through the deus ex machina death of the President can the Senate be restored to a civilized state. Mr. Preminger can, at least, re- cruit first-rate actors in amazing quantity. It would be hardly worth the space necessary to comment on all the actors (there are some twenty "name" actors) because all the roles are superficial and small 'in order to include the large cast of the novel. Undoubtedly, the outstanding performance is turned in by Bur- gess Meredith in a cameo role as the mysterious investigation wit- ness who reveals the "Communist leanings" of the would-be Secre- tary of State. He simpers, coughs, and sweats himself into reality, be- coming the only actor in the film (aside from the senators who play themselves) who is believable as a person. MANY FAVORABLE comments have been recorded about the en- tertaining performance of Charles Laughton as Senator Cooley of South Carolina. However, it should be recognized that as the com- bined comic relief and villain Mr. Laughton "has all the good lines." Yet, with all these lines, he merely falls back on his usual grimaces and little-boy stances to create another stereotype of a conserva- tive southern senator. Of course, it would be impossi- ble to hope that the movie could catch the flavor of Washington as well as the novel, but certainly more than the Capitol Dome and the Washington Monument are characteristic of the city. Certainly a far better argument for all those loyal Americans who are fighting the exportation of this movie from fear of the distorted image it would create would be the fact that, as a significant motion picture creation "Advise and Con- sent" fails on nearly every count. -Milan Stitt (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the eighth of a nine-part series on the new state constitution.) By MARK BLUCHER Daly Staff Writer TrHE LOCAL government article of the new constitution went a short distance toward improving the strength of the state's local units. However some of the provi- sions that were included drew heavy fire from some of the Re- publican delegates. LETTERS to the EDITOR To the Editor: MY FRIENDS and I realize that it is hard to get reviewers during the summer. But why print such masterpieces of vagueness as the review of the Baroque Trio in yesterday's Daily. What can Mr. Pollinger pos- sibly mean by "virtually un- recorded," and this is the first time I have ever seen a sentence ended in a comma: A work is either recorded or it is not, and I hope that The Daily is not con- sidering setting grammatical pre- cedents like a Chicago newspaper I know. --John Foler, Grad Reply... To the Editor: BY VIRTUALLY unrecorded I mean that records are gen- erally unavailable. It is, of course, true that the Platti Sonata is re- corded in a collection on a set of Polish 178's released just before the war (which unfortunately destroyed all of the masters). It is also true that there are several copies extant of a tape of the Boismortier Sonatarecorded in 1957 at the Eastman School of Music, but these hardly constitute an accessable supply. I'm sorry if this was what was on Mr. Foler's mind, but as for ending a sentence in a comma, --Dick Pollinger, '66L Township government was per- petuated over the strong objec- tions of Prof. James K. Pollock (R-Ann Arbor) of the political science department. He insisted that only two forms of government were needed in Michigan-the county as an area- oriented government, and the city as a service-oriented government. *. ** "TOWNSHIPS may be desired and necessary in certain parts of rural Michigan for some time to come but I would prefer having them disappear on a statutory basis than to have them embalmed in the constitution as a con- tinuing, permanent set-up," Prof. Pollock said. "After all, 28 of our states get along without them .we now are burdened with the cost of maintaining 1,258 of them," he continued. He proposed to let the Legisla- ture deal with the organization and dissolution of such political subdivisions but the majority of the delegates voted against his measures. * * * CERTAIN MAJOR basic im- provements were included in the new constitutional provisions. These included: -Cities and villages are em- powered to enact tax measures, other than levies on property, with the provision that the Legislature can preempt the field or place any restrictions by law. -Counties are allowed a mini- mal amount of home rule. Each county can structure its own gov- ernment, subject to legislative rules, and the approval of its electorate. -"Two or more counties, town- ships, cities, villages or districts (may) enter into contractual un- dertakings or agreements with one another or with the state . . . for the joint administration of any functions or powers which each would have the power to perform separately. THIS PROVISION leads the way to metropolitan government and metropolitan services. Pro- jects that were too big for one unit to handle separately could be un- dertaken by two or more units subject to rules laid down by the Legislature. This would certainly promote efficiency and lower costs. -The courts are instructed to liberally construe "the provisions of this constitution and law con- cernipg counties, townships, cities and villages . . . the powers grant- ed to counties and townships by this constitution and by law shall include those fairly 'implied and not prohibited by this constitu- tion." * * * UNDER THE NEW document the court house officers, sheriff, clerk, treasurer, register of deeds and prosecuting attorney, would be elected for four year terms. Township office holders, the su- pervisor, a clerk, and the treasurer could have terms from two to four years. Each township is authorized one member on its county board of supervisors, as at present. The section under which the Legisla- ture fixes apportionments on boards of supervisors is also con- tinued. Metropolitan areas, however, would be authorized to establish "additional forms of government or authorities with powers, duties, and jurisdictions as the Legisla- ture shall provide." LIPPMANN: .Foreign A id Horse Race By WALTER LIPPMANN T HE TROUBLE with foreign aid to countries like Yugoslavia, Poland, and India is that the rea- sons for giving it are rather hard to understand and are even harder to explain. Having followed the debate for many years I have been asking myself what it is that has really divided the objectors in Congress from both the Eisen- hower and Kennedy administra- tions. Why is it that the two Presi- dents who have conducted foreign policy have both wanted to have the right to give aid to countries which are avowedly Communist or to neutral countries which so often disagree with us so much? This is no issue between Demo- crats and Republicans. It is be- tween factions within both parties. Only a loose talker would say that the two Presidents have been less anti-Communist than the objec- tors. BUT WHY, I have been asking myself, have the two Presidents found it so hard to convey their own convictions to the objectors in Congress and to the wider public which supports them? I wonder whether the crux of the difficulty of explaining the policy does not lie in the difference between buy- ing a horse and betting on a horse race. As I read the speeches of the objectois they seem to be saying that unless Yugoslavia, Poland, and India adopt the American ideology and follow American pol- icy, we are not getting for our for- eign aid what we are paying. They do not object to grants and loans as such. What sticks in their throats is that while we pay the piper we cannot call the tune. This, as the objectors see it, is not only a waste of money but it is a foolish underwriting of an un-American way of life and an un-American line of international policy. * * * THE TWO PRESIDENTS and their advisors and supporters know that while it may be possi- ble, and occasionally necessary, to buy corrupt and weak little gov- ernments, countries like Yugo- slavia and Poland and India have proud national traditions and are in a state of revolutionary patriot- ism which makes them quite un- purchasable. The mere suggestion that the object of American for- eign aid is to buy them would pro- voke a violent nationalist reaction. Therefore, the two Presidents had not said, cannot say, and must not say that they are attempting to buy influence with the Ameri- can aid. This, however, weakens their case with the American ob- jectors who cannot understand giving out money without getting an immediate tangible return. The position of the two Presidents is that they need the right to make well-placed bets, which might be lost, but, if won, would pay off handsomely in the general interest of peace and security. If we lose the bet on India, that is to say if this one great free democratic Asian state is unable to make a go of it, it will be an historic catastrophe. Let us not, therefore, give way to our irrita- tions. It will be no consolation if India breaks down into anarchy to be able to tell ourselves that we do not like Krishna Menon and that he got what was coming to him, (c) 1962, New York Herald Tribune, Inc. 'i I I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Darkness "AND THE LIGHT shines in the darkness, and the darkness grasped it not . . These words of St. John the Apostle un- fortunately do not apply to the undergraduate library after 10 p.m.. During the fall and spring semesters, the UGLI stays open until midnight. The com- fortable furniture, excellent lighting and nearly, complete silence makes for concentration. A student who comes to the UGLI after dinner gets a lot done in five hours. But now the evening hours have been cut 40 per cent, to the disadvantage of the hun- dreds of students who make use each night of the best place on campus to study. LIBRAMPANS CITE the fact that there are less students around in the Summer Ses- sion to use the UGLI. But even though there are less, shouldn't those who do come be allow- ed more time for uninterrupted work than the present closing time permits? It would seem, considering the number of students who would remain, that the ideal closing time during the summer session would be 11 p.m. Many students-and maybe their teachers too-will be gratified if the light shines in the darkness for one more hour. -ROBERT SELWA Editorial Staff FRED RUSSELL KRAMER .................. Co-Editor PETER STEINBERGER ..................Co-Editor AL JONES ......................... Sports Editor The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. FRIDAY, JULY 13 General Notices The list of persons who passed the language exam, for the MA in history is posted in the office of the Dept. of History, 3601 Haven Hall. Student Government Council: Activi- ties approved (effective 24 hours after publication of this notice). Baha'i Student Group, Lecture, July 25 or Aug. 8. Soph Show, Mass Meeting, Sept. 27. Women's League, Intern'tl Comm., International Orientation Tea, Sept. 11; International Sister Brunch, Sept. 15. Events Doctoral Recital: William Eifrig, or- ganist, will present a recital Sun., July 15. 4:15 p.m. In Hill Aud. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Musical Arts. Com- positions he will play' are by Sessions, Sowerby, Krenek, Ives, Mueller, and Lockwood. He will be assisted by a spe- cial Choral Ensemble, Celia Weiss, viol- inist, with Gary Glaze, conducting Ses- sions' Mass for Unison Choir and Or- gan. Also assisting will be Davil Wol- ter and Ernest Caviani, trumpets, Law- rence Weed and Robert Simms, trom- bones. Marilyn Mason is the chairman of Mr. Eifrig's doctoral committee. The recital is open to the public without charge. (Continued on Page 3) FEIFFERI -rc UWHO 6 COMPAt.Jq 0051tJC4S OFFICE. M'Aqf L.5E 6F TO RU T A PUACC TO. vvc. ARCE NJOT A RCAL CSTAE COM'AJL WE6 ARE A COMPA'JC4. OfV HAT; tWgAt1 A hIDEALlC GLow.; E80 7 P COHPAPdqL(WANT (0(L.L 120 AUIA O$I'rMK 1f AI 4TRING lTaMAK' RV t ONEF1, 51Q, BUT l1V 2y J. 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