', JULY 11, 1.962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE S V JULY 11, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Teistar By ALTON SLAGLE Associated Press News Analyst Microw, system. I Once, on a day before the dawn communi of history, a man tapped a hollow crowaves log with a stick and realized he Relay tow could send a message. towers a Another looked across a valley ocean str snd a(w .ire. .nd to him it w a. aI A_ Advances Communications Nave is a broad-band radio t can handle all. types of cations known, but mi- travel in a straight line. wers are needed, and such re impossible over vast etches. a1usa 1r, 1uW11111 rs signal. Sound and light were grouped into a language. Drums and gongs replaced logs. Smoke signals were devised. Then came semaphore and signal lamps, cannons and rockets. The art de- veloped slowly. But suddenly distance was not such a problem. In 1844 Samuel V. B. Morse invented the telegraph. Alexander Graham Bell, in 1876, gave the world the telephone. Then there'was radiotelegraphy in 1896, radiotelephony in 1900. The first voice went overseas in 1915, and in 1921 telephone cables were laid between Florida and Cuba. Then came commercial radio, then television. Cable Links Continents By 1956 the first transoceanic telephone cable linked New York wth Great Britain. Other cables followed: Alaska in 1956, Hawaii in 1957, Paris in 1959, Puerto Rico in 1960. Now it is 1962, Americans will cluster around television sets to watch live, for the first time, ac- tion takiig place in selected parts of Europe. In the split-second lag between the action and its appearance on screens half-way around the world, the picture will have trav- eled hundreds of miles into the heavens to be amplified 10 billion times by a tiny satellite called Telstar, and then beamed back to earth. Growing Links One TV program requires an electrical path wide enough to carry 600 telephone conversations. This, with the ever-growing need for more and faster intercontinen- tal communications links, has prompted the satellite communi- cations program, into which the Bell Telephone System alone will have poured $50 million by next year. Bell now operates about 500 circuits for overseas communica- tions, will need 12,000 by 1980. Because it would take 50 under- sea cables of present design to m1eet this demand, and because n such cable can transmit television signals, engineers are looking to microwave, and to the heavens, for the answer. McLean Cites Pollen Count Weaknesses The daily "pollen count" does not give the hayfever or asthma sufferer a complete picture of his symptoms according to Prof. James A. McLean of the medical .school. While the pollen count can be of some help to the doctor, it can't be relied upon completely by the patient, he said recently. Also, each individual's allergic reaction is influenced by many factors such as rain and damp weather, sudden temperature change, food reactions, dusty winds, mental and emotional strain, and pollen and mold spores in the air, McLean explained. All these factors can affect a person's daily symptoms, and thus a doctor takes the total allergic load to which a person is exposed into account, he said. Tower in the Sky Bell has set up a "tower" in the sky-the tiny (34-inch-diameter, 170-pound) Telstar satellite by which the continents of Europe and America are linked for the first time by live television. Bell payed about $3 million to Uncle Sam to have its tiny, com- plex station set into orbit from a pad at Cape Canaveral. A Delta booster rocket powered the satel- lite into an elliptical orbit ranging in altitude between 575 and 3,450 nautical miles, inclined 45 degrees to the equator. Each orbit takes 2 hours and 36 minutes. The satellite's solar cells pick up power from the sun, converting the energy for storage in its nic- kel-cadmium batteries. Experimental Signals Experimental signals-television, telephone, radio and telegraph- will be transmitted from a $15 million ground station build by the American Telephone and Tele- graph Company at Andover, Me., and will be picked up by the satel- lite while it is in line of sight between Andover and Europe. A British Station at Goonhilly Down in Cornwall, England, and a French duplicate of the Andover station at Lannion form the other links. To send and receive the signals, engineers have constructed at An- dover the largest horn antenna yet built - a 340-ton. rotating structure patterned after a 40- foot-long horn at Helmdel, N.J., which was used in earlier Project Echo experiments. The Andover horn has a length of 177 feet, an opening of about 3,600 square feet. It is built to the accuracies of a fine watch, and is protected by an inflated 20-ton dacron and synthetic rubber ra- dome 210 feet in diameter and 161 feet high.- Scientific Pursuits One of Telstar's main purposes is to discover more about the na- ture, of the space through which future communications satellites must operate. But to the vast ma- jority of the two-continent audi- ences watching the programs re-. layed, such scientific pursuits willj be secondary. America's three major television networks will send to Europe whatever they determine to be ''among the most significant and interesting events taking place" ina the United States at the time. The European program, to be' produced by the 16-nation Euro- pean Broadcasting Union, will in- clude live pickups from 16 points' throughout Europe. Line-of-Site .Each program will last about 12 minutes, while the satellite is in the proper line-of-site position] above the two continents. The historic project is a step toward the eventual goal of con-+ tinuous communications across oceans by means of a continuous+ parade of relay satellites. Telstar, with a life expectancy of about two years, is expected to point the way toward satellites' that will endure in space for five] to 10 years, providing instantane-1 ous world-wide voice and sight communications. It's a far, cry from the stick with which that primitive cave- man beat out a message to hisl jungle neighbor.+ HORNS LIKE THIS AT ANDOVER AND LANNION WILL SEND AND RECEIVE SIGNALS ~ X LONDONMPARIS NEIV 1.10 090 N '?::. ...':.. v MiIGAY .f4 WI/A P Newetures PERMANENT SATELLITE NETWORK WILL TAKE THIS POLAR ORBIT FCLASSIFIEDS1 FOR SALE PERSONAL GET into the swing of things. Order CREATIVITY STIFLED? Join The Daily your summer Daily now!! Call 662- photography staff. Financial remuner- 3241. B2 aton. See Mike at 420 Maynard. Fl DIAMONDS-At wholesale prices from LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to replace our mines to you. Buy direct and my lost love. She needs to be short, save. Robert Haack Diamond Import- cheerful, good looking, loving, and ers. 504 First National Bldg. NO 3-0653. a good cook. write Daily, Box No. 2 BS giving all pertinient information. P12 SH ELP WANTED WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRAVEL WEST H EL_-WANT.D after summer school? Male student would like passengers on auto tour WANTED-Student commercial artist, of Yellowstone,sSeattle, San Francisco, Write Box 3, 420 Maynard, c/o Michi- and other places. Share driving aid gan Daily. H3 expenses. Call Jerry at NO 5-7892. WE NEED HELP. Join The Daily pho- MISCELLANEOUS tography staff now. Earn while enjoy- ing life at The Daily. See Mike at 420 Maynard. H3 DO YOU FEEL LOST at college? Do you feel out of it because you don't know what's going on? Subscribe to the COLLEGE MEN summer Daily. Only $2.00. Call 662- Part time nelp-17 hours per week. 3241. M3 summer school student preferred. USED CARS Working schedule will be arranged to USEDCAR_ fit class and study schedule if neces 1954 FORD-Good transportation. Call sary$ NO 2-8639 after 6:00. N5 Salary offered-$50 per week.__________________ Call Mr. Miller, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., '56 FORD-2-door, excel transportation. 662-9311. Hi Call NO 5-4789. N6 TRANSPORTATION 1961 SAAB-Fully equipped. 13,000 miles. Best offer. NO 2-2763. N3 WANTED-Someone to drive my car to me in Los Angeles by Sept. 15. Call SUiesA iscbrakes tachmeter. $150 NO 2-9765, 02 mls is rks tcoeer 110 By owner. Call NO 2-5938 after 6. N7 BUSINESS SERVICES MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION-Mimeo- Call NO 3-4156 graphing-transcription. 334 Catherine CalN -16Phone 665-8184. . il' Special weekend rates from 5 p.m. HARPSICHORD INSTRUCTION by grad- Friday till 9 a.m. Monday . . . uate of Yale School of Music, Call NO $15.00 plus 9c a mile. Rates 88309. Jl0 include gas, oil, insurance. 514 E. WASHINGTON ST. Variety is the SPICE OF G1 RALPHS MARKET LOST AND FOUND Picnic Supplies LOST-Daily photographers. Positions Party Foods open now. Join the staff and earn real Kitchen Supplies money. See Mike at 420 Maynard. A2 Kosher Foods FOUND-A good place to spend your 709 PACKARD-OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT spare time earning money, Join The 70 AKR-PNTL INGT Daily photography staff. See Mike at 420 Maynard. Al MUSICAL MDSE., FOR RENT RADIOS, REPAIRS SUMMER API for 2 or 3 on campus. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY on Call NO 8-8601. C5 radios, phonos, tape recorders and TVs with this ad. Campus Radio & TV, ROS-Single o doube- uies 325 E. Hoover. X4 professional men, or grad, students. 32E.Hoe.X Clean and modern. NO 2-4738. C25 FOR RENT-Good garage. Near State :: and Packard. NO 2-0521 or 917 Mary ? Street. C21 FOR RENT-Campus four room apt. 301N Summer price $60. Phone NO 3-4322. JO C19 APT. ON HILL ST. for 1 or 2 students for fall-all furnished and utilities:TH E paid. Call NO 8-9538 or 2-3512. C10 Summer RatesMC Furnished apts. from $60 up. NO 5-9405. C20 NEW two bedroom apartment units now being completed on South Forest for: ?A L f Sept. occupancy. For appoint, to see, call Karl D. Malcolm, Jr. Realtor ??. NO 3-0511, C2 BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1961 LAMBRETTApLIl50, windscreen, luggage rack, spare tire. Best offer Write 10712 N. Cedar, Lansing, Mich. Z :{5iC n" M5: %i 'DYNAMICS': Course Creates New Reading Habits By LOUISE LIND her speech professor read through "The critical reader may have it in a matter of minutes. She was more difficulty breaking his old even more surprised to find that reading habits," speed reading in- he had not missed a word and structor Warren Grienenberger, was quite able to constructively '62L commented.comment on the paper. '2 Fascinated by her professor's "But with- a great deal of ap- prowess, Miss Wood sought out plication, the 'eye to mind' read- 50 other "experts" who read be- ing method can be successfully tween 1500 and 6000 words per achieved." . minute. Speedy Comprehension Grienenberger is the head of the From her observations she con- Ann Arbor branch of a national cluded that "speed is not most reading dynamics institute, important, but only through speed Reading Dynamics is a speed reading school that has been do you get good comprehension. known to teach its students to in- By careful analysis of the 50 crease their reading rates from 3 people, Miss Wood evolved a new to 16 times. method that has been the basis Ploding Reader for reading dynamics. This means that the average The reading dynamics method reader, who plods along at about involves several basic techniques., 250 words per minute, can. in- Probably of prime importance is crease his speed to anywhere be- the technique of reading vertically tween 750 to 2500 words per down the page, a paragraph at a minute without apreciable loss in time, as opposed to the conven- comprehension. In fact, as is more tional line-by-line method. usually the case, comprehension The vertical reading habit is increases with speed, and rates in developed by forcing the eyes to the tens of thousands bracket have follow the hand down the' page as been achieved with considerable it moves in a rapid, sweeping proficiency in comprehension. fashion. Daily practice totaling no less than an hour per day is a necessary prerequisite for naxi- mum success in the development of this technique. A second technique the Reading Dynamics student utilizes is the repression of sub-vocalizing, or inward lip-reading common to the average reader. Instead of trans- mitting words to his mind via the lips, the student is taught to use his eyes to "trigger the mind." No student is permitted to allow his eyes to regress over material he has already read. He is trained to progress steadily, comprehend- ing increasing amounts with in- creasing speeds. For best comprehension, the stu- dent employs the technique of or- ganizing his reading matter be- fore he reads it. Utilizing the methods of preview and outline, he is able to more easily compre- hend material the first time through., Total Impact By means of these techniques, the student is able to receive the total impact of the material as was intended by the author. The best students are actually capable of "falling into the story," or liv- ing the story as it occurs in con- text. The course is offered in a 30 hour course divided into 12 weekly 2 % hour sessions at a cost of $150. With its main headquarters in Washington, the institute has es- tablished branches in urban cen- ters all over the country. Such branch institutes are found in At- lanta, Minneapolis, Detroit, New York, and, just recently, Ann Ar- bor. The Ann Arbor "pocket insti- tute," as it is termed, was in- itiated last summer and is now in its third term of classes. The institute has a present en- rollment of about 70 students ranging from housewives to un- dergraduate students to professors. Results of the program, Grien- berger asserted, are very encour- aging. Location in a university town has promoted the enrollment of very critical, demanding read- ers who expect a great deal from the program and who will, by con- stant effort, receive it, Grienen- berger added. Such phenomenal only be attained by concept in reading. namics teaches just cept. speeds could a whole new Reading dy- such a con- College Students Challenge Validity Of Income Taxes on Scholarships New Method The techniques of the iew method were observed and com- piled over 15 years ago by Evelyn Nielsen Wood, now a school- teacher in her early 50's. At that time, Miss Wood was working towards her master's de- gree at the University of Utah. Handing in an extensive term paper that had taken months to complete, she was appalled to see 0."H"r' :S1"A " :.;::":::": : DyADAILT OFFICIAL BLEI ti I EL I a1". ..v.:v . "... v~s :.... :.r.:::r..':"..::":":":.r:" :""...:n. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Buiiding before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 General Notices The Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung has announced two programs of re- search fellowships in the Fed. Republic of Germany and in West Berlin, for faculty members in all areas. Details may be obtained in the Fellowship Of- fice, Room 110, Rackham Bldg. Approval for the following stu- dent-sponsored activities becomes ef- fective 24 hours after the publication of this notice. All publicity for these events must be withheld until theap- proval has become effective. July 15, July 29, Aug. 12-U. of M. F'olk Dancers, Picnic. Events Doctoral Examination for Eric Wil- liam Vetter, Bus. Ad.; thesis: "Com- pany Long Range Manpower Forecast- ing and Planning-A Methodological Approach," Thurs., July 12, 530 School of Bus. Ad., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, G. S. Odiorne. Doctoral Examination for Michael Jo- seph Plizga, Chemistry; thesis: "A Kinetic Investigation of the Electro- chemical Reaction Involving the Chromic and Dichromate Ions in Aque- ous Solution by Means of Charge and Decay Curves," Thurs., July 12, 3003 Mozart, and Robert Schumann. Open to the general public. Doctoral Examination for Howard Ronald Pollio, Psychology; thesis: "Word Association as a Function of Semantic Structure," Thurs., July 12, 3419 Mason Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chair- man, A. W. Melton. Doctoral Examination for Edgar Waite Averill, Eruc.; thesis: "The Appropri- ateness of a Course in Elem. Statistics in Selected Michigan Community Col- leges," Thurs., July 12, 4200 UHS, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. J. Young. Placemont POSITION OPENINGS: Industrial Firm in Ann Arbor Vicinity -Recent grad for position as Account- ant. Minimum 20 hrs. in Ace't. prefer- red; will consider 10 hrs. Exper. not essential. Swedish Crucible Steel Co., Detroit, Mich.,-BS & MS Chem. Engineers for work associated with the plastics in- dustry & particularly in the molding field. City & County Engnrs., County of Monroe, Mich.-Student or Professor in Civil Engrg. (Highway or Sanitary). Work includes plotting streets, gas & water lines, charting & some field work. Also work for Professors to do at their homes, National Twist Drill & Tool Co., Rochester, Mich.-Recent grad in Met- allurgy who would be interested in a position in process control work in Heat Treating Dept. U.S. Dept. of Labor-Foreign Labor Service Rep. for Mexican Farm Labor Program. BA plus 1 yr. exper. related to preparing complete & concise re- norts. explaining legal requirements, & making arithmetical calculations rapid- ly & accurately. Must be able to speak Spanish fluently to deal with Mexican entists. Positions in Quality Control for Control Chemists, Control Pharmacist. Also want Patent Attorney (LLB & BS in Chem., Chem. Engrg. or Pharmacy plus 3 to 4 yrs. patent exper). Organization in Ann Arbor Area - Woman to direct girls' resident camp during summer. During year would be responsible for high school youth pro- gram. Should be at least 25 yrs. old & have had exper. in teaching or related field. Michigan Civil Service--Child Wel- fare Worker-1 yr. grad study in social work plus 1 yr. social casework exper. or completion of 2 yrs. grad study in social work. Apply bysJuly 30. For further information, please con- tact General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Place- ment Office, 2200 SAB Monday thru Friday 8 a~m. till 12 noon and 1:30 til 5 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time or full-time temporary work, should contact Bob Hodges, at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 2200, daily. MALE 1-Editorial Assistant. Experience is a prerequisite. One-half time for one year duration minimum. FEMALE 1-To cook for one person and live in. Bus runs by house. 1-Student companion for 17 year old blind girl. Must live in dorm. For fall semester. Is your scholarship taxable? According to the New York Times, students have been in- creasingly successful in obtaining refunds on scholarship taxes with- held by their schools, by applying for exemption under Section 117 of the Internal Revenue Code. Some, however, have not been excused by the Internal Revenue Service from paying income tax on their stipends. Others have filed amended returns for previous taxes paid on scholarship grants, and had their tax accounts ad- j usted. Demand Payment However, some students have not been excused by the Internal Rev- enue Service from paying income tax on their stipends. They have taken their cases to the courts, which, as tax lawyer H. William Callman points out, are taking a lenient attitude towards the stu- dents. A New York tax court exempted a student from taxation of his scholarship and ruled that these grants should not be taxed when their purpose is to further the education and training of the stu- dent. This ruling specified a broad interpretation of Section 117 in favor of the student. However, a student must file a return in order to recover the withheld funds. Fulbright Grant Teachers overseas on Fulbright grants were also given a tax break by a recent court interpretation. The court ruled that travel ex- penses, meals and lodging may be deducted, if such expenses are reasonable and necessary. A Jan- uary ruling by the Internal Rev- enue Service agreed. Fulbright teachers, unlike Amer- icans working overseas for private companies, are not totally exempt for United States income taxes. The Times article also noted that students with summer jobs netting less than $600 have missed out on refunds on withheld taxes, because they failed to file re- turns. Although a return is not required for earnings less than U.S. Promotes Cain On Parks Board Prof. Stanley A. Cain of the Natural Resources School has been named vice-chairman of the 11-' member Advisory Board on Na- tional Parks. Prof. Cain has been a member of the board since 1960. Use Our Convenient Mikian DailyAd-O-Gram $600, students wishing to recover this money must file a return and include a W-2 form indicating how much he made and how much was withheld. Some students who made over $600 have been guilty of a techni- cal offense by not filing. But, be- cause penalties are based on taxes owed, they were not penalized if the withholding covered the amount due. ~Ya LINES 2 3 4 ONE-DAY .85 L00 SPECIAL SIX-DAY RATE 3.45 4.20 4.95 Just Fill In The Following Form and Send to THE MICHIGAN DAILY 420 MAYNARD ANN ARBOR, MICH. PART TIME LABORATORY WORK PARKE DAVIS & CO. needs a man to help with care and feeding of laboratory animals during 6-10 A.M. shift Monday thru Friday. Experience with animals helpful but not necessary. Apply in person 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Phone NO 2-4786 1 :00 to 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. DATES TO RUN * I I NAME PHONE ; -I ' ADDRESS Figure 5 average words to a line. I r I I