Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED By STUDENTS OF TE DUNVERSrrY OF MICHIGAN _ UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN~ CONTROL OF STUDENT PU1BLICATIONS Vhere Opinions ree STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. r Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THE NEW CONSTITUTION: Revamp Education Article NESDAY, JULY 11, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SUTIN Counterforce Policy Leads toDestru ction MERICAN defense policy took our country and the world to the brink of disaster in he late 1950's. Under President John F. Ken- edy, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, and Sec- etary of Defense Robert McNamara, we have epped away from the brink, but we are still anding on a shaky cliff. The threat of "massive retaliation" to deter ommunist expansion was offered the Soviets Y President Dwight Eisenhower and Secretary State John Foster Dulles in the late '50s. Vith Kennedy, Rusk and especially McNamara, counterforce" has replaced "massive retalia- on." It is an improvement, but not much of ne. McNamara did not use the word "counter- >rce" in his speech at the University's com- encement last month, but the policy is im- licit in the ideas he presented. He said that ie government has come to the conclusion iat basic military strategy should be ap- roached in much the same way that more )fventional military ;operations have been agarded in the past. THIS IS TO say," he went on, "principal military objectives, in the event of' nu- ear war stemming from a major attack on ie Atlantic Alliance, should be the destruction the enemy's military forces, not of his civil- n population. "The very strength and nature of the alliance >rces make it possible for us to retain, even in ie face of a massive surprise attack, suffi- ent reserve striking power to destroy an ene- .y society if driven to it. In other words, we re giving a possible opponent the strongest naginable incentive to refrain from striking ar own cities." The idea of avoiding unnecessary killing in Ze event of a war is A good one, and this is ie best attribute of counterforce. But counter- rce means far more than this.', It means that both sides have to have strong ;omic forces. In a counterforce war, the two des would try to destroy each other's military ases and forces as quickly as possible. The ronger military force (or the quicker, or th) would be the one surviving after the issiles fly. If one side exhausted its military sources, or if the other side succeeded in )mpletely destroying them, the other side uld then demand unconditional surrender id could assume control. If the nonmilitary sources of the country or bloc were left tact, there would be something worthwhile assume control of. This is one of the appeals counterforce strategy. EALIZING THIS, realizing the necessity of having a military force large enough to sur- ve an atomic war and strong enough to an- hilate the enemy's military force, both sides' all see how essential it is to be ahead. This President Kennedy's rationale for the nu- ear tests our country is now conducting, and is will be Premier Nikita Khrushchev's ra- :nale when the Soviet Union resumes nuclear sting. To be successful, counterforce strategy emands of both sides that they try to get id stay ahead in military forces. Hence, the ms race escalates. The dangers increase, id the possible consequences become even ore severe. This is less true of a policy of deterrence and en of a policy of massive retaliation. Coun- rforce, perhaps more than any other defense policy, makes the arms race an increasing danger. Counterforce fails in other ways also. Euro- peans have pointed out that in Western Europe it would be difficult to separate population centers from military targets. And they have told Rusk during his tour of Europe that this is the case with the United States too: many vital military bases exist near cities. An ex- ample is Tucson, where Titan missile bases have been built close to the city. AS ARTHUR WASKOW has pointed out in The Liberal Papers, there can be little doubt that Nike bases presently established close to American cities would have to be major tar- gets for atomic destruction. Thus it seems likely that atomic attack would have to be cen- tered on targets close to our major cities, re- sulting in casualties far beyond what counter- force advocates estimate as thirty million deaths. A similar pattern can develop in Russia, thus lessening the likelihood that the Soviets could accept nuclear attacks on military targets and make rational and controlled responses. If even a few cities were destroyed on either side, this would panic both sides to go all the way in their attacks. In this way, counter- force strategy would fail at the moment that it is most needed. Anoher attribute of counterforce strategy is the need of building fallout shelters and evac- uation centers. Nuclear attack even merely on 'those places of our land where military forces are located would result in the poisoning of the atmosphere throughout most of our coun- try for at least a week. Completely equipped shelters would be needed to minimize deaths. THE KENNEDY administration was in favor of shelter building last fall when the Berlin crisis was at its peak, cooled to the idea after the crisis subsided, but is now warming up to it again. In this way also the Kennedy admin- istration is proceeding along counterforce lines. The trouble with shelters is not only that they are so fantastically expensive but also that they make an enemy think we are pre- paring for war (as indeed we do seem to be doing). The Russians are by nature and his- torically suspicious, and their suspicions in- crease as we build shelters. Shelter building by either side would increase tensions for the other side, and we cannot afford to make the Communists more jittery. Pre-emptive war - an attack by one side because of fear of at- tack by, the other side - becomes more likely as shelters as well as weapons proliferate. Another problem of counterforce is its feasi- bility. How can either side ever be sure that it knows the location of all the military bases of the other side? Furthermore, it is relatively easy for the Soviets to learn, the location of our military centers, but difficult for us to learn the location of theirs. We put ourselves at a bad disadvantage by assuming a counterforce strategy. THERE ARE a number of ways to partially alleviate the problems of counterforce. One way is for both sides - or either side - to publicize the location of all military centers. It would be greatly to our advantage if we, in pursuing counterforce and wishing to make it effectual, informed all our enemies of the locations of all our military centers. It would be greatly to the Communists' advantage, if they likewise accept counterforce, to make public the locations of 'all their military centers. In doing so, each side would reduce the peril to its civilian population. Perhaps, in addition, both sides could set up monitors at each other's military centers to make sure of this safeguard. A second way to partially alleviate the prob- lems of counterforce would be to build military centers as far away from communities as pos- sible. In this respect, the ideal place for mili- tary centers would be the middle of empty deserts. A THIRD WAY would be for each side to develop weapons that, while being able to knock out each other's military installations, would not produce much or 'any radiation. If the radiation danger can be lessened, neither side would need to build fallout shelters, and one source of tension-increase would be non- existent. A fourth way would be to seek means to prevent pre-emptive war, or lessen the possi- bility of its occurrence. Perhaps this could be done by making our -DEW line two-way by inviting the Communists to sit in with us in monitoring the skies for enemy, attack. This presents a danger - that of a coup d'etat - but it is feasible from the point of view that if we really mean what we say when we say that we will never strike first, we could do it. And indeed, making the DEW line two-way might tend to build up a little confidence and trust between the two sides and in this way would lessen the tensions between them. A FIF"'TH way would be to institute an exact balance, a precise equality, of military strength between the two sides. If this were so, neither side would want to fight the other in a counterforce war because both sides would know that neither would be the victor mili- (EDITOR'S NOTE. This is the sixth of a nine-part series on the new state constitution.) By MARK BLUCHER Daily Staff Writer " E L I G I 0 N, morality and knowledge bring necessary to good government and the happi- ness of mankind, schools and the mean's of education shall forever be encouraged." So begins the pre- amble to the education article of the 1962 Michigan Constitution. Of all the new provisions in the new document this article has re- ceived one of the most complete revampings. The state's educators are likely to laud the new proposals of the education article and strongly support it. * * MRS. CORNELIA A. Robinson a Democratic member of the state board of education was pleased with the new provisions and felt that "in the long run this appears to be the way to get the integra- tion and coordination needed." Dr. E. Dale Kennedy, executive secretary of the Michigan Edu- cation Association says that the MEA will probably endorse the new article. President Harlan Hatcher felt that the new provisions "preserve safeguards (and go) a long way toward the views I set forth in my testimony before the education committee " * * * MEMBERS of the committee that drew up the new article in- cluded John A. Hannah (R-East Lansing), president of Michigan State University; Roscoe 0. Boni- steel (R-Ann Arbor), former Uni- versity regent; and state guberna- torial candidate George Romney (R-Bloomfield Hills), who once headed a study group that won approval of over 100 changes in the Detroit school system. The new education article di- rects the Legislature to "maintain and support a system of free pub- lic elementary and secondary schools . . . Every school district shall provide for the education of its pupils without discrimination as to religion, creed, race, color or national origin." The education committee insert- ed the latter phrase "in order that the new constitution would leave no room for doubt" on the ques- tion of segregation. THE STATE board of education is expanded from four to eight members who are elected on par- tisan ballots from the state at- large, for an eight year term. These members shall then appoint the superintendent of public in- struction, changing this from its present elected position. The Board "shall serve as the general planning and coordinating body for all public education, in- cluding higher education, and shall advise the Legislature as to the financial requirements in con- nection therewith." The governor would also be an ex-officio member of the new Board. IT IS ALSO charged with "lead- ership and general supervision over all public education, includ- ing adult education and instruc- tional programs in state institu- tions, except as to institutions of higher education granting bacca- laureate degrees." Thus, the boards which would control the various colleges and universities are left to "supervise their respective institutions and direct the expenditure of the in- stitution's funds." They would, however, have to go through the board in order to have their ap- propriations presented to the Leg- islature. Furthermore, they would be required to accept the coordin- ation and planning policies set by the board. For the first time all of Michi- gan's ten institutions of higher learning are given constitutional status under the terms of the new document. Thistoccurs in the sec- tion relating to legislative ap- -propriations for these universities. THE governing boards of the other two major universities have had their terms extended from six to eight years as have the boards that govern the other seven insti- tutions of higher learning in Michigan. The only difference between the two classes is that the boards of the latter are appointed by the governor with the advice and con- sent of the Senate. The new constitution also di- rects the governing boards of the colleges and universities to "open to the public . . . formal sessions of governing boards of such insti- tutions . . ." THE Legislature is also directed to "provide for the establishment and financial support of public community and junior colleges which shall be supervised and con- trolled by locally elected boards." The State Board of Education would have the duty of appoint- ing these boards. The Legislature is also com- manded to receive "an annual ac- counting of all income and expen- ditures" by all of the colleges and universities.. Democratic delegates objected to only three of the nine sections of the education article. "THE proposed document de- motes the superintendent of pub- lic instruction to a mere appointee of an eight-member board. The strong and independent superin- tendent of public instruction here- tofore responsible directly to the people would become, in effect, an executive secretary with no effec- tive power to represent and fight for the educational system. "The proposed document further provides that the governing bodies of universities other than Wayne, Michigan, and Michigan State shall be appointed by the Gover- nor . . . This could, and very like- ly would, inject an irresponsible form of direct partisan considera- tion into the selection of the boards of these universities. The result is a weakened system of public higher education.s" 4. "Oh, We're Not Against ALL Government Spending" TODAY AND TOMORROW: European Community Represents an* Illusion Teista r By WALTER LIPPMANN THE VISION of a Gaullist Eur- ope-the Western continent led by France with the English- speaking nations on the outside- would be wholly unrealizeable without the permanent support of West Germany. So far as the vision is credible at all it is be- cause of the relationship between Gen. de Gaulle and Dr. Adenauer and the success of the Common Market. For myself, I think that a Franco - German Europe under French leadership is an optical illusion which will pass away with the two venerable figures who have created it. For a closed, continen- tal Franco-German community is contrary to the vital national, po- litical, military, and economic in- terests of the German Federal Republic. The vital interests of the German nation as a whole are bound up with the wider associa- tion of which the Atlantic na- tions are the core. I DO NOT THINK that the fun- damental issue will be determined by or be much affected by, the personalities and the frictions of diplomatic intercourse. Gen. de Gaulle is a towering figure who plays the game of international politics as'it was taught by Machi- avelli and played in other days by men like Richelieu and Talleyrand. He knows that we are not at odds with him over a trivial mis- understanding due to tactlessness and bad manners. We are at odds with him because in fact his am- bition to take the leadership of Europe is irreconcilable with our vital need to retain the ultimate power in nuclear affairs. We must have that power because we have the ultimate responsibility. Gen. de Gaulle is playing for very grand stakes and he will re- spect us most if we play it that way too. He will not be moved by blandishments, bribes, or threats, but only by moves which affect the balance of forces in the game he has chosen to play. * * * THOSE MOVES will come from Germany. If the Germans turn inwardly to a Gaullist Europe, they may conceivably-just barely con- ceivably-be able at great cost and at great risk to make it a going concern. In doing this they will be delivering a fearful blow, at the Atlantic community and at NATO which is their defense. If, on the other hand, the Germans turn outwardly, which would mean to insist on viable terms for Brit- ain and the Commonwealth, Gaul- list Europe will be nothing more than an idle dream. This momentous German de- cision does not depend on the per- sonal feelings of Dr. Adenauer, and on how assiduously he is adulated from Washington. So far as we are concerned, our appeal to the Germans must not be to their vanity or to their pride but to their common sense. Substitultes There is no reason to think that the Adenauer-de Gaulle axis against the Anglo-Saxons will be the center of the policy of Dr. Adenauer's successors. Already Dr. Schroeder, the Foreign Minister, has announced that Germany would press for the admission of Britain. A FRANCO-GERMAN axis is, contrary to German interests. In the first place, it jeopardizes dan- gerously the United States mili- tary commitment on the con- tinent of Europe. After Dr. Ade- nauer realized what his first angry interview in Berlin had done, and when he had read Gen. de Gaulle's recent press conference, he said in another interview, "We must under no circumstances release the United States from the defense community. Without the United- States we are lost." In the second place, the Ger- mans w~ill realize that a Gaullist Europe assumes the continuing partition of Germany. A Gaullist Europe will oppose any opening to the East which in the course of time might bring about the xe- unification of Germany. The hard line that France takes about Berlin and the Soviet Union is founded, we must be sure to understand, on a basic French national de- termination not to have to live with a large reunited Germany. At bottom the hard policy is directed not against the Russians but against 'those Germans who want to make an opening to the East. Its purpose is to make any departure from the present posi- tion seem un-German and un- patriotic. S * * * GERMANY'S real interests can- not include Gaullist grandeur., Germany's real interests run with the Atlantic community and with a wider European society, open enough to be an attraction to the European peoples on the other side of the iron curtain. To promote this wider commun- ity is the way to save Berlin, it is the way to reunite Germany, it is the way to unite Europe, it is the way to confront peaceably and successfully the Soviet Union. (C) 1962, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.{ KENNEDY PRESS CONFERENCE: Mutual Respect Prevails 'HE WORLD became a bit smaller yesterday. For the first time man transmitted his own age from outer space by means of a satel- e system and television viewers in the United ates, Britain and France saw it simultane- sly.. This feat of science is of great importance mankind. When the Telstar satellite system perfected a television network from Los igeles to Moscow can be created. A series such instruments can link up the world. Such a network could forge a strong bond link the peoples of the world. International ogramming by presenting live coverage of im- rtant events can make them much clearer many more people. Cultural programs can omote international understanding on a ich grander stages than at present.. The greatest impact of the Telstar system 11 be in the Atlantic community where cross lantic television can link Western Europe d America much the way Europe itself is iked now. It will create a cultural climate at will smooth the road towards political and onomic unity. Such are the potentialities of Telstar, per- ps the most significant step toward world ace. -PHILIP SUTIN Editorial Staff ED RUSSELL KRAMER..................Co-Editor TER STEINBERGER.................Co-Editor (EDITOR'S NOTE: Miss Berry, a Daily staff member, attended the President's last press conference.) By MALINDA BERRY Daily Correspondent WASHINGTON - It is a feel- ing of mutual respect that permeates and underlies a Ken- nedy press conference. It would throw fear into the critics of the democratic way 'of life, if they could be present for a press con- ference, which shows that a gov- ernment can be exposed and criti- cized without being destroyed. But to do this it is necessary to be in the room, not just a television ob- server, to get the full savor of its meaning. The auditorium in the new State Department building, where Kennedy holds all his press con- ferences is conducive to sustaining the metaphor so often and accur- ately propounded comparing the power of the press to the cleaning blade of the scalpel. The auditor- ium is fairly barren and there is no doubt that the presidential seal' on the podium is the focal point. The cameramen are noticeable, but only as backdrops. For approximately an hour pre- ceding the conference, the seats behind the first four rows are slowly filled by visitors with passes. All of whom have concen- tratedly blase expressions on their faces. They are so determined to look unconcerned they practically trip down the carpeted stairs. THE FIRST four rows contain the men who really have the right to look unexcited - the veterans of multitudes of press conferences - the representatives of the Washington bureaus of wire serv- ices, newspapers, and the broad- casting corporations. However, these men don't seem to have for- feited their appreciation of the importance of their task - that of keeping the government alert and exposing its operations and poli- cies to the people. Instinctively, a few minutes be- fore Kennedy is due to enter the auditorium, the chatter subsides and those who know uncross their legs so they can rise gracefully and unobtrusively. Kennedy receives no audible applause, but backs were straight and heads held rath- er high; even by the doubtless many Republicans in the audience. Until Kennedy brings the con- ference into the realm of partisan politics, the first reactions are those of citizens to their leader. Kennedy's manner is probably in large part responsible for the re- spect accorded him. He is obvious- ly aware that the newsmen are doing a favor for the country and for him by exercising their pro- fession. If he were not exposed to their uncensored probing (the sur- foreign aid bill and his Medicare Plan. As soon as Kennedy puts down his page of notes the heart of the merciless examination of government begins - the indi- vidual spontaneous questions. The reporters yield very seldom to the temptations of vanity and keep their questions to simple inquiries and away from the realm of the five minute spouting of facts end- ing with "and would you care to comment on that, Mr. President." The reasons reporters don't usual- ly stray into this field is that the President usually doesn't care to comment. This isn't the reporter's show, even though they are on television. They have to work so hard to get presidential recogni- tion, they can't afford to waste the time in displaying their knowledge: What they want is Kennedy's. * * * HUMOR is permitted and even encouraged by Kennedy when it is really funny. A reporter asked him to comment on a $1,000-a- plate b r u n c h (at the word "brunch" Kennedy's eyebrows rose perceptibly) that the Michigan Democrats were having (according to secret sources revealed to the reporter alone, as Kennedy dis- claimed any knowledge of such a fete) to "dispel the party's anti- business image." The criteria for humor seemed to be whether or not it is aimed at one particular person or at an un- definable grouping such as "Michi- gan Democrats." The quality of Kennedy's mem- ory for particulars, which so as- tounded the viewers of the cam- paign television debates has im- proved. He couldn't have brushed up on all the pertinent figures to be demanded of him the night before. He simply has a huge res- ervoir of information at his beck and call. It is with real respect 1' ___U LIZEP MEWI ____ (INE! AS) "'~' ~ YOUR 'F H' «. DLY HY Iant re ' - ~'~ A - I M-Aw N ,