THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAGE T""E ___________________________________________________ ___r A iAAr.5. c5usE soviet Leader Proposes Will Troubled Reds Start a Crisis? I 1 lew Garrison for J. S. Britain yet Policies )n UiN Role LONDON ( ) - Ranking Ameri- can and British officials last night broadly aligned their United Na- tions policies, but remained split over seating Red China in the United Nations. At the end of a two-day politi- cal strategy session between offi- cials led by United States Assist- ant Secretary of State Harlan Cleveland and British Assistant Undersecretary Duncan Wilson, the foreign office said: "The talks provided a useful op- portunity for exchanging ideas on a wide range of United Nations questions and achieving a sub- stantial identity of views." Among the agreements reached was a decision that new moves are needed to secure a ban on nuclear weapon tests and some progress in disarmament. Qualified inform- ants said the two nations specific- ally are weighing whether to lower their demands for on-site inspec- tion checks in a test ban treaty, The American and British dip- lomats found themselves unable to figure out a common position on Red China's representation in the United Nations. They also were divided over some aspects of the Congo situa- tion and on ways of resisting United Nations pressure for a change in the political setup of Southern Rhodesia, which is a self-ruling British colony. Urge uropean Nuclear Force PARIS (P)-The French Na-. tional Assembly, opening debate on President Charles de Gaulle's nu- clear strike force proposal, heard an appeal yesterday for a Euro- pean multinational deterrent in- stead. Henri Dorey of the Popular Re- publican Party told the assembly France should discuss such an idea with its European partners- a reference to present, and pros- pective members of the Common Market. Dorey said Premier Georges Pompldou's government should launch negotiations with France's European Allies on joint develop- ment of nuclear power for both defense and peaceful purposes. The issue of a French national nuclear force comes up in the gov- ernment's proposed supplemental budget for ,1962, including 200 million francs ($40 million) for a separation plant to produce en- riched uranium 235. The plant's output could be used for French nuclear bombs. REPORTING--Sen. Hubert Humphrey (left) and House Speaker John McCormack told of presidential and congressional opinions yesterday. Humphrey spoke of administration inclinations towards a tax cut and McCormack discussed the foreign aid bill. HumheMcCormack . A View Taxes, Foreign Aid By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn) and House Speaker John McCormack (D-Mass) said after a White House con- ference yesterday that the Kennedy Administration may be leaning toward an immediate tax cut and predicted the passage of a satis- factory foreign aid bill. Humphrey indicated that if President John F. Kennedy agrees within the next month that such action is necessary an effort will be made to tack it onto the President's tax revision bill. That measure is now facing serious trouble in they.. Berlin .Asks rirtish, French, U.S. ToWithdraw Washington, London Disdain Suggestion MOSCOW (M)-Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev made another ef- fort to pry the Americans, British and French out of West Berlin yesterday. He proposed to replace them with troops of Norway and Den- mark, or Holland and Belgium, and Communistacontingents from Czechoslovakia and Poland -all under the United Nations flag. The proposal was made to an accompaniment of claims of the most powerful weapons in the world, including antimissile mis- siles, and threats of more Soviet nuclear tests. It met a prompt rejection in Washington and London. Denounce 'Hypocrisy' The United States sharply and publicly rejected yesterday the new Berlin proposal by Khrush- chevhand denounced as "hypocri- sy" his complaint against United States atomic tests. State Department officials said the idea was not even new to them -it already had been suggested by Russia and ruled out by the West in Secretary of State Dean Rusk's private talks with Soviet diplo- mats. A British foreign office spokesman said replacement of American, British and French troops was not negotiable. Free Hand It appeared? however, that Khrushchev hoped to apply new pressure to get the garrisons of the three big Western nations out of West Berlin and win a freer hand for the Communists. His speech to 2,000 delegates from 118 countries at the World Peace Congress in the Kremlin bristled with anti-American state- ments and warnings of catastro- phe. Anti-Missile Missile He declared the Soviet Union has developed a missile to knock down missiles. This was the first such claim, but Western military experts doubt that Soviet scien- tists have such a weaponready to shoot. He denounced as a "challenge to, mankind" the current series of American tests in the Pacific, in- cluding the high altitude hydrogen shot Monday, and said these had made further improvement of So- viet weapons an "unavoidable nec- essity." This was a reiteration of threats of a new series of Soviet nuclear tests. Crises in Berlin May Occur Again By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press News Analyst Cries of peace echoing in Mos- cow raise a prospect of cold war tension in the near future. With help from the Moscow Peace. Congress, the Kremlin seems to be preparing for a new confrontation of East and West, probably over Berlin. The aim may be to captitalize on fears of nuclear war, to rally popular support in the non-Com- munist world for concessions to Soviet demands, and in the USSR itself for the Kremlin's economic measures. In advance of the Congress, Pravda carried a long editorial, ostensibly to hail the event. It quickly shifted to a discussion of Soviet internal problems, concen- trating on agriculture, the Krem- lin's chronic headache. New Heroism The times, pleaded Pravda, call for labor heroism from farmers, for 'Socialist competition" in farms and factories to raise pro- ductivity. This would be labor in the name of peace, labor to make the USSR economically strong so that its might could preserve the peace. In counterpoint to this tune, the press depicted the United States as playing nuclear roulette with peace. Izvestia carried cartoons to show that 37 schools could be built for the cost of one jet bomber, 10 hos- pitals for one nuclear submarine, 60-70 big buildings for the price of a ballistics missile. But, Premier Nikita S. Khrush- chev contends, the USSR is forced to raise its nuclear potential be- cause of threats from the West. Otherwise, abundance might be a matter of course. This provides an excuse for nagging shortages and the sharp rise in meat and butter prices. How to solve such problems? By copying the capitalists and provid- ing individual incentives? That could contaminate Red doctrine, even- though it is being suggested and even tried in some instances. NIKITA S. KHRUSHCHEV ... In trouble? There is a hint of desperation over the dilemma. To ease it, the psychology of fear could be an at- tractive instrument. In time of danger, citizens could be persuad- ed more easily that they labor for their own salvation. People in non-Communist nations could be persuaded more easily to seek quick and simple solutions-such as "general and complete disarm- ament." Make It Real To make the danger look real, the threat must be palpable. The, Kremlin can do this by first cre- ating the impression it strives des- perately for peace. Khrushchev, in his Tuesday speech, called the Berlin-German question the main source of ten- sion in Europe. He came up with the proposal that the United States, Britain and France with- draw their protection from West Berlin, and substitute forces from Communist Poland and Czechoslo- vakia, and from Norway and Den- mark or the Netherlands and Bel- gium. The proposal has no chance of acceptance by the West, but it is another gambit in the long cam- paign to reduce West Berlin to helplessness and gain a new ad- vantage for Communism in the heart of Europe. Khrushchev told the Congress the solution of the Berlin question "brooks no further delay." That is not a dated ultimatum, but it has an ominous sound. By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst Nikita Khrushchev, boasting about Soviet military strength at a so-called Peace Congress and trying to revive dead issues about Berlin, sounds like a man who is scared. Under Khrushchev as the self- anointed conductor of interna- tional Communism, the world revolution hasn't been doing too well. Where Stalin had the flaps well buttoned down, Khrushchev is having increasing trouble. In Washington there are a growing number of subscribers to the es- timate, which some began to voice months ago, that Communist dy- namism has passed its peak. Impose Discipline Stalin lost Yugoslavia through an ill-Judged attempt to impose C o m m u n i s t discipline. But Khrushchev was not able to keep even little and almost helpless Al- bania. Khrushchev, no longer presses the buttons which produce either policy or action in Red China. His voice is hardly heard in Asia, where Stalin once knitted a tight skein of Communist action. Where the Leninists always es- timated that Europe was dead and would soon lie down and admit it, Khrushchev now feels the winds of time and growing Western strength blowing through the holes which are more and more revealed in Communism's econ- omic and political system. Makes Concessions Perhaps most significant of all, Khrushchev has been forced to make concessions, at the expense of the monolithic state idea, to the needs of human beings. Where Stalin ordered the lives of all those under his c o m ma n d,, Khrushchev pleads for cooperation in state programs, both at home and in the satellites. And he is trying desperately to escape full public revelation of what seems to be an obvious con- clusion -- that he has been forced to descend from the hill he sought to climb in Berlin. He knows -- has already been told privately - that the Western allies will accept no change in the Berlin occupation status which they hold by right of conquest and exercise by the desire of the Ger- man people themselves. Downgrade Estimate The speed and firmness of pub- lished reaction in Washington and London itself represents a revised and downgrading estimate of So- viet strength. Part of Khrushchev's speech was directed toward Justification of Soviet continuance of the nu- clear arms race which was re- newed after she broke-a long truce. But the pages of history are now written too clearly for all except those who refuse to read. The world knows who started the great conflict which is now being waged, and why the nontotalitarian na- tions rearmed so reluctantly. It knows the conflict will not end until international communism re- nounces its world aims, and it be- gins to see how that decision may be forced, without war. Khrushchev has reason to holler. COEDS: It's Hairstyling Galore!I No Appointment Needed Custom-Styling The Dascola Barbers Near Michigan Theatre Khrushchev Rattles Soviet Sabers To Conceal Shortcomings at Home Senate Finance Committee headed by Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-Va). With growing sentiment favor- ing quick tax reductions, the stra- tegy indicated by Humphrey could serve to salvage the legislation from possible death. However, this angle was not discussed with news- men by the Minnesotan after he and other Democratic congres- sional leaders held their weekly meeting with Kennedy. Satisfactory Bill McCormack predicted the House would pass a foreign aid bill very satisfactory to the Kennedy ad- ministration. He said congressional leaders told Kennedy they were confident the House would pass the aid bill in satisfactory shape. Jab Administration McCormack said he felt the House would reject the Senate's restrictions on aid to Communist- dominated countries and would give the President discretion to grant aid to such countries if he found it vital to the national in- terest. Meanwhile, the Republican con- gressional leadership got in some jabs at the Kennedy Administra- tion, with statements by Senate Leader Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill) and House Leader Charles A. Hal- leck (R-Ind). emands Ind Of Impasse On Measures WASHINGTON (P)-House and Senate Democrats were cautioned yesterday to end their prestige battle over processing money bills or face serious losses in the No- vember elections. Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D- Minn), iassistant Senate Demo- cratic leader, delivered the warn- ing at a news conference and even hinted President John F. Kennedy, because of the consequences in- bolved, might step in to end the dispute. The conflict, which has blocked final passage of all money meas- ures for six months, originated three months ago with House de- mands that half the meetings of senate-House conferees on appro- priation bills be held on the House side of the capitol and that a House member preside at half the sessions. The Senate in turn de- manded that half the money measures originate in the Senate. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara plans another trip to Hawaii late this month for conferences on Viet Nam with top United States officials in the Far East, a De- fense Department spokesman said yesterday. WASHINGTON - Retail sales tumbled 2 per cent in June-their steepest slide since the recovery from the 1961 recession. Reporting yesterday on preliminary figures, the Commerce Department said sales declined by $431 million to $19.1 billion between May and June. The decline followed a drop of $117 million between April and May. LONDON -The Independent Television Authority is ordering advertisers to take the sex and glamor out of cigarette commer- cials, Postmaster General Reginald Bevins said yesterday. The author- ity, Bevins said, had reviewed cig- arette advertising on TV in the light of a warning report on smok- ing and lung cancer by the Royal College of Physicians. * * * NEW YORK-The Stock Mar- ket advanced vigorously yester- day as active buying developed in response to the easing of credit restrictions on security purchases. t i k:^ :hh'vt' :+F 4.}}. 5;. r ao-a ti f CHEMEX, DA GENSE, GERE . . .afew of friends. We'd introduce ther Jo Phone NO 8-6779 NSK, FRASER, BER, HEATH our good like to !m to you. 11N LEIDY ! 601 East Liberty I .~:"1".S'i f:iS'.';o.,:"V 3:r .+s..'. :}.< . ..;:.x.;4: .:.:: .:. 't..:.w:v.... - JULY SHOE SALE r A *~.a sophisticated .. shift by /" ". LINGERIE A'~; / .' ,OW f kI DRASTIC REDUCTIONS on Men's and Women's Shoes. 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