PUBLICITY GLARES ON SOUTH VIET NAM See Page 4 Y Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom ~EIaitll PARTLY CLOUDY High-78 Low-62 Possible showers late this evening. VOL. LXXII, No. 10-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES 4 Ponder Revising Medical Program Joint Committee Considers Plan To Promote Individualized Study By GERALD STORCH A joint literary college-Medical School faculty committee is working out a coordinate program designed to allow selected under- graduates the opportunity for highly individualized study in medical or non-medical areas during their senior year in the literary college, and first year in Medical School. Three years in the making, this program, while still "highly tentative," represents the second step in efforts by the University League Council Connection with f GOV. JOHN B. SWAINSON ...gets health advice Group Urges Health Care Terming the care of aged per- sons within the state's nursing homes and medical facilities "de- pressingly bad," an advisory com- mission to Gov. John B. Swainson yesterday made 45 recommenda- tions for the improvement of health care in Michigan. Swainson afterwards announced he would appoint another advisory board to work for adoption of the proposals, but doubted whether any of the recommendations could be carried out this year. The major proposal provided that the governor set up a net- work of more stringent controls over state hospital construction and facilities through the Michi- gan Health Department. Facilities Understaffed "Nursing homes and medical fa- cilities are, in general, under- staffed, poorly equipped and, in many cases, unsafe," the report stated. "They are so far removed from the main stream of medical prac- tice that financing is tentative and prospects for upgrading are dim." The study closely followed the three-year, $384,000 report issued last year by a University team, al- though the two statements did differ in that the new study rec- ommends an advisory group to the governor instead of a state agency with direct authority over all facets of health care. Taggart Chosen Prof. Herbert F. Taggart of the business administration school was a member of the 18-man study group. The commission also favored a new dental school and new medi- cal school within the state, pro- vided that existing facilities at the University, University of Detroit and Wayne State University have been expanded to optimum size. The group asked that schools of nursing "be strengthened and ex- panded," and endorsed fluorida- tion of public water supplies. Other Recommendations Its other recommendations in- clude: 1) A licensing law giving the health department authority to administer regulated standards and issue or deny licenses for construction, expansion and oper- ation of institutions for inpatient care; '2) Amendment of present laws so that "only truly non-profit, community - oriented boards of trustees own, operate and control voluntary nonprofit hospitals;" 3) That the state insurance commissioner review rates on pre- payment plans and insurance plans to insure reasonable prices; 4) That professional organiza- to integrate more fully the liberal arts and medical sciences, Prof. John R. Gosling of the Medical School, chairman of the joint committee, said last night. He noted the proposed program would provide the students with a much greater latitude in courses and academic projects during the two years involved, in the hopes of attracting students interested in a medical career, yet also de- siring a broad liberal arts back- ground. Difference in Concentrations The new program would differ from the already-established pre- medical program in that the par- ticipating students could have any major they desired during their undergraduate years, while stu- dents currently on a pre-med schedule in effect have that pro- gram as their major. The "first step" towards closer integration comes this summer, when Medical School seniors will have the option of spending as much as the last six months of their career taking any courses or conducting research projects in conjuction with faculty advisors, Prof. Gosling pointed out. The proposed program, however, probably won't be established un- til fall 1963 at the earliest, As- sistant Dean Earl Wolfman of the Medical -School indicated. Requires Consideration The new program will be con- sidered by the executive faculties of the literary college and the Medical School prior to its develop- ment and ultimate adoption. At the end of their junior year in undergraduate work, LSA stu- dents, presumably in the nonors program or of honors caliber, would be eligible to apply for the coordinate program, while still retaining their field of concen- tration. With concurrent admittance to the Medical School, these students could engage in totally voluntary, individualized research projects, or take other courses in the literary college or Medical School, with See GROUP, Page 2 Considers Veto Of Legislative Pay Increase LANSING (P)- Gov. John V. Swainson said yesterday he is con- sidering vetoing the $2,000 pay raise the Legislature voted for its members. Swainson has the power to veto the pay raise amendment to a general government appropria- tions bill without killing the entire bill. The governor said he believed legislators are entitled to more pay and noted he fought for high- er salaries while he was a State Senator. However, he said, the voting of a pay raise at a time when law- makers failed to solve the state's financial problems "showed a lack of perspective and consistency." The pay raise would give law- makers $7,000 a year plus $1,250 in expenses, increased pension benefits and mileage for two round trips home per month. PROF. LYNN W. ELEY ... income tax Eley Asks New Tax For City A one per cent. city income tax coupled with a flat rate property tax reduction was proposed last night by Democratic Councilman Lynn Eley. Eley announced his intent to in- troduce to City Council next Mon- day a resolution calling for an administrative study of the tax. The tax, like the one recently enacted in Detroit, would be levied on both residents and non-resi- dents. At the same time, property taxes might be cut $50 or some similar amount, Eley explained. Not for Revenue "I would like to make it clear that the tax is not designed to raise revenue. Rather it is to find a new source of revenue and to ease the regressive effects of the property tax," he declared. Eley's resolution would ask City Administrator Guy Larcom to de- termine how much revenue the tax would produce and the number of people who live outside of Ann Ar- bor, but work in the city who would be affected by the tax. The income tax proposal follows a city council decision last Mon- day to consider joining the Vigi- lance Tax Committee's fight against the Detroit tax. At that time the mayor and the city at- torney were authorized to inves- tigate the value of joining the sub- urban Detroit mayors group. Creal Won't Talk Mayor Cecil O. Creal had no comment on the tax proposal. However, Republican Councilman William E. Brandemer said the city must be careful not to get in a scrambled tax situation. "There is too much hullaballu about taxes. Let the state solve its tax problems first," he said. The Council also established a temporary six month committee to study manpower needs and the economic resources of Ann Arbor. The committee, composed of 10 members, one a city councilman, one selected from a slate of three nominated by the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce and one similarly selected from the Wash- tenaw County Council of the AFL- CIO, was proposed by Republican Councilman Wendell Hulcher last April. Eley moved the proposal off the table. The committee would study economic development needs, pos- sible business expansion, employ- ment needs of local workers, op- portunities for youth employment and co-ordination of plans for at- tracting industry.. The committee's main task will be to review the work of other city, county, state and federal agencies in this area to determine if a separate, permanent agency is needed in this field, Hulcher ex- plained. Notes Need' For 'Human' Management By CYNTHIA NEU The "human relations approach, to administration" was described by E. L. Cushman, Vice-President of American Motors, in an address to the Midwest Community College Leadership Program last night. In a dinner speech entitled "Di- m e n s i o n s of Administration," Cushman explained that any ad- ministration must be designed so that it will facilitate cooperation between diverse individuals. Although people are uniquely different in their goals, motiva- tion, background and experience, they can still work together for the common goal of the organization under a well-designed administra- .tion, he explained. Mutual Respect Cushman noted that an import- ant ingredient in administration is mutual respect. This is especial- ly true in educational institutions where members are supposed to be professionally trained. Another important factor in educational organization is the student, who is the "customer." Any administration must recognizee the needs of the people being served, he emphasized. Cushman listed six basics of good management stemming from The asumption that administra- tion is an organization of people. Selection Primary The first is selection. An indi- vidual should be carefully chosen for a position on the basis of at clear idea of what the job genuine- ly entails. He then should be trained so? that he can do the job effectively1 as possible. This may entail ad-_ vanced formal training such as graduate classes or i n f o r m a 1 coaching and counseling, Cush- man said. Third, the administration must organize, defining functions for each job and deciding what powers. the administrator will keep and which ones he will delegate. Information Exchange There must be an exchange of information. The problem of com- munication is one which is never handled enough, he said, and al- though the particular techniques depend on the size and nature of the organization, communication s h o u 1 d generally be two-way through such means as staff meet- ings. The fifth item Cushman listed was control. "The administrator can't abdi-; cate his responsibility," he said. This does not mean that he hasE to perform every decision but he must keep his finger on the pulse of the activity within the organi- zation.t The last basic noted by Cush-t man was compensation to em- ployes which includes psychic in- come as well as financial. c Expand Integrated School Assignment CHAPEL HILL, N.C., OP) - Thet Chapel Hill City Board of Educa- tion expanded integration in its system to the first six grades lastt night by placing elementary school assignments on a geographic basis. i CONSTRUCTION COMPLICATIONS - The presidei Oxford Rd. Housing Project (pictured above) for' proper precautions would be taken so that none of ti construction. UAssureo By PHILIP SUTIN The University will give "proper consideration" to the interests of safety around the Oxford Road Housing Project construction site, John G. McKevitt, assistant to the vice-president for business and finance said yesterday. Commenting on a letter to the Regents from George W. Sallade, president of the Angell Elemen- Brmese .Act Tio End Riots RANGOON (P)-Gen. Ne Win's ruling revolutionary council step- ped up its measures to end student outbursts by closing colleges and universities throughout Burma last night. The action followed rioting last Saturday in which troops killed 15 students and wounded 27. The violence was touched off by stu- dent resentment against a 10 p.m. curfew on hostel operations. Soldiers dynamited the two- story student union building. The same building was used by Aung San, father of Burma's independ- ence, to launch his campaign nor freedom from Britain. A council source said the meas- ures "will serve to emphasize that the army is not backing down in the face of student agitation against the hostel rules." Informants said Ne Win, who' ousted Premier U Nu and took power last March, wants to smash political activity on college cam- puses. When the university is reopen- ed, the sources said, students will be required to sign a pledge that they will abide by the new hostel rules, devote their time to studies, and stay out of politics. Under the old system no time limit was set for students to leave the hos- tels. ~PTA tary School Parent-7 ciation, requesting s neighborhood childr construction p e r i c added that the Unii concerned about the when it constructs it Angell School, loca University, is one b new women's housin PTA Man Sallade, carrying o of the Angell Sch quested in the form four assurances fron sity. He asked: 1) Which Univ would handle comi the possibly danger of contractors or s building the project; 2) If "adequate bu ly barriers" will be e vent children from u the project and endE safety; 3) What provisio made to assure that trucks servicing th drive with "extreme 4) If temporary of ing will be provided tion workers to prey ming of "an alread traffic and parking Don't Want Ha Sallade declared t our desire to harass1 but rather to protec and the neighborho Votes To Sever Women's Judic t .-.$* Hint Possible i, Judiciaries' K *..Restructure 6e . s Hope for Finances From ADC, Panhel During Comning Year By DENISE WACKER Women's League Council has decided that beginning next se- mester the women's judiciary sys- tems will no longer be under the jurisdiction of the League. The council voted last May to sever affiliation with Women's Judic, breaking a traditional tie- up between the organizations Iwhich has existed for more than 60 years through a clause in the League's constitution. The clause formally and initially established Women's Judic as a committee of the League. However, the constitution also -Daily-Bruce Charnov included the operations and struc- nt of an elementary school located near the ture of house judiciaries and Wo- University women was assured yesterday that men's Panel, which has become he tots would be injured during the period of the highest court of appeal for University women. 365-Day Definition Ce""The decision was the, result of a year-long attempt to define the League's role on campus. We found that Judi stuck out like a sore thumb at the League, and that Teacher Asso- f u t u r e unpleasantness. These our tie with it was at best tenuous. afeguards for questions are addressed not to "The authority to change rules en during the trouble the Regents unnecessarily, resides in the office of the dean, o d, McKevitt but in a spirit of hopeful anticipa- of women, not the League, and versity is also tion that continuous cooperation while theoretically the under- neighborhood and understanding will be forth- graduates do have control, could s buildings. coming." handle Judic only after extensive ted at 1608 S. He reminded the Regents that dealings with the dean's office," lock from the they are elected by the people and Bea Nemlaha, '62, former president g project site. that they have responsibility to of the League, explained. date the parents of the Angell School There is some possibility that )ut a mandate neighborhood, a small part of the there will be changes effected be- ool PTA, re- Regents' constituency, fore the end of the Summer Ses- of questions Possible Other Problems sion which will link the judiciary n the Univer- Sallade also warned the Uni- system with Joint Judic. versity that "once the project is Plenty of Advice ersity office "We have received recommenda- plaints about completed other serious problems tions from various organizations, ous activities will certainly arise, and undoubt- including Student Government subcontractors edly future presidents and execu- Council, the Reed Committee and tive boards of the Parent-Teacher some of the women's groups,'which t not unsight- Association will be petitioning you make it clear that some changes rected to pre- about them as well." would be best. And we would hope andering into The project, to open in the fall to do them in time for the first angering their of 1963, is designedtohouse 420 semester, 1963. Naturally we can't women in small dormitory and say just what those changes would ns are being apartment-like units. It has been be," Vice-President for Student the drivers of subject of a number of protests Affairs James A. Lewis said yes- e project will by its neighbors both to the Uni- terday. caution"; and versity and to the Ann Arbor City Acting Dean of Women Eliza- ff-street park- Council. beth Davenport added that there for construc- The project, initiated formally will obviously have to be some vent the jam- last March, has been viewed in changes made, particularly the y complicated administrative circles as being a Women's Panel. problem." new and dynamic concept in wo- "If there is to be no Dean of rrassment men's housing, as it attempts to Women-and it looks as if that's hat "it is not combine the efficiency of large- the case-then who is to sit on the University unit living with the individuality the Panel? There really must be t our children and privacy demanded by most some court of appeals for under- )od from any students. graduate women," Mrs. Davenport said. Status Quo Commenting on the structure of Women's Judiciary, League Presi- dent Margaret Skiles, '63, asserted SNew AddIion that there will be very few truct eW19changes. "The Interviewing and Nom- inating Committee, composed of received two large grants yesterday from the three retiring judic members, plus two vice-presidents from Assembly nstitute of Health (NIH) donated $1.5 million and Panhellenic, select the chair- the Kresge Medical Research Bldg., while the man and the nine other members. nd Welfare Department gave $200,000 for research "The only real changes will be 'or juvenile training. in the selection of Women's Judic wo projects were not immediately available. Dean members. Formerly, the chairman "William B. Hubbard of the Medi- and vice-chairman were chosen cal School was out of town, and by the League Interviewing and Nominating Committee,d andhe other Medical School officials Judi Council selected the other could focus no additional light on members. From now on, the com- the matter. mittee will choose all nine mem- u eS Two otherauniversities within bers," Miss Skiles said. the state also received grants.I Tightens Purse Wayne State University received Aside from this, Women's Judic r will speak $1.43 million from the NIH to help will function much as it has be- hanics of the pay for construction of a medical fore. The League, at the time the of fixation at research building there. separation was enacted, decided to withdraw financial support from of the sympo- The state government will pro- men' uici hop t Ar- . omn'.Jdi, hping t a s um, with lec- vide the remaining $2.25 million sembly and Panhel would support er the United for the cost of building and equip- it rld will take ( ping the new medical center. "However, it appears that Pan- tures on cell- WSU also was awarded $152,000 hel can't afford the $30 to $50 to establish a juvenile training it would require to support the ation center similar to the one project- organization, and Assembly might includes a lec- ed for the University. not be able to as well. rt Stern of the The funds from the NIH. an- "In this case. the League will I 'ELECTRON MICROSCOPY: Kellenberger Views DNA Examination T Kresge I To Cons The University federal government. The National I for an addition to Health, Education ai into a curriculum f Details for the t ec n echniq Prof. Kellenberge further on the mec various techniques a daytime seminar_ sium. The symposia turers from all ov1 States and the wo Wednesday with lec ular biology. Gene Regul Today's schedulei ture h Prof .Herber By JUDITH DUKLER There are many problems of electron microscopy still unsolved in developing a technique to apply to the examination of "DNA" plas- mas, Prof. Edouard Kellenberger of the Laboratoire de Biophysique at the University of Geneva, said last night. Prof. Kellenberger's lecture was one of a series in the summer Bio- He defined three different states of the DNA molecule: the physical, chemical and organizational states. The physical state is that of length of the molecule, number of strands. The chemical state ex- plains the chemistry of the mole- cule, and the organizational state, which Kellenberger emphasizes is a new definition. It is "what is associated with DNA in a more complex biological structure." structure of DNA at any moment in time. Tried Various Methods Electron microscopy is the "only tool helping to understand the or- ganizational state completely." can be studied. The primary char- acteristic of a good fixative is that it permits the DNA to be studied in a non-aggregated expanded form. 'Vercine Test' Various methods have been tried Many of the techniques being in the past such as examination of developed in Prof. Kellenberger's the molecules on a mica surface isiueaecnendwt h or on a thin sheet of water with institute are concerned with the limited success. These methods di- "vercine test." When the molecule vulged, however, more organiza- ,is vercine positive, aggregation oc- +innarmaj.trialt han had hrn ni-! crs ands tudyo nf the organiza- 1