jihb Air1igwn Baiy F- Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opiniona Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD STORCH Quality of American Education Already High, Well-Established 'Changes Things ...' UNDERSCORE: 'Great Powers' All Gone; New Diplomacy Needed By PHILIP SUTIN Daily Staff Writer THURSDAY'S REVELATION that the United States is seeking increased foreign investment in this country-especially from Japan-probably came as a mild surprise to most people. Yet it shouldn't, for it is merely a sign of the times-the end of great power politics. In former eras, one measure of a great power was the amount THE ORBITING of the first Sputnik in 957 indirectly caused a reappraisal of the edu- cational system in the United States. People claimed that the United States was producing less and less capable scientists and engineers than that other country, the U.S.S.R. Concern over the issue was shown in con- temporary high school debate topics: the pres- ent educational system versus British or Rus- sian systems, and federal aid to education. I HE INTRODUCTION of programmed in- struction in 1958 was hailed as the end of the teacher shortage. The thought of machines and textbooks that would free the teacher from repetitive lessons incited the imagination of everyone. The National Science Foundation gave out and is giving out millions to finance in-service institutes for math and science teachers. In short, everybody got busy looking for cures. SCHOLARS formed discussion groups which scrutinized over-all objectives Eand specific methods. The conclusions drawn from these in- vestigations were often duplicated, often over- simplified, and often immersed in a flood of verbiage. It's true that the educational system of the U.S.SR. produces more scientists and engi- neers. But it also has a greater population. The U.S.S.R. may produce better scientists and engineers, as engineers and scientists. But it can choose from a larger able population. DOES THIS mean that every American aca- demician is pitted against a Russian coun-' terpart of superior talents? No, because they cannot be lined up as "tools" on opposite sides of a border. The problem for the United States, then, is to make the most of the available manpower. One reason for our teacher shortage is that we try to teach many more students than do the Europeans. Catering predominantly to superior students, as in the British and Russian high school through graduate school systems, entails elim- inating students who "can't make the grade." Providing "mass education" often restricts the opportunities of more capable individuals. WHAT IS needed to make efficient use of available talents, and what mostly exists in this country, is a compromise between the two policies. The United States provides the best educa- tion for the average person. Also, doctorates in the sciences are considered more liberally educated than those educated in Europe. But the United States is also forging ahead in honors programs and accelerated sequences in high schools and universities, in a fairly successful attempt to aid "exceptional" students. O SUM UP, I am defending the status quo: education is evolving along well-set lines. The broad educational advantages mentioned above put an excessive and almost prohibitive burden on the educational s y s t e m of this country. Problems with state legislatures, and teacher and classroom shortages are known to everyone. Is there a way of lightening this burden? Various technical and methodological aids have been suggested. PROGRAMMED instruction will not com- pletely solve the teacher shortage, because students still require assistance. However, it will allow certain capable sutdents to learn a great deal quickly and without very much at- tention, and it will also give otherwise incap- able students the opportunity to learn more. This country is an automated nation. Our use of computers overshadows European ef- forts, and the U.S.S.R. is practically virgin territory. Increased use is fine, but yet com- puters cannnot really be considered a sub- stitute for educated individuals. Federal aid to education obviously cannot lower the cost of education, even when more would be spent, and unfortunately, any altera- tions in the educational system must be bathed in politics. But, on the whole, and with the aid of the improvements made throughout the last few years, the situation of U.S. education is progressing. -MICHAEL SATTINGER -Daily-Earl Pole THE NEW CONSTITUTION: Changes in the State Executive of foreign investment it made. exported it. So, if this were the capital would be considered a sig such an era. The days when one to half a dozen countries would hold a monopoly of world power are over. Instead of facing one to a half- dozen adversaries and allies that count, a nation faces over 100 powers of varying degrees and in- terests. No single set of powers holds the key to international peace and war. Diplomacy, which once was a simple game of chess, has now developed into a highly complex jigsaw puzzle. * * * THE END of the great power era has a number of implications which have not yet been caught up by a large segment of the American public. Still thinking in terms of the great powersathey picture the Soviet Union as an arch-enemy whose evil plots fo- ment world crises. If the Soviet Union were to disappear, this rea- soning continues, the world would be at peace. Unfortunately, neither the world nor the Soviet Union is monolithic. The Soviet bloc itself must struggle with the nationalist jealousies of its member states, especially China and East Germany. The Communist Chinese are stirring a number of crises which the Soviets would want to keep dormant.I East German dictator Walter Ulbricht is probably push- ing Khrushchev into Berlin ad- ventures he would rather not be a participant to. * * * THERE ARE A NUMBER of clashes and world problems for which the Communists are not responsible, but only, at times, ag- gravate. The independence move- ments in countries still under colonial domination would con- tinue even if the Communists did not exist. Many of the regional clashes, as exemplified by the bitter Arab- Israeli conflict in the Middle East, are the result of long historical causes of which international communism played no part. Some right-wing critics of American foreign policy would have the public believe that great power diplomatic solutions still are true. They do not understand that international politics is more complex and more factors are in- volved. * * AMERICA is making progress in this direction. The extremist cri- tics have received a deaf ear from Washington, and the American public, through an improving edu- cational system, is becoming more sophisticated about international affairs., The United States has a long way to go. The recent Senate fight over foreign aid to Poland and Yugoslavia indicates the strength of out dated thinking. This country still has to face up to challenge of the end of the great power era. As President Ken- nedy appropriately pointed out July 4, America will survive by interdependence with the rest of the world, not by loftyindepen- dence above it. The State Depart- ment must strive to successfully fit the United States into the new multi-power system. However, it can only accomplish this goal with the support of a sophisticated pub- lic. Let's Pray for a Referendum C ONGRESSIONAL conservatives are current- ly engaged in sponsoring a constitutional amendment which would allow school children to offer voluntary prayers in the public schools. Such a move would be ill-advised. True, the Supreme Court bordered on in- sanity when it held that a daily prayer, re- cited voluntarily by young boys and girls out of respect for a Supreme Being, was a breach of religious freedom, but the fuzzy reasoning of six self-appointed freedom-crushers should not be grounds for the Congress to load down a good Constitution with a lot of pettifogging amendments. The State of Michigan has just tossed away several million dollars to overhaul a con- stitution that was loaded with some 60 amend- ments, most of which altered picky little de- tails. The strength of the United States Con- stitution has been in the fact that it has been unimpeded by trivia such as an amendment to allow prayers in school. OW GRANTED, this ridiculous Supreme Court decision strikes right at the core of that which keeps America great-its freedoms -including freedom to worship-voluntarily- whenever one wishes. But the Constitution need not be amended to allow voluntary prayer anywhere within the territorial United States. That freedom is already assured in the Bill of Rights, and no sneaky-worded decision can deny it. The problem is one of governmental machin- ery. there is no appellate when the Supreme Court makes a mistake. Any error they commit is not easily overturned. The solution is simple, and the Constitution will allow it. Congress must take the bull by the horns and appeal this Court decision to the people. And if, in a nationwide referendum, the voters do not concur with the decision of the high court, then the case need no longer stand. It's as simple as that. NOW THE criticism that the people can have no say in the matter is unfounded. The Constitution does not mention nationwide ref- erendums in any way. Therefore, since such a vote would be clearly a federal matter, and since the Congress is not prohibited from de- claring such a referendum, let it be held, and then let's see whether the Supreme Court decision will stand. After all, this country runs from day to day for the benefit of its people. And if they do not concur in some matter, they should have re- course. Tacking on trivial amendments to the Constitution is not the answer for affirming what is already guaranteed. But slapping the wrists of an impregnable high court, through a nationwide vote of censure, seems to be the proper avenue. Perhaps if these untouchable justices were to feel the wrath of their constitutents occa- sionally, they would render decisions which more accurately reflect the sentiments of the American people. -MICHAEL HARRAH City Editor (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth of a nine-part series on the new state constitution.) By MARK BLUCHER Daily Staff Writer S NDER THE existing constitu- tion, executive authority in the state is divided and respon- sibility blurred among the gov- ernor, the independently elected state administrative board, and a brief-patch of more than 120 boards and commissions." This his how George Romney, Republican candidate for gover- nor, summed up the problem of Michigan's present e x e c u t i v e branch of government. It was the discussion of the provisions of this article that saw discussion between the two parties ranging from general agreement to violent dissension. * * * ' THE DEMOCRATS and Repub- licans agreed on a four year term for the governor and the lieuten- ant governor, who will run as a team. This is a change from the present document where these two officials are elected individually and for only two year terms. This would permit the develop- ment and execution of effective programs without interruptions to campaign for re-election, Romney said. The Democrats parted violently with the two Republican wings on the issue of whether members of the state administrative board should be elected or appointed. The Democrats maintain that the positions should remain elective. * * * "THE PROPOSED document weakens the administrative arm of the government and takes away the right of the people to elect a treasurer, auditor general, super- intendent of public instruction and the highway commissioner," the Democrats said. "Thus the present system of having the Michigan electorate vote for these officers would be replaced by a system that takes the responsibility from the people, keeps it from the governor, and so weakens and conceals respon- sibility that no individual or party can really be held responsible for the administration of the execu- tive positions," theydcontinued. Under the new document the offices of secretary of state and attorney general would remain elective. The state treasurer would be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. A BIPARTISAN highway com- mission would appoint the state highway director. The board of education would appoint the superintendant of pub- lic instruction. Suicide "IN ESSENCE, the conflict that exists today is no more than And the Legislature would ap- point the auditor general. This last provision in the new constitution would end the "in- consistency of having an official in the executive department whose job it is to be a watchdog for the Legislature over the performance of the executive branch," Romney said. * 4 * DEBATE ON the proposal lasted for many hours and saw many violent words exchanged. The vote was close, particularly in relation to the state highway commissioner. The Democrats were, however, un- able to crack the compromise forces of the Republican party and the new administrative board system went into the new docu- ment. The Democrats also levied an attack against the advise and con- sent power of - the Senate-by which the governor's appointments can be vetoed. Republicans defended the meas- ure as basic to the American system of checks and balances between the three branches of government. THE 1908 constitution makes it necessary for the Senate to ap- prove all appointments before they become official. The new constitution sets a time limit of 60 days, during which time the Senate may exercise its prerogative and reject the ap- pointee. The Democrats, in their propos- ed substitute constitution said that "appointment with the consent of the Legislature . . . means ap- point subject to disapproval by a two-thirds vote of the members elected to . . . the Legislature." They also stipulated that this was to be within 60 days. DEMOCRATS also charged that under the new document "the mal- apportioned Senate guarantees that a Democratic governor or a Republican governor would have to select appointees on the basis of confirmability by the most con- servative veto bloc of Republicans, rather than on the basis of abil- ity." Inclusion of the eight-member bipartisan Civil Rights Commis- sion in the executive article also brought 'out the wrath of the Democrats. They contended that the section actually belonged to the peclara- tion of Rights article, and accused the Republican majority of trying to sweeten up the new document and embarrass them. "We refused the sacrifices of our principles with just a touch of saccharin," Tom Downs (D- Detroit) a convention vice-presi- dent commented. The charges were denied by the Republicans, who said that since most commissions are considered part of the executive branch of government this was where they belonged in the constitution. Instead of attracting capital, it great power era, this request for a of weakness. However, this Is not AT THE STATE: 'Night Out' No Good THERE IS a movie showing at TtheState Theatre. It is called "Boy's Night Out." People will go to this movie, thinking they will be able to laugh. They are wrong. They will not laugh. Somebody's got to take the blame for this one, and you can't foist it off entirely on the theatre manager, who after all is only try- ing to make a profit. You can't even blame it on the obnoxious people crunching popcorn behind YOU. Censure instead must be direct- ed towards more fundamental areas. The screenwriter, for in- stance, m u st have composed "Boys' Night Out" on his day off. Leading stars Kim Novak and James (Maverick) Garner handle comedy material with all the finesse of a typist in boxing gloves. GARNER is part of a commut- ing foursome who find that their Thursday night out every week is becoming as drab as their busi- ness routine. Miss Novak is a grad- uate sociology student research- ing her thesis on "Adolescent Sexual Fantasies of the Adult Suburban Male." The two meet when Garner, whom the three married menrhave stuck with getting a "pad" to liven up the nights out, stumbles onto not only the pad but also the blonde to. go with it. Staying well abreast of matters, Miss Novak manages to keep the first three boys down to unsus- pecting confessions for incorpo- ration into her thesis, lust her charms be wasted on anything ex- cept Garner's slowly disintegrat- ing bachelorhood. * * * WELL, everything goes fine, until the three wives hear about what the boys are really doing. As expected, the whole thing winds up in a blaze of humorless orgy at the pad. The conscience-strick- en husbands get their wives back, Miss Novak gets Garner, the ush- ers get to clean up the theatre. Even the cliches are bad-the Victorian old lady next door, the little brats at the breakfast table. As in his television career, Gar- ner's lines are strictly home-on- deranged, while Miss Novak, at- tempting. to slim down her 29 years into a college-age role, Gar- ners very few expressions of glee. As she says correctly, though surely Unintentionally, at the be- ginning of the film when describ- ing her research method, "I'm go- ing to look like yes and act like no." At least it's in color. -Gerald Storch New Vistas "ONE WAY to end the stock market decline would be to apply to stock speculation the' same 'principles we use in agri- culture: That is, a system of sup- port prices for surplus crops which would otherwise have to be sold for distress levels. The un- happy holder of A.T.&T. or IBM, if their prices fell below the sup-' port level, could take their stocks to the Treasury and turn them in. "It would be cheaper to pour a few billion dollars into the stock market now, farm relief style, than allow it to trigger a panicky slump in business at home and abroad. We can already visualize the con- struction of storage facilities, for surplus shares of Du Pont and General Motors by some future Billy Sol Estes..." -I. F. Stone's Weekly DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SATURDAY, JULY 9 General Notices Ushers needed for opera: Students wishing to see the University Players double bill opera, Puccini's " Glanni ! Schicchi" and Pergolesi's "La Serva Pa drona" free by ushering are invited to t I1 a , TODAY AND TOMORROW: Old Colonies Need Europeans' Aid Another Gadget for Defense THE PRESIDENT has just asked Congress for $23 million to provide electronic locks for nuclear warheads. The idea is, that with these locks the weapons will be protected from use by "unauthorized personnel." This sounds like a fine thing, and doubtless deserves the support of Congress. But, what has been going on until now? The proposal has all the reassurances of a notice by your bank that it has decided on a new policy of locking the vault at night. But late is better than never. Now with the proper handling, this could be built up into a real force for peace. The way to do it would be to describe the lock as a means of increasing "the effectiveness of our deterrent." Pretend that it was being installed to replace older, slower and safer systems. THAT WAY, the Russians would rush to put locks on their missiles, too. Each and every nuclear weapon-even the "tacticals"-would be locked and bolted, like a barn door. Since the United States has more bombs than Russia, soon we could begin boasting ohnzF Uer .r'.- r h AA e nn n n -- re in.a a tury." Everything could grow more and more elaborate. Then, the crafty scientists would find a way to put locks on the locks. Business, looking for mass production chances, would snap at that one. The Russians would have no choice, but would have to follow along. AND SO IT WOULD GROW. Just a pipe dream. Because we have the strongest force for peace right now-our deterrent. The reason the Russians don't attack is because they are afraid of what we'd do to them if they did. And so, the more guns (that is, bombs) we have, the safer we are. And the more dangerous our weapons are, the better for scaring the Russians-that is, the safer for us. 1 BE REALLY SAFE, we'd have to actually start the war, so that the Russians would know-would feel-exactly what was in store for them. It's only logical to build as many bombs as possible. if what you want is a "force for peace." BY WALTER LIPPMANN THREE MORE African states have just achieved indepen- dence - Algeria f r o m France, Rwanda and Burundi from Bel- gium. There are great differences among them. Algeria is in North Africa and has been part of the Mediterranean civilization for cen- turies. Rwanda and Burundi are primitive central African terri- tory which, except as part of Ger- man East Africa before World War I and then as a Belgian trust territory, has had no important contact with the advance of civil- ization. Yet the three states have one critical thing in common. Their future prospects of progress and prosperity are intimately bound up with their success in working out a new relationship of coopera- tion with their former overlords. Algeria cannot hope to prosper without France. Rwanda and Bur- undi can hardly hope to survive without Belgium. If we pause to think about this, it is a remarkable thing to be saying. Only two years ago almost everyone would have supposed that the liberation of a colony meant an irreparable break be- tween the new state and the old imperial power. What is more, it seemerl nnhle that the new it once seemed to so many, a rich, disorderly, newly liberated terri- tory can be insulated from the cold war. Two years after Dag Hammer- skjold's daring intervention in the Congo, there are no Russian forces and no American forces there, and the Belgians who fled from the disorders are returning in large numbers. They are return- ing because there is no other nation which is qualified as are the Belgians to provide the know- how for running the Congo. The troubles in the Congo are not over and there are signs that the troubles may break down into civil and tribal war. Yet two years of experience with independence have been showing in practice that a new relationship between the Congolese and the Belgians is necessary, and that it is possible. IN THE liberation of Rwanda and Burundi the lessons of the Congo are being applied. The Bel- gian security forces are not com- pelled to leave immediately. It is believed that the kingdom of Bur- undi may ask them to leave rather soon. The king will do well to go slowly lest he drive out with the few hundred Belgian troops the Belgian specialists and technicians who are indispensable. The repub- thermore, the Belgian government has offered to continue to support the two budgets which have a combined deficit of 50 per cent, and also to continue to support ($9 million) the extraordinary budget for economic development. * * * IN ALGERIA after the vote for independence there is the possi- bility of a conflict between two factions of the Moslems. This would not be unusual at the end of a successful war of indepen- dence. But it would be an embar- rassig nuisance for everybody. The Algerians have won the re- spect of the whole world by the discipline and fortitude in face of hideous provocation which they have displayed. They should not allow themselves to break down now no matter how strained their nerves. They should not let them- selves break down just when they have reached their goal. The pressure of circumstances will be against a breakdown into an Algerian civil war. The Alger- ians themselves are war-weary. An Algerian civil war is against the interests of Tunisia and Morocco, which must look forward now to an alliance with an independent Algeria of the Magreb, that is, of the western Arabs. It is also against the interests of Egypt. For