r Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reints. THIS YEAR AT LANSING Democrats Tie GOP But Public Loses to Both By PHILIP SUTIN Daily Staff Writer . LIKE TWO unyielding Titans, the majority legislative Republicans and minority legislative Democrats and the executive clashed during the recently-completed session of the Legislature and the overall interest of the state was the loser. Blame for this debacle rests with both sides. The greater amount falls to the conservative Republicans of the Senate whose only reply to gubernatorial proposals seemed to be "No!", but a considerable amount belongs to the Democrats, who have lost the knack of effectively compromising details while leaving the essence, intact. The focus of FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SUTIN State Senate Needs More Than Just Reapportionment ti 1 AUGUST SCHOLLE'S suit demanding re- apportionment of the state Senate shows a gross misunderstanding of the purpose of that august body. Mr. Scholle of course has his legitimate objections to the senators. They do not represent the majority of voters in the state. From his point of view, they certainly have stalled measures which would have greatly helped the state's economic posi- tion. And, of course, they have ignored the immense problems posed by the growing De- troit industrial complex. But the state Senate was never meant to represent the majority. That is the purpose of the House of Representatives. Michigan's state government is obviously patterned after the national government, with factors of geo- graphy and population used in the upper and lower bodies respectively. The idea, of course, is to assure representation to all interests in one or the other group. INDEED, anybody who -watched the antics of Sen. Lynn O. Francis and friends during the last session can hardly doubt that there are more than a few valid objections to the Sen- ate. First the Senate passed an income tax. Then it rejected what it had just passed after Fran- cis sabotaged the rest of the tax reform pro- gram. The senators weren't interested in the welfare of the state. By and large they were controlled by petty, provincial interests. The best excuse for rejection of tax reform is "The people don't want an income tax." Instead, the Senate was so stalled on taxes that its members had to wait for the House to pass taxes on beer, cigarettes and telephone calls, which, the senators conveniently forgot to mention, the people don't want either. In the interim, the senators engaged in some of the most childish antics ever seen in this or any other state, with several near fist fights. BUT TO ACCEPT Mr. Scholle's complaints is not to say that the Senate ought to be reapportioned: it is to say that the Senate ought to be abolished. While for some this might seem a sacrilege against the American concept of government, after a bit of reflection the concept is not really so outrageous. The logic behind the United States Congress is based on' a much wider variety of- interests than is present in Michigan. There is no reason why the states ought to parrot the national forms blindly. Besides, if there were only one house in Michigan, all the interests would be represented. The out-state population nearly equals that of Detroit. The Legislature would be far from dominated by the United Auto Workers and the Detroit metropolitan area. In fact, the total effect of the state Senate as it now exists is only to assure control to the rural interests. If the Senate did not exist, the non-Detroit areas could still be assured of adequate if not majority representation. ANOTHER REASON for a national senate- that a man representing a whole state would have a broader outlook than a man simply representing his own little ten square blocks of apartment buildings--also does not exist on the state level. State senators generally wind up represent- ing homogeneous districts. They also must play petty politics just as fervently as any House member because they must stand for election just as often.' And finally, a state Senate does nothing to improve the level of politics in the state. There is as much or more petty quibbling in the Senate as in the House. Many of its members look at the Senate simply as a jumping off point for other state offices and their only contribution is innocuous but disturbing noise. The major difference between House and Senate politics is the senators' love for back- biting, personal insults and disorder. MR. SCHOLLE is right. The Senate is a stumbling block to progress. It does not repersent anybody but the jackrabbits and empty fields. But that was the way it was meant to be. The real judgment to be made in the case of Scholle versus Hare is whether this jackrabbit principle is worth anything. One state has already abolished its Senate and has lived successfully with a one-house legislature chosen solely on the basis of popu- lation. Such a legislature does not necessarily assure that Detroit will dominate the state. It would be more efficient and have fewer prima-donnas. Scholle's complaint is ridiculous. He is like a spoiled child crying because he didn't get what he wanted. If he accepts the principle of a bicameral legislature, he must accept the re- cent actions of the Legislature as a justly arrived-at decision. If, however, he is really interested in the will of the majority, the only answer is a unicameral legislature based on population. He may not be too happy even with that. -DAVID MARCUS i I SASY ON -TH r THE NEW CONSTITUTION: Ways To Elect State Senators Fluoride Foes Have Mental Cavity "LIKE SOCIALIZED MEDICINE, fluoridation is one more example of creeping collectiv- ism." So says the magazine American Opinion published by Robert Welch of John Birch Society fame. In an article condemning the use of fluor- idized water, the question is asked "Shall parents remain responsible for the health- care of their children; or, shall all children be cared for by the government on a mass- production basis?" In point of fact, both the American Medical Association and the American Dental Assoca- tion have endorsed fluoridation as a method that contributes greatly to the prevention of tooth decay, especially in children. Foilage A NEW MACHINE has been invented, which sooner or later will come to the attention of the University's Plant Dept. It is sort of a mulcher, like the ones now being used, but has the following advantages: -It will work only during class hours. --It's twice as noisy as the machines now in use here. --It cannot be carted away from the Diag, and must be fed its twigs one at a time. Since the skill of Plant Department per- sonnel seems to be devoted to mulching class- room tempers along with each leaf, this tech- nological advance must be of great interest to them. And so this information is passed along. Any day now, the suggestion may be acted on. --P. STEINBERGER Editorial Staff FRED RUSSELL KRAMER...................Co-Editor PETER STEINBERGER .................... Co-Editor AL JONES ............................. Sports Editor CYNTHIA NEU .......................... Night Editor GERALD STORCH ...................... Night Editor PIIH JP SUTIN ........................ Night Editor DENISE WACKER ....................... Night Editor MANY of the opponents of fluoridation say that the money spent could be put to better use elsewhere. This is a very weak argu- ment as the cost per person, per year is only between ten and twenty cents. Fluoridation has been tested both in New- burg, New York and in Grand Rapids, Michigan with a great deal of success. After only five years, there was sixty per cent less tooth decay in the people who had been using fluoridated water. In a nearby town that had been used as a control group and had not been receiving the fluoridated water, there was little change. Those who oppose this claim that fluorides could be administered on an individual basis but in this case the cost would be prohibitive. FLUORIDATION is a problem that appears to be more psychological than anything else. A small Michigan town was to begin fluorida- tion: On the day the policy was to go into effect the city hall began receiving complaint calls from many of its citizens. They com- plained of things from the funny taste of the water to stomach cramps. In each case, the operator had to explain that due to some mechanical difficulties the fluoridation process had not begun as planned. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons in a meeting on April 12, 1958 said, "we condemn the addition of any sub- stance to public water supplied for the purpose of affecting the bodies or the bodily or mental functions of the consumers." If the statement of this group were to be taken seriously, then water could be pumped directly to the consumers from the sewers or rivers without going through any filtering process or the addition of any germ killers, such as chlorine. Undoubtedly this would havej a far greater adverse effect on the populace,I of any town, than the addition of a small quantity of fluoride to the water. The Birchers speak of fluoridation leading us down the road to socialism and collectiviza- tion. They fear that the government is taking over too many of the things for which the individual should be responsible. CERTAINLY we have a lot to fear from medical socialism. Just look around us now. We are well on the way with highway socialism and public service socialism. In sum, it can be stated that fluoridation of water is not only inexpensive, and safe, but +'k + i- 2 os+mns+n .f - :f+' -- - - (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a nine part series on the new state constitution.) By MARK BLUCHER Daily Staff Writer LEGISLATIVE apportionment is, undoubtedly, one of the issues on which the new constitution will stand or fall when it faces the voters of Michigan next April. The apportionment issue was one of the more important issues that faced the convention. It was a politically explosive problem then and will continue to be such in the coming months. Republicans are high in their praise for the apportionment pro- vision under which the Senate and House of Representatives will be chosen in the future if the con- stitution is adopted. - * * DEMOCRATS, both in the con- vention and out, have attacked the plan viciously, contending that it perpetuates Republican rule in the Senate and even fails to put the House of Representatives on a straight population basis. John A. Hannah (R-East Lan- sing) the president of Michigan State University and chairman of the Legislative Organization Com- mittee which drew up the pro- posals, said he will give the ap- portionment formula in the new constitution his full-fledged sup- port. The apportionment has repeat- edly been cited as one of the main factors which affected de- cisions on other constitutional matters ranging from Senate con- firmation of executive appoint- ments to legislative powers over local government. * * * DELEGATE THINKING was al- so affected by the United States Supreme Court decision to return the Scholle case to the Michigan Supreme Court. The Michigan Supreme Court hadhoriginally stated that ithad no jurisdiction over the suit brought by Michigan AFL-CIO president August Scholle to force redistricting of the state Senate. The state tribunal was ordered to reconsider the case because it was judged wrong in saying Scholle's action dealt with a poli- tical dispute outside the court's jurisdiction. * * * IF SCHOLLE wins his case the August 7 primary will probably be disallowed under some emer- gency plan. Scholle has announced that he would campaign against the new constitution if the Republican majority pushed through its ap- portionment plan. The U. S. Supreme Court action forced the Republican members of the Legislative Organization Committee to reconsider the time when the new apportionment pro- visions would go into effect. Pre- viously, redistricting of the Sen- ate would have waited until 1970, when an eight member bipartisan commission would reapportion the figures of that year. The provision, now, could be undertaken imme- diately if the state court upholds Republicans, the Democrats argue that the GOP-sponsored plan would merely perpetuate "legisla- tion without fair representation for some high population areas such as Detroit. "The major reason for the call- ing of the convention was the general public dissatisfaction with the present method of legislative apportionment. * * *. "THE PROPOSED document perpetuates legislation without fair representation, because the apportionment problem has not been solved," the Democrats said. "Senate districts which would not be reapportioned until after 1970 could vary in population by more than four to one, the largest being approximately 365,860 and the smallest being 86,430, based on population projections for 1970. A minority of the voters will con- tinue to elect a clear majority of both houses of the Legislature." To overcome some of the ob- jections the convention approved a plan whereby the counties of Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Qenessee would each immediately receive an aditional senator, there- by expanding the Senate from its present 34 members to 38 mem- bers. * * * THE 80-20 formula would give each county an "apportionment factor" computed by multiplying by four its percentage of the state's population and adding to this the county's percentage of the state's total area. Prof. Melvin Nord (D-Detroit), minority leader of the Legislative Organization Committee, attacked the Republican proposals in a speech that lasted over four hours. Among other things he said: The plan guarantees perpetual inequality to the metropolitan voter and the formula equates people with square miles. "We have always thought that only God could make a man from dirt, but now we see that some delegates have arrogated that function or themselves. Where there were people, the formula . . . con- ceptually destroys them. And where there were "wide open spaces" the formula creates fic- tional people . . . in the image of the Republican party." BUT WITH ONE EYE on the Supreme Court the Republican delegates defended the Senate plan as based on principle. "The formula is not based purely on population. But it gives popula- tion first consideration and pri- mary emphasis," George Romney (R-Bloomfield Hills), the Republi- can gubernatorial candidate, said. "The important consideration is that an impartial unbiased, ob- jective formula has been establish- ed for the determination of Sen- ate seats-instead of an arbitrary judgment lacking supporting prin- ciple," he continued. * * * FOR THE HOUSE of Represen- tatives, the convention decided to continue with the present 110 members changing only the re- quirement for a representative. Where it previously required a representative district to have only ,5 of one per cent of the state's population to gain one seat in the House, it now requires .7 of one per cent. After each representative area had been allocated one seat the remaining lawmakers would be elected on the basis of population, following the complex "equal pro- portions" formula. Democrats claim that the change is very slight and still favors the rural, farm areas in favor of the urban complexes. They said the result would merely cut the "ruralsRepublican bias" from 10 seats to five. * * * * REPUBLICAN delegates counter by saying that since both parties agreed, in the Legislative Organ- ization Committee meetings, that county lines would be adhered to in drawing up the representative districts, the proposed plan is about as close to population equal- ity as possible. The unsuccessful substitute con- stitution offered by the Democrats called for both houses of the legis- lature to be based on a "one man- one vote" principle with districts varying not more than 15 per cent above or below the average popu- lation ratio. Other provisions in the appor- tionment would increase the term for senators from two years to four and would eliminate multiseat districts. the great collision was taxes, al- though on other issues the two forces also showed their tenacity. "No income tax will ever pass the door of this committee," Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Holland) declared as his SenaterFinance Committee considered various tax proposals. This kind of stub- borness marked most of the con- sideration of state revenue. In January Gov. John B. Swain- son launched his "fiscal reform" program based on a 3.5 per cent personal, corporate and financial institution income tax. The pro- gram also called for repeal of the business activities tax and a num- ber of other taxes which were harmful to the state's business community. Despite a then $70 million def- icit, the Senate Republicans were grimly determined not to pass any new tax measures, but only to make permanent a series of nui- sance taxes. In the end, the GOP conservatives won the issue, but not before stalling the Legislature two months and creating much bitter feeling. The outcome could have been different had the Democrats play- ed their cards right. A coalition of liberal Republicans and Demo- crats had formed in the Senate. At one point they had 19 of the 34 votes and with that slim major- ity forced an income -tax bill out of committee and onto the floor and then passed an income tax. However, five days later the coali- tion collapsed as the Democrats and Republicans could not agree on business relief provisions of the rest of the income tax package, nor on aid to local government. The provisions for exemption on dies, tools, jigs and fixtures property taxes, while somewhat over-generous to business, would certainly not upset the essense of the fiscal reform program. The Democrats should have compro- mised on this point which in the end fatally upset the income tax package. In the same manner, the legis- lative blocs hasseled over a number of lesser issues. They failed to reapportion the Congressional dis- tricts to fit in the new congress- man the census awarded Michi- gan. They passed a budget that crippled mental health operations in the state and left no money for higher educational growth. At times the Republicans used their dominance to completely ride roughshod over the Demo- crats. In a moment of sheer spite, the GOP-dominated Senate re- fused to permanently confirm its arch-enemy AFL-CIO president August Scholle in his post on the State Conservation Commission. The Legislature passed a measure overturning the Supreme Court's Ford-Canton decision. The result of the last legislative session has been stalemate. With conservative Republicans firmly gripping the Legislature and the opposing liberal Democrats firmly entrenched in the executive little else could be expected. Since both sides have proven themselves more interested in creating the state in its own poli- tical image than in debating and compromising for the state's good, Michigan's needs become secon- dary in the political battle. The deficient mental health and higher education appropriations financed by jerry-built nuisance taxes is hardly meeting state needs. During and after the legislative session both parties pointed to- wards the other as the cause of the state's difficulties. Swainson and the Democrats emphatically blamed the Republicans for the "fiscal mess." "When you have 23 Republican senators who can hold up progress it is difficult to get a program through," House Demo- cratic leader Joseph Kowalski of Detroit said, summing up the at- titude of his party. "If the governor comes out swinging, the Republicans will swing just as hard," a Republican senator said, indicating the con- servative attitude. Their tax posi- tion is that "the people are tired of new taxes and want economy in government." However, the session produced several breezes of change. A mod- erate Republican group developed in the Senate which, if it sur- vives and prospers, could change the tenor of Senatorial politics and make compromise with the executive Democrats possible. This group has shown itself interested in more than Republican dom- inance of the state. More im- portantly, in the income tax hassle, it initiated and led moves towards effective compromise solutions. A second hope comes from out- side the Legislature where the state Supreme Court, directed by its national counterpart, is con- cirnrnc,.annn-inm-arffth ABOUT MIDWAY through Rules of the Game one begins to realize he has been watching some- thing more than a well-made French farce; but by then things are happening so quickly that all consideration and judgement are swept aside, and only complete, breathless involvement remains, the involvement forced upon us by a sure masterpiece. Perhaps it was anger at being taken in that influenced French censors in 1939 to enforce a ban on this picture (nominally for its "unfair portrayal of certain levels of our society" and the Semitic origin of its star, Marcel Dalio) that lasted the duration of the war., With us now, at any rate, for the first time in its restored entirety, it should serve as a needed check on those enthusiasms apt to run wild over the latest tricks of Berg- man or Resnais or Fellini, the quality of whose films depends so much on the solidity of their "message". THE DECADENCE of this film's characters, like the ambition of Macbeth or the curiosity of Oedi- pus, is no more than a framework for the revealed operations of fate on human life. Here there are no symbols of lost faith or the ugli- ness of .urban existence; in place of the usual "modern condition," Renoir gives us the human condi- tion. His film has a moral objec- tivity, at times even an inscruta- bility, characteristic of genius. Besides all this there is, of course, consistently fine direction and photography, and-for the groundlings-irresistible farce. The film seems all the more impressive when one keeps in mind that 1939 was the year Hollywood gave us its masterpiece, Gone with the Wind, a picture about as powerful now as a good installment of "Wagon Train." Art, even in as perishable a form as celluloid, has a way of sur- viving the hostility of censors and the indifference of crowds that is positively inspiring; and Rules ot the Game is consummate art. OF SPECIAL INTEREST are Renoir's subtle use of background figures (a model, probably, for Orson Welles), a hunting scene more orgiastic than anything In La Dolce Vita, and the stately concluding speech, so eerily remi- niscent of "This was the noblest Roman of them all . .. -Steve Friedman A uthorit "IT IS HARDLY a secret that we no longer live in a time of im- partial news presentation. This is the epoch of interpretative' re- porting. The more important the news, the surer we can be of re- ceiving the 'correct' interpretation . let us discard Communist prop- aganda and Pavlovian brainwish- ing-to face the facts." -Slobodan M. Draskovich, American Opinion DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. FRIDAY, JULY 6 General Notices Following is the Foreign Visitor who will be on Campus this week on the. dates indicated. Program arrangements are being made by the International Center. July 5 & 6, Mr. Vincent Ike of Ni- geria, University of Nigeria, Dept. of Registrar. Beginning Mon., July 9, the following schools will have representatives at the Bureau to interview candidates for the 1962-1963 school year. MON., JULY 9- Pontiac, Mich. (Waterford Twsp. Schs) -Elem.; Ind. Arts, HS Instr., Jr. HS Sci.; Typing, Bus. Machines, Home Ec. Libr., Elem. Ment. Retard., Sp. Corr., Diag. TUES., JULY 10- Detroit, Mich.Early Elem.; Bus. Ed., Girl's PE, Ind. Arts,. Libr., Sec. Math,_ 4 AT THE CAMPUS: Immortal Farce NIETZSCHE: The Will to Self Defense No government admits any more that it keeps an army to satisfy occasionally the desire for con- quest. Rather the army is sup- posed to serve for defense, and one invokes the morality that approves of self-defense. But this implies one's own morality and the neigh- bor's immorality; for the neighbor must be thought of as eager to attack and conquer if our state must think of means of self-de- fpn Cn disposition and their own dispo- sition. This presupposition, however, is inhumane, as bad as war and worse. At bottom, indeed, it is itself the challenge and the cause of wars, because, as I have said, it attributes immorality to the neighbor and thus provokes a hos- tile disposition and act. We must abjure the doctrine of the army as a means of self-defense just as completely as the desire for con- ouests.