Y [-
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Warming today
with rain tomorrow.
See Page 2
Students Prepare
For NSC Meeting
Campus Heads Congregate in Ohio;
To Examine 'Continuing Challenge'
Co-Magazine Editor
special To The Daily
COLUMBUS-Mimeograph machines were running late last night
as student leaders across the nation and around the world began to
gather at the Ohio State University for the 15th Annual National
Student Congress (NSC) and related conferences.
The bulk of the 1200 to 1500 participants will not arrive until
Sunday when the Congress, the legislative body of the United States
National Student Association, officially convenes, but NSA officers
<and staff, student body presidents,
aces Room Shortage
Study to Aid State Gai
Ask Censure
Of 'U Board
Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS-The Student Edi-
torial Affairs Conference, which
begins here today, will be asked
to disapprove of the action by the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications involving editorial ap-
pointments on The Daily.
Daily Editor Michael Olinick,
'63, will present a motion to the
assembled college newspaper edi-
tors, stating that the board's ac-
tions are not in accord with the
spirit of the National Student As-
sociation's basic policy declaration
on the freedom of the student
Of prime concern to SEAC's
participants in the past has been
the issue of editorial freedom and
student autonomy in operating the
campus press, and it is expected
to draw heavy discussion and de-
bate this.year, too.
High on Agenda
The Daily motion will be high
on SEAC's legislative agenda.
In April of this year, the board
overrodet the recommendations of
the outgoing senior staff and trig-
gered a campus-wide fight.
The senior editors of The Daily
resigned and were joined in their
protest by seven of the eight pe-
titioners, who refused to accept
the board's appointments.
In a compromise move a month
later, the juniors accepted ap-
pointments which they felt did not
represent an attempt by the board
to control editorial policy of the
paper, but which did include more
minor changes from the seniors
Policy Declaration
Delegates to the 13th annual
NSA conference in 1960 adopted
a basic policy declaration which
called for student control of all
a campus newspaper's operations,
free of university censorship and
The theme of the four-day con-
ference is "The Role of the Press."
Mark Acuff, former editor of the
-New Mexico Lobo, will coordinate
the discussion on the problems and
'goals of the press, and the added
responsibilities of a newspaper
serving the academic community.
Speech Draws
More Praise
Than Blame
WASHINGTON OP) - President
John F. Kennedy's speech on the
nation's economic status and his
decision to postpone a tax cut un-
til next year seemed to be draw-
ing more bouquets than brickbats
The White House reported that
telegrams received since the Pres-
ident spoke on radio and television
last night "run about 2 to 1 in
favor" of his stand. A sampling
of the reaction of business experts
generally was favorable.
The criticism consisted chiefly
of complaints that Kennedy was
playing politics. Among those who
disagreed with the bright econom-
Ic picture he painted was Sen. Ja-
cob K. Javits (R-NY), who said
Kennedy's decision outs the coun-
try in a period of doubt as to
whether it will slip into a reces-
Another Republican, Sen. Hum-
er E. Capehart of Indiana, said
Kennedy's speech "sounded like a
continuation of his campaign
speeches of 1960. He was plainly
playing politics with a vital issue.
I am for a tax cut now with a
corresponding reduction in ex-
and campus newspaper editors al-
ready have begun meeting,
Built around the theme of "Stu-
dent Community: A Continuing
Challenge," the Congress will
bring together delegates from
NSA's 400 member colleges and
observers from other Universities
and student groups.
Duplicate Papers
Association staff members work-
ed late duplicating last minute
working papers and reports to the
National Executive Committee,
NSA's steering body.
In separate four-day confer-
ences, beginning today, student
body presidents from member and
non-member school will focus on
"the role of the student body
president" while the Student Edi-
torial Affairs Conference explores
"role of the press."
The first few days of the Con-
gress itself are set aside for sem-
inars where campus leaders discuss
common problems. Two of the
seminars this year deal with "in
loco parentis" and student educa-
tional peace efforts, two of the
more controversial issues.
"In Loco Parentis"
A motion on "in loco parentis,"
dealing with the tendency of col-
leges and Universities to act as
guardians of their students, was
passed as a basic policy declara-
tion by NSA last year without
much debate. This seminar will
try to find ways in which the "in
loco parentis" doctrine applies to
campus situations.
The student peace seminar will
consider the various socio-
economic problems which hinder
the achievement of peace and ex-
plore needs for possible student
action and research in this field.
Work Begins
Later in the week the real legis-
lative work of the Congress be-
gins. For four days the group
splits into committees and sub-
committees which cover the broad
areas of the educational process,
human rights and academic free-
dom, student government, the
campus community, and inter-
national student affairs.
The international committees
foreign student groups and wI1
will review NSA's relations with
discuss the recent World Youth
Festival in Helsinki, sponsored by
the International Union of Stu-
Nearly two dozen university stu-
dents will participate in the Con-
gress as delegates, alternates and
observers. Student Government
Council president Steven Stock-
meyer, '63, will head the official
delegation of council members and
NSA committee members. SGC
member Robert Ross, '63, will co-
ordinate meetings of the Liberal
Study Group, which will hold de-
bates and discussions on major
issues facing the Congress. The
LSC is open to all participants and
attempts to stay free of the Con-
gress' political maneuverings.
See NSA, Page 3
-AP Wirephoto
ADVICE-Lt. Col. Andrian Nikolayev (left), the long distance
record holder for space flights, receives counsel from one of his
Soviet predecessors in space, Maj. Gherman Titov, before his
Red 'Astronauts Wil e Away*
-trip Through Outer Space
MOSCOW (P)-Russia's two earth-circling astronauts, unshaven
and jaunty, lullabyed each other to sleep and their twin spaceships
sped on to new orbit milage records last night, Tass reported.
There was no indication when the two would return from the
space voyages that began a day apart last weekend. The latest un-
confirmed reports said they would descend tomorrow noon.
Before turning in for the night's sleep, Maj. Andrian "Falcon"
Nikolayev and Lt. Col. Pavel "Golden Eagle" Popovich said "the
outlined flight program will be
A study, headed by a Dearborn
Center expert on business and
government, will play a key role
in gaining new defense depart-
ment contracts for Michigan, ?
Pentagon talks with state Legis-
lators Monday indicate.
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) said that a preliminary re-
port will be given by Joseph Craf-
ton of the Dearborn Center of his
survey of business-defense de-
partment relations at a meeting
of the Joint Legislative Commit-
tee on Economic Growth Sept. 21
and 22 at the Center.
The survey to be completed by
November was discussed by mem-;
bers of the committee and Robert
Steadman, economic adjustmentl
advisor to defense secretary Rob-'
ert McNamara, and Pentagon
aides Monday, Bursley said. RESEA
Indicate Leads Michiga
This study will provide leads pubhiga
as to why the state dropped from publica
9.5 percent to 2.5 percent in the Ralph
last nine years, Bursley indicated.S
Now in its interview phase, the 5
survey is asking companies em-i
ploying more than 500 and small-
er defense related firms about
three things: For
1) the firm's marketing organ-
ization and its relations with de-
fense procurement agencies; By C
Ma Utilize
ins Study Halls
As Housing
Davenport, Schaadt
Consider Allowing
Off-Campus Housing
It is likely that a large number
of freshmen women will have to
live in lounges and spare rooms
in three "Hill" dormitories during
their first days at the University
this coming fall.
'There will be many more wom-
en in the dorms than we had anti-
cipated-or have room for," Eliza-
beth Davenport, special assistant
to the vice-president for student
affairs, currently acting as tem-
porary head of women's housing,
said yesterday.
Ira's remarks'on Leonard Schaadt, director of the
uence state Re- University's residence halls, added
y Vice-President that although the problem will
ielp for research. exist, "it won't be particularly ser-
ious: there isn't any real trou-
ble." He said temporary housing
iliI nu will be established-the lounges in
Markley and Lloyd and the "coz-
ies" in Stockwell-and asserted
that this should be enough space
for the women (an estimated 200-
300) without rooms of their own.
Bunks in Lounges
ry to expand tech- "We'll set up bunk beds in the
efforts, lounges, just for a little while,"
ted the University he said.
y cooperate with Each year a certain number of
on in terms of pro- students don't show up for school
personnel. at all, Schaadt explained. Their
Middle West space in the dormitory is reserved
rt of concept that through the first day of classes,
ced widely on the but after than can be occupied by
JCoasts, enabling someone not initially assigned to
the Middle West it.
RCH-Defense Secretary Robert McNama
n's need to support research may influ
'ns, and make a chance to get it. Universit
Sawyer (right) sees passage soon of state hi
yer Predicts Leg
Research. Found
Senate Votes
voted for the first time since the
prohibition era yesterday to im-
pose a time limit on debate and
clear the way for a space age bill.
By a tally of 63 to 27 in favor
of adopting cloture, the Senate
rolled up the required two-thirds
of those voting with three to spare.
The historic roll call came after
Sen. Frank J. Lausche (D-Ohio)
cried out that "the Soviet is or-
biting and we're filibustering."
Broke Barrier
It broke through a talk barrier
that has stalled the administra-
tion's communications satellite bill
since July 25.
The bill, which passed the House
May 3 by a 354-9 vote, would
provide for a private, government-
regulated corporation to own and
operate this country's share of a
projected global network of or-
biting relay stations.
Opponents have been battling
for government ownership, con-
tending the private corporation
would be ruled by the American+
Telephone & Telegraph Co.
Stop Flow
Not since Feb. 28, 1927, when
the issue was a bill to create a
Bureau of Customs and Prohibi-
tion, had the Senate previously
voted to restrain the flow of its
own oratory.
Adoption of cloture, or debate,
closing, means that each Senator
is limited to a total of one hour's
further discussion of the space
communications bill.
Final action on the measure may
be held off for several more days,
however, by action on amend-1
ments already offered by oppon-
ents. These total around 200 butl
many are duplications and only
about 25 are expected to be
carried out fully."
Fifty-Five Orbits
A Tass communique said Niko-
layev had completed 55 orbits cov-
ering more than 2.3 million kilo-
meters (1.428 million miles) and
Popovich had recorded 39 orbits
covering 1.6 million kilometers
(993,600 miles).
Tass did not identify the good-
night tune the astronauts sang
to each other by radio. The agency
said there were asleep a short
time later.
Western tracking stations re-
ported earlier that their space
ships had moved several hundred
miles apart, but the pair radioed
in a message to Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev and the Soviet people:
We are now at a close distance
from each other. A good contact
is established."
Space Expert
Meanwhile in Baltimore a rocket
expert from Martin Co. hailed to-
day the Russian space flights as
achievements in timing but said
the United States could have done
the same thing.
In fact, said Bastian Hello, a
manned rendezvous-in-space mis-
sion planned from Cape Canaveral
will be a much greater achieve-
ment than the tandem orbits of
the Russian cosmonauts now un-
der way.
Hello is directing Martin's phase
of Project Gemini, including mod-
ification of the Titan II inter-
continental ballistics missile, mak-
ing it suitable for launching the
Gemini capsule.
Two Carried
If all goes well, the Gemini will
carry two astronauts and will
make contact in orbit with an
unmanned Agena space vehicle.
The Gemini flights could last as
long as two weeks.
He said the National Aeronau-
tics and Space Administrationt
could have achieved tandem orbitsi
in the current Mercury program if
the agency had wanted to.1
"Provided that we had another1
launching pad (at Cape Canaver-
al), we could achieve this on the
next launch," said Hello. "We
could have two capsules orbiting.
.i. s. V I1../ ./ y i .,! i i
Research Capabilities j
2.) the research capabilities of'
the firm including the calibre of
people working there; and
3) the type of research projects
that can be possibly undertaken,
noting whether the firm does
basic or applied research and
other capabilities, Crafton said.
The survey being . financed
by the Institute of Science and
Technology is being aided by the
Pentagon, he noted.
Nothing Definite
Bursley said nothing definite
came out of the Washington ses-
sion, although several leads to
more defense contracts were dis-
He noted that the defense de-
partment was interested in the
number of top people in the field
that available for research. "The
state universities and industry
ought to determine who the top
people are and then ought to see
if it can get them - no matter
what the salary," Bursley" de-
Sen. Raymond Dzendzel (D-
Detroit), a member of the com-
mittee who made the Washing-;
ton trip, said that, the need for
recruiting top people with more
money was nothing new and that
he hoped the trip had awakened
the Republican legislators to that
Sukarno Sets
'Pact Signing,
dent Sukarno of Indonesia last
night authorized Foreign Minister]
Subandrio to sign an. agreement
here with the Netherlands on Westt
New Guinea.
Sukarno gave the go-ahead inj
a telephone conversation between
Jakarta and Subandrio's New1
York hotel suite, informants ,aid.I
Vice - President for Research
Ralph Sawyer believes a bill will
be introduced when the state Leg-
islature convenes providing for an
industrial research foundation, a
move designed to inject some fuel
into the Midwest's slowed-down
science picture.
This type of center, which would
probably be financed by private
foundation money, with help from
the Legislature, would attempt to
encourage and furnish facilities for
'Radock's Unit
Names Aides,
Changes Titles
As part of changes in the Uni-
versity Relations Office, Mary Ann
Cusack has been appointed as-
sistant to the director of Univer-
sity relations and several title
changes were announced.
Mrs. Cusack, former assistant
dean of students at Michigan
State University Oakland, will fill
various duties in the University
relations office.
Describing the work as varying
"cross the board," Mrs. Cusack
said it will include writing, pro-
ject planning and radio and tele-
vision production.
She will report directly to Direc-
tor of University Relations Michael
In addition to Mrs. Cusack,
Marie Averill, former editor of
publications at Greenfield Village,
Dearborn, has been added to the
staff as assistant editor of pub-
Former asistant director An-
drew M. Doty has been named as-
sistant director for special pro-
jects and former supervisor for
state services James D. Shortt, Jr.
has been named assistant director
for special events.
Michigan indust
nical research
Sawyer indica
would certainly
such a foundati
viding scientific
This is the so
has been practi
East and West
them to outstrir
t n fanC',' atr
in e .ense cnLracLS.
These centers also siphon off
most of the research scientists ed-
ucated and trained in the Midwest,
and, in turn, several corporations
within the state, when enlarging
their research programs, have done
so with branches in the East or
"Not many scientists stay here,"
Sawyer noted. "But most of them
would if there were jobs in the
The main problem is to get state:
companies to inaugurate industrial
research, instead of concentrating
almost exclusively on the produc-
tion of consumers' goods.
He commented that state legis-
lators' consultation with Washing-
ton officials and industrial lead-
ers "maybe will do some good." The
vice-president hadn't been con-
tacted about a conference among
the economic development com-
mittee and business and scientific
officials, but said the University
probably would be represented.
"The Legislature still likes the
word 'research'," he added.
He himself has had "about half*
a dozen" meetings recently with
various congressional and business
leaders, as the concern about re-
search in the Midwest and Michi-
gan continues to draw considerable
state and national attention.
Salaries, Research
Sawyer said, however, that sal-
aries at the University are defi-
nitely not holding back research
Hepointed to a summer issue of
the bulletin put out by the Ameri-
can Association of University Pro-
fessors, in which the University
ranks fifth in the country in its
overall salary scale.
The University of California at
Berkeley was the only state-sup-
ported institution outranking the
University. Others in the top five
were Harvard, Yale and Columbia
Bills in Senate
Commenting on another re-
search subject-congressional ac-
tion on subsidies for indirect costs
in federal grants-he reported that
three bills were still tied up in thej
Two place a 20 per cent limit on
overhead costs in grants from the
Defense Department and the
Health, Education and Welfare De-
The third sets a 25 per cent
ceiling on grants from the Nation-
al Aeronautics and .Space Admin-
istration, the National Institute of
He added that this room will be
able to accommodate the girls who
will be moved by the first week of
classes into normal dormitory
However, if the space does prove
insufficient, Schaadt promised he
"would talk with Mrs. Davenport
about the possibility of allowing a
small number of women to break
their housing contracts and live in
off-campus housing."
No Explanation
Mrs. Davenport offered no ex-
planation for the increased enroll-
ment. But this year three buildings
formerly used for housing women
students have been either torn
down or assigned to other uses.
Byron Groesbeck, assistant di-
rector of admissions, said that
there has been no major increase
in undergraduate enrollment. "The
number of freshmen last year was
about 3,300, and it's just about the
same now," he said. He added that
there has been no change in the
male-female ratio.
Generally, there is a similarly
overcrowded condition in the
men's residence halls, but there
has been no over-population in
womeni s dormitories since Mark-
leyy as opened in 1958.
Select Little
As Female Unit,
For Project
Little House, one of nine indi-
vidual units in Mary Markley
Hall, has been selected to house
the women students who will be
taking part in an intensive study
of Universityrstudents next se-
mester by Prof. Theodore New-
comb of the psychology depart-
Last May Greene House in East
Quadrangle was chosen for men
students in the study.
"The selection of students will
be quite random, and will not be
only from one academic year,
although there will probably be
more freshmen than anyone else
in the program," Elizabeth Dav-
enport, special assistant to the
vice-president for student affairs,
said yesterday.
Mrs. Davenport explained that
one or more special English
classes, comprised only of Little-
Greene students would be estab-
Defense Minister Quits Post in Argentina
By The Associated Press
BUENOS AIRES-President Jose
Maria Guido accepted last Might,
the resignation of his national De -
fense Minister Jose Luis Cantilo
a casualty of the power struggle'
between Argentina's military fac-
tions. Foreign Minister Bonifacio;
Del Carril was expected to offer
his resignation, and perhaps also+
Economic Minister Alvaro Alsogar-
CHICAGO-Five railroads oper-;
ating unions asked the United1
tices. He said he will seek their tire prospects for any progress in
prosecution on contempt of Con- the field of disarmament are nowI
gress charges. placed in jeopardy." The exchange
came at the 69th session of the
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - A strike bogged-down 17-nation disarma-
which could hinder this country's ment conference.
planned moon shot began here,
yesterday. Six major Saturn proj- WASHINGTON - The House
ects at the Marshall Space Flight Rules Committee tentatively ap-
Center, valued at $18 million are proved a resolution yesterday
affected, authorizing an investigation of
. t
WASHINGTON-A government
auditor testified yesterday some-
body burned records on huge
the Black Muslim movement. The
probe, to be made by the House
Un-American Activities Commit-
tee, would have to approved by the
House as well as by the Rules