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August 14, 1962 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1962-08-14

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14, 196%


aT ah, 11i Va l1Al Lr UAVY..



A a T In 7 r w 7 w-v v"K !'Y E w*%,vr r 1

Pakistan Rises to Prosperity

Blind Musician Strives
To Popularize Medium

English Proiect Widens Scope

Daily Guest Writer
The name Pakistan was added
to the list of the nations of the
world on the 14th of August, 1947
-15 years ago today-when the
British Indian Empire was parti-
tioned into two independent sov-
ereign states-Pakistan and India.
It was after a century of struggle
and ceaseless effort that the new
state of Pakistan came into being
as an independent homeland for
about ninety five million people-
the largest Muslim state and the
fifth largest of aiy in the world.
Pakistan consists of two geo-
graphical units, East Pakistan and
West Pakistan, separated from.
each other by nearly 1,100 miles
of Indian territory. Their total
area is 364,737 square miles.
Majority Muslim
Nearly eighty-fiv6 per cent of
the people in Pakistan are Mus-
lims while the remainder are


Christians, Buddhists,
Parsees and others.




Pakistan's first Pri
died in 1951, politi
and factions allowed1


country to drift and deteriorate,
both in politics and in economics.
This critical condition continued
until October 7, 1958, when the
history of Pakistan took a new
and dramatic turn. In a bloodless
military revolution Field Marshall
(then General) Mohammad Ayub
Khan took over as Supreme Com-
manler and Chief Martial Law Ad-
ministrator. On the resignation of
the President, Ayub Khan assumed
that office and promised a rep-
resentative form of government
suited to the genius of the people
-a promise fulfilled on June 8,
New Constitution
On that date the nation re-
ceived a new constitution with a
presidential form of government.


1111 S. University

Everything in
Spring and


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Dont Miss This !- This Is, It
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It's Last Week of Summer School
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The sizes are-Junior 5-17, Tall 10-16,
Shorter and Brief 101/2 to 26.

Average 8-44,





Nationwide elections to the pro-
vincial and national assemblies
were held in May this year and
the nation's first elected National
Assembly met in Rawalpindi, the
interim capital, for the first time
on June 8th, marking the restora-
tion of representative government
and the end of martial law.
Pakistan's economy is chiefly
based on agriculture. The main
cash crops are jute, cotton, tea.
sugar cane, oil seed and tobacco'
Among measures of the revolu-
tionary government, land reforms
are particularly significant and
far-reaching. Under these, no one
can own more than 500 acres of
irrigated, or 1,000 acres of un-
irrigated land.
Improve Facilities
Great emphasis has been laid
on the improvement of irrigation
and power facilities. One dam, al-
ready irrigates 2.8 million acres
of virgin land. Others are being
In education, a national com-
mission wa sappointed to study
illiteracy aemong the masses. One
result was free compulsory edu-
cation at the primary level.
There are 50,252 primary and
secondary schools in Pakistan.
Then there are 97 teacher train-
ing schools and colleges, and 403
special schools and colleges, in-
cludinf those for medicine and
surgery. There are 10 universities,
two of which are agricultural
schools, and two others for en-
gineering and technology.
Poor Conditions
Pakistan found herself in a very
depressing industrial condition at
the time of independence, but to-
day factories and mills appear in
all places, producing export goods
such as jute products, textile fab-
rics, medical and surgical instru-
ments and sports goods.
Two large steel mills are to be
established during the second five-
year plan, and pacts have been
signed with Japan, West Germany
and other nations to help the
manufacture of transistor sets,
scooters, and trailers and farm
machinery as soon as possible,
Improvement and expansion of
medical and public health facilities
include a program to wipe out
malaria, and another for control
of tuberculosis. A medical science
institute and an atomic reactor
will start functioning next year.
Today, as Pakistan completes
15 years of independence, her re-
markable progress recalls the
words of the founder of Pakistan,
Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who told
his people, "Nature has given you
everything. You have unlimited'
resources. The foundations of your
state have been laid, and it is now
for you to build, and build as
quickly and as well as you can.
So go ahead, and I wish you God-

(Continued from Page 1)
Also, like some European Ren-
aissance and Baroque instruments
and music, koto music and koto
playing have to be an active part
of the amateur musician's life to
be really enjoyed. The idea of put-
ting on koto music in a concert
hall is a new one. Nowadays the
koto seems to thrive among middle
class amateur musicians who have
enough leisure and money to af-
ford taking up the ancient art.
But Eto is not only interested in
bringing the koto out to the pub-
lic. He also tries, as a composer,
to bring his instrument into the
mainstream of 20th century musi-
cal development, and is consider-
ing changing the instrument itself
-particularly in terms of increas-
ing the number of strings - to
achieve his goal.
Double Strings
At present, the koto, which
measures approximately six feet
in length and nine inches in width,
has 13 strings; Eto would like to at
least double that number, for the
purpose of playing Bach and Beet-
hoven as well as providing himself
with a vehicle of greater range
for composing.
In this wish to expand and
adapt his instrument, Eto feels
himself akin to Andres Segovia,
who brought the guitar away from
homes and campfires to the con-
cert stages of the world.
Pianistic Ambitions
Eto was not always a koto play-
er, but thought at one time of
venturing into a career as a con-
cert pianist. But after his blind-
ness at the age of five, his parents
thought that perhaps the koto
suited him best, because of its
traditional association with blind
players. After meeting Miyagi, Eto
developed into a star pupil.

As an observer of the musical
scene in both countries, Eto finds
a major difference between the
Japanese and American musical
attitude in the large-scale passiv-
ity of the American music lover.
Performing Amateurs
"In Japan there is more empha-
sis on performing for the amateur;
there listening to music arouses
the listener to play the music him-
self," says Eto, while in the U.S.,
listeners are perfectly contented
to bathe in the luxurious sounds of
the hi-fi or stereo reproduction of
music, rejecting even a more active
kind of listening-live listening-
for a more passive variety.
At present, this attitude has en-
tered Japan with the introduction
of Western music-and Western
music has taken over with real
strength. Eto estimates that 70 per
cent of Japanese who are inter-
ested in music are involved with
Western music, and only 30 per,
cent prefer the more old-fashioned;
domestic music.
Listening to the tape of Eto's
Town Hall performance, one is im-
pressed with the wide variety of
sounds he is able to bring forth
from the koto. Sounding at times
exactly like a Russian balalaika,
the instrument can change to at
zither-type sound or can remind
one of a harp, a banjo, or a guitar
at other times.
Now Eto, along with his musical<
colleague, Ueda, a composer, plans
to remain in the United States and
become a citizen, and carry on his
work with the koto from New York,,
leaving to make some tours ofi
his native country at times. His1
is a unique solution to the problemt
of reconciling two cultures thatt
faces the present-day Japanese: he
seeks to bring about a synthesisl
and by so doing, create a new art.I

The Summer Institute program
conducted for the first time here
at the University for teachers of
secondary-school English may be
a continuing program both here
and throughout the nation.
One of twenty host colleges, the
University has followed a pattern
of instruction offered in other in-
stitute centers and growing out
of more than three full years of
Conceived and initiated by the
Commission on English of the Col-
lege Entrance Examination Board,
the project was supported by sub-
stantial grants from a number of
foundations with the objective of
improving the teaching of Eng-
lish in the United States.
Experienced Teachers
On the various campuses this
summer, classroom teachers of
English with at least three years
experience and from all kinds of
schools have been studying under
the guidance of University pro-
fessors who are authorities in their
The hope is that stimulated by
excellent instruction and by as-
sociation with one another these
900 teachers (forty-five at Ann
Arbor), who constitute only about
one per cent of all the teachers
of high-school English in this
country, will return to their
schools not only to improve their
own teaching but to spread the in-
stitute message and to share ideas
and materials developed during the
summer with their colleagues.
The courses they have taken
include literature, composition and
linguistics (this dealing in some
detail with new developments in
the teaching of grammar).
The professors in those disci-
plines this summer have been,
respectively, Prof. Arthur Carr,

...heads program
who has been the director of the
program here, Prof. Carleton
Wells, both of the English depart-
ment, and Prof. Louis Rus of Cal-
vin College.
Reverse Roles
The high school teachers, who
were the students in this program,
were carefully selected and won
$350 grants for the six-to-eight
week session. The final two weeks,
after the three major courses were
concluded, have been devoted to
a workship session under the guid-
ance of Mr. Robert Freier, head
of the Osborn High School Eng-
lish department, Detroit, with the
three professors also available as
resource people.
The goal of the two-week work-
shop is that the theory and know-
ledge accumulated during , the
first six weeks be translated into'
usuable classroom materials and

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ai Jewelry Wood Carvings 1
Brass Ivory Silk Robes
330 Maynard (Across from Arcade)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
vesponsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2p.m., two days preceding
GeneralIN otices
College of Lit., Science, and the Arts,
School of Ed., School of Music, School
of Public Health, School of Bus.
Admin.: Studentshare advised not to
request grades of I or X in Aug. When
such grades are absolutely imperative,,
the work must be made up in time
to allow your instructor to report the
make-up grade not later than 11 a.m.,
Aug. 22. Grades received after that time


X 1000 . $1498

may defer the student's graduation
until a later date.
Recommendations. for Departmental
Honors: Teaching dept.'s wishing to
recommend tentative Aug. graduates
from the College of Lit., Science, and
the Arts, for honors or high honors
should recommend such students by
forwarding a letter (in two copies; one
copy for Honors Council, one copy for
the Office of Registration and Records),
to the Director, Honors Council, 1210
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m., Tuesday,
Aug. 21.
Teaching dept.'s in the School of Ed.
should forward letters directly to the
Office of Registration and Records,
Room 1513 Admin. Bldg., by 11:00 a.m.,
Wed., Aug. 22.
Any Summer Session Student who is
planning to attend the fall semester
and does not have a student identifca-
tion card may obtain one by applying
at Window A, lobby of the Admin. Bldg.,
hours 8-12 and 1-5, Mon. through Fri.
All Students must have an I.D. card
prior to registration this fall.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors who
will be on campus this week on dates
Program arrangements are being made
by the International Center, Mrs. Clif-
ford R. Miller.
Tadashi .Yoshida, Chief, Radio Culture
Division, Ed. Dept., Nippon Hoso Kyo-
kai, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 13-14.
Itsuo Saito, Specialist in Audio-vis-
ual Ed., Audio-Visual Section, Social
Ed. Bureau, Ministry of Education, To-
kyo, Japan, Aug. 13-14.
Norbert Szyperski (accompanied by

Mrs. Szyperski), Assistant Professor, In-
dustrial Management, Institute of In-
dustrial Research, Free University of
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Aug. 12-15.
Jong-Hyeon Huh, Dean and Profes-
sor of Accounting, Bus. College, Pusan
National Univ., Pusan, Korea, Aug. 12-
Alan Carmicheal, Director of Talks,
Australian Broadcasting Commission,
Sydney, Australia, Aug. 16-17.
Collegium Musicum: The Collegium
Musicum will present a concert, "A
Study in Improvisation" on Tues., Aug.
14, 8:30 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. Presentingthe program will be
the Univ. Consort directed by Robert
Warner and assisted by Carolyn Rabson,
treble recorder; Marilyn Mason, harpsi-
chord; Gilbert Ross, violin; Gustave
Rosseels, violin; and Jerome Jelinek,
cello; a strong orchestra and trumpet
ensemble. Compositions of K. P. E. Bach,
Jean Baptiste Loellet, Gilles Binchois,
Francoise de Layoile, Cipriano de Rore,
Chamatero di Negri, John Jenkins,
Francesco Durante, and Christoph
Nichelmann. Open to the public without
Concert for Brasses, Percussion, Bells:
A "drive-in" concert for brasses, per-
cussion, and bells willbe presented this
evening, Aug. 14, 7:15 p.m., Burton Me-
morial Tower. Conducting the perform-
ance will be George Cavender with Al-
bert Gerken, guest carillonneur, assist-
ed by the U. of M. Summer Brass and
Percussion Ensemble of twenty-four
players. Compositions to be performed
are by Percival Price, Thom George,
and an arrangement of Bach by Huber.
The music will be directed towards the
roof of the Thayer Street Parking Struc-
Degree Recital: Donna Newman, so-
prano, will present a recital on Wed.,
Aug. 15, 8:30 p.m., Lane Han Aud., in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree Bachelor of Music. Miss
Newman's accompanist will be Lorrie
Pierce, piano. Compositions Miss New-
man will sing are by Debussy, Faure,
Strauss, Charpentier, Barber, and Puc-
cini. Her recital is open to the public.
Doctoral Examination for Joseph
DIAL 2-6264
1 :00-2:55-4:55-7:00-9:20
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Extra Special Group
Strapless Bras-

Summer Hats-
Summer Handbags
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Battle, Mathematics; thesis: "Imbed-
ding of Graphs in Orientable 2-Mani-
folds," Tues., Aug. 14, 3217 Angell Hall,
at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, Frank Harary.
Doctoral Examination for James
Thomas Trainor, Chemistry; thesis:
"Preparation and Reactions of Epoxy-
ethylsilanes," Tues., Aug. 14, 3003 Chem.
Bldg., at 2:00 p m. Chairman, J. J. Eisch.
Doctoral Examination for Charles Ar-
thur Trauth, Jr., Mathematics; thesis:
"On the Connectedness of Directed
Graphsunder Binary Operations,"
Tues., Aug. 14, 3217 Angell Hall, at 4:00
p.m. Chairman, Frank Harary.
Doctoral Examination for Sami Said
AI-Ahmed, Near Eastern Studias; thesis:
"Southern Mesopotamia in the Time of
Ashurbanipal," Wed., Aug. 15, 2033 An-
gell Hall, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, G. G.
Doctoral Examination for Jack Myron
McLeod, Social Psychology; thesis:
"Yielding as a Response to Cognitive
Imbalance," Wed., Aug. 15,. 5609 Haven
Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, T. M.
Doctoral Examination for Noel Fran-
cis McGinn, Social Psychology; thesis:
"Perception of Parents and Blood Pres-
sure," Wed., Aug. 15, 7615 Haven Hall,
at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,.R. L. Isaacson.
Linguistics Forum Lecture: Prof. Gor-
don E. Peterson will discuss "Linguistic
Theory and Language Description" on
Tues., Aug. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Student Government Council: Activi-
ties approved (effective 24 hours after
publication of this notice).
Young Republican Club & Students
for Romney, Speech by George Romney,
Sept. 15. 1961 (event subject to ap-
proval of place).
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg., during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 pm.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part,-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Good commercial artist for news-
paper advertising. Part-time or full-
80-Psychological subjects. Must be stu-
. dents. At least one, 2 hour session.
20-30-Students to wait tables and buss
dishes from August 26th thru Au-
gust 30th. About 5 hours per day.
Salary plus meals.
1-Good commercial artist for news-
paper advertising. Part-time or full-
1-Foodsupervisor. Degree in dietetics
or equivalent experience. Monday
thru Friday, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
0-30-Students to wait tables and buss
dishes from August 26th thru Au-
gust 30th. About 5 hours per day.
Salary plus meals.

lesson plans which the teachers
can take back to their schools and
make an actual part of their day-
to-day instruction.
The plan involves mimeograph-
ing projects and their interchange
within the membership of each n-
stitute and eventually the puoli-
cation of the very best ones by
the national Commission on Eng-
lish of the C.E.E.B.
No Standardization
Prof. Carr and all involved in
the project make clear, however,
that they are not seeking avenles
leading to the standardization of
teaching or to any kind of national
"We haven't any rabbits in the
hat," Carr says. "We are seeking
to increase the professional abil-
ity of already capable teachers.
The teaching of English has never
been rationalized from the first
grade through college. We are
seeking rationalization without
uniformity. A good, rational means
of teaching English could be in-
corporated in many different cur-
Carr said the institute would
bear heavily on good expository
prose in writing and 'taoughtful
and sensitive" reading. He adds,
too, that it will not all end o
August 17.
Plan Follow-Up
A fall and winter follow-up is
part of the planning in ull in-
stitutes, and Prof. James W. Down-
er, of the English department, who
taught at the Tulane University
Institute, New Orleans, La., this
summer and participated in the
University program will be in
charge of four sessions on Satur-
days from September through the
early winter.
He will also be visiting individal
schools to observe whatever pro-
grams the teachers choose to fol-
The hope, finally, is that the
impact of the English institutes
scattered across the country this
summer from Massachusetts to
California and from Texas to Wis-
consin will be such that an ob-
servant Federal government will
be moved to support similar in-
stitutes by solid financial aid.
Urges Action
J. N. Hook, for example, who is
coordinator of "Project English"
for the United States Office of
Education urged just such action
in a lecture to institute members
this summer at Ann Arbor.
He said he has real hope that
the so-called "Quality Education"
bill now pending in Congress will
pass. With it would go an imme-
diate $24,000,000 to give nation-
wide support to just such insti-
tutes as have been begun this
summer in the field of English.
Like Prof. Carr, Hook asserted
the opposition of the Office of
Education to any kind of national
curriculum. "It's counter to the
whole American tradition," he
said, "which stands firmly for
local control of schools."
Gordon To Give
Linguistics Lecture
"Linguistic Theory and Lan-
guage Description" will be the sub-
ject of a lecture by Prof. Gordon
E. Peterson of the departments of
speech and electrical engineering
and director of the Communica-
tion Sciences Laboratory at 7:30
p.m. today in Rackham Amph.
61 1la I n l d I i ll I
DIAL 5-6290
-Ron Martn, Free Press

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