Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS TWhere Opinins AreFreeS TUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SUTIN "Ya' Gotta' Expect A -Losin' Season Once In Awhile" UNDERSCORE: World Agriculture: An Intractible Paradox I Eri I. The American Obligation: Increased Foreign Aid IN THE CAPITOL as well as on campuses, Americans are asking questions about our dealings with and aid to the underdeveloped countries. More and more books are dealing with the subject. Congress is giving careful and critical scrutiny to United States aid pro- grams. And the President of the United States is addressing himself to the problem more fre- quently than past chief executives. So is Senator Wayne Morse, Democrat of Oregon, and his Senate Foreign Relations sub- committee on inter-American affairs. The sen- ators are asking questions such as, "Is there a basic conflict between the role of United States military officers stationed in Latin American countries and the role of our embassy? Is aid for internal security helping their militaries prepare coups against constitutional regimes which may be simply reformist or mildly Social- ist? Is military aid out of proportion to the needs of some countries?" Barbara Ward in her latest book, "The Rich Nations and The Poor Nations," examines the increasing divergence in the economies of coun- tries. James Warburg, Vera Micheles Dean, Frank Tannnebaum and Kingsley Davis take a critical look at the rich-poor split in the world today, in James Roosevelt's book, "The Liberal Papers." John Spanier in his book, "American Foreign Policy Since World War II," proposes a liberal approach. Senator Barry Goldwater is showing concern about foreign policy, proposing a conservative approach. The magazines are tackling these problems too. Joseph Alsop has an article on starvation in Communist China, in the current issue of The Saturday Evening Post, THERE ARE GOOD REASONS for this sharp- ened concern about the poor nations of the world. For one thing, the world's balance of power is coming to rest increasingly on their development and emergence. For another thing, man for the first time is gaining the means of eradicating poverty, hunger and diseases throughout the world. We have the means and we are starting to use them. But we are not using them enough. We have much to give and we are starting to give. But we are not giving enough. There remains taints of that ragged old iso- lationism and national selfishness that gripped the United States for a century and a half, that defeated American participation in the League of Nations and that closed the American door to needy immigrantsand displaced persons. Pkesident Kennedy in his Yale speech called for the ending of myths, but myths continue, as the racial myths bound up in the national origins concept of American immigration policy. Many Americans today would have us let the United Nations die and would have us stop giving aid to neutralist countries. National ethnocentrism persists. Witness the upsurge of protectionist and high tariff sentiment in re- sponse to President Kennedy's trade proposals. THERE ARE OPPORTUNITIES ahead for a great Atlantic community, yet the road to a fuller community is hazarded by obstacles. There are needy in the world, and the needy are going unfed. There is poverty in heavily populated continents, and the poverty is going unmet. Destitution need no longer be a reality, but prosperity is yet a dream. It is no wonder that Theodoro Moscoso told his staff that there shall be no "celebration" of Communication ALBANY, GA. is an improbable town to make an integration stand. Although it is in the midst of rural Georgia, it is run by moderates and some token integration gains were made. Yet Martin Luther King and his Southern Christian Leadership Conference chose to make a stand here. King seems to have chosen this town for martyrdom. Yet in spite of himself, this cher- ished goal of reformers has eluded him. First, some unknown individual or group-suspected to be from upstate New York-paid his fine after he was arrested for leading a demonstra- tion. Yesterday, the recorders court found him guilty of another unauthorized demonstration, but refused to jail him by suspending his sen- tence. Perhaps this move will clear the air. King has suspended demonstrations temporarily. This impasse provides an opportune time to accept Mayor Asa Kelley's offer to meet with local Negroes. Considering the negotiations of last winter, Kelley's offer should be accepted in good faith. Martyrdom makes no sense when the lines of communications are still open. -P. SUTIN 01jr Ir+aii Editorial Staff FRED RUSSELL KRAMER ..................Co-Editor PETER STEINBERGER .................... Co-Editor AL JONES ............................. Sports Editor CYNTHiA NEU ................... Night Editor GERALD STORCH ...................... Night Editor the first anniversary of the Alliance for Prog- ress. And it is no wonder that world population is becoming an increasing problem and birth control a heightening issue. Here and there some progress is being made. In Mexico, the government has ordered the eventual parcelling out of several million acres of land to two million small farmers. In this way, the opportunities for subsistance are be- coming a little more widespread. But, as Presi- dent Kennedy noted during his visit there, "Land tenure must be increasingly secure and agricultural units made economically stronger." AND HOW CAN economic development pro- ceed in the poor countries if political devel- opment is at a standstill? A Twentieth Century Fund study has found that one-party rule perils growth in poorer lands. A susceptibility to corruption and a loss of perspective are apt to occur, especially with the absence of a poli- tical opposition to criticize the government's plans, programs, policies, ineptitudes, failures and abuses, and to propose alternatives. As a result of one-party dominance, a sense of re- sponsibility is dissipated and nepotism and graft flourish. Political development also means individual rights; if an individual cannot operate with flexibility and freedom, how can he make a creative contribution to his country's develop- ment? Yet, behold apartheid in South Africa: ' The beaches are segregated to the three-mile limit. Whites and blacks have separate park benches, public toilets, post office windows and elevators. Blacks' and whites' blood is kept sep- arately in blood banks. Black Africans travel on separate buses and railroad coaches and wait at separate bus stops; they are served meals on plates and cups of a different color and the dishes are washed separately. Most of the Dutch Reformed churches of South Africa refuse to admit blacks to their services. THE IRONY is that the West has given the African people some consciousness of the ideal of equality while denying them this ideal. We taught them Christianity and brotherhood, but refused to be brothers with them. And so they have fought us off, and in winning the anti-colonial struggle, they have gained polit- cal consciousness. Political development and economic develop- ment are interdependent. The United States itself is a good example. America grew and ex- panded and industrialized and became the so- called "arsenal of democracy." At the same time, American democracy grew and expanded, especially in the Jacksonian and Progressive eras. Meanwhile, American foreign policy ma- tured from isolationism and neutralism to in- ternationalism and world leadership. Those among us who are so impatient to "win the cold war" (if there is such a thing), that they want all the developing nations to join our side "or else," would do well to keep in mind that America was a developing neutral- ist during times of world struggle. And by being left alone by the participants in the world strug- gle, while being aided by them, America devel- oped into a first-rate power and a democratic republic. NOW IT IS OUR TURN to help the develop- ing nations of the world while not interfer- ing with their foreign policies. We should not only help; we should help the most, because we are most able. America has six times the na- tional income of England, ten times the national income of France, and 28 times the average for 55 free-world countries. Americans should be willing to give many times as much foreign aid as the Western allies. The need to give aid increases every year be- cause the split between rich and poor nations is widening. Population growth is far greater in the poorer countries on the average than in the richer ones. Prior to 1914 the industrial coun- tries grew more rapidly than the non-industrial. From 1914 to 1930 the rate was about equal. Since 1930 the natural increase in underdevel- oped countries has risen so fast that it is ap- proximately twice that of the industrial coun- tries, according to Kingsley Davis. Population changes have been widening the gap between poor and rich. Although the underdeveloped areas have raised their share in production, their share in consumption has dropped. In short, more and more poor are consuming less and less. And human multiplication is hindering the un- derdeveloped nations from acquiring what they need-more capital and more skill. AMERICAN AID should be directed, then, to- ward the building up of the economies of the developing nations. It need not be merely governmental; private charity can play a greater part. American churches spend too much money keeping themselves prosperous and not enough money helping the rest of the world become prosperous. They need to promote foreign and home missions more. Every church every Sun- day should take a collection specifically for thej missions, Foreign aid should not be given primarily for American advantage over the Communists; it should be given primarily because of the moral responsibility of those who have to help those who do not have. And it should be given most w " .AR By PHILIP SUTIN Daily Staff Writer THE HOUSE gives President Kennedy one of the greatest political defeats of the year. Britain's entry into the Common Market is delayed at least two months as talks break down. Bul- garia institutes tighter curbs on civil rights. A trickle of Chinese refugees make the dangerous and illegal journey to Hong Kong. What is the cause of these events? It is the same-agriculture. Agriculture is man's most uni- versal problem. The growing and marketing of food stuff is also most vexing and one of the least open to solution. It is studded with paradoxes. In the West, the problem is one of too much. United States farm- ers have been overproducing since the 1920's and today surplus food, worth billions of dollars, is piled up in storage bins to rot or be stolen. The agriculture depart-" ment has the second biggest budget, surpassed only by the defense department. * * * THIS YEAR Kennedy tried to solve the surplus problem by cracking down on production. But individualistic farmers-a block to effective solution to farm prob- lems since time immemorial-and their Congressional representa- tives defeated this approach in the House. Strict limitations on production had worked well on several of the smaller crops, not- ably tobacco, but Congress balked when Kennedy tried to expand this approach to wheat and feed grains. In Western Europe, the prob- lem of plenty is somewhat differ- ent. Agricultural policy had al- ready split the six members of the Common Market and when Britain wanted protection for her Commonwealth countries, t h e European members balked. So Britain's entry was stalled for at least two months as all sides agreed to suspend negotiations to review and reevaluate positions. The Communist bloc nations are undergoing a new round of belt tightening. Following the lead of the Soviet Union, the satellites, one by one, are sharply raising food prices to cover for poor crops. This form of rationing-prices are fixed by the government not by the supply and demand of the market--is most unpopular and Bulgaria and East Germany in particular are taking steps to suppress criticism. IN CHINA, where the food prob- lem is most chronic, the situation is looking up. The weather has been favorable and the govern- ment seems to have ironed out some of the kinks in its agricul- tural policy. However, the food shortage is quite severe.Reed J. Irvine in the Nation estimates that Chinese food production is at 1957 levels. But the population has increased 60 million since then. In non-Communist Asia the food situation remains basically the same despite governmental ef- forts to raise food production and stem population growth. Most na- tions in the area are still caught in the demographic curve and the food situation is tight. So one of the great paradoxes of the age continues. In the West there is more food than the na- tions know what to do with. In the East food is scarce. Yet no way has been devised to accom- plish the obvious and use Western surpluses to feed the East. THE COMPLICATING factor is the world food market. If sur- pluses are give naway the agricul- tural economies of the underde- veloped nations and some de- veloped ones will be ruined. Thus surplus food programs have been limited to emergency measures only *and barely make a dent in the unused stockpiles. ' More international attention should be given to this problem. The Food and Agricultural Organ- ization of the United Nations should sponsor research into the economies of international agri- cultural marketing. It should also consider the possibility of a world food bank where food-short na- tions could borrow surpluses to feed the masses. Or on a grander scale, FAO should consider con- trolling the market, by making it a clearing house and regulator of all international food sales. Thus agriculture remains a par- adoxical and vexing problem. No panaceas are in sight. Little has been done on the international scene. It is time for a more in- tensive look at this area. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Biting the Feeding Hand To the Editor: ISRAEL'S PART in the "Soblen Case" is very embarrassing to United States. The Israeli government under mounting pressure from its people seems to regret having arranged Dr. Soblen's departure from Israel when he first arrived there after being convicted as a Soviet spy in the United States. Israel now is trying all possible means to make up for its mistake and allow Soblen to escape the sentence. Apparently the Israeli govern- ment publicly claims that it is illegal to hand Soblen back to the U.S. because there is no extradi- tion agreement between the two countries. * * * ISRAEL BY kidnapping Eich- man has already shown its dis- regard and contempt for interna- tional law and proper civilized legal procedure to serve its own selfish interests. Why is it then that Israel today pretends strict adherence to such technicalities of law, even against the interests of the U.S., its greatest source of moral and economic support? The U.S., under fierce Zionist, propaganda, has contributed more than any other country towards the creation and maintenance of Israel, against its own .national interests and principles of justice. How is it that Israel today stands against it in a case involving its national security that would have been fatally jeopardized by Sob- len's treason? The real reason is the fact that Soblen is a Jew, and Israel after being nourished on U.S. support and money, finds it an opportun- ity to assert its protection for the "chosen people," by or against their will, even if they were citi- zens of the U.S. itself. World Jewry support is vital for Israel's existence, and by offering all Jews protection, even when they are convicted criminals, Israel hopes to bind them by an allegiance to her over and above that they owe to their countries of citizenship. PRESIDENT JUSTIFIED: Bill Serves Taxed Public By EARL POLE Daily Staff Writer THE KENNEDY administration's Communications Satellite Bill performs a needed service to both American business and the heavily tax-burdened public. The bill would set up a private corporation, with voting stock half-owned by the American Tele- phone and Telegraph Co., and oth- er carriers, and half by the gen- eral public, to own and operate the United States' part of a global satellite communications system. It would be less expensive for the government to maintain the system if it turned at least some part of it over to the hands of pri- vate enterprise. The American tax- payer would not have to pay quite as much to support the govern- ment in its efforts to finance the satellite operation if this task were turned over to U.S. business. * * EDWARD R. MURROW, head of the U.S. Information Agency, said that, although the government should operate the satellite system, it would be necessary for USIA to finance it at a reduced rate. If, in the end, the government does own the U.S. segment of the communications system, a reduced rate would mean an above-normal strain upon the taxpayer to pro- vide the extra money needed. Needless to say, this is not advis- able at a time when the national. economy so badly needs a tax cut. Of course the government should control the material which is fed to countries overseas as represen- tative of the American way of life, but this need be little more than the influence the administration already exerts over internal com- munications systems. * * * ' THE COMMUNICATIONS Satel- lite bill would also encourage busi- ness activity, which of late has been declining. The bill means thousands of dollars in possible profit for American Telephone & Telegraph Company and the pub- licly owned half. Far from being, in the words of Harry Truman, "a gigantic give- acy of the President in the nego- tiation of agreements between our country and foreign countries." Morse said it was unfortunate that Kennedy "who is so right on so many things is wrong on this." He, too, said he would fight on the floor for a series of amendments the Senate Foreign Relations Committee rejected. The real issue at stake here is, not the primacy of the President in foreign agreements. This right would be preserved whether or not the communications system is owned and operated by the Presi- dent or not. Any debate over the President's control of the commu- nications system is primarily of a political nature,- ' Free enterprise and the Ameri- can system can be relied upon to sell itself overseas without gov- ernment control. Kennedy " HREE THREATS are inherent in this constant projection of the personal image of the Presi- dent: the suppression or obscuring of significant news; the amassing by the President of personal power; and-most insidious of all -the irrational worldwide identi- fication of him with the country as a whole. We all-mass media and mass audience - could well pause to assess the ramifications of what less sophisticated societies termed hero worship, a phenom- enon that, inour electronic age, has become both more complex and more potent. Because of the cult of person- ality, to the average man every- where Mr. Kennedy has become synonymous with the United States; his victories are American victories; his health, American health; his smile, his family, his hobbies, his likes and dislikes, be- come symbolic of the country. And the danger of this equation is that should the President fail, then the country fails; should he make a mistake, the country errs." A President is not the country. THE SOBLEN case proves this, not only by Israel's official posi- tion, but more important by the quietness of those who use their American citizenship only as an opportunity to rally support for Israel, the mother country; those who make the loudest of noises and write with tears and blood when Israel's ambitions are not supported, but today do not even feel the urge to say a word in support of the country in which they live in. Zionists have a tradition of bit- ing the hand that fed them; they have done this to the Arabs that accommodated them at the time of their worst prosecution in Europe, they have done it after the war by terrorizing the British in Palestine after they have blessed them with the Balfour Declaration of 1917; the United States may find it difficult. to avoid its turn for it already began when the "Lavon Case" exposed the plan behind Israeli agents sent in 1954 to bomb the United States' Embassy and Information Office in Cairo, and the "Soblen Case" today show which way the wind will blow. It is very unfortunate that Israel had to face the American people-of all people-with these facts in that way. But it may help them in realizing that American liberty and power were designed to serve those American people who, no matter what religion they may be, owe their allegiance and recognize their responsibility for its well being, rather than to those with "Dual Allegiance" whether they may be Communists or Zionists. -Mansour Hassan, Grad Prejudice.. . To the Editor: I NOTICE that Kenneth Winter, via his cartoon in Wednesday's Daily, has engaged in that popu- lar and safe pastime indulged in by people north of the Mason- Dixon line of castigating the people south of theaMason-Dixon line for their prejudice and gen- eral inhumanity. Granted, equal rights for the Negro are coming too late and too slowly in the South. But it seems to me grossly inaccurate to imply that there has been re- gress rather than progress, as Mr. Winter apparently does with his rockpile. If his view is in fact that the Southern Negro is being burdened with more and more oppression, perhaps he has based it on facts unknown to me. If so, disclosure of said facts would be welcome. -Bob Thalmann, Grad Diplomacy .. . To the Editor: LEE WETHERHORN in his let- ter of July 26 does not really make it clear whether he is op- posed to foreign students because they are propagandists or because they are not subtle enough as pro- pagandists. Either way, the letter is a rude and 'undiplomatic" outburst, em- barrassing to the rest of the com- munity. While it was obviously occasioned by a specific gripe against a specific foreign student, he seems to condemn all foreign students as a vicious influence. Fortunately most of them have ternational scene, pauses coolly and in the direction of the camera as if it were attempting to follow her into the ladies' room; and fin- ally, Marcello Mastroianni, hero of "La Dolce Vita," exhibits with confidence the virile appeal which has made him an International sensation, and a welcome respite for American women who seem- ingly find a similar masculinity only in the idols of Hollywood vintage years 1925-35. * * * BUT MASTROIANNI'S virility is somewhat in jeopardy in this pic- ture, for through psychological reasons which slip rather ambigu- ously into late moments of the picture, we find he is virtually impotent with women he loves, al- though he is reputed to be the Don Juan of Rome, and undoubtedly the handsomest man on earth since the model for the Apollo Belvedere was called inexplicably to his Maker. Such physical idolotry from everyone in the picture could be hard to justify, but Mastroianni carries it through with a blend of slight, self-consciousness and quiet acceptance which makes him a shade more believable than the hysterical women who beat their breasts and rend their garments in choral frustration. His eventual marriage of convenience to Miss Cardinale is terminated by her family and church after a year, since his inability to consummate the marriage offends not only his bride, but humiliates both their families as well. A while later, Antonio (Mastrio- anni) gets a shy and unattractive servant girl, for whom he has no feelings of love, pregnant, and his ecstatic family and friends carry on to distraction, confident that their worries are over, and bell' Antonio is again and forever, a man. * * * GRANTED that the subject is a touchy one, the handling of both rambling scenarib and sub-titles speaks as if the script-writers have forgotten the meaning of melodrama. Pierre Brasseur as the father, and his wife rise above the odds to give genuine and moving per- BELL' ANTONIO': Tnged with Nausea MOST OF THE ELEMENTS which have gone to produce the recently successful wave of Italian pictures are once again on display, in "Bell' Antonio," now at the Campus. No less than two film festival prizes are accompanying this picture around the States, those of the Lorcano Film Festival, and Rio de Janeiro, admittedly not very pretentious, but at least there are two. Director Bologini pokes his soft-focus camera down dimly-lit cor- ridors, or mounts it on the back of a careening Fiat, or snuggles it close to the complexions of any one of a number of lovely and intriguing Italian women. Claudia Cardinale, a relatively newcomer on the In- I demurely, and gazes disdainfully DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial vesponsiblity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 General Notices ATTENTION AUGUST GRADUATES: College of Lit., Science, and the Arts, School of Ed., School of Music, School of Public Health, School of Bus. Admin.: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in Aug. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make-up grade not later rthani1ra.m., Aug. 22. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching dept.'s wishing to recommend tentative Aug. graduates from the College of Lit., Science, and the Arts, for honors or high honors should recommend such students by forwarding a letter (in two copies; one copy for Honors Council, one copy for the Office of Registration and Records) to the Director, Honors Council, 1210 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 21. Teaching dept.'s in the School of Ed. should forward letters directly to the Office of Registration and Records, Room 1513 Admin, Bldg., by 11:00 a.m., wed., Aug. 22. Events Doctoral Examinaiton for Avo Somer, Music; thesis: "The Keyboard Music of Johann Jakob Froberger," Sun., Aug. 12. 808 Burton Memorial Tower, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, W. H. Hitchcock. Doctoral Examination for John Alan Sargent, Speech: thesis: "Self-Regula- tion: The Motion Picture Production Code, 1930-1961," Mon., Aug. 13, 2520 Frieze Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, Claribel Baird. Doctoral Examination for Clarence E. Stephenson, Speech; thesis: "T he Theater Criticism of Walter Prichard Eaton," Mon., Aug. 13, 2020 Frieze Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, J. E. Bender. Doctoral Examination for Thomas Michael Cullen, Metallurgical Engineer-