0ht miligatt Batg Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH.Oa Phone NO 2-3241 Truth WI Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD STORCH "How Soon Do You Think We Can Get Away From Here And Still Come Back Next Year?" TODAY AND TOMORROW: A tlantic Partnership Rooted in Past Depression In America Will Follow Disarmament THE PURPOSE of the new Soviet test series is to encourage American dependence upon defense production for economic stability. Then when disarmament is ultimately realized, the United States economy would experience a ma- jor depression. The first blast Sunday, apparently touched off at Soviet atomic test grounds in Arctic Si- beria, came as no surprise to the West. Premier Khrushchev had announced that his forces would have to resume testing because of the United States Pacific tests now being concluded. In a July 23 press release, the government of the USSR declared "Even before the U.S. gov- ernment embarked on the present series of nu- clear tests, it was well aware of the fact that if American nuclear bombs were to start explod- ing, the Soviet Union would be faced with the need to hold tests of its nuclear weapons. SINCE NUCLEAR STRENGTH is an absolute essential for an effective foreign policy, neither side of the cold war can afford to re- lent in the merciless quest for a superior strik- ing force. Nuclear weapons research and test- ing has become an integral aspect of interna- tional power politics. To meet the demand for more nuclear weap- onry, with greater efficiency and destrructive power, the United States and the Soviet Union have heavily subsidized the weapons industry with government aid and encouragement. The Soviet Union is forced to withhold much of its own consumer goods productive capacity in the interests of heavy industry and war pro- duction. In the USSR, the prices of food, clothes, and household appliances are prohibi- tive. While at the same time, the Soviet Union remains the world's second industrial power, and the world's first nuclear power. So great is the amphasis upon N-weapons and an adequate striking force that in the Unit- ed States alone, approximately 10 per cent of the gross national product is occupied with the manufacture of armaments. T HE AMERICAN ECONOMY is dependent upon government spending and support for war production to maintain economic stability. Not only is government support restricted to only the nuclear weapons industry, but it is doled out in large amounts to aid the vast pri- vate complex of related industries. This latter term encompasses aircraft and missile con- cerns, electronic manufacturers, chemical, en- gineering, and metal manufacturers, ferrous and non-ferrous. There is a tremendous amount of capital and labor power invested in the weapons industry and national defense. The cold-war is a major source of profit and employment in America. Were it not for the speedy rise of the cold war, the post World War II economic boom would not have been maintained even to a fraction of the degree which exists today. Just as the 1939 depression was alleviated by World War II, which provided jobs and a source of profit for millions of Americans, so was a possible post- World War II economic slump prevented by the Cold War. The cold war still remains as the only bar- rier between the American economy and a de- pression. The incentive for economic growth provided for by an ever-expanding defense in- dustrial complex manages today to maintain a rough economic equilibrium. However, because America maintains a semblance of economic stability does not mean that ours is a relatively healthy economy. In the midst of affluent so- ciety wealth there still remains the constantly growing specter of unemployment poverty. The recent steel crisis and the stock market dip are only mild indications of what would exist with- out the cold-war economic incentive. THE POSITION of the Soviet Union on a nu- clear test-ban and disarmament has always been that disarmament should be total, unilat- eral and without controls. The West has al- ways opposed this position, countering with its own, more reasonable position, maintaining control of any disarmament agreements and nu- clear test moratoriums is necessary to prevent secret military buildups by either side. Neither America nor the Soviet Union has, up until re- cently, been willing to budge from their stead- fast positions. Therefore, all attempts to dis- arm unilaterally have gone on the rocks, while cold-war tensions are being built up anew. Consider what would happen if suddenly both the U.S. and the USSR were to agree to dis- arm, totally, with or without inspection. A ma- jor prop for the American economy would be shot out from under it: all war-production would be junked, stockpiles of nuclear weapons destroyed, government contracts for defense abolished. Unemployment would sky-rocket to undreamed of heights. The aircraft and missile industry would collapse from lack og govern- ment contracts. Thousands of corporations who depend upon government contracts for defense for most of their business would go bankrupt. The entire, vast defense-industrial complex would be annihilated. Since many other indus- tries depend upon industrial-complex markets in order to maintain profits, they too would be seriously affected. The stock market would def- initely crash, and with it, would crash the false prosperity of the cold-war years. The economic situation of the United; States would be rend- ered utterly chaotic. THE SOVIET economic planners, once faced with the removal of the necessity to compete militarily with the U.S., can shift economic emphasis to other important matters. The might of Russia's industrial capacity could be turned towards the production of consumer goods, and the development of vast unpopulated areas such as the greater part of Siberia. An almost unlimited horizon of internal economic devel- opment will be revealed to the Soviet govern- ment. The USSR will make vast strides towards the development of the well-known Marxist utopia. The USSR will expand on the world economic market too, due to two factors: a) Development of her natural resources to the point where her productive capacity will reach a fantastic level; and b) Economic competition from the United States will be rendered null and void. If unilateral disarmament was instituted, the cold war competition would be forced into the economic sphere, and Khrushchev's "peaceful coexistence" would be given a chance. Here the Soviet Union would have the clear economic ad- vantage, and the United States would lose ground at a more-than-alarming rate. UNILATERAL DISARMAMENT is not in the best political interests of the United States because it would bring about a major depres- sion; and would cause the deterioration of American world power. Marx predicted that the economy of capital- ism would reach the point where it would de- pend upon war production to maintain internal stability. The nuclear foreign policy of the So- viet Union is based upon this prediction. It is aimed to do harm to the United States, not mil- itarily, but upon an economic basis. Perhaps they know us better than we know ourselves.-EA RL POLE ®t -6s* srf . c- c-f- AT HELSINKI: The Festival Myriad By WALTER LIPPMANN ALTHOUGH the Atlantic part- nership, o which the Presi- dent spoke, is a proposal for the future, its roots are in the origin- al and enduring connection be- tween the Old World and the New. Since the age of the discover- ers and explorers nearly five cen- turies ago, Europe and the Ameri- cans have been one great commu- nity, separated yet united by the Atlantic Ocean. The Americas were occupied and settled by Eu- ropeans who transplanted to the New World their religions, their culture, their jurisprudence, and their economy. Within this great community -there have been continual rivalry, for power and for wealth, and a long series of civil wars, wars of independence and wars of hege- mony. But through itall the com- munity has remained: the proof being that in the great wars for the domination of Europe the Americans, particularly the North Americans, have always been drawn, willy-nilly, into the fight- ing. For a state which is by its history and geography a member of the Atlantic community, isola- tion from the vital interests of the community is impossible. SINCE the United States emerg- ed as an independent power in the New World the wisest statesman on both sides of the ocean have known this. Jefferson, Madison, John Quincy Adams on this side, Canning on the other, knew it. The disastrous men, the Kaiser and Hitler, did not know it. They refused to believe that the Atlan- tic community is a reality, and they took the road to ruin in the fond belief that the New World would not come in to redress the balance of the old. There has always been doubt about what to call the trans-At- lantic connection. It is certainly not now a political union. It is a collection of sovereign national states. Although there is NATO, the Atlantic community is broad- er than the alliance. For many indubitable Atlantic states, as for example Sweden and Eire and Brazil, do not belong to NATO. * * * THERE IS ALSO a salutary vagueness about Atlantic commu- nity. Since it is not a sovereign state, it does not have to have sharp frontiers, and in the mar- ginal regions, particularly in Cen- tral and Eastern Europe, it is not necessary to pronounce on who is and who is not a member. Since the Second World War, which was an intolerable civil war in Europe, a movement has been under way to construct institu- tions on the foundation of the At- lantic community. The most prom- ising of these institutions is the European Economic Community and the European Union which is to be built upon it. With the ad- mission of the United Kingdom and eventually of some other Eu- ropean states, this will be the nu- (EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily staff writer Michael Zweig is an unoffi- cial observer at the Helsinki World Youth Festival under the sponsor- ship of the Independent Research service. This is the second of sev- eral articles on the festival.) By MICHAEL ZWEIG Daily Correspondent HELSINKI, July 30-The first full day of the eighth World Youth Festival for Peace and Friendship is over, although the Helsinki sky is not completely dark. It was filled with ever-pres- ent, ever-popular hand shakes, smiles, informal talks, and a myri- ad scheduled variety shows, sem- inars, and excursions. Officially, at least, it is neces- sary to present a ticket at the door before being admitted to schedul- ed events. The United States Fes- tival Committee has established a system of ticket distribution to Americans which seems to be quite efficient. The International Fes- tival Committee, which is the over- all coordinating body of the fes- tival, issues a specific number of tickets to each national group for each scheduled event. Each morn- ing, Americans indicate which morning, afternoon and evening event they wish to attend on the following day. If fewer Americans sign up for an event that the quo- ta allows, there is a public draw- ing here at our headquarters at a given time each day to decide which people will go. All tickets must be picked up by eight o'clock in the morning of the day for which the ticket is used. After eight, any unclaimed tickets are available to any Americans on a first-come first-serve basis. THERE IS ANOTHER, less sure but possible way to get into sched- uled events. Many times it is pos- sible to enter an event, especially variety shows and competitions simply by showing a delegate card. This is especially true when the auditorium is not full. Many peo- ple heard today's International Si- belius Concert who had no ticket. I planned to spend this morning at an inter-delegation meeting be- tween the U.S. and several Afri- can nations here at our headquar- ters. But somehow none of them came at any time, so I and 124 oth- ers were quite disappointed. In the afternoon I went to an International variety show. Folk dancing, ballet, small bands and singing ensembles, acrobats, solo vocalists, and other performers from Bulgaria, Indonesia, Mada- gascar, and Switzerland delighted all the spectators. It is quite pleas- ant to see the color and gaiety of other people. * * * I HAVE SEEN so far only one act of unfriendliness. I was at a large gathering this evening and was talking with a girl from Is- rael. As we talked, a man ap- proached us and we turned to greet him. I gave my name and country, the man smiled and we shook hands. The Israeli also smil- ed and introduced herself and her country. Our friend said flatly to her "I will not speak with you." Later I found out that he comes from Iraq, but he would not dis- cuss Arab-Israeli relations, or the lack thereof, with me. The Israeli told me that earlier today she had spoken with other Iraquis, but that the unfriendly reaction is not un- usual.. I spoke this afternoon with a 14 year old, Finnish boy. He attends one of the few Catholic parochial schools in Finland. He told me that he has been studying English for seven years, and that at his grade all classes in his school are con- ducted in English, except when they study Finnish and Swedish. His English, and that of his school friends, was quite excellent. There was one thing, however. which he could not understand, and that was the racial prejudice in the United States. cleus of that "Europe" with which the U.S.A. is to form a partner- ship. There are two different ways of going about it. One is to suppose, quite erroneously, I think, that the United States of Europe and the trans-Atlantic partnership can be constructed on the analogy of our own Federal constitutional union. That would mean calling acon- vention (as at Philadelphia in 1787) to draft a constitution for an Atlantic union. It would not, I believe, work. The American states had always been members of a union of the sovereignty of the English kings. There is no comparable connec- tion among the Atlantic states. Either the convention would put out empty generalities or it would end in disagreement. THE OTHER WAY to go about it is to decide to act as partners without drawing up articles of partnership, and as partners to tackle theconcrete problems of the Atlantic community. This is the way M. Monnet and his collab- orators have been working in Eu- rope, and this is what the Action Committee recommends in its notable "Joint Declaration of June 26." The way to begin is to work at the solution of concrete prob- lems, such as tariffs, currency, and gold reserves, and to avoid being seduced into trying to solve the insoluble theoretical issues. The most exciting of these in- soluble theoretical problems is how to create an equal nuclear part- nership between E u r o p e and America. The military school men are engaging in vast and intricate speculations about it. MY OWN VIEW is that Euro- pean union and the Atlantic part- nership can and will evolve even though the nuclear problem is not solved. The real nuclear problem, which is to maintain an ample bal- ance of power with the Soviet Un- ion, is at present well in hand. So long as it is, the problem of the nuclear partnership in the Atlan- tic world is quite secondary, and it must not be allowed to divert the Europeans and the Americans from doing the great things near at hand which it is now urgent and feasible for them to do. (c) 1962, New York Herald Tribune, Inc. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. TUESDAY, AUGUST 7 General Notices ATTENTION AUGUST GRADUATES: College of Lit., Science, and the Arts, School of Ed., School of Music, School of Public Health, School of Bus. Admin. Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in Aug. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to al- low your instructor to report the make-up grade not later than 11 a.m., Aug. 22. Grades received after that time may defer the student's gradua- tion until a later date. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching dept.'s wishing to recommend tentative Aug. graduates from the college of Lit., Science, and the Arts, for honors or high honors should recommend such students by forwarding a letter (in two copies; one copy for Honors council, one copy for the office of Registration and Records) to the Director, Honors Council, 1210 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m., Tues., Aug. 21. Teaching dept.'s in the School of Ed. should forward letters directly to the office of Registration and Records, Room 1513 Admin. Bldg., by 11:00 a.m., Wed., Aug. 22. Foreign Visitors Following are the foreign visitors who willbe oncampus this week on the dates indicated. Program arrangements are being made by the International Center. Hyuk-So Kwon (accompanied by Young-Kim, interpreter U.S. State Dept.), President, Taegue Univ., Korea, Aug. 5-9. Dotun Oyewole, Assistant Registrar (Continued on Page 3) 'I I 'I V , 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: The Festival Mirage To the Editor: THE DAILY'S Man in Helsinki, Michael Zweig, would have us believe in his first article, Sat- urday, that the "Eighth World Youth Festival for Peace and Friendship" is indeed just that. The editors have not only pub- lished Zweig's article at the top of page one, they have headed it "Helsinki Festival Sets Under- standing as Goal." While the rest of Zweig's articles are appearing, let the facts-certainly familiar to all-be restated. The "World" Youth Festivals, Zweig has forgotten to tell us, are in fact Communist Youth Festi- vals, in terms of their organiza- tion, their financing, and their purpose. * * * ALONG with the World Peace Congress and the World Federa- tion of Trade Unions, the Festivals are the predominant form of Com- munist-front activity today. The only Festivals held outside the So- viet bloc - those in Austria and Finland-were held on the initia- tive of even a minority of the youth of those countries; rather, they were forced on neutral Aus- tria and Finland, against their wills, by the Soviet Union. The New York Times and AP dispatch- es reporting Finnish dissatisfac- tion with the Festival contrast sharply with Zweig's implication that many Finns welcome the Fes- tival. The recent Festivals have at- tempted to mesmerize Western and neutralist participants with the economic and political might of the Soviet bloc, to increase their receptivity to policies for their own countries, which do not clash with Soviet international inter- ests. Mir I druzhba of course: all that's necessary, for example, is to adopt the Soviet view on dis- arament. Doubtless in Helsinki, as in Vienna, participants who at- tempt to present Western view- points will be denied a platform. * * * TO REPRESENT the Helsinki Festival, as does Zweig, as an un- partisan international gathering with some "Communists in it," to imply that the Komsomol dele- gates from the USSR are also there "to gain insight into the lives and thoughts of other people"- this is the height of political naivete. The present writer advocates in- creased cultural contact between the Soviet bloc and the West, such as the recent Polish-American dis- cussions in Warsaw. But let us not delude ourselves into thinking the Western voice will get a hearing in Communist - organized activities carefully designed to exclude us. Above all, let us not be so naive as to spread the Communist myth that the World Youth Festivals are free international forums. -Ross Johnson Columbia University Voters Face Test THE VOTERS of the Fourth Congressional District will face a test of their sophistica- tion today as they select a Republican candi- date for Congress. In a district where a Demo- crat is a rare as an awk, victory in the primary is as good as election to Congress. The electorate in exercising their great re- sponsibility have posed a dilemma-are they to support a candidate who has been smeared or are going to endorse its perpetrators. THE smear which began last Monday night was supplemented last Thursday night by an inquisition. In a Berrien Springs speech constitutional convention delegate Lee Boothby (R-Niles) revealed the "awful truth" about fel- low candidate Chester J. Byrns, a St. Joseph attorney. In his college days, the shocked Boothby reported, Byrns was a member of the United World Federalists and further he wrote a letter to The Daily applauding the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. to Congress. Citing Byrns' campaign literature picturing the attorney as an isolationship and long-time Republican worker, Boothby called Byrns a "liar" and a socialist and claimed that Byrns in his letter has spurned the "sacredness of tired and true economic doctrine." "This man, just a few years ago, was push- ing for world government. His career at the University belies his current position. He has not kept faith with the voters," Boothby added. forces with the camp of fellow candidate Speaker of the House Don R. Pears (R-Bu- chanan), especially with C. C. "Duke" Harrah, a leading Pears supporter who happened to be chairman of the Berrien County Republican Screening Committee, a controversial organi- zation designed to recommend candidates to the county party. On Thursday night the inquisition was held. Boothby and Pears were present at the hear- ings, ostensibly called to consider who were "qualified Republicans" deserving voter sup- port, but designed to magnify Boothby's charges. BYRNS disdained the affair, calling it an "insult to the voters" and intimating that machine politics were at work. The next morning Harrah issued a statement endorsing Boothby and Pears as "qualified Republicans" and declaring, "We can find no evidence to refute his statement in the Daily that he is of no political party. Yet he claims to be a life-long Republican. We also cannot assertain if he was sympathetic to world federalism." Certainly, the committee could report, no other way. No one from the Byrns camp was there to defend him and no attempt was made by opponents on and off that supposedly im- partial screening committee to determine his side. FEIFFER LIMO.~ I TOD TUE+- 'gv ~ P6ROW UP, mcf!)ii G~AVE V5,T1 ' 6EA 0UP. HEARTS, fP I PINJT I TELL TfHt4? 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