Helsinki Fe
(EDITOR'S NOTE-Daily staff writer Michael Zweig is an unofficial
observer at the Helsinki World Youth Festival iunder the sponsorship of the
Independent Research Service. This is the first of several articles on the
Daily Correspondent
HELSINKI, July 29-The eighth World Youth Festival for Peace
and Friendship officially began tonight as 15,000 students and young
people from over 100 countries joined roughly 50,000 Finns in a mass
assembly of cordiality at the Helsinki's Olympic Stadium.
The national contingents entered the Stadium in alphabetical
order by their Finnish names, after having paraded through the
streets of Helsinki in that order, each singing its own nation's songs
for the 100,000 Finns who lined the streets to see the colorful and
soundful display.
Each national group marched once around the inside of the Sta-
dium before taking their places in the stands. All remained standing
until the last participants were in their places and the Festival flag
was raised three hours later,
After the flag was up, all enjoyed the folk dancing of all the na- be enough understanding and friendship among nations, the hope is tion of Education," "Peace and National Independence," "Problems
tions where Festivals have previously been held. First to take the that there would be peace. And peace is what we all want. of Economic Planning in Different Social Systems," "The Role of
field were the Czechs, commemorating the first World Youth Festi- While it is true that the establishment of international peace is Students" and other pressing international topics.
val in Prague in 1947. Then came Germans under the flag of the Ger- not so simple a question as to revolve solely in the issue of friendship, There are tours of local factories, trips to earby Finnish towns
man Democratic Republic, recalling the second Youth Festival in it cannot be denied that friendship and understanding are most help- and excursions through Helsinki itself. All of these things, and every-
Berlin in 1949. ful, even requisite, to the further progress on other issues. People are thing else that goes on at this Festival, include people of different
Commemorate Past Festivals here to gain insight into the lives and thoughts of other peoples, if nations, different international power blocs, different social and
They were followed by Hungarians (Budapest, 1951), Romanians not to formally resolve all the problems of humanity. political opinions, different backgrounds. There are many Commu-
(Bucharest, 1953), Poles (Warsaw, 1955), Soviets (Moscok, 1957) and To facilitate contact and discussion, there is a full schedule of nists, but there are also many who are not Communists.
Austrians (Vienna, 1959). Finnish students performed a most graceful cultural, intellectual and sporting events in each day of the nine-day
ballet saluting this eighth World Youth Festival of 1962. festival. Informal Contact
The avowed purpose of the World Youth Festival is to bring stu- Many Events People meet informally, in the streets, in restaurants, in the Stu-
dents and young workers from all over the world together and give There are international variety shows, folk singing and dancing dent Center of Helsinki. Cubans greet Americans. East Germans talk
them a chance to meet, talk, and better understand each other's competitions, a circus, orchestras, gymnastic events and competition. with West Berliners. Algerians and French shake hands, but don't
way of life and problems. There are meetings of stamp collectors, coin collectors, journalists, come out fighting.
Seeking Peace agricultural workers and many other "kinds" of people. There are No one knows what exactly is the topic of these conversations, but
It is hoped that with increased international contact will come scheduled meetings between national delegations. whatever the topics have been so far, the meetings have been friendly.
increased international understanding and friendship. If there would j There are scheduled seminars on such questions as "Democratiza- ; See NATIONS, Page 3
See Page 2
.:Yl e
Sir 19UU
. 7 at.ty
Cloudy and warty with
possible showers late today.
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Morse Hints New
Satellite Bill Tieup
WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) threatened yes-
terday to renew a filibuster against the administration's Communi-
cations Satellite Bill.
Morse, one of the leaders of a group that blocked Senate consid-
eration of the measure for five days, got into a. row with Sen. Alex-
ander Wiley (R-Wis) and promised to answer Wiley "at somelength
after Aug. 10." That is the date set for return of the bill to the
Senate floor under a truce diverting it to the Senate Foreign Rela-
To Measure A geri
Ben Bella
Space Noise
In Hv~tcqie 1 (cdchrIt ion
Sljosson Cites
Fourth Congressional District
GOP hopeful Chester Byrns, '51L,
remained the center of controversy
yesterday as University professor
emeritis Preston Slosson of the
history department defended him
against charges that he was sym-
pathetic to world federalism and
not a faithful Republican and the
Berrien County Republican Screen-
ing Committee attacked him.
Contacted by the Benton Har-
bor News-Palladium and the St.
Joseph Hearld-Press, Prof. Slos-
son, a sponsor of the United Fed-
eralist chapter on campus, said
that Byrns was not a member of
the UWF and that he had only
moderated a panel for them.
He added that he knew Byrns
was a Republican, but that he did
not know how active he was. Prof.
Slosson, however, denied saying
"Byrns was president of the cam-
pus Republican group which aided
in my defeat" as reported in the
two papers. Prof. Slosson ran for
Congress in 1948.
Fight 'Amusing'
Prof. Slosson, a Federalist, in-
dicated his amusement at the con-
troversy. "The idea of this ac-
cusation has me in stitches. It is
the first time that I had to bear
witness that anybody was not a
member of a group to which I
The committee under Niles busi-
nessman C. C. "Duke" Harrah
investigated the four GOP can-
didates for the seat now held by
retiring Rep. Claire Hoffman (R-
Allegan) and I specifically the
charges by constitutional conven-
tion delegate Lee Boothby (R-
Niles) that Byrns favored world
federalism in his student days at
the University and that he had
not been a faithful Republican.
In a report released yesterday
morning, Harrah revealed that the
committee found Boothby and fel-
low candidate, Speaker of the
House Don R. Pears (R-Buchan-
an) "qualified Republicans" and
recommended them for endorse-
ment to the county committee.
Cites Letter
"We can find no evidence to re-
fute his statement in a letter to
The Daily that he is a member of
no political party," Harrah said.
"Yet he claims to be a life-long
Byrns refused to appear at'
the screening committee hearing
Thursday night. He accused Har-
rah and Berrien County Republi-
can chairman George A. Evers of
"Trying to smear me in a kangaroo
"The Republican party does not
have political bosses or machines
who "screen" candidates. The only
people who are the "screeners" are
the voters in the Aug. 7 primary,"
he declared.
Ti> ___ __T
tions Committee for further hear-
Committee Hearings
The flareup came at a commit-
tee session at which Atty. Gen.
Robert F. Kennedy urged passage
of the measure as "one of the most
important pieces of legislation of-
fered by this administration."
Kennedy cut short his testimony
to catch a plane for the west coast
and was replaced in the witness
chair by Newton N. Minow, chair-
man of the Federal Communica-
tions Commission.
Minow, who described the bill
as a marriage of government and
free enterprise, with two "in har-
ness together" to launch and oper-
ate a global system of communi-
cation satellites, underwent exten-
sixe questioning by Morse.
Views Policy
Wiley drew from Minow that
many of the policy questions Morse
raised about the proposed private-
ly owned, government-regulated
satellite corporation would still
exist if the government owned and
operated it. '
Morse, who contends along with
several other Democrats that theI
corporation should be government-
owned and operated, said:
"The senator tempts me. I will
answer him and Mr. Minow at
some length after Aug. 10." Wiley
then walked out of the room.
Government Unable
Minow testified the government
"is not equipped to operate a
communications system of its
Morse said he will offer an
amendment to require the corpor-
ation to handle government busi-
ness at cost, but Minow said oth-
er governments would want "re-
ciprocal rates" and this would nec-
essitate an international agree-
Minow noted that 52 per cent of
the private corporation's profits
would be returned to the govern-
ment in taxes.
Throughout the afternoon Ed-
ward R. Murrow, director of the
United States Information Agen-
cy, waited to be called. After a
wrangle over holding a night ses-
sion, it was decided to defer Mur-
row's testimony until Monday,
when Secretary of State Dean
Rusk also is scheduled to be heard.
A rocket payload built by a team .Z.1Z -Z...U... / t.../. -K.../ %AL
of University researchers and de-
signed to make calibrated meas-
urements of low frequency galactic
noises in outer space is scheduled COLLEGES-
to be sent on a delayed 1200 mile-
high mission next month.
These galactic noises are radio
waves generated in space by cos-;
mic ray electrons, Prof. T. Had- }tve l Nt si
¢r dock, of the astronomy and en-
gineering departments and direc- WASHINGTON P)-Rep. Adam
PROF. SAMUEL ELDERSVELD tor of the project explained. C. Powell (D-N.Y.), chairman of a news conference. "It would be
.. .heads committee The volume of space that these the House Education and Labor a miracle if it were passed."
noises take up is 50,000 light-years Committee, said yesterday the Refuse Support
away from the earth. This is many $1.5-billion college aid bill is dead Powell said he had talked to
E i times farther out than man would for this season. "more than one" member of the
ever be able to travel yet it could The House and Senate passed Senate who told him "we're not
have an important bearing on different versions of the bill more going to do a thing the adminis-
ln communications between space ve- than six months ago but have tration wants." He would not
hicles at low frequencies because never been able to work out a identify the senators, but said
the galactice noise is so intense, compromise. they were "key members."
The Senate apportionment for- "We would have to know about "It's hopeless," Powell said at "I called the White House yes-
mula of the proposed new state galactic noise to design space ra--
constitution does not meet the dio equipment," Prof. Haddock WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP-
standards of the state Supreme noted.W
Court set in the Scholle vs. Hare The 140-pound rocket was com-
decision, a committee of six col- pleted in spring and was scheduled
lege and university professors for flight in April until it was President U rges
headed by Prof. Samuel Eldersveld grounded by the Atomic Energy
of the political science department Commission who took the rocket-
told the governor Thursday night. vehicle for use in the Johnston O n Civil D efense Plans
The committee was appointed by Island bomb tests.
Gov. John B. Swainson last week The space package, which Den- By The Associated Press
to advise him on various appor- nis Walsh, associate research phys-B
tionment formulas. icist and Prof. Haddock began WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy gave Congress a
The 80 per cent population, 20 planning three years ago, will sturdy nudge yesterday and asked it to get busy on legislation and
per cent area formula "would re- make its space journey aboard a money for civil defense programs.
sult in voters in one district hav- four-stage Journeyman Rocket In identical letters to six key members of the Senate and House,
ing three times the voting power (Argo D-H) fired from Wallops Kennedy called for action now to "increase the capacity of this country
in some cases as another district, Island, Virginia. It was built un- to survive and recover after a nuclear blow." He said the Federal
vioatig te to-t-on raio etder contract between the Univer-
violatin -the two-t one ratio set y and the National Aeronautics government has "an inescapable responsibility to take practical and
Eldersveld said. and Space Administration. sensible measures," to minimize loss of life, keep the government go-
"The impression conveyed in Hal F. Schulter, Jr. associate E ing, and provide a base for the nation's survival and recovery from
Con-Con's 80-20 formula that each research engineer who supervised a nuclear attack.
district would get a weight of 80 the building of the device in the
per cent population is not true Radio Astronomy Laboratories was LONDON-The Israeli airline defied last night a British order to fly
and is misleading," he continued. assisted by Hal W. Estry, Wayne Dr. Robert Soblen to the United States and attorneys for the fugitive
"The report shows that the Millard and Dick Miller, assistant spy began another effort to help him escape a life sentence in an
Con-Con formula esus in g- research engineers and James W. American prison.
Con-Con formula results in g2.- Kuiper, research associate in as- The British home office insisted that El Al Airline must fly Soblen
ing population a weight of 92.5
per cent in Kent County and 9518 tronorny. -but abandoned its attempts to get him out of this country tonight.
per cent in Oakland County, - +--- ~ El Al's refusal-on Israeli government orders-opened up vistas
whereas in northern districts, of still further litigation in a case that has proved one of the most
population woul be given a weight Soviets Restate complicated of its kind in legal history.
as little as 31 per cent in some
cases," Prof. Eldersveld explained. OKLAHOMA CITY-A special federal court yesterday gave the
He said the committee had ap- A ms1 Policies Oklahoma Legislature until March 8, 1963, to reapportion itself on a
plied the formula to the state, population basis, giving city residents more voice.
setting up districts according to GENEVA (0)-The Soviet Union In a 2-1 decision, the court said it was staying "judicial action on
the Con-Con plan. Then the per- insisted again yesterday t h a t the solemn word of legislators that they will reapportion during the
centage weight of population and world-wide disarmament begin regular 1963 session starting next January."
of area is determined. with the total destruction of all
The committee also compared means-air, sea and land-of de- WASHINGTON-A joint congressional committee will take a
the population size of various dis- livering atomic weapons, questioning look at the organizational structure of the Atomic Energy
tricts, he added. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Commission early next year.
Prof. Eldersveld said that he is Valerian Zorin told the 17-nation Rep. Chet Holifield (D-Calif.), chairman of the Senate-House
unsure what the committee will disarmament conference t h a t Committee on Atomic Energy. told a reporter that hearings will start
study next. It plans to meet next Western proposals for gradual by the end of January.
week to determine further action. elimination of all arms-including The committee will consider proposals that the agency be changed
What it does now, he declared, nuclear weapons and the vehicles T comme consin pr a that t an anged
will depend on what the governor to deliver them-are unacceptable from a five-member commission under a chairman to an administra-
wants. to his government. tion with a single head or to a three-member commission.
.ill Death
ML JL ML../ JRI..x AL %A& S/ AL N"p -ML JOL
-In Triumph
terady," Powell said, "and told
them it was finished."
Both House and Senate bills Retuirni to Algiers
would authorize $300 million a
year for five years to build col- Follows Conclusion
lege academic facilities. T h e j Power Struggle
House bill would permit both loans
and grants while the Senate bill ALGIERS (IP)--Algerians hoist-
was limited to grants. The Senate
measure also contained a provi- ed flags, screamed praise and
sion for 212,500 scholarships that fired rifles into the air yesterday
was not in the House bill. in a hysterical welcome to Ahmed
Former Hopes Ben Bella, leftist victor in a
The college bill once had bright month-long struggle for power.
prospects of becoming the first "Ya hya (long live) Ben Bella,"
major educational measure passed they shouted as the dissident
I under the Kennedy administra- Deputy Premier arrived at the
tion. But a series of circumstances capital in triumph from Oran, his
have steadily undermined it. western headquarters, aboard a
The most crippling blow came chartered French DC3.
when Rep. Albert H. Quie (R- The man who successfully de-
Minn.) refused to let the House fied the central provisional gov-
and Senate go to conference and ernment was lifted on the shoul-
seek a compromise at the time ders of joyous Algerians and car-
the two bills were passed early in ried through a side gate into the
the session. That sent the House ornate prefecture (administration
bill back to the Rules Committee building) overlooking the water-
where it languished for five front. Unruly greeters had blocked
months. the main entrance.
During that period opponents 20,000 Assemble
of federal grants to private col-
leges, which were authorized un- A throng estimated at 20,000
der the House bill, mounted a massed on the waterfront boule-
campaign against it that gradually yard and rhythmically roared Ben
produced the same church-state Bella's name. A forest of green
controversy that killed all aid-to- and white flags rose over their
education bills last year. heads.
Retards Progress No one paid attention to Pre-
mier Ben Youssef Ben Khedda
The issue was inflamed by the and other members of his regime
Supreme Court's ruling against who greeted Ben Bella in the
the use of offical prayers in pub- prefecture.
lic schools just as the House and Shots were fired into the air
Senate conferees finally got to- within the city in the traditional
gether and reported progress to- Arab welcome to a heroic leader
ward agreement. Quell Crowds
The latest setback was the in-OQuell rds
volvement of Sen. Wayne Morse Other shs werAere fired ino t
(D-Ore.) in the filibuster against warning as newly formed Moslem
the communications satellite bill. police units struggled helplessly
with the crowds. Finally an appeal
Off er To Take was made to French police' offi
1 ' JLRee cers to help.
Dozens of men and women
Zoo Anim als fainted in the heat.
Backed by Algeria's 45000-man
Irving G. Reimann, director of regular army and with the reluc-
the University Exhibit Museum tant consent of moderate rivals,
and in charge of the zoo behind he is to take a guiding hand now
the University museum buildingsin the destinies of this new nation
reports that he has received calls through a seven-man political
from as far as Mississippi and bureau he dominates. Two men
Texas offering to make a home of this bureau arrived with him.
for the animals, soon to be dis- Clear Path
placed. The crowds that surged to greet
Reports of the demolition of the i Ben Bella on the landing of his
zoo apparently reached the ears I plane were so closely packed that
of the Associated Press and was a guerrilla officer in a paratroop
carried by wire to all parts of the uniform fired a tommygun ;into
country. the air to clear a path for him,
The zoo and the reptile pit will Diplomats assembled at the air-
be cleared away to make room this port never got close to the tall,
fall for the construction of a 45-year-old former French army
$1',000,000 addition to the mu- sergeant who vows, in Marxist
seums building to house animal phrases, a sweeping social revolu-
research. Unless the animals could tion of this former French terri-
be placed in a new home, they tory.
would have to be destroyed, Rei- Soviet and other Communist
mann said. envoys had been the first to be
Reimann said he is prepared to invited to the airport by Ben
accept the offer of the Grayling Bella's aides. Then invitations
zoo for all of the University zoo were extended to western diplo-
animals - two black bears, five!mats.
(raccoons, two foxes and a skunk.m Leads Bureau
Reimann also noted that he had Ben Bella is the leading mem-
received quite a few calls from ber of the political bureau. Four
persons wanting to secure rac- other members are his followers.
Rebel Victor
SEnters City
Lewis Shifts Office, Staff to SAB
There was one problem last January and two in February and
today both are being solved.
I The problems were office space: in particular, the space for the
Office of Student Affairs and for the Office of Academic Affairs.
The OSA offices were partly in the Administration Bldg. and
partly in the Student Activities Bldg. And when Roger Heyns was
i named Vice-President for Academic Affairs, and there was no Admin-
I istration Bldg. room for him, it was decided that James A. Lewis and I
his assistants and secretaries and files and chairs would move across
the street to the SAB.
To Move Today
The move will be carried out officially today, but it began yester-
day, a long and hard sort of journey.
Margaret Sohni, the OSA's first secretary, was in charge of most