FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1962 'TH M...' IC.AU F. AUN.YlUA NJ U mss. 04v* MVVV*"V* J"'IAY UGS'3192r111 MsLIrril V['i1 ikANWL PAGE THREE VISUAL POLITICS: Finds TV Static in Influence on Voting In a study of the impact of tele- vision upon the political. process, Prof. Angus Campbell, director of the Survey Research Center, writes that "television has shown a great capacity to catch the public eye, but it has yet to demonstrate a unique ability to engage the pub- lic mind." The biggest disappointment has been with the one third or fourth of the population who are gener- ally uninvolved and uninformed, and where the potential gains were the greatest. "But these people, alas, are very incurious about politics; their de- mand for information is exceed- ingly modest. "They can apparently be in- duced to watch an occasional spec- tacular, like the conventions or debates, but their basic detach- ments from political matters is undisturbed." Figures gathered by Prof. Camp- bell in a brief monograph to be expanded and published in the fu- ture show that television has neither absorbed a greater per- centage of the population into po- litical awareness nor displaced other communications media in this area. It is true that the amount of exposure by the electorate to the political processes shown on tele- vision has mushroomed-in 1952, 53 per cent of the respondents to a survey by the research center ATTENTION, GRADS! MIXER-DANCE at V.F.W. Friday, Aug. 3 . ..9-12 said they had watched at least one program about the campaign. By 1960, this figure had risen to 87 per cent. Publications Level But during this period, the pro- portions of individuals following the campaign through newspapers or magazines stayed pretty much the same; only radio declined (from 69 to 42 per cent). Thus, Prof. Campbell continues, television has become one of the major sources of political commu- nication, but its gains "have come largely at the expense of radio." Television in effect shares its au- dience with printed media. Next, he considered the effect of radio on voting turnouts when it first became widely used, so as to compare its apparent influence with that of television. Hearing Aid Radio did not begin near-uni- versal coverage of the electorate until after the 1932 campaign. In 1932, the percentage was at 52.5; in 1936 and 1940, it climbed to 57.0 and 59.1. Off-year congres- sional votes show an even greater increase, from a level of, 33.7 in 1930 to 41.8 and 44.1 in 1934 and 1938. Therefore, if television was also a force in making political com- munication more effective, there should be a reflection in recent- year elections, Prof. Campbell con- tends. But this is not the case. Per- centage of voters in presidential elections have varied to only a miniscule degree-62.7 in 1952, 60.4 in 1956 and 63.7 two years ago. Higher in '38 There is a corresponding stabil- ity in off-year congressional vot- ing turnouts during the 1950's; in fact, the 1958 figure of 43.7 is slightly less than the 1938 propor- tion. It is notoriously difficult to in- terpret these statistics, the pro- fessor says, especially with the myriad of other factors in modern society. "But it does seem clear that whatever new ingredient televi- sion brought into the political life of this country, it did not greatly increase the willingness of the. average American to go to the polls." Conclusions Backed Other data available serve to support this statement. Percent- ages of individuals surveyed on their interest in or knowledge of the campaign have not paralled the increase in television cover- age. ARDEN MI ESEN BAND Says Myths Of Leprosy Still Potent The legends of leprosy are just as dangerous as the disease itself, Dean Myron F. Wegman of the public health school contends. As the newly-elected chairman of the advisory board of the Amer- ican Leprosy Foundation, he lists three common superstitions: that people with leprosy are "accursed," that the disease is highly contag- ious, and that it is always fatal and completely incurable. These legends are particularly potent in the tropical, underdevel- oped areas where leprosy is the most prevalent. South Susceptible In this country, the worst loca- tions for the disease are south- eastern Texas and parts of Cali- fornia, Florida and Louisiana. About 2,000 United States citizens are known to suffer from leprosy. But science has caught up with the disease. Sulfone drugs are highly effective, Dean Wegman says, and proper rehabilitation will restore many of the victims to normal lives. Also, leprosy has a low level of contagion, thus making the pa- tient's home an entirely safe place for others, Research Inadequate However, he considers the amount of research being done on leprosy "totally inadequate for the worldwide scope of the disease." The areas most seriously afflict- ed have poor methods for report- ing statistical data and little op- portunity of making local scien- tific advances, instead of perpetu- ating myths, the dean points out. "Leprosy needs to be studied scientifically just like any other disease entity," the dean said. "But to do so, we must also make pow- erful inroads against the legends which paralyze progress toward understanding and control." One Dollar per person Sponsored by Grad. Student Council I 'Peach' of a Computer LOOK! Friday Special Hurry! Out they go! 75 Skirts now 2.98 } PROF. ARGUS CAMPBELL ... TV misses the mind In sharp contrast to radio, tele- vision did not have an audience untapped by any other medium, nor was there an unsatisfied de- mand for political communication. No Deep Effect So television's effect is not one of depth or commitment, he says. Rather, it creates an "image" of the candidates, such as for one elderly lady who said she didn't vote for Richard Nixon because she "didn't like the look in his eyes, especially the left one." There may also be other occas- ions when television can be uni- quely effective. Prof. Campbell cites the 1960 debates as one ex- ample. Nevertheless, he concludes, "Aft- er more than 10 years of political broadcasting, television has not yet fulfilled the early optimistic predictions made for it. It has yet to demonstrate a unique ability to engage the public mind." DAIL (Continued from Page 2) Aug. 4, 8:30, p.m. in Lane Hall Aud. in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree Doctor of Musical Arts, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Compositions he will play are by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin. Open to the general public. LAST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT: Dy- Ian Thomas' great "Under Milk Wood," 8:00 p.m. Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg. Tickets $1.75, 1.25; box office open 10-8, today. NEXT WEEK: Opera double-bill -Puccini's "Gianna Schicchi" and Per- golesi's "La Serva Padrona," 8:00 p.m. Wed, through Sat. at Hill Aud. Tickets1 available today at Trueblood Aud. box- office or Mon, 1-5 at Hill Aud. boxf office. Placement Teaching Vacancies for the school year 1962-63 Allegan, Mich. -- Jr. HS Engl., Engl/ Typ. Flint ,Mich. - Libr. Garden City, Mich. - Sp. Ther. Harper Woods, Mich. - SS (Grade 7),l Engl. (Grade 10). May debacle-and were probably "most aware of publicrdiscussions about the somewhat unsatisfactory strength of the recovery.," But consumers were also con- cerned about other unfavorable aspects of the business picture besides the stock market. 23 Per Cent Happy Fifty-one per cent of the inter- viewees could recall some recent economic news, and of this figure 28 per cent referred to unfavor- able developments. The respondents spoke of ad- verse events in local industries, intense business competition, the impact of automation on employ- ment and labor problems, but few -Daily-Michael de Gaetano READS THE STARS-William A. Dent, a graduate student in astronomy, runs the digital computer at the radio observatory at Peach Mountain. The special function of this machine is to provide numerical readings of the temperatures of various stars. SPRING'S CONSUMERS: New Quarterly Analyzes Buying Habits (Continued from Page 1) ..C. {... . : ..R.s {rr,. ..}.".":+!4:{ If:""Y.::C{: JJ". iaAW :"S... 1}4vt.:: .}v r 11.. rz. .:v.4. LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN iYYY:: " R":: ,":'t. " .Y:R Nr" ": a: ." :th:J..R:."t R# r:.:: J :.":,I." ..'4:t" " :: : aY " t.:r:: "%t. .R :.rY: a"fY4R#::":4Y .' had opinions on the squabble be- tween the steel industry and Presi- dent John F. Kennedy. And these opinions were divided. The cautious consumer mood was influenced overall by three persistent concerns: "the recur- rence of recessions, the relatively high level of unemployment and the cold war. Given this frame of mind, people are sensitive to bad news," Professors Katona and Mueller wrote. Consumption Conscious Counterbalancing the reserved attitude towards business produc- tion was the continued high level of optimism on market conditions for major consumer goods. A lot of people felt satisfied with the general price stability, and Wools - Cottons - Blends Sizes 8 to 16 All Sales Final BARNARD'S Campu4 CauaI4 1111 S. University Ave. J Prof. Campbell, however, did not find these figures particularly startling. Hudson, Mich - Engl. of Math/PE/ Track, Inkster, Mich. - (Cherry Hill Sch. Dist.) - Elem. (Grades 1, 3, Kdg.), Sp. Corr., Elem. Music, Female Couns., Ment. Retard., Visit. Teacher. Midland, Mich. - Kdg., Elem. Art, Inst. Mus. (Strings), Phys. Handi., PE, Libr.; Secondary French/German (Gr. 10, 1i, i2), Engl/Journ. (Gr. 10, 11, i2), SS/Govt./Hist. (Gr. 10, 11, 12), Ind. Arts., Lang. Arts Co-ordinator (k-6). Marysville, Mich. - Elem. Libr., 2nd gr., Girl's PE, Vocal Mus., Boy's PE, Sp. Educ. Ment. Handi. (Type A) Later Elem., Sp. Corr. Millington, Mich.-SS/Sci. (7th & 8th), Instr. & Voc. Mus. (Jr. & Sr. HS); HS Comm. (Bkkpg., Typ., Bus. Arith.). Muskegon, Mich. - (Mona Shores Sch. Dist.) - Libr. (Elem. - Jr. HS), Early Elem. Typ. A, Sp. Corr. Plymouth, Mich. - 7th gr. Math/Set., 7th Engl/SS (Geog. mostly), 8th gr. Engl/SS. St. Joseph, Mich. - 1st gr. Willow Run, Mich. - Sp. Corr. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, 663-i511, Ext. 3457. POSITION OPENINGS: Manufacturing Firm in Battle Creek, UMEEM TONIGHT 8:00 P.M. TRUEBLOOD AUD., FRIEZE BLDG. 1.75, 1.50 PERFORMANCES THRU SATURDAY Mich. - Good opportunity for man to work in Personnel. Will eventually be- come Personnel Director. Must have degree and at least 2 yrs. exper. with personnel or labor relations. Age 30-40. B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio - various openings as follows: (Non- Technical) - Sr., Mktg. Analyst, New Products; SystemsDevelopment Ana- lyst; Computer Consultant; Sr. Opera- tions Research Analyst; Field Auditors & Trainees; Sales Correspondent-In- ternational; Sales Promotion Man-In- ternational; Mkt. Supervisor-Construc- tion Industry, etc. (Technical) - Pat- ent Attorney-Chemical; Patent Attor- -Mechanical; Product Engnrs.; Chem- ists; Mathematician; Physicist and many other Engrg. positions. Library of Congress - Openings as follows: Cataloguers; Ass't Head of Amer-British Exchange Section of Ex- change & Gift Div.; Research Analyst for Ref. & Biblio. Div.; Ass't Chief for Sci. & Tech. Div.; Subject Catalogers, etc. U. S. Civil Service, 7th Region-Va- riety of position openings including: Dietitian; Registered Nurses; Librar- ian; Occupational Therapist; Clinicai Social Worker; Psychologist; Psychia- trist; Med. Tech.; Biochemist; Patholo- gist; Budget Analyst; Administrative Librarian; Physician; Digital Computer Programmer; Mech. Engnr.; and Ind. Sngnrs., etc. These positions at various locations. For further information, please call ORGAN IZATION. NOTICES Graduate Outing Club, Swim & Pic- nic, Aug. 5, 1:45 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St. entrance. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Place- ment Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg., during the following hours: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5 p m. Employers desirous of hiring students for partitime or full-time temporary work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part- time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 2200, daily. MALE 1-To sell fresh frozen crickets. Would need a car. Full-time for 2 months. Must know something about fish- ing. 1-Good commercial artist for news- paper advertising. Part-time or full- time. 80-Psychological Subjects. Must be stu- dents. At least one, 2 hour session. I-To do heavy work, inside a home, for an older woman-in exchange for room. Starting immediately after summer session gets out. i-Married couple to live in, cook and take care of an older man. Must be dependable. FEMALE 1-Good commercial artist for news- paper advertising. Part-time or full- time. 1-Food supervisor. Degree in dietetics or equivalent experience. Monday thru Friday, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. 20-Psychological Subjects. Must be stu- dents. At least one. 2 hour session. 1-Married couple to live in, cook and take care of an older man. Must be dependable. General Div., Bureau of Appts., SAB, Ext. 3544. 3200 thought "it was a good time to buy" automobiles, new homes and household goods. On the whole, there was no clear purchasing trend either up or down, but buying plans for new cars, home improvements and ap- pliances increased, while inten- tions to purchase a house for owner occupancy were less fre- quent than usual. Lateral, Not' Down But, the authors declared, "the sidewise movement of the index of consumer attitudes should not be viewed as a signal of an im- pending deterioration of consumer confidence. "Unless the flow of unfavorable economic and political news in-, creases, the state of consumer op- timism in May points to a sus tained high level of spending, par- ticularly if personal incomes cony~ tinue to rise gradually.' "On the other hand," the two professors said, "it is evident that the consumer is not in an exub- erant frame of mind. There are no "indications in the survey that peo- ple are disposed to upgrade their standard of living more'rapidly in the period ahead than they did during the past few years. Must Look Elsewhere "Thus the impetus to faster eo- nomic growth, sought by govern- ment and business, is not likely to come from the consumer sector in the near future-unless new stim- uli alter the prospects seen by con- sumers." Support Study In Meteorology The University has received a $42,100 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a graduate course on the applica- tion of electronic computers to problems in meteorology. The course, under direction of Prof. E. Wendell Hewson of the engineering mechanics depart- ment, will apply electronic data to the study of weather and climate, and perhaps delve into problems such as controlling the weather and analyzing the atmosphere of other planets. Astronomy 'Night' To Observe Stars The astronomy department is holding a "Visitors' Night" at 8:30 p.m. today at the McMath-Hul- bert Observatory, with the public invited to observe a double star, the Hercules cluster and Saturn. Prof. Richard G. Teske of the as- tronomy department will head the discussion for the group, which will assemble first in Rm. 2003 Angel Hall. DIAL 2-6264 C-O- -L SHOWS START AT 1:15-3:45-6:20 and 9:00 IN A HUNGRY HURRY TO MEET LIFE HEAD-ONI INFORMATION - 663-6470 or ext. 2235 . Each character lives in a cocoon of fantasy. . . We are gripped, as in comedy we have immemorially been gripped, by a bunch of characters with one-track minds who, though they incessantly collide with one another, never make real contact. . .'Under Milk Wood' is a true comedy of humours." -Kenneth Tynan, "Curtains," 1961 N purnl U-M PLAYERS Present WEEKEND eckd4' You've never seen such beautiful Dresses for so little 700, ON FOREST off corner of S. University Ave. opposite Campus Theatre CUSTOMER PARKING at rear of store Any Pastel Summer Cotton-- Arnel Jersey - Linen or Dacron -originally 14.98 usfxieun m1 I Any Summer Dress, Any Spring Coat originally 25.00 or 27.95 at 12.50 Any Summer Pastel Dress or Costume Any Spring Coat Originally 39.95 to 49.95 now 19.98 to 25.00 Fl ERRY WAW 'S pwdaum of AD NTUR 3of A UNGUA STARRV4G BAKER MOJAN1 - - E- UI I 0 I