.. Seventy-Second Year EDrED AND.MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERsrTY OF MICHIGAN . UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD STORCH U.S. Right in Backing U Thant To Crush Katanga Secession "Yeah, It's Almost Enough To Make You Want To Do Something" AT THE CAMPUS: Widow's Pique Means Cheek to Cheek NOW HERE was a good opportunity missed: the 1934 version of "The Merry Widow" at the Campus last night only. The film starred Jeanette MacDonald and Maurice Chevalier, familiar to us all as that senile old offence of a hundred recent musicals, revealed here with all the romantic vibrancy that endeared him to the hearts of grand- mothers everywhere. Even in 1934 we can see the primitive beginnings of his strangely THE UNITED STATES is right to support the UN's effort to bring Katanga back into The Congo. Hopefully, this decision will have a favorable effect on Congress' action on the UN bond proposal. U Thant wants the Union Miniere, which has paid $40 million to Katanga's government over the past year, to withhold further taxes until the secession is ended. He also wants the U.S., Britain and the rest of the UN members to boycott trade with Katanga until Tshombe gives in. If he is supported by the UN members in this, it shouldn't be because the Adoula government's cause is legally "right"-which it is-but be- cause it would be the best solution for the people of Katanga and the rest of the Congo. Which, probably, it also is. K ATANGA IS RICH; its mining wealth is needed in order to provide the central government with adequate public services. Un- der Belgian administration, Katanga was given preferential treatment to develop its mines and provide a future support for the whole area. Now that it is developed, its leaders want to go it alone. Of course Katanga can get along very well without having to help out the rest of the country. But the rest of the country can't operate without Katanga. From a practical point of view, Katanga within the Congo is possible, but a Congo without Katanga is not. Apartheid' THE CURTAIN of silence has been drawn tighter in the Union of South Africa. The latest move of Prime Minister Hendrik F. Verwoerd's government is the ostracizing from the press of 102 of his leading critics. No word, no statement, no oration can be published in the press. Only a mention of the name and what he did is permitted. HUS the Associated Press reports incidents like this: His Words Cannot Go Into Print. So said a headline in the Johannesburg Star. It appeared over a story abot a court case involving Leon Levy (one of the 102 ban- ned) and the story said in part: "After the charge had been placed, Magistrate D. J. Bosman asked, What do you plead? Levy: (He did plead but his words cannot be published) ." Under thislaw, rammed through by Ver- woerd this year, the government may ostracize any opponent of its extreme segregationist Apartheid policy. IMPORTANT and unimportant persons are on the government's proscription list. Albert Luthuli, the Nobel Prize winner and African leader, is barred from the press. , Thus another step toward the total oppres- sion of South Africa, white as well as black, has been taken. The South African government continues to drag the country to ruin blinded by its racial fanaticism. No censorship law, however invidious, will silence the opponents of tyralny and racism., Its evils are too plain. The fight against both will continue and in due time South African racism and tyranny will be swept away, prob- ably meeting the violent end it so deserves. -PHILIP SUTIN The independent Katanga would be per- petually faced with a hungry and hostile neigh- bor that believed its separate existance was unjust. Its huge mining complex could become a curse, if the Union Miniere came to occupy the same towering importance to the country that United Fruit is said to hold in Central America. AND, as in Central America, social progress may be stifled by an alliance of convenience between the province's leaders and financial interests. These, because European in part, are likely to be disliked by the students and other "advanced" groups who are needed for the nation to succeed. A government regarded as a "stooge" by part of its own citizens would find it very difficult to cooperate with the West, even. if it wanted to. The UN itself is committed to overthrowing Tshombe's rebellion. For this reason alone, the United States must support its efforts un- less it thinks that Katanga's independence is more important than the UN's possible im- potence-this because, to the many Africans who believe that the UN was called in to act for the West's interests, and did so by per- mitting Lumumba's death, only full cooperation by the West in bringing Katanga's secession to a close can dull their suspicions. Otherwise, it is hard to imagine anyone calling the UN in to help his country, instead of, say, calling in the troops of a nearby and friendly ally. The hope of reducing conflicts to the smallest area possible would be dimmed. IT IS HARD to see what the Europeans-or, for that matter, some U.S. senators-hope to gain out of backing Tshombe. True, it is nice to have "one true friend" in a generally neutral Africa. But, just as having Jimenez as our friend was not much of an advantage, so too there is no point in having friends in Africa unless they can do something for you. Tshombe can't. Africans seem to regard Tshombe as a West- ern tool. If this is what they think, the actual state of affairs doesn't matter much except, of course, that we would be hated for owning somebody that we don't even really own. Even if Katanga's government proved stable, and became a firm ally, our position in the rest of Africa, though perhaps worse, could grow no better. Political realities rest in large part on economic ones, and alliances alone cannot deal with these. IF WE CAN HELP Africans achieve a standard of living approaching that of Europe, with- out their having to submit to totalitarian re- straints, then of course they won't, for there would be nothing to gain by it, and a lot to lose, even in the eyes of people without our traditions of individual freedom. If we can't help them do this, then having a "friend" in the area will be of no use at all. With this understanding, Congress should pass the bill allowing the U.S. to buy UN bonds, to relieve the immediate pressure on the UN. The Europeans can and should be persuaded to help out-and finally, then, the secession could be stopped. Among the most grateful will surely be the people of all areas in the Congo, who ever since the Belgians left have lived in danger of attacking armies and mutinous garrisons. -PETER STEINBERGER THE NEW CONSTITUTION: Con-Con's Product Analysed By MARK BLUCHER Daily Staff Writer AUGUST 1 saw the conclusion of the 19 Constitutional Con- vention in Michigan. It was the first body of its kind to meet within the state since 1908 and perhaps the last one to meet in Michigan in this century. After many months the 144 men and women, 96 Republicans and 48 Democrats, approved a com- plete revision of Michigan's 1908 constitution by a vote of 96-43. The outcome of the new docu- ment is still uncertain and must wait on the people's decision next April. THE RECENT Michigan Su- preme Court ruling in Scholle vs Hare will make the outcome still more precarious. Since they have said, in effect, that the new constitution's apportionment pro- ,visions are unconstitutional, the chance remains that the whole document may be regarded as such, especially since these pro- visions still remain in the new document. The Republicans only hope is that the United States Su- preme Court will grant a re-hear- ing of the Scholle case and de- clare that the Michigan Court's decision is invalid. It is impossible to deny how- ever that some advances have been made in the new document: THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH 1) The governor's term has been extended to four years; 2) The governor and lieutenant governor will be of the same po- litical party and will run as a team; 3) The state's 126 executive agencies are required to regroup into not more than 20 depart- ments. THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH 1) Legislative committees are re- quired to keep a record roll call vote of all action on bills and resolutions; 2) Senatorial terms are extended from two to four years. 'THE JUDICIAL BRANCH 1) The number of supreme court justices is reduced from eight to seven. 2) The justice of the peace sys- tem is to be replaced in no less than five years by a system of lo- cal courts. The fee system as com- pensation for judges is prohibited. CIVIL RIGHTS AND ELECTIONS 1) An equal protection clause that makes certain types of dis- criminatory practices because of religion, race, color or national origin illegal. 2) The elimination of spring elections. LOCAL GOVERNMENT 1) A small degree of county home rule is provided, subject to enabling acts. Its adoption, con- tinuance, modification or repeal will depend on the vote of the electors of the county; 2) Local units are given the power to levy taxes, other than those on property, for their sup- port; 3) Local units are given the power to cooperate with other local units of government on com- mon problems. FINANCE AND TAXATION 1) The debt ceiling of $250,000 is raised to around $70 million. These are some of the improve- ments that are to be found in the new constitution. Other people may find many more. But there are also some highly objectionable facets to the new document: -the Senate apportionment provisions; -the 15 mill tax limitation; -earmarking of funds; --prohibition against a graduat- ed state income tax; --continuation of outmoded township governments. WHILE THERE MAY seem to be a preponderance of good points over bad points, the question to be considered is which has more effect on the state governmental processes. If more good can be seen to come from the new docu- ment for the state than detri- ments, then it should be consider- ed a good constitution. My main criticism against the new document is the apportion- ment article and for this reason alone I would tend to vote against the new document. This feeling is further reinforced by the fact that the Republicans saw fit to leave this section in the new constitu- tion in spite of the fact that the convehtion's Republican and Dem- ocratic experts on apportionment both felt that it was unconstitu- tional in the light of the recent Michigan Supreme Court decision in Scholle vs. Hare. Those who only want a ration- alization for their plan to vote for the new document have only to look at the preface of the Con- vention's "Address to the People." Here they will findta very biased report in favor of the new docu- ment, put very subtly. It will not be necessary for them to make any decision regarding the merits of the new document; the address has already made it for them. IT APPEARS that the Republi- cans are deliberately trying to sway voter opinion. They plan to dis- tribute 200,000 copies of the pre- face and explanation of changes, as one body. But they also plan to distribute 400,000 copies of the preface alone. To many Demo- crats the preface contained more argument than it did statement of fact, and therefore made de- cisions for the people. Those who are sincerely inter- ested in determining the worth of the new document should consider the Citizen's Redevelopment Cor- poration pamphlet that gives a comparison of the 1908 and the 1962 constitutions, from an un- biased point of view. In the final analysis it is going to be up to the intelligent ,voter, if there are very many of these, to make the decisions of whether or not to accept the new docu- ment. It can only be hoped that those who vote intelligently will exercise some discretion and vote with their heads rather than with their- hearts. But then, perhaps it can only be hoped that the voters will vote. elegant gait, only here it looks- more like he's wearing tight un- derwear. Jeanette MacDonald shows considerably better: but then it always was the dandelion that lasted all bummer, not the rose. Nonetheless, one of the best features of Miss MacDonald's vo- cal technique is her singular method of attacking her highest B-flat: she sort of grabs at it first with her eyes, then pulls it down to where her voice can get hold of it. Sometimes she does this won- derful thing during mere dialogue, or even stony silence, and it is at these times that we must sur- mise that she is singing alone, to the highest vaults of her awesome gothic heart. The supporting players are no suprise, either. The ladies, to be sure, have the sought-after com- plexion which makes them look as if they had been raised, along with a batch of mushrooms, in your first grade teacher's closet. Most of them act like a bunch of mushrooms too. * * * BUT IF the acting is terrible, the sets and plot are truly classic and great. Made in an era when Hollywood did what it felt, before it decided what taste might be, The Merry Widow is a rare bird of innocent splendor. There is something instinctive and right about its extravagance, a far cry from the milk-fed turkeys of to- day. All of the greatest movie ma- chines are there in their purest form: the hundred gypsy violins that come from nowhere at the right moment, the hand that writes background information in- to a diary, the innermost thought spoken and overheard. The cos- tumes are there-undisguised, be- cause ladies like costumes-even a star-spangled banner' on an American tourist. The sets roll by like thunder. When there's a pa- lace, it's really a palace, and when there's a wedding, it's the kind of unsullied paranymphoma- nia that no one believes but every- one loves. The motion of the plot is, in- credibly enough, handled with great finesse. Once a romantic peak is hit, it is sustained full strength, with songs, dances; how much of this is due to the happy choice of a book is hard to say. The Merry Widow may brighten no shelf in the Undergraduate Library Audio Room, but it dazz- led the masses (53) at the 9 o'clock show last night. -Dick Pollinger Leadership "JF THE President is impotent to lead or bully a Congress with a nearly two to one majority in the Senate and a five to three majority in the House, where can he go to enforce those vaunted powers' of the Presidency in his own country? Everyone admits that in foreign affairs any Presi- dent today is the creature of the armaments race, of the Russian whim, of the seething nationalism of Africa, and the crying needs of the underdeveloped countries. So the Congress, in the Eisenhower and Kennedy regimes, is sympa- thetically bipartisan. But there is no record in modern times of a President who in domestic affairs seems to have lost control so baf- flingly of his .own party in Con- gress.. . "In the November flush of 1960 the Kennedy's had good cause to enjoy their own sapience in draft- ing Lyndon Johnson as Vice-Pres- ident, for it was he who saved the South for the party. For what? To betray Mr. Kennedy in the Senate." -Alistair Cooke The Manchester Guardian AT THE STATE: Disp laced Hero AN AWFUL LOT happens to Nick Adams in "Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man." But like the usual Hemingway hero he doesn't do anything; Adams is but a cluster of nerve endings that periodically react spasmodi- cally to the richly woven tapestry of faces and happenings that pass before his eyes. Nick Adams is driven out of his rustic home by the restless force that drives every one of Hemming- way's displaced persons: the know- ledge that there is the chance that maybe there is more to life than settlin' down with neigh- bor's daughter. * * * ADAMS' FEAR of convention- ality gives him many adventures on the road to self-discovery. The people he meets tell him to get off the road and go home. But the restless spirit won't permit that and his meanderings take him eventually to the Italian front in the First World War. Beymer's portrayal is a little spotty. When the movie falls upon Beymer and his Italian love (Su- san Strasburg) they just don't seem able to sustain the i action. When Adams is losing interest in life because of his war wounds, Beymer becomes disinterested in the movie and things seem to go pretty slow. On the whole Beymer is more than good. His acting is sensitive, and his handsome face will prob- ably be seen a lot in the next couple of years. It is refreshing to see a new male lead who isn't frail and translucent as some of the more recent discoveries seem to be. * * * THE MOVIE presents about a baker's dozen of outstanding sup- porting performances. Most start- ling was Paul Newman's charac- terization of a punch-drunk has- been prizefighter. One moviegoer remarked after seeing the final screen credits, "Which one was Paul Newman." It's good to see the Hollywood star system con- tains actors who can suppress their burgeoning egos, and act. Jessica Tandy is precise as'the mother. She really helps to put back the S in mother. Eli Wallach plays the draft-trapped freedom fighter most convincingly. James Dunn makes a most sympathetic hobo. Ricardo Montalban is crisp as the major. The movie isn't quite Heming- way but on the other hand it isn't quite Hollywood, which is a good compromise for an adventuresome picture. -Alan Magid DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial "esponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 General Notices Regents' Meeting: Sept. 21. Communi- cations for consideration at this meet- ing must be in the President's hands not later than Sept. 11. Please submit 35 copies of each communication. Events Doctoral Recital: George Whitfield, pianist, will present a recital on Sat., (Continued on Page 3) i I 4 OSA Needs Strong Student Advice THE REVISION of the Office of Student Affairs has tossed a new problem into the hands of the already overloaded Student Gov- ernment Council-how five of its members are to be appointed to the advisory group. Vice-President Lewis' "advice device" may provide a significant opportunity for student participation in shaping the policies -of the Office of Student Affairs. Although it has no formal powers, it will meet "from time to time" with Lewis and his aides about the OSA. The group will also serve as a channel for com- plaints and suggestions about the Office of Student Affairs. If the advisory group is a strong one, it will be a significant factor in the operations of the OSA. It could make continuing studies of the Office and suggest policy changes as a result. The group also could form complaints and suggestions from the outside into plans for improving the office. Even if Lewis dis- dains his committee, a strong group could apply pressure to make itself heard. HOWEVER, the effectiveness of the group will depend on its personnel. Unconcerned students, unresponsive to the needs of the student body, would allow Lewis to make his committee a rubber stamp. Alert, interested students, combined with faculty members from the Student Relations Committee, can make the advisory group a power in the Office of Student Affairs. How are the student members to be chosen? or those who seek the posts could hold such views. The Council could have some of its officers and one or two other members sit on the advisory group. This may seem more represen- tative because officers are usually the more popular Council members, but other duties might hinder the effectiveness of such ex- officio members. Their term on the group will also be too short as officers only serve half a year. THE THIRD and most suitable method is placing the most popular elected members of Council on the group on an ex-officio basis. The two highest winners in the fall and the three highest in spring would serve year terms on Lewis' group as well. Having garnered the most votes, these stu- dents are the most representative on campus. By using this electoral method, the policy and practices of the Office of Student Affairs will be placed in greater focus in the campus' eyes as the candidates will be running for a posi- tion on Lewis' group as well as SGC. The election of student members thus gen- erates greater student interest in the Office of Student Affairs. Many of the evils of the Office have been allowed to continue for so long, in part, because of student apathy. Few people have been willing to make an issue of the OSA and create the necessary pressure for change. 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