'j5 THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ PAGE THREE THURSDAY, AUGUST 2,1982 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - PAE~I! T1I~VI! ,.- icauu iaa aaiu a NEEDS MORE STUDY: Examine Mediocre Students Unhappy Finland Hosts Communist Youth Fete, DIRECTORS, ASSISTANTS: OSA Restructures Centers of Authority / t r4 $y DENISE WACKER In American education, students with exceptionally fine minds or with below-average abilities are studied and charted and in many cases special programs are set up for them, to suit their particular needs. But for the students who fall somewhere between brilliance and retardation, there is a notable ne- glect of opportunities for higher education, and this represents one of the biggest problems facing the country today, Prof. Hans Rosen- haupt said yesterday. Prof. Rosenhaupt, who directs the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation-the larg- est private fellowship program for recruiting and supporting potential college teachers-spoke on "Op- portunities of American Youth for Higher Education," the last in the summer series of lectures on American Youth, 192. Intellectual Middle Class "Continued neglect of the in- tellectual middle class will bring about many of the unfortunate symptoms which were observed in pre-Hitler Germany," Prof. Rosen- haupt said. He asserted that the economic middle-class, which offered the most support to German National Socialism, corresponds to the "malcontent (intellectual) middle class permitted to exist," for it feels lost and generally inferior. To alleviate this situation, Prof. Rosenhaupt suggested two reforms in education: First, institutions of higher " learning must formulate a more lucid perception of their duties toward their students by afford- ing vocational training to those who seek it. Second, women and men in the middle range of intellectual ability must be honored for their own worth. Honors Emphasized Grades Commenting on the more ad- vanced educational methods for superior students, like the Uni- versity's honors program, Prof. Rosenhaupt said that the stress on their education is "healthy, al- though it is accompanied often by a great emphasis on grades. "However, truly creative minds not infrequently perform in a Manner which cannot be measured objectively," he said. "At the extreme end of the scale are young men and women of modest intellectual abilities." Remedial Work These students are very often kept from passing their courses in elementary or secondary schools, or are put into remedial courses, which often require five in lieu of the normal four years of study to secure a high school diploma. Due to boredom or feelings of Former 'U' Aide Dies At Midland MIDLAND-Edgar C. Britton, an internationally known chemist and former instructor at the Uni- versity died yesterday in the Mid- land Hospital at the age of 70. frustration, "they provide a res- evoir of unused and unchallenged energy from which the ranks of juvenile delinquents are recruited," Prof. Rosenhaupt noted. Because they need extra atten- tion, and because additional time is also demanded by "exceptional" students, to little attention is paid to the need of the vast majority of youth with middle-range ability, he said. No Downplay In future years, when it becomes increasingly difficult to be ad- mitted to colleges, the average student's position will be consider- ably weaker, unless precautions are taken in the next few years. Actually the manpower need for this large middle range group is acute and will become more so as we advance inautomation. "Similarly, the country needs tens of thousands of college teach- ers of various subjects, who will require no doctorate to perform their jobs competently, and herein might lie the place for such minds," he concluded. The help the average requires should not be down, for they represent ture of the country. student played the fu- SRC Survey Notes Desire T o D o Departfrom Cities "It is perhaps not surprising that ... nearly 40 per cent of resi- dents of central cities express a desire to live further out in the country. "It is more interesting that one fourth of suburban dwellers and one fifth of residents of areas within 50 miles of central cities wish to be further out,' away from an urban environment. Writing in "Psychological Re- search on Consumer Behavior," a journal published by the Founda- tion for Research on Human Be- havior, Professors George Katona and Eva L. Mueller of the Survey Research Center declared that "an entirely new image of the city as an attractive place to live" must be created. Attitudes, Inclinations Basing their findings on data gathered in broad-sample surveys taken of consumer attitudes and inclinations, the researchers say that the emergence of shopping centers, outlying factories and the disappearance of open spaces are aspects of urbanization that drive residents to search for homes away from the city. Interview results showed that on a spectrum of people living in cen- tral cities (50,000 or more popula- tion) to outlying areas, the per- centage of inhabitants preferring to live closer to the urban centers (six to nine per cent) was fairly constant. But, 38 per cent of city dwellers, 26 per cent in suburbia, 19 in ad- jacent areas, and 25 per cent in rural areas wanted to move away from central cities if they could. (The remaining individuals liked living just where they were.) Urban Gripes The dissatisfied residents com- plained most about urban aspects such as noise, traffic, or commer- cializations, and wished "to be closer to the out-of-doors." And, satisfaction with the neighborhood per se increased (from 60 to 75 per cent) the farther out the in- terviewees resided. People desiring to closer to cities cited transportation problems as the main reason. Analyzing these facts, Profes- sors Katona and Mueller examined the groups most likely to be mo- bile. More than half of these people are renters wishing to possess their own home. Other potential mov- ers are predominantly young, hav- ing lived in their present location less than six years. More Space The majority of these groups also indicated that they desired more space. "The wish for more space was by no means confined to apartment dwellers; 36 per cent of home owners" expressed the same need. The researchers concede "that expressed wishes and desires may be dreams which will not lead to action." But their figures conclu- sively show that plans to move are much more frequent among indi- viduals dissatisfied with their lo- cation, neighborhood, or amount of space. Therefore, the professors con- tend that the housing market will have to respond to these wishes if its prosperity is going to continue. "It seems clear that further ad- justments. of the housing stock to the needs and aspirations of con- sumers will be required, in the years ahead." DAILY ( (Continued from Page 2) room Conditions and Events," Fri., Aug. 3, 1443B UES, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, W. C. Morse. The Slavic Dept. is sponsoring a film this Thurs. evening at 7:30 in the Mul- tipurpose Room of the Undergrad Li- brary. Chekhov's Anna Cross will be shown with English subtitles and no admission charge. Tonight: Dylan Thomas' "Under Milk Wood," 8:00 p.m. Trueblood Aud, Frieze Bldg. Closes Sat. Box office opep 10-8 daily. DegreeR ecital: John Holz, who studies organtwith Marilyn Mason Brown,3will present a recital on Fri., Aug. 3 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud., in partial fulfill- ment for the degree Master of Music. Compositions by J. S. Bach, Cesar Franck, OlivierMessiaen, andhCharles- Marie Widor will be included in the recital, which will be open to the gen- eral public. Doctoral Recital: Edward Baird, bass- baritone, will present a lecture-recital on "The Secular Solo Cantata in the Late Baroque," Fri., Aug. 3, 4:15 p.m., in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the de- gree Doctor of Musical Arts, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Mr. Baird will be accompanied by James Herring, harpsichordist, and assisted by Atrhur Follows, cellist. He will perform the compositions of Benedetto Marcello Henry Purcell, and Jean-Philippe Ra- meau. His recital is open to the public. An Open Air Square Dance is spon- sored by the International Center on Fri., Aug. 3 at 8:30 p.m. in the parking lot of the Admin. Bldg. Mr. Harold Hoffmeyer will be the caller. The dance is open to the public without any charge. Astronomy Department visitors' Night Fri., Aug. 3, 8:30 p.m., Room 2003 An- ORGANIZATION NOTICES French Club meeting, 3-5 p.m. today, 3050 Frieze Bldg. Dectio in mo ern n DIAL 5-6290 By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press News Analyst The Finns asked the Soviet Com- munists to go away, please, but the Russians said, in effect, "Look, lads, we need your country for a propaganda show. If you don't like. it, that's just too bad." And so, in trooped the Com- munists, using Finland as if it were the Kremlin's private col- ony. They did the same thing two years ago to Austria. If the situations had been re- versed and the United States had acted that way toward its neigh- bors, the Communists' propaganda roars would have echoed around the world. But the democratic countries seem, to shrug it all off, as if to say, "Well, the Soviets are like that-why fight it?" Finland Unwilling Finland today is an obviously unwilling host to a Soviet pro- paganda show. When the world Communist high command decided in Moscow last year it would stage the "Eighth World Festival of Youth" in Hel- sinki, the Finns shuddered. They recalled that the Communists staged the seventh one in Vienna in 1959, after the Russians over- rode official Austrian objections with less than polite threats. Previously the festivals were held in Communist capitals - Prague, Budapest, East Berlin, Bucharest, Warsaw, Moscow. These did "not pay off sufficiently to warrant the enormous cost. The institute for international youth affairs in New York estimates the 1957 Moscow festival cost $100 million. King To Explore Survey Technique Arnold King, ,president of Na- tional Analysts, Inc., will speak on "Efficient Sample Survey for Management Decisions" 4 p.m. to- day in Rackham Amph. His talk is part of the 15th Annual Summer Institute in Survey Research Tech- niques, sponsored by the Survey Research Center. Like the others, it had been sus- pect because of the location. More- over, it had been organized under the generalship of Alexander N. Shelepin, once head of the Soviet Young Communist League and since 1958 the head of the Soviet secret police system. Young people streaming in from abroad could see for themselves how life was under Communism. Non - Communist capitals were needed. Finland and Austria, with- in easy reach of the bear's claws, were elected. Two Finnish youth organiza- tions, representing the vast ma- jority of Finland's youth, hotly protested a festival in their coun- try under Communist auspices, and refused to take part in the preparations. Aims at U. S. The festival's aim is to turn propaganda guns on the United States as imperialist and colon- ialist, to indicate to young men and women from Asia, Africa and Latin America that only through Soviet Socialism are peace and national development possible. However, the festival has not worked that way as it has been marked by demonstrations since its beginning Sunday. Anti-Com- munist youths have been shouting anti-Soviet slogans at various fes- tival activities and the Helsinki police have arrested 80 demonstra-; tors so far. Further the festival has proved to be an escape hatch for East European youths fed up with Com- munism. Reportedly 20 East Ger- mans have defected since the opening of the festival. Several Poles are also reported to have deserted their delegation. There must be some dividends to warrant the high cost. The masterminds behind these shows may figure this way: the first fes- tival was 15 years ago. By now, participants in that one are in their 30's, adult citizens (Continued from Page 1) The assistants will also serve as policy advisers to Lewis. The vice - president's main advisory group, however, will be a commit- tee formed of five students from Student Government Council and members of the University Senate Student Relations Committee. This new group will be ad- visory only, with no formal power. It will meet "from time to time" with Lewis or his staff, to con- sider any matter affecting the OSA. The committee will also be a channel for suggestions and complaints from any group, in- side or outside the University. To legalize the lines of author- ity, and to give the vice-presi- dency clear and final authority to formulate regulations for the non-academic life of students, Lewis has proposed a new bylaw for consideration by the Regents: "The Vice-President for Student Affairs shall have complete ad- ministrative oversight of student affairs. Under the direction of the President he shall represent the various student affairs offices to the Regents, the several faculties, the students, the alumni and other units of administration. Rules, Regulations "It shall be the responsibility of the Vice-President for Student Affairs to prescribe student regu- lations and rules of conduct which are consistent with actions of the Regents or other governing author- ities as designed by the Bylaws of the Regents." Lewis also plans to develop by fall a philosophy of operation for the OSA, to be based on the edu- cationally-oriented philosophy of administration previously adopted by the Regents. At the end of the first year for the new OSA, Lewis will re- evaluate the effectiveness of the re-structuring and the philosophy. If any changes are apparent, he will then make them. The directorships themselves will be run something like this: HOUSINGI Until the director is found, Lewis, Mrs. Davenport and John Hale will supervise this depart- ment. This office will involve only matters affecting residence halls. For the time being, Bingley, as director of discipline and student organizations, will handle other types of housing, such as affiliated units and apartments. The new director is expected to form new policies to induce a more comprehensive academic .at- mosphere in the residence halls, and to carry out established plans, such as those for co-educational housing. W elmers To Talk 'About Linguistics Prof. William E. Welmers of the University of California at Los Angeles will speak on linguistics at 7:30 p.m. today in the Rack- ham Amph. DISCIPLINE Bingley will make new recom- mendations for campus judiciaries. His proposals will be along lines suggested in the Reed Report: that judiciaries be consolidated into one general unit, with an advisory board, board of appeal and pro- visions for due process. FINANCIAL AID Rea will strive to develop and coordinate campus-wide studies on the administration of all student financial aids, in addition to su- pervising the present OSA func- tion of granting special scholar- ships and loans on the basis of need. Until a short time ago, a fourth directorship-for counseling-had been strongly considered by Lewis. "But the more discussion we had,' he said, "the more itbecame apparent that the various agencies for counseling should be under the direct supervision of the vice- president," instead of the more separated and homogeneous direc- torships. As Lewis' assistant in charge of counseling, Noffsinger will be the executive secretary of an all- campus counseling committee to be chaired by Lewis. Representatives to this commit- tee will come from agencies such as the Mental Health Center, Bureau of Psychiatric Services and academic and residence halls coun- selors. I 1 TODAY ONLY Famous Operetta Series taking part in affairsc countries. If only ai had been converted, represent important which would pay off come. of their own relative few that would penetration in years to )FFICIAL BULLETIN . r:." .::"":":"., : :;:.:::": {."¢?. aq@;:" . 14. ":: :..":::....*...c............ ' Professor Proposes Cities Underground Whole cities may have to be built underground if civilization is to survive the acute danger of nuclear war, Prof. Emeritus Wil- liam A. Paton of the economics department warned. Paton suggested relocating ur- ban housing and production fa- cilities in critical industries with a view to improving chances of surviving in the event of an all- out nuclear attack in the recent issue of the Michigan Quarterly Review. "It is not too difficult to en- vision an entire city area, includ- ing transportation approaches and the necessary means of movement within the city, both horizontally and vertically, and all necessary services underground," he said. Prof. Paton indicated that mod- ern engineering is fully capable of building such a facility. In general the.-underground city should not exceed three or four stories in depth, although in spe- cial cases a depth of 10 or more stories may be practical, Prof. Paton suggested. Dial 8-6416 ATTENTION, GRADS! M.IXER-DAN'CE at V.FW. Friday, Aug. 3 . .. 9-12 ARDEN MIESEN BAND One Dollar per person Sponsored by Grad. Student Council V I gell Hall. Dr. Richard G. Teske of The Univ. of Mich. McMath-Hulbert Ob- servatory will speak on "The Sun and Artificial Satellites." After the lecture the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for in- spection and for telescopic observ. of a double star. Hercules cluster and Sa- turn. Children welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. Placement POSITION OPENINGS: Sarkes Tarzian, Inc., Bloomington, Ind.-Openings as follows: Project Engnr.-Semiconductor Div.;uBroadcast Equipment Sales Engnr.; Quality Con- trol supervisor; Design, Research &De- velopment Engnr.; Junior Engnr.; Sales & Application Engnr.; and Design Draftsman. General Motors Styling, Warren, Mich.-Opening for Architecural Drafts- man/Engineer to work for the 1964 World Fair - working on buildings, traffic planning, exhibits, etc. This job for two years: Could be permanent. BS or MS Architecture, or Arch. Engrg. Exper. not necessary. Chrysler Corp., Engrg. Div., Highland Park, Mich.-Several openings for Me- chanical Engineers. Men with BS, MS, PhD both with & without experience. Continuous need. Conn. Civil Service-(1) Correctional Counselor - Degree & 1 yr. exper. in social work, teaching, clinical psych., probation, parole or counseling. Apply by Aug. 15. (2) Chemist - Degree with major in Chem. Residence waived for both positions. A. O. Smith Corp., Milwaukee, Wis. - Many & various openings for experienc- ed Engineers including: EE, ME, ChE, etc. Also some positions for Chem., Bus. Ad., & Math majors. Locations at 5 Midwestern plants. Air Force Missile Test Center, Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.-Openings for Elec- tronic Engineers with at least 5 years exper. in the field. Also openings for Physicist (optics) with 5 yrs. exper. Locations at Patrick Cape Canaveral. For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Place- ment Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg., during the following hours: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5 pm. Employers desirous of hiring students for partitime or full-time temporary work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part- time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 2200, daily. MALE 1-To sell fresh frozen crickets. Would need a car. Full-time for 2 months. Must know something about fish- ing. 1-Good commercial artist for news- paper advertising. Part-time or full- time. 80-Psychological Subjects. Must be stu- dents. At least one, 2 hour session. 1-To do heavy work, inside a home, for an older woman-in exchange for room. Starting immediately after summer session gets out. 1-Married couple to live in, cook and take care of an older man. Must be dependable. FEMALE 1-Good commercial artist for news- paper advertising. Part-time or full- time. 1-Food supervisor. Degree in dietetics or equivalent experience. Monday thru Friday, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. 20-Psychological Subjects. Must be stu- dents. At least one, 2 hour session. 1-Married couple to live in, cook and take care of an older man. Must be dependable. Air Force Base &I 7 - a~t1 2 I H ! ry ., 4 ... .. .,. s. i / Transitional Commuters that bridge the Seasons from Summer into Fall. You'll be delighted with our wide selection of styles and tiny price tags. Cottons from 10.98 Dacron-Cottons and Knits from 14.98 Sizes from 7. 11ii Il JIlll~llIU1 COOL STARTS TODAY DIAL jI~ii11 I11 Features Start 2-6264 IIIIO 1:20 - 3:50 - :30 11i 111 1 1 and 9:10 IT'S ALL ~~i.Q ~f ON FOREST off corner of S. University opp. Campus Theatre Customer Parking at rear of shop. Don't forget our Mefrdi'fi wmon. ~/~*,Blouse . ZNDress .. A * . ..'1 v, h D 6 f 'iC !U $ 7.9$ . $16.98 0 $29.98 coat\.N. . FOR ALL YOUR FASHIONABLE'PURPOSES... Smart ensembling in grey ... exclusive soft wool heather tweed sheath and matching lined coat... with Dacron Polyester and it , . .. f , ° . I I -r a " -n F ~' I