4 TUESDAY, JUNE 26,1962 THE MICHIGAN D A wLY PAPV. I TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAWLY , A~'iv£ U 5 L£5AA . Conference on Aging Supports Personal Choice on Retirement Retirement, a new pattern in American life, should be left to individual choice, but an adequate income for the aged should be provided. These were two conclusions reached at the 15th Annual Con- ference on Oging held at the Uni- versity last week. More than 500 persons from throughout the United States participated in the three-day conference viewing "Ag- ing and the Economy." At the closing session, a panel t consisting of John Convery, con-, sultant to the National Association! ofManufacturers; Davir Living- ston, president of District 65, Re- tail, Wholesale and Department Store Union; Ormond E. Loomis, president of Senior Citizens Serv- ices, Inc., and Prof. Ethel Shanas of the University of Chicago so- ciology department discussed "So- cial Attitudes Retirement and the Support of Older People." Work Habit ATTEND CONFERENCE -". Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) and Prof. William Haber of the economics department were among the speakers at the Conference on Aging held here last week. Convery explained aged persons often continue to work out of habit. He said they should work if they need to and can qualify for a job. but they also must learn to limit their purchases to what they can afford. Livingston opposed the view that "older workers should get out of the way and leave room for the younger ones." He also said older persons themselves should orga- nize and set the level of income they believe they should have. Loomis presented the view that retired persons can often contri- bute to the community without necessarily working for monetary compensation. Rising Costs The major problem was how to adjust to rising costs of living, he said. "Some way should be found for communities to help, such as in medical problems, for when ill- ness strikes a retired individual, he can become indigent over night." Prof. Shanas said work should not be overstressed, but the Unit- ed States must find ways to finan- cially aid elderly persons who don't have enough to live on. She also pointed out that per- sons now middle aged will be bet- ter equipped for retirement both educationally and financially. The problem immediate is to aid those already employed. David Views Basic Flaws Of Aid Plan Flaws in the Social Security pro- gram, the most important source of income for retired persons, must be readjusted to meet the needs of the aged, Alvin M. David, assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance told the Conference on Aging last week. David explained 87 per cent of those reaching 65 this year are eligible for assistance under the program and the percentage will rise in the future. Maximum Amount However, the maximum amount of earning that is taxable for So- cial Security purposes and that can be used for figuring the earn- ings on which benefit amounts are based must be adjusted as wage levels. Otherwise more persons will earn above the maximum and few- er will get the benefits related to their full earnings, he said. Retirement itself brings little let up in personal budget requirements Helen H. Lamale of the United States Department of Labor told the Conference. Couples with the husband aged 65 or over need 94 per cent as much as couples with the man aged 55 to 65 to maintain an equiv- alent level of living, she said. Budget Needs "It is important to recognize that the budgetaryrequirements of retired persons as a group are con- stantly changing-not because the prices of goods and services change, but because the composi- tion of the group itself changes," she said. Retirement resources and the capacity of the economy to meet their budget needs will change and aid programs would have to be adjusted accordingly, Miss La- male added. Speakers See Relation Of Economy, Pensions Relationships between the prob- lem of financing America's aged and the future of the nation's economy were explored by The Rev. Paul P. Harbrecht, S.J., of Georgetown University and Charles R. Sligh, executive vice-president of the National Association of Manufacturers. "If it is a growing economy, it can- support its elderly in better style. If it does not grow, the pros- pects of the aged in our country are dubious," Sligh said. Sligh urged that the country avoid putting excess burden on its economy by increasing taxes to support a large public assistance program. Because Federal funds are not unlimited and are already "severely strained," he advocated selective aid to retired persons by Federal governmental agencies. Most older people are not with- out resources of their own, or are eligible for assistance from non- Federal sources, he noted. Sligh also endorsed private so- lutions to the problem which were "based upon investment for future consumption and these are self- supporting and perpetuating," in- stead of expanded Social Security benefits that are paid out of taxes collected from men and women who are currently earning. He warned that the danger of the Federal approach is that "it merely redistributes the income of current earners to non-earners, and this can continue only so long as the earners allow it. They will not allow it so long as the earners allow it. They will not allow it so long if they become aware that their earnings are being redistrib- uted to persons who may be better off than themselves." Fr. Harbrecht had a warning to issue concerning private programs. Pension funds, along with other large financial institutions like the mutual funds, life insurance com- panies and personal trusts are buying control of the industrial corporations of America. "About 75 per cent of our pro- ductive property is owned by large corporations, which in turn are coming to be owned by financial institutions like the p e n s i o n funds," he explained. If the trend continues, it is quite possible that DOMI NICK'S PIZZAS-SUBS 812 Monroe WE DELIVER NO 2-5414 the pension funds will own a good deal more than the 10 per cent of all outstandingcorporate shares they now control. Discussing other aspects of pen- sion funds, Fr. Harbrecht said while the position of older persons is improved by the pension system, there is no clear or sufficient pro- tection for the employe regarding misuse of funds by the employer or of termination of the pension fund if the business fails. Retirement,' Jobless Rate Ratio Viewed The interrelation of unemploy- ment, lack of job skills and retire- ment was explored at the Confer- ence on Aging by Seymour L. Wolfbein, deputy assistant secre- tary of labor and Prof. Margaret S. Gordon, associate director of the Institute of Industrial Relations at the University of California. Wolfbein explained that com- mon denominator among Ameri- ca's unemployed is lack of skills. He outlined a program of job training to aid untrained, unem- ployed persons. Prof. Gordon explained unem- ployment will intensify pressure on industry to compel early re- tirement of older persons. If the unemployment r a t e decreases, however, the outlook for older workers will be improved, she said. Although some older workers will continue to be displaced by automation and other changes in the economy, under improved con- ditions older workers would have fewer employment problems than younger persons who had not com- pleted "some program of higher education of specialized training." If unemployment rates continue to rise, she explained, older work- ers will continue to have problems and are likely to fail to, qualify for some of the retraining programs. Haber Cites Weaknesses Of Pensions The weaknesses of private pen- sion plans were described to the Conference on Aging by Prof. Wil- liam Haber of the economics de- partment last week. Haber noted that "it is almost universally required that a worker remain with the same employer for he loses his rights if he quits." He indicated that the danger to mobility of workers said to be in- herent in private pension plans is greatly exaggerated. More impor- tant in lessening mobility are the age of workers, since older workers will not take the risks of seeking new jobs, and the possible loss of union seniority. Valuable Asset "A wage earner with 15 or 20 years seniorityrhas a valuable eco- nomic asset he is strongly disci- plined to gamble away by moving to a new occupation or to another city," Prof. Haber said. Prof. Haber countered claims that public and private pension plans interfere with or discourage individual thrift. Rather, he main- tained, the very existence of such plans has actually led to an in- crease in private saving to supple- ment that income. He noted that a new develop- ment of "guarantee provisions" are slowly being introduced and "the most forward movement in in- creasing the economic importance of pension plans would be a rapid expansion in vested pensions at age 40 after 10 years of employ- ment." Reduce Danger This would reduce the danger of pension plans inhibiting occu- pational and geographic mobility of wage earners and would allow a retired person to be eligible to receive a benefit from more than one fund, thus increasing his to- tal income. Prof. Haber maintained that the claims by some persons that trus- tees of pension funds may deliber- ately manage the investment of large sufs in order to gain control of important corporations were "exaggerated." While this could be done, "there is not evidence whatsoever that either bank trustees or pension funds are seeking such control." Rather, bankers and trustees seek to invest reserves in industry where the best returns can be had and if they appear to concentrate on 200 or more common stocks it is because these stocks appear to have a good profit potential. Prof. Haber explained that the trend toward a collectivized econ- omic system has been operating for some time, but so long as a maximum degree of economic freedom is preserved and the standards of democratic society are not hampered, "we need not fear the fact that our institutions are changing." Morrison Sets NASA Position Prof. Richard B. Morrison of the aeronautical engineering depart- ment has accepted a position in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. He takes over the directorship of launch vehicle and propulsion programs in the Office of Space Sciences. AGED AND ECONOMY: Jaffee, Siner Outline SPlans To Raise Funds The United States economy does not "need" the labors of older per- sons, but at the same time the na- tion's economy can support addi- tional expenditures for the elderly and steps should be taken to see that this is done, two speakers at the Conference on the Aging said here last week. A. J. Jaffee, director of the man- power and population program, Bureau of Applied Social Research at Columbia, said if the amount of labor offered by those under 65 is fully with an annual increase of three per cent in productivity per worker per hour, it can provide an average annual increase in per capita goods and services of close to three per cent. Jaffee explained that the econ- omy will not grow any more rapid- ly than that rate. However, if the economy is going at top speed util- izing the labor of those under 65, "we can support properly the older population." He emphasized that the Old Age and Survivors Insurance is an in- surance program "to which we are all paying premiums, and the more rapidly the economy grows, the more dividends will result from these premiums." Herbert E. Striner of the Stan- ford Research Institute agreed the elderly could be supported ade- quately, and said it would require about $1,500 more per recipient of Old Age and Survivors Insurance or about $24 billion annually. To raise this money he sug- gested these means: 1) Changes in the OASI tax; Desire Failds From State, Not Children The concept that children should look to the welfare of their elderly parents has hit a new snag - the life span has been increased to a point where substantial numbers of the "children" are themselves past retirement age. Speaking to the Conference on Aging, Donald P. Kent, director of the Special Staff on Aging of the United S t a t e s Department of Health, Education and Welfare, noted that elderly parents are seeking independence from their children, especially financially. Older persons are themselves looking more and more to gov- ernmental channels if their in- comes need to be supplemented. As the situation stands at the present, financing for older ner- sons is a "vast jumble," Kent ex- plained. Most important, huge gaps exist and nobody is paying the bill. Consequently, needs are not being met. In conclusion, Kent explained, "I am quite sure that the ulti- mate solution to the financing problem will come about through some rational combination of Federal, state municipal and pri- vate funds, perhaps allocating ac- cording to a flexible formula which permits variations to meet local situations." 2) Upward changes in the OASI taxable base now set at $4,800; 3) The use of general govern- ment revenue instruments to aug- ment OASI funds, such as taxes and deficit financing, 4) Or, by increasing "permitted earning" beyond the present levels. An increase in the OASI tax to six per cent participation by both employe and employer would do much to raise additional money, he also suggested. Name Norman To U.S* Post Prof. A. Geoffrey Norman of the botany department, and director of the Botanical Gardens, has been appointed by Secretary of Agri- culture Orville Freeman to the agriculture department's new Committee on Agriculture Science. Its main function will be to eval- uate and improve research pro- grams within the department. for Summer School 7.50 per month 605 Church Street r RENT r """"" A BIKE I Get the Most from Your Summer Vacation! . . . . . . . . . . . Subscribe to the Summer Alici~ianA&ti- 2.00 on, campus ..., 2.50 by mailI Call NO 2-3241 or Come in to the Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard Street L r New Shipments of USED and NEW Summer Session TEXTBOO KS arriving daily AIR CONDITIONED BOWLING 1:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M. daily except Sunday at the MICHIGAN UNION ,.' x' :i{ e;. if(1 JB ' .!. } , .f. { y 11 1w is ii'ar ::T .;;.% kf? z's, > .: ~"> ', ,.. ,,A . {;:; l Pt"C; nb;:; e .tih .F \ tiC:"{ : {,, + R{ :i;; f' vSi v trY.'v4 T {om i 4NA? .+. 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