CITY INCOME TAXES START NEW PROBLEMS See Page 2 Y Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom 741ttt1y WARM, SUNNY igh-83 Low-60 Pleasant today no chance of rain VOL. LXXII, No. 27-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1962 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES TALKS CONTINUE: Predict End of Algeria Feud By The Associated Press ALGIERS - Algeria's quarrel- ing leaders yesterday expressed new optimism that the nation's bitter feuding is about to end as Algeria's representative indthe United States said he has been informed an agreement has been reached to restore unity of leader- -ship in his country. Abdelkader Chanderli, repre- senting the Algerian provisional government, told a reporter, "My last information is that there is an agreement. The terms of the agreement will be made public probably today. The agreement will restore the unity of the lead- ership in the interest of the nation." Tuesday Talk He said it was reached at a meeting of Algerian leaders in Al- giers yesterday morning following a similar meeting Tuesday night. Chanderli was interviewed after he paid a 45-minute call on United Nations Acting Secretary-General U Thant. Beside statements and warm af- firmations of reborn unity and friendship, however, there was N nothing to prove that the period of bickering and uncertainty was over. Continue Group In the Kabylie mountains east of Algiers, Berber guerrillas insist- ed that their "committee for the defense of the revolution" will continue to operate. It was an indication that the Berber leaders were far from sat- isfied with official affirmations that ths crisis had virtually ended. Leaders of opposing factions conferred for three hours in the former French colonial headquar- ters on how to solve their struggle. It centers mainly on who gets what job in the planned political bureau. It was doubtful whether Vice Premier Ahmed Ben Bella, who has set up a virtual secessionist regime in western Algeria, would come to Algiers today as previous- ly announced. Ben Bella's right hand man, Mohammed K h i d e r, conferred with tw opponents, Vice Premiers Mohammed Boudiaf and Belaka- cern Krim. Boudiaf was released Tuesday after pleas by Krim and Priemer Ben Youseff Ben Khedda. World News Roundup By The Associated Press BERLIN-Walter Ulbricht, the Red leader of East Germany, flew off to the Soviet Union yesterday amid speculation that the Com- munists were preparing to trigger a new Berlin crisis. WASHINGTON - The nation's job markets, closely watched as one indicator of whether an imme- diate tax cut is needed to buoy the economy d i s p 1 a y e d unexpected strength in July. Secretary of La- bor Arthur J..Goldberg announced yesterday the number of idled workers fell by 450,000 last month to just over 4 million. The decline was about 100,000 more than sea- sonally forecast. WASHINGTON - "Jumping General" James M. Gavin has re- signed after a relatively short stint as ambassador to Paris and Presi- dent John F. Kennedy will name his successor shortly. The White House made public a July 9 letter from qavin to Kennedy seeking relief for "compelling personal rea- sons" and a July 31 "Dear Jim" re- ply from the President voicing 'great regret." SA * * BUENOS AIRES - A 48-hour general strike against the govern- ment of President Jose Maria Guido tied up the nation's railway and port systems yesterday but fal- tered elsewhere. Federal police, pa- trolling on foot and in helicopters, quickly shut off attempted dem- onstrations. LIMA-Deposed President Man- uel Prado went into exile yester- day, stoutly defending the June elections the armed forces chiefs denounced in seizing power. The 73-year-old former chief executive and his wife left by plane to live in Paris, expressing hope the re- form program he launched in Peru six years ago will not be set back by the ruling military junta. * - e PEACE-Reports persist that Premier Ben Youssef Ben Khedda (left) and rebel Ahmed Ben Bella are close to agreement on the future government of Algeria. Talks are continuing in Algiers as no new violence is reported. BOYCOTT THREAT: Thant Asks UN States To Mull Katanga Plan' UNITED NATIONS (A)-Acting Secretary-General U Thant urged United Nations member countries yesterday to impose an economic boycott on Katanga province if it refuses to rejoin the Congo. He sent an appeal to all 104 United Nations members to join in bringing pressure on President Moise Tshombe's Katanga government to end its two-year secession from the central government. Further Measures He declared that if such persuasion by member nations should finally prove ineffective, "I would ask them to consider seriously "what further measures may be U Receives Two Grants The University received two grants yesterday, for the disparate fields of water pollution and auto- mobile driving. The publicghealth school was given a $250,000 grant from the United States Public Health Serv- ice to expand its faculty and grad- uate instruction on problems in- volving the pollution of water. The five-year stipend will pro- vide scholarship aid for students entering a special interdisciplinary program in the fall, and allow the hiring of at least two more fac- ulty members to operate the func- tion and do research. Joint Degrees Prof. Clarence J. Velz, chairman of the environmental health de- partment, will supervise the pro- gram, which will include five stu- dents taking coursesrleading to the joint masters degrees for public health and science in conserva- tion. Interdisciplinary training will come through conservation courses from the natural resources school, and sanitary engineering from the engineering college. Prof. Lyle E. Craine, chairman of the conservation department, and Prof. Jack A. Borchardt of the civil engineering department will oversee the program's activities not under the public health school. Attract Careerists Dean Myron F. Wegman of the public health school said the mon- ey will be used "to attract career men into the water resources field and broaden their academic train- ing." He noted that water pollution is becoming an increasingly criti- cal problem for society, and new specialists must be trained to meet it. In the other grant, officials of, the Transportation Institute re- ceived a $47,800 award from the Ford Motor Co. to conduct the nation's first electronic study of the behavior of motorists, and the effects of traffic and highway con- ditions. Traffic Study A glove - compartment sized "driveometer," previously used by the institute to record driving ac-i tions by the motorist, will now be used to study traffic flow and fac- tors which determine whether this flow is smooth or erratic and dan- gerous. This instrument photographs and records electronically the data on the driver and the highway. Other aspects of the study will deal with dijver training pro- grams. /1nf o ot 77 1in I taken." "In this context, I have in mind economic pressure upon the Ka- tangese authorities of a kind that will bring home to them the real- ties of their situation and the fact that Katanga is not a sovereign state and is not recognized by any government in the world as such," Thant said. Bar Trade "In the last resort, and if alll other efforts fail, this could jus- tifiably go to the extent of barring all trade and financial relations." Thant's appeal is in line with the policy of the United States to bring economic pressure on Tshombe's government to rejoin the Congo. Thant denied last week that he had proposed any new military in- itiative against Tshombe. There had been reports that he had raised such a question in private talks with his 18-nation Congo advisory committee. Committee Meets He issued the appeal to the member nations after meeting Tuesday with the committee. Up- on advice of the committee he de- cided against calling any meeting of the U.N. Security Council on the Congo at this time. Thant's latest communication noted with satisfaction the pro- posals of Congo Premier Cyrille Adoula for drafting of a federal constitution. Kerner Heeds Crump's Plea SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (A') - Paul Crump's plea that he found a spir- itual rebirth in his nine years fac- ing the electric chair won him es- cape from electrocution yesterday. Gov. Otto Kerner, acting on an unprecedented plea by a condemn- ed man, granted executive clemen- cy and put Crump's punishment for murder from death to 199 years in prison, with a recommen- dation that he never be paroled. Prods Peru, Reds, South At Session By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy prodded the Russians, the Peruvian military junta and the city fathers of Albany, Ga., yesterday as he also urged at his news conference stricter controls ver hazardous drugs such as Thalidomide. Kennedy prodded Russia to make a switch and go back to its earlier position accepting the idea of international inspection to po- lice a nuclear weapons test ban. If Russia will do this, Kennedy hinted, this country would modify its requirements on inspections at the negotiations now under way in Geneva. The entire United States position is being reviewed, he said, in the light of the new- est technical information on de- tection of tests. Seek Talks He urged the city fathers of Al- bany, Ga., to agree to demands of Negroes leading a movement to overturn racial barriers for dis- cussions around a conference ta- ble. Said the President: "The United States government is involved in sitting down at Ge- neva with the Soviet Union. I can't understand why the govern- ment of Albany, the city council of Albany, cannot do the same for American citizens. "We are going to attempt as we have in the past to try to provide a satisfactory solution for the pro- tection of the constitutional rights of the people of Albany, and we will continue to do so. The situa- tion today is completely unsatis- factory from that point of view." Kelley Reply (The mayor replied that he will never discuss local problems with "outside agitators," a stand sup-1 ported by Gov. Ernest Vandiver in Atlanta. ("These agitators come in to-cre- ate turmoil and strife in their own words to turn Albany upside down," Mayor Asa Kelley, Jr. said. (Asked whether he referred to Negro integration leader Dr. Mar- tin Luther King of Atlanta, the mayor replied, "I mean exactly that." (Kelley said all regular meetings of the City Commission are open to any citizen. However, he said he thought a special meeting could be arranged with local Negro lead- ers but not with "outside agita- tors") Constitutional Reform Kennedy prodded Peru to come through with additional "evidence of a return to constitutional gov- ernment," in a country now ruled by a military junta which seized power. He said, however, that it is en- couraging that ousted President Manuel Prado has been released and that there are assurances of a restoration of civil liberties and of the holding of free elections. There was no new word on what Kennedy may do about a bid for a tax cut to give the economy a shot of vitality. End Tests In a rather casual way, the chief executive announced that nuclear weapons tests which have been un- der way in Nevada since last fall have been ended and that only three more test shots are under consideration in the current Pacif- ic tests. Kennedy spoke out for tougher controls over such hazardous drugs as the tranquilizer thaildomide and for legislation to allow their "im- mediate removal from the mar- ket." Thalidomide is the German product which has been blamed for thousands of deformities in babies whose mothers took it during their pregnancies. By GERALD STORCH The new structure for the Office of Student Afairs gives the sole responsibility for its policies to the vice-president for student af- fairs, and attempts to make the various units and sub-personnel responsible directly to him. Directorships for housing, finan- cial aids and discipline have been established, and four special as- sistants to Vice-President for Stu- dent Affairs James A. Lewis have been appointed. Police Arrest Eighty Persons For Fete Riots HELSINKI 0P)-Police said yes- terday they rounded up 80 per- sons in four nights of rioting against the Communist-sponsored World Youth Festival. The atmosphere has been tense since the festival opened Sunday. The flareups, timed almost with sunset, are blamed on juvenile hoodlums. Forty have been for- mally charged with "obstructing public order and disobedience of the, police." No Joiners A police spokesman said there is no evidence that the demon- strators belong to any special po- litical party or organization. Finnish authorities have shown See related story, Page 3 concern about the outbreaks as an embarrassment to the neu- trality of this relatively small Scandinavian neighbor of the So- viet Union. Heavy Rains Heavy rains kept almost every- one off the streets last night. They also dampened some 2,000 people, including festival youths, who lis- tened earlier to speeches by Com- munist representatives from newly independent African and Asian countries. During the, morning, a Finnish bus carrying 15 young people from the Soviet Union ran off a road near the Russian border and over- turned. None was seriously hurt. A N A D OVIN 'W 579 -Daily-James Greenberg THE NEW OSA-Centers of power, lines of authority and personnel all flow to one source: the vice- ,president for student affairs. OS vesil esses -Daisy-JamespGrsenbery The directorships have specific functions to carry out, while the assistants-except for Mark Noff- singer, who will be a coordinator for counseling-will have more general duties, with no pre- established areas of authority. Other Personnel Other personnel involved in the shuffling besides Noffsinger are: Former Dean of Men Walter B. Rea, who will be director of fi- nancial aids and one of the four assistants; Former acting Dean of Women Elizabeth Davenport, who will be a special assistant to Lewis on general matters and women's af- fairs; . John Bingley, who will head the directorship of student organ- izations, student activities and dis- cipline; and Peter Ostafin, who will become the fourth assistant. Housing Aide Lewis is still looking for the person to become director .of hous- ing. Other units within the OSA- the International Center, Health Service, Bureau of School Services, and the Bureau of Appointments. -were not changed. These units are. on the same level structurally as the director- ships, but differ in area of con- cern. The directorships will in- volve matters affecting a broad cross-section of students, whereas the other centers will be more autonomous in operation and more specific in student constituency. For instance, the scholarships and loans directorship would be available to any student wishing financial aid, while a unit such as the International Center is concerned mainly with foreign stu- dents. , This type of structure differs markedly from the old OSA. Pre- viously-as several student and faculty groups had complained- centers of authority were blurred, and lines of responsibility often proceeded through middlemen be- fore reaching the vice-president. And the old differentiation be- tween men's and women's affairs had been alleviated to a great ex- tent with the elimination of the deans of men and women. Director, Dean The directorships will take on a functional basis over duties pre- viously handled by the deanships. Thus, there will be only one struc- tural unit for housing, instead of the two seperate units under each dean. Lewis' assistants then will handle any function formerly belonging to the deans and not covered by the directorships. As the vice- president said, "there will always be people to take care of the .special needs of women." The four assistants will have certain general areas of duty, in addition to any job asked of them by Lewis. In addition to Noff- singer's counseling tasks and Mrs. Davenport's advisory capacity for women's affairs, Rea will do some work as an assistant in some coun- seling matters, and Ostafin is ex- pected to continue much of his work in areas affecting student health and safety. See OSA, Page 3 Con-Con Sets New Document Despite Democratic Criticism Kelly, Downs Score Senate Apportionment GOP Majority Votes To Effect Plan Now By MARK BLUCHER Special To The Daily LANSING - The constitutional convention adopted the proposed constitution yesterday despite a ruling from Attorney General Frank Kelley that the new docu- ment was unconstitutional. Kelley asserted that the consti- tution's new sections relating to apportionment of the Senate to not correct the "invidious discrim- ination" between the districts as colled for by the Michigan Su- preme Court. Con-Con Vice-PresidentTom Downs (D-Detroit) in making a motion to recess until October 25 said that the decision of the Mich- igan Court "raises a very serious question as to the constitutional- ity of the proposed new docu- ment." Await Ruling He felt that a recess was nec- essary pending possible review by the U.S. Supreme Court of the Senate apportionment decision handed down by the state Supreme Court a few weeks ago. He also felt that it would allow the dele- gates time to give "deliberate rea- soning to this vital question." The GOP majority voted down the motion and then decided to give immediate effect to the sec- tion which Downs and the attor- ney general considered as uncon- stitutional. Under the new provision the Senate apportionment section, cre- ating- a Senate based on area and population, would go into effect as soon as the new document is adopted instead of being put over until 1970 as originally planned, 'Political Decision' Delegate Richard Van Deusen (R-Birmingham) said that the at- torney general's opinion was "poli- tically inspired and professionally valueless. There is nothing in the U.S. Supreme Court decision that would make the conventional Con- vention's Senate provisions uncon- stitutional." The afternoon session brought heated debate between the two parties, on the convention's "Ad- dress to the people" which ex- plains the work of the delegates. Democrats objected to the preface of the address which they felt con- tained more conclusions than statements of fact. They denounc- ed wording that claimed some of the constitution's new provisions were "improvements" over the old ones. William Ford (D-Taylor) said that the convention should not use public money to tell the people what they should think." Minority Report Various amendments, including a Democratic minority report, were introduced to the convention by the Democratic delegates but the overwhelming number of Republi- can delegates defeated them. The final vote on the proposed document was 98-43, with five Democrats siding with the Repub- licans and three Republicans crossing party lines. The original copy of the docu- ment was signed by convention President Stephen Nisbet (R-Fre- mont) and the convention's secre- tary Fred Chase before delivery to Secretary of State James Hare. Hare said "that there may be a difference of opinion over what you have brought forth - but there's no denying that you've put a great deal of work on it." Harrington Set As, Successor To Elvehjem MADISON, Wis. (P) - Fred H. Harrington, who had planned to leave the University of Wisconsin to direct the University of Hawaii this fall, was named president of the vast state university yesterday. The 50-year-old administrator, veteran first vice-president of Wis- consin, was summoned home from federal Court Rulings Slow State Redistricting Battles NEW YORK (QP)-Backers of reapportionment of state legisla- tures to give more voice to urban areas were reminded again yesterday in a number of states that they face an uphill fight. Court rulings or legislative wrangles in New York, Wisconsin, Florida, Vermont and Oklahoma knocked down reapportionment arguments in some instances and postponed action in others. Long-drawn-out battles appeared certain on the issue sparked by recent United States Supreme Court rulings that federal as well state courts may hear questions of reapportionment of state legis- I latures. TWO CHRISTIAN THEORIES: Newman Club Views Atom War By ROBERT SELWA Can the people of a country be considered military targets? IS it better to be Red than dead? When can retaliation be considered mor- ally right? The Rev. Father Leo Sands, Grad, led a group of 45 persons in a discussion of these and related questions last night at the New- man Club center. He told the audience that there are two outstanding schools of just war can't be applied to a nu- clear war because a nuclear war can't be limited. The first school asserts that there is a conflict of cultures and that a civilization may war to de- fend its Judeo-Christian values, such as natural law and freedom. Post-Christian Era The second school replies that we are living in a post-Christian era, that guilt is not total nor the situation black and white, that not all of the Russians can be said to be guilty and to be justifiably pun- ished. The first school comments that we shnul neverd iretlv kill in- assemble for reports on individual comments and for general discus- sion. Some comments were: A nuclear war can be won if the victor's civilization can be salvag- ed and he can establish control over what remains of the enemy civilization, one group said. But there is a good possibility that both civilizations will have been wiped out. If nuclear war is all-out, how can either side win? And if one side survives, its fiber, freedom and idealsp robablv will Hear Suit In New York City a special three-man federal court heard five hours of argument on a suit by radio station WMCA and others attacking a system of apportion- ment dating back to 1894. In Tallahassee, Fla., Gov. Farris Bryant told a special session of the legislature-acting under a federal court candate to reappor- tion-that his plan for a 45-man senate and 144-man lower house would provide both proportionate representation and diversity of representation. Master Reports In Madison, Wis., another spe- cial three-judge federal court re- ' eses I