DON'T HAVE SET RETIREMENT AGES See Page 2 4. git igau BIait COOL High--80 Low-55 Fair and pleasant with no chance of showers Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXII, No. 26-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1962 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES S S S Algerian Groups Unite In Boudiaf Freeing Marks Possibility of Conference To Determine Future Government I WEST NEW GUINEA: Indonesia, Holland Reach Settlement UNITED NATIONS (Al) - The United Nations announced last night that Indonesia and the Netherlands had reached a preliminary agreement on how to tranisfer authority over West New Guinea, now held by the Dutch and claimed by the Indonesians. A spokesman made the announcement for acting Secretary- General U Thant after Thant had confered for 40 minutes with In- donesian Foreign Minister Suban- '-_ To Create Eliminate Deans, New Nation In S.E. sia Names Directors ALGIERS (P)-Ahmed Ben Bel- la's troops were reported to have freed Mohammed Boudiaf yester- day, clearing awaythe latest ob- stacle to unity talks among feud- ing Algerian leaders. Ben Bella and Boudiaf are rival deputy premiers in the stagnated provisional government of Premier Ben Youssef Ben Khedda. Boudiaf was captured Monday while visiting his home town of ' M'sila; about 110 miles Southeast of Algiers, and spirited to Batna,, a high plategu trading center 20 miles southeast of Algiers. He was freed at Batna. Factions Unite Representatives of the warring factions joined efforts to force his DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER international university World News JR dp Roundup By The Associated Press STOCKHOLM - Dwight D. Eisenhower suggested yesterday the creation of an international university to serve, with truth and objectivity, as a "clearing house for world thinking and teaching and learning in the vast field of human relations." ** * LITTLE ROCK - Gov. Orval E. Faubus rolled up a comfortable majority lead over five opponents in returns from yesterday's Demo- cratic primary, but lacked the commanding margin of his past three campaigns. In the same race,; Sen. J. William Fulbright x. appeared headed for an easy vic- tory over a conservative opponent. OKLAHOMA CITY - Oklaho- ma's rurally-dominated legislature may get a chance to reapportion itself next year, a special 3-judge Federal court indicated yesterday. The court had already declared Oklahoma's present apportionment laws null and void. WASHINGTON - Senate-House conferees agreed yesterday on a compromise money bill providing more than $5 billion for the labor and welfare departments for the current fiscal year. GROTON - Production work- ers at the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics Corp. approved by a 4-1 margin a new contract yesterday, ending a 13-day strike that halted construction of nu- clear submarines. Work on 11 atomic-powered submarines under construction here resumed at mid- night last night. WASHINGTON - The United States was reported yesterday ready to join in a strong economic and political crackdown to force secessionist Katanga province back under control of the troubled Cen- tral Congo government. * * * NEW YORK - A Federal judge in Brooklin signed a restraining order yesterday against the trans- release and Mohammed Khider, a special envoy from Ben Bella's Oran headquarters, announced these efforts were successful. Khider said Boudiaf was freed and will arrive in Algiers by today. He was a companion of Boudiaf in French imprisonment for several years of the seven-year Algerian nationalist rebellion against France. State Minister Rabah Bitat, who was another prison mate of Bou- diaf, said he will leave for Batna immediately to bring him to the capital. Talks May Start Thus, barring unexpected last minute developments, round table discussions can get under way. The talks are aimed at reaching a compromise on Ben Bella's seven-man political bureau, which he wants to become Algeria's top policy-making agency. Procrastination and continuation of the crisis have been increasing Algeria's political, administrative and economic chaos. All politicians are conscious of it and appear more and more determined to find a way out. There was talk of forming a temporary military committee that would run the country pending general elections. The committee would consist of the six zone com- manders. Soldiers Arrest Boudiaf's arrest was carried out by soldiers of Wilaya (an Algerian zone) No. 1. It was promptly de- scribed as a mistake and "an in- significant local affair" by the Ben Bella faction. At his Oran headquarters, a spokesman said Ben Bella himself ordered Bou- diaf's release. At the same time, Ben Bella's supporters announced that their leader, as well as other members of his political bureau, will be in Algiers Thursday. Algierian troops holding the city have announced that the gates are open to all political tendencies. Meanwhile, the French-formed provicional executive which theo- retically administers the country pending national elections, went on with various tasks in an effort to create a semblance of normalcy. French military trucks convoyed Europeans, released last week by nationalist authorities, to the air- port today for their departure for France. The exodus of Europeans is once again mounting. Charge Torture Reliable French quarters assert- ed that French prisoners released by the nationalists had been tor- tured. The prinsoners had been arrested since Algeria became in- dependent July 3. More than 400,000 of the 1,000,- 000 European residents have left Algeria in the last four months. In Algiers the new military mas- ters of the city, the commanders of the surrounding military region, put the former commander, Si Az- zedine, under house arrest. Two of his deputies were also under arrest and there were predictions that the three would be tried for various crimes including kidnap- ping of Europeans. MIKE MANSFIELD ... leads majority Senate Fails' To Halt Tiff WASHINGTON (W) - Senate Democrats, deeply split over a communications satellite bill, tried to patch up their feud and end a five-day filibuster last night, but their efforts were stymied by the objection of a lone Republican. Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont), majority leader, tried to end the long wrangle by proposing that the bill be sent to the Foreign Rela- tions Committee with the stipula- tion that it be taken up again on the floor Tuesday. However, the action required un- animous consent of the Senate and Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) registered an objection. Dirksen Backs It UP As in other Mansfield moves in- volving the filibuster, the com- promise proposal had the backing of Sen. Everett Dirksen (R-Ill) and other GOP leaders. The communications bill, which would set up a private corporation to handle space communications such as those made possible by the new satellite, Telstar, has passed the House. Morse and other liberal Democrats contend the govern- ment should control space com- munications. Asks Shelving Period The second time the Mansfield compromise came up-resulting in various objections-the majority leader had proposed a 10-day shelving period for the bill. Some Republicans had voiced fears the 10-day interim would be used to bring up an Administra- tion-supported farm bill and in- sisted the leadership should file a debate-limiting cloture petition to force a decision on the com- munications bill with around-the- clock sessions. May Continue Nuclear Tests WASHINGTON OP) - United States atomic officials indicated yesterday they plan to continue high altitude nuclear tests in the Pacific. Although the final decision still rests with President John F. Ken- nedy, an official announcement indicated that tests were likely to be begun in several weeks. There had been speculation the experi- ments might be discontinued after three failures in four tries. dri. Thant Exerts Dispute It climaxed efforts for a settle- ment of the dispute that Thant has exerted since early this year, and came after Washington talks between the two governments in March and July. The spokesman saide: "Acting Secretary - General U Thant is gratified that a prelimin- ary agreement has been reached by the Indonesian and the Nether- lands representatives in regard to the modalities of the transfer of authorityover West New Guinea." The spokesman added that: Optimism "The secretary-general is opti- mistic about the final outcome of the officialanegotiations, which will take place under his auspices about the middle of August." Subandrio later left New York by plane for Beirut, Lebanon, en route to Jakarta. The preliminary talks have been mediated by Ellsworth Bunker, a United States diplomat appointed by Thant. Subandrio, on leaving his con- ference in Thant's office, told re- porters: "We discussed the preliminary understanding and I have to re- port to my government. "If things are going well, we hope to be back to finish the for- mal discussions before the middle of August. Reflects Views "I cannot reflect at this moment the views of my government. It is my personal feeling that I have explored the maximum of the un- derstanding," he said. The Washington talks dealt in' their latest phase with a plan for settlement that Bunker put for- ward in April. This plan would have had the United Nations take over West New Guinea and run it for one to two years, turning it over to Indo- nesia after the first year on a guarantee that the Papuan inhabi- tants later would be given a self- determination referendum. Revisions in Plan Reports from the Hague said the preliminary agreement involved revisions of this plan to the effect that there would be a symbolic raising of the Indonesian flag on Aug. 17, and that Indonesia would get full control from the United Nations next May 1. Although West New Guinea has been in dispute since Indonesia gained its independence in 1949, the issue became a serious onelast December when President Sukarno put his nation on war footing. Both the Dutch and the Indo- nesians reinforced their garrisons near the disputed territory and on several occasions Indonesian para-. troop guerrillas have landed on its eastern end. The Indonesians also lost a minor naval skirmish with the Dutch. (Meanwhile, Dutch men, women and children are being evacuated from guerrilla-infested areas of New Guinea.) Demonstratej At Helsinki To End Fair, By The Associated Press HELSINKI-A crowd of more! than 4,000 anti-Communists dem- onstrated Tuesday night in the fifth straight night of public pro- tests against the Red-dominated eighth World Youth Festival. Reinforced police squads routed the demonstrators with tear gas bombs. By midnight the Finnish capital again was quiet. No serious injuries were reported. Part of the crowd apparently gathered to see if riots and viol- ence that broke out Monday night would recur. A number of youths touched off the demonstration. Crowd Takes Gas Police directed motor traffic through other streets, warned the noisy crowd through loudspeakers and then resorted to tear gas. The crowd scattered. Monday night's crowds were es- timated at 6,000 to 7,000 people. Demonstrations started Friday, two days before the festival open- ed. About 10,000 youths from 144 countries are attending the week- long meeting. Organized by IUS The festival was organized by the International Union of Stu- dents, a Communist dominated union of national student groups. The festival is opposed by the general public and boycotted by Finnish student and youth orga- nizations However, bowing to Soviet pres- sure, the neutral Finnish govern- ment has not interfered in the planning and holding of the fes- tival. Five University students are ob- servers at the festival, sponsored by the Independent Research Serv- ice. Attending are former SGC President John Feldkamp, '64L, and his wife; former SGC member, and his wife; SGC member Robert Ross, '63; former SGC member, Brian Glick, '62; and Michael Zweig, '64, a Daily reporter. Britain, Malaya Act To Form Federation LONDON (P)-Britain and Ma- laya agreed last night to create a federation of Malaysia, a new nation on the South China Sea I with 10 million people, rich in such natural resources as rubber, tin and crude oil. It will include the peninsula of Malaya and the densely populated island port of Singapore on one side and, 450 miles across the sea, Brunei, Sarawak and North Bor- neo on the big island of Borneo. All were old bastions of British Empire. Malaya's Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, made the an-{ nouncement after a meeting with Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. It climaxed 15 days of negotiation in London. To Announce Today Duncan Sandys, Britain's Com- monwealth Relations Minister, will announce the agreement in the House of Commons today. Rahman and Macmillan signed the agreement. Singapore's Pre- mier Lee Kuan Yew, who has tour- ed neutralist nations to explain the idea of federation, was present. The Tunku, a strong anti-Com- munist, has been the moving force for federation. It will create a na- tion combining the natural re- sources of Malaya and Borneo with the commercial nerve center of Singapore, lying in a crescent across the trade waters of the South China Sea. Counters Expansion Federation also could be viewed as a counter-measure to Indone- sian expansion (part of Borneo belong to Indonesia) and to Com- munist China's influence in that area of Southeast Asia. Singapore, a self-governing state in the British Commonwealth, with about 1.6 million people-1.2 mil- lion of theme Chinese-could be the sore point in the federation plan. Red Chinese in Singapore fear a crackdown on Communists in a federation headed by the Tunku, and left-wing opposition to the scheme has mounted. Tunku Wanted Borneo On the other hand, the Tunku wanted the Borneo territories in the federation to offset the large1 Chinese population of Singapore. Britain agreed to this but insisted on a gradual joining of North Bor- neo and Sarawak to the federation because these areas are relatively backward. The ruling People's Action Party of Premier Lee holds a thin major. ity in the Singapore legislature. Financial, Discipline, Housing Uni s Organized on New Functional Basis By GERALD JOHN STORCH A new structure for the Office of Student Affairs-which eliminates the offices of the dean of women and men-was announced yesterday by Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis. Lewis will now have total responsibility for the supervi- sion and regulations of non-academic conduct of students. The new OSA features three functional directorships for housing, financial aids and student organizations-discipline, and a beefed-up adminisra- tive staff and student-faculty advisory group to work with Lewis. 'Unified Functions' Most of the duties will be han- dled on a "unified functional principle," but Lewis strongly em- phasized that "there will always be people who can take care of the special ifeeds of women." After consulting with student and faculty groups, he will for- mulate a statement of philosophy for his office, with most of it to be based on the overall philosophy for the OSA approved in May by the Regents. Lewis hopes to have the guiding principles-and job descriptions- ready by fall. The directorships (except for housing) and the oth- er structural revisions are effec- tive immediately. Responds to Complaints f The cnanges were made in re- sponse to complaints from several student and faculty groups that the OSA structure was extremely unclear and that lines of author- ity were not suitably drawn. "The new structure reflects a lot of study at the administrative lev- el," Lewis said. He had consulted at some length with the University Senate Student Relations Com- mittee and informally with the Regents. The only major action taken byI the Regents was on OSA philoso- phy, although the body will con- struct a new bylaw for the vice-I presidency for student affairs, giv- ing it the sole and final author- ity for policies of that office. Wanted Dean of Students Originally, Lewis had advocated a position of dean of students.- But after the offices of admissions and records were transferred to the vice-president for academic affairs, he decided that the re- maining duties not under the di- rectorships did not warrant the, establishment of such a post. Lewis, noted, however, that the first year would be one of transi- tion. The personnel will need timeE to get adjusted to their new jobs, and records and files must be moved and re-assambled, the OSA budget re-arranged. At the end of the year, he will re - evaluate the statement of philosophy and also the effective- ness of the revised structure. Lewis' Four Helpers Lewis will have four immediate assistants: Elizabeth Davenport, Mark Noffsinger, Walter B. Rea and Peter Ostafin. Rea will also be director of financial aids, while John Bingley will take over the directorship of student organiza- tions and discipline. Mrs. Davenport will serve in ah advisory and counselling capacity for women's affairs. Noffsinger will be coordinator of counseling. As one of his pri- mary duties, he will be the execu- tive secretary of an all-campus counselling committee to be chair- ed by Lewis. Apparent Supervision So that his "long experience in student affairs" can be used to the best advantage, Rea will serve as an advisor to Lewis for general, unspecified matters in student af- fairs. Ostafin, too, will have no spe- cific area of authority, Rea will supervise scholarships and loans. He will also develop and coordinate University-wide studies on the administration of all student financial aids. See LEWIS, Page 3 JAMES A. LEWIS leader I 'B-PLUS' RATING: Pollock Views Effect of Con-Con To Finish Session Despite Demands for Reeess LANSING-The Constitutional Convention will meet today to close up shop despite Democratic demands for a recess pending a Unit- ed States Supreme Court ruling on the state's apportionment. The Democratic caucus, meeting last night, agreed to call the re- cess until the court decides an appeal of the Michigan Supreme Court decision nullifying the current Senate apportionment. "There is considerable evidence to support the premise that the proposed apportionment formula for our state Legislature will not. meet even minimal requirements of the Federal Constitution, not to < mention fundamental expectations of fairness," Democratic Caucus Chairman Adelaide Hart (D-De- I troit) and Con-Con Vice-President . Tom Downs (D-Detroit) declared. _ 0 ( 1ilPredicts End n Con-Con President Stephen S. Nisbet (R-Freemont) predicted that the convention will put the finishing touches on the document ,sand then go honie. These are amendments by the convention's Style and Drafting Committee and a move changing the ratification election date of the document from November to next April in light of an unsuc- cessful Con-Con appeal to get theI .~ F document on the November ballot. Meanwhile, state Highway Com- missioner John C. Mackie denied charges that he had been soliciting Name Five To Positionls John Bingley, Elizabeth Daven- port, Mark Noffsinger, Peter Os- tafin and Walter B. Rea have come up through the ranks to take over key positions in the re- structured Office of Student Af- fairs. Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis revealed their appointments yesterday, but is still working on the names and function of personnel who will be working for the directors of hous- ing, financial aids and student or- ganizations and discipline. Bingley will handle the latter directorship. Formerly an assistant dean of men, he has handled much of the OSA's cases of discipline, and served as an advisory to Joint Judiciary Council. Started as R. A. Now 4? years old, Bingley first entered student affairs administra- tion as a resident advisor in 1944. He has also taughtacourses in his- tory, and currently instructs in great books. Mrs. Davenport, formerly act- ing dean of women, now becomes a special advisor to Lewis for 1matters involving women. Winner of a special Hopwood award dur- ing her undergraduate days (1956), she became an assistant dean af- ter graduation, working mainly with budgetary matters. She was named acting dean last October after the resignation of Deborah Bacon. Noffsinger, the new coordinator of counseling, became resident director of South Quadrangle in 1956 after being an instructor in the education school at the Uni- versity of Toledo. 37 Years Old He was appointed assistant dean of men in charge of off-campus housing and automobile regula- tions last year. He is 37 years old at present. Ostafin will continue to work on safety and health problems as an assistant to Lewis. 51 years old, he also has had experience in residence halls work as a resi- dent advisor and assistant dean of men. Ostafin entered the OSA in 1951 as an assistant dean of men after experience as resident direc- for of West Quadrangle and as an assistant professor. Active Undergraduate When Rea was a senior at the University in 1922, he was captain By CYNTHIA NEU The constitution proposed by the Constitutional Convention har- monizes progress and stability, Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department de- clared yesterday in his lecture on "An Evaluation of the Work of the Convention: The Proposed Constitution." - He called the outcome a "com- plete, not a hit and miss revision," and pointed out that the new con- stitution includes respect for tra- In the. area of financing and taxation, the borrowing power of the state is expanded, but there is no change in earmarking of funds, Prof. Pollock explained. The Legis- lature must accept or reject the general appropriation bill present- ed by the governor, which Prof. Pollock cited as a "tremendous im- provement." He also noted that the admin- istrative structure of the executive branch has been given a greatly needed overhauling, and the pow- and administration hearings will be prevented. In higher education the new constitution rejects the idea of a super-board over all colleges, but gives all state colleges and univer- sities constitutional status. Sort of a Success In comparison with traditional standards, the Conctitutional Con- vention has both succeeded and failed, Prof. Pollock said. In eliminating deadwood, re-