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July 31, 1962 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-31

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

742 -A&
40 -qll atty

Partly cloudy and cooler;
clearing toward evening.



Set To Launch Space Device


An eight-inch spherical instru
ment designed by University en
gineers is scheduled to be launch
ed 250 miles up into the ionospher
sometime today in order to meas
ure the temperature and densit
of rarefied particles at that alti
File To Sto
Satellite Bill
WASHINGTON (P) - Adminis
tration leaders completed a clo
ture petition yesterday as one pos
sible way of trying to break a
Senate filibuster against Presi
dent John F. Kennedy's Commu
nications Satellite Bill.
Whether the leaders will re
sort to this seldom-used means o
trying to impose a limit on de
bate, however, was problematical.
And, if they did, the chances fo.
success are slim.
With Senate business at a stand
still, it was learned that the lead
ers had gathered the necessary 1
signatures on a cloture petitio
but they gave no indication o
when-or whether-it might b
Force Vote
If such a petition were filed, i
would force a vote two days later
on the question of limiting debate
It is considered unlikely that th
bill's sponsors could obtain th
required two-thirds support o:
those voting.
Southern Democrats already
have made clear they would no
vote to shut off debate ever
though many of them may favo
the administration's satellite bill
Southern members have foughi
against cloture in past civil right
Private Company
Backers of the bill providing for
private ownership of a corpora-
tion to launch and operate com-
munications satellites failed to
move opponents with pleas that
this country's position in the space
race with Russia is at stake.
They also told the dozen or so
Democratic liberals blocking the
bill that Democrats may suffer in
the November elections.
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore), one
of the leaders of the fight against
taking up the bill, indicated he
expects a long struggle. He an-
nounced he is declining a White
House invitation to help repre-
sent this country at the Aug. 7 in-
auguration of a new president of
*Mexico Urges
(complete Halt
Of Atom Tests
GENEVA ()-Mexico told the
17-nation disarmament confer-
ence yesterday there will never be
an end to the international arms
race until the nuclear powers agree
to halt nuclear testing.
In another appeal to the United
States, the Soviet Union and Brit-
ain, Mexican Ambassador Luis Pa-
dilla Nervo said the problem of
atomic testing must be solved "or
universal disarmament will never
become a reality."
P'adilla Nervo, speaking on be-
half of the conference's eight non-
aligned countries, said that as a
start the nuclear powers should at
least agree to halt atmospheric
testing, prior to banning all nu-
clear tests.
He said that unless there is
progress on this point, the dele-
gates will return to the United
Nations Assembly in New York in

the fall unable to report progress.
It was the conference's 63rd ses-
sion since negotiations started in
The neutrals-Mexico, Nigeria,
Sweden, the United Arab Repub-
lic, India, Brazil, Burma, and
Ethiopia-have attempted to speed
up the talks by urging the nuclear
powers to sign a test ban agree-
ment. They are eagerly awaiting
the return here toward the end of
the week of Arthur H. Dean, chief
United States delegate, who is in
Washington for discussions with
President John F. Kennedy's top
disarmament advisers on new sci-
entific and technical data for de-
tecting nuclear tests.
They hope he will report the
United States has softened its de-
mands for nuclear control and
that this will lead to agreement.

Carrying the metallic instrument
will be an Exos research rocket,
to be fired from Eglin Air Force
Base in Florida.
The sphere will attempt to gath-
er more basic information about
both the electronic and ionic tem-
peratures of these particles, which
relay radio signals from one sta-
tion to another on earth and are
supposed to affect the weather in
a manner yet undetermined.
Previous Findings
In previous experiments made
by scientists under Air Force spon-
sorship in the electrical engineer-
ing department, either the elec-
tron or ion temperature could be
fixed, but not both.
The electron temperatures will
be measured by means of a 10-
inch needle-like probe extending
from the sphere. Electrons striking
the probe produce an electric cur-
rent, the values of which are tele-
metered back to earth.
The scientists are then able to
interpret the temperature by
studying the current and its vary-
ing patterns of action.
Determine Temperature
Ion temperatures will be deter-
mined by the eight-inch sphere
itself, which is perforated and
contains an inner seven - inch

Ben Bella T
In Algerian

Wh en the two spheres are swept
through a range of voltages, the
resulting current is again telemet-
ered to earth ( where the ion tem-
perature and density can be meas-
The scientists hope that by ac-
cumulating more basic informa-
tion about these rarefied particles,
electrons and ions, a better under-
standing of such still relatively-
unknown processes may evolve.
Enlarge Theory
This investigation is expected to
shed some more light on the Uni-
versity engineers' hypothesis that
electron temperatures and gas
temperatures in the ionosphere
may be considerably different.
Helping to formulate this theory
were earlier probes which reveal-
ed that ionospheric electron tem-
peratures were higher than had
been previously thought.
Today's blast will also attempt
to make its measurements and in-
corporate the affect of the velocity
of the launching.
Prior Delving
Prior investigations had suppos-
ed for the sake of convenience
that the instrument was standing
still, although in reality it will be
moving through the particles it is


'roops Seize Boudiaf

British Parties .Demand
Strong Stand on ECM
LONDON (A')-Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was put under
pressure on both political flanks last night to stand firmly by Britain's
terms for joining the European Common Market.
With membership negotiations deadlocked in Brussels, exhorta-
tions poured in from both Conservative right-wingers and Laborites
against any weakening in the price for Market entry.
The issue that split Britain from the six Market nations in the
climactic moment of the negotiations was protection of British Com-
monwealth trade. Britain insisted on solid safeguards for Common-

Hits Role
Of Byrnes
With UW
City Editor
Special To The Daily
gan's hottest congressional race
was blown wide open last night,
as constitutional convention dele-
gate Lee Boothby (R-Niles), seek-
ing the Fourth District GOP nomi-
nation against three contenders,
tore into St. Joseph attorney Ches-
ter J. Byrnes, '51L, one of his four
Boothby attacked Byrnes for
serving as a moderator for a 1947
panel discussion sponsored by the
United World Federalists (UWF),
a student group seeking to unite all
governments under one "confer-
ence." He also hit a letter to the
editor in the May 19, 1947 Daily.
Byrnes wrote praising the election
of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. to
Congress from New York City.
He branded Byrnes a liar and
called upon all candidates "to be
completely frank with the voters."
The Niles Republican also hint-
ed that Byrnes might be something
of a socialist, a political label quite
unpopular in the conservative
Fourth District, saying Byrne's let-
ter had spurned the "sacredness
of the tried and true economic
'Belies Position'
"This man, just a few years ago,
was pushing for world govern-
ment," he charged. "His career at
the University belies his current
position. He has not kept faith
with the voters."
Byrnes denied ever having been
a member of the UWF, saying
that he only served as a moderator'
for their discussions."
"I was a law student at the time
and the group asked me to act
as a judge on a panel. This I was
glad to do," Byrnes explained.
Praise FDR, Jr.
He said he wrote the letter
praising the election of Roosevelt,
not because he favored the Demo-
crats, but because he hated Tam-
many Hall and favored a reform
candidate who had beaten the
Although Byrnes' letter to The
Daily said he was not a member
of any party, he said he had been
in GOP politics since 1940 when he
was a precinct worker in New York
City for Wendell Willkie.
The two other GOP hopefuls7
stayed out of the controversy as
much as possible. Con-Con Vice-
President Edward Hutchinson (R-
Fennville) was not available for
comment, but Speaker of the
House Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan)
carefully deplored the whole issue.

PRESS AND PREMIER-Algerian vice-Premier Ahmed Ben Bella, center, and two wilay
confmanders hold a news conference in Oran. Col. Saoud El Arab, left, heads a zone d
allegiance, and Col. Othman, right, commands a wilaya supporting Ben Bella.
Police Quell Demons tratio

hKhedda Asks
For Meeting
Of Factions
Arrest of Premiere
Forces Speculation
On Algerian Future
ALGIERS (')-Troops loyal to
Deputy Premier Ahmed Ben Bella
were reported yesterday to have
seized the rebellious deputy pre-
mier's chief enemy, who has been
mobilizing tribal resistance against
Ben Bella's drive for power in Al-
The arrest of Mohammed Bou-
diaf was reported by Col. Mo-
hand Ould Hadj, commander of
the forces in the Kabylie Moun-
tains, who have been standing
x firm behind Premier Ben Yous-
sef Khedda's provisional govern-
X. Boudiaf, a veteran guerrilla
Wirephoto fighter for Algerian independence
yarepone) and also a deputy premier in Ben
y'a (zone) Khedda's tottering government,
ivided in was reported seized while visiting
his native village, M'Sila, about
110 miles southeast of Algiers in
Ben Bella territory. Col. Oould
Hadj,,from his mountain head-
Iquarters in Tizi Ouzou, 65 miles
east of Algiers, said he was send-
ing officers to investigate.
I Protests Move
"Regardless of what their (Ben
Bellas forces) views are," said the
to 80 East Colonel, "they should not arrest
issians, oth- a veteran fighter, a vice premier."
fected from In Algiers, Premier Ben Khedda
made another appeal for unity and
nist delega- called on leaders of all the rival
)dy is miss- political factions to come to the
and chances capital to work out a compromise.
-there is no For the first time, he acknowl-
e East Ger- edged the infant Mosmel nationis
ers 500, the in the throes of economic disaster
and declared the country is fac-
n ng ruin.
and and the Urges Meeting
ountries is "All leaders should come to Al-
giers," he said in a press state-
ment, "whether they now are in
pened on a Oran, Tizi Ouzou, Tunis or Swit-
two hours zerland. Their simultaneous pres-
d friend- ence in this city will help bring
andationd the viewpoints together, calm emo-
175 nations tions and prepare the path for
city to the unity.
e p i "Trade is paralyzed, unemploy-
the partici- ment is growing, the school year
cry dripping has not even been prepared."
heir dances Prospects are growing dim for
by Madame holding elections scheduled Aug.
ter of edu- 12 to put the month-old nation on
itaries. firm footing, he added.'
ion of 2,000 Must Elect
leis ma "But the elections cannot be de-
hn majority layed indefinitely, because it is ur-
ganizations ent to let the people have their
val. say. The people are the supreme
cally sovereign whose verdict will be the
of the Fin- basis of legitimacy for the Algerian
not taking state."
st the gath- Ben Khedda and Ben Bella
land's geo- broke chiefly over the moderate
the Soviet premier's policy favoring close eco-
adow much nomic ties with France. His rebel-
n the coun- lious deputy has denounced what
he calle continuing "neo-colonial-
ions passed ism."
treets Iead- But all Algerian factions showed
ts of "down alarm at the exodus of Europeans,
nd "Chiang who have been the backbone of
Algeria's economic life.

rArmy Plans
To Speed Up
'On Priorities,
disclosed yesterday it is borrowing
z a red tape-cutting technique from
the Navy to slieed development of
-the Nike Zeus anti-missile missile
and other top priority projects.
Some 30 weapons and other
Fprojects tagged for "exceptional
treatment" are being placed under
special project managers with
wide authority to make key de-
cisions and to draw on Army re-
Lt. Gen. Franks S. Besson Jr.,
chief of the new Army Material
command, told reporters "we've
decided to apply the same prin-
ciples the Navy used" in achiev-
ing the first Polaris missile firing
from a submerged submarine only
five years after receiving a go-
ahead to develop the system.
Urge Method
There have been reports that
the Defense Department has prod-
ed the Army into adopting the
special project technique used by
the Navy in itsPolaris program.
in the past, the Army has been
accused of taking too long to
bring some of its weapons to the
battle-ready stage. The M14 Rifle,
for example, was estimated to
have been under development, test
and change for about 12 years
before it reached the troops.
List Secret
The 30 high-priority projects
will represent about half the work
the Army is doing in forward-
looking research and development
of weapons and equipment, Bes-
son said.
The list was not made public,
but Besson said it includes the
Nike Zeus, the Pershing 300-mile-
range bombardment missile, the
Shillelagh missile intended for use
against tanks, troops and fortifi-
cations and work on arming army
planes and helicopters.
Faubus Seeks
Fifth Term
LITTLE ROCK {R} - A fifth
term for Gov. Orval E. Faubus,
central figure in the 1957 Little
Rock integration crisis, will be the
key question today when an esti-,
mated 375,000 to 400,000 Arkan-
sans vote in the Democratic pri-

4wealth trade outlets after the pro-
jected end of preference period in
1970. The Market nations declined
to underwrite any post-1970 guar-
antees for Commonwealth exports.
While members of Macmillan's

By The Associated Press
HELSINKI-Helsinki police used
their tear gas grenades to scat-
ter a big crowd of shouting youths
who gathered downtown last night}
to demonstrate against the Com-
munist-sponsored eighth World
Youth Festival.
It was the fourth straight night
of riots between youths of various
nationalities. A few persons were
arrested but later released.
More than 10,000 youths from
144 . countries are taking part in
the Festival, which opened Sun-

day and ends Aug. 6.
A West German photographer
and a Swiss reporter were report-
ed hit by police batons when
mounted police dispersed a crowd
earlier in the day.
Other Reports
A foreign reporter, who declined
to be identified, said there were
no demonstrations but the crowd
did not obey orders to disperse.
A spokesman for the foreign
ministry said he had no report on
the incident.
Rumors have swept the city re-




over the problem, a no-surrender
call was sounded by Laborite ex-
Prime Minsiter Earl Attlee.
Attlee, besides pleading for
Commonwealth interests, said:
"We should not be justified in
hastily handing over substantial
power, now held by the British
Parliament and electorate, to un-
tried institutions mainly depend-
ent on European countries with
unstable political records."
The same qualms appeared to
dominate 40 right-wing Conserva-
tives who laid down a parliamen-
tary motion urging the govern-
ment "to stand firm and to insist
on definite assurances for Com-
monwealth trade and on the con-
tinuance of the power of sovereign
decisions by the British Parlia-
ment for our agricultural and hor-
ticultural policies.
In discussions in the House of
ICommons, Edward Heath, deputy
foreign secretary and chief British
negotiator in the Brussels bar-
gaining, said fair solutions must
be found for insuring Britain's
entry to the Market.

Kennedy, Dean. To Confer
On Atom Test-Ban Policy
WASHINGTON OP)-President John F. Kennedy summoned his
top disarmament negotiator to the White House yesterday for further
discussion of a possible new United States approach to a treaty banning
nuclear weapons tests.
The White House announced that Arthur Dean, head of the Unit-
ed States delegation at the Geneva conference, would meet with the
President along with other top officials. The latter will include Sec-
retary of State Dean Rusk.
It was understood that Dean actually had seen the President some
hours before the officially announced visit. In addition, Dean met with
Rusk at the State Department.
Relax Demands
Kennedy, Rusk, and other policy makers have substantially decid-
ed that recent advances in the detection and identification or under-
-ground nuclear explosions would
1 justify the United States in scal-
ing down its demand for inspec-
tion safe-guards to be written into
a test ban treaty.
Kennedy is reported to have de-
cided at a White House confer-
ence late last week, however, that

cently that from one
Germans-some say Ru
ers say Poles-have de
their delegations.
Unless the Commui
tions announce somebo
ing from their herd-a
are slim they will do-
safe way of telling. Th
man delegation numb
Russian, 700.
Borders Ope
Travel between Finla
other Scandinavian c
completely unrestricted.
The Festival itself o
contrasting note fromt
str ations. After almost
of chanting of "peace
ship," the youths from
paraded through this4
Olympic Stadium.
Despite a downpour,1
pants continued to car
banners to to present t
and listen to speechesk
Hosia, Finland's minist
cation, and other digni
The Finnish delegati
is composed of Comm
fellow-travelers, but th
of the Finnish youth on
are boycotting the festi
Close Geographi
In spite of criticismc
nish government for
a stronger stand again
ering, the fact of Fin
graphic proximity to
Union tends to oversh
of the negative feeling i
As particular delegat
by crowds lining the s
ing to the stadium shou
with Communism" an

Views New Grc

The title was a question:
"New Grammar for Old?" The
answer was yes.
But the answer that Prof. John
R. Searles, of the English - and
education departments at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, developed
yesterday afternoon in the sixth
and final session of this summer's
Conference Series for Teachers of
English was not a brash or revo-
lutionary one.
Although he poked fun at what
he feels are the absurdities of
traditional methods of teaching
English grammar, Prof. Searles
asserted that there are areas in
which both methods of the study
of language are the same.
Starting Point
It is there that a start can be
made toward an introduction of
the new gammar without doing
too much violence to the older
patterns of instruction.
He also urged that teachers use'
those examinations in the new
system which promise to clarify
the study of language for students

there is no point in the United
a language which is mainly a States offering new concessions to
word-order system. the Soviet Union, unless the So-
Number two they respond to viets are willing to accept the
first by quoting famed linguist principal of international inspec-
Edward Sapir, who said, "All tion of some kind.
grammars leak." Refuses Plan
Prof. Searles went on to praise For more than a year now Pre-
Leonard Bloomfield a n d Prof. mier Nikita Khrushchev has flat-
Charles C. Fries for their pioneer ly rejected any kind of foreign
work in abandoning familiar investigation which would be nec-
terminology in favor of a new essary in each treaty country as
approach- to the structures and a safeguard against sneak under-
patterns of language. ground tests.
Oral Grammar Kennedy is understood to have
It was their belief, Searles said, told Asst. Disarmament Director
that English grammar should be William C. Foster, and others at
studied as something oral. "They the White House meeting that he
began talking about stresses, wants the new scientific infor-
pitches, and junctures as impor- ination on test detection techniques
tant aspects of the grammatical laid before the disarmament con-
system of English." ference at Geneva.
What is a sentence, for exam- This would be an effort to find
ple, in the new grammar? "A out whether the Soviets are pre-




By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Cut taxes quickly. Take it easy, the economy
is in good shape.
The House Ways and Means Committee, it was understood, got
both these bits of advice yesterday.
AFL-CIO President George Meany advocated a cut, by Sept. 1,
to help especially the low- and moderate-income brackets.
But Arthur Burns, one-time chairman of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's economic advisers, was reported to have said the economy
is in no sort of emergency now.
The question the committee is studying is whether to press for
a quick, business-stimulating slash in the income tax or follow the
earlier plan of considering an income tax cut early next year.
NEW YORK - The Transport Workers Union said yesterday it
would strike Pan American World Airways at midnight Friday because
of a contract dispute.
The AFL-CIO union said it had 12,000 members working for the
international airline as mechanics, stewards, stewardesses and ground
service employes.
WASHINGTON - Dutch and Indonesian negotiations reportedly

.discusses grammar
ed that "the (system of) grammar
itself was partly to blame."
Traditional Queries

stretch of speech bounded by an
intonation pattern ending in a
double cross or double bar junc-
ture." Thus the new linguists are
concerned with language as an
oral phenomenon.
But why grammar at all-new

pared to negotiate. If they are the
United States will then discuss
Grant Peru

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