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July 28, 1962 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1962-07-28

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SATURDAY, JULY 28, x.962


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SATURDAY, ||t||||||||||| JULY|| ' 28,196 - 'E-M-C- ..N- -A--

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Middleton Views Translation

Opinions Vary on Districts Appeal


(Continued from Page 1)

Year Round Schedule
Fall Semester, 1963
Orientation begins ....... .... ........... Tues., Aug. 27

<+ -----

"Language is not a prefabricated
tool. It is a creative art." These
are the words of Chirtopher Mid-
dleton, an English poet and an
outstanding translator of modern
German poetry.
According to Middleton there is
more to translating poetry in any
foreign language than simply giv-
ing a close literal translation and
making the same lines rhyme as
they did in the original.
Language can do many amazing
things but the things that it can
do are done differently in different
languages. The meaning of the
poem can not be retained, nor can
the beauty be retained by an
academic copy of the original
Major Differences
There are major differences be-
tween any two languages, even
two languages as similar as Ger-
man and English.
One of the particular differences
Middleton mentioned was in the
breathing rhythm. This rhythm is
entirely different in the two lan-
guages, with the English tending
towards,short units and the Ger-
man towards long ones.
When the poem is being trans-
fated as literature, the same effect
of the long breathing units in the
German must be achieved in Eng-
lish. So Middleton feeds he must
find an English analogy to this
rhythm. The analogy should con-
tain the same implications, emo-
tions, intensity that the original
pattern had in German.
Academic Literalness
This is also true, says Middle-
ton, for the rhyme scheme. An
academic translator will tend to
translate the poem litrally and
then force the rhyme pattern as
much as necessary to make it
match exactly the original rhyme
Here again Middleton feels that
it is necessary to find an English
analogy to the original structure,
rather than trying to duplicate the
In a good poem there was some
good reason why the poet had the
rhyme scheme he did. And the
rhyme scheme was not forced.
Translating the poem literally and
then forcing an identical rhyme
defeats this whole effort.

about a translation of a poem is
that it be natural sounding Eng-
lish," according to Middleton. To
illustrate this point he quoted
Goethe, who had an extremely
high reputation for naturalness.
Goethe said that he "applied art
to artifice to achieve naturalness."
"Translating from one language
to another teaches one more about
how flexible his own language can
be." According to Middleton, this
was one of the most important
things about good poetry. It should
use language creatively by chang-
ing word order one can give ac-
cents and connotations to a word
that it never had before. In this
way a poem can open up life un-
der a whole new light by com-
pletely changing one's perspective.
It was this in particular that
Middleton liked about American
poets, including the so-called
beats. He felt that the English
tended to use language as it was,
and he included the Angry Young
Men in this indictment. The
Americans change language and
play with it and its cliche's to
achieve something new, exciting
and vital.
Published in this country are
"Torse 3" and "Modern German

0. Francis (R-Midland) however
indicated that the Senate may wait
until after the election on the new
constitution next April.
Gov. John B. Swainson said aft-
ed Justice Stewart granted a de-
"The state administration is pro-
ceeding quickly to expedite the
holding of the senatorial primary
in a manner that conforms to le-
gal process."
Romney View
Industrialist George Romney, a
Republican who will oppose Swain-
son's re-election bid in November,
said "The decision has permitted
at least a brief period of relative
calm in a confusing situation, but
we must remember the basic is-
sue is not settled yet."
Romney urged anew at the
same time that Senate apportion-
ment as provided in a proposed
new state constitution be submit-
ted to the voters in November. It
apportions seats on a formula
based 80 per cent on population
and 20 per cent on area. The full
new constitution is not to be vot-
ed upon until next April.
Vote Needed
A two-thirds vote in each house
would be needed to place the new
apportionment formula on the No-
vember ballot. Democrats in both
houses, plus Swainson and other

From ...................................Wed., Aug.
To (noon) .................................Sat., Aug.
Classes begin
Law School .......................... . . Thurs., Aug.
Other Units.T......................ues. Sept.
Thanksgiving Recess
From (evening) ........................... Wed., Nov.,
To (a.m.)................ . ...... ......Mon., Dec.
Midyear Graduation .......................... Sat., Dec.
Semester ends .............................Sat., Dec.
Spring Semester, 1964


From.........................Mon., Jan. 13
To (evening) .. ..........................Wed., Jan. 15
Registration for special Saturday morning
classes will be held Saturday afternoon............. Jan. 18
Classes begin
Law School ................................Mon., Jan. 13
Other Units ..............................Thurs., Jan. 16

SUSPENDED-Both gubernatorial candidates, incumbent John B.
Swainson (left) and GOP hopeful George Romney, agree that U.S.
Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's decision only delays a final
solution to the reapportionment problem.

... translating poetry
Middleton feels that it is better
to destroy the original rhyme
scheme completely and work in a
natural English rhyme scheme
which fulfills the same purposes
the German poet originally ful-
filled with his rhyme scheme.
"The most important thing

party leaders, have condemned the
plan as unrepresentative and have
demanded apportionment of both
houses on population only.
State AFL-CIO President Au-
gust Scholle, whose suit originat-
ed the court action, declared that
the effecting of state verdict is
"only a matter of time."
"I'm not unduly disturbed be-

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(Continued from Page 2)
cello; Lawrence Hurst, double-bass.
Compositions to be performed are by
Handel - Courte, Honegger,, Vivaldi-
Courte, and Creston. The recital is
open to the general public.
Music Lecture: Duane Mrohs will pre-
sent the final lecture in the series of
three lectures on the subject, "Music,
Accoustics, and Electronics: Electron-
ics," on Mon. afternoon, July 30, 4:15
p.m., in Lane Hall Aud. The lecture is
open to the public without charge.
Degree Recital: David Green, trom-
bonist, will present a recital on Mon.,
July 30, 8:30 p.m. in Lane Hall Aud.
In partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree Master of Music.
Mr. Green will be accompanied by Ber-
nadette Celis, pianist, and assisted by
Kenneth Miesen, Ronald Socciarelli;
and Larry Weed, trombonists. Mr. Green

will play the compositions of Berlioz,
Guilmant, Serocki, Mendelssohn, Haydn,
Marcello, and Chase. His recital is open
to the general public.
Doctoral Examination for Don C. De-
Johgh, Chemistry; thesis: "2-Norbornyl
and 5-Norbornen-2-ylFre eRadicals,"
Mon., July 30, 3003 Chemistry Bldg.,
at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, M. M. Martin.
Doctoral Examination for Jack Ladin-
sky, Sociology; thesis: "Career Develop-
ment among Lawyers: A Study of Social
Factors in the Allocation of Professional
Labor," Mon., July 30, 5609 Haven Hall,
at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, H. L. Wilensky.
Doctoral Examination for Paul Ir-
vin Willwerth, Music: Performance;
Mon., July 30, 128 Harris Hall, at 5:00
p.m. Chairman, C. P. Lillya.
Lecture: Kalu Okorie, Librarian of the
Regional Central Library, and secretary
of the Eastern Region Library Board,
Enugu, Nigeria, West Africa, who is
visiting America under a Carnegie grant
to study public libraries, will speak on
"Nigerian Libraries and the Develop-
ment of Library Service in Nigeria,"
at 10:00 a.m. Tues., July 31, in the
Multi-Purpose Room of the Undergrad.
Library. Open to the public.
Lecture: 12th annual conference se-
ries for English teachers: John R.
Searles, Dept. of English and Educa-
tion, Univ. of Wis., will speak on "New
Grammar for Old" on Mon., July 30 at
4 p.m. in Aud. C, Angell Hall.
The Last Evening of Around the World
Series at the International Center will
be held on Sun., July 29 at 8:00 p.m.
The 'program consists of movies on
Modern Israel followed by a talk by
Hillel Shuval on "Scientific Develop-
ment and Academic Life in Israel."
There will also be a demonstration of
Israeli music and folk dances. Open
to all without charge.
Linguistics Forum Lecture: Prof. Pavle
Ivic, Univ. of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, will
discuss the "Ethnohistory of Southern
Slavs in the Light of Linguistic Geogra-

phy" on Tues., July 31 at 7:30 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheater.
U.S. Air Force Officer Candidate Pro-
gram, Mon., July 30-Sgt. Robert Warn-
er. will talk to students interested in
careers on America's Aerospace Team
from 2:00 to 4:00 Monday afternoons
at Michigan Union, ground floor oppo-
site cafeteria, in connection with Air
Force Exhibit which will be set up for
the next 4 weeks. Openings avail. for
Pilots & Navigators as well as other op-
portunities for college men & women.
American Newspaper Publishers Assoc.,
Research Institute, Inc., New York, N.Y.
-Position as Training Administrator to
instruct mgmt. personnel at seminars
& to train craftsmen as instructors.
Should be someone who has dealt di-
rectly with classroom teachers. Exper.
as instructor in methods of teaching,
in teachers' college, etc. Will prepare
manuals; some travel. (Note: Not seek-
ing persons experienced in journ. or
graphic arts.)
Reynolds Metals Co., Brookfield, Ill.
-Need man with degree in Metallurgy
or Metallurgical Engrg. Will assist in
analysis work, in trouble, shooting pro-
duction problems, & in control work of
plant processes.
Mead Corp., Chillicothe, 0.-1) Project
Engpr.-Electrical. BS in EE. 2) Proj-
ect Engnr.-Mechanical. BS in ME. May
be assigned to any of plants throughout
Midwest, East & South. 3) Engnr. -
Chemical. BS or MS in Chem. Engrg.
or Pulp & Paper Tech. Assignment in
one of paper mills in Northeast, East,
Midwest, or South.
Marbon Chemical, Washington, West
Va.-Openings for Chemists as follows:
Sr. Research Chemist (PhD Polymer or
Organic Chcm.); Research Chemist
(BAME as first); Research Chemist (MS
Organic Chem. or equiv.); Research
Manager-Plastics Applications (BS in
Chem. or Mech. Engrg.); Assoc. Tech.
Director (PhD Organic or Polymer
Michigan Chemical Corp., St. Louis,




Mich,-Sales Trainee. Outstanding grad
with interest in sales. Liberal Arts or
Bus. Ad. degree with some Chem. No
exper. required. Will work in ,Chem.
Div, 9 mos. to 1 yr. training. Career
Aetna Portland Cement Co., Bay City,
Mich. - Sales Dept. Trainee. College
bkgd. No exper. required. Will start in
office, learn details, train to go out on
Sales. Small territory, in S. Mich, Home
every night. Prefer single man.
Dept. of Recreation & Parks, Balti-
more County, Md.-Position as Area
Superintnedent of Recreation & Parks.
Grad with major in recreation & parks,
physical educ., music, dramatics & oth-
er allied fields. Courses in public ad-
min., finance, etc. valuable. At least 5
yrs. exper. as supervisor, playground,
playfield or rec. center director. Mini-
mum age: 30 yrs.
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the school year
Adrian, Mich.-HS Math, Couns. &
Guid. (Man).
Alpena, Mich.-Elem. (Could be PE or
7th & 8th gr. SS).
Hamtramck, Mich.-Kdg., HS Engl.,
Elemr & Jr. HS Sp. Corr., Jr. HS Ment
Handi., Elem. Voc Mus., Elem. Ment.
Lansing, Mich. (Waverly Schools) -
Elem. grades 1, 2, 4, 5, & 6; Jr.' HS Sc.,
Home Ec.
Mt. Clemens, Mch.-Kdg., Earl yElem.,
Later Elem., Elem. Vocal Mus., Jr. HS
Sci., Girl's PE.
Muskegon, Mich.-Elem. (2nd & 6th),
Pinconning, Mich.-Jr. HS Teachers,
6th grade, Asst. Ftbl. Coach.
Mt. Prospect, Ill. (Dist. 57) - Libr.,
2nd grade, French.
Northbrook, 111. (Dist. 30)-Art/Home
Ec., Intermediate grades, Engl., Litera-
Skokie, Ill. (Niles Twsp.)-HS Engl.,
Chem./Gen. Sci., Girl's PE, Libr., SS
Dept. Head.
Ft. Wayne, Ind.-HS Engl/Libr. Bc.
Clarence, N.Y.-Jr. HS Guid. Couns.,
Libr., Eng., Inst. Mus., Span., HS Inst.
Mus., Hist.
* * *
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB,
663-1511, Ext. 3547.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg., during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for partltime or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-To sell fresh frozen crickets. Would
need a car. Full-time for 2 months.
Must know something about fish-
1-Good commercial artist for news-
paper advertising. Part-time or full-
80-Psychological Subjects. Must be stu-
dents. At least one, 2 hour session.
1-To work switchboard from 3:30 p.m.
to 11:30 p.m. Would probably need
transportation. Permanent position.
2-Meal jobs.
1-Good commercial artist for news-
paper advertising. Part-time or full-
1-Histologist. Must have a natural
science background with two years
of college education. Experience not
necessary. -time, permanent posi-
1-Food supervisor. Degree in dietetics
or equivalent experience. Monday
thru Friday, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
20-Psychological Subjects. Must be stu-
dents. At least one, 2 hour session.
Graduate Outing Club-Swim and Pic-
nic, Sun., July 29 at 1:45. Meet at Rack-
ham, Huron St. Entrance.
U. of M. Folk Dancers-German Pic-
nic Dinner with international folk
dancing, Sun., July 29, at 2:30 p.m.
Meet at West Park.
U. of M. Folk Dancers-Regular Meet-
ing with dancing and instruction, Tues.,

cause it simply means nothing
more than a delay of the inevit-
able," he said.
"There can no longer be a cry
raised about insufficient time for
appeal. The question will be dis-
cussed on its merits alone and an
appeal to the United States Su-
preme Court will be made on that
basis," he asserted.
Deny Protection
Scholle contends that Senatorial
apportionment in a constitutional
amendment adopted by Michigan
voters in 1952 denies him "equal
protection" as provided by the 14th
Amendment to the United States
Constitution. The state amend-
ment itself outlines districts. Some
have 12 times the population of
The state court held the Michi-
gan apportionment amendment
violated the "equal protection"
guarantee of the federal consti-
tution and ordered a return to
apportionment by population as
provided in the state's 1908 Con-
The 1908 Constitution provides
for a 32-member Senate, whereas
the 1952 amendment raises it to
34 members.
Music Group
To Perform
.At Rackliam
The Stanley Quartet will perform
in Rackham Lecture Hall at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday. The concert will be
given under tht auspices of the
music school.
'Under MilkiWood'...
The University Players will pre-
sent their production of Dylan
Thomas' "Under Milk Wood" Wed-
nesday through Saturday in True-
blood Aud. Surtain time is 8 p.m.
Israeli Science...
The Israeli Club will present
Prof. Hillel Shuval speaking on
"Scientific Progress in Israel"
Sunday night at 8 p.m. The speech
will be followed by a movie and
performance in song and dance of
the influences in Israeli music.
The program will be at the Inter-
national Center.
Nash Poetry . .
WSBM-TV will present Ogden
Nash "On Poets and Poetry" Sun-
day at 12:30 p.m. and Wednesday
at 6:30 p.m. Also on Channel 10
6:30 p.m. Tuesday will be Robert
Penn Warren discussing the form-
ula writing problem with drama
critic Walter Kerr.

Spring recess
From (noon) ...... .......................Sat., March
Easter ...................................Sun., March
To (a.m.) - Law School .................Mon., March
To (a.m.) - Other Units ............... Tues., March
Commencement......................... .Sat. May
Semester Ends .... . ........................Sat., May
Summer Semester, 1964
Classification (Law School)

From ...................................Fri.,
To (noon)...............................Sat.,
Classes begin (Law School) ................Mon.,
Orientation period (Other Units)



NOTE -... The examination period for each school anp col-
lege will be announced early in each semester.


T6LJRS of M01411?AL,
'Ti4#CQ+ARM 8, BEAurY
Rl&IT HM=I N 7r4E,
400MANAR SRET *N~mady -333

From ............ ...... ................Wed., June 17
To (noon) ... ........... ................Sat., June 20
Registration (Other Units)

From .... ................... .........Thurs., June
To (noon) ...............................Sat., June
Classes begin (Other Units) . . .... . ...........Mon., June
Independence Day........................Sat., July
First 51%2-week courses end (Law School) .....M.Mon., July
Second 5-1%2week courses begin (Law School) .. Tues., July
Six-week courses end (Other Units) ....,........Sat., Aug.
Eight-week courses end (Law School) ...... . .Mon., Aug.
Three-week courses begin (Law School).......Tues., Aug.
Eight-week courses end (Other Units) ..........Sat., Aug.
Summer Session ends (Law School)...........Fri., Aug.


..... ... .. . . .. .. . . . . . .
t .:
r %
Y _



to .. .

off corner of S. University
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and We're Open till 5:30 P.M.
thru two floors of wonderful buys
for now and late into Fall.


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