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July 28, 1962 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-28

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom



High-8 s
Mild today with
increasing cloudiness

See Page 2

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New Scheme Set
At Year Sessions
Regents Approve 1963-64 Calendar
With Changed Semester Timing
The Regents yesterday approved the 1963-65 academic calendar
-a plan differing sharply from those preceding it-which is designed
to enable the University to ease into full year operation with a mini-
mal amount of difficulty in fall, 1964.
Under the plan the school year has been divided into three seg-
ments-two semesters and a summer session-corresponding roughly
to the present academic year. However, the two semesters begin about





On Redistricting Decision Delay

" three weeks before they do now,
and are slightly shorter than the
present fall and spring terms.
One Vacation
Orientation for the fall semes-
ter, 1963, is slated for late August,
with classes set to begin Sept. 3.
This first semester will have only
onevacation, extending from Nov.
27 through Dec. 2.
Shortly after this, final exam-
inations will be held, and the term
will end Dec. 21.
The second semester will get un-
derway Jan. 12, 1964. It will be
several weeks longer than first
s64nester, continuing through May
Mid-June Start
The 1964 Summer Session class-
es will begin in late June, which
corresponds to the present aca-
demic calendar, and will be com-
pleted by Aug: 21.
University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher indicated that there will
still be a mid-year graduation and
the traditional spring commence-
ment, but added that so far as he

... schedule troubles

Cfrifer Sees
The future full year operation
program "will most certainly have
some effect" on the intercollegiate
athletic program at the Universi-
ty, according to Athletic Director
H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler.
"We can't be sure what adjust-
ments will be needed as yet," Cris-
ler states. "The Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics will
have to do a great deal of study
in this area."
The most severe problem which
the trimester program, voted into
effect for the 1963-64 school year
by the Regents yesterday, will pose
for athletic scheduling will be in
the late spring.
Spring Sports
At present the Michigan spring
teams (baseball, track, tennis and
golf) begin play in early April
and finish their Western Confer-
ence schedules the last weekend in
May. This is standard throughout
the country.
Under the trimester program,
however, the spring semester will
be completed early in May, with
the study period before examina-
tions, and the examinations them-
selves, coming in the latter half
of May-right in the heart of the
spring sports schedules.
"We have thought about this,"
Crisler states, "but no decisions
have been made. We could break
our former policy of holding no
practices and contests during study
and examination periods, and the
schedules would need no major re-
'Cont-ary to Philosophy'
"But such action would be quite
contrary to our philosophy."
Another scheduling difficulty
caused by the new semester dates
will concern pre-school football
practice in the fall. In past years
the football team has started on
See NEW, Page 4

To Examine
U.S. Policy
On Contracts
With the spectre of the 20 per
cent limitation for indirect costs
in Defense Department research
grants looming before them, re-
search heads "from about a half-
dozen universities" will confer
within the next few weeks on a
common policy to adopt towards
whether to continue accepting such
grants, Vice-President for Re-
search Ralph Sawyer said yester-
Any hostile opinions directed to-
wards the defense grants will be
tempered, however, by the good
prospects for a provision in grants
from the Health, Education and
Welfare Department which would
increase the allowance for indirect
costs (space and facilities) from
15 to 20 per cent, he said.
The HEW move would give the
University about another $200,000,
Sawyer said. It is uncertain at this
time as to how much the defense
grants, in which the government
previously subsidized the full7
amount of indirect expenses, would
cost the University.
Indirect Costs
Currently, the University finds
that the indirect costs run up to
more than 30 per cent that of theE
direct costs (supplies and salar-
ies) of this grant.
A conference group of the House
and Senate Appropriations Com-
mittees, having approved the 20
per cent provision in the Defense1
Department's appropriation two
days ago, is expected to pass sim-
ilar action on the HEW appropria-t
tion within the next week.
Informal Reaction
Sawyer said the universities'
meeting in reaction to the commit-t
tee would be informal and wouldT
seek only to determine whether1
there is any benefit in adopting ai
common stand towards the revisedt
Last week, when the congres-
sion group was debating the de-x
fense appropriation, Sawyer had
threatened to turn down all de-i
fense grants (which account forc
about $8 million of the $25 millionz
worth of federal reesarch donez
here) and to continue but not in-
crease the amount of grants re-l
ceived from the HEW.i

Algeria Factions Seek Unity
ALGIERS (-) - Algeria's rival
political leaders yesterday appear- .::,. .
ed headed for a compromise in
forts to spare theweary nation<
more bloodshed.. ...

See box, Page 3

could see there would be no addi-
tional graduation ceremonies for
Summer Session graduates.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns noted that
non-academic activities "will have
to progress and change after the
program (trimester) is fully im-
plemented." Heyns expressed his
confidence that this could be done
with only a slight amount of dif-
Announce Exams Later
The Dean's Conference, consist-
ing of the deans of all the various
schools and departments whose
duty it is to prepare the academic
calendar-noted that the exact
time of the examination period for
each school and college, which was
not included in the year's plans,
will be announced early during
each semester.
The Regents also approved two
by-law changes.
The first, proposed by Vice-Pres-
ident for Research Ralph A. Saw-
yer, was intended to permit re-
searchers to be members of the In-
stitute of Science and Technology's
Executive Committee.
Change Rules
The second change relaxes the
rules on duplicate diplomas for
University graduates.
This action came as result of a
complaint by an alumnus who lost
his diploma as a result of a fire
and was upset as a result of Uni-
versity rule.
In other action, the Regents ac-
cepted a $1,200 scholarship grant
which guarantees $600 per year
for two years to a financially needy,
student. While the recipient will
not be expected to pay back this
amount, he assumes a "moral obli-
gation" to establish an opportuni-
ty award in his name, thus provid-
ing a continuing scholarship fund.1

Moderate Premier Ben Yousself
Ben Khedda and several of his
ministers met with Mohammed
Khider, special envoy and right-
hand man of dissident deputy pre-
mier Ahmed Ben Bella.
Informants said "all is being
arranged." They cited the release
of Col. Souat El Arab in Con-
stantine by Ben Bella's followers
as proof of what they called "the
climate of confidence."
No Announcements
But there was no official an-
nouncement and no solid indica-
tion how the tottering Ben Khedda
regime and Ben Bella's followers
intended to iron out their dif-
In the past, frequently optimistic
appraisals turned into black pes-
simism overnight.
Earlier amid the news of kid-
napings of six more Europeans by
Moslems, several French army pa-
trols reappeared in the streets.
French Patrols
It was the first time since Al-
geria's independence July 3, that
armed French soldiers showed up
in the capital. France has indicat-
ed its 300,000-man army in Algeria
would intervene in case the lives
and property of European settlers
are threatened.
The kidnappings of Europeans
were blamed on what Algiers police
headquarters called "uncontrolled
Moslem elements."
Calls for peace came from all
parts of the country. Political and
trade organizations joined in the
National Unity
"Our people demand nationalt
unity as rapidly as possible," said
M'hammed Yazid, who announced
Monday that he was resigning as
information minister. "We are on
the way to a settlement of our
problems,' he told reporters.
Khider, Ben Bella's close com-c
panion and one of the members of1
a seven-man political bureau thatt
is expected to become the nation's1
dominant authority, slipped un-
noticed into Algiers during the
He came from Oran, where Beni
Bella holds forth with the back-c
ing of Algeria's regular army. t

-AP Wirephoto
TALK--Mohammed Khider (left center), a dissident Algerian
leader, holds a news conference in Oran before slipping in to Al-
geria to negotiate with the provisional government. Observers
speculate agreement may be near between the two factions.
Albany Police Arrest King
After City Hall Protest
ALBANY, Ga. (P-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., for the third
time in nine months, was jailed yesterday as Negroes resumed anti-
segregation demonstrations in this embattled racial test spot.
King and nine other Negroes attempted to hold "a prayer vigil"
at city hall and were arrested. Eighteen other persons, including a
white youth, went to jail little more than an hour later for a
similar protest. Led by Charles Jones of the Student Nonviolent Co-
nrinfnr(!miffti d illin mo

Appeal Validates
Senatorial Primary
Legislature May Not Deliberate
On Reapportionment This Year
Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart put the Senate re-
apportionment problem on ice yesterday when he accepted
three GOP senators' request for a delay in effecting the Michi-
gan Supreme Court decision ordering redistricting.
As a result of the appeal by Senators Paul Younger (R-
Lansing), Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair) and John Fitzgerald (R-
Grand Ledge), the Aug. 7 senatorial primary will be held, none
of the state court's deadlines will be valid, and the Legisla-
ture may not consider reapportioning the Senate this year.
Two Considerations
Stewart said his decision to stay the state Supreme Court
order requiring redistricting on a population basis Aug. 20
or face an at-large election.

was based on two considera-
1) Will the United States want
to review the Michigan case; and
2) Which would produce "irre-
parable harm"-staying the order
or accepting it.
Stewart said the Michigan case
raises a new federal question of
whether the equal protection
clause of the 14th Amendment re-
quires both houses of a state leg-
islature to be on population only.,
No Harm
The justice indicated that stay-
ing the case would do no harm
while not staying might bring
"Important legislation cannot be
enacted in a hurry. This would be
unwilling action by the state Sen-!
ate taken under compulsion and it
might turn out to be unneces-
sary," he declared.
Granting the stay will continue
the present system of election for
one more election, he pointed out.
Lesser Evil
If in the next two years the
Supreme Court invalidates the
Michigan ruling no harm was done
by the delay. If it does the results
are the lesser of two evils, Stewart
Senate Judiciary Chairman
Carlton Morris (R-Kalamazoo)
who witnessed the decision in Lit-
tleton, N.H., yesterday called his
committee into session today to,
consider its implications.
GOP Report
Morris said that the majority
Republicans, some of whom were
in New Hampshire yesterday,
would report on the decision and
indicate how it would effect the
Shortly after the decision was
announced, Secretary of State
James M. Hare sent a telegram to
the 83 county clerks informing
them of the decision and order-
ing them to make sure senatorial
candidates names appeared on the
ballot or voting machines and that
the votes for this race were count-
The Legislature a d j o u r n e d
Thursday until Dec. 27, but its
members were notified that they
would be called back if the deci-
sion went against the Senate. Even
with the favorable decision, the
Legislature may return after the
primary to consider reapportion-
ment, Senate Minority Leader
Raymond Dzendzel (D-Detroit)
Senate Majority Leader Lynn
See OPINIONS, Page 3

Britain, Common Market
Dispute Agriculture Policy
BRUSSELS (IP)-European Common Market negotiations for Brit-
ain's entry hit a snag yesterday over a British demand that trade
outlets for agricultural products from the Commonwealth remain at
present levels.
"I do not call this a crisis, but perhaps you could speak of dead-
lock," a European delegate commented. Eugene Schaus of Luxem-
bourg, chairman of the negotiations, called the talks fruitful and
yclarifying although they failed to


ordinating Commmtee ana w iiam
Hansen, a Cincinnati white youth,
the second group kneeled for
About 10 of them were carried
into the jail on stretchers after
they refused to move.
All 28 were charged with dis-
orderly conduct, congregating on
the sidewalk and refusing to obey
an officer.
About 700 Negroes attending a
mass rally tonight were told by
Andrew Young, another aide to
King, that "tomorrow it's your
turn to go."
King and his group were ar-
rested after they stepped from
cars in front of city hall to hold
their "prayer vigil."
Meanwhile in Los Angeles, Atty.
Gen. Robert Kennedy said gains
n the fight against racial dis-
crimination are being made faster
now than at any time since the
Civil War.b
Kennedy told 1,200 members of
the Negro National Insurance As-
sociation last night that your pro-
gress, which we see all around us,
has convinced me that the day
s not far off when no American
will be denied full rights of citi-
zenship because of color of his
skin or because of his beliefs."

Heyns Cites
'U' Recruiting
of Professors
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger Heyns yesterday told
the Regents of his confidence in
the University's ability to attract
"good young men" into the faculty.
Much of the reason, he said, lies
in the "gratifying effect on facul-
ty morale" provided by salary in-
creases. Without them, "it would
have been impossible to maintain
our faculty."
Heyns continued that "the in-
creases have helped us to regain
in part the salary position we for-
merly held in relation to our ma-
jor competitors. We have been los-
ing this position steadily during the
past four years, and even with our
excellent action this year, have
only partially regained lost ground.
"To keep pace next year," Heyns
said, "it is certain that we will
have to plan on salary increases,
and in this respect we'll have to
have substantial help from the
state Legislature."


.. delays orders
Heart Attack
Kills Official
At Wisconsin
MADISON (A)-Conrad A. Elve-
hjem, a shy, reserved man who
became one of America's most dis-
tinguished scientists and presi-
dent of the University of Wiscon-
sin, died yesterday of a heart at-
He was 61.
Elvehjem, president of the uni-
versity since 1958, was stricken
shortly after arriving at his office..
Rushed to Madison General Hos-
pital, he died there about 90 min-
utes later. His personal physician,
Dr. F. L. Hummer, attributed the
death to a "sudden coronary oc-
Internationally known as a bio-
chemist in nutrition when he took
over as the university's 13th presi-
dent, Elvehjem was in the fore-
front of the search in the '30's to
isolate and identify specific vita-
mins. In 1937 Elvehjem was able
to identify an enzyme found in
fresh meat and yeast as a new vit-
amin-nicotinic acid-now called
Speculation on a successor to
Elvehjem centered on university
Vice-President Fred H. Harring-
ton, who recently accepted a bid
to become president of the Univer-
sity of Hawaii.

Peru Junta May Free Prado

By The Associated Press
-LIMA -- Peru's military govern-
nent was reported preparing yes-
terday to free deposed President
Manuel Prado from custody aboard
a navy transport. Prado, 73, is
expected to go into exile in France.
Prado's release is expected after
his six-year term expires today.
The military regime, headed by
Army Gen. Ricardo Perez Godoy,
is expected then to seek from the
Peruvian supreme court a declara-
tion that it is the nation's legal
governing power.
* *
WASHINGTON-President John.
F. Kennedy, nearing a final dis-
cussion on easing United States
test ban terms, yesterday recalled
U. S. disarmament delegate Arthur
H. Dean from Geneva for quick

reach agreement.
No Advance
"No advance at all has been
made. We cannot face the Com-
monwealth unless we know what
the six (members of the Common
Market) mean by a 'reasonable
price policy' andbwe must be cry-
stal clear on what the six think
on world agreements," a British
spokesman said.
The six Common Market mem-
bers-France, Italy, West Ger-
many, Belgium, The Netherlands

help Argentina out of a financial
jam. The immediate aid will, run
about $200 million.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The remain-
ing 1,800 United States Marines
sent into Thailand last May to
defend that country's Laotian bor-
der from Communist infiltration
are being pulled out, the defense
department announced yesterday.
The action leaves 2,200 Army
troops and about 1,000 Air Force
men and planes in position in
MANILA - President Diosado
Macapagal's proposal for a greater
Malayan confederation to include
the Philippines aroused yesterday
among Asian neighbors expressions
of cautious enthusiasm mixed with

WASHINGTON - A filibuster
of unusual origin tied up the
Senate tightly for several hours
yesterday and the long-talkers
made clear they are just starting
their fight against a comunications
satellite bill.

Mrs. Callahan Takes Leave of SIB

In a series of complicated par- and Luxembourg-are negotiating
liamentary maneuvers, the Senate terms under which Britain would
leadership did succeed in getting become a member. Nations in the
in a motion to ,bring up the ad- British Commonwealth fear they
ministration-backed, House-passed will lose out on British markets.
measure to establish private own- Schaus expressed confidence the
ership of a rapidly developing problem of Commonwealth agri-
space communications system. cultural products in the enlarged
* * * Common Market would be ironed
WASHINGTON - The Senate out next week.
Finance Committee rejected yes- No Agreement


Ruth Callahan, the woman who has served as
administrative secretary to Student Government
Council, helped SGC's controversial Committee on
Membership in Student Organizations and been
the proud proprietor of the Organization Notices
appearing each morning in The Daily, is taking a'
leave of absence to become associate dean of stu-
dents at New York State University at Fredonia.
Mrs. Callahan explained that the exact duties
of her new position haven't been worked out yet.
The school is newly built, and the incoming dean of
students hasn't arrived from the University of Flor-

will have to be found, and somebody will have to
maintain the voluminous files in her office for
campus organizations and the information on fra-
ternities and sororities here and elsewhere which
is kept to help guide the membership committee
in its deliberations, she said.
But she noted that there were some advantages
in her New York post. "The campus is small enough
-only 1,300 students-so that maybe I can get to
know a large percentage of the stuent body." And
when she toured the Fredonia campus recently,
she found it very attractive and pleasant.

terday an attempt to cut the in-
come tax rates in high brackets
and at the same time reduce the
tax benefit on oil and gas in-

Delegates to the meeting admit-
ted that the six present members
had yet to agree among them-
selvesselves on an agricultural


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