Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OP THE UNIVERSIY OF MICHGN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 'Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" ditorials printed in The Michigan baily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.. TODAY AND TOMORROW: Internal' IStruggles And External Forces By WALTER LIPPMANN FROM PERU to Algeria, from the Congo to South Vietnam, we are being reminded how long and complicated is the great revolution of our age, the awakening of the backward peoples. In Asia and Africa the old empires have fallen recently; they fell more than a century ago in the Americas. But to achieve acceptable self-government is enormously difficult, as witness our own Civil War. In Latin America we are engaged in a unique experiment. We have realized that without a rise in the standard of life of the mass of,'people, there can be no enduring stability. But we have realized REAPPORTIONMENT: Legislators Split on Split )AY, JULY 26, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: CYNTHIA NEU Maddened Republicans Miss Opportunities. LIKE MADDENED, wounded tigers fighting for their lives, GOP state Senators are triking out at anything within their grasp. 'he state Supreme Court has upset their safe ttle haven, and reapportionment threatens o put some out of a job and remove power rom others. So the Senators have taken the court deci- ion in bad grace, ignoring the realization that he Republicans will retain control under any eapportionment scheme except at-large elec- .ons. Tuesday, when the Senate met, the Republi- ans let loose such a barrage of abuse that bout half a dozen GOP speakers might have een sued for slander had they not been pro- ected by legislative immunity. Veteran reporters said the speechmaking was >me of, the bitterest they had heard in a Ong time. This is significant, considering this ession of the Legislature has been a long and >ntroversial one. ;EN. CARLTON MORRIS (R-Kalamazoo) led off the proceedings charging the state upreme Court were the tools of a carnivorous FL-CIO machine determined to usurp power. :e called the governor a puppet of state AFL- IO President August Scholle and the court ecision a "Pearl Harbor to the people." To ain redress he urged the "impeachment" of wo of the court's justices.r Reporting on his appeal to the United States Supreme Court, Sen. Paul Younger (R-Lansing) said he had prepared the action in the event of "executive collapse" and failure to perform their duty of defending the Senate. Sen. Charles Feenstra (R-Grand Rapids) hinted at a dark, deep Communist plot in the court decision. ND SO IT WENT... The Democrats on the whole overcame the urge to be equally partisan and pledged co- operation in speedily devising a reapportion- ment plan within the framework of the court decision. The trouble with this oratory is that it is useless and wasteful. By any scheme now pro- posed, the GOP will retain control of the Senate. County lines insure that. With a little level-headed thinking, the Re- publicans could, come up with a plan that meets the court's decision and yet keep them in control. The Pears plan is best suited for purpose; the Gillis plan will do. Once again it seems the GOP is booting away its opportunities. All they are doing is wasting time. By Aug. 20 it wi)l be too late. An at- large primary-the thing they fear most--will become a reality, for the Senate again has heeded the call of partisanship and failed to complete its work. -PHILIP SUTIN The DayAfter Tomorrow "COUP D'ETAT" is a familiar word in con- nection with the governments of Middle Eastern countries. This is partially a result of the colonial policy in that part of the world. On the other hand, many of the recent dis- turbances can be directly tied to foreign aid or the lack of it; and to foreign policy or the lack of it. The two are inseparable. The absence of a consistent and long-range policy towards the countries of the Middle East, individually or as a unit, is indiative of the American attitude. Hopefully the Ken- nedy Administration's plans include a remedy [or this ailment. Some of the countries in the Middle East are playing the neutral game in order to squeeze as much aid as possible from both the U. S. and Russia. In these cases, if the !ederal Government decides to grant a loan, tsually with strings attached, the receiver of the aid negotiates to obtain an equal or greater amount from the Communist bloc. This would be very admirable if the countries in- volved were really neutral. Or, if the aid were intended for the benefit' of the people. Un- fortunately, a great deal of this money seems We get lost in the government. p ERE ARE some countries in the Middle East that have oil-barrels and barrels and barrels of oil. These countries are important, oo. The American oil industry has huge in- Westments tied up in this area and their returns on these are also quite profitable, al- hough not as lucrative as they were before ertain governments learned the word "na- ionalize." The'oil barons have quite a power- ful lobby in Washington. In fact, they get round quite a bit. But, again, most of the noney the oil-rich countries receive for their natural resource never reaches the people. tThere are other countries in the area that have room for air bases. They are "friends" if ;heir governments like us, regardless of the orm of government it is. There are also poor countries in the Middle mast. In fact, most of them are. Some of them re on the border and can be used to prevent (ommunist infiltration; some of them have ;trong support here and among our allies; ome of them are just there. In most of these countries the literacy rate s low, though rising slowly; the mortality rate s high, though dropping slowly; the govern- nents are unstable, though moving toward ome sort of permanent institution-be it a ictatorship, benevolent or otherwise, a mon- trchy, constitutional or otherwise, or a demo- :racy, socialistic or republican. Some of the countries in the Middle East re friends of the United States. They support Oestern policy even when it goes against their >wn interests; they try to raise the standard f living to equal that of the U. S., they will sever "go Communist." QHUFFLE THE DECK and every country fits into one or more of these categories. American foreign policy, however, fails to take ill these considerations into account. The 'ederal Government is too busy "winning riends and influencing the right people" to >e concerned with the people themselves. Gov- rnments "of the people, by the people and Editorial Staff !RED RuSSELL KRAMER...................Co-Editor PETER STEINBERGER....................Co-Editor szL JONES .... ,:... ........ .... I.....Sports Editor for the people,", are very rare in that part of the world. The government is for the men who are in power at the moment. And the people involved perhaps feel quite differently than their governments toward the US. There exists a possibility that the people are or want to be really neutral. They want their children to have something to eat and at least a high school education before they want to be aligned with either side in the Cold War fight. Many of them want demo- cracy or some form of it but see that they can eat better if the money comes from some other source. This is a hard decision to make. Unfortunately, the makers of American foreign policy do not take many of these things into consideration. If they can buf a country cheaply, they do so; if they can establish an air or missile base without too much trouble, they do so; if they can receive huge oil royalties, 'they do so. But last on their list of what they can get for the least money is what they have to give to gain the most in the long run. The Middle East is considered by those informed to be one of the world's biggest trouble spots. The reason for this label can be directly tied to those who apply it. It is hoped that the United States government will soon learn that there is a day after tomorrow. -SARABETH RICHMAN Just Boys?. ANEW TOY and a new game has come into the cold war. It's something like two little boys playing with marbles. Two little boys about five years old. An arguement has develop- ed in the game though. Who is going to get the last turn. It seems that there is this little boy from Iyannisport who is playing a game with an- other little boy from the Georgian coal mines, of Russia that is. These two little boys are playing a game with nice safe little atomic bombs. The game has gone on since the 1930's. It had different little boys then, maybe they were Orwellian "Big Brothers." Anyway the little boy on our sidestarted dropping atomic bombs. And then after a long time the little boy on their side learned how to drop atomic bombs, too. Then he started dropping them. This game went on a long time. Then some grown ups came along and said it was bad to drop these atomic bombs, so the game stopped for a while. NOW THERE'S a special vocabulary for this game, as for most games. The vocabulary for this game is all' about security, their se- curity, our security. That's the way they keep score, in terms of security. The little boy from Russia decided that he was behind in security, and besides our little boy had the first turn. So he decided to even the score a little and get in 'his fair number of turns. Well, he evened up the score and our little boy didn't like that. So he dropped some more bombs so that he would get some more security and get more turns than their little boy. This made their little boy very unhappy. He has a tendency to take off his shoes and throw a tantrum by pounding them on the table. So their little boy says that this is unfair. also that social progress is un- likely as long as the government is in the hands of a small and cor- rupt ruling class. So we find ourselves trying to induce a peaceable and very grad- ual internal social and political revolution in order that there may be governments capable of using productively the capital funds we are willing to lend them. * * * AS WE KNOW from Peru and from Argentina and elsewhere, it is not going to be easy to reap the results of a revolution without having a revolution. The privileged ruling classes with their connec- tions in the military establish- ments do not scurrender volun- tarily to the Alliance for Progress. While we have to keep on try- ing the best we can where we can, we must not delude ourselves. The power and influence of the United States in this hemisphere has de- clined sharply since the early years of this century. Insofar as the Alliance for Pro- gress depends on political and so- cial change inside thehLatin American countries, it has no power behind it and only some influence. * * IF PROGRESS is difficult in much of Latin America, which has so long been self-governing, it is much more difficult in Africa and Asia. In Africa it is so difficult that it is no exaggeration to say that the critical factor is the atti- tude of the great powers. The Congo illustrates this viv- idly. There have been two main chapters in the Congo story. In the first chapter, which began with the precipitate Belgian with- drawal, the problem was to in- sulate the Congo and seal it of f from the cold war. This was done successfully by Dag Hammar- skjold's daring use of the United Nations, and now, a year later, we are able to say that the Soviet Union and the NATO powers are not engaged in a military struggle within the Congo. The second chapter, which is not concluded, has been the effort to induce the Congolese under Adoula in Leopoldville and under Tshombe in Katanga to unite. But the Con- golese leaders alone are capable of doing this only if the non- African powers on whom they depend push them into some kind of union. Behind Adoula the main power is the United States government. Behind Tshombe the main power consists of large private interests in Great Britain and Belgium. The keys to peace in the Congo are in London, Brussels and Wash- ' igton. IN ALGERIA we see once more how wide is the gap between liber- ation and self-government. At the moment the prospects are not too bad because there is no evidence that any of the great powers is intervening seriously in the Al- gerian dispute. If intervention can be avoided, the vital interests of the Algerians will work for a close connection with France. As for Southeast Asia; my own view is that the region cannot be stabilized locally. The future de- pends on the powers and in the last analysis on the two great powers, the Soviet Union and the United States. Neither of them, to be sure, is all-powerful. For both Russia and America, the region is on the outer edges of their two spheres of in- fluence and power. The Soviet Union has much influence in North Vietnam, as we have in South Vietnam. But neither is all- powerful. More importantly the Soviet Union probably has decisive in- fluence in preventing Red China from starting a great war by try- ing to overrun Southeast Asia. And we of course have the power to decide that the action in Vietnam shall remain limited. So the keys to peace, or shall we say to not much war, in South Vietnam are in Moscow and in Washington. * * * THE WORLD COURT has now delivered its advisory opinion on the legal right of the UN to assess its members for peace- keeping operations, as in the Gaza Strip and in the Congo. Assuming, as is likely, that the General As- sembly will accept the advisory opinion, the question will be whether the deliberate non-payers, particularly the Soviet Union and France, will recognize the law and obey it. If they do not, it will be a' serious blow to the UN, not only to its solvency but its status as a universal society to keep the peace. The United States has a powerful interest-in saving the UN. For while the UN is unable to deal QUINTET: Freshly Modern THE UNIVERSITY Woodwind Quintet, assisted by Wallace Berry, pianist, presented a pro- gram of contemporary American music in Rackham Amphitheatre last night. The program consisted of works by Wilder, HoVhaness, Carter, Cooper and Riegger. It seems a pity that so much of American music, band and wind ensemble music in particular, should be so restricted by the "pseudo-jazz" element started by Gershwin in the early part of this century. This "rag-time" ele- ment appeared particularly in the Wilder work, written in 1960, which sounded as though it could have just as easily been orches- trated for a circus pit band. It appeared again in the Carter and Riegger works, though not as evi- dent. * * * THE TWO remaining works on the program, however, represented a much fresher style of writing for, this media. This was particularly true of the Hovhaness, written last year, and dedicated to the quintet. This represented, as well, one of the better performances of the quintet, especially in some of the solo passages. a - The "Canonic Variations" by Cooper, would seem almost an. academic work by its title, yet its subtle structure and the freshness of the different variations, mingled with a strong sense of forward motion, provided welcome relief from the pedestrian plodding of some of the other pieces. The performance of the quintet, on the whole, was outstanding. The balance of the instruments, which is probably one of the great- est problems in a woodwind quin- tet, was marvelously handled. Par- ticularly noted was the perfect marriage between Messers Hauen- stein and Mueller. WALLACE BERRY must be commended for his performance in the "Concerto for Piano and Woodwind Quintet" written by Riegger in 1953. Although the balance between the piano and en- semble was somewhat unsteady in the first movement, it seemed to even out in the remainder of the work, 'and Mr. Berry was an in- tegral, and welcome addition to the ensemble. The audience was enthusiastic in their applause at the close of the program, and ended by giving the Quintet, and Mr. Luconi, who made his last concert appearance at the University, a standing ova- tion. It was the common "I'll stand up if you do because I have to get my coat on anyway," variety-- however, whether spontaneous or not, the quintet surely deserved it. It's a shame that we don't hear from this group more often. -Peter J. Clements By PHILIP SUTIN Daily Staff Writer IN CONSIDERING reapportion- ment, legislators have myriad of plans, one to suit every taste. These range from clearly uncon- stitutional to the patently absurd. In considering the varied plans, the Legislature must weigh factors imposed upon it by both the state Supreme Court and political ex- pediency. The Supreme Court voided a 1952 Amendment to the state Con- stitution setting up the frozen 34- seat Senate. The Senate thus re- verts back to its 1908 model of 32 districts, a loss of two. In re- apportioning, the Legislature is not only faced with realigning the districts according to population, but eliminating two seats as well' THE COURT also established population standards. No district may be more than twice the size of any other district. The current 12 - 1 ratio would have to be pared down. Thirdly, the court set a dead- line. The reapportionment must be complete by Aug. 20 or the Senate will be elected at-large. Working against these factors is political expediency. The effect of the state Supreme Court deci- sion is to grant more representa- tion to moderate Republican su- burban areas around Detroit at the expense of conservative out- state areas. Conservative senators are thus fighting for their poli- tical 'lives and leadership in the Republican Party. Defiance seems to be their only solution. This at- titude puts a strain on any ra- tional consideration of reappor- tionment plans. The scheme proposed by Sen. Carlton Morris (R-Kalamazoo) would probably be thrown out by the state Supreme Court. Morris suggests that the constitutional convention plan of 38 districts bas- ed on an 80 per cent population factor and a 20 per cent area fac- tor be adopted. Practically, this neans that Wayne, Oakland, Ma- comb and Genesee Counties would gr t one additional seat with all *1her districts remaining the same However, the Morris plan fails to meet/ the court definition of fair apportionment-no district shall be more than twice the size of any other district. Although the largest district would be cut i to 345,000 constituents, the smalles would still have approximately 60,000-a ratio of five to one and clearly unconstitutional. ** * INSIDE the court's limits is the gerrymander proposed by Speaker of the House Don R. Pears. (R- Buchanan). The 32 districts of the Pears plan range from 177,000 to 346,000-barely inside the two to one ratio, but all the urban districts are approximately 330;000 and the rural districts 215,000, continuing the inequity. The plan is designed to maxi- mize Republican control of the Senate. Besides retaining the over- ly large Detroit area districts, Pears separates Democratic Flint from Genesee County and urban Grand Rapids from Kent County and gives them separate seats. Further, the plan neatly knocks off two moderates by pitting mod- erate Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R- Ann Arbor) against sometinje- moderate Sen. Haskell Nichols (R- Jackson) and moderate Sen. Fred- erick Hilbert (R-Wayland) against conservative Sen. Clyde Geerlings (R-Holland). REP. JOSEPH GILLIS' (D- Detroit) plan is pure matheratics. Finding that the median popula- tion for 32 senatorial districts is 244,000, Gillis attempts to place as many districts on that median without violating the county line limitation. Four districts would be added to Wayne County, two to Oakland and one to Macomb. The Upiger Peninsula would lose one and one half districts and Gen- esee and Kent counties, losing one seat each, would become the larg- est senatorial districts at approx- imately 370,000 each. The Gillis plan is probably the plan closest in line with the Su- preme. Court decision. Following population mathematics, Gillis' districting would range from ap- proximately 200,000 to 370,000. * * * THE PLAN of Sen. Farrell Rob- erts (R-Pontiac) is deliberately absurd. It would unite Oakland, already the largest district in the state, with Washtenaw County creating an approximately 800,- 000 constituent district. Otherwise, it would reduce Upper Peninsula districts to one and one half. Roberts' intent was to get a bill on the record for use next week if United States Supreme Court Jus- tice Potter Stewart denies the ap- peal of three Republican senators. The bill would have already passed the five-day required waiting per- iod and is so unsatisfactory that it requires amendment and hope- fully the necesary thinking that goes along with this process. The last and best plan avail- able to legislators comes from Con- Con delegate William Hanna and from the state's Young Democrats -abolish the Senate. I -AP Wirephoto Senate Districts: How shall the jigsaw puzzle be rebuilt LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Attacks Editorial Tantrum' To the Editor: MR. MICHAEL HARRAH, who is not remarkably reasonable at his best, finally renders his efforts more- than merely curious. Cer- tainly the position with which he is usually identified needs and deserves a spokesman if we are to have useful political discus- sion in The Daily.- Even as an irritant, or perhaps, mostly as an irritant, he has his" points. One wonders, though, what even the most sympathetic of his read- ers can find of sense or solace in this latest tantrum, Friday, on the Supreme Court's Senate ap- portionment decision? The line he takes (claiming the Court has "no right to violate the apportion- ment of $he State Senate") is nonsensical. * * * But it is his unmeasured lan- guage, far outside the bounds of useful controversy, that reveals an appalling contempt for legiti- mate government as well as a startling insensitivity to proper discourse. He calls the Justices of the majority "Four Stooges" of labor and the Democratic Party. Limited vocabulary or intent? -Leo F. McNamara THE ACTION he advocate ("the Legisiature . . . must direr the county clerks and the stat board of canvassers to ignore th Supreme Court decision") is ir responsible. Bs e is >, -. . -.. ,: .;.: ; d - '"c , t V Y %1 Ti t ._:?: .. t - = r. " "- ,. j X Y "a; " t ,_ :. _ . s - tM ,.. =. :. ~ 'z~ .. } .. c+ j.J_ I ' _. . ., .' i , t. . a, _; - .,_ ; _ .- 'a ,. '.-" ^.... cJ -fxz' .. ' ; au: fi 1 j q . .. . , ^.... t i ' i, _.. '? .. _.,,;F-tom. .; yy, .e ... .. ,r + .,; i .. 1 f_, ,1 ., ' : .. - Propagandists... - To the Editor: FOREIGN STUDENTS through- out the world are their coun- try's ambassadors. They are sent, not only to learn academics, but to be their country's representa- tives to the world. In some cases they are responsible for perpetuat- ing the party line. In many in- stances, they are trained in pro- paganda before they leave home. Unfortunately, they have not learned the subtle art of propa- ganda; they have not learned to adapt themselves to situations they find in their host countries; they have not learned that there is more than one side to every story; they have not learned that in some countries there is a policy of fair comment, and criticism. National pride is a very hon- orable thing and patriotism is not to be scorned at. On the other hand, there also exists the in- tellectual approach to politics and there are times when the extreme chauvinism of foreigners should be abandoned in favor of this latter technique. There are those who do not examine words, but just their source; there are those who use every opportunity they get to play "my country right or wrong." There are people on this cam- pus who are their country's am- bassadors. They should learn what the word diplomacy means. -Lee Wetherhorn, '62 Lacks Logic... To the Editor: - ROBERT SELWA'S editorial of July 14 is in all likelihood the