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July 25, 1962 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-25

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


See Page 2

Turning cooler
this afternoon.




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House Passes Aid Measure

billion foreign aid bill preserving
the President's discretionary au-
thority to give limited aid to Com-
munist countries was sent to the
White House yesterday.
The compromise measure, pre-
viously passed by the Senate, was
approved by the House, 221 to 162.
Included in the bill is $600 mil-
lion for the Alliance for Progress
for this year. The measure also
sets that limit on assistance to
Latin America for each of the
three following years. President
John F. Kennedy had requested
$800 million for each of the three
fiscal years through 1966.
Short of Request
The authorizing legislation was
$206.5 million short of the current
year total requested by the Ken-
nedy Administration. It still must
be backed up by later appropria-


tion of funds. The money bill is
subject to further reductions.
Included in the total are prior
authorizations of $1.25 billion for
the Development Loan Fund and
$1.5 billion for military assistance.
The completed bill eliminated
restrictions placed in it by the
Senate some years ago to with-
hold aid to Communist Poland and
Yugoslavia and limit aid to India.
UN Loans OK'd
Also struck from the compro-
mise measure was a House prohi-
bition against loans for special
financial aid to the United Na-
tions until all members have paid
up their assessments for peace-
making operations in the Congo
and in the Gaza Strip.
Retained, on the other hand,
was language to suspend aid to
any country seizing United States
property without arranging for

fair compensation within six
Aimed at Brazil and other
countries where American busi-
ness has been expropriated or
threatened with seizure, this pro-
vision was softened to provide for
arbitration of claims.
To Tour Site
Of lNew Base
In Keewenaw
City Editor
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The House Interim
Committee on an Upper Penin-
sula Rocket Launching Site will
travel north this weekend to in-
spect possible locations for such
an installation.
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor), chairman of the group,
announced that the committee
will open its probe in Copper Har-
bor, where the lawmakers will
discuss plans with University
space scientists and study maps
of possible sites.
Professors Wilbur Nelson, Leslie
Jones and Edward Lesher of the
engineering college will be in at-
tendance, along with experts from
Michigan College of Mining and
Technology and Northern Michi-
gan College.

Russian Scientists Describes
esearch with Cancer Virus
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-New evidence that all cancers may be caused by
hit-and-run viruses was offered yesterday by a top Russian virologist.
Prof. L. A. Zilber of Moscow indicated in a talk to the world's
leading cancer fighters that experiments with animals suggest:
That all human cancers may be caused by viruses which remain
dormant in most people but might be brought into malignant action

... Congo rumors

SMulls Forcing
Katanga Unit
Into- Congo
Secretary-General U Tfhant was
reported to have asked his 19-na-
tion Congo advisory committee pri-
vately yesterday whether the Unit-
ed Nations should use force as a
last resort to bring Katanga prov-
ince back into the Congo.
Members of the committee said
he also asked them whether they
thought he needed a new mandate
from the Security Council to apply
economic pressure on Katanga
ani whether they thought the
council should meet on the Congo
question soon.
They reported that many among
them asked for time to consult
their governments. It was agreed
that the committee would meet
again next Tuesday to give Thant
the answers, informants said.
Thant and the chief of the UN
Congo operation, Robert K. A.
Gardiner of Ghana, both address-
ed the committee at a long, closed-
doors meeting.
Informants said Thant asked the
committee generally what he
should do about the Congo.
* He remarked that the UN was
spending so much there that by
early next year it would use up
even the proceeds of an emergen-
cy bond issue.
They said that on his recent
trip to Europe, Thant asked Bel-
gium and other countries to pres-
sure Union Miniere, the big Brus-
sels mining corporation, to pay the'
needy Leopoldville central govern-
ment taxes it now pays to Presi-
dent Moise Tshombe on copper
and cobalt mined in Katanga.
Ask Address
t B Mc aara
Special To The Daily
LANSING - Senate MinorityI
Leader Raymond Dzendzel (D-De-

in some by the passage of time,
or by the influence of radiation o
chemicals in the environment.
Disappearing Act
But he stressed that the experi-
mental evidence suggests that vi-
ruses, while seemingly responsible
for triggering cancerous growths
mostly disappear afterwards -
thereby accounting for the fact
thatdso far no virus has been iso-
lated from a human cancer.
At the same time he told an
audience of several thousand
scientists at the cancer congress
that recent progress in his con-
troversial field justifies optimism
that the cancer problem eventually
will be solved.
The Russia said work in his
laboratory shows that while an-
imals develop cancer after being
exposed to certain. viruses, no evi-
dence of the virus could be found
40 days after the cancers appeared.
Normal Cells Hit
This, he said, supports his con-
cept that viruses can, under cer-
tain conditions, transform a nor-
mal cell into a cancerous one-
and then play no further role in
the futuredevelopment of the
Prof. Zilber envisioned the pro-
cess as possibly involving a trans-
mittal by a virus or a "new in-
formation" to the hereditary
mechanism within anormal cell-
with the virus thereafter serving
only as a "passenger" while the
cancer developed independently.
Thus, he suggested, future at-
tacks on cancer might be based
not only on trying to kill the can-
cer, but also on cutting off the
pathways of inflammation between
cell and viruses by chemical
World Effort
He urged an international effort
to study cancers in humans at the
earliest stage for evidence of virus
-the better to spot such viruses
before they have a chance to dis-
Prof. Wilbur Ackermann of the
epidemiology department is at-
tending the conference. He is
scheduled to speak on experi-
ments with influenza viruses,
which scientists believe may be
closely related to those associated
with cancer in animals.

Bursley said that the group will
spend Friday inspecting the ter-
rain, roads, harbors and other
facilities near the tip of the Penin-
sula Keweenaw.
Following that a public meeting
will be held at Tech.
On Saturday the committee will
turn its efforts toward the in-
spection of terrain and mining
facilities in the Victoria Falls
area. The men will find up their
tour with a dinner meeting in
Ironwood Saturday night.
'Modest Start'
But Bursley was cautious. "We
don't want anyone to jump to the
conclusion we are suggesting an-
other Cape Canaveral for the UP.
We just think a proper investiga-
tion and a modest start, carefully
considered and coordinated with
all interested parties, including
our Canadian friends, is a desir-
able goal.
"We have been in contact with
officials in theeNational Aerona-
tics and Space Administration,
and they have shown interest in
the work of our committee."
Also on the committee are Rep-
resentatives Walter Nakkula (R-
Gladwin), Allison Green (R-King-
ston), Russell Hellman (D-Dollar
Bay), Joseph Mack (D-Ironwood),
Henry Hogan (R-Birmingham),
and Gail Handy (R-Eau Claire).
Inspector Michael Maguire, who
ordered fire hoses turned on
student demonstrators at San
Francisco City Hall on May 13,
1960, was presented with a sil-
ver cup in Mayor George Chris-
topher's office last week.
Maguire applied for disability
leave recently, claiming criti-
cism of his decision had af-
fected his nerves and physical
condition. The students were
demonstrating against the f
House Un-American Activitiest

In Albany
Police Break U
Negroes' March
ALBANY, Ga. (A)-A march o
the downtown area by several hun
dred singing Negroes was climaxe
last night by a minor outbreak o
violence in this racially tens
Georgia city.
One state trooper was hit in th
face by a rock and dozens of bot
tles and other objects were tosse
at officers and newsmen by a Ne
gro crowd that formed swiftly afte
40 Negroes and one white ma
were arrested.
Several minor incidents wer
reported and the fire departmen
was harassed by a series of fals
alarms in the Negro section.
Close Down Stores
Then police for the first tim
moved into the Harlem section o
this city of 58,000 and dispersed
the Negroes. Officers ordered al
bars and liquor stores in tha
area shut down.
The violence came a few hour
after a United States Fifth Cir
cuit Court of Appeals judge in At
lanta stayed a district court judge'
temporary injunction banning re
sumption of demonstrations.
Police had designated in advance
an area in which no demonstra-
tions would be allowed, and warn-
ed the Negroes they would be ar-
rested if they crossed into that
Crowd Dwindles
By the time the marchers reach-
ed the blocked off section; thec
number had dwindled as most of
the group were cut off at a street
intersection. Approximately 41
went on and were marched off to
It appeared at one point that the
hundreds of Negroes massed in an
area near the bus terminal would
join in the protest demonstration.
But they were discouraged by po-
lice who said, "If you want to go.
come on over-if you don't, go
The marchers were led by a
white man, Marvin Rich, of New
York City, a member of the Con-
gress of Racial Equality, and the
Rev. W. H. Holloway, an Albany
King Speaks
The Negroes were urged on by
Martin Luther King Jr. at a mass
rally where an integration leader
disclosed court action aimed at
crumbling segrgeation barriers in
public facilities.
The prospect of daily mass
marches was indicated by Charles
Jones of the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee. Jones
said, "Some of you have a job to-
night, tomorrow night, the next
day and the next day-I think
Thursday night is my night."
Earlier in the day the Negroes
won the right to continue demon-
Etrations without fear of being in
contempt of federal court. One
federal judge granted a stay of a
restraining order issued by anoth-
er federal judge last week.
Court Move
After that, a Negro attorney dis-
losed the move to seek through
federal courts the desegregation of
ill public facilities in Albany.
King vowed that mass demon-
trations would be resumed.
"We have no alternative but to
engage in peaceful nonviolent pro-
;est," King said after a city com-
mission meeting was postponed for
ack of a quorum.

Legislators Await

City Voters
d Ask Courts
eFor Relief
d Representation Cases
Affect Three States
WASHINGTON (P) - Hot dis-
e putes over the make-up of state
t legislatures cut into the vacatior
time of many a judge andstate
-official yesterday.
Involved was a big drive by ci-
ties and suburbs to gain mor
e power in state law-making bodies
f a majority of which have histor-
ically been dominated by rura
l areas.
t In Florida, Gov. Farris Bryant
a Democrat, called a special ses-
s sion of the legislature for Aug. 1
- to consider reapportionment. Flor.
- ida is one of the latest of severa
s states which have been ordered
- by federal courts to give populou
areas more representation.
- .Disparity
A three-judge federal court not-
ed yesterday that Florida's "five
most populous counties average
one representative for each 106,-
000 people. The five least populous
average one for each 3,266 people.'
It said a like disparity marks the
Unless reapportionment is en-
acted with dispatch, the court
said, the job must be done by judi-
cial decree.
The Rhode Island Supreme
Court ruled thatthe general as-
Ssembly has an obligation to re-
apportion its house of representa-
tives on the basis of the 1960 cen-
sus. Despite wide population shifts
in Rhode Island since World War
II, there has been no reapportion-
ment since 1930.
Expect Session
Although the state supreme
court said it has no power to re-
quire a special session of the gen-
eral assembly, there was a strong
expectation one would be called.
Gov. John A. Notte Jr., Democrat,
reserved comment.
Cranston and Warwick, growing
suburbs of Providence, have been
displaying much more interest in
redistricting than the rural areas
or Providence proper, which lost
population between 1950 and 1960.
Kansas Action
In Kansas, a district judge took
under consideration legal action
initiated by a group of newspaper-
men seeking to establish a test
reapportionment case.
Sought is an injunction against
use of the present Kansas appor-
tionment law.
The suit contends the state and
federal constitutions have been
violated by the legislature's failure
to reapportion every five years.
U.S. Nuclear Shot
Postponed Again
HONOLULU (P) -Unfavorable
weather caused postponement
again last night of the United
States attempt for a second high-
altitude nuclear test. The shot
was delayed at least another 24


East Germany in its campaign to,
get United States, British and
French garrisons out of West Ber-
lin. This would give the East Ger-
mans control over Western supply
lines to the isolated city.
Mutual Blasts
The two met after attending a
session of the 17-nation disarma-
ment conference at which each
accused the other of blocking pro-
gress on disarmament.
Rusk, Gromyko and British
Foreign Secretary Lord Home ex-
pressed desires to end the arms
race. But that's as far as they got
in the first session after a recess
last Thursday.
Rusk declared repeated Soviet
declarations that Communism will
eventually dominate the world
tend to stall disarmament.
Never Open
Gromyko declared the Soviet
Union would never open up its
military bases for inspection by
international disarmament teams
even if the United States agreed
to do so.
Rusk called on the conference
to come up with disarmament pro-
posals to dispel suspicion and said
the United States is "ready to
share certain risks in disarma-
ment." He did not spell them out.

Hearing Set
For Friday
By Stewart

-AP Wirephoto
ARMS TALKS-Secretary of State Dean Rusk (left) and United
States delegate Arthur Dean hear debate at the 17-nation dis-
armament conference in Geneva.
Berlin, Disarmament Issues
Move Slowly at Conference
GENEVA OP)-Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Soviet Foreign
Minister Andrei Gromyko met for 3%12 hours yesterday without
producing what an American spokesman called "any significant
change on the Berlin question."
It was the third meeting for the two. Whether a fourth meeting
will be held may be decided today, the spokesman said.
There have been reports the Soviet Union will carry out later
this year its often-made threat to sign a separate peace treaty with

World News
L oundup
By The Associated Press
LIMA-Peru's week-old military
junta made public yesterday a new
decree conferring all executive and
legislative powers upon its 12 mem-
World Airways and its flight en-
gineers accepted early today a
proposal by Labor Secretary Ar-
thur J. Goldberg and settled their
long dispute.
SHREVEPORT-A federal judge
yesterday certified 26 Negroes as
the first of their race to qualify as
voters in East Carroll Parish
(county) in 40 years. United States
District Judge Edwin F. Hunter Jx.
acted after a special three-judge
federal court upheld constitution-
ality of the 1960 Civil Rights Act.
* * *
BUENOS AIRES - Argentine
President Jose Maria Guido, close-
ly supervised by the military, last
night banned Communists "and
other totalitarian parties" from
taking part in elections.
ALGIERS - Algerian officials
flashed an alert yesterday against
a possible new wave of European
terror while the tottering govern-
ment of Premier Ben Youssef Ben
Khedda warily watchE.d its more
dynamic rivals.
* * N
NEW YORK-The Stock Mar-
ket slipped to a moderate loss yes-
terday in dull trading. The Dow
Jones average was 574.12, off .90.
Stahlin Agen't
Found Guilty
DETROIT-Circuit Judge Jo-
seph A. Moynihan threw out con-
tempt of court charges against
Sen. John Stahlin (R-Belding)
yesterday, but his press agent

Swainson To Address
Joint Session; Parties
View ApportionInent
Special To The Daily
LANSING - The state Legisla-
ture marked time yesterday await-
ing a decision by United States
Supreme Court Justice Potter
Stewart on an appeal by three
Republican senators on the state
Supreme Court reapportionment
The Legislature wil hear Gov.
John B. Swainson at 2:30 p.m.
today detail his stand on the re-
apportionment issue.
Both parties caucused in the
House yesterday while the Senate
Democrats met. The majority Sen-
ate Republicans will caucus at
10 a.m. today.
GOP Agenda
The GOP session will brief re-
turning legislators and discuss
the apportionment situation, Sen-
ate MajoritydLeader Lynn O.
Francis (R-Midland) said.
In Littleton, N. H., Stewart
agreed to hear the appeal and
scheduled oral arguments for Fri-
Whitney N. Seymour, the past
president of the American Bar
Assosiation hired by the Senators,
filed the appeal yesterday morn-
'Grave Concern'
Seymour, representing Senators
Paul Younger (R-Lansing), John
Fitzgerald (R-Grand Ledge) and
Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair), said
the principlereason for the appeal
was "that the decision of the
Michigan Supreme Court presents
a highly important Constitutional
question of grave concern to the
people of Michigan."
Declaring that the Michigan
case is "entirely different" from
a similar Tennessee case, Seymour
noted Michigan voters approved
the Senate districting in a Con-
stitutional amendment in 1952,
while the Teinessee legislature did
not redistrict for 60 years.
The appeal asks a delay de-
claring that the court's Aug. 20
deadline "is of course altogether
too short for orderly operation of
the legislative machinery."
Kelley Rebuts
In a reply, which will be filed
today, Atty Gen. Frank Kelley
opposed the request for a stay.
He argued that the defendants,
in requesting the stay of proceed-
ings, "are asking this court to ap-
prove a prescription for chaos.
"Should the court grant a stay
of proceedings and subsequently
reject intervening defendants' ap-
peal on the merits, the state of
Michigan will be without a valid
Orderly Phaseout
Kelley pointed out that the state
Eupreme Court order declared the
present Senate illegal, but allowed
it to continue to perform legisla-
tive functions until Dec. 31, only
-to provide for an orderly tran-
Meanwhile, the Senate heard
Republican leaders denounce the
state court decision as a "pearl
harbor on the people" and a usurp-
ation of power, express hopes for
a successful appeal and urge the
"impeachment'' of two Michigan
Supreme Court justices who voted
for or abstained from the decision.
Charging that the justices were
tools of state AFL-CIO president
August Scholle, Senate Judiciary
Committee chairman Carlton Mor-
ris (R-Kalamazoo) claimed that
"four voices have drowned out
those of eight million."
Asks State Vote
He urged that the voters "in
sure that the next elected gover-
nor is not dominated by CIO lead-
ers" and that the electorate be
given a chance to vote on the
Constitution Convention feappor-
tionment scheme either at the
November election or next April.
Morris introduced bills to base
reapportionment on a 80 per cent

population, 20 per cent area basis


Library Displays Influential Weriting, Thought

Frequentors of the General Li-
brary know that on the first floor
of the building, just past the
check-out tables, in tall glass dis-
play cases, there usually is an

exhibition of rare or unusual
Harriet Jameson, head of the
library's Rare Book Rm., and the
unsung heroine whose job in-
cludes planning and executing the
presentations, admits that often
the displays take many hours to
arrange, although the theme for
a given exhibit is usually decided
without too much difficulty.
"Over the past year the exhi-
bitions have been in many areas.
Often a social or political event,
like the anniversary of the unifi-
cation of Italy or the Civil War
centennial will be reason for, and
hence the topic of, a particular;
display," Miss Jameson said.
Special Book Collections
Often, too, ideas for exhibits

The library also held a display
on the works of Shakespeare, tak-
en from the Shakespeare Collec-;
tion, and before that, showed a+
group of books published prior to
1501 (called "incunabula"). In ad-
dition to these the library has
collections of manuscripts, Egyp-
tion papyri and the collected
works of various authors, such as
Swinburn or Carlyle.
Exhibit Molding Books
Currently, the library, or rather
Miss Jameson, is displaying some
of the works cited by Robert
Downs in his recent book "Molders
of the Modern World."
Downs discusses 111 books writ-
ten not only in English, but in!
German, French, Russian, Italian,

of topics, including philosophy,
medicine, mathematics, political
science, natural science and so-
The display shows 72 books,
most of which are first editions.
However, some, like Johnson's

Dictionary, published in 1799, are
later editions, and others, such as
an edition of Pavlov's "Condition-
ed Reflexes," are first translated
With each book Miss Jameson
has supplied a brief expanation,
commentary, or background note.
Hitler's "Mein Kampf"
Such a note concerning "Mein
Kampf" (a first edition in Ger-
man, complete with a Hitler photo
and autograph) tells that "for
every word, 125 lives were lost, for
every page 4700 lives, and for
every chapter, more than 1.2 mil-
lion . . . ."
Many of the books from the
era Mein Kampf was written-
shortly before or immediately fol-

:. ..
-: .


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