014 A riiiattDafly Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: RUTH EVENHUIS INTERPRETING THE NEWS: World-Wide Television Poses Dangerous Threat By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst MAN DISPLAYS an increasing ability to make life dangerously com- plicated for himself. Sixteen years ago, when people discovered what had happened at Hiroshima, a great many thought that the ultimate blow had been struck against long-standing conceptions of many sorts - political, military and social. Now the prospect of creation of a world-wide television system, open to all who can set up the machinery, capable of being bent and U.S. Would Gain From Berlin Negotiations T HE UNITED STATES shouldn't be so ready to go to war over Berlin, because if negotia- tions give the Russians everything they want there, the United States will be better off than it is now. Certainly it would be a defeat to lose West Berlin as a spy center and a propaganda show- piece, but the city itself has been the least of Khrushchev's concerns. What he wants most strongly is a German peace treaty. This would stabilize the existing borders between East and West Germany, and also between these two countries and their neighbors. The United States doesn't want such a treaty, because it hopes, somehow, that it will be possible to reunite the two Germanies-un- der Western control. ON THE FACE OF IT this seems ridiculous. The Russians are obviously not going to let a reunified Germany join NATO; and since the United States probably won't go to war over the issue, our hopes for a united Germany are completely unsupported. If the United States wanted to insure the safety ofthe West Berliners, it could agree to making Berlin a "free city." And even if the Russians would later try to take it over, our ability to stop them would be no different than it is now. No military advantage would be lost by agreeing to neutralize Berlin. Of course, the Committee Hides Head THE SENATE Foreign Relations Committee has again chosen to bury its head in imita- tion of the proverbial ostrich on the question of Red China. It has passed a resolution, similar to its past statements on the subject, which asks the Unit- ed States to oppose recognition of Red China and to continue blockading its admission to the United Nations. This resolution goes even further than past statements. It asks the United States to con- tinue in its obligations to Nationalist China, and to block recognition and a UN seat for that monstrous Communist power Outer Mon- golia. BUT THERE ARE at least some hopeful signs that the committee and Congress (which must now approve the resolution) may someday wake up to reality: It makes no plea for divine right of kings, restriction of suffrage, or mercantilism and doesn't even admonish us "to carry the white man's burden." -D. MARCUS use of it as a spy base might be impaired, but this is a relatively minor concern. When and if the West Germans have the atom bomb, they might patriotically try to claim East Germany as a lost province. And not only the East Germany that exists now, but pre-war eastern territory as well. Right now, because the United States and Russia haven't agreed what the German boun- daries are, that situation could be extremely dangerous. If a peace treaty were signed, how- ever, which recognized the present German frontiers, then the West Germans could never try to unify their country, nor could they try to expand its territory. If they did, the United States and Russia could agree to stop them. KHRUSHCHEV feels a real danger from the "Hitler generals" he sees in the West Ger- man army. We don't feel endangered, because: 1) Any German expansion would hurt the Russians and not us, and 2) Anyway, the Germans are our friends. Both these arguments are ridiculous. If the West Germans tried to take over East Germany under the threat of nuclear force, the Russians would have to decide whether it was worth a large scale war. Just as we couldn't make up our minds as to how much Cuba was worth fighting for, the Russians would have to decide whether East Germany was worth bombs fall- ing on their own territory. But the resulting increase in tension would ultimately cost us more-in hopes for some kind of peace-than the Russian embarrass- ment would be worth. The Russians would de- cide the United States favored unlimited Ger- man expansion, and the United States, con- fronted with an independently strong Germany, wouldn't know how to control it. THE ONLY WAY to make sense out of United States policy is to assume-melodramatically -that it is obeying militaristic West German orders. We will hold out against a peace treaty, thereby permitting the West Germans to claim new territory. While the stalemate continues, the Germans could continue present efforts to unite Western Europe. We like this plan as a way to end quarreling among the allies. The French seem to like the idea because it would restore their lost world influence. No one knows why the Germans like it. But Khrush- chev thinks that Germans want atom bombs and the power of a "third force," to make them able to pressure Russia. Whether such paranoia is justified remains to be seen. But certainly, if the United States were more interested in its own welfare than in the Russians' misery, it would have no ob- jection to signing a German peace treaty mak- ing current German boundaries and the divi- sion of the country permanent, or else neu- tralizing and demilitarizing it. -PETER STEINBERGER CRISIS IN BIZERTE::NEGRO: Bourguiba Disillusioned; Friend Only Communists Profit twisted to the will of those who wish to bend and twist the wills of whole peoples, promises an im- pact which could be far greater. Millions of televiewers in the United States were treated last Friday to a small demonstration of what can happen, inadvertently, or what could be made to happen deliberately, through use of this newest form of mass communica- tion. SOON AFTER HEARING oral reports that astronaut Grissom's space capsule had floated down under parachute to 21,000 feet they were shown pictures of a helicopter carrying a capsule, pre- sumably to the waiting aircraft carrier. The only presumption was that Grissom and the capsule had been picked up, and that the eye of television had flashed ahead of information for oral announc- ers. The presumption was enhanced by a flashback to Cape Canaveral, where the space agency announcer was reporting efforts to confirm the pickup. Anyone called away from his set at that time, just before a net- work announcer cut in to explain that the helicopter pictures were standby preparedness pictures made when Alan Shepard made his return from space - and not actually pictures of Grissom's capsule - would have sworn that Grissom and the capsule were safe. * * * IF SUCH a misconception can be created inadvertently, with everyone understanding that the network had no intention of being dishonest but had only been trap- ped in an attempt to keep the visual show going during a hiatus, what could a new Adolph Hitler do by intent over a worldwide hookup? He could show pictures of the attack by Poland which he ver- bally claimed. He could show Polish saboteurs blowing up whole German towns. He could convince the world - and probably more than momentarily - of the neces- sity of war against Poland. The prospect becomes the more disturbing when you consider that the expected space communica- tions system will be set up by the countries with powerful economies, but will be extended to the least educated, least informed and therefore most impressionable areas of the earth. * * IF ALL NATIONS participate, as the United States is suggesting, the system will be operated in part by free men under free en- terprise, subject to the checks and balances of open competition. But it will also be operated oy gov- ernments which have as their chief announced objective the persua- sion of all men to come under their rule. That means that a device is being constructed which will upen the way - unless unprecedented controls are established - con- tains a threat more serious to man than the threat to kill his body - the threat to capture and direct his mind. British Steer Careful Course COMMON MARKET meetings on the Berlin crisis and on federative aspects of Euro- pean unity have come at a moment when Brit- ain, "the great dissenter," is being urged to seek ties with the group in order to relieve pressures on its economy. But Britain is relying on austerity measures plus aid from the Inter- national Monetary Fund to pull it through its present crisis. The British course is logical. The benefits to be gained from access to the six-nation market area on the European continent are problematical. They have to be weighed against possible losses in Commonwealth trade for Britain, and disruption of present British ar- rangements aiding British agriculture. Despite Washington's eagerness to see Britain and the Common Market in a new expanded version of European unity, it is possible to see why British opinion still resists connections on such terms as are now available. These stress political federation as the end of economic co- operation. INDEED Common Market members just this week have met to try to further a federal relationship. For their own sakes they have every right to do this. But they did not offer at this meeting to- make it any easier for Britain to cooperate with them. Many British do not see how their country, as one nation in a Euro- pean federation, could also provide accustomed leadership for the Commonwealth of Nations, some of whose members oppose the idea of British ties to the Common Market oneconomic grounds. In resorting to self-discipline at home and to aid from IMF, Britain is pursuing a course in line with its broadest interests, including an Atlantic unity in which the Common Mar- ket plays a less unifying role than Washington seems to imagine. -CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR By THOMAS F. BRADY New York Times News Analyst TUNIS, July 24-Everyone con- cerned - France, Tunisia, the United States and the Western powers-stands to lose heavily in the Bizerte crisis. The Communists, however, only can profit from the possible trans- formation of Habib Bourguiba, un- til now a stanch friend of the West, into an enemy of France and a leader bitterly disillusioned about the United States. Since the bombardment of Sakiet-sidi Youssef by the French in Febru- ary, 1958, Bourguiba's confident belief that the United States would keep Tunisia from being pushed around has been the cor-. nerstone of Tunisian policy. * * *, IN FORCING the issue of French evacuation of the Bizerte naval base at the moment when the United States badly needs French solidarity with the Atlan- tic Alliance because of the Berlin crisis, Bourguiba miscalculated. His reaction was apparent in his comment the other day that the attitude of the United States and Britain was "painful and discon- certing." He also miscalculated the vigor of the French response to his moves to force the evacuation of Bizerte. He said in the same speech: "I never believed the Govern- ment headed by General de Gaulle, who has proclaimed his policy to be decolonization, would act in such a way." A WELL QUALIFIED Western observer described the French mil- itary moves at Bizerte as a "gross over-reaction" to the Tunisian blockade of the base and Tunisian rifle fire on a French helicopter. The chain of events that was set off has cost more than 500 Tuni- sian lives, by conservative esti- mate. . Another element is probably in- volved in triggering the crisis. If French claims are to be believed artillery of the Tunisian army was effective against French aviation in the air and on the ground last Wednesday. Bourguiba had probably expect- ed the situation to develop as it had in 1958 when the Tunisians threw up barricades around all French military installations, which were then spread all over Tunisia. He declared the Tunisian air space closed to French aircraft. When the French ignored his dec- laration, he ordered his armed forces to fire on military planes. There was rifle fire, but it was in- effective, and as far as is known, no French aircraft were brought down in flight by rifle fire. * * * WEDNESDAY, however, Tuni- sian artillery did shoot down a cause military action is not his technique. Be that as it may, the Tunisians regard themselves as having moral right to defend their air space. Consequently there is no compre- hension here of the French reac- tion or the Western failure to condemn it. The role of Tunisia at this mo- ment is profoundly important for what is called the "third world," that of underdeveloped peoples. The United States had chosen Tu- nisia to be a "pilot country" for economic aid and development. But Tunisia was really a pilot country of the "third world" in cooperation with what Marxists call the capitalist imperialists of the West. * * * THE TUNISIAN4S believed pro- foundly that the United States was a country where international morality was a guiding principle. They pointed to the United States reaction to the Suez affair in 1956 and to the French bombing of the Tunisian village in 1958. Monday one of Bourguiba's ad- visers asked: "Where are his American friends now?" The French action has strength- ened Bourguiba within Tunisia, but the fact that the United States has not supported him has weakened his position tremen- dously. Copyright 1961, The New York Times Of Justice AM MOVED to comment that we Negroes are convinced that we are, on the whole, better Ameri- cans than our white brothers. We believe in what our freedom docu- ments say; the white power struc- ture does not. It follows then- at least in our minds it does-that if this country is to be saved, if it is to assume the posture it pro- fesses, we must carry the load by insisting that the Republic be- come what it swears it already is. *, * * "ALTHOUGH we file our suit in the name of civil rights, we ac- tually appear as a friend of free- dom and human justice. If our plea is heard, and acted upon, the West-the United, States really-- will take a long step toward cor- recting its relationships with the nonwhite peoples of the world. Most of these peoples are West- ern in mind and temperament; their -estrangement-they call it 'neutralism'-is largely due to our default on the matter of mis- treatment and exploitation . "We know the Republic is em- barrassed by these incidents. But experience has taught us that our relief is coincident with that em- barrassment. When we sit in a waiting room, we are taking the Constitution to mean what it says, we understand the Supreme Court to mean what it says." -Louis E. Lomax DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26 General Notices Seniors: College of L.s. & A., and Schools of Education, Music, Public Health and Business Administration. Tentative lists of seniors for August graduation have been psted on the bulletin board, first floor lobby, Admin. Bldg. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records window Number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg. The Office of Veterans' Affairs has moved from 142 Admin. Bldg. to 2226 Student Activities Bldg. The phone number is unchanged. Ext. 3301. August Teacher's Certificate Candi- dates: All requirements for the teach- er's certificate must be completed by Aug. 4. These requirements include the teacher's oath, the health statement, and the Bureau of Appointments ma- terial. The oath should be taken as soon' as possible in room 1203 Univer- sity High School. The office is open from 8-12 and 1-5. Students who expect to receive Edu- cation and Training allowance under Public Law 550 or 634 and are enrolled in the 8-week session must (1) turn in the Deans Monthly Certification form for June 26-July 31, signed by instruc- tors, to the Dean's Office by Fri.,July 28, (2) sign IBM card for June 26-July 31 In the Office of Veterans' Affair, 2226 SAB. on Aug. 1, 2, 3, or 4. Those en- rolledin the 6-week session only must (1) turn in one Dean's Monthly Cer- tification form for the entire summer session, signed by instructors at the final exams, to the Dean's Office by Aug. 4, (2) sign IBM card for June 26 to Aug. 5 in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 2226 SAB, Aug., 1,2,a3,ror4 between 8 a.m. & noon or 1 to 5 pm. Events Wednesday German Coffee Hour: Wed., July 28 at 2 p.m. In 4072 Frieze Bldg. All person interested in speaking German are Wel- come. Educational Film Preview: Wed., July 26 at 2 p.m. in the Schorling Aud., University School. "High School Band Day Highlights" and "Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom.". Baroque Trio: The Baroque Trio, Nelson Hauenstein, flute; Florian Muel- ler, oboe; Marilyn Mason, harpsichord; assisted by Clyde Thompson, double bass, will present a concert Wed., July 26, at 8:30 p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hail. Compositions they will play are by Purcell, Loellet. Jommeli, Bach, and TelLemann. Open to the public without charge. 11 1 William Warner Bishop Lecture: Dr. Jack Dalton, Dean of the School of 7 ibrary Service, Columbia University, will speak on "International Library Relations" at 3 p.m. on Wed., July 26, in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Un- dergraduate Library. Open to the pub- lic, Doctoral Examination for Robert Boris Marcus, Chemistry; thesis: "The Oxi- dation of Thin Single Crystals ofCop- per,"~ July 26, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 10 a.m. Chairman. L. . Brockway. Events Thursday Baratin, the informal conversation group of the French Club, will meet Thurs., July 27, from 2 to 4 p.m. in (Continued on Page 3) 4 I i 1 4 I 4 , TRIP TO TUNISIA: Hammarskjold Challenges Soviet Claims Aid Program Seems Safe PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S foreign aid pro- gram, a major weapon in his crusade for freedom, appears to be well on its way toward final victory. There will be some cuts and changes, but the indications are that it will come out of the Congressional wringer sub- stantially intact and, in any case, adequate enough to meet the needs for which it was devised. Evidence to that effect mounted when the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved the bill authorizing it by a vote of 13 to 4. This is substantially better than the 10 to 7 vote Editorial Staff 2f~nQ A ER'nT!Tywta P .i .t' by which it had already endorsed the most heatedly contested feature - the five-year $8.8 billion development loan fund. The House Foreign Affairs Committee is now expected to do the same and so is Congress, although the battle before the more difficult appropriations committees must still be fought and won. THE SENATE COMMITTEE did cut the President's original request of $4.8 billion to $4.3 billion. It is doubtful that this was a wise move in view of the imponderables of the Berlin crisis. But such a cut is in line with usual Congressional procedure and was largely anticipated by the administration. The com- mittee likewise changed the system of operat- ing the development loan fund; but the ad- ministration is satisfied with the change. The die-hard opposition still threatens a flnnr hattle ever the fund. not so much to By MAX HARRELSON Associated Press News Analyst UNITED NATIONS (R) - Dag Hammarskjold's role in the Tunisian crisis could turn out to be a powerful answer to the So- viet campaign to replace the Unit- ed Nations Secretary-General with a three-man directorate. If his personal diplomacy suc- ceeds in restoring peace, both he and the office of secretary-gen- eral will get a big boost in pres- tige. In any event his activities are bound to have an impact on this fall's General Assembly de- bate on the proposed structural changes. Developments during the past week have certainly demonstrated that the secretary-general is a potential peace-making arm of the United Nations which can supplement the work of the Secur- ity Council and the Assembly. * * * ALTHOUGH Hammarskiold has insisted that his quiet diplomacy was not impaired by the Soviet attacks initiated by P r e m i e r Khrushchev last September, he had no opportunity to put his claim to a test until the Tunisian- '4 -AP Wirephoto HAMMARSKJOLD IN TUNISIA-United Nations Secretary Dag Hammarskjold and Tunisian Defense Minister Bahi Lagdham are interviewed by a Tunis radio newsman after they met to discuss the French-Tunisian crisis. Sjiyndav M fivto +nihni s to hcln o~mmnitted i nries weunt. out of ousted and the Soviet embassy I