BERLIN CRISIS: THE LAST ONE?, See Page 2 Yl r e Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom ~~Aait MORE SHOWERS High-85 Love-70 Early morning fog; Partly cloudy in afternoon VOL. LXXI, No. 17S, U.S. To Stage Airlift For 20,000 Cubans Government Plans Free Flights; Castro Approval Not Yet Assured E WASHINGTON W)-- The United States government announced last night it will sponsor a free airlift for more than 20,000 Cubans wanting to come to the United States. The State Department said that, starting today, Pan American Airways will step up its flight to Havana tenfold in order to bring in the waiting Cubans at the rate of 1,000 a day. The United States government expects to pay some $350,000 out r' of its emergency foreign aid fund to finance the mass airlift. The White House has approved the action. The State Department said the step is being taken because the ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1961 FIVE CENTS FOUR PAGES i 7 Massiv ot Boosts Infantry, Aerial Attack French Hold in Bizerte Grissom is Space Flight Succeeds! Cubans have been unable to pay SEN. J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT . objects to extremists Senator Hits P " Political Role Of Military By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Sen. J. Wil- iam Fulbright (D-Ark) said yes- terday he had sent Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara a "confidential memorandum" ob- jecting to military sponsorship of meetings featuring "extremist speeches" by outsiders. "The point I wanted to make," Fulbright told reporters, "was that it is not the traditional role of the military to sponsor meetings weighted to one side of a political subject." Fulbright said the principal theme of some meetings spon- sored by generals and admirals has been that "the greatest dan- ger to this country is internal communism, and that communism has infiltrated our schools and our churches and dominates our gov- ernment." Criticizes Memo Fulbright's remarks drew imme- diate criticism from Senate 'col- league Strom Thurmond (D-SC) who denounced the memorandum as a "dastardly attempt to intimi- date the commanders of United' States armed forces." Thurmond termed the memo, which was followed by new De- fense Department restrictions on speeches by top military men, an effort to prevent United States commanders from teaching their troops "the nature of the menace of world communism." Unofficial Document Fulbright, chairman of the Sen- ate Foreign Relations Commit- tee, said the memo was in no sense a committee document and that other members of the com- mittee were unaware that he had sent it. Thurmond, a major general in the Army reserve, said, "In the Defense Department among mili- tary personnel lies the real bastion of knowledge and understanding of the Communist threat, an un- derstanding and knowledge long since lacking in the White House." Satellite Fails After Takeoff VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. ()-The 27th Dis- coverer satellite rocket was de- stroyed by the safety officer 60 seconds after it soared spaceward from this Pacific missile range yesterday. Search teams are seeking debris, assumed by the Air Force to have fallen in the sea. The Discoverer in American dollars for the flight -to Miami. Instead, they have had only Cuban pesos - unusabledto pay their fares on such flights. State Department Press Officer Lincoln White, who issued the an- nouncement, said no assurance has been received from Prime Minister Fidel Castro as to wheth- er he will let the Cubans out. Nor has the United States government told Castro about the plan, he said. This raised questions about ob- stacles the airlift might face in actual operation. The approximately 20,000 Cu- bans eligible for the free flights are those who have visas or waiv- ers issued by the United States government allowing them to en- ter this country. Most of them are relatives of the thousands of Cu- bans who have found refuge in America since Castro took power. "The bulk of the waivers grant- ed to Cubans now awaiting pass- age to the United States has been given to reunite divided families and to permit students under the age of 21 to carry out their wish to follow or continue studies in the United States," the announce- ment said. Pan America presently flies about 10 flights a week between Miami and Havana. Each flight can carry up to 109 passengers, of- ficials said. To multiply the flow tenfold and bring out the 20,000 Cubans in about a three-week period, the United States airline intends to step up its flights to 10 a day. tRusk Briefs Allied Envoys tAbout Berlin WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of State Dean Rusk yesterday briefed envoys from Britain, France and West Germany on new United States plans to step up defenses against the Berlin threat. It took Rusk slightly more than 30 minutes to tell the Big Three emissaries about President John F. Kennedy's Save - Berlin pro- gram. The President is to an- nounce his plans in a radio- telecast Tuesday night. Hint NATO Step-Up West German Ambassador Wil- helm Grewe hinted that part of the Kennedy program involves an increase in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's , conven- tional weapons defense forces. Beyond that, the diplomats de- clined to indicate what they were told. French Minister Claude Lebel termed Rusk's fill-in "very satis- factory." The British representa- tive, Lord Hood, declined com- ment. Hood is British Embassy Minister. The next United States step in informing allies of the Kennedy program will be undertaken in Paris by Thomas K. Finletter, United States ambassador to NATO. Finletter returns to Paris today. Grewe Comments Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush- chev has declared he will sign, by the end of this year, a peace treaty with Communist East Germany, which he says will wipe out west- ern rights to Red-surrounded West Berlin. Asked whether a step-up in NATO's conventional forces is pro- posed, Grewe said, " I would not be surprised to see . .. some sign of it." As for West Germany, Grewe said, "If there's such a common decision in NATO, I'm quite sure we will take part in it." Washington Seeks Increase in Draft CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -P)- Astronaut Virgil I. Grissom suc- cessfully thundered 118 milesinto the sky yesterday only to wind up with a scramble for life from his flooded spacecraft and a swim. Grissom was plucked wet but unscathed from the Atlantic Ocean 303 miles southeast of here by a helicopter only two minutes after abandoning his rapidly fill- ing capsule. The $2 million, instrument-lad- en capsule, Liberty Bell 7, sank beyond hope of recovery in 14,800 feet of water. Attains Top Speed On his flight, Grissomdattained a top speed of 5,280 miles per hour and thus became the fastest American ever, and the second American into space. National Aeronautics and Space Administration officials said Gris- som reported the capsule's side escape hatch blew off accidentally before the craft was hooked to a helicopter. Grissom said he removed a safety pin preparatory to opening the exit and the explosive bolts which kept it secure fired inex- plicably. Grissom's space craft carried a new type hatch which was se- cured with 70 explosive bolts de- signed to hurl the hatch cover 25 feet in event of an emergency. As soon as the hatch flew off, apparently, the seas rushed in. Grissom, in effect, floated out as he had been taught to do in train- ing for such an emergency. Forgets Chores During his flight Grissom be- came so enthralled by the view from his 19-inch high "picture window" that he reported he mo- mentarily forgot to carry out his assigned chores. Despite his improved view, Gris- som reported he was unable to pick up any landmarks because the ground was obscured by clouds. Nine minutes after launch and as he re-entered the atmosphere, Grissom reported, "I feel good. Everything is looking good." On the flight Grissom controlled his ship by releasing hydrogen peroxide gas from small jets. He made the ship yaw, pitch and roll. At two points on the flight - and despite installation of sup- posedly improved equipment- voice communications with Gris- som faded. NASA officials said that the loss of the capsule was not expected to slow United States prepara- tions for an orbital flight late this year or in early 1962. -AP Wirephoto DUNKED ASTRONAUT-A Marine helicopter hovers over the ocean during attempt to retrieve the space craft at the end of Astronaut Virgil Grissom's flight. The capsule was lost in the sea. At top of the Liberty Bell 7 is the "horse collar" hoist which would have been used to lift Grissom, who had to swim from the flooded craft. Russians Still Co-mmad-nd Space Race Lead Say Tunisian Troops Retain Center of City Invading Force Dominates Canal; Warships Increase Army Strength TUNIS (R)-French troops, supported by tanks and planes blazing away with rockets-continued to enlarge their hold in the heart of the city of Bizerte today. The Tunisian government insisted the center of the city was still in Tunisian hands despite a massive attack from three sides. But unconfirmed reports said most of the Tunisian volunteers among the defending force were fleeing the city. Tunisian government officials said their infantry was put- ting up fierce resistance behind makeshift barricades. Seize High Ground The French reported their forces, attacking by land, sea and air, seized high ground dominating the canal leading from the Mediterranean to theirs z By The Associated Press CAPE CANAVERAL-The Rus- sian space successes have spurred this country into an all-out drive to reach the moon before a Soviet Cosmonaut plants the Red flag there. President John F. Kennedy has asked the American people to sa- crifice an additional $7 to $9 to achieve a manned lunar landing by 1967. The flights of Astronauts Alan B. Shepard Jr. and Virgil I. G. Grissom are steps in that direc- tion. But the United States has a long way to go before an Astro- naut can be rocketedtoward the moon. Kennedy Signs Bill A few hours after Grissom's successful flight yesterday, Ken- nedy signed a bill authorizing $1,784,300,000 for the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- tration to push the United States race for space. We are, in fact, several months away from matching the Russian feat of placing a man in orbit and returning him safely to earth. Our scientists do not at this time have a powerful and reliable enough rocket to do the job. Stress Scientific Aspect Space experts agree there are three main reasons for sending man into space and to the moon- science, worldwide prestige and military security. The United States is concen- trating on the scientific aspects in a broad program aimed at eventually capturing the prestige lead held by the Russians as the result of their many space "firsts" and spectacular flights achieved with mammoth rockets. The experts consider the Rus- sian program as a one-way street with military domination of space the ultimate goal. DISDAINS MOON TRIPS: Astronomer Views "Because the universe is so big,v and we have seen so many billions of stars, and mapped them, I can- not be impressed by the sending of a man to the moon, or even to the nearest star." This was the opinion offered by Prof. George Z. Dimitroff of Dart- mouth College, in a lecture he gave here last night. Introducing the audience to some of the problems in astrono- my, such as the sun's atmosphere, sunspots and structure and origin { U.S. Agrees To Support New Argentine Program WASHINGTON (A)-The United States and Argentina announced yesterday agreement on a broad program of economic and social development for the South American republic, involving projects costing more than one billion dollars. To get the giant program moving along more rapidly, projects costing $205 million were announced, with $155 million to come from United States agencies, and the remaining $50 million from the World Bank. The longer range program is to include aid from Japan to European countries, as well as from the United States. In addition, the United Statesj offered to help in such ways as it U ccould to boost Argentina's exports' n iver lseto this country. U1 e S No immediate agreement was announced on the touchy problem of increased Argentine meat ex- of galaxies, he emphasized the rel- ports to the United States. Areas ative smallness of the earth and of Argentina are still afflicted by its solar system. hoof and mouth disease. Outskirts of Galaxy I The immediate projects concern "It takes light only a couple of facilities for increased production seconds to get to the moon from of steel and electric power, im- here," he said, "and only eight proved railroad facilities and seconds to reach the sun. building and modernization of key "But it takes four years for airports, including the Interna- "Bu t t akivesatftheyearstrtional Airport at Buenos Aires. light to arrive at the nearest Roads and housing also are in- neighboring star. Our Earth is on cluded in the specific projects the outskirts of a galaxy contain- mentioned yesterday. ing 100 billion stars. Details 'of the agreement were "And the nearest neighboring announced at a news conference galaxy is one and a half million: by Adalbert Krieger Vasena, a for- light years away. mer finance minister of Argentina Slimy Cookies who headed the negotiating team "Now do you see why I'm not from his country. The state de- so enthusiastic about getting partment had announced general strapped into a space capsule along aspects of the aid program earlier. with two monkeys, and a jar of slimy cookies, just to get to the moon. or maybe to the star only HS U Approves four light years away?" Prof. Dimitroff used slides to operating Budget demonstrate the spiral appearance of nebulae containing billions of Michigan State University Board stars, and suggested that the arms of trustees yesterday gave formal of the spirals might be moving approval to a $30.7 million operat- either way-in towards the cen- ing budget for the school for naval base three miles inland from the embattled city. The city of 45,000 stands astride the canal. Tunisian officials said three French warships sent landing barges through the canal into Bi- zerte Bay under a rain of fire and landed troops, who then linked up with the attacking forces. One barge was reported set afire by Tunisian machine guns as it nosed through the narrow canal. 150 Tunisians Die Tunisia's government radio said at least 150 Tunisians were killed in the assault. It claimed 100 "death volunteers" moving to oc- cupy a portion of the French-held Sahara 500 miles to the south died when attacked by French planes dropping Napalm bombs - fire bombs made of jellied gasoline. The French, who have reported just 5 dead and 30 wounded since fighting broke out Tuesday, denied using Napalm bombs anywhere in Tunisia. French Premier Michel Debre held out hopes of a ceasefire. Aft- er a conference with President Charles de Gaulle, Debre said France is ready to instruct its Bizerte commanders to discuss a possible halt to the fight with the Tunisians. Form Guerrilla Units Shortly, before the Bizerte as- sault, Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba appealed to his people to "fight to the death." Calling for foreign volunteers to join the fight, he ordered his country to arm and directed formation of guerrilla units. He ordered Tuni- sian United Nations troops home from the Congo. - French officials in Paris said the sole reason for military action is to maintain the base's land and sea communications threatened by barricades thrown up by Tunisian infantrymen. Steel-helmeted French para- troopers set up check points on roads around Bizerte, and French tanks w e r e reported moving through the city's dusty streets. Position Tanks French tanks were reported in position on the road which links Bizerte to Tunis, about 40 miles southeast. French planes strafed the Tuni- sian military post of Japy in the city, officials in Paris said, and tank-supported columns and land and carrier-based planes concen- trated on roadblocks preventing movement between the base and other installations. MICHEL DEBRE . suggests ceasefire Tunisia Asks" STN Support UNITED NATIONS () - Tu- nisia called on the United Nations Security Council yesterday to help force all French military person- nel from Tunisian territory. Mongi Slim, the Tunisian dele- gate, charged before an urgent session of the 11-nation council that the population of Bizerte "is being massacred" by French at- tackers. He accused French paratroopers of committing attrocities on ci- vilians, and said French planes dropped Napalm (jellied gasoline) bombs on Tunisian positions out- side the naval base of Bizerte. . French Delegate Armand Berard categorically denied the Napalm bomb charge. As for atrocities, he said the language of denials of other Tunisian charges trans- mitted to him by his government made him hope that this latest accusation was unfounded "and does not correspond to reality." Slim and Berard engaged in a final exchange before the council adjoudned until 10 a.m. today. It had met for five hours on the French-Tunisian crisis set off by the battle over Bizerte. Earlier, Berard asserted Tu- nisia fired the first shot on Wed- nesday and that French counter- action was taken in self-defense. lediterranev Bechateur i BIZERTE Hamila Sidi-Ahmed A.F. Bo e' r. r is r - - M Fl :6 .m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . s - - r I