... . .. . .... --'.. . AMt i1d igyn &iL9 Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. " Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must he noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH OPPENHEIM "Yion Too Can Leap Forward To A Different Life" t z CINEMA GUILD: Short Steals Show From 'Bicycle Thief' THE REMARKABLE THING about the movie at the Cinema Guild is that, as film art, "The Bicycle Thief" is overshadowed by the short immediately preceding it, "An Diesen Abenden" (On These Eve- nings). If one is given to symbolism, then "An Diesen Abenden" is a mystic's Bible of symbolic logic. A painted skull fades into the finely boned face of a farm laborer, lying agonized, in a field. Over her shoulder one sees two men carrying scythes walking along the road beside the field-the first dressed in black, the second in white. The girl hoists an incredible load of forage on her back and staggers into the dirty little village where young couples scurry off into umbrous recesses. Suddenly, she is in her hovel Kennedy Keeps Quiet On F'reedom Riders T HE PRESIDENT'S NEWS CONFERENCE Wednesday brought him an opportunity to say something on the Freedom Riders, but when a reporter asked him the question, his answer was curiously non-committal. He replied that the Freedom Riders were allowed to use buses just like anybody else, and that freedom to travel, like freedom of the press, was a universally recognized right. He could have said whether or not he ap- proved of the Riders, or their aims or tactics. But he decided not to. That the Freedom Riders exist at all is due to violations of federal law by Southerners. Kennedy's announced policy is that the present anti-segregation laws are sufficient if they are enforced. Maybe. But why doesn't he have the Justice Department enforce them, then? IF HE THINKS the Freedom Riders are stir- ring up opposition to more gradual inte- grationist tactics, he should say that, too. But in merely announcing that the Riders have a right to travel, he is not being neutral. When the law explicitly states that segrega- tion of interstate bus lines and terminals is prohibited, the President can't overlook the fact that the law is being violated. It is not 'just politics' to avoid giving a firm statement against the terminal -segrega- tion. This isn't a matter of policy (or it shouldn't be). It is a matter of law - clear-cut and unquestionable. No federal suits have been introduced against those operating the illegally segregated facili- ties. Maybe the Justice Department is short- handed and busy elsewhe're, but this is all the more reason for a clear, non-evasive an- swer by the President about how he feels on the Freedom Rides. IF ONE MAN wants to kill another, you don't arbitrate the case by allowing the removal of one limb. If the South wants to segregate facilities, you don't non-committally say it's all right for the victims to struggle. They say that words are cheap, and the President has spared few of them when urging more defense spending. But he is extremely niggardly about saying what he thinks of those who - as private citizens risking their lives - try to implement the law he is supposed to uphold. -PETER STEINBERGER i { , , t . .yp. ' A p /" Y3 'j.. A 5 y. L d w F f e f" it 46 .. g3 i r u r Celebration Profane CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION: Taxation Powers Crucial F OR A NATION "conceived in liberty" and constantly swearing devotion to eternal peace, our celebation of the Civil War is unique and disturbing. Lectures, exhibitions, books and toys glorify- ing the struggle between the states are out- selling everything else on the market this cen- tennial year of the war's start. Commercial exploitation was bound to occur, and the fierce struggle between Civil War trivia and Eichmann atrocitia make the competition of a free en- terprise system amusing to observe. The unusual aspect of the war celebration, however, is the re-enactment of its chief military campaigns and battles. Today is the 100th anniversary of the first Battle of Bull Run and men from all over the nation are gathering at Manassas Battlefield, Va., to get set for a grand re-enactment of the battle this weekend. Deviationists THE MISSISSIPPI SHERIFF who has been keeping watch over Freedom Riders tem- porarily under his protection reported yester- day that one of them tried to hang himself. Out on bail now, this student may nonethe-, less have given us non-demonstrators a clue as to whether Riders are really Communists or not. This try at hanging himself convinces even the most doubtful among us: -After all, isn't it those Russian jails that are full of people who commit suicide? -P. S. There will only be a dress rehearsal today. The actual show is Saturday, with a repeat performance on Sunday. AS THE 2,000 MEN (mainly members of the North-South Skirmishes Association) oil their old muskets and comb their beards and prepare to defile whichever of the Sabbaths they happen to believe in, a question of pro- priety arises. Is this the proper way to re- member that agonizing period of American history? Is it a meaningful attempt to recall the ethical and political conflicts which led to the war, and which are still partially un- resolved? The answer is clearly negative. The 80,000 observers (who are expected to pay up to $4 to watch) are coming to participate in the vicarious thrill of playing at war. Without going into a psychological analysis of their- motivations, they will probably enjoy them- selves immensly and learn little. These same people would vehemently pro- test, if they were not disgusted enough to withhold reply, any suggestion that we re- enact the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the Lusitania, or the atomic destruction of Hiroshima., OR MAYBE THESE EVENTS are just too recent to be treated without an aura of sacredness. Perhaps our moral beliefs and pub- lic grief are merely time-dependent and we will someday celebrate these events as we do the Civil War. And who's to know that on some far off star other beings won't some century re-enact our nuclear destruction?? -MICHAEL OLINICK (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the fourth of a six-part analysis of the issues likely to be consid- ered at the forthcoming constitu- tional convention. Primary election for delegates to the convention is next Tuesday.) By PETER STEINBERGER Daily Staff Writer THE STATE CONSTITUTION as it now stands makes it hard for the Legislature to provide for the state financially, and its prob- lems can be summed up in one word: rigidity. One example of this is the ear- marking of funds. Over 65 per cent of the taxes collected by the state must be spent in specific areas designated by the constitution, and out of reach of lawmakers who might want to readjust the. proportions. The money available for educa- tion isn't available for some other purpose if that purpose becomes more urgently needed. And-the other side of the coin-the total amount of money available to sup- port education is limited because only certain kinds of tax money can be used to do so. * * * EARMARKED funds seem most sensible for highway construction, which is paid for out of gasoline taxes-thus letting those who ben- efit most from the roads pay a proportionally larger share. But the various restrictions on which funds can be used in which particular areas means that new taxes have to be devised for new expenses. And even if the new ex- pense is for some service that will benefit everyone equally, it may be impossible to think of a constitutionally permitted tax which distributes the burden equally. An income tax-on personal or corporate income-is generally re- garded as unconstitutional now. Efforts to amendithe constitution to have it specifically permit this tax failed in 1924. 1934 and 1936. Because of complicated wording in the constitution's Section Ten (which takes up financial mat- ters), the legality of each "spe- cific" (as opposed to property) tax can be contested in the courts by those affected. This has con- sistently been done, although the state's Supreme Court has upheld the Legislature in its efforts so far. (But the revoking of the "use tax" shows how precarious the lawmakers' freedom to tax is.) * * * DESIGNERS of the present con- stitution were concerned with pro- tecting citizens from an abuse of taxing powers. But the corollary danger-of "starving out" govern- ment until it can no longer pro- vide needed services-was not ade- quately avoided. One reason for this is the age -30 years and more-of many of the specific limitations on taxing power. All the new government services sprung up since the war were not allowed room in the reve- nues the current constitution pro- vides for. In years to come the rapidly in- creasing population (of children and old people in disproportionate measure) will mean more govern- ment services and expenses, as will technological advances that will have to be controlled by now- unknown departments. For these reasons political scien- tists have urged making many of the specific prohibitions and re- strictions in the constitution an area in which legislators can change the figure by statute, in- stead of constitutional amend- ment. While making tax limitsstatu- tory would give the Legislature larger powers, denying it those powers means that when money is needed it must be raised through stop-gap and unfair tax- ation. * * * ONE of the most often criti- cized parts of Michigan's fiscal rules is the "fifteen mill amend- ment," which says that no more than 1.5 per cent of the assessed value of property may be levied in property taxes for all purposes in any one year. Passed in 1932, the amendment also allowed a five-year rate of five per cent if two-thirds of the voters concerned approved it. (The property taxes in Michigan are levied by local governments only.) In 1948 this was changed to permit a simple majority of voters in a district to approve a five per cent rate for a twenty-year per- iod. At first it was thought that cities, also, were subject to this five per cent (or 1.5 per cent, if they chose) limit. But a court de- cision said that they came under the ruling only if they voluntar- ily chose to do so. Eleven cities did, and their sub- sequent financial troubles forced the Legislature to pass the Bates Law in 1949, which in effect re- moved the 1.5 per cent limit from all cities. * * * THE "EXTRA" maximum of five per cent is considered restric- tive by some administrators al- ready, and so there is pressure that the limit be revoked entirely. An added reason for asking this is given by the "county tax alloca- tion boards." Because the limit (whether 1.5 per cent or the vot- ed-in figure of five per cent) is for all the taxes levied, this means that when both townships and counties are applying property taxes, they have to split up the money the taxpayer gives. So, county allocation boards try to distribute the property tax dol- lar in some fair way. Needless to say, someone is always unhappy with the way chosen. By raising the property tax lim- its local governments could meet their costs. But it is impossible to set down any specific figure now which would take in the needs of local government at some time in the future. By taking such limits out of the constitution and into the control of the Legislature, the con-con delegates would allow for speedy changes when needed, without giv- ing local forces a totally free hand in determining how much to tax. of a home, hoisting two pails of water to wash in; the village idiot discovered leering at the window watches her change clothes. She smiles beckoningly; then in horror of his immediate lust she turns away. And, again suddenly, she is watching an ascetic praying be- neath a cross. Out in the dirt street; she picks up his strait- Jacketed chant; the drooling idiot follows. She beckons, he ap- proaches, and she is suddenly praying beneath a public cross in the street. ANOTHER SUDDEN transfor- mation, to a cellar beneath the gaze of three intumescent "maids." Another beckoning, another ap- proach, but no cross. Only dark- ness, a foetal crouch, and the re- turn of the insane cyclic singing of the ascetic chant. Sand passes through an hour glass. The girl re-enters the street and returns to the field in her shape- less tunic. She crosses the infinity of bare plowed fields beneath a white-washed sky to the grassy forage. Two men carrying scythes walk past-the first dressed in black, the second in white. She writhes on the ground, clutching the earth. It does not open. * * * NOTHING HAPPENS in this film in the same sense that nothing happens in a sonata, because you end up where you started. A mag- nificent sense of form, a smooth arc from terror to terror, domi- nates the film. There is no inter- ruption by change of place, for the viewer is never allowed to be certain where he is. A background score consisting simply of altera- tion between two adjacent notes adds to the fine spun tension. (As for the person who hissed: Eyes have they, but they see not; ears have they, but they hear not.) And if the object of the vener- able approbation of TIME Maga- zine may be' given short shrift, "The Bicycle Thief" is also worth seeing. All the elements of a Hollywood mental enema are im- minent in the film, but de Sica manages to avoid the saccharine while capturing the sad and the sweet. -Joel Cohen .Expensive Scruples "RECENTLY, it has been said, this time in Western circles, that as the international Secre- tariat is going forward on the road of international thought and action, while member states de- part from it, a gap develops be- tween them and they are growing into . . . mutually hostile ele- ments.. . From this view the con- clusion has been drawn that we may have to switch from an in- ternational Secretariat . . . to an intergovernmental Secretariat. "SUCH a passive acceptance of a nationalism rendering it neces- sary to abandon present efforts in the direction of international- ism . .. might, if accepted by the member nations, well prove to be the Munich of international co- operation . . . To abandon or to compromise with principles on which such cooperation is built may be no less dangerous than to compromise with principles re- garding the rights of a nation. In both cases the price to be paid may be peace." -Dag Hammarskjold STATE: 'Love' Drips MOODY, complicated men of the world, unite! You have noth- ing to lose but your deviancy! Up- standing, blue-blood New England lawyer, pillars of society, learn that Justice does not equal mercy -for, as the posters have it, "the bold bestseller that sent a fever through America now fires the screen" at the State Theatre, and you too can be "By Love Pos- sessed." Here on display are some of Hollywood's most cherished stock figures, all wrapped up in bright technicolor tinsel, decked out with gorgeous sets (wood paneling, white convertibles, mansions and all) and surrounded by a layer of maple syrup (which seems to fit the New Englan setting well) that just oozes from the happy ending. Witness the Prodigal Son, who refuses to find happiness in good marks, a blue-blood heiress, and a comfortable position in Dad's law firm. See the Beautiful Wife, searching for happiness away from her Crippled (and more than just his leg is hinted at) Husband, who refuses the divorce. And the Grand Old Man is on hand too, the senior partner in the law firm of Tuttle, Winner (Pillar of Society) and Penrose (Crippled Husband). * * * IT ALL CENTERS around poor Arthur, the Pillar (though cer- tainly not Ibsen's!) This unfortu- nate fellow is only a highly suc- cessful (to judge by his house and wardrobe) lawyer, has a charming wife and rising son, a set of val- ues that has traditionally been accepted in America, and a cool; level head. Poor man! For he is destined to learn that he has been "untouched by human hands, that his son thinks his father does not understand the younger genera- tion, that ... oh, it's not hard to guess at all. And of course, the Beautiful Wife is played by Lana Turner, and she once knew Ar- thur, and so ... It's all so hard for Arthur, nicely grayed not only at the temples, but obviously (Hollywood again) dyed gray (how significant, since he learn that not all is black and white in justice) to grasp-"the pillar is :cracking," he says, and looks for consolation to another dyed head, Lana's. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. The Prodigal (Arthur's) Son, unwilling to accept the "snug, smug" life (but much too well-dressed to be an Angry Young Man or, worse, a beatnik), still has to have his fling, be accused of rape, cause a death and be accepted back into the fold -to which he comes willingly, fading out on the words "I need you so much, Dad" while his nos- trils qliver. And since Dad has learned so much (thanks, Lana), there's little else to do but swell the heart-throbbing music again to settle the Crippled Husband subplot, and add a passing tear for the Grand Old Man, too beati- fic and old-fashioned to need the maple syrup. Only one thing needs to be cleared up: is 20th Century Fox using a new filming technique, or does the projector at the State need a cleaning? only the center of the film was clear; the edges all around were a bit foggy. Oh well, next at the State we are promised a glimpse of "butcher lions" striking "with fang and claw," and even "the naked jungle paradise of primitive women." -Mark Slobin ' A A I A Room for Negotiation THE AMERICAN, British and French' notes to the Soviet Union over its threats to Berlin are - as they should be -- firm, sound and specific. They state clearly points of Western policy over which there can be no compromise. Their unity and positiveness should leave Moscow in no doubt that as to these points all three nations will support their position with military means if necessary. But that should not be necessary. If ration- ality and nuclear-age discretion control Com- munist councils, Premier Khrushchev and the Soviet bloc will find ways, as they have done before, to let the crisis which is of their making somehow evaporate. Or if they are at all constructively minded they will respond to' some of the overtures that are made for honest and honorable two-sided negotiation. SO FAR, the Kremlin and its East German puppets have proceeded by one-sided, take- it-or-leave-it demands. These, as the notes con- vincingly demonstrate, are spurious in their contention that a made-in-Moscow deal can barter away inherent rights of West Berliners or acquired rights of the Western occupation powers. Editorial Staff MICHAEL BURNS.......................Co-Editor SUSAN FARRELL......................Co-Editor DAVE KIMBALL ........................ Sports Editor R.TR!r114T'7 '7'W1 T O1. 7 4 A'.4. r'A4 . Just as it took four nations to make the agreements for the postwar administration of Germany, including Berlin, it takes all four to alter those agreements. There is now an addi- 'tional factor which should be considered: that is the wishes of the German people, in both West Germany and East Germany. The Western notes properly insist that self- determination is the basis on which a peace treaty should be made with all of Germany, and that this would solve the Berlin question as well as other questions. This policy of self- determination is as fundamental to the free world as the policy of government monopoly of property is to Communism. It should there- fore be on the table for all to see, regardless of whether Moscow is likely to accept it. AND, OF COURSE, Communism is not at all likely to accept a tenet that would lead to its own self-destruction. But that need not mean the end of the discussion nor of nego- tiation. The fact that the abrogation of other people's rights by ukase is ruled out does not signify that a situation which is awkward, in- convenient and even dangerous for all parties cannot be changed by two-sided rather than one-way negotiations. The Communists, of course, want West Ber- lin. That is "out." They can't have it. Next to that, they presumably would like most to have some kind of recognition of their satel- lite government in East Germany. Western governments cannot properly recognize that regime as representing the will of the East German people but under certain conditions A 'I FEIFFER I TU &qoc) 7AC!F! N 'C AI SA I1W 1 AS A FOAP RPalCq ARRO 61T ~, or1v 15 UNVt4 TI'C.AsWR IT AWqco. 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