PRESIDENT QUIET ON FREEDOM RIDES See Page 2 Y A43flfl ~~IAit PARTLY CLOUDY High-87 Low-65 Continued warm-with chance of showers. Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXI, No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1961 FIVE CENTS FOUR PAGES Kennedy Plans Steps Against Berlin Crisis Prepares Program for Presentation; Rusk Asks Allied Briefing Session WASHINGTON (A) - President John F. Kennedy yesterday moved ahead on two fronts with his plan to step up defenses against the Soviet threat hanging over Berlin. Kennedy had aides shaping up a detailed program which the President will present to the American people in a nationwide radio- television speech Tuesday night and to Congress Wednesday. Prompt Relay On the diplomatic front, Kennedy arranged for prompt relay to major Western allies of the Set Change In Defense WASHINGTON (A) - Preside John F. Kennedy yesterday tran ferred to the Pentagon virtua full responsibility for civil defenz He instructed Secretary of D fense Robert S. McNamara mount a "greatly accelerated" pr tection program and develop nationwide fallout shelter syste: The White House announc( Kennedy will spell out the sco] and cost - reportedly $300 milli( this year, or treble the previous planned outlay - in his televisi( talk to the nation next Tuesd and in a special defense messa to Congress a day later. In an executive order ending subsurface controversy that h simmered for weeks, Kenne( stripped the Office of Civil a] Defense Mobilization of substa: tially all operating functions. Tl order is effective Aug. 1. Resume Talks With Algerian LUGRIN, France (A') - Franc and the Algerian rebels resum peace talks yesterday aimed ending the seven year rebellion: the North African territory. T rebels hinted at a compromise.- After an hour long meeting the first in five weeks-the rebe revealed a new willingness to. di cuss specific issues with Franc The apparent turn in approa( for the Nationalist Liberati( Front (FLN) came as France w embroiled with Tunisia over tl naval base of Bizerte and Tunisia claims to part of the Sahara. The Tunisian crisis was n mentioned at the meeting. But was announced later in Tunis th the rebel government had repeat( its offer to supply military help the Tunisians. A rebel spokesman told newsmi in Geneva that the FLN is rear to make "certain gestures of a: peasement" to the French as soc as a political settlement is J sight. The spokesman said Belkace Krim, head of the delegation, hF submitted a tentative agenda f4 discussions to include guarante, to French residents of Algeria ai plans for cooperation betwe Algeria and France. details on what he termed his "final T judgment" reached at a National Security Council meeting Wednes- day on combatting the Berlin threat. Secretary of State Dean Rusk asked the British, French and West German ambassadors to a nt briefing this afternoon. Top Pentagon"officials, headed s- by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara and Gen. Lyman )e- Lemnitzer, chairman of the Joint Authority Asks Calm In Berlin BERLIN () - Despite the in- creased flow of refugees into West Berlin and Communist blasts at a big Protestant rally, Mayor Willy Brandt declared yesterday he sees no reason for panic concerning this divided city. He said he did not believe there would be war because of Berlin. But he cautioned it would be silly not to consider the possible con- sequences of the situation. "It would be frivolous not to keep clearly in mind the things that are also preoccupying respon- sible statesmen-I have never said the crisis de are dealing with is devoid of any risk," he told a news conference. Thousands Flee Brandt said that in the first 18 days of this month, 15,624 East Germans-or about double the average rate-had registered in West Berlin. Thousands more flew out of the city without register- ing. Brandt termed propaganda Red accusations that the refugees are being lured.. As the Socialist candidate for chancellor of West Germany, Brandt was asked if he would ne- gotiate with Red leader Walther Ulbricht of elected. . No Negotiation "I think I would have some- thing better to do that that," he answered. He condemned the East German regime for "incompetence and shabbiness" and said this was ex- emplified by its action against the church rally in Berlin. Yesterday's Red-controlled Ber- liner Zeitung carried a front page editorial saying the rally is a "demonstration on behalf of the West's policy of power politics. The editorial said the rally's. main purpose is to cover up "the fact that West Berlin is, so to speak, a permanent U-2 base for espionage and sabotage against the Socialist countries" of the So- viet bloc. Says Western Berlin Outlook 'Not Realistic' NEW YORK (P) - The Soviet ambassador to the United States, Mikhail Menshikov, said yesterday a Western view that it might have to fight for West Berlin is unreal- istic. Menshikov said the "abnormal" situation of the divided city is get- ting more tense and could lead to World War III but that there is time to deal with the matter peacefully. He predicted an East- West peace conference on Berlin before the end of the year. He said the Soviet Union in- tends' to sign peace treaties with the "two Germany"-East and West-regardless of what the Western nations do. The future of Berlin then would be left to the Germans and therefore there would be nothing to fight about, he said. Menshikov boarded the liner United States for a month-long vacation at home. He told newsmen his trip was solely for holiday purposes and had nothing to do with the Berlin sit- uation. Ready Call Special UNf Session OnTunisia Charges French Attack Threatens Security. UNITED NATIONS (A') - At the request of Tunisia, the United Nations Security Council yester- day was called into urgent ses- sion for 1:30 p.m., (EST) today on the French-Tunisian crisis over Bizerte. Tunisia charged France with premeditated aggression and asked the Council to compel French mili- tary forces to withdraw from the Bizerte naval base. Council President Leopoldo Ben- ites of Ecuador summoned the 11- nation Council after consulting with its members. Presents Letter He acted after Ambassador Ha- bib Bourguiba, Jr., son of the Tunisian president, presented Ben- ites with a letter demanding the meeting. Bourguiba, who is head of the Tunisian UN delegation and am- bassador to Washington, returned to the United States capital for conferences after presenting the letter. He expressed hope he could consult ''with the White House. The crisis put the Kennedy ad- ministration in a tough spot. Bour- guiba is regarded as a warm friend of the United States. The adminis- tration has also been making special effort to improve relations with French President de Gaulle. The Tunisian ambassador pre- sented to Benites a cable from Sadok Mokaddem, secretary of state for foreign affairs, claiming that since Wednesday French mili- tary and naval forces have been attacking "the town and govern- ment of Bizerte," killing many per- sons and causing extensive dam- age. 'Flagrant' Abuse "These acts represent a fla- grant violation of the airspace and the territorial integrity of Tun- isia, a member of the UN," the letter added. "They also consti- tute a clear and premeditated act of aggression gravely threatening international peace and security." In view of the gravity of the situation, the letter declared, "my government considers that it is the Security Council's duty to take such measures as it deems necessary in order to put an end to this aggression and have all French troops withdrawn from Tunisian territory." Mongi Slim, former UN ambas- sador and now an official in the Tunisian foreign ministry, was hurrying to New York to take part in the Council debate. The French delegation to the UN said its head, Ambassador Armand Berard, was in Paris and could not be on hand until this afternoon at the earliest. Bourguiba sought a Thursday night meeting of the Council, but Benites, after consulting with oth- er members, said no meeting was possible until today. Force for Bizerte -AP Wirephoto TUNISIAN DEMONSTRATION-Tunisian demonstrators wave flags during a rally in front of the presidential palace in Tunis yesterday, in protest against the French. PRELIMINARY BRIEFING:- Tentatively Set Astronaut Flight French Shatter Tunisian Lines, JOHN F. KENNEDY defense measures Chiefs of Staff, arranged to leave for Paris and London Saturday to confer with the NATO com- mander, Gen. Lauris Norstad, and British defense officials. Plans Return The United States ambassador to NATO, Thomas K. Finletter, who attended the Security Coun- cil session, plans to return to Paris Saturday to report to the 14 NATO allies. Ray D. Kohler, assistant sec- retary of state for European af- fairs, prepared to leave for Paris next week with a small group of United States diplomatic experts. Kohler's group- and similar units from other major Western allies are to lay the groundwork for a foreign ministers meeting among the Western big four in the French capital Aug. 5-7. Informants said the United States intends not only to acquaint the Allies with Kennedy's plans, but also to solicit added efforts by the Allies, obtain closed co- ordination and consider political and economic as well as military steps to counter Communist pres- sures. CAPE CANAVERAL (A')-Weath- ermen last night gave a tentative "go-ahead" to plans to rocket as- tronaut Virgil L. Grissom into space shortly after daybreak to- day. But they said a determination on whether to proceed with the terminal countdown had to await another weather briefing sched- uled for 2 a.m. (EST) today. With one eye on a Caribbean hurricane, meteorologists report- Panel Studies Bomb Testing By Russians WASHINGTON () - Eleven United States scientists have been meeting in secret for some time, trying to find out whether Russia is testing nuclear weapons on the sly. He announced creation of the panel last June 28. But not until the White House announced the membership yesterday did news- men know that the panel had been meeting. The panel's report will help Kennedy decide whether the Unit- ed States should resume testing of nuclear weapons. In late 1958, both former Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev separately announced their coun- tries would stop nuclear weapons testing temporarily and negotiate for a permanent ban. Their actions were prompted by worldwide fears and cries of pro- test against the fallout from nu- clear tests. Some scientists said the fallout contained substances that could cause cancer in pres- ent generations or serious body changes in future generations. ed after a 10 p.m. briefing last night that the weather for today's projected space trip by Grissom was rated by experts at 10:55 p.m. as "somewhat improved but still marginal." Atlantic Range As of late last night Grissom was due to be rocketed 290 miles down the Atlantic missile range at 6 a.m. (EST) today. Paul Haney, spokesman for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, reported t h e countdown on the missile for Gris- som's flight had been resumed at 10:45 p.m. The weather experts held an in- tensive meeting in the blockhouse adjacent to the launch pad at 10 P.M. Awakened Early Grissom will be awakened in the point of the countdown at 290 minutes before launch. Astronaut Donald Slayton will ride with him from the Mercury hangar to the pad to give him briefing on all latest develop- ments on countdown and prepara- tions. He spent the afternoon in crew quarters with Dr. William Doug- las, the astronauts' physician, and Slayton. Aid Program Well Received In Committee WASHINGTON (A') - The Sen- ate Foreign Relations Committee late yesterday approved a $4,326,- 500,000 foreign aid program, along with the full authority President John F. Kennedy asked for a five- year long-term economic develop- ment loan program. The committee put off a final vote on the measure until today after trimming only $436 million from Kennedy's total requests for $4,762,500,000 in spending and lending authority for this fiscal year, which started July 1. Drive City Igfnores, * C 'Surrender' Utimatum. Garrison Ordered To Fight Invasion TUNIS (P)-Breaking through Tunisian siege lines after a day of bloody fighting, French army paratroopers and tanks moved out of their big naval base early today for a drive on the city of Bizerte, the Tunisian government an- nounced. The government said the garri- son drawn up in Bizerte a city of 40,000 about three miles from the naval base, ignored an ultimatum to surrender despite the hammer- ing from French artillery, and warplanes firing rockets. A spokesman announced the garrison had been ordered to "re- sist any attempt to invade the city." Goes to UN Hard pressed to enforce its claim to the big naval base and air complex under the weight of France's modern armament, Tu- nisia carried its case to the Unit- ed Nations. In Paris, Premier Michel Debre announced readiness to negotiate a cease-fire. He conferred at length with President Charles de Gaulle. The Tunisian government said 110 Tunisians were killed and 500 wounded in the 24-hour- period Which ended at midnight. Hospi- tals were set up in the open and urgent appeals for doctors, nurses and blood plasma went out over the country. The French have r- ported only one dead so far but their losses are believed much higher. Dig Trenches Tunian infantrymen were re- ported digging trenches and throwing up barricades in the heart of Bizerte, where water, gas and, electricity have been cut off by French air raids. Tunisian information secretary Chedly Klibi said the Tunisian army turned down an ultimatum delivered by the French consul in Bizerte, who asked the Tunisian garrison to withdraw from the city. The fighting over Tunisian claims to the base the French re- tained after granting Tunisia in- dependence broke out Tuesday when Tunisians fired rifles at a helicopter. Stand Firm Indicating it intends to stand firm in the face of Tunisian de- mands, France sent in more para- troopers last night in the red glare of artillery fire. Rocket-firing French planes at- tacked Tunisian barricades around the naval base. The Tunisian government charged the French were airlift- ing foreign legionnaires as well as He studied maps of areas he ex- pected to see from his spacecraft. Loading of liquid oxygen into the fuel tanks, which normally starts near the beginning of the final 612-hour countdown, will be delayed until three hours before scheduled launch time. This would allow for a "scrub" as late as 3-a.m. without the nec- essity of another two or three day postponement. Once the "lox" flows, into the tanks, it takes around 48 hours to empty, dry and clean them before the rocket is again ready to go. If the shot is washed out be- fore fueling, it could be attempt- ed again on Saturday. Claim Guard To Constitute Main Buildup, WASHINGTON (M)-Indications last night were that the adminis- tration plans to rely primarily on trained National Guardsmen and reservists in any defense man- power buildup-using larger draft quotas only as a possible long- range support measure. Speculation centers on the pos- sibility of early induction into federal.service of a few Guard di- visions together with individual members or specialized units of the ready reserves. The Defense Department says a substantial part of the ready-re- serve units, which total something over onekmillion men, can move out quickly when mustered into federal service. Deputy Secretary of Defense Roswell Gilpatric says "Our re- serves and National Guard units can be brought on duty in less than six months." Gilpatric said the military read- iness survey ordered by President John F. Kennedy was to see whether "for the next six months we have the capabilities in our existing establishment" to meet n e e d s or whether additional strength would be required. The six-month figure has its genesis in the Berlin crisis, ex- pected to reach a peak when and if Russia signs a separate treaty with Communist East Germany late this year. The army estimates it takes at least three months to provide even basic training for a draftee and another several months to train him to operate as part of a unit. On this basis, a speed-up of in- ductions would not produce signif- icant effect within six months. Nazis Get House Rejects NLRB Plan WASHINGTON (R') - Southern Democrats teamed with Repub- licans in the IHouse today to reject President John F. Kennedy's plan to reorganize procedures of the National Labor Relations Board. The vote was 231 to 179. Later, the Southern Democrat-Republican coalition didn't func- tion when the House rejected, 218 to 184, a Republican effort to kill the White House plan to abolish the Maritime Board and give most of its powers to the Secre- paratroopers zerte. from Algeria to Bi- tar of Commerce. This will be- come effective Aug. 11 unless the Senate vetoes it. Democrats Join Republicans On the NLRB vote, 78 Demo- crats voted against the White House, along with 153 Republi- cans. Twelve Republicans joined 167 Democrats in supporting the plan which, in committee hear- ings, was generally favored by unions and opposed by manage- ment spokesmen. Yesterday's votes left only one of seven reorganization plans still unacted upon. That is the pro- gram for reorganizing the Home Loan Bank Board. This has drawn no organized opposition. The NLRB defeat was the third setback suffered by Kennedy on his seven proposals. Earlier, the House, following requests by the broadcasting industry, rejected the plan for the Federal Com- MUSIC UNDER THE STARS: Combined Bands Play Outdoor Concert During an open air concert on Accepts Request the Diag last night, Prof. William The Senate group accepted the D. Revelli of the music school pre- chief feature of the program vir- tually without change. This was sented what he called his 25th an- his request for authority to bor- nual plea for a new music school row $8.8 billion from the TreasuryM and band shell. over the next five years for easy The occasion was a symphony term economy development loans held in conjunction with the 13th abroad. annual National Band Conductors Then, in a long afternoon ses- Conference now in session at the sion, the committee voted Ken- University. nedy authority for $1,800,000,000 Presented were the combined in funds for military arms aid performances of the University's for the defense pact allies, only Sunmmer Session Band and High $85 million less than he asked for School Wind Percussion Ensemble. that purpose. John Cacavas, Chicago /com- It cut $200 million from Ken- noser. led the band in four num- nedy's request for $500 million as Urge France, Tunis Peace WASHINGTON ()-The Unit- ed States yesterday urged France and Tunisia to get together to settle their dispute over Bizerte quickly, but the Tunisian ambas- sador said it seems too late for that. Ambassador Habib Bourguiba Jr., son of the Tunisian presi- dent, gave his version of the con- flict over the big French naval base on Tunisia's Mediterranean coast in separate visits to the White House and the State De- partment. Earlier in the day, the depart- ment appealed to France and Tu- nisia to "end hostilities without delay." Lincoln White, State Depart- ment press officer, said "we've expressed our views to both sides," asking them to reconcile their '.:},:: }Y......::ii":i~i:i:{p:- }:4:-~ii4 }: i4:Y ::}? i::;"???: ":~i::is : :fir .