Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevajl" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, Mica. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: RUTH EVENHUIS UD Sports Policy Results in Corruption "Don't Bother With Plans And Foundations-Just Build One Room At A Time" I~a r I ~t~:1 * ' - ~ \ * - O ~ ~ II y ,,_,'" ' i3 c~rs..e *asnw'x^" ". i " STRAVINSKY: Change His Spots? (EDITOR'S NOTE: The University music school is presenting a concert of vocal music of Igor Stravinsky at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Aud. A, Angell Hall. The works are discussed in the following article.) A CANON OF STYLE PERIODS gradually has accumulated to explain Stravinsky's career, as it did about Picasso's. Today, by general con- sent Stravinsky's career is divided into three periods. First is the Russian period, of which the most famous example is the "Sacre du Printemps." The neo-classical period which follows is considered to represent a reaction to the barbarity of the Russian per- iod. IN RECENT YEARS, however, Stravinsky has turned toward mu- sical techniques which seem to contradict those of the neo-classical period. His works since "Canticum Sacrum" (1956) are written in whole or in part on twelve-note series. Now this periodization represents a comforting skeletal order in what is admittedly a confusingly varied group of works. And it e E ANNOUNCED National Collegiate Ath- letic Association inestigation of the point- shaving scandal at the University of Detroit is another in the sad series of events that has marked U-D's quest for status in big-time athletics. And it is perhaps the last act in U-D's tragic struggle for sports greatness. But has this struggle, waged with ruthless determination, been worth the effort? Of what value has participation in big time ahtletics been to the school? Has any valid purpose, moral or academic, been served by this am- bition? It is clear that corruption has been the only result of U-D's drive. In its ambition to gain a greater share of the sports dollar and na- tional' prominence, the university has per- verted the meaning of athletic competition and the honesty of its participants. A TLEICS, in its purest sense, is designed to promote the physical well-being of the individual, and the pursuit of excellence in muscular skills. Of equal importance, it teaches the ethics of honest and fair competition among individuals and groups. If it promotes these values, athletics can be a useful part of col- legiate life. However, when a university only seeks win- ning teams and the money that its fans will spend to see them, it is destroying the value of athletics. When this search becomes com- pulsive, as it has at U-D, then all worth is lost as both administration and alumni stoop to illicit or questionable means to attain their goal, This has happened at the University of Detroit. From the president down, the policy has been to produce winning football and basketballteams at any cost. Strate THE UNITED STATES, still technically at war with Germany, may enter another one, if Rep. John Pillion (R-NY) is persuasive enough with his fellow Congressmen. Pillion has introduced a joint resolution which would declare war against the "inter- national Communist conspiracy." -He claims that an actual state of war already exists and we would gain the "initiative" if we made a formal declaration of it. Our real enemy, says Pillion, is not the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics and its satellites and allies, but the Communist parties, singly and collectively. These parties, are all headed by a certain N. Khrushchev (Mr. Pil- lion admits this) who is, incidentally, also the leader of the Soviet Union. PILIJON'S RESOLUTION declares war against the Communist party in many dif- ferent nations. Ironically enough, it lists the Communist party of the People's Republic of China. Pillion's resolution, if passed, would then recognize the existence of Communist China. Considering the long U.S. fight to deny recognition to Mao's government, this resolution would be a major defeat for us in the war. It 'is not very often that a declaration of wat concedes a battle to the enemy. Mr. Pil- lion had better review his military strategy before he sharpens his plowshares. -M. OLINICK The Rev. Celestin J. Steiner, formerly presi- dent of U-D, initiated this policy. Under his ad- ministration, the athletic organization was re- vamped several times out of desire to produce winning teams. The present system was es- tablished in 1956. THE SYSTEM gives the alumni, through the Gus Dorais Memorial Foundation, great freedom to recruit athletes for the university without regulating it to conform with NCAA rules. The althletic organization has no full time boss, but a part-time director (cur- rently John Mulroy) whose function, accord- ing to the Detroit News, is to raise money for the program. (Muroy works full-time for the university, but the athletic program is only one of his concerns.) The individual coaches direct the depart- ment which comprises their sport. They are their own bosses, relatively free from super- vision of the director, who maintains his office apart from the athletic facilities. The coaches are under great pressure to win and have been fired for producing mediocre teams. Football coach Wally Fromhart was fired after the 1958 season for failing to produce the winning team the university had expected. His team was not a bad one, but not good enough to please the big-time sports enthusiasts. UNDER GREAT PRESSURE to win and free from university control, the coaches and alumni use shady and questionable recruiting practices. Sports Illustrated of May 24 revealed that basketball coach Bob Calihan gets pref- erential admission treatment for potential basketball stars by initialling their applications. Once in U-D these stars were well cared for. Charlie North (the Titans' leading forward) received a full athletic scholarship, room and board, books, tuition, expenses and $40 a month from the alumni-plus moneymaking opportunities such as selling gift tickets and working at Detroit Piston games. These last bonuses are illegal under NCAA rules. Gamblers and fixers entered this corrupt at- mosphere. They offered North and guard John Morgan $1000, to shave points in the vital Ohio State game. One can understand their consideration of the offer (though they did not accept it) in the morally clouded atmos- phere of U-D athletics. How could they judge the immorality of the offer when they were being illictly paid by the alumni? THIS SCANDAL marks a turning point in U-D athletics. The NCAA is investigating the situation and the administration (now directed by the less athletically minded Rev. Laurence V. Britt) is reconsidering its athletic policy. If North's claims are proved true by the NCAA, a heavy penalty faces the univer- sity. If not, the institution may tighten its control over athletics to prevent shady prac- tices. Either way, the U-D quest for big time athletic status seems over. This is not the first nor, unhappily, the last, time such scandals will occur. Events at Mary- land, Auburn and Indiana are bitter examples of an over-zealous athletic program. The lesson to be learned from U-D and other schools' experiences is that big time athletics is not worth the effort. By striving for win- ning teams and large gates, the values of athletics are crushed in the immoral drive to succeed. -PHILIP SUTIN represents the general experience of Stravinsky's music, and in that sense, the truth. But the general experience of the music is one thing, the music itself is another. There is only the most superficial evidence of such a division of Stravinsky's career to be found in the music itself. * * * THREE WORKS written just, before the turn into the final per- iod illustrate the point. The "Mass" (1948), the "Cantata (1952) and the "In Memoriam Dy- lan Thomas" (1954), however var-, ious their surface, have an intro- spective and lyrical mood which cuts across whatever changes of style and procedure there may ap- pear to be. The "Mass" is the most busi- ness-like of the three works. It was composed as liturgical music rather than in the concert tradi- tion of works such as the B-minor mass of Bach and the "Missa Sol- emnis" of Beethoven. Stravinsky's mass is short, with little repetition of text. The "Cantata" of 1952 is an echo of the opera, "Rake's Prog- ress"-the most ambitious of Stra- vinsky's settings of English words. Four lovely anonymous fifteenth century lyrics form the text of the "Cantata." The stanzaic struc- ture of the poems, with the im- plied repetition and symmetry, completely dominates the form of the music. Stravinsky composed music for Dylan Thomas' poem, "Do not .gentle" as a memorial to him. The entire work was composed on a five-note row which in its various transpositions produces all twelve notes of the chromatic scale. Here, then, is an early foreshadowing of the serial technique which emerg- ed in 1956. BUT the serial writing in "In Memoriam" is only an extension of the canonic composition in the "Cantata" which in turn is not different in essence from the hid- den canonic structure of the "Ag- nus Dei" of the mass. Technical devices of this sort may be found in all three works, and, indeed, in works from all periods of Stravin- sky's career. --David Sutherland STRUGGLE IN VIET NAM: Communists Fight for Farmer BLUFF: Perspective On Berlin By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE WESTERN POWERS, after reacting to Premier Nikita Khrushchev's latest Berlin push in a fashion which looked to the world very much like war fear, now seem to be putting the battle back into perspective as a propaganda fight. The determination not to be bluffed by threats of force which, in all reason, can hardly be be- lieved to represent any more than that, has been stated. Some deeds, some redeployment and some new military emphasis may now be ex- pected to reinforce that state- ment. But at least an equal emphasis is now due on correcting any impres- sion that Soviet Russia can make the world dance to her whim at any time. BY REACTING as they did at first to the Khrushchev gambit, the Western allies themselves con- tributed to the danger which President John F. Kennedy said he went to Vienna to eliminate- the danger that the Sino-Soviet bloc would work itself into an overconfidence encouraging fatal risks. Coming on the heels of the Cuban and Laotian defeats, this excited and fearful reaction has contributed to Khrushchev's ef- forts to make the non-committed world believe that the Western powers have passed their day of power and ,that the future be- longs to international Commun- ism. ** * BUT the Western tizzy is now giving way to a calmer firmness and an effort to convince the world that the Communists have neither the power nor the weight of ar- gument to enforce their demands regarding Berlin-demands which very well could have been made in the full knowledge that they could not be achieved unless the West died of fear without a test. By RELMAN MORIN RHOC GOI, South Viet.Nam (P) -Grandfather Nguyen looks past the barbed wire barriers, past the militiamen guarding the brush cutters, and fixes his one good eye on a patch of rice land in the lush green fields beyond. He is the grand prize of the war being fought in South Viet Nam. If the Viet Cong Communist guerrillas can win over Grand- father Nguyen, and the millions of other Vietnamese farmers, then. this country will go Communist -and eventually all of Southeast Asia. Thus he represents, to them, an avenue that potentially can lead to the greatest Communist victory since they completed the conquest of China 12 years ago. He has never met any Viet Cong, but he fears them. And this in it- self indicates a degree of success for the Viet Cong. For if he had no security, if the government can't protect him, he has little choice but to cooperate with the Reds, merely to save his neck. THE VIET CONG'S purpose is to frustrate everything the gov- ernment is trying to do to help the farmers. The last thing they can permit is for conditions in the countryside to improve. The more discontent the better, is their strategy. Government help takes several principal forms, the small loans, redistribution of the land, the or- ganization of cooperatives and farmer associations. These groups make it possible for a farmer to rent tractors and other machinery that few could afford, otherwise. Finally, the efforts to give the farmer greater security against the Viet Cong represents one of the most important forms of help. There are far too many villages and isolated smaller communities for the regular army to protect by itself. So the government helps the vil- lage by organizing militia, civil guards, within the village itself. They are being trained and grad- ually receiving better arms, main- ly rifles. THE WHOLE QUESTION of the degree and efectiveness of govern- ment help for the farmers is hot- ly debated, however. "The officials in Saigon are too far away from the farmer," says a critic, "so the local officials they appoint are either inefficient or have the same mandarin attitude toward the farmer as the people in the capital." Yet President Ngo Dinh Diem won a tremendous vote in the countryside when the first presi- dential elections were held last April. It was much bigger than in Saigon where his political op- position centers. Registration was 7.2 million. The total vote cast reached 5.3 million. Diem received close to 90 per cent of it, 4.7 million. Balloting was genuinely secret. The president's critics explain this by arguing that his opponents were neither known or formidable. But statements of the farmers in- dicated that Diem is popular in the countryside. After the election, the opposing candidates sent a letter to the president of the National Assem- bly asserting that there had been, fraudulent' practice in the ballot- ing. "In many provinces, the num- ber of ballots counted 'surpassed the number of registered voters ... We consider the elections in- valid," it said in part. Diem says the explanation is simple. "Soldiers in the field, who had registered, were permitted to vote in the place nearest to where they were stationed. In many commu- nities, their vote was, in fact, larger than the total cast by the people who live in that province." Asked about this explanation, a political opponent said: "It may be true. But it also would be a very easy way to rig an election, wouldn't it?" IS DIEM a dictator? The constitution provides the president with emergency powers to "decree a temporary suspension of the rights of freedom of cir- culatio nand residence, of speech and the press, of assembly and association, and of formation of labor unions and strikes . .. He has by no means invoked all these. For example, the .labor unions are functioning. They recently struck a textile factory and kept the workers out for 40 days. Vietnamese in Saigon particu- larly tell you they have no free- dom of speech. Yet the man who says this sits in your room for hours, openly telling you what's wrong with the government. Moreover, in the electioneering and aftreward, Diem's opponents repeated all these accusations, and others, speaking from public plat- forms, without going to prison. The press is- censored and the government operates the only ra- dio. Yet the writings of foreign correspondents, often bitterly cri- tical, have gone out from Saigon to the world, uncensored, though there have been one or two ex- ceptions. "I am convinced," says a high- ly-placed 'foreign observer, "that Diem sincerely wants and intends to liberalize things. The question is: given the present security prob- lem, how far can he go and how fast?" * * * ALL THIS seems remote, anoth- er world, when you get deep into the delta, south of Saigon, where farmer Nguyen lives. He is concerned with more down-to-earth things: security at night, food, clothing and shelter, schools for his grandchildren, 'hope for the future. If he is persuaded that the gov- ernment is at least trying to bring these things to the farm, he is not likely to be won over by the Viet Cong. And if not? Well then, like the millions of peasants in China 20 years ago, he may become the vehicle that delivers another country to the Communists. ( DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2, two days preceding publication. SATURDAY, JULY 14 General Notices. The Box Office at the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre will be open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to sell tickets for the three remaining University Players pro- ductions. vladimir Mayakovsky's satire on So- viet society, "The Bedbug," will run July 19-22. The oriental drama by Fay & Michael Kanin, "Rashomon," will play Aug. 2-5. And Mozart's "The Mar- riage of Figaro" will be presented in co- operation with the School of Music Aug. 9-12. Plays $1.50, 1.00 for Wed. or Thurs., $1.75, 1.25 for Friday or Saturdays. Opera $1.75 or 1.25 for Wed. or Thurs., $2.00 or 1.50 for Fri. & Sat. Events Sunday Student Recital: John Lindenau, trumpet, will present a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Music on Sun.. July 16, 8:30 p.m., in Aud. A. He will be assisted by John Morse, horn, and Jerry Bilik, trombone. Compositions are by Telemnann, Casterede, Giannini, and Poulenc. Open to the public. The Music of Igor Stravinsky will be presented Sun., July 16, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A in a vocal and instrumental program with David Sutherland, conductor. The Stravinsky program will consist, of his "Cantata," written in 1952, "In Memor- iam Dylan Thomas," (1954), and "Mass" (1948). Open to the public without charge. The Woodwind Quintet, Nelson Hau- enstein, flute; Florian Mueller, oboe; Albert Luconi, clarinet; Louis Stout, French horn; Lewis Cooper, bassoon, will be assisted by Charles Fisher, piano, in a concert Mon., July 17, 8:30 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Included on the program are com- positions by Telemann, Riegger, Read, Arnell, Barber, and Thuille. Open to the public without charge. Educational Film Preview: "Influen- tial Americans" will be shown on Mon., July 17 at 2 p.m. in the Schorling Aud., University School. (Continued on Page 3) French Greed in Algeria PRESIDENT DE GAULLE made a speech Wednesday announcing that he wants a tough stand on Berlin and a partition of Al- geria if Moslems there don't want to stay tied to France. One can only compliment the president on his novel approach to the German crisis, but his Algerian policy will have few admirers. The French colons in Algeria have control of the best farmland and the best jobs. They do not want independence for Algeria if it means the loss of their privileges, and it is this selfless cause for which they fight. There are also oil fields in Algeria, which the French government wants to keep control of. By partitioning the land into "a few par- ticular zones" de Gaulle may find, though Editorial Staff MICHAEL BURNS.......................Co-Editor SUSAN FARRELL . .........Co-Editor DAVE KIMBALL .............Sports Editor RUTH EVENBUIS....................Night Editor MICHAEL OLINICK,...................Night Editor JUDITH OPPENHEIM .................... Night Editor not intentionally, that the oil has been kept out of the Moslem-controlled areas. Moslems showed what they thought of the idea by staging a general strike, and then rioting. The colons obviously think the idea has some merit, although the "final solution of the Moslem problem" they seem to want would be even more satisfactory. French troops have killed more Moslems in Algeria than Russian troops killed Hungarians in that country's revolution. The colons have always approved the most extreme methods of fighting the rebellion, and so they may have good reason to fear what happens when the rebels come into power. BUT SUCH FEARS, while doubtless genuine, don't appear as good reasons for parti- tioning the land. After all, the Moslems, who will certainly lose the most valuable areas of the land by this proposal, aren't responsible for the colons' guilt. And the oil well - set in the middle of a desert long thought worthless - can't claim generations of French settlers, as the coastal areas can. Now if a French general had died- in battle, perhaps-on the site of one of those wells, they would be historic French monu- FEIFFER 4&6.009C' 4AlT THECTOP" AW~ FIIS OF T'HAT1IW' VTM IOIJ OF A NE ?,p C,0G V4W To, AlJp NW Ie O, -mWO OF CV comggcCUCIMA. ToI3Ct, w'rmt1 to Q (5 rim& JUT A5 AMS~. ADULT t) IS A5 MS&6 &AS "A90W 10 I:AF 4rqJf 66F FATfRO THAT AM T OJEI LAW6 ReARKAWL 6 RwffH ON) If C6S T if 5FIT VP tI5fs ooL.- our wrffr 'v (6i)mH of COfMf'f11& IMARMCS AW 146 CANET6 ~Ceq "T4 IMPR~OVE FtLM', MAKE THEM AOO 006 ITH O1T UR.. CHAIJ6I0 T{Ne. 15 s mE A LWAq MAE A FA~fA1'AC.MrhL? 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