"Custom-Built - Power Steering_-Fingertip Control" CINEMA GUILD: Ely trdlgall Dal Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Preval" S TUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH." Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in-all reprints. FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH OPPENHEIM . / __ ,' +. 'Golden Demon' Heavy Drama "THE GOLDEN DEMON," a Japanese drama which takes place in 1880, has the traditional girl-loves-boy-but-girl-marries-rich-man- and-breaks-young-boy's-heart theme, but the plot is buried under every conceivable form of symbolism. The movie absolutely drips with every heavy-handed emotional de- vice known to movie-making man. Miya and Kan-ichi have been separated for years after Miya leaves Kan-ichi for the diamond studded banker's son. Kan-ichi swears off women in general and Miya in particular and goes to the big city to make his share of money, since it is money which separated the lovers in the first place. He is supposedly possessed of the "golden Court Relocation Decision 'V Raises Questions (EDITOR'S NOTE: A decision handed down last week by the federal district court in Detroit re- quires a Detroit manufacturing firm to take along with it as many of its workers as want to go when it moves to Tennessee in September.) Pro.. AT FIRST GLANCE it appears difficult to reconcile the compulsory transfer of work- ers of companies moving their facilities to the South with the American ideal of no-holds- barred free enterprise. It seems perfectly logical, indeed a self- evident right to those defending the system that when a man owns his own business he has a right to transfer his offices when and where he pleases and to hire new workers at the site of relocation. Such a philosophy may work for very small establishments and may indeed have worked for the larger ones in the days when factories employed a very small percentage of the popu- lation and work was easy to find. It is no longer defensible, however. The only justification for a system of govern- ment is that it is calculated to be the most beneficial system for the entire nation which subscribes to it. When an ideal no longer fits the nation for which it was fashioned, it must be modified to fit the actual circumstances. P OSE WHO BELIEVE in the supreme virtue of capitalism bitterly fight intervention and maintain the employer has the right to do as he pleases with what is his own. Those who believe that government must work for the benefit of the governed to the fullest possible extent argue that there are cer- tain human values that must.transcend the all- holy right to one's property. If the American government is to function for the benefit of most of its 180 million citi- zens, then it must begin to modify a system which works exclusively to the benefit of big business, HE COMPANIES relocating their plants in the South are not doing so because of the climate. They are moving because Southern municipalities are subsidizing them and because the deftness with which Southerners manage to stifle union activities makes it possible to hire labor at wages unheard of in the North. Unfettered capitalism says they have a right to do this. Basic laws of human decency say that when a worker has been with a firm for several years, has done his work adequately and is unlikely to find comparable work else- where, the government must guarantee that a company cannot fire him simply because it is moving elsewhere to save money. This does not make sense if one staunchly defends capitalism for the sake of capitalism. It makes all the sense in the world if one operates on the premise that the duty of a government is to secure the greatest good to the greatest number, which is the basic prem- ise of the democratic system. If this is welfare-state capitalism, then wel- fare-state capitalism is what is needed in this instance. And along with it must come a new perspective in American thought. -JUDITH OPPENHEIM Con... THE RECENT DECISION of a federal court in Detroit seems to have applied the shackles of a welfare state to the mobility of private American industry. The United Auto Workers immediately chomped at the enticing bait of the court rul- ing-which will propably not receive widespread acceptance-and commenced studying a num- ber of plants now in the process of being relo- cated, with an eye toward the filing of legal actions to ensure the workers' "right to trans- fer." There are a number of ethical questions at hand in the dispute of these relocations. An employer does have a certain number of moral, as well as legal, obligations to his employes: adequate salary, safe working conditions, ac- ceptance of collective bargaining, cooperation with the workers in establishing pension and welfare programs, vacation and sick pay regu- lations. Most of these are almost universally accepted. It is also easy to charge the Southern states --who are luring away Northern industries-- with unfair and irresponsible actions when they use municipal bonds to build structures for private industries and keep them off the tax rolls for five or ten years. THE MORE BASIC question, however, has yet to be raised. Implicit in the problem of the workers' right to transfer is the funda- mental question of the extent of a company's obligation to its personnel. What does the com- pany 'owe' a man if it has provided his keep for a number of years? Is there, first of all, a real devotion on the worker's side towards his company? In the vast majority of the cases, I think the answer is a decided No. The company works for its bene- fit; the worker labors for his own benefit. The worker has a legal right to quit anytime he wants. Now, his leaving (to question his moral right to do so would be to deny the glorious heritage of democratic liberties, specifically the freedom of occupation) could very seriously injure the company, whether in prestige or painful eco- nomic figures. No one has suggested that the company, even though it can prove the loss hurts it financial- ly, has any right-legal or otherwise-to de- mand compensation from the worker. FOLLOWING the logic of the court ruling, the worker has the right to better his economic position at the expense of the company (which may in fact be only one man's pocketbook), but the company does not have the reciprocal right to better its position if it involves injuring the employer. What sort of consistent justice is this? It seems only fair that the factory owner and the factory worker be given equal rights and opportunities. No one can deny that both may have given appreciably of themselves to the company, yet both receive compensation from it. The freedom of movement accorded to the worker must, as any right, be guaranteed for everyone. -MICHAEL OLINICK .. _ :.. ,. v-., _. ,... _ : , ,,. 3' 1^'c +o'_'SI .. - ' cam.. .! xi±v-'.:_.. . r-tq i w : ' 1, , , i y$t o.c. COLLEGE HAZING: Georgetown F acing Suit demon." To get his pile of loot he becomes a money-lender and takes money from weeping, starv- ing widows and throws one of his best friends in jail. He has truly sunk to the depths. ** * THE FINAL IRONY (of course every story has to have a final irony) is that Miya had agreed to marry Tomiyama so that she could send Kan-ichi to Europe to continue his studies. And natural- ly Kan-ichi thinks she married money so that she could live in a big house and wear diamonds. Miya is filled with regrets soon after the marriage, mainly because her husband torments her by bringing his mistress home to din- ner and expecting Miya to pour her beer. In the end the lovers are re- united after a narrow brush with death. They stand together on the edge of a swamp holding each oth- er as the sun rises slowly in the east promising them a happy life together. THE MOVIE has everything, if one, can eliminate such minor items as coherent plot and be- lievable characterizations. It fea- tures blood, weeping widows, howl- ing dogs raging through the storm, fire scenes, venerable par- ents and a beautiful rival money- lender who is constantly trying to seduce Kan-ichi. On the more technical side, the movie was beautifully done. The costumes were good, the photog- raphy even better; any movie im- proves when it is filmed in color. There was nothing phony about either the scenery or the tremen- dous fire scene. , - , * THE SHORT that was offered to counter-act the emotionalism of "The Golden Demon'' was a Char- lie Chaplin feature. It is amazing how much solid humor can be achieved solely through panto- mime. Even though Chaplin should be thoroughly out-dated, his abil- ity to perform totally nonsensical slapstick and carry-off farcial sit- uations wears well through the years. -Malinda Berry Victory "OUR CENTRAL TASK in the underdeveloped areas, as we see it, is to protect the independ- ence of the revolutionary process now going forward . . . We are committed by the nature of our system to support the cause of national independence . . . The victory we seek . . . will not be a victory of the United States over the Soviet Union. It will not be a victory of capitalism over so- cialism. It will be ahvictory of men and nations which aim to stand up straight over the forces which wish to entrap and exploit their revolutionary aspirations." -W. W. Rostow STATE: Tammy Conquers TAMMY Tell Me True comes to Ann Arbor to tell us that good old fashioned Bible-taught sim- plicity, while a rare commodity, is still capable of mastering the problems of modern man. Sandra Dee plays a riverboat nymph of simple ways and quaint speech. Her parents are dead, and she has recently lost her boot- legging, preaching grandfather to the revenoors. Her boy friend, off to learn about the ducks and the drakes, is at the agricultural col- lege. Her letters get no answers, and so Tammy decides to go to college herself. Her goal is to talk like we moderns do, so that her boy- friend won't be ashamed of her. Deans of women, speech pro- fessors and coed colleagues all must make the difficult adjust- ment to this breath of fresh air from the swamps. * * * MAKE IT THEY DO. The speech professor falls in love with this picturesque american inamorata. Her naive lust for the good things in life pleases him, so that he constantly must smile at the strange picture Tammy paints of the things around her. This delightful character is played by John Gavin. Not even his achievements in the Air Force (and they have been considerable) can match his fine performance here. ' But the courting of the pro- fessor and the fate of Peter, Tammy's first love, must 'share our attention with a rich old lady who is withering on the vine until Tammy's down-to-earth view of things restores her to the cheery creature of her youth. The villain (there is only one) is the niece of this lady, who wants to have her declared insane so that the estate will be accessible to her own greedy clutches. WILL SHE SUCCEED? Will the professor succeed? Will the audi- ence wait around until something happens? All these questions bouy up the film until the end, which is followed by a newsreel and a documentary on Greece. (If you come at the wrong time, you see the documentary before you see the film, which is like eating the icing before the spongy stuff in a Michigan Union pastry.) The odds are excellent that Tammy can provide some enter- tainment for everyone. The whole cast, after all, put up with the show for months. There was only one character dissatisfied with the show, and that - as before stated - was the villain. -Peter Steinberger By ROBERT FARRELL special To The Daily W ASHINGTON-A Georgetown University graduate has filed a suit in district court here which could conceivably serve as a pow- erful weapOn to force the end of college hazing and similar activi- ties across the nation. Richard F. Heimbuch is suing the university for $250,000 in dam- ages for injuries resulting from DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. FRIDAY, JULY 14 Events Friday Educational Film Preview: Fri., July 14 at 2 p.m. in the Schorling Aud., University School. "Nick" and "Secrets of the Underwater world." Guest Lecturer: Roberto Gerhard, English composer and Visiting Profes- sor of Composition Spring 1960, will re- turn on Fri., July 14, to lecture at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. D on "Sound Observed," and will perform his "Colage." Open to the public without charge. Physics Lecture: Dr. G. R. Satchler, Oak Ridge, will speak on "Distorted wave Theory of Direct Reactions" on Fri., July 14 at 3:30 p.m. in 2038 Randall Lab. Doctoral Examination for John Paul Ulrich, Physics; thesis: "The Refrac- tion of Plane and Cylindrical Sound Disturbances by a Plane Moving Shock Front," Fri., July 14, 2038 Randall Lab., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, Otto Laporte. Events Sunday Student Recital: John Lindenau, trumpet, will present a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Music on Sun., July 16, 8:30 p.m., in Aud. A. He will be assisted by John Morse, horn, and Jerry Bilik, trombone. Compositions are by Telemann, Casterede, Giannini, and Poulenc. Open to the public. The Music of Igor Stravinsky will be presented Sun., July 16, 4:15 p.m., And. A in a vocal and instrumental program with David Sutherland, conductor. The Stravinsky program will consist of his "Cantata," written in 1952, "In Memor- iam Dylan Thomas," (1954), and "Mass" (1948). Open to the public without charge. Part-Time Employment Trhe following part-time jobs are available. Applications can be made in 2200 SAB Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Continued on Page 3) hazing during his freshman year. He claims to have suffered a thigh fracture resulting in a permanent limp during the freshman hazing period. He is charging the university with negligence in allowing hazing activities which it knows to be dangerous. OBSERVERS AGREE that if he is successful in his suit, the deci- sion would act as a powerful fi- nancial lever to provoke college, and university administrations everywhere to at least regulate hazing much more carefully than at present. if not end it entirely. But, they point out, hazing has been dying out as a university phenomenon during recent years anyway, so the suit's effect might be less than anticipated. And its application .to hazing that is not as closely conected to the university would still be uncertain. This would include such things as fraternity and hon- orary initiations and hazings. Georgetown University officials have refused to comment on the suit. (BUT University attorney Wil- liam Lemmer was doubtful that a similar suit could succeed here. . (Aside from the University rul- ing against hazing, the University as a public institution of the state has the right to plead govern- not have governmental immunity from such suits. Berlin Crisis Distorted TIHE ADDRESS made by Secretary of State Dean Rusk to the National Press Club was as commendable for its coolness as for the frankness with which it faced the contrived pressure being exerted by the Soviet Com- munist bloc. While mentioning "the latest threats to West Berlin," the speech dealt at greater length with "the underlying crisis of our generation." This, Rusk said, "arises from the fact that the Soviet Union did not join the United Nations in fact as well as in form" nor really lend itself to the commitments it and other nations made during World War II. THE CENTRAL ISSUE of this continuing crisis, he added, is the announced deter- tnination of the Marxist-Leninists to impose "a world of coercion" upon those not already subjected to this belated and reactionary im- perialism. In this effort they have distorted and corrupted even the language of inter- national relations so that "peace" means con- ditions favorable to their expansionism, and "aggression" is whatever stands in its way. An example of Communist distortion of fact and morality appears in the practically simul- taneous news conference assertions of an Editorial Staff MICHAEL BURNS .......................... Co-Editor SUSAN FARRELL ......................... Co-Editor DAVE KIMBALL.....................Sports Editor RUTH EVENBUIS ....................... Night Editor MICHAEL OLiNICK...................Night Editor East German official, Deputy Foreign Minister Otto Winzer. Herr Winzer repeated the shop- worn claim that British, French and American air travel to West Berlin will come legally under the control of East Germany as soon as the latter signs a "peace treaty" between it and Soviet Russia. THIS CLAIM, it should be clearly under- stood in the West, rests on a triple fiction. The first false premise is that the East German regime is an independent govern- ment depending on the will of the people it governs. It represents, of course, only an in- finitesimal Communist minority held in power by the Soviet army divisions. The second false premise is that by at- taining this pseudo-sovereignty it has ac- quired jurisdiction over the ground on which West Berlin stands and over the corridors of access implicit in the postwar arrangement for that city. The rights of West Berliners to self- government and of Anglo-French-American troops to defend it for them existed before there was an East German government; it therefore has no right unilaterally to set aside or impair them. The third falsehood involved is a pretense that, by writing a treaty with its puppet, the Soviet Union can convey something it never possessed, namely the right to regulate and prohibit passage of people and goods between West Berlin and West Germany. Any authority the East German satraps could receive through a treaty would be subject to the same limita- tions as the authority of the Soviet Union itself under the four-power agreements which established the present status of Berlin. AIR FORCE STATIONS: Radar System Guards Northern Skies' By SID MOODY Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer NEW ELECTRONIC fingers are feeling across the northern skies. They are to pinpoint not only where enemy missiles are coming from but where they are going. This is the Air Force's Ballistic Missile Early Warning System The latest in the United States' network of radar defenses, BM- EWS will operate from three bases across the northern part of the Western world. One station at Thule, Greenland became opera- tional last October. The other two are at Clear, Alaska, 80 miles south of Fair- banks (see map) and Fylingdales Moor, Yorkshire, England. Clear is scheduled to become operational this summer while the English base will be completed at a later date. The Air Force is counting on the BMEWS system to provide about 15 minutes advance warning of a missile attack over the top of the world. The huge radar sets are so pre- cise they can detect a nose cone 3,000 miles away-and nose cones are not much bigger than a barrel. Tracking the enemy missile the radar will be able to determine the tr'.sntnr-k nf the missl.v where it When a missile enters the first fan, its speed and position is de- termined. Seconds later the missile passes through the upper fan where its position and velocity are again measured. By comparing the two readings electronic brains will compute where the missile is going and at what speed. The radar reflectors are almost the size of a football field-165 feet high and 400 feet wide. There are three of them at Clear and Thule, each designed to work with as much as a half inch of ice over it. They are designed to stand up under winds of as much as 110 miles an hour. The sets send out very short radio signals measured at a power level of multi-million watts. After each transmission the beam shuts down while the receivers listen for an answering echo from any object in the path of the fan. The power of the returing bounce is tiny - measured in thousandths of a millionth of a millionth of a watt. Compared to the outgoing signal it is the same ratio as a basketball compared to the earth. BMEWS adds a vital dimension to North American defense. Those radar lines to protect the 'I..,'. . /*1, '- ,- "il. / I S,(, r-ter., AR AR 'I!att r rc t~c~c ~ * A'ot ~2cea 3 -" , N MA~1 owl. " Si. land. t1 4ilamafi t