Seventy-First Year _ ° EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH OPPENHEIM CORE Dearborn Trip Results May Deceive THE "SUCCESS" of the Congress on Racial Equality's recent "Freedom Ride" to Dear- born may have been a pyrrhic victory. Although Negro groups were served in 21 of the 23 establishments tested, there is some question that CORE's action has furthered in- tegration in Dearborn. In fact, where the of- ficers of the participating groups state that they are "encouraged by their findings," dis- couragement might be more appropriate. Their statement said that they "feel that continued use of public accommodations by Negroes will establish a clear-cut pattern which will help end discrimination and win the fight for freedom for Negroes in the crucial fields of housing and employment." If this is their ob- jective, the "Freedom Ride" has not furthered it. DEARBORN'S RESPONSE to the "Freedom Riders" may have been more in its own interest than in the interest of integration. Dearborn merchants probably did not desire the pressure upon their establishments which CORE has been seen to exert. Certainly they wished to avoid "sit-ins." Hence, by far the most politic reaction to the supposed threat of unwelcome pressures was to serve CORE's test cases. By so doing, they were able to tie CORE's hands. Its functions through dramatizing in- cidents of segregation before the public and publicizing these instances in an attempt to prick the public conscience. However, when discrimination goes underground, as it may have done in this case, CORE is unable to combat .it through these techniques. Thus, if there is discrimination in Dear- born which wisely shielded itself from a po- tential CORE attack, the "Freedom Ride" was unsuccessful in that it did not ferret it out. Of course, there is also the possibility that there is, in fact, no discrimination in those facilities tested. It may be that discrimination in Dearborn occurs in other forms-housing and employment, for example. In which case, the "Freedom Ride" would have shown to those Negroes who might be interested that they will not be excluded from these establishments. This would constitute a "success." But, unfortunately, the former view is some- what more likely. Certainly, CORE expected to find segregation in Dearborn, or the ride would not have taken place there. Residents of the suburb have expressed surprise at the treatment of the Negroes. A familiarity with the all-white suburb leads one to suspect that the results turned up by the "Freedom Riders" may not be indicative of the actual situation. --RUTH EVENHUIS "It Seems To Be Getting Rougher" TO L - - G .- .. j df - t -f ITALIAN HOTSPOT: Alto Adige Divided By Ethnic Tensions By JULES LOH Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer FOR NEARLY A HALF A YEAR, now the Alps of northern Italy have echoed sporadically to gun- fire and explosions and angry speeches of passionate men who feel they have been wronged. The recent outbreak of disor- der is the latest chapter in a dis- pute which has raged for more than a century in an area known better for its picturesque slopes than for bloodshed and violence. But violence there has been, and bloodshed, and so far diplomatic discussions at the highest level- even at the United Nations-have been unable to put a stop to it. Since February, six persons have been killed and more than $4 mil- lion worth of property has been destroyed, mainly electric power facilities. About 10,000 tons of fruit have spoiled for lack of re- frigeration, and scores of indus- tries have shut down, idling thou- sands. The region where all this is hap- pening is known as the Alto Adige (pronounced ah'-di-jay) to Ital- ians; South Tyrol to Austrians. It is an area of 10,000-foot peaks and lush valleys, about the size of Connecticut, with a popula- tion of 400,000. It includes the two Italian provinces of Bolzano and Trento. The land is a part of Italy, legally, but the 250,000 Ger- man-speaking people of Bolzano feel a stronger allegiance to Aus- tria, at least to Austrian ways. That, broadly, is the problem: a clash of cultures. * * * THE MODERN HISTORY of the dispute dates back to World War I when the territory was ced- Columbia Stays Up-To-Date DIRECTOR OF STATE COLLEGES: Chambers Sees Difficult Task COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY'S decision to stop its sophomore course in modern Western civilization is undoubtedly a wise one. For too long the civilized among us have held sway. Courses in English literature have all too often taken the time of eager students who might otherwise be studying Dirty Poli- tics, Monopoly Management or Progressive Unionism (a la Hoffa). Soon the constructive effects of the new policy will reveal themselves. The opium dens on Amsterdam Avenue will grow desolate, and the empty sound of old mascara brush rub- bing against rum bottle will be all that's left of the pseudo-civilized Columbia sophomores. In their place will rise a new breed, well versed in 19th Century Social Darwinism, but utterly contemptuous of the morally decayed teachers who misled previous generations. Perhaps those teachers who gave up teach- ing modern civilization will be made to take courses in modern barbarism, as taught by prominent national and international figures. Dueling corporations could be organized in- stead of physical education requirements. Such training would, of course, be compulsory. Those who flinched would be, forced to eat all their meals at John Jay Hall. Or else, they could be forced to read an 18th century novel, or a Shakespeare play, Freed of the strength-snapping propaganda of modern civilization, present undergrads will grow younger and younger on their up-to-1914 education. When they get very young they will hand' their ideas down to their grandfathers, who will also grow younger, and pass on the wis- dom to their own grandfathers, etc., etc. Several generations of this will force 1914 as much as 300 years into the future. Then, all those students whose education stops at that date will be 'way ahead of their time, and not hopelessly behind it. -PETER STEINBERGER By PETER STEINBERGER Daily Staff Writer PROF. Merritt M. Chambers, a visiting scholar at the Univer- sity's Center for the Study of Higher Education, will begin work soon on his first task as executive director of the Michigan Council of State College Presidents. He will superintend the meeting later this month of business offi- cers of the state colleges, who will try to develop "unit cost" methods acceptable to all the schools. Prof. Chambers, getting started in his new job, emphasizes the Relief Requires Work HATS OFF to Newburgh, New York! Yes, that's right. This little city has declared war on the professional freeloaders. Bright and early on the morn of July 15, every able- bodied man now receiving welfare relief pay- ments from the City of Newburgh will have to do a spot of manual labor to get their pay. A rigorous set of tasks has been laid out for those on relief. Such arduous chores as raking leaves and polishing brass in the city buildings will be expected before any relief checks will be rendered. The city fathers are to blame for this monstrous offense against society. For some strange reason they expect the confirmed un- employed to render service to the taxpayers, since the taxpayers have to support them. Needless to say. everyone isn't standing idly by while this slave labor is ruthlessly put into effect. Democratic officeholders all over the state of New York are screaming bloody murder. They charge it's unconstitutional, in- humane, unsympathetic, unduly cruel, and- yes!-even un-American. But no one has taken any concrete action, perhaps because they cannot find a law forbidding a day's work for a day's pay. AND THIS ACTION isn't just needless cruelty on Newburgh's part. The city coun- cil found that they weren't able to balance their budget for fiscal 1962. The taxpayers put their feet down. No more tax hikes. The city had no choice. They had to tighten their belt. A good place to start was with the five per cent of the city's population that is unemployed. They decided to kill two birds with one stone. Since they had to make welfare pay- ments out of tax money they required some work in exchange. This would indeed create one of two phenomena: Either the profes- sional moochers would go to work, thus re- ducing the number of employes needed on the Editorial Staff MICHAEL BURNS............... .. Co-Editor SUSAN FARRELL........................Co-Editor DAVE KIMBALL ................ Sports Editor RUTH EVENHUIS .................. Night Editor MICHAEL OLINICK...................Night Editor JUDITH OPPENHEIM ..... ...........Night Editor PETER STEINBERGER...............Night Editor city payroll, or they would go out and find regular jobs, thus reducing the number on the relief rolls. The National Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People screamed "foul," since about a quarter of those on relief are Negroes. They were joined by many do-gooders in crying discrimination, but to no avail. The City of Newburgh holds firm: No work, no money, and that's that. So Saturday is D-Day in this little town of 31,000 people. And I'm willing to bet that, the State of New York notwithstanding, many chronic welfare victims in Newburgh will sud- denly become rehabilitated, for what's the sense in working for a little money (welfare) when you could be working for much more (regular wages). IT'S A FOOLPROOF PLAN if Newburgh has the courage to withstand insults from the do-gooders. However, it has only diehard opposition from those groups who constantly claim to be doing good for people. It remainds one of the old adage: "Fear not those who do evil in the name of evil, only those who do evil in the name of good." One hopes that Newburgh will withstand this 'evil in the name of good' opposition, and that she will set an example that will get the American people moving again. Nothing is so terrible as seeing a man who no longer wishes to provide for himself. But Americans have gotten out of the habit. The Newburgh action is truly a shining light in the midst of the swamp. --MICHAEL HARRAH Faculty Raid UNIVERSITY mathematician Nicholas Kaz- arinoff, just returned from the Soviet Un- ion where he was the first American to teach a full course at Moscow University, reports the various scientific and mathematical institutes there are just beginning to implement the unique practice of "faculty raiding," The Soviet institutes are handicapped, how- ever, because one can't offer more than the other in the way of faculty salaries. Under a socialist system, the math professor at Siberia Polytech must get the same salary as his col- league in Kiev College. So the Russians are forced to turn to "fringe but I won't be telling them what to do." EVALUATING unit costs in- volves judgments by business per- sonnel and also some academic representatives, such as deans, Prof. Chambers explains. Although the technical work has to be done by business office personnel, aca- demic views are also important. The reason to get these unit cost figures is to provide the Legisla- ture-and the public-with some idea of what each special kind of education costs. The University, because it has a large proportion of graduate students, looks horribly inefficient when its total expenses are di- vided into the enrollment, and the result compared to similar figures for Ferris Institute. Actually, as University admin- istrators have often tried to tell lawmakers, it costs more to edu- cate a graduate student (or a medical student), and so the ex- tra money spent on the statistical- ly "average" student here is not simply waste. Why have unit cost systems at all? If an administrator knows his own school, the figures don't tell him anything new; any classifica- tion of costs lumps things together in odd ways and can be mislead- ing. But the Legislature and the public want some idea of costs, and so it will be Prof. Chambers' job to work up compromises among the schools until all agree on one way of figuring cost-per- student, and cost-per-credit-hour. Because a unit-cost formula could be designed to show up any school at all as either highly in- efficient or else a model of econ- omy, the actual shape of Michi- gan's unit cost plans will be de- termined by political compromise among the schools as well as by technical considerations, Prof. Chambers says. HE IS SOMEWHAT dubious, personally, about the worth of cost-systems in general, because, as he says, "they can be mislead- ing." One of the benefits legislators have forseen from coordinating the THE MICHIGAN Council of State College Presidents named Prof. Merritt Chambers as its "executive director" last week, ending its search of more than a year. Last April, when the council announced it was on the verge of naming a "mediator," some state legislators predicted their choice would be "just another lobbyist". The competition among the various state supported schools for money from the state has led to much bewilderment-not all of ituunintentional-among economy minded legislators, and some sharp interchanges amongthe college, officials themselves. The mediator was to end the bickering among the colleges by supplying the schools and the Legislature with uniform figures on costs and needs, the success of present plans and the usefulness of proposed ones. The council, facing skepti- cism from the Legislature which was at that time de- ciding on the education appro- priation, postponed its choice for the job. Last fall the council mem- bers still couldn't agree on the right man for the job. One dif- ficulty was that whatever re- commendations the man would make must inevitably favor some schools at the relative ex- pense of others Thus, if his studies suggested establishing a new medical school in Detroit instead of Lansing, then Wayne State University and not Michigan State University would get the prestige of the school. * * * MORE IMPORTANTLY, the Legislature has demanded for several years that the col- leges agree on some way to report their costs, so that what- ever number of millions are wasted (as some legislators would like to believe) in graft will show up clearly. In 1956 the Legislature had set' up a special committee, the Russell Committee, to survey the state's higher education system and make recommenda- tions that would help the Leg- islature decide how much money to put where. But when the committee re- ported that by and large the state's schools were fairly ef- ficient, and could stand more financial support without any- thing going to waste, the law- makers lost interest in their re- pbr.t and ignored it. Since then, various other reports have beeii begun by Lansing committees, although the need for those reports hasn't been obvious to anyone. ed to Italy. But the roots of the problem were planted centuries ago when Germanic people from what now is Austria began filter- ing through the Brenner Pass and its neighboring corridors into the south-slope valleys of the Alps. They claimed the territory, called it South Tyrol, and for a century before World War I it was a part of Austria. Italians, however, recognized the Alpine crest as a geographical- ly natural northern border-the virtual dividing line between northern and southern Europe. Furthermore, the Brenner Pass (where Hitler and Mussolini used to meet) strategically dominates this northern gate to Italy. Consequently the Alto Adige, the upper region of the Adige River, came to be regarded as "Italia irredenta"-Italy unre- deemed, a patriotic and political term Italians applied to lands un- der foreign rule which they none- theless regarded as Italian, .* *. * IT IS OVER this agreement that the present outbreaks of terror- ism stem. The Tyroleans feel their rights -in such areas as housing, Jobs and politics - are being abused, and demand more autonomy. The Italian government contends there is no such discrimination. The Tyroleans long have argued their cause in the Italian parlia- ment through their SVD party, but last October Austria itself en- tered the picture by bringing the matter before the United Nations with a demand for complete au- tonomy for Bolzano. Italy promptly charged Austria with "championing the causes of expansionism, revisionism and pan-Germanism," and made a counter demand to put the case before the World Court and there justify its legal claim to the re- gion. After days of bitter debate and behind-the-scenes negotiation by the UN's special political commit- tee, the General Assembly accept- ed an 18-nation compromise reso- lution. The United States, for its part, rejected both the Austrian and Italian demands and helped draft the compromise: Italy and Austria were to nego- tiate the dispute between them- selves, and if they didn't settle it 'within a reasonable period of time" they would put the matter before a mediator of their own choice. Three months later, on Jan, 27, the Austrian and Italian foreign ministers met in Milan. The nego- tiations ended abruptly the fol- lowing day when the Austrian del- egation stalked out. Students began demonstrating in front of the Austrian embassy in Rome. Before long, placard- carrying protests turned into rock throwing mob scenes. The violence spread to the Alto Adige. The ministers moved to Zurich, Switzerland, for a secorid try. It, too, ended in failure. Each side blamed the other for the viol- ence, which was becoming more and more frequent in the Alto Adige. The Italians dispatched 10,000 troops to Alto Adige to help 1,000 Carabinieri (National Police) pre- serve order. Soldiers guarding power installations had orders to challenge and shoot, Again'the ministers sat down at Zurich. Again the negotiations ended inconclusively. In accordance with the UN res- olution, the ministers agreed to seek outside mediation - but couldn't agree on a mediator. Italian Foreign Minister An- tonio Segni said he wants to re- fer the issue to the International Court of Justice in the Hague. Austrian Minister Bruno Kreisky favors putting the matter direct- ly before UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold. There the matter stands. Italian negotiators at Zurich wouldn't speculate what their next step would be. A member of the Austrian delegation, however, had a somber comment. If the dispute isn't settled soon, he said, "the South Tyrol may well become another Algeria." I 4 e PROF. MERRITT M. CHAMBERS ... directs state colleges voluntary nature of the council, and therefore the non-dictatorial nature of his own job. "I'm the servant of the council," he says. "My job is to try to help execute its decisions, and at the same time carry on studies so they (the college presidents) will have information which will also be of help to the public. "During the past year the coun- cil made a good deal of progress toward getting uniform financial reporting. My mandate is to take up from where it is now and go forward, but most of the actual changes wil be approved within the business offices of the indi- vidual colleges. "I'll be present at the meetings, state's schools would be the "sin- gle budget"-regarded as warmly in Lansing as the "single tax" was by old-time French economists. For the lawmakers, the chance to review one monster budget in- stead of several different ones (each using slightly different terms in explaining why it is the most economical of the state's schools)-is naturally looked on as a great relief. But Prof. Chambers doesn't see this as a super-priority item. "I don't think' I could stress that to the exclusion of other things,"' he says. "The college presidents have been moving in that direction in the past year; the studies just completed will help in setting up a single budget." He also adds cautiously that there is a chance the presidents will submit their budgets en masse to the Legislature this fall, after having gone over them previously. In these decisions, will Prof. Chambers merely carry out the or- ders of the council, or will he make suggestions on his own? "It will work both ways," he explains. "I'll be making reports and the very fact that I'm re- porting means that I'll be making suggestions." He is also vigorously opposed to a .state-wide super-board that, could arbitrarily control spending at the individual institutions. This has been the attitude of the coun- cil since its beginnings in 1950. .. J........ .n......................4...... rVtV . ..... .. ... .....: .. *.n. ..f. t .y. .Yf. . n.. . . ,x .. ...P 4% ..V. .. fl.ti.. DAILY OFFICIAL BLEI ":::....,.. .........".:":t~l.:.:V. :::.......-,....r..... .............": ~...:14::..r................,..... .... ,.".... . "n.n :.44. . ...":T!:"~" 4.'::.:: ......::.:::::.:.......: ::: :::.::r:::::.:::{:,4.; ...." "?:.4... " :::.; .::: ...;:.....:v:: :::.:::. ........ ........... ........ .:r.. n :.... ,..... . . J.r: s'. . -::i:; ?:< ::: .44. . fv...r... r . r . r ..1{..tact...r.. the" v ureau of Appointments,...::::: 3200. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 General Notices Fulbright and Smith-Mundt An- nouncements of grant programs for 1962-63; University Lecturing and Ad- vanced Research in Europe and else- where may now be consulted in 110, Rackham Bldg. on Wed., July 12 at 2 p.m. in the Schorling Aud., University School. Communist China Lecture Series: H. Arthur Steiner, Prof. of Political Sci- ence, University of California at Los Agneles, will discuss "Communist China and the United States" at 4 p.m. on Wed., July 12 in Aud. A. Language Learning Lecture: W. Free- man Twaddell, Prof. of Linguistics and German at Brown University, on Wed., July 12,, at 7:00 p.m. in 3003, North University Bldg. Prof. Twaddell will re- port on the June "Conference on the Teaching of English at a Foreign Lan- guage," held at Cambridge. Doctoral Examination for Leslie War- ren Ross, Education; thesis: "Com- munication in College Administration," Wed -.TJly 12, 42000GT1HSat9:00 a m. Events Thursday Baratin, the informal conversation group of the French Club, will meet Thurs., July 13, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Romance Languages Department Lounge, 3050 Frieze Bldg. All those interested in speaking French are cor- dially invited to stop in. Student Recital: - Barbara Barclay, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Music on Thurs., July 13, 8:30 p.m., Aud. A. Compositions she will play are by Schumann, Schoen- berg, and Beethoven. Open to the pub- lic. Educational Film Preview: *"Think- ing' Machines" and "Project "Hohole' " will be shown on Thurs., July 13 at 2 be discussed by Dr. J. B. French, Uni- versity of Rochester on Thurs., July 13 at 3:30 p.m. in 2038 Randall Lab. Placement The following schools have listed teaching vacancies for the 1961-1962 school year. Detroit (S. Redford Schools)-Visiting teacher, Elem Art Cgns., Elem. Lang., HS Math, Jr. HS Math, Sp Corr., Kg., E. Elem. Gary, Ind.-Guidance Couns., Lang. Coord. (9 Lang. Labs) Warren, Mich.-HS English. Bloomfield Hills, Mich. - Counselor (man), Dean of Girls. Sheridan, Il. (Ill. Industrial Sch for Boys)-Educable Mentally Handicapped. tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3204 SAB, NO 3-1511, Ext. 3547. Par t-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications can be made in 2200 SAB Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring part- .time or temporary employes should con- tact Jack Lardie at " NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous jobs should consult the bulletin board in Rm. 2200, daily. MALE