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June 30, 1961 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1961-06-30

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PAGE FOUR FE'Inft Emt'U* u. ltwl d1 aDAILY

FRIDAY, JUNE 30,1981

Mays Paces Giants to Sweep over Phillies

cM' Divers To Tour Far East

Mays belted three homers, a triple,
double and single, batted in seven
runs and scored four to lead the
San Francisco Giants to an 8-7,
4-1 doubleheader sweep of the
Philadelphia Phillies. The twin
victories moved the Giants into
second place, .002 percentage
points over Los Angeles.
Mays hit all three of his homers
in the first game, the last one
comng in the 10th inning off loser
Frank Sullivan (3-8), the third
Phillies' pitcher, which brought
the Giants the opening victory.
The first game was a makeup
of last night's 15-inning game
which ended in a 7-7 tie. Juan
Marichal was the winner in two
innings of relief. He is now 6-4.
Mays went six for eight in the
two games to hike his average
from .318 to .331.
Billy Loes, routed as a relief
pitcher by the Phillies in the
opening game, came back as a
starter in the, after piece and
hurled a masterful five-hitter for
this fifth win of the campaign.
* * *
Tigers 5, White Sox 2
DETROIT (P) - The American
League-leading Detroit Tigers ex-
tended their margin to two full
games by downing the Chicago
White Sox 5-2 while the second
place New York Yankees, were
Righthander Frank Lary out-.
lasted the veteran Cal McLish in
a pitchers duel which .was as hot
as the 93 degree temperature at1
Tiger Stadium for seven innings.
In that seventh, rookie short-
stop Dick McAuliffe ran his hit-
ting streak to nine games by blast-

ing a two-run triple to the flag-
pole at the 440-foot mark in dead
center, scoring Jake Wood and
Mike Roake who had opened the
inning with successive singles.
Those two singles removed Mc-
Lish from the scene and Turk
Lown came on in relief. He struck
out Lary for the first out before
McAuliffe's big wallop.
* * .
Pirates 4, Dodgers 2
PITTSBURGH W) - Earl Fran-
cis pitched a fine three-hitter for
the Pittsburgh Pirates over eight
innings, and his teammates chip-
ped in with four-run rally in the
eighth that gave Pittsburgh a
4-2 victory over the Los Angeles
Francis struck out 10 Dodgers
in picking up his first victory
against two defeats. His first in-
ning wildness when he gave up
three walks and a bases-loaded
single to Tom Davis led to the
only Dodger runs. Francis was
lifted for a pinchhitter in the
midst of the Pirates eighth inning
rally, and Elroy Face came on in
the ninth to preserve the victory.
The Dodgers' starting pitcher,
with a four-hitter and nine strike-
Sandy Koufax, was sailing along
outs until the eighth.
He got the first two Pirates on
strikeouts. But singles by Bill Vir-
don and Johnny Logan and a
double by Roberto Clemente tied
up the game and sent Koufax to
the showers.
Larry Sherry came on in relief
and issued a single to Dick Stuart
and a triple to Don Hoak that
sewed up the game for Pittsburgh.

Senators 3, Indians 1
CLEVELAND (R) - Home runs
by Bill Klaus and Marty Keough
paced the Washington Senators to
a 3-1 victory over the Cleveland
Indians in the finale of a four-
game series. Washington won the
series, 3-1.
The winner was right-hander
John Gabler, who went 71 in-
nings in picking up his third vic-
tory in five decisons. Dave Sisler
finished the pitching chores for
the Senators. Gabler gave up four
hits, struck out one and walked
three. The only run against him
was unearned.
Starter Wynn Hawkins worked
seven innings in losing his seventh
game against five victories. He
gave up all the Senators' runs on
nine hits. Bobby Locke hurled
the last two innings for the In-
Cubs 15, Reds 8
CHICAGO (P)--The lowly Chi-
cago Cubs wrapped up their "home
run" series with first-place Cin-
cinnati, slamming four homers in
a 15-8 rout of the Reds.

In taking three straight from
the Reds after losing the series
opener Tuesday, the Cubs out-
homered Cincinnati. 14 to 6. The
Reds got three homers yesterday.
League - leading hitter George
Altman launched the Cubs' 17-hit
attack with a two-run homer in
the first inning. Altman also sin-
gled in four official trips to raise
his season batting mark to .352.
Other Cub homers included a
two-run smash by Billy Williams
in the third, and back-to-back
homers by pitcher Don Cardwell
and Al Heist in a six-run fourth.
The Redleg homers, all off Card-
the seventh, included Frank Rob-
well, who yielded to Don Elston in
inson's leadoff blow in the third, a
solo clout by Leo Cardenas in the
sixth and Gordy Coleman's two-
run poke in the seventh.


Orioles 6, A's 2
Kansas City (k') - Baltimore
bombed Lew Krausse, Kansas
City's bonus rookie, for six runs
and the Orioles went on to defeat
the Athletics 6-2.
Dick Hall and Jim Gentile star-
red for Baltimore. Hall, the ex-
Athletics righthander, pitched a
classy two-hitter and won his
fourth game. He has lost three.
Gentile drove in two runs and took
over the league RBI lead with 67,
one more than Detroit's Cash.
Krausse, the 18-year-old $125,000
bonus rookie who made his major
league debut a three-hit shutout
over Los Angeles, didn't have it
last night. He left the game in the
sixth after giving up eight hits and
walking five. It was Krausse's sec-
ond defeat. The Boston Red Sox
beat him last week although he
gave up only three hits.

Michigan divers Ron Jaco and
Bob Webster have been selected
to participate in an AAU-sponsor-
ed tour of the Far East, it was
announced yesterday.
Webster, who came home from
the Olympic games in Rome last
summer with a gold medal, and
Jaco, who placed sixth in the
Olympic trials, although'he didn't
make the trip to Rome, will join
a group of 8-12 girl swimmers for
a" synchronizing act.
The group will tour the far east,
performing mostly for the U.S.
Armed Forces. However, some pub-
lic appearances will be made, ac-
cording to Dick Kimball, Wolver-
ine diving coach who made the
trip two years ago.
There will be no coaches mak-
ing the trip, but one chaperone,
probably a woman, will accompany
the group.
The group will be flown over-
seas by the Air Force, and will
perform for various Army, Navy,
and Air Force installations in Ja-
pan, the Philippines, and other
Western Pacific countries.
Webster was chosen for the tour
because of his past reputation as a
fine diver, while Jaco, while also
a great diver, was chosen as one
from the same locale as Webster.


Wright, Prentice Tie



Major League


New York
,Kansas City
Los Angeles

W L ,Pct.
47 26 .644
44 27 .620
42 33 .560
40 34 .541
38 35 .521
38 36 .514
33 41 .446
29 42 .408
28 45 .384
27 47 .365;


Crawford in Upset
Wimbledon Victory

WIMBLEDON, England OP) -
American Chris Crawford knocked
out third-seeded Nicola Pietran-
geli of Italy yesterday in the big-
gest upset of the Wimbledon Lawn
Tennis Championships and won a
place in the last 16 of the men's
Crawford, 21-year-old student
from Piedmont, Calif., and Charles
(Chuck) McKinley of St. Louis,
were the only American survivors
from the, 17 who started out in
the men's singles on Monday. Six
Yanks fell yesterday.
McKinley, a 20-year-old ball of
fire and power, breezed into the
fourth round with a 6-3, 4-6, 6-0,
6-2 victory over Poland's Vladi-
mir Gasiorek. McKinley, seeded
eighth, was expected to do just
But Crawford, ranked only 10th
in the United States, was given
no chance of getting past Pietran-
geli, hero of Italy's Davis Cup vic-
tory over the United States last
Crawford had other ideas. He
fought for every point, gave the
Italian Davis Cup star no rest and
finally pulled off his biggest tri-
umph 2-6, 6-3, 6-4, 6-4.
"Now maybe people will stop
writing me off as a has-been and
a Davis Cup dummy," said the
delighted and excited Crawford as
he danced off court to the cheers
of 14,000 sun-baked fans.
Little Mimi Arnold, a pint-
sized lass from Redwood City,
Calif., shared part of Crawford's
glory on this sun-splashed day

by downing a seed in the wom-
en's singles.
She defeated Lesley Turner, the
fourth seed from Australia, 7-5,
6-4 with net-rushing tactics that
unsettled the forehand driving
tactics of her opponent.
A boiling sun with temperatures
in the 80's shone down on the
crowd of 22,000 - men in shirt
sleeves with handkerchiefs knot-
ted over their foreheads, ladies
in their coolest dresses. More than
100 were treated for heat exhaus-

Detroit 5,. Chicago 2
Baltimore 6, Kansas City 2
Boston 9, Minnesota 5
Washington 3, Clevleand 1
Only games scheduled
Detroit at Baltimore (n)
Washignton at New York (n)
Cleveland at Boston (n)
Chicagotat Los Angeles (n)
Minnesota at Kansas City (n)
W L Pct. GB
Cincinnati 44 28 .611 -
San Francisco 41 30 .577 2%/
Los Angeles 42 31 .575 2/
Pittsburgh 35 31 .530 6
Milwaukee 33 32 .508 71/
St. Louis 30 38 .441 12
Chicago 28 41 .406 14/
Philadelphia 22 44 .333 19
San FranciSco 8-4, Philadelphia 7-1
Chicago 15, Cincinnati 8
Pittsburgh 4, Los Angeles 2
Only games scheduled
Cincinnati at Milwaukee (n)
Los Angeles at Philadelphia (n)
San Francisco at Pittsburgh (n)
St. Louis at Chicago

ey Wright, the big hitter and big'
money winner of women's golf,
and JoAnn Prentice, who never
has won a tournament as a pro,
shared the first round lead yes-
terday in the Women's National
Open Golf Championship. They
shot 72's over the big rough Bal-
tursrol Lower Course.
Mickey, who belts the ball a
country mile, posted her round of
37-35 in somewhat sensational
fashion-early in the day. It looked
good enough to stand up as the
wind rose and made the 6,372-
yard, par 36-36-72 course play
longer and tougher than ever.
Then JoAnn came along with a
matching round.
Two strokes behind were Betsy
Offer P.E.
For Students
And Famiies
Free classes in golf, tennis,j
swimming, modern dance and fig-
ure control are being offered stu-
dents and adult family members
this summer by The University of
Michigan's Department of Physical
Education for Women.
Instructor Shirley O'Neil said
the classes are scheduled at 3:30
p.m. and 7 p.m. weekdays at the
Women's Athletic Building and
Swimming Pool.
No equipment is necessary for
students and family members in-
terested in elementary and inter-
mediate golf, tennis and swim-
ming, or for the other classes in
modern dance and posture, figure
and carriage.

Rawls, the defending champion
and only four-time winner of the
Women's Open title, and a pair
of star amateurs, Mrs. Marlene
Stewart Streit of Fonthill, Ont.,
and Mrs. Helen Sigel Wilson of
Philadelphia. At 75 were pro
Ruthie Jessen of Seattle and ama-
teur Anne Richardson of Colum-
bus, Ohio.
Not many of the 30 pros and
even fewer amateurs in the field
of 82 managed to break 80 on the
rugged Baltusrol course, with its
deceptively rolling greens and
deep traps full of soft sand. Only
the girls who could reach the
greens in regulation figures stood
a chance of making pars and
scores soared as high as the 101
posted by Mrs. Gordon S. Park of
Glen Ridge, N.J.
Mickey, who has won three
tournaments this year and trails
Louise Suggs by about $200 in
money winnings, had three birdies'
and three bogeys on her card. She
reached the green on the 460-
yard, par 5, seventh hole with a
two iron and got her bird. She put
a six iron two feet from the pin
on the 405-yard tenth and she
holed a 15-foot putt for a two on
the 16th.
JoAnn, who tied Mickey and
Mary Lena Faulk in the Eastern
Open twogweeks ago but lost the
playoff, finished with a birdie
four on the 500-yard 18th to gain
her tie. She birdied the short
fourth with a 10-foot putt and
had bogeys on the third and fifth.
All the rest were pars.
After today's second round of
the 72-hole tournament, the field
will be cut to the 40 low scorers7
and ties for the final 36 holes ont
Saturday. At the end of the first
round scores of 83 were good<
enough to tie for 40th.

College Basketball Scandal Spreads as
Detroit's North, Morgan Named in Probe


NEW YORK (I)-The college
basketball scandal continued to
spread yesterday when District At-
torney Frank Hogan announced
the indictment of a New York
lawyer as another alleged fixer
and injected the names of the
Universities of Detroit and Ore-
gon into the probe.
Charles Tucker, a 25-year-old
New York lawyer, was indicted on
three counts of bribery and one
of conspiracy involving players
from Connecticut, Detroit, Colum-
bia and New York University. The
indictment also described an al-
leged attempt to reach Oregon
players that never was fulfilled.
Tucker later was released on $1,-
000 bail.
The far-reaching investigation
in New York and North Carolina
that first broke March 17 with
the indictment of Aaron Wagman,
a convicted football fixer, now has
involved 39 players in 22 colleges.
It will continue. The grand jury
which has been hearing the evi-
dence, was extended yesterday un-
til Dec. 29.
Two former students at the Los
Angeles City Junior College-Lou
Barshak, 21, and Michael Siegel,
21, both of New York-and Dave
Budin, former Brooklyn College
captain, were named as co-con-
spirators with Tucker but not as
As in previous cases in New

York, the players who testified 15, 1960. Hogan said the Colum-
before the grand jury were grant- bia player turned it down because
ed immunity. The players named he already had been "lined up"
yesterday were Charles North, 22, by Joe Green, a New Yorker in-
and John Morgan, 21, both of De- dicted previously for bribery and
troit, and James Granata, 21, of attempted bribery.
New York, a sub on the Oregon Hogan also charged Tucker
team a year ago. gave Ray Paprocky, NYU player,
Hogan said Tucker also was in- $1,000 to shave points in a game
volved in an alleged bribe of Peter with Connecticut, March 8, 1960
Kelly, University of Connecticut in the semifinals of the NCAA
captain. He said an offer of $1,000 tournament. Hogan said NYU was
to Kelly to shave points in a Feb. to win by less than 10 but won by
18 game with Holy Cross at Storrs, 19 points, 78-59 "because Connect-
Conn., was called off at the last icut played so badly." Hogan said
minute when things got "too hot" the fixer let Paprocky keep the
and bookmakers took the game $1,000 "charging it off to good
"off the boards" (refused bets). will."
Another bribery count against Kelly of Orlando, Fla., Portnoy
Tucker involved an alleged offer of Brooklyn and Paprocky of New
of $1,000 a game to Fred Port- York all had been .mentioned pre-
noy, Columbia sophomore, Sept. viously in the scandal.


OFF WE GO--That's what Bob Webster, left, and Ron Jaco are
saying as they prepare for a six-week tour of the Far East with a
group of synchronized swimmers, all girls. Jaco will probably do
a comedy diving routine on the tour.





25-foot Trap Shot Gives
Campbell Early Flint Lead

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FLINT (A') - Joe Campbell, a
cigar-smoking towhead, sank a
25-foot shot from a sand trap on
the 18th hole yesterday and seized
a one-stroke, first-round lead in
the $53,000 Flint Open.
Campbell had a four-under par
35-33-68 and led Stan Sikes, a
rookie on the pro tour, by the
margin ~of his spectacular shot
from the sand.
The 25-year-old Campbell, a
compactly-built ex-Purdue basket-
ball player out of Chattanooga,
Tenn., came down the 18th tied
with Sikes, who'd taken the lead
with a 69-a half-hour before.
Campbell's second shot was long
enough, but bounded down into
a trap at the right of the green.
His sand blast bounced once
and rolled into the cup on the par-
4 No. 18 hole.
Campbell and Sikes rocketed
past more experienced pros Lionel
Herbert, Jerry Magee and defend-
ing champion Mike Souchak.
This trio fired 70's as the'large
159-man field had trouble crashing
the par barrier on the 7,280-yard
Warwick Hills course in suburban
Grand Blanc. Par pn this, the
longest course of the pro tour, is
Campbell was as scorching as
the 89-degree weather that had
most of the pros complaining.
"That wasn't the only one I
chipped into the cup," grinned
Campbell. "I chipped one in on
t~he fourth, too."
Campbell had five birdies and
just one bogey in his bid for his
first major professional title. His
greatest fame came when he won

$50,000 for a hole-in-one at Palm
Springs, Calif., last year.
Only 17 players managed to
break par as many of the top
pros ballooned into the high 70s.
Gene Littler, crowned National
Open champion two weeks ago,
had a one-over-par 73.
'Mighty Mite'
Wins Net Title
Peaches Bartkowicz, the mighty
mite from Hamtramck, Mich., de-
feated Mississippi's Becky West,
6-4, 6-2, yesterday for the 13-un-
der championship in the Southern
Girls Tennis Tournament.
Peaches, National 11- and 13-
under champion, dashed the hopes
of Becky, a Jackson lass, to be-
come the only three-title winner
in this year's Southern.
Peaches, who is 12, also is in
the finals of the 15-year singles
division, while Becky teams up
again this afternoon with Kay
Walls of New Orleans for a crack
at the division doubles crown.















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