KUWAIT CHALLENGES UNITED STATES See Page 2 , t43Aau ~E~aitF WARM, HUMID High-90 Low-64 Chance of showers in late afternoon. Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXI, No.3S5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1961 FIVE CENTS FOUR PAGES Tshombe To Retain Independent Katanga States Reversal of Earlier Decision Before National Assembly Meeting ELISABETHVILLE, Katanga (W)-President Moise Tshombe re- versed himself yesterday and proclaimed that he will keep this copper- rich land independent from the rest of the Congo, come what may. "We shall defend an independent Katanga at all cost and will do everything to maintain our nation in -the face of all opposition," the Negro leader told his national assembly. Tshombe was home again after two months of imprisonment by President Joseph Kasavubu's central Congolese government in Leopoldville, an imprisonment he, PAUL C. KAUPER .. freedom is- balanced Court Seeks New Balance By FREDERICK ULEMAN While the United States Con- stitution protects the rights of the individual to freedom of speech, recent court decisions have indi- cated thiat a balance must be struck between personal liberty and national interest, Prof. Paul C. Kauper of the Law School said. Prof. Kauper, in the last lec- ture of the special summer school for lawyers, further noted the wide range of interpretation indicated by the recent Supreme Court split decisions. The difference in opinion is probably best represented by the definitional and pragmatic inter- pretations of the constitution, he said. No Abridgement Justice Black, representing the former, has called for absolutely no abridgement of personal free- dom, while Justice Frankfurter has stated that freedoms are "sub- ject to a rational exercise of leg- islative power." In one case, which established individual liability-on a conspira- cy charge, the majority opinion of the court felt that the national interest ,sanctions the restriction of his personal liberty. Justice'Black however, speaking in disseit, referred to such a bal- ance of interest interpretation as "erosion upon and frittering away of First Amendment freedoms." Rule on NAACP While affirming that members of a political party which advo- cates the violent overthrow of the government must register its membership, the court also ruled that the NAACP, an organization dedicated to legally approved goals, need not make its mem- bership list available if so doing would result in reprisals against them. Thus, with an overwhelming majority favoring registration of the Communist party, the court seems to be in general agreement' with Justice Harlan's statement that "no constitutional rights are absolute." In such an atmosphere, one can expect future decisions of the Su- preme Court to balance the na- tional interest against personal freedom before handing down a decision. Approve Aid V ASHINGTON (P)-The Senate Foreign Relations Committee yes- terday called for a foreign aid policy of "self-help" projects geared to the needs of the people in the countries receiving assist- ance. The committee tentatively ap- blamed on "misinformed people." Pledges Aid He had pledged cooperation in a national unification campaign when he was freed. It was believed that the release was contingent on an agreement for Katanga's re- entry as a Congo province and sluicing of some of its copper reve- nues to Leopoldville's depleted coffers. But there was widespread skep- ticism at the time that Tshombe would actually knuckle under. It was evident yesterday that he wouldn't. Kasavubu's administration also is wooing the Communist-backed Stanleyville regime of Antoine Gi- zenga, who claims the Congo pre- miership as a deputy of the slain Premier Patrice Lumumba. Taught a Lesson Tshombe said events since his arrest last April as he sought to leave the Coquilhatville confer- ence of Congolese political chief- tains have taught him a lesson, and now "I shall work only for Katanga's people and the nation." The President said his govern- ment showed the world during his iniprisonment that Katanga can produce able politicians, "thanks to whom we were saved." He and his top men exchanged compliments. However, only five ministers sat on the government bench and only a smallhnumber of deputies at- tended the assembly session. House Passes Defense Costs Of .$42 Billioon' WASHINGTON (/)--The House yesterday voted. $42,711 billion to provide men, machines and mis- siles for President John F. Ken- nedy's stepped up defense pro- gram. The roll call vote was 412-0. The bill, which now goes to the Senate, is to finance the military establishment for the year starting July 1. The total is $6.24 million short of the amount requested by the administration. The measure fully supported all the major weapons and missile programs that were beefed up by the administration as well as the more modest increases for limited war forces and equipment. The major departure from the Defense Department's spending plans was the addition of $448.8 for the continued production of strategic bombers. This action was taken despite the repeated state- ments by Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara that he did not in- tend to spend the money even if it were provided. The House also added money, beyond Pentagon requests, to maintain a ready military reserve force of about 1,000,000-or 70,000 more than the administration scheduled. The measure provides funds to support an active duty military force of 2,511,900. Senate Gives Space Plans Full Funds WASHINGTON ()-The Senate unanimously passed last night the first authorization for President John F. Kennedy's expanded mul- ti-billion dollar space program. It includes an effort to beat Soviet Russia to the moon and back with a manned spacecraft. Sen. Robert S. Kerr (D-Okla), chairman of the Senate Space Committee, won voice vote passage after brief debate of a $1,784,300,- 000 authorization for the civilian space programs during the next 12 months. Kerr told the few senators pres- ent that programs now planned for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will cost be- tween $33 billion and $35 billion in the next 10 years. The only questions about the plan for a landing on the moon and return to earth came from Sen. Gordon Allott (R-Colo). Allott said he had been unable to sleep nights thinking of the bil- lions of dollars being poured into the moonshot effort. He suggested a more profitable goal might be an orbital manned spacecraft which could circle the earth and, if necessary, destroy any hostile enemy spacecraft. Iraq Claims New Areas BEIRUT (A') - Iraq hinted yes- terday at expansion of Premier Abdel Karim Kassem's bid for an- nexation of Kuwait to all the oil- bearing regions of the Persian Gulf's west coast. Radio Baghdad hoisted a trial balloon in the Middle East storm stirred up by Kassem's claim Sun- day to Kuwait, an oil-wealthy little sheikdom he covets as "Iraq's southern district." The station declared the Iraqi people are cabling congratulations to Kassem on his move to "liber- ate Kuwait" and urging him to "save all the other rings in the chain of the Persian Gulf ter- ritories and return them to the Iraqi motherland." These include Qatif and Ahsaa, concession areas of the United States owned Arabian-Amerian Oil co., in Saudi Arabia, and the British-protected sheikdoms of Qatar, Bahrain and Abu Dhabi. The left-leaning Government ap- peared unabashed by the vehement stand of such powers as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Re- public against the claim to Ku- wait and backing of the sheik- dom's sovereignty by the United States and Britain. Iraqi use of radio and press to chart possible lines of action in advance resembles that of the Soviet sphere. No mention was made of how Iraq might hope to plant its flag in territories which wind down more than 800 miles of sandy coastland. Kassem broke with the West after overthrowing a pro-Western government in the 1958 rebellion that cost the life of King Faisal II. He alienated many of his Arab neighbods by military suppression of his critics and letting Commun- ists infltrate the country. He turned to the Soviet Union for arms. . The British government, which restored control of Kuwait foreign affairs to the former British pro- tectorate last week, reaffirmed today its support of Kuwait against the threat of annexation. West Ready, May Initiate Berlin Talks Khrushchev Warns Against Mobilization WASHINGTON (A') -Top-rank- ing United States officials said yes- terday the West may take the initiative in calling a conference with Soviet Russia on Germany and Berlin. This report from high officials, who could not be identified, came after President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Khrushchev traded new warnings on Berlin but opened the door to negotiations. Kennedy told a news conference Khrushchev will be making "a grave mistake" if he thinks "threats or fresh aggressive acts" can undermine Western firmness. But "we shall always be ready to discuss" any proposals for a peaceful settlement which main- tains the German peoples' free- dom, Kennedy said. Khrushchev, addressing a Krem- lin rally at about the same time, declared the Soviets "are taking necessary measures, and, if neces- sary, will take additional meas- ures" if the West mobilizes over Berlin. But "we are ready to nego- tiate honestly," he said. Britain's Prime Minister Harold Macmillan stressed the negotiation possibility yesterday in discussing the Berlin dispute in Parliament. Kennedy said no proposal for mobilization over the Berlin threat "has been placed before me at the present time." He said what steps might be taken to protect Red- encircled West Berlin would be dis- cussed at a National Security Council meeting tomorrow. In a memorandum at their June 3-4 Vienna meeting, Khrushchev spelled out to Kennedy his plan to sign a peace treaty with Com- munist East Germany by the end of the year. New Satellites CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (IP) -A triple header rocket blast- ed off last night in an unprece- dented effort to hurl three sat- ellites into orbit around the earth. One of them carried the first atomic battery ever sent into space. A 50-ton Thor - Able - Star rocket zoomed skyward at 11:22 p.m. with the complex payload packed in its nose. The. space triplets were aimed at separ- ate circular orbits about 575 miles above the earth. Principal passenger w a s Transit 4-A, first operational prototype of the Navy's plan- ned satellite navigation sys- tem. The 175-pound drum- shaped payload contained a small nuclear auxiliary battery in a pioneering effort to study the feasibility of using atomic energy as a power source for space vehicles. The heart of the 4 -pound generator was a small chunk of plutonium 238, a non-fission- able element. fir Flights to UAW Begins Contract Talks -AP Wirephoto POWERFUL GRIP - General Motors Vice-president and chief negotiator Louis G. Seaton (left) and United Auto Workers President Walter P. Reuther precede negotiations for a 1961 contract with a handshake across the bargaining table in Detroit. Reuther declined to state specific bargain- ing objectives but asked that the auto industry take the lead in stimulating the nation's economy by increasing workers' living standards. In connection with Secretary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg's statement that a strike would be intolerable at this time, both men expressed hopes for a peaceful set- tlement. East Germans Demand Raise Limit For Deficit WASHINGTON (MP)-The Senate last night sent to President John F. Kennedy a bill to raise the na- tional debt limit to $298 billion for the fiscal year starting Satur- day. This is $5 billion higher than the present temporary limit and $13 billion over the permanent ceiling of $285 billion which would go back into effect Saturday if the President did not sign the bill before then. The Senate acted by voice vote with only about a dozen members present. Leaders had agreed in ad- vance there would be no record vote. Passage came after about an hour's debate in which Republi- cans assailed spending programs of the administration and Democrats insisted the country actually was in pretty good fiancial shape. Congress has passed bills to boost the debt ceiling nearly every year since 1954. The $298 billion limit for fiscal 1962 carried in the current bill will take the ceiling up almost to it's record peak. Control West Berlin CONGRESS: Pass Housing Measure; Ready on Social Security By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Congress sent to President John F. Kennedy yes- terday his omnibus housing bill, one of the top-priority adminis- tration measures. Another Kennedy measure, the' social security bill, was readied for action today. The housing bill's loan and grant authorization is estimated at $5,646,000,000 by Democrats, but at more than $9 billion in ultimate effect by Republicans. House Follows Senate The House completed legislative action by voting 221-176 for the compromise within an hour after the Senate passed it 53-38. A last, minute Republican effort to cut the measure by $1.6 billion failed in the Senate. The bill authorizes loans and grants for a variety of housing projects. Included is a provision for fam- ilies of moderate income to buy homes worth up to $15,000 with a Halle C Sees, 'Difficulty' In School Bill Passage WASHINGTON (A') - Rep. Charles A Halleck (R-Ind), the House Republican leader, said yesterday it is an open secret that the general educational bill proposed by President John F. Ken- nedy is in "serious difficulty." low down payment and a 35 to 40- year mortgage. Sponsors called this the heart of the bill. New Authorizations There also are new authoriza- tions for urban renewal or slum clearance, college dormitories, community facility loans to small cities, farm housing, homes for the elderly, low-rent public hous- ing, and other programs. The bill was a compromise worked out by a Senate-House conference committee Tuesday. Earlier bills passed by the Senate and House differed. The Senate passed the compro- mise after turning down a Repub- lican attempt to cut $1.6 billion from the bill. The attempt was beaten 47-52. Charge 'Extravagance, The vote came after some Re- publicans and Southern Democrats bitterly attacked the compromise as extravagant, inflationary and worse than the original Senate version. President Kennedy's social se- curity bill, permitting men to re- tire at 62 and raising minimum monthly payments, was cleared yesterday for final congressional action today. The conferees reconciled rela- tively minor differences in the ver- sions passed by the two cham- bers. They kept intact provisions increasing benefits to 4,420,000 persons and costing an estimated $825 million during the first year. The cost would be met by an increase, effective Jan. 1, of 1/8 of 1 "per cent in the tax" on the first $4,800 annual earnings of persons in covered employment and a sim- ilar tax on their employers. For self-employed persons the increase would be 1/5 of one per cent. President Kennedy's social se- curity bill, permitting men to re- tire at 62 and raising minimum monthly payments, was cleared yesterday for final Congressional action today. The conferees reconciled rela- tively minor differences in the ver- sions passed by the two chambers. They kept intact provisions in- creasing benefits to 4,429,000 per- sons and costing an estimated $825 million during the first year. The cost would be met by an increase, effective Jan. 1, of 1/8 of 1 per cent in the tax on the first $4,800 annual earnings of persons in covered employment and a simi- lar tax on their employers. }7y r "" i Leader Asks Peace Talks With Allies Ulbricht Makes Bid Far Adenauer's Aid To End Berlin Issue BERLIN ()-Walter Ulbricht, East German Communist leader, reached yesterday for power over isolated West Berlin. From his capital in the Red- ruled eastern sector of the city, Ulbricht made two moves: Asks Treaty 1) He had a law issued that could threaten the western allies' air communications with Berlin. A giant airlift saved the city when it was threatened by a Soviet blockade of rail, waterway and highway routes 12 years ago. 2) He called on West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer to join him in talks for a peace set- tlement with the World War II allies and the reunification of Germany. Such a treaty would settle the fate of West Berlin, he said. The United States, Britain and France, together with the Rus- sians, now control air traffic to Berlin. Ulbricht's new law says that ef- fective Aug. 1 all aircraft with radios must receive special per- mission from East German au- thorities to cross East Germany. But if a country signed a regular air agreement with East Germany its planes would be exempted from getting special permission for each flight. Refuse Recognition The United States and other Western nations refused to recog- nize East Germany or sign any agreements with it. The East Germans-and Soviet Premier Khrushchev-have re- peatedly said that when Moscow signs a separate peace treaty with them they will have full control over all traffic by air, land and wanter into West Berlin, 110 miles behind the Iron Curtain. Virtually all air traffic into West Berlin is run by three major West- ern airlines and by the air forces of the three Western powers. Ignores Corridors Ulbricht's new law makes no reference to the air corridors- which Russia has recognized by agreement with the Western pow- ers-used for this Western traf- fic. Western experts said this was the first time they could recall that the East Germans have is- sued a law on air traffic. Until now the Russians always have spoken for East Germany in deal- ings with the outside world. One of the last remnants of East-West cooperation in Berlin is the Air Safety Center. It is not clear what would hap- pen to the center if and when the Russians sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany. Presumably the East German regime would claim full power to control air traffic over its terri- tory, unless some previous East- West agreement limited its au- thority. Ulbricht made plain that he dislikes the airfield at Tempelhof in West Berlin. The East Ger- man Communists would rather have traffic from the West land at Schoenefeld, just outside the city, in territory they occupy. Democrats Set For Election The Washtenaw County Demo- cratic Party membership commit- tee will elect a new county chair- man tonight in the Ann Arbor Public Library. The contest between Peter Dar- row of Ann Arbor and Charles Gray of Ypsilanti will be decided by secret ballot. The names of the candidates were proposed by the He referred to a deep split among Democrats on the Rules Committee over the aid for parochial schools issue threatens to doom the whole schools program for this House which year. FOOD SHORTAGES: Eekstein, Discusses Chinese Economy By PETER STEINBERGER "China's food shortage isn't a famine and probably won't cause a rebellion; it has been caused not so much by the bad weather as by miscalculations of the coun- try's rulers." Prof. Alexander Eckstein, who will join the University's econom- ics department in the fall, gave this expert's view of Red China's current troubles at the start, yes- terday, of a series of lectures on Communist China. "The present food shortage was caused by the withdrawal of some "-Halleck, speaking to newsmen af- ter the weekly meeting of GOP congressional leaders, also read a letter by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower calling for defeat of the educational bill. Eisenhower said it was a measure that would "ultimately result in federal con- trol of education.' Bill in Committee The GOP House leader didn't profess to know whether Ken- nedy's education bill would get out of the Rules Committee. But Halleck said, in his opinion,' stein said, food production has just managed- to keep pace with China's rising population. This is because the regime's emphasis on heavy industry (which it learned from the Soviets) has caused it to neglect capital improvement on the farms. "The 'great leap forward' was the result of a plan to develop capital almost purely out of labor -because China had so much raw manpower and little capital. The first five-year plan. which lasted from 1953 to 1958, hadn't advanc- ed the country fast enough for the Communists. were brought about by the need to mobilize huge numbers of work- ers for work on special projects. The farm collectives were too small to serve as such centers. 'But the communes never had the extreme characteristics publi- cised here," he said. "The division of families was tried only ex- perimentally, and the regime didn't make the practice common. Most communes were administra- tive centers rather than actual centers of production." Follows Harvest Prof. Eckstein noted that the Communist economic 'offensives' if it reaches the House floor "it will be decisively rejected." He said it would be extremely difficult to amend the school-aid bill to his satisfaction. Aid Allures Halleck added that aid to areas of heavy . defense employment, which most Republicans support, 77'