:. "I Always Like To Watch Their Reactions When This One Springs Open" rLAtiean aily Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH OPPENHEIM WALTER LIPPMANN: Cold War Demands Stren th Purpose THE COUNTRY NEEDS, I feel, to hear its leaders in both parties discuss and debate this question: Can the United States cope suc- cessfully with world Communism and at the same time make govern- ment smaller and expenditures less? There are many who think so, and for myself I wish I could think so too. For what more could our hearts desire than to win the cold war while we reduce the power of gov- ernment to tax, to regulate, and to conscript? If this could be done. we should have reached the millenium. But, unhappily, we have not reached the millenium. This is the cold war against the most formidable adversary that ever challenged us, and it is a daydream to suppose that we can have the better of this power- *1 J Medical Education: Quality First EDUCATORS TRADITIONALLY have been the most vigorous opponents of the popular American doctrine that quality and quantity are interchangeable commodities. Colleges and universities are the last strong- holds of the quality first principle, and even they seem to be fighting a losing battle, as evidenced by a report issued this month by Prof. Walter J. McNerney of the business ad- ministration school. Among the recommendations of Prof. Mc- Nerney's committee, the Governor's Commis- sion on Pre-Paid Hospital Care, was a "long range, co-operative study of the relationships between various professional organizations. in- cluding the eventual merger of the state medical and ostepathic societies." Noting that Michigan is only 27th among the states in the number of physicians per 100,000 Santa Claus? DWIGHT EISENHOWER came "home" Mon- day and illustrated the Associated Press adage that "the nice thing about being Presi- dent is what happens once you are out of office." A big "welcome home" party was held for Ike at Hershey, Pa. ($109.50 a ticket), and the White House veteran responded energetically by signing autographs, shaking hands with the waiters and joining in a male chorus sing- ing "Jack the Knife." In a more serious vein, Eisenhower sized up the new administration: "The picture of government, as I see it, is of a gigantic Santa Claus, and we're dancing around the Christmas tree, hoping for our presents. But each package is marked in fine print, so we don't have to read it, 'You don't have to pay for this, but your grandchildren will.'" HE FORMER PRESIDENT'S sudden con- cern over the fate of the generation after tomorrow's is in marked contrast to his earlier actions. Premier Ihrushchev's repeated boast that these tots will be living under socialism failed to evoke any meaningful action from Ike. The burden we are placing on our grand- children-the cost of the Kennedy 'presents'- seems small compared to the inss of an entire political system. Eisenhower is optimistic if he feels his eight years of leadership helped insure a future in which we will have even enough freedom to pay our debts as we see fit. -M. OLINICK people, McNerney points out that the state is second nationally in the number of os- teopaths. MERGER of the two groups' state societies would mean osteopaths would have use of facilities and operating privileges in hospitals which are now open only to medical doctors. In an article in the Ann Arbor News of June 17, McNerney is quoted as saying "The educa- tion of osteopaths is getting better and better, and the state should consider support of edu- cation for osteopaths." Regardless of how good osteopathic training has become, it is a far cry from training in any accredited medical school. The training period is shorter and there is much less op- portunity for specialization.' Medical education is also getting "better and better". The standards of the profession are continually being raised, fields of specializa- tion are increasing yearly and the scope of medical knowledge has grown so vast it is impossible for a doctor to be proficient in many fields. THIS IS THE TIME to raise standards, to make qualifications more stringent and to finance state medical education which is as detailed, up-to-date and progressive as pos- sible. It is not a time to decide that because we need more doctors we will lower our standards and let the state authorize and support a second-rate training program. If osteopaths are trained in state-supported schools and accorded use of medical facilities the ratio of osteopaths to medical doctors, now 1:6, will climb rapidly because it is easier, cheaper and quicker to receive osteo- pathic training than medical training. Why should the state support education for os- teopaths? Why not instead convert the os- teopathic institutions to medical schools with the standards of state medical schools enforced and with qualified medical personnel teaching the course? It is certainly the state's responsibility to make good medical care available to all its citizens. The report's recommendation for a new medical school in the Grand Rapids area is sound, as is the call for more educational facilities for dentists. But if the state is em- barking on a program to improve its health facilities it should improve not only quantity, but also quality. The "quantity uber alles" principle was never a sound idea. And where preservation of human life is the goal it is a crime to set standards lower than the very highest attainable. -JUDITH OPPENHEIM SPECIAL SESSION: Moderates and Nuisance Taxes ful and purposeful government by powerful and less purposeful. It is cold war cannot be won cheaply, that it cannot be won without a government that is strong enough to mobilize our superior resources for defense, for the financing of our foreign policy, and for the de- unpleasant, but it is true, that the velopment of our internal national power. * * * THE SOVIET UNION is much poorer than the United States. Our total production of wealth is probably twice as great as that of the Soviet Union. Yet with this smaller wealth the Soviet Union has established a military power which we must treat as equal to our own. At the same time the Soviet government is operating systems of public education and of public health which are en- hancing greatly the real national power of the Soviet peoples. All of this has been done by a powerful and purposeful government which puts national strength ahead of private affluence. Our American task is to gener- ate superior national strength. For this we must have a powerful and purposeful national government. But because we are richer and have a more productive economy, it As possible for us to meet the cost of the coldwar without any serious reduction in the private standard of life. What we cannot do is to refuse to meet the cost of the cold war because we do not want the national government to be powerful and purposeful. * * * I THINK I am quite well aware, having written much about the subject for many years, that pow- erful and purposeful states are a menace to the liberties of their people. Thus, as we know, the Soviet state suppresses almost all the political liberties that for us are inalienable. We ourselves are still a reasonably free country. But the people of the United States are certainly less free than they were before the wars of the twentieth century. We now have much to worry about in the preservation of our freedom, as Gen. Eisenhower said in the noble speech which was his valedictory. There is no !getting away from the fact that, as Lord Acton said, power corrupts. But, also, there is no getting away from the fact that. powerlessness invites confu- sion, demoralization, and defeat. The national power, which we must have in order to hold our place in the world; is expensive, inconvenient, irritating, and dan- gerous. But though we must be acutely vigilant, we must not de- lude ourselves into thinking that we can do without it. (c) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Inc. making our own government less RYAN Kuwait Crisis By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press News Analyst IRAQ'S attempt to annex the fabulously rich little sheikdom of Kuwait on the Persian Gulf may seem like a little crisis now, but it could turn into a big one. Kuwait is a prize worth fight- ing for. A little sun-blistered corner of the Arabian world, smaller than the state of New Jersey, it has only about 210,000 inhabitants, less than half of them Kuwaitis. But it has an embarrassment of riches from a golden flow of eas- ily accessible oil. The political waters of the Middle East have been relatively and surprisingly calm now for three years. But crisis always lurks in the Arab East, and the latest move by Iraq's revolutionary gov- ernment in Baghdad can stir up a' new one. * * * IRAQI Premier Abdel Karim Kassem's claim to Kuwait could bring about a situation in which the Communist world bloc might hope to enjoy itself immensely, since there would be an implicit threat to a major source of oil for Britain and Western Europe. The oil flow could be further threat- ened by a new' outbreak of quar- reling among the Arabs them- selves. Soviet influence has been strong in Baghdad ever since the bloody mid-1958 revolution which over- threw Iraq's Hashemite monarchy. The Communists have been flex- ing their muscles in Baghdad; al- though Kassem has been holding them at arms' length. A new situ- ation bringing Moscow strongly to the side of the Baghdad regime would surely strengthen the Com- munist hand in Iraq once again. PRESIDENT Gamal Abdel Nas- ser, strongest single Arab nation- alist leader, has been feuding with Kassem for more than two years, ever since the Iraqi revolution turned away from the United Arab Republic brand of pan-Arabism. The reaction in Cairo to an at- tempted Iraqi takeover in Kuwait could be violent. Already an urgent meeting of the Arab League Coun- cil seems in prospect. Nasser al- ways had had an active interest in Kuwait, where he enjoys strong support from the ranks of young and rebellious Arab intellectuals. 4 4 d .1 1 FROM OTHER CAMPUSES: Propaganda on Testing By PETER STEINBERGER Daily Staff Writer THE SPECIAL SESSION of the state Legislature on June 15th ended without adding anything to the higher education appro- priation, despite widely publicized efforts by the Senate's "moderate" Republicans to have an increase put on the agenda. Since Gov. Swainson had loudly complained about the inadequacy of the education bill, it was expect- ed by some that he would include the nuisance tax renewal and the education budget hikes on the special session. The nuisance taxes (on cigar- ettes and telephone bills) were the revenue-producing bill the Re- publican moderates had insisted must accompany any hike in spending. But since the governor himself had decided in the last days of the regular session he would support the nuisance taxes, it might have been thought that he'd ask for their consideration in the special session. BUT the governor didn't ask for the appropriation to be brought up, and so it remained off the agenda. A request by Senate Re- publican "moderates" that he in- troduce it was turned down by the governor, who explained he would approve it only when he was guaranteed enough votes to see the bill passed. That number, in the Senate, is 18. (There would have been no difficulty passing the increase in the House.) There are 12 Demo- crats in the Senate and-accord- ing to the Republicans - eight moderates. That makes 20. But nobody could show the gov- ernor 18 votes to pass a bill. There are two expert schools of thought on this matter, and their spokes- men explain the matter well: First, there are the "moderate" theorists, whose spokesman Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann Arbor), says: "Gov. Swainson's inability to hold the votes of mmebers of his party was resopnsible for the fail- ure to ipcrease appropriations for state colleges and universities." He adds that he had promised the governor eight Republican votes in favor of continuing the nuisance taxes to get funds for larger education allotment. Thayer explains that when he offered his eight votes to Senate minority leader Harold M. Ryan (D-Detroit), Ryan told him the Democrats could only guarantee six votes. Six and eight making only 14, Thayer couldn't offer the governor his majority-in-advance. * * * BUT the opposing theorists hold to another argument, and Harold Ryan explains things well: "We had no commitment to support the nuisance taxes, but almost all (this later clarified to "80 per cent") of us were ready to support a measure to aid the schools. "But the Republicans could never promise more than six votes."' (Sen. Thayer, apparently, is not too good in his public arithmetic, or else Sen. Ryan is similarly weak in his public mem- ory.) "Obviously, with only six Re- publican votes added to our votes there wasn't enough to pass the bill." Since there are 12 Democrats in the Senate, even only six Republi- cans (and moderate ones at that) seem to have been enough for passage. But it turns out that this wasn't the case, because a Demo- crat and a moderate Republican had gone on trips to Europe right after the end of theSenate's regular session, * * * SEN. RYAN CONFIRMS that the governor was well aware of these trips while they were still far in the future, one might per- haps ask why the good governor didn't either (1) try to get the senators to postpone their travels a few days until the special ses- sion was over, or (2) hold the special session at a later date, when these two votes would again be available. The second choice is interesting for another reason: the Demo- crats not in the "80 per cent"- that is, those who wouldn't have supported the nuisance tax bill- might not have opposed it if the special session had been called after the end of the fiscal year. This because of campaign prom- ises that they would allow the nuisance taxes to lapse. Such a change of heart sounds dubious, but we are assured of its truth. It seems that if. the governor had called the session later in the summer the nuisance tax might have been passed. Now since the governor knew all this (we suppose) why didn't he wait? Sen. Ryan aoesn't know, he says. No one else seems to know either. * * * THERE IS ALSO a fascinating theory among Democrats about why the governor didn't take those varmint moderates at their word about their "eight" votes and put the nuisance tax on the agenda anyway. It seems that this would be dirty politics because some people's hopes would be raised- and then dropped by the session's failure to carry through. "There are some things you can't play politics with," a Sen- ate Democrat explains. "It would just be dirty politics." The next chance the Legisla- ture will have to avoid Dirty Politics may come in the summer. If the school aid bill is passed by Congress, Sen. Ryan foresees a special session of the Legislature' to provide the implementing legis- lation for this state. Perhaps, if the battle against Politics goes really well, the Legis- lature will not only avoid voting more state funds to education, but will turn down federal funds as well. And perhaps these legislators are right in criticizinE the way our education dollar (and the singular is used advised: ) is being spent. Perhaps for a few years we should spend less of that money on uni- versity students, and more of it on Capitol politicians. ; Y r ., *: WITH the nuclear test ban talks between the United States; Russia and Britain at an unresolved stalemate, it is imperative that the Kennedy administration prepare itself to deliver a firm and clear-cut message to the forum of world opinion if and when the United States decides to resume testing. Three years have passed since the decision was made in this country to voluntarily halt nuclear testing without any reassurances from the Russians, other than their word, that they would also suspend their tests. This sincere and altruistic gesture on the part of former Presi- dent Eisenhower and his counselors was met with, and is now undergoing, disdain and derision by Premier Khrushchev. Our country has laid its neck on the chopping block long enough, and we had better pull it off while it is still intact. If a decision to resume nuclear testing is reached, it will undoubtedly cost President Kennedy long hours in weighing the moral, ethical and humanitarian considerations in- volved in such a move. But this determination must not be made with quiet resignation. A decision to start testing again must include the realization that the United States is under dire obligation to project its voice into every corner of the world to explicitly explain why it is taking this step. THE STORY needs to be forcefully told. The United States offered to throw its doors and windows wide open for inspection if the Rus- sians would do the same. This nation agreed to accept the presence of an international control commission to insure the complete halt of nuclear tests and to abide by the enforcement Editorial Staff MICHAEL BURNS ....................... Co-Editor SUSAN FARRELL........................ Co-Editor DAVE KIMBALL......................Sports Editor RUTH EVENHUIS .....................Night Editor regulations. We were anxious to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons to the point where it would be impossible to control them. The United States went as far as it could in an attempt to leash the horrendous nuclear arms race, and the Russians have made a mockery of the entire effort. The United States is being pushed into the resumption of its testing or face the prospect of Russia, and possibly China, developing superior tactical nuclear weapons. And, to top it all off, the United States is supposed to bear the onus for taking what may well be a step for self-preservation. THIS LAST EVENTUALITY must be counter- acted with a vigorous campaign to let the world know that we have gone so far, but cannot, safely or sanely, go any farther. All the means at our disposal should be used in this venture. The Voice of America, the United States Information Agency, private concerns overseas, and our world-wide communications system must reveal to the world that it is the Russians who are forcing a return to nuclear testing. The United State's efforts in propagandizing its stands and reasoning on critical issues has not been outstanding in the past, and if we allow the Russians to dupe us into accepting the withering admonishments of public opinion without laying the blame at the real offender's door, we will irreparably damage our cause. -INDIANA DAILY STUDENT Calculated Risk THE ST. LOUIS weather bureau has an- nounced that its forecasts of showers will have a set of odds from now on, giving the citizens an idea of their chances of getting wet. There are wonderful ramifications to this idea. Perhaps the State Department will take if fin n .mnA pmA fn i Amni.a.. vin icrianne f 40To The Editor " ,<.M:441.":4..Y.:::...::f:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..: G."f,....:(.:" w"""" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .....:1.. .......... ........ Y:...::.:............1., . .....l.............. :: . " . ......:.... .:::"::l"t.f"T...... . :".."::: Union . . . To the Editor: HAVE READ with interest yes- terday's article in the Michigan Daily concerning Michigan Union policy on privileges of guests. For- tunately, the old issue of "unde- sirable non-members," with all the unpleasant connotations of the word "undesirable," has been com- pletely settled. Any non-member may now be expelled from the Union at the wishes of the man- agement; the Union is a private club. However, I should like to suggest that, if the Union is truly a private club with all the attendant privi- leges, non-members should either be excluded entirely or admitted only on special occasions. Such policy could eliminate possible em- barrassment to the Union manage- ment. Moreover, expulsion without stated or apparent reason must be nothing but humiliating for any student non-member, so long as other student non-members are freely admitted to the facilities. I admire the aptitude of Mr. Kuenzel and of the Union directors for fine legal distinctions, but I feel that their policies exhibit some lack of human decency. -Theodore Kilgore, '63 Freedom Rides *.*. To the Editor: N DISCUSSING the controversy surrounding the Freedom Riders it would be advisable to consider the nature of the white man in the South. He is dominant, but di- vided. A small, hostile, violent using the most effective means to achieve their ends. The charge is levied that they are "pushing too hard." They say the South will eventually come around. The fallacy in the argument is the assumption that the South will become tolerant. There is no as- surance that if direct action is not taken, integration will result..Their argument is wishful thinking, cen- tered on the belief that there is an easy solution to the problem, that given a chance, man will be good. -Apparently, the only thing that moves the larger, respectacle ele- ment in the South is ugly violence upsetting the equilibrium. The Negro has. a right and he wants to exercise it. The reaction to his move may be ugly but it is doubt- ful that unless the Negro asserts his rights, he will receive them. -Lawrence Meyer, '63 I S, I / ,, '' The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 General Notices Regents' Meeting: Fri., July 28. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be i the President's hands not later than July 18. PLEASE SUBMIT TWENTY-ONE COPIES OF EACH COMMUNICATION. Staff Parking Permits: The validity of the 1960-61 parking permits will be extended through July 8, 1961. 1961-62 parking permits will be required July 10. 1961. and cars not bearing the new Graduate Students expecting to re- ceive the master's degree in August, 1961, must file a diploma application with the Recorder of the Graduate School. A student will not be recom- mended for a degree unless this appli. cation is submitted by June 30. OPENING TONIGHT: 8:00 p.m. Lydia Mendessohn Theatre, Archibald Mac- Leish's powerful story based on the book of Job, "J.B." Performances thru Saturday evening. Season tickets for "J.B." "MY THREE ANGELS" (July 12-15), "THE BEDBUG" (July 19-22), "RASHOMON" (Aug. 2-5), and "SUSANNAH" (Aug. 9-12; opera) or for individual productions now avail- able from 10 a.m. daily at the Mendels- sohn box office. Season tickets $6.00 or $4.00 for all five shows; $5.00 or 3.50 for any four shows. Add 25c each Fri- day or Saturday performance ticket requested. Events Wednesday Wayne State University will speak on "Photography and the Civil War" on Wed., June 28 at 7:15 p.m. in Aud. B. His lecture, illustrated by slides, will be fliowed by the official opening at 8 p.m. of the Museum of Art gallery ex- hibition of Michigan and the Civil War. Lecture: The first of three summer lectures on Communist China will be presented Wed., June 28 at 4 p.m. in Aud. A by Alexander Eckstein, Prof. of Economics, University of Rochester, who will speak on "Ecnomic Develop- ments in Communist China." Lecture: Paul G. Kauper, Prof. of Law, will speak on "Freedom of Asso- ciation: The First Amendment and the Balance of Interest" on Wed., June 28 at 4:15 p.m. in 120 Hutchins Hall. Events Thursday Educational Film Preview: Thurs., June 29 at 2 p.m. in the Schorling Aud., University School. "And N Bells Berlin "I HAVE long questioned and I continue to question a status quo which places us in the posi- tion, in effect, of pleading with or urging the Russians not to withdraw their military forces from the Westernmost point of penetration which they reached in Europe in the wake of World War II. I do not think we can safe- guard most effectively our own in- terests or advance the interests of peace when we insist upon remain- ing directly under a Communist sword of Damocles, as in now the case in Berlin, if a rational alter- native may be founfl to that k'osi- :4