"Where Do You Think The Enemy Is, Anyhow?" Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: RUTH EVENHUIS INTERPRETING THE NEWS: U.S. Won't Fight For East Berlin By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE LAST THING the United States wants to hear right now is the cry for reunification of Germany put up by West Berliners demon- strating against new division of the city. Ordinarily an anti-Communist demonstration in any part of the world, and particularly along the borders of the Communist sphere would be welcome. But not now in Berlin. There's too much danger in the possibility that desperate East Germans might be emboldened to start an uprising, drawing in West Berliners and perhaps volunteer freedom fighters from all of Germany. That would face the United States and the other Western powers with an agonizing decision-to commit military aid as the Soviets dc Eiehmann Trial Fails in Purpose T HE JUDGES of Adolph Eichmann will hear no more evidence. The trial of the former Nazi bureaucrat, accused of playing a leading role in the execution of six million people, ended Monday. The three judges, German-born Israeli citi- zens, will spend the next month or so arriving at a verdict and a sentence for Eichmann. Their period of consultation could not have come at a more meaningful time in the Jewish calendar. For next month marks the Jewish High Holy Days, the two-day celebation of the New Year and the Day of Atonement ten days later. Jews believe that God is reviewing their record on earth in the intervening period, passing judg- ment on what they have done and determining their fate for the next year. On the Day of Atonement, a man's' destiny for the next twelfth month is sealed. During the previous week, he seeks to expiate his sins, making amends for his wrong doing. The climax comes on Yom Kippur itself, when the Jew mortifies his body by fast and day-long prayer, con- fesses his sins and begs for repentence. THE WORLD, in turn, will be judging Eich- - mann. Not that his guilt or innocence is still a question. This was decided .long ago, as far back as the Nuremberg trials. If the public had forgotten Eichmann, it quickly learned whom he was in the hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles, books and photographs which revealed the atrocities of the German prison camps. Eichmann was judged guilty by all before he ever stepped into his glass- enclosed prisoner's dock. Early arguments about the trial made much of the transgressions of international law which Israel committed in kidnapping Eichmann from Argentina and of the moral right or moral wisdom of trying him in Israel, Germany, or the United Nations. These debates, while still ethically important, are not immediately rele- vant as the issue, in a practical sense, has been decided. Israel kept Eichmann, and brought him to trial. IN SUMMARIZING his case for the defense, Robert Servatius asked for a judgment "be- fitting Solomon - a judgment which will show the wisdom of the Jewish people.", Servatius accurately pointed out the unique- ness of the trial, the attempt to make it an event of historical significance. "We are not requesting forgiveness and forgetfulness here," he said, "but rather thought and truth ... The conviction of the accused cannot serve as ex- piation for the atrocities committed. This trial can only determine what happened and serve as a warning for history." Everyone would agree that the simple execu- tion of one man cannot cancel the tragic deaths of six million. The Bibical demand of an "eye for an eye" can not be met in this case, nor should it. I do not think, moreover, that the Eichmann trial will have any great historical significance, if that phrase means powerful effect upon great numbers of people. IN THE LONG RANGE VIEW, history books will link the Nuremberg trial and the Eich- mann trial as variations* on the same theme. No surprising facts were revealed during the Eichmann testimony. No new revelations about the_ conditions which lead to the mass execu- tions were brought nor were any sought. And this is where the great tragedy of the Eichmann trial lies. Israel was able to focus world attention on the terror and brutality of Nazi thought and action as a manifestation of man's lowest depths. Millions of words of testimony recounted each nightmare of the prison camp in excrutiating detail. The public's attention, however, is a fickle one and newer crises took over the headlines as the trial continued on and on. The people in Germany no longer riveted their attention on Jerusalem, but on Moscow, Washington and the Brandenburg Gate. For them, the main issue of daily life was the possibility that Berlin would soon become the center of a shooting (and nuclear) war. The people who had most to benefit from the trial, then, had no time to follow it. One hardship was enough. But even careful attention to the proceed- ings, would not have brought much illumina- tion; only a numbness which sets in when a sense of decency can no longer absorb horror. IF THE EICHMANN TRIAL is going to help the world avoid another Auschwitz, it can not stop now. To realize that man is capable of barbarism and irrationality is not a signifi- cant gain in knowledge. It has been apparent in any recounting of the history of civilization, though the Nazis probably displayed a greater degree in a shorter span of time than any previous people. To prevent a recurrence of this horror, we must know why it originated. What were con- ditions in post-Versailles Germany that al- lowed a Hitler to rise to power and carry out his program? One must remember that Ger- many had a wide degree of suffrage when the National Socialists were elected and their government was thus a reflection of what the people wanted. The millions of dollars spent in recording testimony and experiences of prison camp life could have been directed to a study of the German nation and the German people and the conditions which give rise and contribute to totalitarianism. Eichmann, if asked, might have been able to shed light on these vital areas. He was not asked. Nor was anyone else, and thus the trial will fail. THE TRIAL IS OVER, yes. For the people in 1975, the Eichmann trial will have the same effect as the Nuremberg trials have today - none. The Israelis, however, have yet to deal with Eichmann. A Solomonic judgment, embracing the Jewish conception of a God of Mercy, would free him. It seems doubtful, however, that such an action will be politically acceptable to a population whose buried fears and hatreds have been so aroused by the propaganda of the last year. Some will say that it is in the trial's publi- cation of Nazi atrocities that its historical significance will lie. Others would claim that the sentence which falls on Eichmann is the important question. I would deny both of these. The real significance of the trial - which is its failure - was the attempt to make Eichmann a symbol, the symbol of anti-Semitism and Nazi brutality. The symbol itself was never examined, its nature and development never probed. We have not helped Eichmann, nor helped ourselves through him. -MICHAEL OLINICK of ut TH si L - CHRISTIAN YOUTH GROUP* Protest Ecumenical Assembly, By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Daily Staff Writer IN A MANNER reminiscent of the hypocrisy of the medieval cru- sades, the Ann Arbor branch of the International Christian Youth is planning a protest against the North American Ecumenical Youth Assembly which opens on the campus Wednesday. The ICY, in a statement issued yesterday, says it rejects any at- tempt of the NAEYA to give the impression that it "speaks for the Protestant youth of North Amer- ica." Charging that the theological basis of the organization is con- trary to the Bible "in which we believe," the ICY further charged that NAEYA's "political and social viewpoints are opposed to the con- servative principles we espounse." The Assembly opening Wednes- day is sponsored by youth agen- cies of the National Council of Churches and related church bod- ies. Its featured speakers are eith- er leaders or active participants in the national council. * * * THE MAIN CHARGE leveled by ICY against the NAEYA is that the council which it represents has always "advocated theologically liberal and politically left-wing ideas and programs." The ICY along with its state- ment circulated a pamphlet form of the report on the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States by the St. Mark's Vestry Committee of St. Mark's Episcopal C h u r c h of Shreveport, La. The pamphlet contains the find- ings of a committee appointed at a meeting of the Vestry of St. Mark's Church in June 1960, to study the NCCCA. The findings indicate, in the opinions of the vestry, that the NCCCA has "done and is doing a great number of things incon- sistent, with the best interest of our church and contrary to the purpose for which it was formed." * * * AMONG THE CHARGES leveled at the NCCCA are speaking out, as the official voice of American Protestantism, on such controver- sial issues as federal aid to edu- cation, the right-to-work-laws, the ethical considerations of the steel dispute, the seating of Red China in the United Nations, participat- ing in lobbying activities before the United States Congress in fields of economic and political controversy, and making no at- tempt to determine the attitude of the individual churches but at the same time allowing the public to gain the impression that it is voic- ing the views of 39 million Prot- estants in the United States. The committee therefore re- solved that the bishop of Louisi- ana be petitioned immediately to take such steps as may be neces- sary and expedient to cause the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States to withdraw from the NCCCA. S* ,, A Among its objects are assistance in spreading the Christian reli- gion and encouragement of Chris- tianity in its basic religious tenets of faith, fellowship and charity. The pamphlet says that the NCCCA since the adoption of its constitution may have achieved some of its aims in the purely Christian religious fields, but that it has also become "a national and even international propaganda machine in controversial politi- cal issues involving baffling prob- lems in constitutional and statu- tory laws which have split Con- gresses, created deep schisms with- in both major political parties, divided bar associations, resulted even in reversal by the Supreme Court of its own previous deci- sions, and provoked basic differ- ences of opinion in groups every- where.-. * WHILE ADMITTING that it "knows of no instance where any responsible person has accused the NCCCA of being Communist ." the vestry committee main- tains that there "is room for dis- cussion" to the extent to which decisions, pronouncements or ac- tions of the NCCCA or its officials might have paralleled propaganda of the Communists. Examples of such actions are decisions made at the Fifth World Order Study Conference of the NCCCA held in Cleveland in No- vember, 1958. At this conference the NCCCA urged the seating of Red China in the United Nations, urged abo- lition of universal military train- ing, urged the unilateral suspen- sion of atomic testing if neces- sary, urged abandonment of mil- Control " N CIVIL LIBERTY and the arts, the new (communist) draft program offers little. It says nothing at all about greater legal guarantees of the person against the police. In discussing freedom of speech and press it departs in no way from the Stalin period in- sistence that black is white. The party bureaucracy dare not admit that these rights are still real in the West and exist only on paper in the East. "As for the arts, the draft pro- gram clings to 'socialist realism' . . . The bureaucracy's ideal in this respect is the same Philistine ideal as that of the bourgeoisie. Both . . . are wholly unable to understand the creative agonies." -I. F. Stone itary alliances such as SEATO and expressed bitter opposition to the House Committee on Un- American Activities, proposing what amounts to its dissolution. * * * HERE the vestry committee is using the old method of guilt by association, assuming that any or- ganization which may advocate steps similar to those desired by the Communists must naturally be suspect as an organization oper- ating for purposes contrary to the general welfare of the country. The Episcopal Church is, of course, perfectly free to withdraw from the NCCCA if, it so chooses. Nevertheless, it ought to re-exam-' ine some of its charges in the light of common sense and the very Christian doctrines it is de- fending. The ICY, yesterday, reaffirmed its "belief in the Bible as the in- fallible, inerrant Word of God," and proclaimed that on social matters it stresses Biblical prin- ciples of individual responsibility and stewardship, divine right of property, submission to law and use of lawful means of social change and the free enterprise system. IT IS DUBIOUS whether "di- vine right of propertyand the free enterprise system" or even general "conservative principles" can be regarded as necessary prerequi- sites for a sincere belief "in the Bible as the infallible, inerrant, Word of God." While some political matters, perhaps, should not be, the con- cern of a religious organization, and certainly should not be de- cided by such an organization, why should not an organization of American churches be free to ex- press the opinion of its members on problems which have not only a political, but also a highly moral character? The fate of the world, quite ob- viously, will have a profound ef- fect on the Christian church, and a thoughtful consideration of sec- ular problems by a religious or- ganization seems altogether in or- der at this point. * * * THE RECOMMENDATIONS of the Cleveland Conference, wheth- er or not they are practicable, are sincere and were expressed in a firm desire for world peace. The NCCA made no recom- mendations which overstepped the line drawn between Church and state. It is the right of all organizations to express opinions freely in the United States, a right which the ICY will surely uphold.. when there is an uprising on their side as in Laos, Cuba and the Congo, or to keep hands off and take the political consequences. There is wide recognition of the danger to relations with uncom- mitted countries and with already nervous allies in backing away from such a situation. The politi- cal defeat would be hard to bear. BUT THE READINESS of the big three Western powers to fight for West Berlin does not repre- sent a current willingness to be- gin a war of liberation for enemy- held areas. And while the Soviet obligation not to do what they are doing is being made clear be- fore the world diplomatically, there is no hope of dislodging them from East Berlin or East Germany any time soon without nuclear war. Indeed, State Department ad- visers are taking the view that, from a strictly political stand- point, while the demonstration of the failure of Communism in East Germany is fine, it would really be better if the refugees stayed home. * * * ' AMERICAN diplomats still hope that the historical danger of at- tempting to keep a powerful coun- try like Germany divided will re- quire, in the end, a German set- tlement looking toward reunifica- tion through self-determination. And in this there will be a need in East Germany for the votes and influence of just the kind of people who have been leaving. Working from the basis of this thinking, it appears that any move by the West to retaliate by re- stricting intercourse from the Western side would have a double entendre, whether intentional or not. It would deter West German encouragement of any patriotic outburst in East Germany. AS FOR OTHER forms of re- taliation now being discussed by the West, Soviet Premier Khrush- chev is being quoted in Washing- ton as having said about the gen- eral Berlin crisis: "They won't fight. They might break diplomatic relations or try economic sanctions, but we'll live through that." He was wrong about the will- ingness to fight for the people of West Berlin. But as of now he is right about the people of East Berlin, and they had best be warned. UAR: Policy, Questioned By GEOFFREY GODSELL Christian science Monitor News Analyst PRESIDENT NASSER is appar- ently further nettled by Com- munist attacks on his recent sweeping economic measures, and the press and radio in the United Arab Republic are hitting back vigorously. So far Moscow has not joined openly in the latest polem- ic. The criticism which seems to have stung Nasser wasvoiced in a Communist newspaper in Leb- anon. But the UAR replies to this criticism include scathing com- ments on Communism in the So- viet Union. The latest "socialist revolution- ary laws"-as one Cairo newspa- per called them-were promul-, gated at the time of the ninth an- niversary last month of the coup which brought Nasser to power, They are intended to implement what the UAR leader calls "Arab socialism." Their effect is to es- tablish state ownership or state control of the bulk of the most important economic enterprises in the UAR. * * * EXPLAINING these sweeping moves in a long speech on the anniversary of the 1952 revolu- tion, Nasser described them as a step forward in establishing the "socialist, democratic, cooperative society" which is his aim. This socialist society, he continued, did away with class differences. The nationalization law converted "ex- ploitative, capitalist ownership into public ownership." Nasser was careful to point out that he did not mean that every owner of capital was an exploiter. "Had we been against ownership, _tanriI _ avesrPr.. AA ,o nnf_ By THOMAS F. BRADY New Yrk Times News Analyst TUNIS, Aug. 14-Qualified West- ern observers here judge that the situation in Tunisia is deter- iorating, politically and econom- ically. This assessment is given as a special session of the United Na- tions General Assembly on Bizer- te approaches without any sig- nificant gesture toward negotia- tion by France. The announcement by Paris of the withdrawal of one of the three paratroop regiments brought .in last monthto reinforce the Bi- zerte naval-air base has left the situation unchanged. The regi- ment was departing slowly and the camouflaged uniforms of paratroopers, who are hated by the Tunisians, were still in con- stant evidence in the streets of Bizerte. * e THE TUNISIAN Government charged that French troops at- tacked - a Tunisian farm about twelve miles from Bizerte Mon- day and killed three Tunisians. The French forces withdrew, ac- cording to the communiqu, after a clash with Tunisian soldiers. No other details were given, but the French are continuing to hold a perimeter that extends deep into the Tunisian countryside. Saturday the Tunisian govern- ment charged the French army with violations of ,Tunisian ter- ritory on the Algerian border. * * * THESE INCIDENTS were view- ed by Tunisians as violations of the precarious cease-fire that has been in effect since July 22, fol- lowing the French occupation of most of Bizerte. Western diplomatic observers assert that the continued French military occupation of Tunisian territory effectively blocks any re- laxation of the Tunisian position despite hopeful expressions by President Habib Bourguiba in his recent speeches. One authoritative Western ob- server said: "General de Gaulle seems to want to push Bourguiba into So- viet arms against Bourguiba's own will. The continued occupation of Tunisian territory by the French army will probably produce worse results, in the long run, than did the initial French attack on Bi- zerte and the loss of Tunisian lives in July." TUNISIA was saddled with measures of "mourning" decreed immediately after the Bizerte debacle. These closed cabarets and theatres, darkened the modern, newly installed highway lighting system and banned late hours for restaurants. As long as the French occupation continues, the govern- ment can not relax these meas- ures without the grave political risk of appearing complacent. The French continue to hold about 400 Tunisian soldiers and about 300 civilians in Bizerte. The Tunisians had arrested and in- terned about 200 French civilians at the port of Sousse, seventy miles south of here, and expelled nearly 100 others. In addition the Tunisian gov- ernment had arrested the presi- dent of the Tunis Bar Association, a Tunisian lawyer, for criticizing the justice administered during the crisis. The executive commit- tees of the bar associations of Tunis, Sfax and Sousse were dis- solved for protesting against the arrest. THE EXPORT FUNDS and cur- rency were blocked or strictly con- trolled. The newspaper Afrique- Action reported that French sup- pliers, who provide 66 per cent of Tunisian imports, were creating a squeeze by demanding cash in ad- vance for all orders instead of ex- tending the usual credit of thirty to ninety days. Copyright, 1961, The New York Times Free Speech TUNISIA: Situation worse U.S. Defeating Goals THE ALLIANCE-FOR-PROGRESS confer- ence in Uruguay developed some oddly non- progressive tendencies yesterday. United States delegates examined the 21- page document approved by the conference, and found it lacking in two respects. While it did analyze the needs of member nations and pro- pose ways of dealing with them, it didn't say anything designed exclusively to insult Castro or please America-firsters. So this is being remedied. A 600 word statement extolling free enter- prise and free elections is being passed around. So far it is uncertain how many nations will sign the document. Certainly, no one should sign it. T HE EFFORT to get support for the state- ment is bound to have had bad effects. If "Country X" dislikes Castro but thinks it ridiculous to sign a loyalty oath to free enter, prise, that country is going to make the United States look foolish. Unless at least a large majority of the con- ference nations sign the statement, it will have no propaganda effect. So slackers are only too liable to feel United States pressure to sign. Such pressure - perhaps in the form of threats to reduce aid, perhaps in other forms - is bound to have an effect directly opposed to the one hoped for. This is, of course, to demonstrate the con- fidence of Latin America in the good inten- countries to sign a capitalist manifesto, a vote of confidence - all because the United States is anxious to discredit the Cuban regime. T HE EASIEST WAY to discredit Castro is to educate people as rapidly as he is doing, to create housing as rapidly - only to do it all without the sacrifice of democratic processes that Castro is now famous for. This, of course, is precisely what the Uru- guay conference has set out to do. The part the United States played in it - the crucial one of financing it - cannot be praised too highly. This is why it is discouraging to see the good intentions of this country's planners spoiled by the stupidity of an attempt to turn the conference into a propaganda battlefield. It was Guevara's own attempt to do this that made him a ridiculous figure at tfie conference. His efforts at turning the delegates away from cooperation with the United States aid plan didn't get anywhere precisely because the delegates had come to Uruguay in the hope of getting things done. IF THIS UNITED STATES MOVE is a merely temporary throwback to old and outmoded policy, then the good work of the conference may be no worse off for it. But is the United States is not seriously committed to carrying out the programs it supported at the conference, then the Uruguay meetingr will end un nronganda disaster. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices' should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building main closed though Sun., Sept. 10. Mon., Sept: 11 through Fri., Sept. 15, the Undergraduate Library will be open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Mon., Sept. 18. ii lreturn to a full schedule of hours. Divisional Libraries also will close